Sector Sentence Examples
If only he didn't have to tour the Sector tonight!
Rainy from the Tucson Sector is here.
We need a coherent strategy to support the role of the sector in service delivery.
This is another fruitful avenue for the voluntary sector to explore.
The broadband Stakeholder Group recommended public sector broadband aggregation to the government at the end of 2001.
Our research income per researcher exceeds the sector average, reaching over £ 104,000 per active researcher in 2002/03.
The service, to be called LiveInteractive, will be launched this autumn at a special event for the public sector.
However the Scottish Executive approach demands transfer, presumably on the grounds of ideological aversion to the public sector.
Allied Mills will continue to service the craft bakery sector through its existing distribution network.
Quot he said santa Barbara which with a million the gaming sector.
AdvertisementYet there is no way that a strategy to control overseas bribery can work without it being clearly effective in the arms sector.
There is no justification for closing the entire whitefish sector.
Being numerate scientists, the skills and expertise of Zoology graduates will always be in constant demand in the private sector.
The fate of Cambrai was sealed and only a part of the incompletely, constructed Masnieres-Beaurevoir line, already broken in its northern sector by the Third Army and in its southern sector by the Fourth Army, was left as a dyke to stem the further British advance.
Only one more attack was made in this sector and both Jager and Bosnian divisions had to be withdrawn and re-made.
AdvertisementThis makes aerospace the UK's most competitive manufacturing sector.
I have a confirmed fallen angel in sector 87.
In the Collas Sector, which had become the bastion of the strike, its efforts to fight back were crowned with success.
The PEIT sector has experienced periodic bouts of heightened share price volatility.
The stated rationale is to widen access, reduce brain drain, bolster research capabilities and maximize the competitiveness of the sector.
AdvertisementIn the public sector, allocated budgets never stretch far enough; in the private sector, these budgets may not exist at all.
The sector should help funders to reduce the administrative burden where possible.
Graduates may pursue careers in the public or private sector.
Allowing for these and for potential public sector productivity growth gives a picture similar to cash incomes.
What are your views on the draft guidance on public sector accounting in Annex H?
AdvertisementThey all want to say they can offer revenue management, so what is this new Holy Grail for the sector?
Where care homes are answer need quality care in public sector (not for profits ).
Public and private sector energies are now focusing very much on the waterfront with the aim of establishing it as a world-class visitor destination.
This has been achieved by assessing women 's experience of hospitals, doctors ' surgeries, social work and even voluntary sector services.
The Party has launched a review of public spending, under David James, which aims to identify wasteful spending across the public sector.
The decision to pull SCEN out of SCVO has followed a well-worn public sector route.
Includes recommendations to the Home Office and guidelines for the voluntary sector working with refugee women.
The economy is dominated by the service sector, with 87% of the City 's workforce currently employed in this sector.
He erected a 24-foot zenith sector at his house, Kew House, Kew Green in 1725.
Innovation in every sector is critical, and startups are where innovation happens.
This rapid ethanol expansion touches every aspect of the agricultural sector, as well as impacting the United States as a whole.
The economic downturn has been felt in every sector of society, including the green movement.
Second, a day trader is in charge of his or her own stock trading decisions, and is therefore motivated to remain knowledgeable about current trends in a particular market sector.
Free printable scrapbook templates are just one of the ways craft companies have been able to attract a new sector of scrappers to this ever growing field.
However, it is common for boards to be between 85 and 91 percent of the individual's height, with 88 percent being optimal in the pro sector.
Do you work in the service sector or customer service?
Thanks to the development of sport utility vehicles in the civilian sector, you can now rent an SUV limo for your bachelor or bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, or wedding itself.
Programs involved in the distance learning sector of the college include dental education, medical education, nursing education and English language courses.
Getting a job in the public sector may prove to be rewarding financially as well as personally.
The downside to these jobs is that there are far fewer of them than there are in the customer service sector.
Trex Company, Inc. is a member of The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the nation's foremost coalition of leaders from every sector of the building industry.
Choose whether you want a high school, college, military or championship rings, then fill in the required information for your particular school, military sector or event.
The common denominator is a population sector which is already healthy and wishes to ensure their continued good health.
This is especially true within the organic sector, which has traditionally chosen more eco-minded options for running their businesses.
There must be a drive to reduce bureaucracy in the skills sector.
In recent years, with such changes as compulsory competitive tendering, we have seen public sector managers become increasingly businesslike and innovative.
The public sector commissioners had a cafeteria in mind.
The most suitable candidates are often tempted away by higher salaries in the private sector.
The waste industry is an increasingly capital-intensive sector with adequate returns often being realized only over a long period.
In this case, the Commission began investigating a potential cartel in the Austrian bank sector which involved eight different banks.
Mr Miliband said the government was also seeking to empower citizens through third sector organizations in order to improve services at local level.
The voluntary and community sector tends to work with the community sector tends to work with the community at the grass roots.
The Treasury should considering reducing the discount used in the public sector comparator from six to five per cent.
In December, Brian Mickelthwaite said the sector demonstrated the futility of trying to build an internationally competitive industry behind high tariff barriers.
We will aim for a continuing dialog with the commercial sector to ensure this complementarity.
During Compact Week, Third Sector asked should the Compact be made compulsory.
The funding of the proposal will be by a private sector concessionaire, who will raise funds on the money markets.
Defining what choice means in the public sector There is considerable confusion over what enhanced choice actually means.
Policy announcements would then act as a beacon, helping the private sector understand the economic conjuncture.
The delay is causing consternation in the drives sector which has been counting on the ECA to deliver a boost in sales.
Private sector investment is severely constrained by limited returns on products for markets with low purchasing power.
The financial constraints on builders will be relaxed by raising the public sector comparator.
This follows discussions with key stakeholders who believe that public sector consultors are still hesitant in their dealings with these groups.
The context of my work within the Australian higher education sector is a site of knowledge contestation.
Its crucial you dont see economic development as purely conventional private sector model.
Private firms contracted to local councils have been notoriously corrupt, but the arms sector is equally notorious for overcharging the government.
Peasants who lack capital are effectively restricted to sowing low-value crops, whilst the capitalist sector only produces more profitable crops.
That's the top priority, particularly against the background of growing cynicism in the sector over the lack of progress on funding reform.
These imposed deadlines have become the norm both for the public sector and commercial business.
The lowest decile hourly earnings in the private sector was under £ 5.00 compared with £ 5.78 in the public sector.
Our most recent creation is Screen Media magazine dedicated to the out of the home and in-store digital media sector.
Many of these organizations have linked together to manage dedicated learning centers for businesses and individuals working within that sector.
Problems still requiring attention are Japan's high rate of public debt, mild deflation and structural weakness in the banking sector.
However, there's no denying the sector is slowing.
The lack of a dedicated focus desk for quality of life issues was the subject of adverse comment during sector team focus groups.
The project was originally devised by the City of London Police for the capital's financial sector.
A large company in the telecom sector does not only sell internet, but also digital TV and explores telephone lines.
However, EC aid disbursements for the social sector have been low.
This strike ignited the simmering discontent that surrounds low pay in the public sector.
The danger of ignoring a sector of society already disenchanted with conventional politics must be averted.
This has caused disillusionment in a private sector reluctant to waste bidding costs where lowest price wins at the end of the day.
Any DOS diskette that has been properly formatted contains some executable code in its boot sector.
I feel confident about the leisure sector â high disposable incomes will surely sustain activity here.
So there is still the opportunity to ensure that older people's housing issues and private sector disrepair are adequately addressed in regional strategies.
Its use in the private sector has shown it risks making payment divisive and unequal.
The Retail Sector The multiple supermarkets have become increasingly dominant in the retail sector in recent years.
The greatest threat is an economic downturn in any industry sector where we operate.
For the catering sector, the company has also produced an easy-to-use boneless Chinese roast half duckling with oriental spices and star anise.
An increase in funding of discretionary grants to reduce the number of unfit private sector dwellings.
However, UNISON maintains that NHS Scotland is too embroiled in ' partnership ' with private sector companies around key ICT Infrastructure Project.
The Female trade was fuelled by demand from the commercial sector with shearling ewes being in strong demand up £ 30 on 2000.
Much of what we need to know about achieving excellence is to be found in the sector from the people working in it.
They will be real exemplars of how employers, working with the public sector, can get training support that directly meets their needs.
The disk exerciser is able to write to any part of a disk regardless of whether the operating system labeled the sector unusable.
Investment in the sector In the past fe has been characterized as the Cinderella of the education world.
This research deals with the views of the design sector where 56% of the sector employs fewer than 5 people.
The sum is expected to raise a further £ 46 million of private sector finance.
We also need to have regard to the impact of the minimum wage on public sector finances.
But current plans alone will put a firecracker under the most underdeveloped sector - distribution.
The priority of private sector firms is to maximize shareholder value even at the expense of reduced safety.
The media sector today As an industry, ' the media ' seems to attract more flak than most.
The engineering and environmental benefits of using fly ash are investigated for each sector.
Is there a role here for regional voluntary sector fora?
We want to be the best professional fundraisers in the UK not for profit sector.
The pay gap has widened in favor of the public sector worker by almost £ 1 an hour.
Read about one of our advisers who came from an entirely different sector To make a job inquiry, click here employing graduates?
They all want to say they can offer revenue management, so what is this new holy Grail for the sector?
Anja Schaefer and Brian Harvey reviewed models of corporate greening and applied them to four case studies in the UK water and electricity sector.
We heard some fairly hair-raising tales of corruption, especially in areas of land ownership and the business sector.
We need to learn from other European countries where public sector workers do not have the same ideological hang-ups.
Critical information about tactical approach procedures at instrumented heliports and airfields must be developed by the sector responsible for the approach.
Government needs to become more holistic, achieving greater integration across the public sector.
Home Improvement Agencies assist vulnerable homeowners or private sector tenants who tend to be older, disabled or on a low income.
The team also administers the private sector assistance policies to other vulnerable households in need.
Parker is strong in the industrial sector; CI focuses on mobile hydraulics.
Private sector provision of Internet access for all looks increasingly implausible even in affluent countries.
Whole industries have been wiped out and vast sections of the population impoverished, forced to struggle to survive in the 'informal sector ' .
I realized that the public sector was where my motivation and interest really lay, and I joined impower in June 2005.
Large Business Sector seems less inclined to use regime.
Notwithstanding the recent rise in bank borrowing by SMEs, the net bank indebtedness of the SME sector has continued to fall.
Mr Taylor will shortly be appointing a panel of senior private sector industrialists to advise him in this task.
Corporate is the story of two leading industrialists in the food sector.
Any kind of direct involvement with the informal sector would prove ineffectual, or worse, harmful.
Construction is now the largest indigenous industry sector although rampant land price inflation since 1997 would account for much of the growth in turnover.
Equipped with the latest in state-of-the-art instrumentation, LGC is uniquely positioned to meet the measurement needs of the pharmaceutical sector.
The UK sector has struggled to perform, with many areas of advanced instrumentation now only available from foreign manufacturers.
Such non-material values were usually allied to material beliefs in a highly interventionist state sector.
Currently it has projects in dairy, honey and fruit sub-sectors as well as support to the informal ' jua Kali ' sector.
Thousands have lost their jobs in mass layoffs even from the genomics and pharmaceutical sector.
Public sector layoffs in Iraq have led to 70% unemployment.
Within the (natural products) sector there are clear opportunities for entrepreneurial development and improved livelihoods for many poor rural communities.
Brampton was quick to build brand loyalty in the young professional market sector.
In the past the voluntary sector has been seen as a relatively marginal issue for government.
It is believed that the southwest is the powerful Yin sector, which benefits the family matriarch.
This reaches a wider and more diverse and regular audience than the largely metropolitan focussed commercial gallery sector.
The cereals sector encompasses a range of industries including milling, bread, cake, cookie and breakfast cereals manufacturing and malting.
Some examples I am acting for a public sector body investigating the alleged misconduct of officers.
Our Business Placements Office has long established links with many blue chip multinationals, as well as smaller local enterprises and the public sector.
The grocery sector has seen another year of rising sales, primarily due to the growing non-food offer available at the large grocery multiples.
By explicitly identifying these necessary conditions, the project provides a foundation for dialog between the private sector and Government policy.
Newsletter subscriptions Click here for subscriptions to sector skills and learning newsletter subscriptions Click here for subscriptions to sector skills and learning newsletters.
Such schemes are widespread in the film sector, almost non existent for music.
The policy is backed up with a number of voluntary sector guidance notes.
The firm's commercial nous proved particularly useful to clients in this sector, which includes the Eden Project.
Our new private sector renewal strategy sets out our strategic objectives for the future, with detailed action plans to support our existing activity.
Independent schools are often perceived as being better than they really are, while the state sector sometimes attracts more odium than it deserves.
Risks are then offloaded onto independent sector providers who try to mitigate risks and costs through higher prices.
In my last report, I suggested that thought be given to the introduction of a sector ombudsman scheme.
In September 39 Catterick became a Fighter Sector Station within 13 Group Fighter Command using the 1935 Sector Ops.
Deaf students fail in Britain's grossly overcrowded public sector classrooms.
Unfortunately, failing public sector IT projects are no longer the exception and huge cost overruns can be confidently predicted.
A third sector advisory panel, will be established to advise the Office on third sector issues.
In everyday parlance a public good is a good or service produced by the public sector.
The Labor Government proposed public sector pension reform last autumn and then backtracked in the face of opposition from their public sector union paymasters.
The level of tax was set at 0.43 pence per kWh for electricity and 0.15 pence per kWh for gas for the commercial sector.
Private sector members may try out our services for a three month trial period without paying a subscription.
Industry remains pessimistic about domestic road freight market growth Sector analysis FTA's analysis by market sector reveals mixed fortunes.
It is possible for students to spend the third year on a supervised work placement within a relevant sector of the computer industry.
Heart of Mersey has attracted plaudits from the health sector for its excellent work in raising awareness of coronary disease prevention.
He now manages a portfolio of clients across the financial services sector.
To help increase this figure a new guide has been launched to encourage more public sector procurers to use smaller suppliers.
Population growth and surging oil revenues are the key dynamics stimulating both public and private sector investment in construction projects.
The work will be widely promoted through our links with health, education, social care and the voluntary sector.
Black workers already represent a high proportion of the low paid sector.
The Corporation's investment in new roads, services and public transport began to stimulate private sector interest and to attract redevelopment proposals.
This e-procurement technology is completely proprietary to the Company and is licensed to medium and large sized organizations in the private and public sector.
Previous experience of applied psychometrics in a business, teaching, public sector or other applied environment is highly desirable.
Phil then moved into the voluntary sector working for Barnardo's for five years before joining quarriers.
They tend to be in the upper quartile of their business sector.
Leicester was ranked in the top quartile of cities suitable for public sector relocation - the only city to ranked in the top quartile of cities suitable for public sector relocation - the only city to rank in all relocation scenarios.
Total estimated readership of 24,000, including 3,000 private sector subscribers.
They have been produced by practitioners and employers using real-life working contexts drawn from the sector.
Everyone in the health sector, from pharmacists to GP receptionists, should be promoting the health of everyone they come into contact with.
In September, I started a new job in an Usdaw sector and immediately rejoined Usdaw.
Private sector housing - The Council offers a range of assistance including grants and an equity release scheme.
But the Government is creating an unhealthy reliance on the private sector which will undermine the NHS.
Finally, how will the post-election reshuffle affect the sector?
It's not surprising Gordon Brown is calling for wage restraint from public sector workers.
As a result, public sector capital investment could face tight restrictions over the next few years.
This divergence would likely continue if crude oil continues to lag behind the newly resurgent agricultural sector.
Retail sector - about us At Bond Pearce LLP, we know retail sector - about us At Bond Pearce LLP, we know retail.
Moreover, the abstract expression of rejected pluralism was a widespread revulsion from the very concept of a private sector.
Find private sector housing throughout the UK or use our free student only flatmate finder system to find student roommates.
Public sector work can also result in high levels of job satisfaction.
Business opportunities from private sector clients in most of our areas of relevant activity remain satisfactory.
First, he claims public sector unions have left scars on his back by opposing his reforms.
Jobs UK - Job center plus recruitment agency search searching for a job vacancy in the UK can be done by region or sector.
Its solution included action on second and holiday homes, and better use of the private rented sector.
Jobs in the voluntary sector - which ones are right for you?
The private sector has also invested in the area.
The recent re-structuring within the UK retail sector has added to these pressures.
The independent sector provides 23% of the A-level entries from students at schools with 40% of the A grades overall.
Can IT drive public sector reform, or can it only enable public sector reform, or can it only enable public sector reform?
Change is all around us in the education sector.
There is a substantial banking sector, second only to the Cayman Islands among offshore jurisdictions.
Lawyers with relevant industry sector experience provide commercially aware, client focused advice throughout the process.
Our client is a major player in the global healthcare devices sector.
About 90% of public sector housing in Northern Ireland has become segregated.
The Cabinet Office Better Public services - Striving to improve standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK.
Ministers are looking at handing over a key element of the biggest pension shake-up in a generation to the private sector.
The Council therefore seeks to work in partnership with the private sector to rectify shortfalls in provision.
A Chinese attempt to enter the US energy sector was given very short shrift by the US Congress only a couple of months ago.
Beyond that there is the further issue of the usage of bilingual signage in the private sector.
Sirius web is a useful tool for calculating staff costs within the University sector.
The paper will raise the issue of the electronic or virtual skilling in the craft community sector.
In the sharing sector, UBUK recently launched Mini Cheddars Morso's, a premium cheesy baked snack for adults in a 150g bag.
Antony will help spearhead the bank's expansion into the Public Sector market.
To find trainers or consultants with a particular specialism, see the indexes of management specialisms and sector specialisms.
The financial services industry spends three times more than any other sector on direct marketing and ranks third among all advertising spenders.
Macro-economic stability had created a firm basis for growth in private sector investment.
Sector experience is not essential however, if you have prior experience in the food/drink arena this will stand you in excellent stead.
But those involved in the sector say this is an outdated stereotype.
Other millions must have taken refuge behind the British and American lines, thus increasing the food stringency in our sector.
Quantity Surveyor Our client is a specialist subcontractor, specializing in the flooring sector of the industry.
He says the little government support given to support given to support his sector of design is being cut back.
The sector exported £ 14.2 billion in 1994, generating a trade surplus of £ 2.6 billion.
His idea for a school to nurture talent outside the commercial sector was first discussed in the early 1990s.
Trained as a secondary teacher and worked in adult education and staff training and development in the financial sector.
He explained that the private sector had the funds to install new computer technology in order to upgrade the service.
Internationally, Denmark has a strong position in the IT and wireless sector and a first class telecom and data infrastructure.
However the wireless telecommunication service sector was down 5% .
The project aims to bring broadband telecommunications to the public sector offices throughout the South of Scotland.
The biggest growing sector in our hobby is the continuous arrival of large terrestrials from South America.
Its raison d'etre undertaken by the public sector.' Voluntary and community groups need to take control of civil renewal because it is rightly theirs.
The British sector included a tributary of the River Somme, the Ancre.
Although education action zones have helped primary schools cut truancy, they have not had a significant impact on the secondary sector.
It should also tie in with a greater drive to recruit trustees from the private sector.
A 70-seat turboprop can burn up to 30% less fuel than an equivalent 70-seat regional jet over a 500 nautical miles sector.
I would also like to comment briefly on what I perceive as a subtle negative undertone with respect to contribution of the private sector.
In the UK for example, the sector as a whole consistently undervalues the enormous contribution made over the years by the co-operative movement.
Each sector was considered undesirable by at least one respondent.
Within the call center sector the spread of trade union recognition remains uneven.
On this basis, the actual contribution of this sector to waste management in the Region appears largely unknown.
The private sector performance in co-operative ventures has also not reached the desired level in some of the economic sectors.
This has been achieved by assessing women's experience of hospitals, doctors ' surgeries, social work and even voluntary sector services.
Despite a successful career in private business, Paul Allen always yearned for a return to his public sector roots.
The curved surface of a right circular cone becomes a sector of a circle, and its area = 2 slant height X perimeter of base.
A "spherical sector" and "spherical cone" may be also regarded as the solids of revolution of a circular sector about one of its bounding radii, and about any other line through the vertex respectively.
The weir is raised by admitting water from the upper pool into a wedge-shaped space left below the sector when it is lowered in the drum, which by its pressure lifts the sector out of the drum, forming a barrier, 7 ft.
His invention of the proportional compass or sector - an implement still used in geometrical drawing - dates from 1597; and about the same time he constructed the first thermometer, consisting of a bulb and tube filled with air and water, and terminating in a vessel of water.
Phil then moved into the voluntary sector working for Barnardo 's for five years before joining Quarriers.
From the 1999 harvest, tobacco growers wishing to leave the sector must offer their quota allocation to other producers.
Leicester was ranked in the top quartile of cities suitable for public sector relocation - the only city to rank in all relocation scenarios.
Competition had also increased through the entry of retrenched formal sector workers into these markets.
They do not obtain regular salaried employment with welfare benefits like workers in the organized sector.
The schismatic nature of the contemporary community raises the question of whether a single Jewish voluntary sector is either analytically or practically valid.
Jobs UK - Job center plus recruitment agency search Searching for a job vacancy in the UK can be done by region or sector.
To date 14 public sector organizations have elected to submit for the STEPS scheme.
The research focused on both private and public sector procurement procedures.
Why not have more direct public sector involvement in drug development?
Can IT drive public sector reform, or can it only enable public sector reform?
The Scrutiny and Policy Development process involves a wide range of public, private and voluntary sector partners.
The main issue in the inquiry is the effect of the merger on competition in the self-selection sector of the market.
The Cabinet Office Better Public Services - Striving to improve standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK.
The shellfish fisheries sector itself was expected to take the initiative in managing the implementation of low impact measures.
Interested Sector Skills Councils are reminded that the closing date for this funding is Friday 21 April 2006.
In the sharing sector, UBUK recently launched Mini Cheddars Morso 's, a premium cheesy baked snack for adults in a 150g bag.
Frugalista has effectively said public sector workers do n't want big mortgages as it stops them moving jobs - well sod everyone else.
Solutions providers will move from the business-to-business to the consumer sector.
Market sounding brings learning into the public sector that is useful in a broader sense.
Antony will help spearhead the bank 's expansion into the Public Sector market.
There were three groupings of perspective which emerged, namely specialty, geography and sector.
Retaining such staff in the light of competition from the hospital sector is not easy.
These should be hollow to force the stagnant energy to flow freely in this helpful sector.
This sector has somewhat stagnated over the past few years.
The Home Office can sublet surplus space to other occupiers whether or not they are public sector bodies.
He says the little government support given to support his sector of design is being cut back.
Worth about £ 275m in the last 12 months the Creative sector is synonymous with innovation.
Special Features Taught by staff who have worked in the criminal justice sector and maintain strong professional links.
However the wireless telecommunication service sector was down 5 %.
A 1p per therm increase in gas prices costs the UK papermaking sector £ 6 million per year.
Among other things, developing relations with India in the oil sector, would be the topmost item on his agenda.
In the UK alone, 10% of total employment is in the tourism sector.
The purpose of the work is to use 20 trailblazer projects to demonstrate the use of compost to the brownfield sector.
Financial Times ' Lombard column commented that Mellor had not been popular among investors and the shares had badly underperformed the sector for months.
Women hold about 43 percent of public sector jobs but are underrepresented in senior management positions.
The sector in Wales is underrepresented in terms of employing ethnic minorities across all ethnic groups.
Her research so far has concentrated on the role of cancer services and specialist nursing in the understudied area of the independent sector.
Provision of library facilities in support of research across the newly unified higher education sector is very uneven.
Unison branches in London are calling a meeting for all public sector workers to try to unite any action that takes place.
Of the female labor force in India, more than 94% are in the unorganized sector.
Wind is an unwitting victim of the power sector 's fall from grace.
Private sector sees as usurpation of first possession rights.
He has a background in the energy sector and experience of regulated utilities.
The Recycling Fund A venture capital fund for SMEs, designed to fill the ' equity gap ' identified in the recycling sector.
The private sector is ceasing to be a viable option for many people on low incomes.
It is the UK 's fastest growing veterinary virology laboratory in the non-governmental sector.
This Program is available to all private sector entities, as well as government agencies that are under OSHA jurisdiction.
With a company philosophy of "…great enthusiasm for sports and the desire to be number one--always," Carrera has gone on to become one of the top-rated companies in the sports sector for over fifty years.
Get to Sector find and go to the Wall Market.
One of the things to keep in mind when working with color is the element governing each sector of your home.
If your bedroom is in the north sector, steer clear of artwork of water scenes and never place a water feature in your bedroom since it creates too much yang energy.
Personal growth and prosperity are achieved by activating this sector of your home.
If you follow Black Hat feng shui, then the best places for your fish tank is your career sector and the north wall of your home office or den.
Traditional classical feng shui of Form and Compass determines the prime sector of your home based on several reports such a flying star report.
You don't want to place photos or paintings of water over your bed or in the bedroom even if your bedroom is in the north sector of your home.
You can apply the five elements of earth to your home by using the many feng shui tools and analyses to determine each sector within your home.
Chinese symbols for love are found in feng shui applications and believed to have properties that not only protect but also can activate the romance and love sector in your home.
Many believe theses symbols have properties that not only protect, but also activate the romance and love sector in a home.
These have become symbolic with love and many use them as symbols of love and in the love sector of homes.
You can use the symbols of love for feng shui remedies and enhancers in your relationship sector of your home.
You can also incorporate dragon and phoenix symbols in feng shui remedies and cures by placing them in the relationship sector of your home.
If you choose to use a sculpture or picture of a peony or peach blossom in your bedroom or relationship sector, make sure you use two objects or pictures since two is always the optimum choice for positive energy in romantic relationships.
If you want to use Chinese symbols for love and eternity in your feng shui room design, be sure to place the symbols in pairs and in the marriage sector of your home.
Placing a water feature in the southern sector of your space is generally not a good idea.
Placing the water feature in the southern sector creates a conflicting energy resulting in bad feng shui.
Putting a water feature in the southern sector could cause damage to your reputation.
Five stalk plants - Brings health into all of the five areas of your life, depending on which sector of your home that you choose to place the plant.
Many believe that when you place this symbol in your health sector of your home, you'll enjoy a long life free of disease.
You can place these in your health sector or use in rooms that are afflicted with negative flying stars.
This could be as simple as a water feature in the wrong place or the need to add one of the five elements in a specific sector of your home.
One of the most common requests made of feng shui practitioners is to improve the client's wealth sector.
If you've checked all of these things off of your list and are still having difficulties, then there may be an elemental imbalance in your wealth sector.
Another area you'll want to evaluate is your career sector, especially if your financial woes are due to a job loss.
You will first need to locate the wealth sector of your home.
You'll look at the SE sector of your home to apply any remedies.
In your flying star chart analysis, it may be determined that there isn't enough metal element in your wealth sector to draw the water element that attracts wealth.
If you arbitrarily place a water fountain or an aquarium in your home, without knowing the level of imbalance and proper sector, you could do more harm than good.
In the case of a wealth sector, simply add a little metal to your room and see if your finances begin to improve.
A candle placed in the correct sector of your home will attract opportunities and positive chi.
Most people place the money tree in their wealth sector or just inside the main entrance.
If you wish to place an aquarium in your wealth sector, then you need to use eight red and one black fish.
You can use this type of good luck symbol in your career or wealth sector.
Water and metal are the elements of wealth and they reside in the North sector of your home.
Make sure that the symbol you select is made of the right element for the sector of your home and enjoy the benefits of positive chi energy in your life.
To do this, you need the actual element introduced into this sector of your home.
While many teachers in the public or private sector often specialize in one or several subjects, they don't always have to teach all the subjects to their students.
You'll find jobs within the state sector (those that report to the crown) to include a cross-section of almost all the jobs in New Zealand, from farming to office jobs.
The state sector realizes and appreciates the importance of family.
I have a big and nice background in oil and gas plant, energy sector with a previous experience with qatargas.
The Office of Intelligence and Analysis collects information from all appropriate departments, state, local, private sector, and international, to analyze them and piece together any potential threats to the security of the nation.
The BLS says that half of the 20 fastest growing occupations are in the health-care sector, which will create 3.2 million more jobs from now through 2018.
Most of these opportunities offer generous pay and benefits compared to comparable positions in the private sector.
The higher risk leads to higher interest because this high-end sector of the real estate market presents a more vulnerable market that is susceptible to market lows and highs and are not easily sold in the mainstream market.
These public sector programs tend to have lower interest rates and fees than private sector reverse mortgages offered by lenders and mortgage companies.
It began offering mortgage services in 1969 through one of its divisions, the Countrywide Home Loans sector.
The first electric crock pots arrived on the scene around the same time women began to move into the management sector of businesses.
There are several "tricks" to fundraising in the non-profit sector.
Its mission is to "inform, promote, connect and strengthen individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector."