Seconds Sentence Examples
Within seconds, his head flew across the room.
Seconds later it crashed into the trees below.
It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but it seemed much longer.
It'll take a few seconds only.
Dustin assessed her in silence for a few seconds, and she had the feeling his sharp gaze missed nothing.
The act of feeding, in which the proboscis is buried in the skin of the victim nearly up to the bulb, is remarkably quick, and in thirty seconds or less the abdomen of the fly, previously flat, becomes swollen out with blood like a berry.
According to the missionary Gaubil, the Chinese divided the day into loo ke, each ke into loo minutes, and each minute into 00 seconds.
For a few seconds there was silence on the other end of the line.
As the entire time required for light to pass over the radius of the earth's orbit is only about 500 seconds, this error is fatal to the method.
In this condition the leaves are stripped from the stems and sorted into qualities, such as " lugs, " or lower leaves, " firsts " and " seconds.
AdvertisementThe powers thus appealed to occupy a position analogous to that of seconds in a duel, who are authorized to arrange an "affair of honour" between their principals.
By this means the time of stoppage is reduced to a minimum, 8 seconds for a three-decked cage as against 28 seconds, as the operations of lowering the tubs to the level of the pit-top, discharging, and replacing them are performed during the time that the following load is being drawn up the pit.
With this apparatus he traversed on the 12th of November 1906 a distance of 220 metres in 21 seconds.
Minutes or even seconds being lost could prove fatal.
After a few seconds ' hesitation, he accepted.
AdvertisementWhere the blast has to be kept up for only a few seconds, this instrument is quite serviceable, but in longer chemical operations inconvenience arises from the condensation of moisture exhaled by the lungs in the tube.
If it is shot away, it can be replaced in a few seconds.
A few seconds after each of these headlong descents a mysterious sound strikes his ear - compared by some to drumming, and by others to the bleating of a sheep or goat,' which sound evidently comes from the bird as it shoots downwards, and then only.
A pair of working converters has made 4958 charges of 10 tons each, or a total of 50,547 tons, in one month, or at an average rate of a charge every seven minutes and twenty-four seconds throughout every working day.
The piece travels through the rolls very rapidly, so that the reduction takes place over its whole length in a very few seconds, whereas in forging, whether under hammer or press, after one part of the piece has been compressed the piece must next be raised, moved forward, and placed so that the hammer or press may compress the next part of its length.
AdvertisementThe heat-flow through the central column amounted to about 7.5 calories in 54 seconds, and was measured by continuing the tube through the iron plate into the bulb of a Bunsen ice calorimeter, and observing with a chronometer to a fifth of a second the time taken by the mercury to contract through a given number of divisions.
Now if a be the amplitude expressed in millimetres, and t the period expressed in seconds, then the maximum velocity of an earth particle as it vibrates to and fro equals 27ra/t, whilst the maximum acceleration equals 4,r 2 0 2.
In Japan, Germany, Austria, England and Russia horizontal pendulums of the von Rebeur-Paschwitz type are employed, which by means of levelling screws are usually adjusted to have a natural period or double swing of from 15 to 30 seconds.
With a period of 18 seconds, and the record-receiving paper at a distance of about 15 ft., a deflection of I millimetre of the light spot may indicate a tilting of AD part of a second of arc, or I in.
Suppose now, for the moment, that the readings of the levels k and l are identical in both observations, we have then, in the difference between the micrometer readings north and south, a measure of the difference of the two zenith distances expressed in terms of the micrometer screw; and, if the "` value of one revolution of the micrometer screw" is known in seconds of arc we have for the resulting latitude FIG.
AdvertisementThe value of "one revolution of the screw in seconds of arc" can be determined either by observing at transit the difference of zenith distance of two stars of known declination in terms of the micrometer screw, the instrument remaining at rest between their transits; or by measuring at known instants in terms of the screw, the change of zenith distance of a standard star of small polar distance near the time of its greatest elongation.
The numbers correspond to an amplitude of 10 centimetres and a period of two seconds.
The arched passage-way is very symmetrical, varying in height from 19 to 35 ft., and famous for its musical reverberations - not a distinct echo, but an harmonious prolongation of sound for from 10 to 30 seconds after the original tone is produced.
The heaviest shock began at 12 minutes 6 seconds past 5 o'clock a.m., Pacific standard time, and lasted 1 minute 5 seconds.
In Tate's experiments the period was never less than 40 seconds.
To find the radius of the sphere of water which vibrates seconds, put p = 21I, T= 81, p= 1, n= 2.
The preparations occupy from five to ten minutes, and the actual smoking about thirty seconds.
Their flight, moreover, was unsatisfactory, from the fact that it only lasted a few seconds.
The apparatus when liberated flies into the air sometimes to a height of 50 ft., and gyrates in large circles for a period varying from 15 to 30 seconds.
It flies this distance in from io to II seconds, its mean speed being something like 12 ft.
Their machines to begin with were merely gliders, the operator lying upon them in a horizontal position, but in 1903 a petrol motor was added, and a flight lasting 59 seconds was performed.
On the 31st of December he succeeded in remaining in the air for 2 hours 20 minutes 23 seconds.
These suggestions took practical shape by a decree of the National Assembly in 1790 appointing a committee to consider the suitability of adopting either the length of the seconds pendulum, a fraction of the length of the equator or a fraction of the quadrant of the terrestrial meridian..
The latter are divided into sidereal hours, minutes and seconds as the solar day is.
The orbits thus present themselves to us in the words of a distinguished writer as " Great clocks of eternity which beat ages as ours beat seconds."
An adjunct of prime importance, which is necessary to their use, is an accurate clock, beating seconds.
The following table shows an average value for any date and for the Greenwich meridian for a number of years, from which the actual value will seldom deviate more than 20 seconds until after 1950.
A few seconds later Alondra joined her and the two girls poured over the picture.
But I'm going to ride it for my eight seconds and get my rodeo ribbon, before I get tossed on my ass.
Within seconds, their petting grew frantic, and she shimmied out of her dress before pushing off his shirt.
His strength, his heat…in seconds, she couldn't think of anything more than feeling more of him, tasting more of him.
Declining seconds, she finished her meal and rose, suddenly wishing she hadn't been seated in the far corner.
Dean thought about it for all of ten seconds after Weller left, but once more on his bicycle, all thoughts of his future were restricted to immediate concerns of removing himself and his wife from the list of prime suspects in Jerome Shipton's attempted murder.
The clock ticked thirty long seconds away and then the silence was ripped by a ferocious growl.
He held her for a few seconds longer to emphasize that he only let her go because he wanted to.
Xander suddenly was tame, compared to an Oracle who read her past and future in two seconds.
A few seconds of extra latency on the data network will likely go unnoticed; but, on the voice network it can cause anarchy!
I am learning how to levitate an inanimate object in mid-air for 20 seconds.
Citroen says that this gives it a 0-60mph acceleration time of just over six seconds and a top speed in excess of 155mph.
A film showed the room was well alight in 33 seconds.
Most are here for fun rather than points, which is great. âFive seconds to start, says the announcer.
Instead of mobilizing a fire appliance in seconds while the call is still being dealt with, you are prioritized.
An experienced archer could fire an arrow every five seconds.
The Astronomical Almanac reports the precessed right ascension of the object in hours, minutes and seconds for the epoch of observation.
Seconds later he too is murdered by an unseen assailant.
User groups have demonstrated that mobile subscribers have an average attention span of just 90 seconds.
Ozone is a natural biocide, which effectively kills bacteria, viruses and fungi within seconds.
Thirty seconds after the injection of suxamethonium, the patient developed a bradycardia and suffered cardiac arrest.
Tom Allen from the City of Chester won the bronze medal in the 400m Individual Medley more than three seconds inside his personal best.
Luke Jones ran an outstanding race in the intermediate boys championship where he took the bronze medal just 10 seconds behind the race winner.
Seconds to spare, I found a horse-drawn cab leaving the Hotel Dragoni.
These were a perpetual calendar and chronograph with split seconds.
Poor availability from key players and last-minute call-ups to the seconds meant they fielded only 10 players.
Add the cinnamon sticks and black cardamoms and let them sizzle for a few seconds before adding the marinated meat with its liquid.
Add the chiles carefully (the oil might splatter) and toast them until fragrant, 3 to 5 seconds per side.
We fell for around 20 - 25 seconds before deploying the chute.
All this takes about 13 to 15 seconds and apart from a few audible clunks, does so fairly smoothly.
Not us, because this ingenious manual coffee maker produces the richest, smoothest brew in under 30 seconds... .
We all crammed back into our tin can to drive 30 seconds around the corner to the lagoon.
Every few seconds, someone would randomly press one of the buttons, and stand back to admire the high decibel auditory effect.
Instead of every seconds state decriminalized video the state lottery.
Helicopter there and back - five hours. ' He is not dejected for many seconds.
On a heterodyne bat detector the calls are a machine-gun like series of regular clicks for bursts of 5 to 10 seconds.
Natural catastrophes and the havoc of War cause widespread devastation, wiping out life and art in a matter of seconds.
Nice looking watch with sub seconds dial at the 9 position.
For the first few seconds there is a terrible din.
My initials fears are immediately dispelled within seconds of his arrival in the North London pub at which we have agreed to meet.
Officers also talked to drivers about ' microsleep ' - a brief doze that lasts between two and 30 seconds.
Last week, a study revealed underage drinkers try to buy alcohol on average once every five seconds across the UK.
And this isn't a small leak, it's almost a steady drip that can form a puddle within 30 seconds.
And it got worse for them in the dying seconds when defender Michael Howard was sent off following a dust-up with Craig Faulconbridge.
For most of the nonlinear partial differential equations which we have tested, the running time is no more than 10 seconds.
These machines will produce professional quality espresso at the touch of a button in a matter of seconds.
If nothing else, I'll have a whole 30 seconds of increased self esteem if I see someone buying it.
She also competed in the 100m where she narrowly failed to reach the final finishing fifth in her heat in 12.80 seconds.
My mind seems so foggy sometimes that I can't even think how to spell my surname right for a few seconds.
Many visitors, however, will be most familiar with the lighthouse foghorn which sounds every fifteen seconds during periods of poor visibility.
Katharine Merry, sidelined from the Spar European Cup by tight hamstrings, ran a 200m personal best, 22.76 seconds.
Ten seconds later, I rang the country's foremost medical humorist to ask him to join me.
He is also a very skilled hypnotist, able to entrance most people in seconds.
The dolphins stared at it for about thirty seconds, during which time the barracuda remained totally immobilized.
Now, with the results available in a few seconds, past indiscretions can quickly become public knowledge.
Hiroshima, visited by a bomb of exponential power, reached an infinity of destruction in seconds.
This is continued for at least six seconds (which allows autogenic inhibition to occur ).
For thirty seconds it's quite exciting; after a couple of minutes you wonder why something improbable has also become interminable.
Collect it and you become invincible for 10 seconds allowing you to just run into enemies to kill them.
The interactive puzzles require Java to run and may take a few seconds to load on your computer.
Cook down for a few seconds to make a jus.
From a pure shutter lag view the Coolpix S1 took a picture and recorded it in 0.48 seconds.
An ultra bright blue led latches for 20 seconds, clearly indicating a run.
Acceleration is quite leisurely, with 11 seconds needed to reach 60mph.
In a game where you can lose your character within seconds of starting a bout, adding extra speed is just utter lunacy.
After thirty seconds of torture you may permanently maim the victim in one of the following ways.
Ahead of all this, Lindley scored a fine victory, extending his winning margin to almost seven seconds with a classy display.
We add 5000 milliseconds to this to specify the instant five seconds from now.
These displays of emotion could not help but appear comical and somewhat misplaced, crammed as they were into links of 15 seconds maximum.
Download time 11 seconds based on a 56k modem.
A rough measurement of the speed of the freshly mown lawns was 9.9 seconds on the Plummer scale.
Whilst a high-fat snack is over in seconds, you are still munching on an alternative carbo food.
Online Gold Finder Online Gold Finder will help you find hidden profitable online niches in seconds.
My hands went numb with cold in a matter of seconds.
The audience gave him a rapturous standing ovation which lasted at least 14 seconds.
By first service Stephen was up to 11th overall and was a mere 15 seconds behind JWRC contender Guy Wilks.
Since his 5k pace is 75 seconds per 400m, his interval pace will be 71 seconds per 400m.
Rather than breaking her limbs like rag doll back flipping over Niagara she doggy paddles back to safety in 20 seconds flat.
And the visitors started the brighter, taking the lead in 100 seconds and dominating the opening ten minutes with slick passing.
Seconds ago, we were performing a pastiche of a 1960's puppet show and now, suddenly, we're here.
Even then it required patience to at last see it stalk out from under a bush for a few seconds.
In their military form, op pesticides can kill in seconds or lead to permanent disability.
A separate passenger pillion can be removed in seconds to give the bike a solo profile.
The second wheel drives a pinion on the spindle of the " escape wheel " which turns once in 80 seconds.
In seconds, the figure was wrestled to the ground and was feeling the cold muzzle of Andrews dueling pistol against their temple.
Within seconds of Mr Courtney signaling it was all over, Burnley players disappeared under a sea of fans who invaded the pitch.
Luscious lips is a " lip plumper " which needs to be used for only a few seconds each day.
A close second was Kendra Ryder of Galway who missed the winner's podium by less than 60 seconds!
In the same time, the slower rotating pulsar spins only 22 times or every 2.8 seconds.
Instead we were waiting for the sucker punch, which duly arrived 60 seconds later.
Remarkably, within 30 seconds she turns into a purring pussycat declaring his name to be love.
Competition round up In Belper, this evening, Mr Dudley Arkwright ate 622 radishes in six minutes, 23 seconds.
Click here to view a page which does automatically refresh every 60 seconds.
After a storming rendition of Tubthumping Chumbawamba leave the stage only to be back seconds later.
The Japanese rider emerged victorious after passing the checkered flag more than 11 seconds ahead of the championship runner-up.
There are no more safety pins to worry about, and it takes 10 seconds to refill the thread reel.
A child dies every 15 seconds from diseases associated with unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation.
Seconds later Crash bags its second award of the night, scooping the sister honor for best original screenplay.
Heffernan of York City rowing club came home 6 seconds clear of A West from Leander to win the lightweight single sculls.
A few seconds later I was into my first sea trout.
She did herself and Clevedon proud on Monday 1st August by knocking almost 4 seconds off her PB in the 200m Freestyle event.
Note it will probably take a few seconds to render!
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running!
I was caught on the lip for several seconds, the water whipping away my breath and drumming hard on my helmet.
We stood inside the room for fully forty seconds, and the odd old gentleman did not look at us.
Season with the pepper then add the sherry and sherry vinegar allowing it a few seconds to bubble before reducing the heat.
The delay varies from one to three seconds for verbatim phonetic machine shorthand, to around five seconds for edited input using qwerty.
Once he had finished, there was a stunned silence for several seconds.
After a few seconds of shocked silence Matt carefully replaced his arm about the other man and allowed the snuggle.
To adequately simulate this, the seal over the subject's nose should be held for approximately 2 seconds.
Only seconds later Danny Hazel missed a sitter to put the Row ahead.
Ofcom noted that the crockery smashing stall was included for less than two seconds.
Nicotine affects the brain within seconds of inhaling cigarette smoke.
In 1999 overall victory was almost snatched by the ladies winner A Reid, who was just 3 seconds behind male N Davenport.
They were his last words; seconds later, he was killed by a sniper!
The 12ins square dial is mounted with turban head and foliage spandrels, a silvered chapter ring, seconds ring and calendar aperture.
You cannot cast a spell, use a magical item, run, or attack for two seconds.
Hold this stretch for a few seconds before slowly coming back up through a curved spine.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model spitfire.
It covers the 0-62mph sprint in 7.1 seconds and achieves a top speed of 140mph.
Ready in seconds it's also ideal for vertical use on windows by placing the window squeegee attachment on.
One white streamer moved at an estimated 3,000 m.p.h. in an arc for 20 seconds.
The replay was looking to be heading the same way until the final seconds, when in-form striker McGregor slotted home.
Yet an electric head-only stun only lasts between 20 and 40 seconds.
Having removed the first rigid subcomponent the segmentation algorithm was run again with the remaining range data, this time taking 74 seconds.
The blasts, which lasted only a few seconds, might be early alert systems for star explosions called supernovae.
Give them 5 seconds to make a frozen tableau of the photo.
The default timeout interval for these requests is 15 seconds.
Thinking about exposure in terms of seconds is just confusing, think in print tones and let your f-stop enlarger timer do the work!
Once more that steady pull began, and once more I lay torpid a century of dragging seconds till my breast was naked again.
The subsidiary seconds are at 9. It still has bright tritium luminous dial markings.
The sedative in the rag works quickly and she slumps unconscious within seconds.
Officious and not valiant, you haue sham'd me In your condemned Seconds.
Men's Seconds 28 Jan 06 Horncastle II 0 vs 3 Cambridge South II South awarded a walkover.
Seconds after the restart Holmes wasted a glorious opportunity to put the game beyond doubt when he blazed wide.
This one really zings, as the claimed 0-62mph acceleration figure of 4.8 seconds shows.
The mutual distances of the intersecting wires he determined by counting, with the aid of a pendulum clock, the number of seconds required by an equatorial star to pass from web to web, while the telescope was adjusted so that the star ran parallel to the wires at right angles to those under investigation.
To Napier seems to be due the first use of the decimal point in arithmetic. Decimal fractions were first introduced by Stevinus in his tract La Disme, published in 1585, but he used cumbrous exponents (numbers enclosed in circles) to distinguish the different denominations, primes, seconds, thirds, &c. Thus, for example, he would have written 123.456 as 123@4050603.
The galvanometer which is used for ballistic observations should have a somewhat heavy needle with a period of vibration of not less than five seconds, so that the transient current may have ceased before the swing has well begun; an instrument of the d'Arsonval form is recommended, not only because it is unaffected by outside magnetic influence, but also because the moving part can be instantly brought to rest by means of a short-circuit key, thus effecting a great saving of time when a series of observations is being made.
The well-known rule of a mile for every five seconds between flash and peal gives a fair estimate of the distance of the lightning.
An application of the finger for 20 or 30 seconds to the under surface of the vessel will then generate enough heat to lower appreciably the surface-tension, as is evidenced by the opening out of the dust and the formation of a bare spot perhaps r z in.
Most of the metallic vapours that produce this lie too close to the photosphere for the separation to be made except during eclipses, when a flash spectrum of bright lines shines out for, say, five seconds after the continuous spectrum has disappeared, and again before it reappears (see Eclipse).
Third, pretty much everything we know is published on the Internet and can be found in moments, if not seconds.
Casually, while surveying the squadron, the Emperor's eyes met Rostov's and rested on them for not more than two seconds.
When she changed her position so that his left eye could see her face he calmed down, not taking his eyes off her for some seconds.
They were silent for a few seconds.
The supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet, operated for about 10 seconds - the duration of its hydrogen fuel supply.
The gates are then closed for 0.8 seconds to allow the readout electronics to read the accumulated counts from the counters.
I also recommend that for every hour of sitting that they stretch their iliopsoas and rectus femoris for a minimum of 30 seconds each.
You will be redirected there automatically in 10 seconds.
With the engine warm, hold the throttle half open for 15 seconds, then rev the engine in quick succession a few times.
But now there were a few seconds before they left for the church and Sarah was scared stiff.
Seconds early Neil Tolson had struck a post after veteran Steve Cherry had failed to clear, whilst Gaynor has a screamer inches wide.
Note it will probably take a few seconds to render !
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running !
This review is confidential and will self-destruct in five seconds.
Stephens ' performance in the 50m freestyle saw him shave almost a second off his previous best with a time of 36.21 seconds.
Once in every two seconds a similar mark was made by a current sent by means of the standard sidereal clock of the Observatory.
To adequately simulate this, the seal over the subject 's nose should be held for approximately 2 seconds.
Haga was a slowing sixth in race two, nine seconds from the victor, Bayliss.
Then, with just seconds left on the clock, Colin Stein snatched a dramatic equalizer for Rangers.
They were his last words; seconds later, he was killed by a sniper !
The spaceship pilot then fires his rocket motor for about 80 seconds, reaching Mach 3 in a vertical climb.
He scanned the audience in two seconds, then launched into a personal reminiscence that had the audience spellbound for 40 minutes.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model Spitfire.
Grand Stand Restaurant This split-level restaurant is situated just seconds from your reserved seats.
If I 'm aiming to sprint 25 yards in 15 seconds or so, I can afford to turn over as fast as possible.
Ready in seconds it 's also ideal for vertical use on windows by placing the window squeegee attachment on.
In 2001, nearly all cars tested by Autocar 6 could brake from 60 mph to a standstill in 3 seconds or less.
He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper.
So with 50 seconds remaining of the half I went to siphon the old python of its pre-match sponsors drink.
Specify the timeout, in seconds, for the server.
Tonic seizure tend to last no longer than 10 seconds.
If using a touch-tone press 9-1-1 every 5 seconds throughout the order.
Such a fast healing process, probably on the order of tens of seconds, leads to a repeatable trigger mechanism.
Tuneup power is 4 to 60 watts and tuning takes 5 seconds or less.
It could take up to ten seconds to unscramble the signal every time you changed the channel.
Officious and not valiant, you haue sham 'd me In your condemned Seconds.
Occasionally, a sudden turn of the person 's head triggers vertigo for a few seconds.
A woman becomes a victim of domestic violence every 20 seconds.
The cost of a videophone call will be 54 yen per 10 seconds (324 yen per minute) to both destinations.
Men 's Seconds 28 Jan 06 Horncastle II 0 vs 3 Cambridge South II South awarded a walkover.
One child dies every eight seconds from a waterborne disease; 15 million children a year.
Golf became harder as his hands would waver about for a few seconds and he had little control of the club.
Within four seconds, steam pressure and power readings went off the scale; the zirconium fuel assemblies and the channels containing them disintegrated.
Madison showed how capricious she is when she went from being excited to anxious in a matter of seconds,
Samantha seemed seconds from launching into a frustrated tirade against the opposing team after our sixth loss in a row.
Please eat and drink abstemiously at this event, we don't have enough for everyone to eat seconds.
Pull Ups Training Pants With Cool Alert is a newly designed type of training pant that actually lets a child feel cool within a few seconds of his wetting his training pants.
Sensor pads arranged beneath the crib mattress trigger a flashing green light and sound an alarm when no movement is detected for 20 seconds.
Water at a temperature of 140 degrees F. will produce a third-degree burn on a child in just three seconds!
The Snuza will recognize if movement is not sensed, and will actually trigger a vibration if 15 seconds passes without movement, to stimulate baby to breathe.
If the Snuza does not sense movement within 5 seconds of the vibration, then an audible alarm is activated so that parents, grandparents or caregivers can check their baby and get appropriate medical assistance, if necessary.
Cloth Diaper Clearance offers overstock items, discontinued products, and seconds.
Dapa Diapers is a website that offers seconds of name-brand diapers, which reduces the cost.
Using your smartphone, you can see what's playing at your favorite theater, when the next showtimes are and purchase the tickets all in a matter of seconds.
Since the water is forced through the coffee and into a cup, it only takes a few seconds to brew a fresh cup for anyone who wants one.
These little wonders can dice an onion in seconds, chop nuts with the push of a button, and grate a handful of cheese.
Office supply stores also carry seconds or slightly damaged units that will also do the job.
Engines packed with horses eager to get out of the gate make zero-to-60 in mere seconds and power these vehicles in the nearest experience to flying on the ground known to man.
Miraclesuit's claim to fame is that the suit "will make a woman look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds".
If you're looking for a fast, easy and inexpensive way to read the latest novels by your favorite authors, purchase eBooks online and you'll be flipping pages electronically in mere seconds.
Lying down on the mattress for just 5-10 seconds is useless.
Comfortable shoes make a long day of walking a breeze, while slip-on shoes cut an few more seconds off the whole dressing-and-undressing routine.
The sifter is operated by an electronic sensor that activates the rake approximately ten seconds after your cat leaves the enclosure.
For fifty-six seconds this languid feline duo proceeds to mew quietly back and forth as if engaged in the world's most tired conversation.
Place the ingredients into a shaker, and shake them together vigorously with ice for at least five seconds.
Shake these ingredients together with ice for several seconds, and then pour them into an old-fashioned glass.
Turn the blender on high for another 30 seconds.
Shake the drink for five seconds and pour into a salt-rimmed cocktail glass.
Combine the vodka, key lime liquor, pineapple juice and whipping cream in a martini shaker half-filled with ice and shake for thirty seconds.
Web sites can often provide a report in seconds (depending on the site's traffic and the speed of your Internet connection), and you can print it out to examine at your leisure.
Usually you will receive an answer within 30 seconds.
You will usually receive your approval or denial within 60 seconds after applying on the web.
You will receive a response within 60 seconds.
Application approval can happen in just 60 seconds.
The process is complex, but calculators can do it for you in seconds.
You might think that all outlets sell seconds or pieces that have varying ranges of manufacturing defects, but most outlets carry a mixture of seconds (slight defects) and closeouts.
The company carries used office furniture, closeouts and factory seconds in contemporary and classic styles and designs.
The Roadster can accelerate from 0 to 60 in under four seconds.
Except when you are in traffic, turn off the car if you will be sitting idle for more than thirty seconds.
Even in the winter, it is unnecessary to warm up a car for more than thirty seconds.
You can fill one, two, three or all four bottles at a time in just seconds - much faster than traditional filtering pitchers.
Gargle with this mixture twice a day, holding it in the mouth for about thirty seconds each time.
When the water reaches a strong, rolling boil, quickly dip the herbs into the water for approximately 30 seconds.
Once the room is complete, add in some color to get a realistic idea of what it will look like when you are done.The process takes just seconds to learn.
The process takes just seconds to get the hang of.
The mist lasts about fifteen seconds and then you step out of the stall to take a deep breath.
While the shower booth system takes seconds to apply, air brush tanning sessions usually last about fifteen minutes.
Stand completely still after misting for around 30 seconds.
Always let the glue dry for approximately 15 - 30 seconds before applying the false lashes to your eyes.
After you have pressed the lashes along your eyelids, keep your eyes closed for approximately sixty seconds while gently pressing onto the glued ends.
Hold lips in kissing position for a count of five seconds.
As you get more comfortable and experienced with it, you will get to a point where you know exactly how much to put on and will do so in seconds.
Within a few seconds of application, I could tell the my lips looked smoother and a bit plumper.
After a few seconds, I can see that this $22.00 blush was well worth the investment!
Allow the color to set between applications; this should take 3-5 seconds.
Curling the lashes only takes seconds, but opens up the eyes a great deal.
Dab the tip of the pencil on the chin or cheekbone pressing down for a full few seconds.
Allow the lip balm to dry for 30 seconds before proceeding.
Allow the first ½ to dry for a few seconds.
Totally and completely free, the landing page claims that you can be browsing singles in 30 seconds.
If it's perfect, select "Post" and your words will appear on MySpace in seconds.
Because of technology, to view road maps online, all you need to do is type in an address, click a button, and within seconds a map appears.
Within seconds, you can have the calculated distance and amount of time it takes to get there.
Enter in your starting point and destination and the directions appear within seconds.
You don't need to buy additional consoles or hunt down the rare games; everything is at your fingertips within seconds.
Regardless of which one you like to consistently use, make sure you save the web address to your bookmarks so you can open your web browser and load it up in a matter of seconds.
Add, subtract, multiply and divide are the only things you can do on this one, but if you need one quickly, then you can save this one to your bookmarks and have it loaded in seconds because the website loads quickly.
Yes, it may take you a few seconds to find the menu option to access the feature, but the calculator on your phone is perfect for calculating tips at restaurants or figuring out tax.
The Internet puts just about any kind of information at your fingertips within seconds.
Polaroid promises dry smudge-proof, waterproof prints in 40 seconds.
Its first image was captured in December 1975 and took about 23 seconds.
Most cameras will have this feature, which creates a delay of 10-15 seconds between the shutter button being pressed and the actual shutter movement.
If the product comes with no warranty at all and it malfunctions only seconds after you purchase it, you will have to pay to repair or replace it.
Slow motion water shots are breathtakingly beautiful and can be achieved by forcing the camera's shutter to remain open for a couple of seconds to create a subdued, flowing effect.
Yet, you also need a digital camera that allows for the longest shutter speed possible, anywhere from two to 30 seconds.
In these moments, you just have to seize the moment as Ansel Adams did during his famous moon photography in Hernandez, New Mexico, before losing the last seconds of light.
Then sit back and relax on the front porch and look forward to seconds.
Place another tortilla on top and microwave for 20 seconds.
If it submerges and then rises to the surface where it browns in about forty-five seconds, the temperature is right.
Almost instantaneously, you'll feel much calmer and clear headed than you were just a few seconds before you took the breaths.
To use progressive muscle relaxation, you must tense a group of muscles in your body and hold them as tightly contracted as possible for several seconds.
An anxiety attack may last just a few seconds, or it may last several hours depending on the severity of the attack and the cause behind it.
So, for the next ten seconds, decide to be totally present.
Whether you choose a quote or an emoticon, take a few seconds to type and brighten someone's day.
Place a small amount of water in the empty can and heat it for 20 seconds.
After they've been winked at, they must wait five seconds, then collapse.
The ghosts roam the space and try to "kill" the other players by standing behind them for 10 seconds without being caught.
If the ghost is suspected before 10 seconds is up, the other player asks "Are you a ghost?" and the ghost must respond.
When the blender has been working for 30 seconds to 1 minute, stop and check the texture of your drink.
If it's too lumpy or too thick, puree for another 30 seconds and check again.
All you need to do is toss in your favorite frozen fruits and blend them for 30 seconds.
That eternity was, to date, the longest five seconds of my life, during which my mind conjured up two possibilities for his reticence.
Using a timer, let each person on the team decorate for 30 seconds before passing the cupcake to the next person.
A friend once told me that with every pull of smoke I took, 5 seconds was taken from my lifetime.
Each breath should come within ten seconds of each other.
Is the person breathing regularly (more than eight breaths in a minute and no more than 10 seconds between each breath)?
It takes about seven to 15 seconds for nicotine to reach the brain.
Clearly, she did make the comment, then seconds later, rescinded it.
Cities in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand were destroyed in seconds.
Hayden Panettiere - While dancing, Hayden's top fell a bit, but her cat-like reflexes caught it within seconds and no embarrassing pictures made the media rounds.
What we do know is that by holding his breath under water for a reported 17 minutes and four seconds, David Blaine is the new world record holder for breath holding.
The old record was a paltry 16 minutes and 32 seconds set by a Swiss diver.
So, if your dog is not used to having his nails trimmed or is frightened, simply begin slowly and hold his toes firmly for 15-30 seconds during practice sessions.
The information updates every few seconds.
A few seconds later comes the surprise ending.
When you remove the pressure of your finger from that spot, it should go from being white to returning to it's normal shade of pink in 1.5 seconds.
If the dog listens, after a few seconds, calmly say "Take it," and allow the dog to eat the food.
Although its original running time clocks in at a mere two minutes and forty seconds, in a live setting it has been known to have been expanded to as long as 25 minutes.
Installing the solar lights takes about thirty seconds, and is as easy as pushing a stick into the ground.
The Roof Estimator will figure the estimate in seconds.
Shutters operate within seconds, and people young and old can use them.
The awning will retract, and roll itself up against the side of your house in seconds, and can unroll again just as easily.
The nozzle tip disperses a thin layer of the foam that rapidly expands to 100 times its volume in a matter of seconds.
With practice, you should be able to tie this knot in less than 30 seconds.
The rice is ready in 90 seconds and various ingredients can be added to make it a main entree.
Look for items marked "irregular" or "seconds"; these are items with a slight flaw in them (such as a crooked seam or missing buttons) and are marked down below retail.
Not all women need it, of course, but many rely on these instant slimming tools to take inches off the body in mere seconds.
The great thing about sweater coats is they can be peeled on and off in a matter of seconds.
Turn the snow blower off, wait a few seconds and remove the blockage using a stick or other solid object.
The object of the prank will become very frustrated when it takes several seconds simply to move the mouse across the screen.