Seats Sentence Examples
He did not offer seats, nor did he stand.
An old sickle mower and rake with their high metal seats were the only items she recognized.
The country by this time had become thickly covered over with castles, the seats of greater or lesser nobles, all of whom were eager to detach themselves from strict allegiance to the Regno.
Some latecomers took their seats in the stalls, and the curtain rose.
Seats were brought in and so was the tea.
Howie kept us in suspense until we assumed our seats around the table.
The game was a first for Betsy and the prime seats, compliments of her adoring boss.
The storm ended with the same abruptness it began just as the Deans commenced the trip down the mountain, glued to the water-soaked seats.
He popped out of the Jeep, leaving the Deans to unstick themselves from their seats and follow.
She pulled up a chair and the Deans took seats across from her.
AdvertisementShe relaxed and sank into the soft leather seats of the Town Car, telling herself she was being granted a chance to be normal.
The Deans took seats on the far side of the room.
A blacksmith in Gravette was making the wheels, but the rest of the buggy was complete, right down to the leather seats.
Taran followed his quick pace toward the door, watching as the advisors rose from their seats at the tables to join their master.
The new Arab invaders who soon pressed forward into their seats found the remnants of the Nabataeans transformed into fellahin, and speaking Aramaic like their neighbours.
AdvertisementWidnes is one of the principal seats of the alkali and soap manufacture, and has also grease-works for locomotives and waggons, copper works, iron-foundries, oil and paint works and sail-cloth manufactories.
Mr. Snowden made himself extremely unpopular during the World War owing to his pacifist opinions, and was one of the Socialist members of Parliament who lost their seats at the general election of 1918.
In the universities of the Netherlands and of lower Germany, as yet free from the conservatism of the old-established seats of learning, the new system gained an easy victory over Aristotelianism, and, as it was adapted for lectures and examinations, soon became almost as scholastic as the doctrines it had supplanted.
At Leiden, Utrecht, Groningen, Franeker, Breda, Nimeguen, Harderwyk, Duisburg and Herborn, and at the Catholic university of Louvain, Cartesianism was warmly expounded and defended in seats of learning, of which many are now left desolate, and by adherents whose writings have for the most part long lost interest for any but the antiquary.
France is divided into sixteen academies or educational districts, having their centres at the seats of the universities.
AdvertisementIn the second class of colonies the governor, sometimes assisted by a privy council, on which non-official members find seats, sometimes simply by a council of administration, is responsible only to the minister of the colonies.
The two chief seats of his worship were Ur in the S., and Harran considerably to the N., but the cult at an early period spread to other centres, and temples to the moon-god are found in all the large cities of Babylonia and Assyria.
Odoacer inaugurated that long series of foreign rulersGreeks, Franks, Germans, Spaniards and Austrians who have successively contributed to the misgovernment of Italy from distant seats of empire.
A motion presented by the Socialists in the Chamber for the immediate discussion of a bill to prevent the massacres of the proletariate having been rejected by an enormous majority, the 28 Socialist deputies resigned their seats; on presenting themselves for re-election their number was reduced to 25.
At the elections for the local bodies the Catholics had already been permitted to vote, and, availing themselves of the privilege, they gained seats in many municipal councils and obtained the majority in some.
AdvertisementSeats, seat rents, pews, the union and disjunction of parishes and formation of district parishes are of secular jurisdiction.
Identity of the Food of Animals and Plants.rt is evidently to the actual seats of consumption of food, and of consequent nutrition and increase of living substance, that we should turn when we wish to inquire what are the nutritive materials of plants.
The Hippodrome in Paris somewhat resembles the Roman amphitheatre, being open in the centre to the sky, with seats round on rising levels.
The Mowbray match had already brought to the Howards the representation of an elder line of the Fitzalan earls, who sat in the seats of their ancestors, the Aubignys and Warennes, great earls near akin to their sovereigns.
The council was empowered to elect one burgess to parliament, and this right continued until the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1885.
Susa once more became a capital, and on the establishment of the Persian empire remained one of the three seats of government, its language, the Neo-Susian, ranking with the Persian of Persepolis and the Semitic of Babylon as an official tongue.
Baron von Richthofen noticed with surprise the number of fine country seats, owned by rich men who had retired from business, scattered over the rural districts.
In the United States the spikes are simply driven in with a maul, and the rails stand upright, little care being taken to prepare seats for them on the sleepers, on which they soon seat themselves.
The seats, holding two persons, are placed transversely on each side of the central passage, and have reversible backs, so that passengers can always sit facing the direction in which the train is travelling.
Cars of this saloon type have been introduced into England for use on railways which have adopted electric traction, but owing to the narrower loading gauge of British railways it is not usually possible to seat four persons across the width of the car for its whole length, and at the ends the seats have to be placed along the sides of the vehicle.
This road was flanked by magazines, some belonging to the royal armoury, and abutted on a paved area with stepped seats on two sides (theatral area).
The seats of government have been Natchez (1798-1802), Washington (1802-1817), Natchez (1817-1821), Columbia (1821-1822), Jackson (1822 seq.).
The duke of Atholl's seats are Blair Castle and Dunkeld House.
Seats are found carefully shaped to the human person.
The Feast of Holy Innocents became a regular festival of children, in which a boy, elected by his fellows of the choir school, functioned solemnly as bishop or archbishop, surrounded by the elder choir-boys as his clergy, while the canons and other clergy took the humbler seats.
The Enabling Act was passed on the 30th of April 1802, the first state legislature met on the 1st of March 1803, the Territorial judges gave up their offices on the 15th of April 1803, and the Federal senators and representatives took their seats in Congress on the 17th of October 1803.
Syria happens to lie on the line of least resistance for communication between the early subtropic seats of civilization in the Nile and Euphrates valleys and the civilizations of Europe.
Attica being one of the chief seats of the worship of Artemis, this explains why Iphigeneia is sometimes called a daughter of Theseus and Helen, and thereby connected with the national hero.
Then they took their seats in the order of their admission, the men on the right and the women on the left.
They consist of chambers of various sizes, some of which were evidently human habitations, together with cisterns, channels, seats, steps, terraces and quadrangular tombs, all cut in the rock.
The seats, rising in tiers, as in a theatre, accommodated about 44,000 spectators; the arena was 670 ft.
The shores of the lough are studded with country seats lying picturesquely on the well-wooded hill slopes; and nearly 3 m.
Since then the race has been drifting steadily southward and eastward, a vast, aggregate of small independent clans united by no common government, but all obeying a common impulse to move outwards from their original seats along the line of least resistance.
Since the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1885 one member only has been returned.
When the news of this reached Paris, it created a strong feeling against the planters; and on the motion of the Abbe Gregoire it was resolved by the assembly on the 15th of May 1791 " that the people of colour resident in the French colonies, born of free parents, were entitled to, as of right, and should be allowed, the enjoyment of all the privileges of French citizens, and among others those of being eligible to seats both in the parochial and colonial assemblies."
Had this act been ratified by the government at Athens, a war between Greece and the Ottoman Empire could hardly have been avoided; but a royal rescript was issued by the king of the Hellenes on the 30th of September 1910, declaring vacant the three seats to which the Cretan representatives had been elected; the immediate danger was thus averted.
The low surrounding hills are richly wooded, and a number of country seats stand upon them.
In a valley just to the south-west of the precinct is the stadium, of which the seats and goal are well preserved.
Eclecticism gained great popularity, and, partly owing to Cousin's position as minister of public instruction, became the authorized system in the chief seats of learning in France, where it has given a most remarkable impulse to the study of the history of philosophy.
It is probable that certain privileges of the equites were due to Gracchus; that of wearing the gold ring, hitherto reserved for senators; that of special seats in the theatre, subsequently withdrawn (probably by Sulla) and restored by the lex Othonis (67 B.C.); the narrow band of purple on the tunic as distinguished from the broad band worn by the senators.
The Germans divide the whole archipelago into two administrative districts, eastern and western, having the seats of government at Ponape and Yap respectively.
The parish church contains the tombs of the Forresters, of old the leading family of the district, with full-length sculptured figures, and at the base of Corstorphine Hill - from one point of which (" Rest and be Thankful ") is to be had one of the best views of Edinburgh - are the seats of several well-known families.
But in 1909 an act was passed which placed native affairs in the hands of four district commissioners, gave to the minister for native affairs direct executive authority and created a council for native affairs on which non-official members had seats.
The plan, concerted by Kossuth and Apponyi, with the approval of Baron Aehrenthal, was to carry on a modified coalition government with the aid of the Andrassy Liberals, the National party, the Clerical People's party 2 and the Independence party, on a basis of suffrage reform with plural franchise, the 2 The People's party first emerged during the elections of 1896, when it contested 98 seats.
Robertson, a political opponent of Conkling, as collector of the port of New York, and when this appointment was confirmed by the Senate in spite of Conkling's opposition, Conkling and his associate senator from New York, Thomas C. Platt, resigned their seats in the Senate and sought re-election as a personal vindication.
But in spite of wholesale terrorism he only succeeded in wrenching five more seats from the coalition, and on Jan.
Owing to the connexion of medicine with these seats of learning, it was natural that the study of the structure and functions of the human body and of the animals nearest to man should take root there; the spirit of inquiry which now for the first time became general showed itself in the anatomical schools of the Italian universities of the 16th century, and spread fifty years later to Oxford.
In accordance with this we can give the relative positions of the various tribes, and an excursus on the rivers (47-57) lets us define their actual seats.
Voters are registered biennially, and every five years there is an automatic redistribution of seats on a voters' basis.
On their return to South Africa the Boer generals and their colleagues aided to some extent in the work of.resettlement, but the seats offered to the Boers on the executive council were declined.
Both ministers, however, subsequently secured seats elsewhere.
From the date of Queen Mary's charter until the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1885 the borough was represented by one member in parliament.
In that country much was due to the Jews, who had already established schools in places which were afterwards the seats of Moslem dominion.
These are long frames on four wheels, with a series of seats like a section of a theatre gallery.
The principal seats of the petroleum industry are Yenangyaung in the Magwe, and Yenangyat in the Pakokku districts.
But it was found that the Government was still too highly centralized and, in 1914, the various divisions were grouped into four provinces over each of which a vice-governorgeneral presided, aided by a consultative council on which non-official Europeans had seats.
The claim was refused, but on the 9th, through the inadvertence of the doorkeepers, Prynne, Annesly and Hungerford succeeded in taking their seats.
On the well-wooded fringe of the dunes on the west side of the island are the two villages of Renesse and Haamstede, the seats in former days of the two powerful lordships of the same name.
The chief seats of her legend are Delos and Delphi, and the generally accepted tradition is a union of the legends of these two places.
Lycia, one of the chief seats of the cult of Apollo, where most frequent traces are found of the worship of Leto as the great goddess, was probably the earlier home of her religion.
Mariahilf, Neubau and Margarethen are the chief seats of manufacturing industry.
These were held responsible for the misfortunes of the army, and to escape the atmosphere of popular odium retired to their country seats and the provincial capitals.
To this committee was entrusted the task of the examination of all election returns, and of the proclamation of the names of successful candidates for seats in congress.
Solingen is one of the chief seats of the German iron and steel industry, its speciality consisting in all kinds of cutlery, Solingen sword-blades have been celebrated for centuries, and are widely used outside Germany, while bayonets, knives, scissors, surgical instruments, files, steel frames and the like are also produced in enormous quantities.
The interior, with seats for about 25,000 people, has been frequently restored, till nothing of the old seats exists.
Viersen is one of the chief seats in the lower Rhine country for the manufacture of velvets, silks (especially umbrella covers) and plush.
The foundations of the stage are extant, as well as the orchestra, and the walls and seats of the auditorium.
There are thirty-three tiers of seats in seven sets, and a paved diazoma.
The seats have been cleared, and are in a state of extraordinary preservation.
No trace of the marble seats mentioned by Pausanias has been found, but they have probably been carried off for lime or building, as they could easily be removed.
He has been viewed as a chieftain of the Amorites, as the head of a great Semitic migration from Mesopotamia; or, since Ur and Haran were seats of Moon-worship, he has been identified with a moon-god.
The country surrounding Belfast is agreeable and picturesque, whether along the shores of the Lough or towards the girdle of hills to the west; and is well wooded and studded with country seats and villas.
For the first time the elected members were placed in a majority; they were given three seats in the executive council; in local questions the government had to make every effort to carry the majority by persuasion.
Strickland, who had been elected while an undergraduate on the cry of equality of rights for Maltese and English, and Mizzi, the leader of the anti-English agitation, were, as soon as elected, given seats in the executive council to co-operate with the government; but their aims were irreconcilable.
They are applied on one side of the cage only, forming a complete vertical railway, carried by iron cross sleepers, with proper seats for the rails instead of wooden buntons; the cage is guided by curved shoes of a proper section to cover the heads of the rails.
When the Assembly sought to impose on its members an oath of obedience to the new decree, Talleyrand and three other bishops complied out of the thirty who had seats in the Assembly.
In the House of Representatives seats were to be distributed in proportion to the population, and the convention, foreseeing rapid changes of population, ordained an enumeration of the inhabitants and a redistribution or reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives every ten years.
This was about the first indication of a tendency, which grew in strength for half a century, to load the Federal census with inquiries having no essential or necessary connexion with its main purpose, which was to secure an accurate enumeration of the population as a basis for a reapportionment of seats in the House of Representatives.
Both of these plains are so level, and have so fertile a soil that they are the seats of extensive agriculture, especially fruit raising, which is further encouraged by the influence of the large bodies of lake water that moderate the heat of summer and the cold of winter, and tend to check the late frosts of spring and the early frosts of autumn.
At the head of the local administration is a lieutenant-governor, who is assisted by a council on which nominated unofficial members have seats.
The Constitutionalists won four of the five seats allotted to Bloemfontein, Sir John Fraser being among those returned.
Dobeln, Werdau and Lossnitz are the chief seats of the Saxon leather trade; cigars are very extensively made in the town and district of Leipzig, and hats and pianofortes at Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz.
In the elections of 1906, however, only 8 of the Social Democrats succeeded in retaining their seats.
Under it all the principal officers of state, including the first lords of the treasury and admiralty, the secretaries of state, and certain members of the privy council, among whom was the archbishop of Canterbury, obtained seats at the board ex officio; and ten unofficial members, including several eminent statesmen, were also placed on the committee.
The southward movement of the Lao-Tai family from their original seats in south-west China is of very ancient date, the Lao states of Luang Prabang and Wieng Chan on the Mekong having been founded at least two thousand years ago.
Natives, Chinese and Arabs, are given seats, and in certain instances some of the members are elected, but more generally they are appointed by government.
At Prague there sits also an electoral court which decides upon the validity of disputed elections or forfeiture of seats and other questions relating to parliamentary or elected bodies.
In the 12th century Toledo was the centre of the study of Aristotle in the West, and it was from Toledo that the knowledge of Aristotle spread to Paris and to other seats of learning in western Europe.
During the Reformation period Miihlhausen became notorious as one of the chief seats of the Anabaptists.
The Unionists gained a hundred seats over their previous numbers, but the constitutional issue undoubtedly helped the government to win a victory, depending indeed solely on the votes of the Labour members and Irish Nationalists, which a year before had seemed improbable.
To obviate this the cunning workman devised a circular table, turning on a pivot, with seats affixed, at which the guests sat the one half in turn within, the other without, the hall "man against man."
Parramatta was one of the earliest seats of the tweed manufacture, but its principal industrial dependence has been on the fruit trade.
Prossnitz is a town of ancient origin, and in the 16th century was one of the chief seats of the Moravian Brethren.
The duties of churchwardens comprise the provision of necessaries for divine service, so far as the church funds or voluntary subscriptions permit, the collecting the offertory of the congregation, the keeping of order during the divine service, and the giving of offenders into custody; the assignment of seats to parishioners; the guardianship of the movable goods of the church; the preservation and repair of the church and churchyard, the fabric and the fixtures; and the presentment of offences against ecclesiastical law.
The first session of parliament was opened on the 8th of November, but adjourned on the 21st of December till the 12th of March 1868, chiefly on account of the fact that members of the Dominion parliament were allowed, in Ontario and Quebec, to hold seats in the local legislatures, so that it was difficult for the different bodies to be in session simultaneously.
It was not till 1873 that an act was passed making members of the local legislatures ineligible for seats in the House of Commons.
Westray (1956), one of the seats of the cod fishery, has a.
The southern part was occupied by the Dryopes, part of which tribe, after having been expelled from their original seats in the south of Thessaly by the Dorians, migrated to this island, and established themselves in the three cities of Karystos, Dystos and Styra.
Although excelled by Alabama in th County Seats County Boundaries; ' -i f y?
Congress therefore did not claim seats in that assembly.
Linen yarn and cloth are largely manufactured, especially in the south about Osnabruck and Hildesheim, and bleaching is engaged in extensively; woollen cloths are made to a considerable extent in the south about Einbeck, Göttingen and Hameln; cotton-spinning and weaving have their principal seats at Hanover and Linden.
Moscow is one of the principal seats for the weaving of these fabrics.
By its terms office-holders were made ineligible for seats in the legislature, and no member of the legislature could be appointed to any civil office under the government during the term for which he had been elected.
The clergy, now Roman officials, vested in the robes of the civil dignitaries, took their seats in the apse of the basilica where the magistrates were wont to sit, in front of them the holy table, facing the congregation.
In the West the high altar was moved to the east end (the presbyterium) with a space before it for the assisting deacons and subdeacons (the chancel proper) railed off as a spot peculiarly holy (now usually called the sanctuary); between this and the nave, where the laity were, was the choir, with seats for the clergy on either side.
It must be noted, however, that the term cathedral (q.v.), ecclesiastically applicable to any church which happens to be a bishop's see, architecturally connotes a certain size and dignity, and is sometimes applied to churches which have never been, or have long ceased to be, bishop's seats.
All males of 24 years of age are primary electors, while the diet consists of 12 members, holding their seats for 4 years and elected indirectly, together with 3 members nominated by the prince.
They won back over a hundred seats, returning 273 strong, but were still in a minority, the Liberals numbering 275, Labour members 40, and Irish Nationalists 82.
Even in the cities, the seats of the episcopal power, the reformation encouraged the attempts at revolt or autonomy which tended everywhere to diminish that power.
The Hamdanids were followed by the `Ogaylids, who had their seats at various places, such as Mosul, Nasibin, Rakka, Harran, between 996 and 1096.
At the foot of the Acropolis Hill, where the ground begins to rise, the theatre lies; and though the material of which this was built is rough, and only seven imperfect rows of seats remain, a good part of the scena and of the chambers behind it is preserved, and beneath these there runs a tunnel, which, together with other peculiar features, has raised interesting questions in connexion with the arrangement of the Greek theatre, the orchestra being at present on a level about 12 ft.
It was a time of disorder and conflict due to the immigration of new races into the ancient seats of civilization, and it synchronized with the weakening of the power of Egypt in the countries which bordered on the eastern Mediterranean.
There were no artificial seats.
Salerno university, founded in 1150, and long one of the great seats of learning in Italy, was closed in 1817.
Varius, though still only a boy, was appointed high priest of the Syrian sun-god Elagabalus, one of the chief seats of whose worship was Emesa (Horns).
His edict prohibiting all commercial intercourse with the enemy at once aroused against him the bitter hostility of the merchants of Holland and Zeeland, who thrived by such traffic. His attempts to pack the council of State, on which already two Englishmen had seats, with personal adherents and to override the opposition of the provincial states of Holland to his arbitrary acts, at last made his position impossible.
The number of seats to be filled is divided by the number of parties or candidates, and then they are distributed in the proportion of the total followers or voters of each.
The election of 1894 had given the Liberals a much smaller number of seats than they ought to have had according to the number of votes they polled, and a cry arose for the establishment of proportional representation.
The borough returned two members to the parliament of 1295 and to other parliaments, until by the Representation Act 1867 it lost one representative, and by the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 separate representation.
The largest of these which was partly excavated in the side of the hill, was a building of considerable magnificence, being in great part cased with marble, and furnished with seats of the same material, which have, however, been almost wholly removed.
Being in great part excavated in the surface of the hill, instead of the seats being raised on arches, it is wanting also in the picturesque arched corridors which contribute so much to the effect of those other ruins.
After 1675, he passed his time at his patron's seats in Derbyshire, occupied to the last with intellectual work in the early morning and in the afternoon hours, which it had long been his habit to devote to thinking and to writing.
Prussia, Alsace-Lorraine, Bavaria and Saxony are the chief seats of the iron manufacture.
The chief seats of this manufacture are the RhenishdistrictsofAix-la-Chapelle, Dtiren, Eupen and Lennep, Brandenburg, Saxony, Silesia and lower Lusatia, the chief centres in this group being Berlin, Cottbus, Spremberg, Sagan and Sommerfeld.
The chief seats of the stocking manufacture are Chemnitz and Zwickau in Saxony, and Apolda in Thuringia.
Prussia, which, following the example of Austria, had recalled her representatives from Frankfort, sent her troops to put down these risings, and on the 21st of May 1849 the larger number of the deputies to the parliament voluntarily resigned their seats.
So important is the practical co-operation of the imperial administration and the Prussian government, that it has become customary to appoint to seats in the Prussian ministry the more important of the secretaries of state who administer imperial affairs under the chancellor.
Fifty-four membersof the Prussian parliament at once joined the new party, and in the elections for the Reichstag in 1871 they won sixty seats.
In order to strengthen their position for the new elections, the Liberal ministry, who owed their position chiefly to the support of the king, by royal ordinance ordered a redistribution of seats.
In 1874 they secured nine seats in the Reichstag, in 1877 twelve, and nearly 500,000 votes were given to Socialist candidates.
So great was the popular feeling, that a repressive measure would easily have been carried; Bismarck, however, while the excitement was at its height, dissolved the Reichstag, and in the elections which took place immediately, the Liberal parties, who had refused to vote for the first law, lost a considerable number of seats, and with them their control over the Reichstag.
Notwithstanding all the efforts of the government, though every kind of public agitation was f orbidden, they succeeded in winning twelve seats in 1881.
At the election of 1887 they lost more than half their seats, and in 1893 the party again broke up.
The remainder of the National Liberals only won forty-five seats in 1881, and during the next three years they were without influence on the government; and even Bennigsen, unable to follow Bismarck in his new policy, disgusted at the proposals for biennial budgets and the misuse of government influence at the elections, retired from political life.
In the elections of 1881 the Centre gained five more seats, and in 1883 a new law was introduced prolonging and extending that of 1881.
The repeal of the Socialist law was naturally welcome to them as a great personal triumph over Bismarck;in the elections of 1890 they won thirty-five, in 1S93 forty-four, in 1898 fifty-six seats.
The Liberal opposition secured only twenty-three seats instead of the sixty-seven they had held before.
The seats for the priests are arranged round the semicircular apse, rising in steps with the bishop's throne in the centre - an arrangement unique in Italy.
The executive power is vested in a lieutenantgovernor appointed for five years by the federal government, and assisted by an executive council, who have seats in and are responsible to the local legislature.
This time in Bohemia the Czechs, supported by the Feudals and the Clericals, gained a large majority; they took their seats in the diet only to declare that they did not regard it as the legal representative of the Bohemian kingdom, but merely an informal assembly, and refused to elect delegates for the Reichsrath.
By the help of the Clericals they won enough seats to put the Liberals in a minority in the Reichsrath, and it would be possible to revise the constitution if the Czechs consented to come.
They desired to take their seats in the diet, and to join with the Germans in political reform.
Twenty-seven members of the diet led by Gregr and Stadkowsky, being outvoted in the Czech Club, resigned their seats.
Parliament was dissolved in the summer, and Taaffe, by private negotiations, first of all persuaded the Bohemian feudal proprietors to give the Feudalists, who had long been excluded, a certain number of seats; secondly, he succeeded where Potocki had failed, and came to an agreement with the Czechs; they had already, in 1878, taken their seats in the diet at Prague, and now gave up the policy of " passive resistance," and consented to take their seats also in the parliament at Vienna.
The Liberals had also lost many seats, so that the House now had a completely different aspect; the constitutionalists were reduced to 91 Liberals and 54 Radicals; but the Right, under Hohenwart, had increased to 57, and there were 57 Poles and 54 Czechs.
Then there were the fourteen Social Democrats who had won their seats under the new franchise.
The loss of seats by the Socialists showed that even among the working men the national agitation was gaining ground; the diminished influence of the anti-Semites was the most encouraging sign.
The German constituencies, though allotted in a proportion unduly favourable, left the Germans, with 233 seats, in a permanent minority as compared with the 259 Slav seats.
Even with the addition of the " Latin " (Rumanian and Italian) seats the " German-Latin block " amounted only to 257.
A small endowment was provided by the king, and the university, modelled on that of Paris and intended principally to be a school of law, soon became the most famous and popular of the Scots seats of learning, a result which was largely due to the wide experience and ripe wisdom of Elphinstone and of his friend, Hector Boece, the first rector.
The seats of the Greeks in the East touched peoples more or less nearly related to the Hellenic stock, with native traditions not so far remote from those of the Greeks in a more primitive age, the Carians and the Lycians.
His best-known work is the dictionary of geographical names which occur in the poets, with an introduction on the seats of the Arabian tribes.
As towns and villages gradually sprang up, they too adopted as their patron some one or other of the original tribal gods, so that these came to have different seats of worship all over Egypt.
The seats of the nobility and landed gentry are called Herregaarde.
The chariot was unsuited to the uneven soil of Greece and Italy, and it is not improbable that these nations had brought it with them as part of their original habits from their former seats in the East.
Professors and students gather every morning for the daily prayer; then the professors take their seats at the foot of the pillars of the great court and the students crouch on mats at their feet.
Under the Commonwealth an attempt was made to secure or recover the right, and two members are said to have been returned, but they were not allowed to take their seats.
Grand Rapids manufactures carpet sweepers - a large proportion of the whole world's product, - flour and grist mill products, foundry and machine-shop products, planing-mill products, school seats, wood-working tools, fly paper, calcined plaster, barrels, kegs, carriages, wagons, agricultural implements and bricks and tile.
The principal seats of the silk manufacture are Paisley and Glasgow.
By the Reform Act of 1832 the number of Scottish representatives in the Commons was raised to fifty-three, the counties under a slightly altered arrangement returning thirty members as before, and the burghs, reinforced by the erection of various towns into parliamentary burghs, twenty-three; the second Reform Act (1867) increased the number to sixty, the universities obtaining representation by two members, while two additional members were assigned to the counties and three to the burghs; by the Redistribution of Seats Act in 1885 an addition of seven members was made to the representation of the counties and five to that of the burghs, the total representation being raised to seventy-two.
On the other hand, it is an indigenous element, not only in the creeds of Asia, but in those of the ancient seats of civilization on the Mediterranean.
The Roman theatre, below the cathedral to the N.E., has 19 tiers of stone seats and is 37 yds.
From this date the borough returned one member only until, by the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1885, the privilege was annulled.
Other seats of his worship were in Thessaly, Boeotia and Peloponnesus.
The seats are not perfect, but so nearly so as to appear practically intact.
In cathedrals, monastic churches and the larger parish churches the stalls are fixed seats enclosed at the back and separated at the sides by high projecting arms, and placed in one or more rows on the north and south sides of the choir or chancel, running from the sanctuary to the screen or chancel arch.
These separate enclosed seats are properly reserved for the clergy, and more usually the choir are seated in open benches in front of the stalls.
Stalybridge is one of the oldest seats of the cotton manufacture in this locality, the first cotton mill having been erected in 1776, and the first steam engine in 1795.
The theatre, covered by a stream of lava, and built partly of small rectangular blocks of the same material, though in the main of concrete, has been superimposed upon the Greek building, some foundations of which, in calcareous stone, of which the seats are also made, still exist.
To the north, in the Piazza Stesicoro, is the amphitheatre, a considerable portion of which has been uncovered, including the two corridors which ran round the whole building and gave access to the seats, while a part of the arcades of the exterior has been excavated and left open; the pillars are made of blocks of lava, and the arches of brick.
The essential feature of this astral theology is the assumption of a close link between the movements going on in the heavens and occurrences on earth, which led to identifying the gods and goddesses with heavenly bodies - planets and stars, besides sun and moon - and to assigning the seats of all the deities in the heavens.
The personification of the two great luminaries - the sun and the moon - was the first step in the unfolding of this system, and this was followed by placing the other deities where Shamash and Sin had their seats.
At the same time, since the invoking of the divine powers was the essential element in the incantations, in order to make the magic formulae as effective as possible, a large number of the old local deities are introduced to add their power to the chief ones; and it is here that the astral system comes into play through the introduction of names of stars, as well as through assigning attributes to the gods which clearly reflect the conception that they have their seats in the heavens.
It is one of the principal seats of the glass industry in Indiana - plate glass, lamp chimneys, mirrors, &c., being manufactured here - and also has mineral wool factories and paper mills.
The official seats of some of the chiefs are constructed from the wood of this tree.
In Sambas, Montrado and some parts of Pontianak, the greater density of the population is due to the greater fertility of the soil, the opening of mines, the navigation and trade plied on the larger rivers, and the concentration of the population at the junctions of rivers, the mouths of rivers and the seats of government.
Legislation is by the proclamation of the governor, but there is a council, meeting at irregular intervals, upon which the principal heads of departments and one unofficial member have seats.
The disease, while reappearing in the seats of the terrible earlier epidemics, was more limited in its range and of shorter duration.'
From the scantiness of population the mortality was not great, but it became clear that this is one of the endemic seats of plague.'
The White House was built in1792-1799from designs by James Hoban, who closely followed the plans of the seats of the dukes of Leinster, near Dublin, and in 1902-1903, when new executive offices and a cabinet room were built and were connected with the White House by an esplanade, many of the original features of Hoban's plan were restored.
Next to Boeotia and the neighbouring countries, it appears that the Peloponnesus, Crete and Thessaly were the most important seats of Greek population.
The author of the Iliad, at least, was evidently a European Greek who lived before the colonization of Asia Minor; and the claims of the Asiatic cities mean no more than that in the days of their prosperity these were the chief seats of the fame of Homer.
Whitby became a parliamentary borough under the Reform Act of 1832, returning one member until it was disfranchised under the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885.
Within the Catholic body itself there was even at this time a more or less pronounced anti-Roman movement, a reflection of the Gallican and Febronian tendencies on the continent of Europe, and the " Catholic Committee," consisting for the most part of influential laymen, which had been formed to negotiate with the government, was prepared to go a long 1 This declaration, which denounced the mass as " idolatrous and superstitious," was taken by all office-bearers, including bishops on taking their seats in the House of Lords, until the Relief Act of 1829.
Of the seats occupied by the spectators, only the lower tiers remain.
Thus Edom formed a prominent centre for traffic from Arabia and its seats of culture to Egypt, the Philistine towns, Palestine and the Syrian states, and it enjoyed a commercial importance which made it a significant factor in Palestinian history.
The pressure of the Nabataeans forced Edom to leave its former seats and advance into the south of Judah with Hebron as the capital.
The word has thus come to mean in general usage an official caretaker of any place of worship whose duty it is to show the building to those who wish to view it, and to find seats for the congregation at a service.
Their leader, Ture Rudbeck, was elected marshal of the Diet over Frederick Axel von Fersen (q.v.), the Hat candidate, by a large majority; and, out of the hundred seats in the secret committee, the Hats succeeded in getting only ten.
In order to ensure a majority favourable to his views, the president threw the whole weight of his official influence into the elections for senators and deputies in 1888; but many of the members returned to the chambers through this official influence joined the opposition shortly after taking their seats.
It is the opinion of almost all who have studied the subject that any natural bed may in time be destroyed by overfishing (perhaps not by removing all the oysters, but by breaking up the colonies, and delivering over the territory which they once occupied to other kinds of animals), by burying the breeding oysters, by covering up the projections suitable for the reception of spat, and by breaking down, through the action of heavy dredges, the ridges which are especially fitted to be seats of the colonies.'
Administration, Revenue, eec. - The country is administered as a crown colony, the governor being assisted by an executive and a legislative council; on the last-named a minority of nominated unofficial members have seats.
The seats allotted to each province are determined by its number of European male adults as ascertained by a quinquennial census, the quota for a constituency being obtained by dividing the total number of such adults in the Union as ascertained at the 1904 census by the number of members at the establishment of the Union.
Seats were to be allotted on a voters' (not population) basis, and there was to be an automatic redistribution of seats as voters increased or decreased " in given localities.
In the Orange River Colony the first elections under the self-government constitution were held in November 1907, and out of 38 seats in the House of Assembly Oranjie Unie candidates secured 2 9.
They secured 37 seats, while 13 were held by Natal Independents.
General Botha decided to retain office, and seats for him and Mr Hull were found by means of by-elections.
The wood, like that of other species, is applicable to many purposes - as for the seats of Windsor chairs, turnery, &c. The grain in very old trees is sometimes undulated, which suggested the name of curled maple, and gives beautiful effects of light and shade on polished surfaces.
Some of the marble basins, seats, &c., remain, and, with the fragments of wall above mentioned, are the only relics of the classic time.
Under the Roman Empire Pergamum was one of the chief seats of the worship of Asclepius "the Saviour"; invalids came from distant parts of the country to ask advice from the god and his priests.
The family seats (Alton Towers and Ingestre Hall) and the chief estates are in Staffordshire.
The rest of the twenty-five seats are filled up, as a vacancy occurs, according to seniority of consecration.
Numerous banks of world-wide reputation, doing an extensive international business, have their seats in Berlin, chief among them, in addition to the Reichs-bank, being the B erliner Kassen-Verein,theDiskon toGesellschaft, the Deutsche Bank, and the Boden-Kredit Bank.
Politically the city is divided into six Reichstag and four Landtag constituencies, returning six and nine members respectively, and it must be noted that in the case of the Landtag the allocation of seats dated from 1860, so that the city, in proportion to its population, was in 1908 much under-represented.
The constitution provides that the rate of taxation shall never exceed to mills for each dollar of assessed valuation, that when the taxable property amounts to $50,000,000 the members of the territorial legislature were deprived of their seats as ineligible.
Feather-Market Hall, where are held the sales of ostrich feathers, seats 5000 persons.
In 1683 the Dutch reduced the sultan to vassalage, built the fort of Speelwijk and monopolized the port, which had previously been free to all comers; and for more than a century afterwards Bantam was one of the most important seats of commerce in the East Indies.
She was known by many other names, such as Mater Idaea, Dindymene, Sipylene, derived from famous seats of worship, and Mountain Mother, &c., in token of her character, but Cybele is the name by which she is most frequently known in literature.
Hunter, of Virginia, a Democrat and a compromise candidate, was elected to the position; and on the 28th of February 1839 the Democratic candidates were admitted to their seats, to which a congressional committee, reporting afterwards, declared them entitled.'
The quiet beauty of the rural country in the south, where the barren Bunter pebble-beds have never invited agriculture, and where considerable vestiges of the old woodland still remain in and near Sherwood Forest, has attracted so many seats of the landed aristocracy as to earn for that part the familiar name of " the Dukeries."
Only 26, however, have the right to seats in the House of Lords, of whom five - viz.
The Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 made a new division of the country into county and borough constituencies.
On the union of East and West Jersey in 1702, it became one of the two seats of government of the new royal province, the meetings of the legislature generally alternating between Burlington and Perth Amboy, under both the colonial and the state government, until 1790.
Interest also attaches to the once celebrated Cistercian abbey of Eberbach, founded in 1116; to Eltville, a favourite residence of the archbishops of Mainz in the 14th and 15th centuries; and to the family seats of Eppstein, Katzenelnbogen and Scharfenstein.
In ' the new chamber elected in October 1888 only five members of Bratianu's party retained their seats.
Assuming revolutionary powers, it deposed Governor Jackson and other state officers, appointed their successors, declared vacant the seats of members of the Assembly, and abrogated the disloyal acts of that body.
All voters, European and non-European, are eligible for seats on the council, but any councillor who becomes a member of parliament thereupon ceases to be a member of the provincial council.
The creation, in 1835, of a legislative council, on which unofficial members had seats, was the first step in giving the colonists a share in the government.
On arrival, they found that the Transvaal Volksraad, in a spirit of defiance and even levity, had just passed a resolution offering four new seats in the Volksraad to the mining districts, and fifteen to exclusively burgher districts.
Twelve new seats in the House of Assembly were divided among the larger towns, and three members were added to the legislative council.
In fact, the bill was called for by the glaring anomalies in the distribution of seats by which a minority of voters in the country districts returned a majority of members, and it left the towns still inadequately represented.
It became law, and the elections for the additional seats were held in July, after the close of the session.
Its supporters, who called themselves the South African party, the Progressives being renamed Unionists, obtained 17 seats out of a total of 26.
The choir of the chapel still contains the original oak canopied stalls, miserere seats and lofty open screens in the French flamboyant style, and of unique beauty of design and execution.
Assistant curates and mission priests were, under certain restrictions, given seats in diocesan synods.
Ahmednagar and Gujarat also became the seats of a new kingdom.
The elliptical Tabernacle (5870) has a rounded, turtle-shell shaped roof, unsupported by pillars or beams, seats nearly 10,000, and has a large pipe organ (5000 pipes).
The Assemby Hall (1880), also of granite, has an auditorium which seats about 2500.
In the decade following 1880, struggles in the western counties for the location of county seats (the bitterest local political fights known in western states) repeatedly led to bloodshed and the interference of state militia.
The new government had perforce to rely on the Whigs, who took their seats on the government side of the House, Lord Lansdowne being included in the cabinet.
The effect of the Reform Bill, which abolished fifty-six rotten boroughs, and by reducing the representation of others set free 143 seats, which were in part conferred on the new industrial centres, was to transfer a large share of political power from the landed aristocracy to the middle classes.
The 143 seats set free were divided equally between the towns and the counties; and in the counties the landowning aristocracy was still supreme.
The Liberal party generally in the House of Commons was in favor of such a modification of the oaths as would enable the Jews so elected to take their seats.
The dual vote was abandoned, direct payment of rates was surrendered, the county franchise was extended to f12 householders, and the redistribution of seats was largely increased.
The ancient church is of the domed basilica form with throne and seats still existent in the tribunal.
Wisconsin then comprised two counties, Brown (east) and Crawford (west), with county seats at Green Bay and Prairie du Chien.
For the theatrical, pageants exhibited by him he erected a theatre with improved acoustical conditions and seats after the Greek model, thus marking a distinct advance in the construction of places of entertainment.
It was a scheme, however, that lowered the prestige of Rome, for it involved four distinct seats of government, among which, as the event proved, no place was found for the ancient capital of the Roman world.
Under the Turkish buildings along the western side of the arena, some arches against which seats for the spectators were built are still visible.
This neutral mass is often termed the Plain, in allusion to its seats on the floor of the House.
In December 73 members of the Convention who had been imprisoned for protesting against the violence done to the Girondins on the 2nd of June 1793 were allowed to resume their seats, and gave a decisive majority to the anti-Jacobins.
Before the new deputies could take their seats the directors forced through the councils the law of the 22nd Floreal (May II), annulling or perverting the elections in thirty departments and excluding forty-eight deputies by name.
In the elections of April 1799 a large number of Jacobins gained seats.
The borough sent two members to parliament in 1295, and so continued to do until the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1885, when the representation was merged in that of the county.
Parliamentary Representation.-The Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 entirely altered the parliamentary representation of Ireland.
The ministers are supported by a sustentation fund formed of voluntary contributions, the rents of seats and pews, and the proceeds of the commutation of the Regium Donum made by the commissioners under the Irish Church Act 1869.
The Irish Universities Act 1908 provided for the foundation of two new universities, having their seats respectively at Dublin and at Belfast.
Besides these there were on the floor of the main apartment a number of detached movable couches or seats, all low, with one or more low tables of some sort.
The remaining seats were proprietary, and were let to government for valuable consideration.
The principal seats of the native industry are on the edge of the upper forest, where charcoal is easily procured.
The chief seats of trade and manufacture are Altenburg the capital, Ronneburg, Schmdlln, Gdssnitz and Meuselwitz in the Altenburg division; and Eisenberg, Roda and Kahla in the Saal-Eisenberg division.
On the last-named body nominated unofficial members have seats.
Another misconception would arise when men had a tradition that they came to their actual seats from this mountain, or that lake or river, or from lands across the sea.
The executive authority, entrusted to five Directors, was no more than a definite and very strong Committee of Public Safety; but Sieys, the author of the new constitution, in opposition to the royalists, had secured places of refuge for his party by reserving posts as directors for the regicides, and two-thirds of the deputies seats for members of the Convention.
Country seats worthy of note (chiefly modern) are Aswarby Hall, Belton House, Brocklesby, Casewick, Denton Manor, Easton Hall, Grimsthorpe (of the 16th and 18th centuries, with earlier remains), Haverholm Priory, Nocton Hall, Panton Hall, Riby Grove, Somerby Hall, Syston Park and Uffington.
These suburbs contain the town-hall, theatre, markets, and a bull-ring with seats for 12,000 spectators.
Their chief seats of worship were the islands of Lemnos, Imbros and Samothrace, the coast of Troas, Thessalia and Boeotia.
Manufactures .T he maritime provinces, being those most favorably situated for the import of coal, and, where necessary, of raw material, are the chief seats of Spanish manufactures.
He was obliged to reconstruct the cabinet several times in order to get rid of troublesome colleagues like General Cassola, who wanted to make, himself a sort of military dictator, and Camacho, whose financial reforms and taxation schemes made him unpopular He had more often to reorganize the government in order to find seats in the cabinet for ambitious and impatient, worthies of the Liberal party-not always with success, as Seor Martos, president of the Congress, and the Democrats almost brought about a political crisis in 1889.
As for the dynastic opposition, it was reduced to a rump of 66 members, a result so unsatisfactory from the point of view of the monarchy that the government offered to quash certain Conservative returns in order to provide it with more seats.
Amid the wreck of the party - Mr Balfour and several of his colleagues themselves losing their seats - he had the consolation of knowing that the tariff reformers won the only conspicuous successes of the election.
Starting with the indisputable fact that man's life and happiness are largely dependent upon phenomena in the heavens, that the fertility of the soil is de pendent upon the sun shining in the heavens as well as upon the rains that come from heaven, that on the other hand the mischief and damage done by storms and inundations, to both of which the Euphratean Valley was almost regularly subject, were to be traced likewise to the heavens, the conclusion was drawn that all the great gods had their seats in the heavens.
The name was derived from a space in the chancery, surrounded by a grating, in which the officials sat, which is called higher or lower (major or minor) according to the proximity of the seats to that of the vice-chancellor.
A Seneca Beloit mbeilin a 0 n p lank into English Miles County Seats County Boundaries.....
The entry is paved with flagstones, and there are stone seats on each side.
In 1576 Julius, duke of Brunswick, founded a university here, and throughout the 17th century this was one of the chief seats of Protestant learning.
But the greater inequalities in township representation subsisted, although in 1874 an amendment had given all townships of 5000 inhabitants two seats in the lower house, every other one " to be entitled to its present representation," and in 1876 another amendment had provided that no township incorporated thereafter should be entitled to a representative " unless it has at least 2500 inhabitants, and unless the town from which the major portion of its territory is taken has also at least 2500 inhabitants."
The seats are arranged on a kind of sloping wedge, in such a manner that every one has an almost equally good view of the stage, for there are no boxes, and the only galleries are quite at the back, one, the Fiirstenloge, being reserved for distinguished guests, the other, above it, for the townspeople.
Immediately in front of the foremost row of seats a hood or sloping screen of wood covers a part of the orchestra, and another hood of similar shape starts from the front of the stage at a slightly lower level.
On the south coast must also be named Bonthain (4000); on the east coast, Balong-Nipa; and Buton and Saleyer, seats of administration and ports of call on the island groups of the same names.
The university of Halle holds high rank among German seats of learning.
Fortunately, a cool console managed to keep them in separate seats.
Pete said a freight wagon the size of theirs would normally only travel ten to twelve miles a day, but the seats he had put in for the riders reduced the weight they could carry.
They appeared in the conference hall, whose seats were filling with vamps eager to see Talon's show.
The room she stepped into was triangular shaped, consisting of a wall of angled windows, small tables against the other wall, and round seats facing the windows.
The new cushions are a great improvement upon the hard marble seats we have been so long accustomed to.
Just a mo... " The tall figure suddenly materialized atop the piano as people sat agog in their seats.
For starters there's the cozy alcove in the main bar that seats a maximum of ten.
Via, the airline's website, passengers can allocate their own seats free of charge; alternatively seats are allocated at check-in.
The seats have moveable armrests which allow passengers in wheelchairs to move onto other seats.
The seats are really comfortable with the drivers having extra lumber support and there is also an adjustable drivers armrest for those long journeys.
The door armrests, which are also on runners, adjust their position in conjunction with the seats.
Some seats have a reclining backrest which support their head when they nod off.
On the inside it is pure James bond baddie with shiny ivory-coloured seats and a white interior.
Lounge - Panoramic bay window with window seats giving uninterrupted views of harbor and bay.
The backs of the front seats have elasticated pockets for the children's bits and pieces and a small binnacle on each door.
In the end, what puts bums on seats is a hit.
The twin targa tops made of ultra-strong lightweight carbon fiber snap off and are stowed behind the rear seats.
Let's go over some important considerations in purchasing car seats.
The advice comes as new research issued last week shows that many parents stop using child car seats far too soon.
Most newer car seats come with the LATCH (lower anchor and tethers for children) system.
Some booster car seats are built into vans and some cars.
The exceptionally low level seats sit on ornate front legs with brass castors for easy maneuverability.
Around 1810 the church was not ceiled and the seats were irregular.
Fans are already clamoring for the best seats to this major.. .
The helm seats set out to the cockpit coamings provide the ideal position for steering.
Margaret UK 01/02/2005 Unfortunately, i cannot sit comfortably on hard plastic seats - broken coccyx.
First Class The lie-flat sleeper seats in First Class on Boeing 777 aircraft are designed to give you maximum comfort in any position.
Homes bid on bungalow site Shell Haven future remains unclear Murder inquiry under way More seats for c2c commuters Who stole my little pony?
Using the local river as their inspiration, the youngsters wrote poetry couplets and the winning entries are to be carved into stone seats.
The Japanese version I tried had a number of options, including stiffer sports suspension, a limited-slip differential, heated seats and air-conditioning.
The Restaurant can accommodate 48 diners, while the bar area seats 72 and the courtyard has space for 100 people in the Summer.
Pullman dinette with storage under seats converts to double berth.
As we keep lowering the divisor, more parties will get seats, more seats will be awarded.
Donated Seats - Southend Pier There are two types of donated bench available for placement on Southend Pier - hardwood or steel fabricated.
Although there are only 23 Employer Side seats at the NJC, these twenty-three represent all sixty odd local authority fire brigades.
When she needs more room the rear seats split and fold flat.
Over this weekend, all our target seats will be working flat-out to maximize our support in the first wave of postal votes.
As I gaze upwards I think of tiny seats, bad food, stale air and jet engines belching noxious fumes.
We were ushered through the main front-door into what seemed a spacious hall, with seats arranged on either side of a center gangway.
Here the service is professional, the menu is a five-course gourmet feast and the intimate restaurant seats just 20 people.
Spectators had seats on a huge temporary floating grandstand with scoreboards for all to see.
All grandstand ticket holders will be given replacement seats in similar locations as in the existing grandstand and will be closer to the pitch.
Polyethylene contoured seats and decks with grab handles, black vinyl gunwales and ash carrying yoke and thwart.
The tops or backs of all forward facing seats must be fitted with a rigid handhold.
This is best achieved by vertical handrails on every second row of forward facing seats, staggered on either side of the gangway.
These steps may well be sufficient to enable you to stow the machine in a medium sized hatchback with the rear seats folded down.
Recaro seats are extra, but bi-xenon headlights and 2Zone Climatronic air conditioning are not.
The second row of seats can all be folded away in a single movement without removing the headrests.