Secretions Sentence Examples
The fate of these inorganiccompounds has not been certainly traced, but they give rise later on to the presence in the plant of various amino acid amides, such as leucin, glycin, asparagin, &c. That these are stages on the way to proteids has been inferred from the fact that when proteids are split up by various means, and especially by the digestive secretions, these nitrogen-containing acids are among the products which result.
While some of these " guest " insects produce secretions that furnish the ants with food, some seem to be useless inmates of the nest, obtaining food from the ants and giving nothing in return.
Each opens in a vas deferens which bears three diverticula or vesiculae seminales, and three pairs of cement glands also are found which pour their secretions through a duct into the vasa deferentia.
The caseous necrosis of the implicated mass of lung tissue, and indeed of tubercles generally, is held to be, in great measure, the result of the necrotic influence of the secretions from the bacillus.
It possesses only slight influence over the heart and respiration, but it has a specific effect on mucous membranes as the elimination of the drug takes place largely through the lungs, where it aids in loosening bronchial secretions.
The peculiar odour evolved by many rodents is due to the secretions of special glands, which may open into the prepuce, as in Mus, Microtus and Cricetus, or into the rectum, as in Arctomys and Thryonomys, or into the passage common to both, as in the beaver, or into pouches opening near the vent, as in hares, agoutis and jerboas.
It consisted of ethereal fire, and he was not subject to the ordinary phenomena of digestion, secretions and evacuations.
The respiratory rhythm is less frequent and the breathing less deep; the heart-beat is less frequent; the secretions are less copious; the pupil is narrow; in the brain there exists arterial anaemia with venous congestion, so that the blood-flow there is less than in the waking state.
There is much uncertainty as to the influence of atropine on the secretions of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and kidneys, and it is not possible to make any definite statement, save that in all probability the activities of the nerves innervating the glandcells in these organs are reduced, though they are certainly not arrested, as in the other cases.
It is now known that similar internal secretions, or hormones, pass into the blood from every organ and tissue, so reaching and affecting every part of the body.
AdvertisementPhysical symptoms also appear; the face assumes an earthy colour, the body wastes, constipation is usually present to an extreme degree, the secretions become arrested, loss of appetite and indigestion follow and the mouth is parched.
It is excreted by all the secretions and excretions of the body.
Schizomycetes exist in every part of the alimentary canal of animals, except, perhaps, where acid secretions prevail; these are by no means necessarily harmful, though, by destroying the teeth for instance, certain forms may incidentally be the forerunners of damage which they do not directly cause.
In this sense alone quinine is a tonic. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is stated to convert any salt of quinine into a chloride, and it seems probable that the absorption of quinine takes place mainly from the stomach, for when the drug reaches the alkaline secretions of the duodenum it is precipitated, and probably none of it is thereafter absorbed.
The similarity of the symptoms to those of cholera is very marked, but if the suspicion arises it can soon be cleared up by examining any of the secretions for arsenic. More rarely the poison seems to centre itself on the nerve centres, and gastro-intestinal symptoms may be almost or quite absent.
AdvertisementTo allure and attract them to visit the flower the odoriferous secretions and gay colours are developed, and the position and complicated structure of the parts of the flower are adapted to the perfect performance of the process, It is comparatively rare in hermaphrodite flowers for self-fertilization to occur, and the various forms of dichogamy, dimorphism and trimorphism are fitted to prevent this.
Not only are the general symptoms investigated, but it is necessary to carry out experiments'on the nerves, muscles, circulation, secretions, &c., so as to get a more exact knowledge of the reasons of the general action.
When we come to consider more in detail the results of these actions we find that the various secretions of the body, such as the sweat, gastric juice, bile, milk, urine, &c., may be increased or diminished; that the heart may have its muscular or nervous apparatus stimulated or depressed; that the nerve-centres in the brain, medulla and spinal cord may be rendered more sensitive or the reverse; and that the general metabolism of the body may be altered in various ways.
Substances obtained from animals include gland secretions, pepsin and other ferments, musk, cod-liver oil, &c., and to these may be added various antitoxins.
From the stomach and intestines they are rapidly absorbed, and rapidly excreted from the blood, increasing all secretions and the general metabolism.
AdvertisementTheir insoluble compounds are much less active locally than the soluble, and in many cases are only effective to the extent to which they are dissolved by the secretions.
It therefore increases all the secretions, especially those of the skin and kidneys, while it also stimulates the general metabolism of the body and the excretion of nitrogenous products.
The large number of vegetable substances used as purgatives owe their action to an irritating effect upon the mucous membrane and the neuro-muscular apparatus of the bowel, whereby the secretions and peristalsis are more or less increased, as the result of which diarrhoea ensues.
When swallowed in small doses they slightly irritate the mouth and gastric mucous membrane, increasing the secretions and producing a feeling of warmth.
It has in addition a markedly depressing action upon the respiratory centre, it lessens all the secretions except the sweat, and diminishes bowel peristalsis and the size of the pupil.
AdvertisementThey therefore lessen all the secretions, and among other actions dilate the pupil and increase the rapidity of the heart by paralysing the vagus.
Speaking generally, when given in small doses their action on the healthy organism is slight or nil, but in disease some of them are capable of acting as substitutes for deficient secretions.
Expectorants increase the bronchial secretions; antispasmodics relax the spasm of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes, e.g.
Chest physiotherapy may help to prevent atelectasis and pooling of secretions.
Bird flu is transmitted from bird to bird by direct contact with bodily excrement and respiratory secretions.
Blood, semen or vaginal secretions, and human milk from a person with HIV are considered infectious.
This may be due to the accumulation of fluid, since several liters per day of gastrointestinal secretions may be produced.
Tears, nasal secretions and tissue fluids contain lysozymes which destroy invading ' foreign ' material.
However, no treatment has yet be found to restore glandular secretions.
In very ill patients, hydration can cause problems with bronchial secretions, vomiting or incontinence.
They will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions.
The salivary secretions of some tick species may cause toxicosis and paralysis.
The secretions of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and a pair of naso-lacrymal glands (not to be confounded with the Harderian and the lacrymal glands), moisten and clean the chamber.
Not only are the secreted juices of specialized cells thus set one against another in the body, whereby the various organs of the body maintain a mutual play, but the blood itself also in its cellular and fluid parts contains elements potent in the destruction of bacteria and of their secretions.
Besides the secretions already mentioned as being stimulated, the bile, the tears and the perspiration are increased by the exhibition of this drug.
They feed on epidermal tissue debris, parts of feathers, sebaceous secretions and blood.
Sooty mold - Black fungus on foliage caused by sticky secretions from aphids.
Mites love to feed upon the secretions and tissues of a cat's ear, and so they build their ideal home within this environment.
These changes are the result of hormone secretions, which is also why this is an emotionally-charged time, loaded with mood swings.
This surgery can affect speech, making it more nasal and causing a lot of drainage of secretions into the throat.
Such frames will not only maintain their properties at humid, low, or high temperatures, but they also exhibit a powerful resistance to chemicals like alcohol, solvents, cosmetics and skin secretions.
The onset of copious milk secretions after birth is lactogenesis, stage 2, and usually occurs from day two or three to eight days postpartum.
It can be transmitted through body secretions, as well as by sexual contact; some newborns acquire CMV through the mother's breast milk.
During normal digestion, as food passes from the stomach into the small intestine, it is mixed with pancreatic secretions that help to break down the nutrients for absorption.
Most people with CF need to take pancreatic enzymes to supplement or replace the inadequate secretions of the pancreas.
An assistant thumps the rib cage to help loosen the secretions.
Bronchodilators and theophyllines open up the airways; steroids reduce inflammation; and mucolytics loosen secretions.
Pancreatic insufficiency-Reduction or absence of pancreatic secretions into the digestive system due to scarring and blockage of the pancreatic duct.
A definitive diagnosis is based on culture or detection of the virus in eye secretions, sputum, urine, or stool.
Coughing protects the respiratory system by clearing it of irritants and secretions.
Bronchiolitis is spread the same way that most other respiratory viruses are communicated, through droplets and contact with infected nasal secretions.
It is found in mucous secretions and intercellular spaces.
In some cases the doctor may order a filter paper or glucose content test of nasal secretions to check for the presence of cerebrospinal fluid.
However, people in the same household or daycare center, or anyone with direct contact with a patient's oral secretions is considered at increased risk of acquiring the infection.
A nasal swab can be obtained to isolate the virus or antibodies to the virus in secretions.
Frequent hand washing, especially after contact with respiratory secretions, and the correct disposal of used tissues help keep the disease from spreading.
Obstruction prevents the normal passage of stomach contents into the duodenum and keeps the gallbladder and pancreas from draining their secretions.
When obstruction occurs, regardless of cause, food, gas, and secretions from within the intestine will accumulate above the point of obstruction, bloating (distending) the affected portion of intestine.
Transmission of HBV occurs through blood and body fluid exposure such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, or saliva.
Assisted cough techniques provide the strength needed to clear the airways of secretions; an assisted cough machine is also available and provides excellent results.
It is found in saliva, tears, and all other mucus secretions.
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is found in respiratory secretions and is directed toward invasion of the body by parasites and in allergic reactions such as hay fever, atopic dermatitis, and allergic asthma.
Air breathed in through the mouth travels through the oropharynx, which also carries swallowed food, water, and salivary secretions through the food tube (esophagus) and then into the stomach.
Children may cough up clumps of sputum or phlegm, secretions produced in the alveoli during the infection or inflammatory condition.
The child is also be given fluids and possibly drug therapy to thin mucus secretions (mucolytic agents) or medication to open the airways of the lung (brochodilators).
It is also found in body fluids, including semen, saliva, urine, feces, breast milk, blood, and secretions of the cervix (the narrow, lower section of the uterus).
Babies can be born infected with CMV, either becoming infected in the uterus (congenital infection) or during birth (from infected cervical secretions).
H. influenzae is a common organism worldwide; it has been found in the nasal secretions of as many as 90 percent of healthy individuals in the general population.
They are usually placed on a special rotating bed that is designed to decrease pressure on the skin and help move secretions from the lungs.
Measles is caused by a virus that grows in the nose, mouth, throat, and the eyes, and in their secretions.
Instead these secretions back up into the mouth and nasal area, causing the baby to drool excessively.
Nasal polyps or increased amounts of nasal secretions are often noted in patients with asthma.
The bacteria are found in vaginal secretions and semen.
Infection may also occur during oral sex, such as transmission of HSV from an oral lesion to the genitals or vice versa, or transmission of HIV from genital secretions through a cut in the mouth.
Chest physical therapy is the term for a group of treatments designed to improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen respiratory muscles, and eliminate secretions from the respiratory system.
Chest physical therapy is normally done in conjunction with other treatments to rid the airways of secretions.
Good respiratory health is not possible without efficient clearance of secretions in the airway.
There are many diseases and disabilities in children linked with poor lung health and an impaired ability to clear secretions.
Chest physical therapy is one way to reduce the risks of an inefficient clearance of airway secretions.
It is based on the theory that when various areas of the chest and back are percussed, shock waves are transmitted through the chest wall, loosening the airway secretions.
If the child is positioned appropriately, the loosened secretions will then drain into the upper airways, where they can then be cleared using coughing and deep breathing techniques.
Coughing helps to break up secretions in the lungs so that the mucus can be expectorated or suctioned out if necessary.
Postural drainage uses the force of gravity to assist in effectively draining secretions from the smaller airways into the central airway where they can either be coughed up or suctioned out.
The purpose of percussion is to break up thick secretions in the lungs so they can more easily be removed.
As with percussion, the purpose of vibration is to help break up lung secretions.
Many children may wish to perform oral hygiene measures after therapy to lessen the poor taste of the secretions they have expectorated.
Coughing-In chest physical therapy, coughing is used to help break up secretions in the lungs so that the mucus can be suctioned out or expectorated.
Postural drainage-The use of positioning to drain secretions from the bronchial tubes and lungs into the trachea or windpipe where they can either be coughed up or suctioned out.
Vibration-The treatment that is applied to help break up lung secretions.
The role of female hormones in female sexual activity is less clear, although hormones strengthen tissues and promote healthy secretions, facilitating sexual activity.
If your periods are regular, you can keep track of your ovulation dates by monitoring your body temperature and your vaginal secretions.
The second factor that women must monitor is their vaginal secretions.
During other times of the cycle, secretions may be thin and watery or even non-existent.
This particular type of vaginal secretion ensures that the sperm has a greater chance of survival on its long journey to meet the egg.Observing vaginal secretions is a complex but highly accurate aid to the timing of peak fertility.
It works by thickening the cervical secretions, which then acts as a barrier against sperm entering the female reproductive tract.
It also thickens cervical secretions in the same way as the mini pill.
For most women, the vaginal secretions during ovulation will alter and become sticky, creamy and viscous, whereas at other times of the cycle it may be watery and much clearer, or not be present at all.
If you are indeed pregnant, the discharge is probably a normal bodily function due to increased secretions from the vagina and the cervix, as old cells from the vagina walls are shed.
You may notice vaginal secretions that are slippery and colorless right before the egg enters the uterus.
The secretions disappear or they may become thick and cloudy after ovulation has occurred.
This process helps draw out lymph secretions and waste, loosens dried lymph and helps alleviate swelling.
It is normal for your piercing to be irritated and sore during healing; you may also see secretions of a whitish or yellow liquid known as lymph.
Hot compresses made with hot water can help draw out lymph secretions and ease swelling.
With the reduction in insulin secretions, your body can finally release stored fat as fuel.
The authors speculate that on a physiological level, the mood enhancing benefits of exercise may be due to increased blood flow to the brain, as well as increased secretions of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin.
A lab coat protects your clothing from chemicals, blood and other secretions thus making them essential for work.
But even when inside it does not follow that the Fungus can kill the cell, and many cases are known where the Fungus can break throtigh the cells first lines of defence (cell-wall and protoplasmic lining); but the struggle goes on at close quarters, and various degrees of hypertrophy, accumulation of plastic bodies or secretions, discolorations, &c.,, indicate the suffering of the still living cell.
This modification is important, because it transfers the formative influence from the plastic substances to the protoplasm, suggesting that, the diverse constituents are produced (whether spontaneously or as the result of stimulation) as secretions by the protoplasm.
Besides the aphids, other insects, such as scale insects (Coccidae), caterpillars of blue butterflies (Lycaenidae), and numerous beetles, furnish the ants with nutrient secretions.
Sometimes acid sometimes alkaline properties predominated in the juices and secretions of the body, and produced corresponding disturbances.
In the application of chemistry to the examination of secretions Willis made some important steps.
When the condom is in place during sexual intercourse, there is no contact of the vagina and cervix with the skin of the penis or with secretions from the penis.