Security Sentence Examples
The security system didn't recognize her thumbprint.
The lack of security is unsettling.
My friend Elise is on the special security team.
In fact, he had a strong respect for the security it could provide.
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
It was the perimeter security check.
Do you have any security equipment?
Howie, ever hyper about the security of our endeavors, forbid our even discussing any interim results by phone, thereby leaving us in the dark.
Brady and his men paused after two rigid security inspections and being granted permission to enter.
His sole security was the loop of this rope around his body, between his legs, across his back and over his shoulder, which he then grasped as if his life depended on it.
AdvertisementOur personal security remains constantly on high alert.
With his hands free, he unfastened the larger flashlight and pointed it downward, trying to find a path level enough to search further, now absent the security of the totally expended rope.
No matter what she said, getting him back meant financial security - a roof over her head and everything that went along with it.
Every few years, he had to move anyway; they all did, for security reasons.
All during a set time period when the security was disabled by someone in the command center.
AdvertisementThey loaded one of the transports with the supplies and sent it towards the hard site with a security force.
The Emir also benefits from 24 hour security and features private, landscaped gardens with many stunning fragrant bushes, shrubs and vibrant bougainvillea.
They can be used and can circulate and fulfill their purpose without harm to anyone and even advantageously, as long as no one asks what is the security behind them.
Is there a voice scrambler so we have more security when we call in tips?
Logan was an accountant, not a security guard, yet he barricaded the doors with furniture before bed in case there were criminals wandering the beach.
AdvertisementHe found it laughable that the living invented so many myths to create a false sense of security regarding the dark predators.
She snapped the markers indicating her rank—Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of the Domestic Security Service.
After the War, the government created seven protected sites around the world with only one person at the site knowing what was there and security measures that were beyond anything the Peak had.
Another crucial point that people brainstorm about is security.
There had clearly been a serious breach in their security.
AdvertisementHis expression softened and he shrugged, "A security guard doesn't simply sit in the guard house and watch the cars go through the gate, you know."
All had been collecting Social Security for a good part of Dean's lifetime.
The other walls of the octagon-shaped command center were occupied by silent, animated screens similar to the one the underground security commander appeared on.
He admired the security measures, noting that it was impossible for anyone to reach the landmines, unless the biohazard elimination field was down.
Lana turned and smiled as the security specialist drove towards her in a cart.
She thought of Elise's security detail and then of the Vice President, the President's staff, the renowned scholars and businessmen taking refuge there.
I need 'em for the spec security guys.
She'd escaped Greenie despite all his layers of security; she could escape him.
The banks may buy up mortgages and advance money on current account on the security of land or buildings.
One good reason to consider doing business with Brazil is security.
The United Nations Security Council should act swiftly to bring about pressure on both sides to stop the carnage.
The headlights behind provided a sense of false security.
The warmth from his body enveloped her mind in a thin casing of security.
Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.
I'm the one most up in the pulpit on security.
On the record, tell the public this; you've been led to believe the psychic tipster is a woman of an age able to collect social security.
This invader was very cautious and avoided much of our security.
She doesn't have to speak; just give you a little security.
Rhyn asked, amused by the security.
She padded towards her desk, where the Undersecretary of Domestic Security's electronic records were maintained within a secured, portable vault the size of her hand.
Precisely at six the next morning, he strode through the medical facility's maximum security barriers.
There were likely some nasty security features on the other side of the Mississippi left over from the East-West Civil War.
Elise is one of the fed's special security types.
No one makes it onto the bank with the security the feds installed to keep us Easterners from crossing, he said with a shake of his head.
A friend can take you beyond the security measures.
Behind the walls she'd seen from the opposite side, there were hundreds of the fed's special security forces in semi-permanent camps.
Brady couldn't help but hope not all elite security forces were as high-maintenance as this one.
Three men leapt out, a blond man in PMF grays flanked by two fed special security members.
Brady drew close enough to one of the fed security members and drew his knife.
Sackler and DeLeo were packing up, off to follow a lead on the whereabouts of a forger of Social Security checks who had been working overtime in recent months.
His small social security check was barely enough to provide spending money and keep him supplied with paperback mysteries, his passion.
Their brief search halted when a security guard swore no one had passed his way and too many corridors and stairways went in other directions, making further search difficult.
The same day the station received word from the FBI the gun Dean recovered at Willoughby's had been stolen from a security guard in Connecticut the prior March.
What Josh represented to her at that time was security and family.
Even so, Alex was a blend of excitement and security for her.
For a few minutes she lay still, basking in the security of his presence.
It gave her a feeling of security.
The indecision was back in his expression, pushing away that feeling of security.
She cowered closer into the security of his strong arms.
I suppose – though I don't think I'd mind getting used to financial security.
They didn't live on the nice side of town, but she suspected Jonny didn't have to worry about security, when he could just use his weird magic to get him places.
She eyed the high-tech security system.
A vamp approached with the type of wand security personnel at airports used.
Public security is considerably improved, and regular brigandage (as distinct from casual robbery) hardly exists.
The population was at that time a little over 300,000; public security and education were alike lacking, and there were considerable animosities between different parts of the island.
Upon the king's illness in May he held frequent meetings of Monmouth's friends at his house to consider how best to act for the security of the Protestant religion.
Under the provisions of this law the provinces were authorized to borrow specie abroad and deposit the same with the national government as security for their issues.
From the receveur is demanded a security equal to five times his total income.
The chief success of the government lay in the field of foreign politics, where it prudently avoided entanglement in the ambitious schemes of Hellenistic monarchs, but gained great prestige by energetic interference against aggressors who threatened the existing balance of power or the security of the seas.
Large steps were made towards the union of the two kingdoms by the representation of Scotland in the parliament at Westminster; free trade between the two countries was established, the administration of justice greatly improved, vassalage and heritable jurisdictions abolished, and security and good order maintained by the council of nine appointed by the Protector.
The manner in which it was thus executed may have been sufficient security that its stipulations were not impious or illegal.
The whole property of the debtor might be pledged as security for the payment of the debt, without any of it coming into the enjoyment of the creditor.
The amount lent on security was 4,153,229.
The price of Italian consolidated 5% (gross, 4% net, allowing for the 20% income tax) stock, which is the security most largely negotiated abroad, and used in settling differences between large financial institutions, has steadily risen during recent years.
But the whole episode was a warning to Italy, and the result was a national movement for security.
A new consolidated debt of £20,500,000 was issued at 32% interest, and, as security for payment of interest, 45% of the customs receipts at Montevideo was assigned.
Jews, and elsewhere Russians,-to whom the peasants are for the most part in debt, as they purchase in advance on security of subsequent payments in corn, tar, wooden wares, &c. A good deal of the internal trade is carried on by travelling merchants.
Here came under the protection of the peace of God the tribes and clans which otherwise lived apart from one another and only knew peace and security within their own frontiers."
When Kildare became viceroy in 1524, O'Neill consented to act as his swordbearer in ceremonies of state; but his allegiance was not to be reckoned upon, and while ready enough to give verbal assurances of loyalty, he could not be persuaded to give hostages as security for his conduct; but Tyrone having been invaded in 1541 by Sir Anthony St Leger, the lord deputy, Conn delivered up his son as a hostage, attended a parliament held at Trim, and, crossing to England, made his submission at Greenwich to Henry VIII., who created him earl of Tyrone for life, and made him a present of money and a valuable gold chain.
This prosperity and the apparent security of Judaism led to a breach between Hyrcanus and his spiritual directors, the Pharisees.
The high commissioner is aided in the administration by a cabinet of three members, styled " councillors " (utµ ovXoe), who superintend the departments of justice, finance, education, public security and the interior.
The unlimited issues of government paper and the security afforded by these leases induced the Scottish banks to afford every facility to landlords and tenants to embark capital in the improvement of the land.
This would matter very little, perhaps, if Englishmen had a firm belief, established by actual experience, in the soundness of their policy, the present security of their position, and the sufficiency of their methods to strengthen or maintain it.
Africa, was settled in the Aegean area from a remote Neolithic antiquity, but, except in Crete, where insular security was combined with great natural fertility, remained in a savage and unproductive condition until far into the 4th millennium B.C. In Crete, however, it had long been developing a certain civilization, and at a period more or less contemporary with Dynasties XI.
The security of the island was apparently violated not long after 150o B.C., the Cnossian palace was sacked and burned, and Cretan art suffered an irreparable blow.
Peace and security being established in his dominions, he convoked an assembly of the states and declared his son Malik Shah his heir and successor.
It may be noted that it is still common to insert in mortgage deeds what is called an " attornment clause," by which the mortgagor "attorns" tenant to the mortgagee, and the latter thereupon acquires a power of distress as an additional security.
Under the law of Scotland down to 1880, a landlord had as security for rent due on an agricultural lease a " hypothec " - i.e.
Pilgrims who were travelling to Jerusalem joined themselves in companies for security, and marched under arms; the pilgrims of 1064, who were headed by the archbishop of Mainz, numbered some 7000 men.
The conversion of Basuto A land into a crown colony contributed alike to the Y pros perityof the Basuto,the security of the property of neighbouring colonists and a peaceful condition among the natives of South Africa generally.
On the other hand Athens, like Corinth, Megara and Argos, was sufficiently far from the sea to enjoy security against the sudden descent of a hostile fleet.
In actual extent of territory the empire had receded somewhat, but in point of security and organization it now stood at its height.
In recognition of the city's financial strength, Atlanta has been designated by the secretary of the treasury as one of the cities whose bonds will be accepted as security for Federal deposits.
He strengthened the position of his family and provided for the security of his kingdom by associating his two sons, Recared and Hermenegild, with himself in the kingly office and placing parts of the land under their rule.
The law also favoured in special cases the security of the peculium, though in general principle it still remained the property of the master.
This is indeed an exaggeration; the colonatus was not an oppressive system; it afforded real security against unreasonable demands and wanton disturbance, and it was a great advance on the system of the familia rustica.
The peculiar pouch-shape of almost all the harbours named (Matanzas being a marked exception) greatly increases their security and defensibility.
Personal liberty, liberty of conscience, speech, assembly, petition, association, press, liberty of movement and security of home, were without real guarantee even within the extremely small limits in which they nominally existed.
Emiriye cannot be mortgaged, but can be given as security for debt on condition that it be restored when the debt has been repaid.
Meanwhile in Asia also the Ottoman Empire had been consolidated and extended; but from 1501 onwards the ambitious designs of the youthful Shah Ismail in Persia grew more and more threatening to its security; and though Bayezid, intent on peace, winked at his violations of Ottoman territory and exchanged friendly embassies with him, a breach was sooner or later inevitable.
Marching always ready to fight wherever his enemy might stand or move to meet him, his mind was relieved from all the hesitations which necessarily arise in men less confident in the security of their designs.
It was decided by the British government that the proposals made to this effect did not offer sufficient security.
In October 1908, at a special election, the security franchise was invalidated, and this seemed to have the effect of dissolving the lease held by the Municipal Traction Co., and of ending the city's experiment in operating (indirectly) the street car lines.
The most famous of these committees are those of Public Safety, of General Security, of Education (Comite de salut public, Comite de siirete generale, Comite de l'instruction).
At midnight on the 6th of December 1741, with a few personal friends, including her physician, Armand Lestocq, her chamberlain, Michael Ilarionvich Vorontsov, her future husband, Alexius Razumovski, and Alexander and Peter Shuvalov, two of the gentlemen of her household, she drove to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Guards, enlisted their sympathies by a stirring speech, and led them to the Winter Palace, where the regent was reposing in absolute security.
Its inland situation gave it relative security against the pirates who then infested West Indian seas, and the misfortunes of Santiago were the fortunes of Bayamo.
The retirement of the timid primate left him without an equal in the Estate of Clergy, and it was very largely due to his co-operation that the king was able to carry through the famous "Act of Unity and Security" which converted Sweden from a constitutional into a semi-absolute monarchy.
The security offered by this treaty was further guaranteed by the formation of a regional league of the Baltic states against external aggression.
In 1621 an act of the Scottish parliament accorded to the university all rights and privileges enjoyed by other universities in the kingdom, and these were renewed under fresh guarantees in the treaty of union between England and Scotland, and in the Act of Security.
Under the superintendence of Shepstone the original refugees were quiet and contented, enjoying security from injustice and considerable freedom.
But a narrow, distrustful, grasping policy on the part of whatever faction might be dominant at the time invariably prevented the state from acquiring stability and security at any stage of its history.
Instead of reducing chaos to order and concentrating his attention, as Brand had done in the Free State, on establishing security and promoting industry, he took up, with all its entanglements, the policy of intrigues with native chiefs beyond the border and the dream of indefinite expansion.
During the troubles of the 15th century the authorities had seen the necessity of paying more attention to the security of the gates and walls of the city, and when Thomas Nevill, son of William, Lord Fauconberg, made his attack upon London in 1471 he experienced a spirited resistance.
Absolute security is impossible, as is proved by the many and serious disasters under the most stringent laws and careful regulations that can be devised.
Large forces were engaged on either side in this battle, and the attack was prepared for by a comparatively speaking heavy bombardment of the Ottoman trenches; in this battleships and cruisers moored in Suvla Bay, in security from submarines, participated.
But Cambon soon came to the conclusion that the security of France depended upon the triumph of the Mountain, and he did not hesitate to accord his active cooperation to the second committee.
Care was taken that the natives enjoyed security of land tenure - though ownership remained with the State - and the right to dispose of their own labour freely.
At the very time of Nasir's visit to Cairo, the power of the Egyptian Fatimites was in its zenith; Syria, the Hejaz, Africa, and Sicily obeyed Mostansir's sway, and the utmost order, security and prosperity reigned in Egypt.
Before 22 Prairial the Revolutionary Tribunal had pronounced 1220 death-sentences in thirteen months; during the forty-nine days between the passing of the law and the fall of Robespierre 1376 persons were condemned, including many innocent victims. The lists of prisoners to be sent before the tribunal were prepared by a popular commission sitting at the museum, and signed, after revision, by the Committee of General Security and the Committee of Public Safety jointly.
During his twenty years' reign Jebel Shammar became a model state, where justice and security ruled in a manner before unheard of.
He took his seat upon the Mountain, and showed himself one of the most vigorous Jacobins, particularly in his defence of Marat, on the 26th of February 1793; he voted for the execution of the king, and was elected a member of the Committee of General Security on the 21st of January 1793.
This was the month in which the Terror was organized under the superintendence of the Committees of Public Safety and General Security.
Its situation, said to have been fixed by the Delphic oracle, was remarkable for beauty and security.
Consulates of Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and Turkey and several European mercantile houses are established at Bushire, and notwithstanding the drawbacks of bad roads to the interior, insufficient and precarious means of transport, and want of security, the annual value of the Bushire trade since 1890 averaged about £1,500,000 (one-third being for exports, two-thirds for imports), and over two-thirds of this was British.
The frequency of these phenomena is in some degree a source of security, for the minor vibrations are believed to exercise a binding effect by removing weak cleavages.
A new law, passed by both houses and confirmed by the emperor, took from the executive all power over journals, except in cases of lse majest, and nothing now remains of the former arbitrary system except that any periodical having a political complexion is required to deposit security varying from 175 to 1000 yen.
He believed that the recognition of the prince and the artificial ethnical formation of the principality would be pledges of security for France.
The best proof of his real powers of statesmanship is that the peace of Utrecht was subsequently made on the broad lines which he had laid down as the only security for European peace nearly a dozen years before its conclusion.
He drew up James's declaration, but the assurances he had inserted concerning the security of the Church of England were cancelled by the priests.
Athens might fairly insist that the protection of the Aegean would become impossible if some of the chief islands were liable to be used as piratical strongholds, and further that it was only right that all should contribute in some way to the security which all enjoyed.
Blaine, on the other hand, contended that representation should be based on population instead of voters, as being fairer to the North, where the ratio of voters varied widely, and he insisted that it should be safeguarded by security for impartial suffrage.
The arrival of General Decaen, sent out by Bonaparte in 1802, restored security to the island, and five years later Villele, who had now realized a large fortune, returned to France.
His wisdom is shown by the prudent measures which he took by enacting the Nizam-ijedid, or new regulations for the improvement of the condition of the Christian rayas, and for affording them security for life and property; a conciliatory attitude which at once bore fruit in Greece, where the people abandoned the Venetian cause and returned to their allegiance to the Porte.
Hardy that the "double aspect of Trajan's rescript, which, while it theoretically condemned the Christians, practically gave them a certain security," explains "the different views which have since been taken of it; but by most of the church writers, and perhaps on the whole with justice, it has been regarded as favourable and as rather discouraging persecution than legalizing it" (Pliny's Correspondence with Trajan, 63, 210-217).
The security of the kingdom was sensibly promoted by the erection of a cordon of fortresses on its north-eastern borders, and a blow was given to foreign interference when Casimir succeeded in gaining dominant influence over the independent Polish principality of Masovia, which had hitherto gravitated between Bohemia and the Teutonic Order.
But his negotiations yielded no definite result; and every other means of obtaining redress and security proving unsuccessful, the Assam Dwars were wrested from the Bhutias, and the British government consented to pay to Bhutan a sum of £l000 per annum as compensation for the resumption of their tenure, during the good behaviour of the Bhutias.
With the growth of wealth and security the martial spirit of the Order began to wane, and so also did its friendly relations with the Maltese.
It was hoped that the assembly of the attacking troops in the restricted zone opposite the crossing point, the rapid bridging of the dry canal, and the pushing forward of guns to cover the farther advance, and of reinforcements, ammunition and supplies to support it, could all be carried out with the necessary speed and security, although the difficulties to be faced were very great and the possible causes of contretemps numerous.
He had decided already what the great task of his reign should be - the establishment of security upon the dangerous north-eastern frontier.
His marriage with Elizabeth of Valois on the 22nd of June 1559, and the approach of the wars of religion, gave him a temporary security from France.
A method of wedging down coal sufficiently perfected to be of general application would add greatly to the security of colliers.
On the 3rd of November he arrived at Constance; shortly afterwards there was put into his hands the famous imperial "safe conduct," the promise of which had been one of his inducements to quit the comparative security he had enjoyed in Bohemia.
For this purpose he borrowed much money on his personal security, and sometimes neglected to secure proper vouchers.
He did something for the maintenance of peace and the security of traders, gave corporate privileges to villages, and took the Jews under his protection.
The bishop's seat had to be fortified against the incursions of the heathen Frisians and Northmen, and the security thus afforded attracted population till, after the destruction of its rival Dorestad by the Normans in the 9th century, Utrecht became the chief commercial centre of the northern Netherlands.
The Aztecs settled there because of the security afforded by its islands and shallow waters - their city, Tenochtitlan, being so completely surrounded by water that a handful of warriors could easily defend its approaches against a greatly superior force.
In those times the monasteries were the only places of security and rest in western Europe, the only places where letters could in any measure be cultivated.
David's revolutionary ideas, which led to his election to the presidency of the Convention and to the committee of general security, inspired his pictures "Last Moments of Lepelletier de Saint-Fargeau" and "Marat Assassinated."
The allies were still resting in fancied security, dispersed throughout widely distant cantonments; for nothing but vague rumours had reached them, and they had not moved a man to meet the enemy.
This was not, however, a source of quiet or security.
The law provides specifically as to the investment of deposits made in savings banks with the evident purpose of providing the greatest possible security to depositors.
They lived in the security and comfort obtained by social organization, and were apparently intelligent, industrious and progressive communities.
What Austria desired to be was a state at once conciliatory and just, and it opposed no national demand which did not overstep the limits of state security; but this loosing of bonds unchained at the same time a number of national passions before which the state retired step by step.
One obvious sign of a crisis was the demand for loans against security from the Austro-Hungarian Bank, which was the result of the unfavourable position of investments on the bourse.
It had loans on security outstanding to the amount of 186 millions, and the bank-notes in circulation amounted to 2,130 millions of kronen.
He obtained for his kingdom a certain degree of security in face of the attacks of Normans, Hungarians, Moravians and others.
Permanent greatness and secular security were within her reach at the commencement of the Vasa period; how was it, then, that at the end of that period, only fifty years later, Poland had already sunk irredeemably into much the same position as Turkey occupies now, the position of a moribund state, existing on sufferance simply because none was yet quite prepared to administer the coup de grace?
Thanks to him, the security of the southern frontier was assured.
In the same way the impossibility of marriage made her all the freer with her flirtations, and she carried some of them to lengths that scandalized a public unconscious of Elizabeth's security.
On the other hand, principles are valueless without law and order; and Burghley's craft and subtlety prepared a security in which principles might find some scope.
From three quarters primitive Christian prophecy was exposed to danger - first, from the permanent officials of the congregation, who, in the interests of order, peace and security could not but look with suspicion on the activity of excited prophets; second, from the prophets themselves, in so far as an increasing number of dishonest characters was found amongst them, whose object was to levy contributions on the churches; I.
Restrictions on speculative operations in real estate and on the use of hypothecated and discounted paper as security for other transactions, together with the publication of detailed monthly balance sheets, have kept these banks free from unsound methods, and their record thus far (1909) has been conspicuously good.
Having provided for the security of the Cape, Suffren went on to the French islands.
Her husband found campaigning in Flanders under Alva a welcome relief from domestic life; and, after having lost all he possessed by a forfeited security and tried without success the trade of tavern-keeping in the village of Elmendingen, he finally, in 1589, deserted his family.
De Courci, however, soon obtained his liberty, probably by giving hostages as security for a promise of submission which he failed to carry out, seeking an asylum instead with the O'Neills of Tyrone.
Promoters are not allowed without the consent of the owner to enter upon lands which are the subject of proceedings under the Lands Clauses Acts, except for the purpose of making a survey, unless they have executed a statutory bond and made a deposit, at the Law Courts Branch of the Bank of England, as security for the performance of the conditions of the bond.
The banking system, which retains many features of the Scotch system, on which it was originally modelled, combines security for the note-holders and depositors with prompt increase and diminution of the circulation in accordance with the varying conditions of trade.
When the islands were given as security for the princess's dowry, there seems reason to believe that it was intended to redeem the pledge, because it was then stipulated that the Norse system of government and the law of St Olaf should continue to be observed in Orkney and Shetland.
State bonds were issued and public lands were sold to secure capital, and the notes of the banks, loaned on security, became a medium of exchange.
There have been since that time some trifling outbreaks on the part of agitators allied with the extreme republican element, but at no time was the security of the government in danger.
Where the security is bad the market is narrowed; the individuals who are prepared to lend the money on merely personal security require a high rate of interest.
The first step making for security was to build a fleet strong enough to provide against the anarchical condition of those parts; but this implied a direct attack not only upon the Crimean khan, who was mainly responsible for the conduct of the Volgan hordes, but upon the khan's suzerain, the Turkish sultan.
Hence to have a numerous kindred was a guarantee of security and influence.
Haunted by the recollection of that formidable conflict and lulled in the security of the Great Interregnum, which was to render Germany long powerless, the papacy thought merely of the support that France could give, and paid no heed to the dangers threatened by the extension of Charles of Anjou's monarchy in central and northern Italy.
Security is what the country chiefly needs.
The security of the Zuider Zee for trade and fishing purposes was the first factor in the commercial development of North Holland, and the cities of Medemblik, Enkhuizen, Hoorn, Edam and Monnikendam, though now little more than market centres for the surrounding district, possessed a large foreign commerce in the 16th and 17th centuries.
A bond was drawn in which Darnley pledged himself to support the confederates who undertook to punish "certain privy persons" offensive to the state, "especially a strange Italian, called Davie"; another was subscribed by Darnley and the banished lords, then biding their time in Newcastle, which engaged him to procure their pardon and restoration, while pledging them to insure to him the enjoyment of the title he coveted, with the consequent security of an undisputed succession to the crown, despite the counter claims of the house of Hamilton, in case his wife should die without issue - a result which, intentionally or not, he and his fellow-conspirators did all that brutality could have suggested to accelerate and secure.
In place of the old system of privileges and exemptions were set equality before the law, universal liability to taxation, abolition of serfdom, security of person and property, liberty of conscience and of the press.
The victory of Conde at Rocroy opened the eyes of Frederick Henry to the danger of a French conquest of the Belgian provinces; and, feeling his health growing enfeebled, the prince became anxious before his death to obtain peace and security for his country by means of an accommodation with Spain.
The commune also tried to restrict the power of the barons, who, in the 13th century especially, though we find them feudatories of the holy see from the 10th century onwards, threatened to become masters of the whole territory, which is still dotted over with the baronial castles and lofty solitary towers of the rival families of Rome - Orsini, Colonna, Savelli, Conti, Caetani - who ruthlessly destroyed the remains of earlier edifices to obtain materials for their own, and whose castles, often placed upon the high roads, thus following a strategic line to a stronghold in the country, did not contribute to the undisturbed security of traffic upon them, but rather led to their abandonment.
To enforce the British demands, to put an end to the misgovernment and barbarities carried on at Kumasi, and to establish law, order and security for trade, an expedition was at length decided upon.
He was, in 1684, carried three times to the sessions house, being scarcely able to stand, and without any apparent cause was made to enter into a bond for £400 in security for his good behaviour.
At last, at the famous sitting of the 9th Thermidor, he ventured to present as the report of the committees of General Security and Public Safety a document expressing his own views, a sight of which, however, had been refused to the other members of committee on the previous evening.
Thus Kandahar becomes a sort of focus of all the direct routes converging from the wide-stretching western frontier of India towards Herat and Persia, and the fortress of Kandahar gives protection on the one hand to trade between Hindustan and Herat, and on the other it lends to Kabul security from invasion by way of Herat.
The constitution of Grattan's parliament offered no security, as the differences over the regency question had made evident that in matters of imperial interest the policy of the Irish parliament and that of Great Britain would be in agreement; and at a moment when England was engaged in a life and death struggle with France it was impossible for the ministry to ignore the danger, which had so recently been emphasized by the fact that the independent constitution of 1782 had offered no safeguard against armed revolt.
These senniehs are an advantage to the country in that they give security to their immediate region and certain employment to some part of its population.
Measures were also taken for the security and good government of the country.
He joined in the attack upon the Girondists, but, as member of the committee of general security, he condemned the system of the Terror.
The system thus introduced gave commercial security till the year 1903.
At the same time arrangements were made between Austria and Hungary to pay off about 80 million of exchequer bills which had been issued on the security of the government salt-works, and were therefore called " salinenscheine."
Public security is better in the east than in the west portion of the island.
In the museum are preserved treasures of Saracenic art, including many objects removed from the mosques for their better security.
The Pindaris had ceased to exist, and peace and security had been substituted for misery and terror.
For several years before 1904 the administration of the railways was carried on by an international or, mixed board for the security of foreign creditors.
This security was the establishment of a Treasury of the Public Debt, known by its French title of Caisse de la Dette, and commonly spoken of simply as the Caisse.
This fund, primarily intended as a security for the bondholders, might be drawn upon for extraordinary expenditure with the consent of the commissioners of the Caisse.
The Conversion Economies Fund was also placed at the free disposal of the Egyptian government- The General Reserve Fund ceased to exist, but for the better security of the bondholders a reserve fund of Li,8oo,ooo was constituted and left in the hands of the Caisse to be used in the highly improbable event of the land tax being insufficient to meet the debt charges.
The security which he thereby gained gave him the opportunity to indulge his taste for costly buildings, parks and other luxuries, of which the chroniclers give accounts bordering on the fabulous.
When the two commissioners were assured of the security of the frontier and the good working and stability of the Egyptian government, they should present reports to their respective governments, and these should consult as to the conclusion of a convention regulating the withdrawal of the English troops.
Sir Henry Drummond Wolff proceeded to Constantinople and signed on the 22nd of May 1887 the definitive convention, according to which the occupation should come to an end in three years, but England should have a right to prolong or renew it in the event of internal peace or external security being seriously threatened.
A decree of disposition was now issued against the sacrilegious vali, who had dared " to fire shots in Constantinople, the residence of the caliph, and the centre of security."
In a word, the natural cohesion of the Danish nation had been loosened and there was no security for law and justice.
He sent accordingly a fleet, with 30,000 men on board, to the Sound to compel Denmark, by way of security for her future conduct, to unite her fleet with the British fleet.
They guaranteed absolute security to the suppliant within their limits.
To build south of the river, and on and under the last east spur of Casius, was to have security against invasion from the north, and command of the abundant waters of the mountain.
Old commercial disputes and the support which the French had lent to Glendower gave a sufficient excuse for war, whilst the disordered state of France afforded no security for peace.
His acceptance was construed as a security against the suspicion of weakness abroad which the Liberal party had incurred by their foreign policy during the 'eighties.
He was actively associated with the National Security League and the Navy League.
Meanwhile Morton found the old Marian party-feud reviving, and in 1577, knowing his own guilt in Darnley's murder, he attempted to win the alliance of Mary for his own security.
The negotiations were constantly disturbed by Jacobite intrigues with France in favour of James VIII.; by Scottish adherence to the Act of Security, which might give Scotland a king other than a Hanoverian in succession to Anne; and by the hanging of an Englishman, Captain Green, for piracy on a lost Scottish vessel (1705).
The reason given for this change was that if the Mississippi and Ohio rivers were the only outlets of Illinois trade, the interests of the state would become identified with those of the southern states; but if an outlet by Lake Michigan were provided, closer relations would be established with the northern and middle states, and so "additional security for the perpetuity of the Union" would be afforded.
The peculiar interests, strategic, political and commercial, of Great Britain in the Persian Gulf have never been denied; they are intimately connected with the welfare of India, with the security of its communication with the outside world, and of its internal tranquillity.
He did much to improve the condition of the country, to foster trade, to promote the prosperity of the towns, and to maintain order and security in his lands by wise laws and firm administration.
The author was not an eye-witness of what he relates, but he writes with the firm security of a man who has the best authority behind him.
It can only be effected by a close examination of the style and language of the document, which may enable us in some instances to identify with comparative security certain passages which are found in St Luke, but which St Matthew did not regard as suitable for his purpose.
They are malicious gossip, greed of money, giving security, nocturnal robbery, murder, unchastity.
Hence much ingenuity is exercised in order to obtain the strongest joint which is consistent with security of union.
But no detailed record of tenant-right was inserted in the settlement papers, and, as a matter of fact, the cultivators lost rather than gained in security of tenure.
His benevolent despotism had healed the wounds inflicted by the barbarian invaders, and given to his subjects a false feeling of security.
For this offence six leaders, headed by the Rev. John Wise, minister of the Chebacco Parish (now Essex), were prosecuted, found guilty, imprisoned for three weeks to await sentence and then disqualified for office; they were also fined from £15 to L50 each, and were required to give security for their good behaviour.
The fear of his name was so great that even in the desert there was security for life and property, and his brilliant military successes were unquestionably due in a great measure to the care which he bestowed on equipment and commissariat.
With the growth of intercourse and security money became more frequent and the number of such transactions increased in proportion.
Although the way of the disciple or "chela" is always represented as long and difficult, it is said that as he proceeds, the transcendental faculties which arise to help him enable him to pursue the right course with ever increasing confidence and security.
The mere fact that a distinguished statesman who had served the last two absolute kings of Denmark now voluntarily placed himself at the head of a ministry which included the most advanced of the popular agitators, gave the new government the hall-mark of stability and trustworthiness, whilst the fact that he still retained the ministry of finance was of itself a guarantee of security during the earlier years of a troublesome and costly war.
Her death took place on the 1st of August, and the security felt by the public, and perhaps the sense of perils escaped by the termination of the queen's life, were shown by a considerable rise in the national stocks.
The system which was adopted allowed the older counties, which must be conciliated, a large majority of the representatives in the new Assembly, on the theory that the preponderance of property (slavery) in that section required this as security against the rising democracy.
Security, and in particular the absence of arbitrary impositions, combined with convenient modes of collection, have come to be recognized as indispensable auxiliaries in financial administration which further aims at the selection of really productive forms of charge.
The difficulties which threatened to arise about the union were skilfully avoided; the Act of Security provided that the Confession of Faith and the Presbyterian government should " continue without any alteration to the people of this land in all succeeding ages," and the first oath taken by Queen Anne at her accession was to preserve it.
It is here proposed merely to classify the works, to indicate their general character and to enter somewhat more in detail upon what he himself regarded as his great achievement, - the reorganization of the sciences and the exposition of a new method by which the human mind might proceed with security and certainty towards the true end of all human thought and action.
And if it be larger and wider, we must observe whether, by indicating to us new particulars, it confirm that wideness and largeness as by a collateral security, that we may not either stick fast in things already known, or loosely grasp at shadows and abstract forms, not at things solid and realized in matter."
Internal dissensions, invasion and disturbances of every kind convulsed the province, and neither prince nor people enjoyed security.
But the first condition of employing all the home regulars abroad is perfect security at home.
This measure alone would, however, have been of little service had he not at the same time enacted that henceforth no loans could be made on the bodily security of the debtor, and the creditor was confined to a share of the property.
About this time the rate of interest on first-class security in the city of Rome was only about 4%, whilst in the provinces from 25 to s o% were rates often exacted.
Mere prohibition under penalties will practically lead to an additional charge as security against risk.
At his very first Riksdag, held at Norrkoping in March 1800, the nobility were compelled, at last, to ratify Gustavus III.'s detested Act of Union and Security, which hitherto they had steadily refused to do.
Huxley has illustrated the futility of "close-time" in his remark that the prohibition of taking oysters from an oyster-bed during four months of the year is not the slightest security against its being stripped clean during the other eight months.
For advances with good security a native sarraf charges at least 12% interest per annum; ac the security diminishes in value the rate of interest increases, and transactions at 10% a month, or more than 120% per annum, are not infrequent.
He succeeded in maintaining the status quo practically unimpaired, additional security being found in intermarriage between the two dynasties.
He levies the taxes, controls the legal procedure, is responsible for the security of roads and property, and superintends the subordinate districts.
A French king, Charles V., is said to have been the first to invent a police, "to increase the happiness and security of his people."
And to this a religious sanction may be added, for "consciousness of a rule or guide of action, in creatures capable of considering it as given them by their Maker, not only raises immediately a sense of duty, but also a sense of security in following it, and a sense of danger in deviating from it."
The central position and military security of the city naturally tended to raise it to a commanding position among the Boeotians, and from early days its inhabitants endeavoured to establish a complete supremacy over their kinsmen in the outlying towns.
Taking the Rind Baluch as the type opposed to the Afridi Pathan, the lialuch is easier to deal with and to control than the Pathan, owing to his tribal organization and his freedom from bigoted Pathan tribes of the Suliman hills are held in check by the occupation of the Zhob valley; whilst the central dominant position at Quetta safeguards the peace and security of Kalat, and of the wildest of the Baluch hills occupied by the Marris and Bugtis, no less than it bars the way to an advance upon India by way of Kandahar.
In 1839, when the British army advanced through the Bolan Pass towards Afghanistan, the conduct of Mehrab Khan, the ruler of Baluchistan, was considered so treacherous and dangerous as to require " the exaction of retribution from that chieftain," and " the execution of such arrangements as would establish future security in that quarter."
He may have done so as an exile or in a military command; but it seems hardly consistent with the importance which the emperors attached to the security of Egypt, or with the concern which they took in the interests of the army, that these conditions were combined at an age so unfit for military employment.
It was admitted that he had borrowed largely from the treasury, on the security of his civil list, and the Republican deputies accused him of endeavouring to assign the tobacco monopoly to one of his own foreign creditors, in settlement of the debt.
The reign of Probus was mainly spent in successful wars by which he re-established the security of all the frontiers, the most important of these operations being directed to clearing Gaul of the Germans.
He is also empowered to detain a foreign ship the master or seamen of which appear to him through their misconduct or want of skill to have caused injury to a British vessel, until the necessary application for satisfaction or security be made to the local authorities.
His pen was as busy as his voice, and in four notable pamphlets he advocated the creation of companies of commerce, the abolition of the distinction between Old and New Christians, the reform of the procedure of the Inquisition and the admission of Jewish and foreign traders, with guarantees for their security from religious persecution.
The British government maintained that while the measure of care which a government is bound to use in such cases must be dependent more or less upon circumstances, it would be unreasonable to require that it should exceed that which the governments of civilized states were accustomed to employ in matters concerning their own security or that of their citizens.
This court has, also, the authority to grant to a convict a licence to be at large upon such security, terms, conditions and limitations as it may require.
The king of the Netherlands had appealed to the powers who had placed him on the throne to maintain his rights; and a conference assembled accordingly in London to settle the question, which involved the independence of Belgium and the security of England.
He regarded the treaty of Unkiar Skelessi which Russia extorted from the Porte in 1832, when she came to the relief of the sultan after the battle of Konieh, with great jealousy; and, when the power of Mehemet Ali in Egypt appeared to threaten the existence of the Ottoman dynasty, he succeeded in effecting a combination of all the powers,who signed the celebrated collective note of the 27th of July 1839, pledging them to maintain the independence and integrity of the Turkish Empire as a security for the peace of Europe.
Although there was much in the official life of Lord Palmerston which inspired distrust and alarm to men of a less ardent and contentious temperament, he had a lofty conception of the strength and the duties of England, he was the irreconcilable enemy of slavery, injustice and oppression, and he laboured with inexhaustible energy for the dignity and security of the Empire.
The county council may, with the consent of the Local Government Board, borrow money on the security of the county fund or any of its revenues, for consolidating the debts of the county; purchasing land or buildings; any permanent work or other thing, the cost of which ought to be spread over a term 'of years; making advances in aid of the emigration or colonization of inhabitants of the county; and any purpose for which quarter sessions or the county council are authorized by any act to borrow.
An examination of the details of savage life shows not only that there is an immeasurable difference between the rudest man and the highest lower animal, but also that the least cultured savages have themselves advanced far beyond the lowest intellectual and moral state at which human tribes can be conceived as capable of existing, when placed under favourable circumstances of warm climate, abundant food, and security from too severe destructive influences.
The mule thrives in every condition of climate, is fever-proof, travels over the most difficult mountain passes with absolute security, and can carry with ease a load of 200 lb.
What the blow exactly was is disputed, but it is certain that Jeremiah saw the gathering storm and anticipated its result, while the statesmen were still wrapped in a false security.
Leonardo, having remained unmolested at Milan for two months under the new regime, but knowing that Ludovico was preparing a great stroke for the re-establishment of his power, and that fresh convulsions must ensue, thought it best to provide for his own security.
The Horse Guards, containing the offices of various military departments, is a low but not unpicturesque building surrounding a court-yard, built in 1753 on the site of a guard-house for the security of Whitehall palace, dating from 1631.
Secretary and then president of the Convention for a short period, he served on the Committee of Public Safety and of Generaly Security.
Under the 1905 arrangement the government undertook to pay the first coupons at 22%, and succeeding ones at 3%, pledging 12 to 15% of the customs receipts as security.
They have to maintain all roads in the division; can nominate field cornets (magistrates); may borrow money on the security of the rates for public works; and return three members yearly to the district licensing court.
The settlers in the military villages, which had been established along the frontier, assembled in fancied security to celebrate Christmas Day, were surprised, many of them murdered, and their houses given to the flames.
The main business of the session of 1920 was the Irish Home Rule bill, which Mr. Law justified as giving to Ireland the largest measure of self-government compatible with national security and pledges given.
Here, in the time of Ibn Jubair, the Maqam or standing stone of Abraham was usually placed for better security, but brought out on great occasions.2 The houses of ancient Mecca pressed close upon the Ka`ba, the noblest families, who traced their descent from Iosai, the reputed founder of the city, having their dwellings immediately round the sanctuary.
Along with several other species, notably Ctenosura acanthinura, which is omnivorous, likewise called iguana, the common iguana is much sought after in tropical America; the natives esteem its flesh a delicacy, and capture it by slipping a noose round its neck as it sits in fancied security on the branch of a tree.
There is fair security for life and property; and, although otherwise indifferently administered, the country is quite free from marauders; but local disturbances have latterly been frequent in the two last-named districts.
Daer-tenure, whether of cattle or of the right to graze cattle upon land, was subject to a ciss-ninsciss (= wearisome tribute), for the payment of which security had to be given.
A man not in the enjoyment of full civil rights, if able to find security, could become a daer-ceile.
The only security which he had for the safety of his dominions in his absence was that his most dangerous neighbor, the king of France, was also setting out on the Crusade, and that his brother John, whose shifty and treacherous character gave sure promise of trouble, enjoyed a well-merited unpopularity both in England and in the continental dominions of the crown.
It is true that some classes were undoubtedly influenced in their choice of sides mainly by the general causes spoken of above; the citizens of London and the other great towns (for example) inclined to the Yorkist faction simply because they saw that under the Lancastrian rule the foreign trade of England was being ruined, and insufficient security was given for life and property.
In defence of both it may be pleaded that after the anarchy of the Wars of the Roses a strong hand was needed to restore security for life and property, and that it was better that penalties should be overheavy rather than.
Men felt that their own security was at stake.
The land act of 1870 had given the tenant no security in the case of eviction for non-payment of rent; and the tenant whose rent was too high or had been raised was at the mercy of his landlord.
Below the entry W of the air-blast there is a throttle valve d which is closed as soon as the damper S opens the gas canal; thus a second security against the production of a mixture of air and gas is afforded.
The peculiarity of this work - written, of course, from what is known as the intuitional point of view - is its fivefold division of the springs of action and of their objects, of the primary and universal rights of man (personal security, property, contract, family rights and government), and of the cardinal virtues (benevolence, justice, truth, purity and order).
In 1174 it was handed over to the English in security for the treaty of Falaise, being restored to the Scots by Richard I.
The splendid wall, flanked by nine towers, that descends from the court of Tekfour Serai to the level tract below Egri Kapu, was built by Manuel Comnenus (1143-1180) for the greater security of the part of the city in which stood the palace of Blachernae, then the favourite imperial residence.
For the preservation of order and security, the city is divided into four divisions (Belad-i-Selassi), viz.
The streets are narrow, and by a system called Kucheh-bandi (street-closing) established long ago for impeding the circulation of crowds and increasing general security, every quarter of the town, or block of buildings, is shut off from its neighbours by gates which are closed during local disorders and regularly at night.
The laws, which although called the laws of Edward the Confessor were not drawn up until about 1130, contain a clause about frithborhs which decrees that in every place societies of ten men shall be formed for mutual security and reparation.
On the security of the church lands it based a paper currency (the famous assignats).
The Committee of General Security, first established in October 1792, was several times remodelled.
The Committee of General Security had unlimited powers for the prevention or discovery of crime against the state.
The Committees of Public Safety and General Security were remodelled, in virtue of a law that one-fourth.
For its own security the Left resolved that all five must be old members of the Convention and regicides.
There was no real political freedom, yet none of the ease or security which enlightened despotism can bestow.
Stephen was a keen and circumspect politician, and for his future security contracted, during his father's lifetime, a double' matrimonial alliance with the Neapolitan princes of the House of Anjou, the chief partisans of the pope.
The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good."
With a little straining these are made to correspond to five chief divisions of Jus, - personal security (benevolence being opposed to the ill-will that commonly causes personal injuries), property, contract, marriage and government; while the first, second and fourth, again, regulate respectively the three chief classes of human motives, - affections, mental desires and appetites.
Years had healed the breach between him and the Medicean family; and on the occasion of the Pazzi conspiracy against the life of Lorenzo de' Medici, he had sent violent letters of abuse to his papal patron Sixtus, denouncing his participation in a plot so dangerous to the security of Italy.
But with the establishment of order and security, the zadrugas began rapidly to disappear, a further cause of their dissolution being the fact that members could legally acquire private property (osobina).
But when in 1812 Russia, attacked by Napoleon, had in great haste to conclude at Bucharest a treaty of peace with Turkey, and omitted to make sufficient provision for the security of her allies the Serbs, the Turkish army invaded and reconquered Servia, occupying all its fortresses.
Both settlements were originally intended for the residence of foreign merchants only, but as the advantages of living under foreign protection became evident by reason of the security it gave from arbitrary taxation and arrest, Chinese began to flock in.
But desiring both security and solitude for study he left the city again about New Year of 1534 and became the guest of Louis du Tillet, a canon of the cathedral, at Angouleme, where at the request of his host he prepared some short discourses, which were circulated in the surrounding parishes, and read in public to the people.
This simple process, applicable to such a variety of substances, is a valuable security against famine.
Locke (Treatise on Government) differed from Hobbes in so far as he described the pre-social state as one of freedom, and held that private property must have been recognized, though there was no security.
The Athenian tenure of the Thracian Chersonese partly depended for its security on the good-will of the Thracian prince Cersobleptes.
There was no security for "any one, and every one was tempted to live from hand to mouth.
As a complement to the Land Act and Arrears Act, boards of guardians were this year empowered to build labourers' cottages with money borrowed on the security of the rates and repayable out of them.
The most important Irish measure of the session was the Ashbourne Act,' by which £5,000,000 was allotted on the security of the land for the creation Act.
The land itself in one shape or another formed the security, and guaranteed stock was issued which the holder might exchange for consols.
The security of the treasury was also so jealously scrutinized that even the price which the tenant might be willing to pay was often disallowed.
It was the Italian Orsini who, by attempting to assassinate him as a traitor to the Italian nation on the 14th of January 1858, gave him an opportunity to impose his will indirectly by convincing his wife that in the interests of his own security he must "do something for Italy."
Among the Hova and Betsileo the old villages were always built for security on the summits of lofty hills, around which were dug several deep fosses, one within the other.
From the beginning of his reign he had been accumulating money, mainly for his own security against intrigues and conspiracies, and avarice had grown upon him with success.
During the Thirty Years' War Leipzig suffered six sieges and on four occasions was occupied by hostile troops, being retained by the Swedes as security for the payment of an indemnity from 1648 to 1650.
A prey to perpetual alarm, the people entrenched themselves behind those high walls of the oppida which Roman security had razed to the ground, but imperial impotence had restored, and where life in the middle ages was destined to vegetate in unrestful isolation.
The Churchs patronage provided some with a refuge from violence; others ingratiated themselves with the rich for the sake of shelter and security; others again sought place and honor from men of power; while women, churchmen and warriors alike claimed the kings direct and personal pro tection.
Thus by means of immunities, of the beneficium nnd of patronage, society gradually organized itself independently of the state, since it required further security.
He exploited also the townspeoples need for security and the instinct of independence which made them claim a definite place in the feudal hierarchy.
The harassed population, the municipalities which under cover of civil war had resumed the right of self-government, and the parlements elated with their social importance and their security of position, were not alone in abandoning duty and obedience.
A levy of 300,000 men was ordered; a Committee of General Security was charged with the search for suspects; and thenceforward military occurrences called forth parliamentary crises and popular upheavals.
Other prominent buildings are the Masonic Temple, the Chamber of Commerce, the Lumber Exchange, the Bank of Commerce, the Auditorium; the buildings of the Metropolitan Life (formerly the Guaranty), the Security Bank, the Northwestern National Bank, the First National Bank, the Andrus, the New York Life, and the Young Men's Christian Association; Hotel Radisson and West Hotel.
As a soldier Tarnowski invented a new system of tactics which greatly increased the mobility and the security of the armed camps within which the Poles had so often to encounter the Tatars.
But he kept his hold on Toledo, and though his last days were darkened by the death of his only son in the lost battle of Ucles (1108), he died in 1109 with the security that his work would last.
But Alphonso did not use his freedom to act legibus solutus except against such hoary and incorrigible intriguers as Don Juan ci Tuerto or the Caballero Diego Gil, whom he beheaded with seventeen of his men after promising them security for their lives.
He fully confirmed the right of the nobles to trial by law and security against arbitrary punishment; he left the franchises of the city untouched, and respected the independence of the justiza.
With good administration and public security the population increased steadily.
In June 1885 he made a speech at Birmingham, treating the reforms just mentioned as the "ransom" that property must pay to society for the security it enjoys - for which Lord Iddesleigh called him "Jack Cade"; and he continually urged the Liberal party to take up these Radical measures.
As this fact is mentioned both ii Justin's Apology and in Tatian's Oratio ad Graecos, and the Apology can be dated with fair security about A.D.
He did great good in regulating the finances by attempting to divide the taille or poll tax more equally, by abolishing the "vingtieme d'industrie," and establishing monts de piete (establishments for loaning money on security).
Many Armenians fled to the mountains, where they embraced Islam, and intermarried with the Kurds, or purchased security by paying blackmail to Kurdish chiefs.
By the treaty of San Stefano, Turkey engaged to Russia to carry out reforms " in the provinces inhabited by the Armenians, and to guarantee their security against the Kurds and Circassians."
This impression was strengthened by the action of England at Berlin in insisting that Russia should evacuate the occupied territory before reforms were introduced, and so removing the only security for their introduction.
At Dover he came under Quaker influence, and signified his readiness at last to be done with "carnal sword fightings and fleshly bustlings and contests"; and in 1655, on giving security for his good behaviour, he was set free.
The feeling of security vanished, the towns banded themselves together for defensive purposes, the rights of the margrave were again pledged to provide money, and in 1432 the land was ravaged by the Hussites.
In Stock Exchange slang the term is used of an operator who applies for a portion of a new security being issued, not with a view to holding it, but with the intention of immediate realization, at a profit if possible.
He took part in the reactionary movement which followed the fall of Robespierre, and became a member of the reorganized Committees of Public Safety and General Security.
They were traveling deeper into the wilderness with every minute, and yet she clung to him as if he were a security blanket.
He was impressed that I had done so much on my own time and without breaking any rules - so impressed that he got me limited security access to do more sleuthing.
Though I have no comparison to your situation, I'm smart enough to know it's vital you maintain total and absolute security.
Before we finished renovations, there was a sophisticated security system installed.
I relocate HQ after each one for security reasons.
He's not hiding—he's collecting Social Security, isn't he?
He'd been distant and moody, obsessed with security, and much better in bed than normal.
She snapped the markers indicating her rank—Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of the Domestic Security Service.
The communications screen lit up one wall, displaying one of the genetically altered women in the elite special operations security team.
I suppose – though I don't think I'd mind getting used to financial security.
He was adamant that little work had gone on for the planning of the security.
Wooden beading should be glued and fixed with security screws.
Energy security and energy supply are growing European concerns.
The consequences of security breaches can be disastrous in terms of the public profile and the operation of your business.
Cynical manipulation by the US of its power of veto in the UN Security Council is bringing increasing international condemnation.
We are grateful for the assistance that the members of the Security Council have given us.
Two weeks later, with apparent impunity, security forces shot dead a young Brazilian electrician on his way to work.
If this seriously inconveniences you, you are requested to contact the Slac security officer.
The new plan had profound security implications.
My most recent article on security abeyance has been recently published in the British Journal of Management.
I was once accosted and grilled by the (constantly patrolling) security guards just for taking pictures!
Mail requiring the strictest security must be escorted at all times, until it reaches the addressee.
The normal CREST security admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance procedure is based around a fairly long lead time to admittance (for equities and gilts ).
So if there's an exploit out there we're going to go ahead and release a security advisory.
Peace and security, as well as aid issues, increasingly dominate the geopolitical agenda.
Private armed guards were drafted in to provide security, after the Latvian police repeatedly failed to halt the aggression of the homophobic mob.
But Russia itself will never become an aggressor, which is ensured by its legislation and the Concept of National Security.
Airliners plot suspects in court Eleven people charged over alleged plot to bomb transatlantic airliners plot suspects in court Eleven people charged over alleged plot to bomb transatlantic airliners make first appearances in court amid high security.
Instead people went for a wander across the allegedly secure part of heathrow airport in a quest for security staff.
Datatool, the UK's biggest manufacturer of electronic security for motorcycles, have developed a theft text alert designed specifically for bikes.
The province's security forces and the 10th army division deployed in Basra have declared allegiance to Maliki.
Allen screws are just there to steady the pole once the security bolt is pushed through.
By June 2001, undertake an appraisal of the options for an assessment of take-up of selected social security benefits.
There was no queue outside the venue and after a brief search from security we made a b-line straight for the oldskool arena.
Applicants are not, however, required to disclose any proposed security arrangements.
India is characterized as increasingly assertive and casually indifferent to the security of its sub-continental neighbors; Pakistan as unstable and risk-taking.
I had incorrectly assumed that because the same security was on the new system that it was the most appropriate.
Tehran also demanded security assurances against a nuclear attack on Iran.
Resolution 1441 (2002) adopted today by the Security Council excludes any automaticity in the use of force.
Once employees have publicly avowed support for better security, some will begin to change their perception of themselves.
A political vacuum and a cynical change in British security policy provided the backcloth to the 1977 strike.
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Faculty and staff are protected with stronger (e.g., VPN) security plus access to their own guaranteed bandwidth.
We flee into the security of an imagined being, or we flee from being altogether into our own imagination.
For security reasons detainees are required to wear a colored bib for the duration of the visit.
The biggest threat to American security is the actions of the American State on behalf of the oil billionaires that run it.
Higher biodiversity Maintaining agricultural biodiversity is vital to ensuring long-term food security.
Three years ago 200 million Ethiopian birr was allocated for food security interventions to the four regions covered by the program.
I also felt a bit foolish that I had not kept up with the changes in the security.
In this instance, Li plays Su, a Taiwanese security force officer, sent to intercept a shipment of mysterious black diamonds.
Club Entrance The club have installed a road blocker at the entrance to the club to help improve security.
The offenders used metal cutters to remove bollards from security shutters at ECA Tools in Henley Road.
French windows should have one pair of key mounted mortice security bolts or key operated surface mounted bolts.
What I had failed to realize was that a security guard was walking right behind me as I shook my little booty.
I am part of the WSIS human rights caucus and also the privacy and security working group.
Microsoft publicly chastises security researchers who don't follow its rules.
The security guard had previously been assualted by a gang of young thugs, including the charred chump.
How do we prevent an attacker from accessing a level below our security mechanisms and thereby circumventing them?
Based in the Treasury, the team will include civil servants from the Department of Social Security and the Department for Education and Employment.
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There was widespread disruption across the UK air network as a result of the UK's biggest ever security clampdown.
This is a highly classified program that is crucial to our national security.
If you deposit collateral as security with your bookmaker, you should ascertain from your bookmaker how your collateral as security with your bookmaker, you should ascertain from your bookmaker how your collateral will be dealt with.
Portland is known worldwide for getting technical resources and website security to other collectives in the network.
He repeated his calls for a full inquiry into the killing of lawyer Pat Finucane, and the related allegations of security force collusion.
Pink combination padlock - for extra security use this robust, easy to change combination padlock to secure your luggage.
The challenge is to provide sufficient security commensurate with the risk.
The final five paragraphs reaffirmed commitment to implementation of article IV on nuclear energy and expressed support for initiatives on nuclear safety and security.
But at the same time, senior staff are financially compensated for their lack of job security.
Contact us - We have a range of safes for the security of your laptop computers.
Information security concerns are very crucial in the current business environment.
Details for the Windows XP firewall configuration required can be found on the Security page.
Rights of passage The Human Rights Act has caused much confusion among security managers.
Iraqi security forces uncovered the conspiracy and arrested the participants.
As a component of this complete service, we remain fully conversant with the relevant health/safety and security issues involved.
This rather convoluted process is largely required in order to maintain the security of the local computer system.
Italian troops were in charge of security for truck convoys at the depot.
The security cordon ensured there were few of the usual demos or protests.
This transports a verdict of " not guilty " on the indictment of British imperialism creating an anarchic international security corollary.
Or you could opt for a satin boned corset complete with lace-up back, combining luxury with security.
In a given situation, what are the appropriate security countermeasures?
She has also published many articles on penal theory, sentencing, comparative criminology, victims, security and anti-terrorism policy.
In agricultural areas, industrial tree plantations have undermined food security by usurping productive cropland and pastures.
Kerberos is a network security protocol from MIT that uses private key cryptography to provide strong security between nodes.
Another huge set of security (including cryptography) links can be found on Tom Dunigan's security page.
The boy was shot dead by a security officer who had no charges brought against him.
Collective security lies dead among the mountains of Ethiopia.
Protected by a 5-lever mortise deadlock or 2 key operated security bolts on all other external doors.
We therefore accept that any such debenture will also be a security for taper purposes.
Computer-based commercial transactions are essentially decoupled from emotionality, trust becomes a security code, a bond a secure server.
The imperative need for the Security Council to carefully deliberate over decisions for the setting up of peace operations cannot be over-stated.
The erosion of job demarcation is presented as an erosion of status and security for the worker, and as something imposed from above.
Security engineering is about building systems to remain dependable in the face of malice, error or mischance.
We have already moved away from a passive social security system which could be caricatured as encouraging welfare dependency.
The state of the Department's security was truly deplorable.
A refundable security deposit of £ 150 is charged.
Mr Blunkett is to inspect new security measures at the Frethun rail freight depot outside Calais.
Security Your receipt will not show your card details.
Security guards also prevented detainees from accessing the center's exercise yard and didn't even allow them to approach the windows.
The SSNs contribute to peace and security by providing conventional deterrence.
A credible nuclear deterrent remains vital for US security.
The reason you need to consider security is to show you were reasonably diligent in protecting the environment in which your records exist.
Door supervisors Information about the Security Industries Act 2001 which made it a legal requirement for door supervisors Information about the Security Industries Act 2001 which made it a legal requirement for door staff to be licensed.
A separate leaflet offering security advice to private motorists will be delivered door-to-door in central Witham and distributed in car parks.
Data Security is probably the most obvious downside to ASP provision.
However opting to take income drawdown means you give up the security that annuities offer.
Lalie and Webster use the codes and Lalie's robot to reprogram Kiell's security droid.
They're an ideal solution for offloading much of the daily drudgery of maintaining network security.
I got a minor earful from the security for you being on stage.
Instead of locating the rule-breakers n the vocabulary of neoliberal economics, they are presented as threats to the security of US citizens.
The Standard includes relevant test methods - those for security are quite elaborate.
Further deep cuts cannot be made without seriously endangering the security of the Nation.
This helps to protect the employe's entitlement to Social Security Benefit.
Other benefits include security entry phone and electric gated entrance to private car park.
The Products Page lists not only security marking and safety equipment but also a wide range of branding irons depicting company names and Logos.
We can and we will prevent espionage, sabotage, or other actions endangering our national security.
Eventually, faced with the evidence of brutal ethnic cleansing by the Serb Yugoslav security forces, NATO acted.
Security will be on the door to ensure exclusivity.
We obviously have to ensure the security of our school students whilst meeting the expectations of adult users.
Web service security is taken care of by the simple expedient of being able to expose service points over SSL.
The first Iraqi oil exports under UN Security Council resolution 986 began in December 1996.
European intelligence and security forces are well aware of the threat posed by Islamist extremism and generally do an effective job of monitoring extremists.
One of this community's basic security philosophies is, " With enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.
This provides a reliable fallback for IT administrators who need to quickly roll out security patches to minimize security threats.
Security depends on self-weight of the units and / or mechanical fasteners to battens.
Consult the Java 1.2 security documentation for further details regarding how to write extension and application code to use the new security features.
Jacksons fencing is a market leader in gate and barrier automation, utilizing the latest technologies to satisfy domestic and commercial security applications alike.
Terrorism gravely threatens international peace and security, and as a solution the power and apparent finality of force are seductive.
The security of the University Mace and the other finery is also down to us.
With the integrated fingerprint reader, users encrypt files using fingerprint authentication, combining convenience with strong notebook security.
Any thoughts on NSA (the National Security Administration, whose domestic eavesdropping program has provoked a political firestorm )?
Meanwhile Head of Prison Security Perry (Ron Cook) smells something fishy.
Some people find that using a denture fixative in the early stages gives them extra security.
They are not only permanent fixtures of our way of life, they also provide our security policies with a moral compass.
Over the past weeks, security researchers have reported several unpatched flaws in Internet Explorer, the Web browser component of Windows.
The most recent version fixes a few known security flaws in earlier versions.
At present, these types of smaller aircraft are under less strict security than scheduled flights.
For security reasons, it is not recommended to delegate for example the INBOX folder.
The security situation is still completely out of hand for either the occupying powers or the new Iraqi security forces.
The steel framed glazed screens and security shutters are also simple strong elements providing enclosure and view.
It says, " the common security and defense policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defense policy.
Gilligan pointed to New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly's astonishingly frank security briefing on the London attacks.
For example, in Russia radio frequency weapons have been used to defeat security systems.
On her western frontier, therefore, Poland feels no security.
Leaflet - ' Preventing carbon monoxide fumes ' Security Checklist Do not leave any cash around your home.
Thanks to UN Security Council Resolution 1373, we now have specific criteria by which to measure national progress in blocking terrorist fundraising.
I don't know whether I became brave or the security slackened but I ventured further into the camp.
Securely gated off with total privacy and security, and sits back from the main road.
Parking Please ask for directions to the Beckwith Building at the security gatehouse.
The employer is currently refusing to discuss clauses in agreements relating to job security, the deputy General Secretary warned.
How will the rice genome sequence, recently announced, affect the food security of the poor?
Private security goons abused their immunity from video in a series of provocative actions.
The infernal security passes are gone, but now you have to kill four times as many other beings to get enough pink goop.
They have pink goop, but no security passes.
They continue, and will continue tomorrow, to be the ultimate guarantor of our security... .
Further, Iran views the SCO as a potential guarantor of future security, experts say.
We do not want it replaced by characterless marble floors, searing lighting and burly security guards.
Four security guards were ordered to stay inside the offices to ensure we caused no damage.
Directly beyond this blast door is a security turnstile and small guardroom to control access to the airlock.
The security issue has many guises No one wants to know that the external security threat is just getting worse.
These errors can be exploited by wily hackers to compromise the security of systems running these programs.
Users risk having their system compromised by hackers unless they apply security updates, issued by Mozilla on Friday.
Failure to control security could also invite hackers to attacking your data.
Includes high security 4 pin cylinder padlock with double bolted shackle and fully enclosed hasp.