Secretes Sentence Examples
Exoskeleton The outer cellular layer (ectoderm or " hypodermis ") of insects as of other Arthropods, secretes a chitinous cuticle which has to be periodically shed and renewed during the growth of the animal.
The body wall consists of an epidermis which secretes a delicate cuticle and is only ciliated in Aeolosoma, and in that genus only on the under surface of the prostomium.
One species, the slugworm (Eriocampa liynacina), is common to Europe and America; the larva is a curious slug-like creature, found on the upper surface of the leaves of the pear and cherry, which secretes a slimy coating from its skin.
It is the adrectal gland, and in the genera Murex and Purpura secretes a colourless liquid which turns purple upon exposure to the atmosphere, and was used by the ancients as a dye.
It is surrounded by a ridge of cells which gradually extends over the visceral sac and secretes the shell.
Shell thin; operculum absent; tentacles bifid; foot secretes a float; pelagic. Janthina.
The upper layer is the corneagen and secretes the lens, the lower is the retinal layer.
The ectoderm loses entirely the ciliation which it had in the planula and actinula stages and commonly secretes on its external surface a protective or supporting investment, the perisarc. Contrasting with this, the anthopolyp is generally of s q uat form, the diameter often exceeding the height; the peristome is wide, a hypostome is lacking, and the ectoderm, or so much of it as is exposed, i.e.
In many Lamellibranchs a gland is found on the hinder surface of the foot in the mid line, which secretes a substance which sets into the form of threads - the so-called " byssus " - by means of which the animal can fix itself.
In Aspergillum the whole of the tubular mantle area secretes a continuous shelly tube, although in the young condition two valves were present.
AdvertisementThe external epithelium of the dorsal region secretes the shell.
The zone of the external surface of the mantle within the edge secretes a layer formed of prisms of calcite; the rest of the epithelium from this zone to the apex secretes the inner layer of the shell, composed of successive laminae; this is the nacreous layer, and in certain species has a commercial value as nacre or mother-of-pearl.
In one or two cases the epithelium of the foot secretes a calcified shell, which is either free as in Argonauta or adherent as in Hipponyx.
The yolk prepared by the latter is conducted by one or more specialized ducts to the oviduct and the point of union is distinguished by the opening of a " shell-gland " which secretes a membrane around the conjoined mass of ovum and yolk.
Miss Durham interprets her results as indicating that the skin of these pigmented animals normally secretes one or more tyrosinases.
AdvertisementUsually each tube is provided with caecal appendages on its proximal portion, and these serve as vesiculae seminales, while the distal portion is enlarged and glandular and secretes the egg-shell.
Among Colbert's papers are Memoires sur les affaires de finance de France (written about 1663), a fragment entitled Particularites secretes de la vie du Roy, and other accounts of the earlier part of the reign of Louis XIV.
We do not know at present if any corresponding anti-toxin or antitrypsin, as we may term it, is returned into the lymphatics or blood from the gland, but the pancreas, which in addition to secreting trypsin secretes a diastatic ferment forming sugar from starch, pours this into the intestine and secretes at the same time a glycolytic ferment which breaks up sugar, and this latter passes into the blood by way of the lymphatics.
It is probable that the pancreas in its turn also secretes something which activates a ferment in the muscles.
In function the perianth may be compared with a unilocular ovary containing a single ovule; the projecting integument, which at the time of pollination secretes a drop of liquid, serves the same purpose as the style and stigma of an angiosperm.
AdvertisementBetween the two middle toes, in most species, is lodged a deep glandular bag having the form of a retort with a small external orifice, which secretes an unctuous and odorous substance.
Phoronis is often gregarious, the tubes which it secretes being sometimes intertwined in an inextricable mass.
It consists of loose cellular tissue, and secretes a viscid matter which detains the pollen, and causes it to germinate.
During germination the barley secretes the enzyme diastase which makes the starch in the barley soluble, thus preparing it for conversion into sugar.
The stomach wall also secretes gastrin while the kidney produces the hormone renin.
AdvertisementThe foot muscle constantly secretes mucus which later dries to form the silvery slime trails that signal their presence.
This gland secretes porphyrins (red tears) in response to stress.
A Delta cell is a cell that secretes somatostatin.
When the bat bites its victim, it secretes this powerful clot-dissolving substance so that the victim's blood will keep flowing.
In Limnocodium the body secretes a gelatinous mucus to which adhere particles of mud, &c., forming a protective covering.
Aspergillus Oryzae plays an important part in saccharifying the starch of rice, maize, &c., by means of the abundant diastase it secretes, and, in symbiosis with a yeast which ferments the sugar formed, has long been used by the Japanese for the preparation of the alcoholic liquor sake.
Gazette, xlvi., 1908, regards this tissue as belonging to the nucellus.) At the time of pollination the long tubular integument secretes a drop of fluid at its apex, which holds the pollen-grains, brought by the wind, or possibly to some extent by insect agency, and by evaporation these are drawn on to the top of the nucellus, where partial disorganization of the cells has given rise to an irregular pollen-chamber (fig.
When the bat bites its victim, it secretes this powerful clot-dissolving substance so that the victim 's blood will keep flowing.
The thing that makes mildew destructive is an enzyme it secretes.
The hypothalamus also secretes hormones that regulate the pituitary gland.
Precocious Puberty Causes and Symptoms Puberty begins when the brain secretes a hormone that triggers the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins, which in turn stimulate the ovaries or testes to produce sex hormones.
Adrenal gland-A small gland located above the kidney (one on each side) that secretes various hormones.
After conception, the pregnancy hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) secretes from the developing placenta after the egg implants in the uterine lining.
Secretes solution to clean hairs from blades so that the razor lasts longer.
Finding school backpack sales isn't difficult, although there are a few secretes that can save you money, if you're prepared.
It secretes enough insulin to take care of the extra blood sugar.
She was seriously disturbed at keeping secretes from Howie; perhaps more so than he was, doing the same thing.