Seated Sentence Examples
The visitors were seated at supper.
The seated Madonna was a more popular statue than the standing Madonna.
Andre was seated, as if he'd never moved.
Joseph Dawkins was there, seated at Fred's computer.
He pushed Katie's chair forward and seated himself at the table.
Betsy was seated at the table, forking sausage onto her plate and smothering pancakes in maple syrup.
Dean noticed her frail form near the front, seated alone.
He was seated, his fingers steepled and his gaze penetrating.
The government of the Persian satrap was seated in Memphis.
The seated president sat on the front platform at the graduation ceremony.
AdvertisementThey were seated two tables away from Dean and appeared to be celebrating something unusual in an otherwise Spartan life.
Alex asked Felipa as soon as they were seated.
Giddon and his daughter were already seated.
She was intruding, but it soon became obvious that Sarah wasn't going to sit down until everyone else was seated.
A waitress wearing a lace cap denoting her Pennsylvania Dutch heritage seated him at a small corner table by the window.
AdvertisementOn an impulse, he turned and looked at the family seated near his table still enjoying their meal.
They were seated on the type of furniture you're afraid will break, amid a thousand little figurines of dancing girls that must have presented a monumental dusting job.
As soon as they were seated, Cynthia perused the menu, bit her lip and ordered manhattans for both of them.
Fred O'Connor was seated on the toilet, a towel over his head with his pants and shorts pulled down to his ankles.
Randy and Cynthia Byrne were in the front row seated next to a white-haired lady Dean assumed was Cynthia's mother.
AdvertisementAndy Sackler and Dean responded to a call crosstown at Ralph's Barber Shop, where they found a crowd milling around the sidewalk and a half dozen customers seated inside.
Cynthia was there, seated alone in a cramped corner, looking beautiful in something summery, short and yellow, unsmiling but nodding in acknowledgment of his greeting.
David and Cynthia Dean, now husband and wife, and owners of Bird Song, a bed and breakfast in Ouray, Colorado, were seated in the Tundra Room of the recently restored Beaumont Hotel.
At the restaurant, he led her to a secluded booth and waited until she was seated.
After he was seated again, she filled her plate and they both ate in silence for a while.
AdvertisementShe pushed the thoughts of Darian from her head, instead focusing on seeing herself seated in his throne.
She recognized the huge orange cat seated on the chair across from her.
Darian remained seated, watching her with intensity that made her feel edgy.
He nodded as if expecting the response and seated himself at a small table near the fire.
The only man seated before her wore chains of gold and carried a sword with a ruby in its hilt.
The seated king eyed Taran as Memon approached Rissa.
Memon did not spare him a glance but continued his conversation with the seated king.
Seated before the two of them, he saw how clearly the two were no way like each other.
He seated himself on a table across the room from the imprisoned man.
Memon seated himself at a table and began to eat.
When they were all seated and attentive, she began with the orientation she had been memorizing for the last two weeks.
When he was seated, he turned to an apprehensive Alondra and put a hand over hers.
She started to rise and he motioned her to remain seated.
Her cousin was dressed and pale, seated on the edge of her bed.
When he emerged from his hallway, the Guardian he expected was seated in his living room.
He Traveled to a quiet playground, eyes settling on the woman seated on a bench.
The washboard abs were flat, even when he was seated.
Even seated, he was drawing a crowd.
She scanned over the comfortable furniture and past the living room to a large kitchen and dining area before her gaze returned to the two forms seated on the balcony.
Theocritus (Idyll 17) hails Ptolemy Philadelphus as a demigod, and speaks of his father as seated among the gods along with Alexander.
It used to be customary among Presbyterians to stand during public prayer, and to remain seated during the acts of praise, but this peculiarity is no longer maintained.
Bethlen no sooner felt firmly seated on his throne than he seized the opportunity presented to him by the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War to take up arms in defence of the liberties and the constitution of the extra-Transylvanian Hungarian provinces, with the view of more effectually assuring his own position.
The god was seated on a throne, every part of which was used as a ground for sculptural decoration.
Once seated in the duchy of Milan, he displayed rare qualities as a ruler; for he not only entered into the spirit of the age, which required humanity and culture from a despot, but he also knew how to curb his desire for territory.
The requirements of the several protoplasts must be met by supplies from without, and, as many of them are deep seated, varieties of need arise, so that various members of the colony are set apart for special duties, masses of them being devoted to the discharge of one function, others to that of another, and so on.
With very few exceptions only the name AP/AKHI (with various epithets) occurs on the coins of the Parthian kings, and the obverse generally shows the seated figure of the founder of the dynasty, holding in his hand a strung bow.
Mr English, one of his secretaries, has furnished a picture of him at this period seated in a study lined on two sides with books and darkened by green screens and curtains of blue muslin, which required readjustment with almost every cloud that passed across the sky.
The cave, still called Mavrospelya ("black cave"), was ever afterwards regarded as sacred to Demeter, and in'it, according to information given to Pausanias, there had been set up an image of the goddess, a female form seated on a rock, but with a horse's head and mane, to which were attached snakes and other wild animals.
She is sometimes riding in a chariot drawn by horses or dragons, sometimes walking, sometimes seated upon a throne, alone or with her daughter.
From the main pedestal project four buttresses, on which are seated four monolith figures representing Morality, Education, Law, and Freedom.
Of the more conventional side of Late Minoan life a graphic illustration is supplied by the remains of miniature wall paintings found in the palace of Cnossus, showing groups of court ladies in curiously modern costumes, seated on the terraces and balustrades of a sanctuary.
The goddess, who embodied the idea of the city, was seated on a rock, crowned with towers, and having the river Orontes at her feet.
It is celebrated in the evening, and is accompanied by the ancient love feast (partaken by all communicants seated at a common table), by the ceremony of the washing of feet and by the salutation of the holy kiss, the three last-named ceremonies being observed by the sexes separately.
Above is the crown (vertex or epicranium), on which or on the " front " may be seated three simple eyes (ocelli).
A richly caparisoned ass, on which was seated the prettiest girl in the town holding in her arms a baby or a large doll, was escorted with much pomp from the cathedral to the church of St Etienne.
As in the Parthenon, there is a sculptured zophoros above the exterior of the cella walls; this, however, extends over the east and west fronts only and the east ends of the sides; the eastern zophoros represents a battle-scene with seated deities on either hand, the western a centauromachia.
The plan is that of the conventional Roman theatre; the semicircular auditorium, which seated some 5000 persons, is, like that of the Dionysiac theatre, partly hollowed from the rock.
About 200 years after Sangram Sah's time, Bakht Buland, the Gond chieftain of a principality seated at Deogarh in Chhindwara, having visited Delhi, set about introducing the civilization he had there admired.
From the Alexandrians the science passed to the Arabs, who made discoveries and improved various methods of separating substances, and afterwards, from the 11th century, became seated in Europe, where the alchemical doctrines were assiduously studied until the 15th and 16th centuries.
Most commonly Ariadne is represented asleep on the shore at Naxos, while Dionysus, attended by satyrs and bacchanals, gazes admiringly upon her; sometimes they are seated side by side under a spreading vine.
The ovary, of two carpels, is seated on a ring-like disk FIG.
Explorations conducted in the cemetery of Domitilla in 1897-1898 brought to light a fine double crypt with frescoes representing Christ seated between six male and female saints; also an inscription relating to a new saint (Eulalius) in a cubiculum of the 3rd century.
These were unknown to Bosio, and are both covered with frescoes, the vault being in one case decorated with the scene which represents Christ seated among the apostles and pronouncing sentence upon the defunct.
In the heyday of his passion for Fraulein von DOnniges, his dream was to be enthroned as the president of the German republic with her seated at his side.
Some are black, very thin and curved like threads or hairs (trichites); often a group of these is seated on a small crystal of augite or magnetite and spreads outwards on all sides.
Of these by far the most remarkable is the Scott monument in East Princes Street Gardens, designed by George Meikle Kemp (1795-1844); it is in the form of a spiral Gothic cross with a central canopy beneath which is a seated statue of Scott with his dog " Maida " at his side, by Sir John Steell, the niches being occupied by characters in Sir Walter's writings.
With him the line ended, but a younger branch was seated at Eaton Socon, Beds., where the earthworks of their castle remain, and held their barony there into the 14th century.
Sometimes, however, it was of matting or was seated with leather, or it would take the form of a narrow fringed girdle resembling that of many African tribes.
The subjects depicted are processions of figures, human and divine (Yasili Kaya, Euyuk, Giaur Kalessi); scenes of sacrifice or adoration, or other cult-practice (Yasili Kaya, Euyuk, Fraktin, Ivriz, and perhaps the figures seated beside tables at Marash Sakchegeuzu, Sinjerli, &c.); of the chase (Arslan Tepe, Sakchegeuzu); but not, as known at present, of battle.
In northern Europeans the leg is usually much more than onehalf of the bodys length, but in Japanese the ratio is one-half or even less; so that whereas the Japanese, when seated, looks almost as tall as a European, there may be a great difference between their statures when both are standing.
Meanwhile the two Republican factions continued to oppose one another, and both sent delegates to the national party convention in 1896, the " regular " delegation being seated.
A colossal seated lion a little to the S.E.
They are not nocturnal, but most active in the morning and evening, remaining seated or curled up among the branches during the heat of the day.
They had a temple and altar on the Via Sacra, near the Palatine, and were represented on coins as young men wearing the chlamys, carrying lances, seated, with a dog, the emblem of watchfulness, at their feet.
Meteorological phenomena seated more directly in the atmosphere obtained early recognition; thus Hesiod, in his Works and Days, speculated on the origin of winds, ascribing them to the heating effects of the sun on the air.
After the Committee had suppressed the counter-revolution, and was firmly seated in the saddle, events moved by regular and rapid steps to the end of the empire.
For twenty years thereafter the political history of the colony consisted of two long, intermittent struggles - one constitutional between the central government (first seated in Auckland, but after 1864 in Wellington) and the powerful provincial councils, of which there were nine charged with important functions and endowed with the land revenues and certain rating powers.
When the harmonic is sounded the riders at the loops are thrown off, while those at the nodes remain seated.
In 1889 the Democrats were charged with fraud in the 34th election precinct of Silverbow county, and, the dispute remaining unsettled, two legislatures were seated.
Each legislature elected two senators to the United States Senate, which, having a Republican majority, seated the Republicans.
In the Villa Ludovisi statue (after the style of Lysippus) he appears seated, in an attitude of thought; his arms are laid aside, and Eros peeps out at his feet.
This is a colossal seated image cut in a niche of the rock, of "Hittite" origin, and perhaps that called by Pausanias the "very ancient statue of the Mother of the Gods," carved by Broteas, son of Tantalus, and sung by Homer.
In two romances, the prose Tristan and the Parzival, the place of the Round Table proper is taken, on a journey, by a silken cloth laid on the ground, round which the knights are seated.
We may suppose that primitively the mouth was seated in the centre of a funnel-shaped disk, surrounded by a double wreath.
The half dome of the central apse has a colossal halflength figure of Christ, with a seated Virgin and Child below; the other apses have full-length colossal figures of St Peter and St Paul.
But a woman should be able to mount without aid, by lowering her stirrup, so that she can reach it from the ground, and then raising it again when she is seated in the saddle.
The former appealed to Suleiman for assistance, and was by his aid brought to Constantinople and seated on the imperial throne.
On the 21st of July the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, and a section of the state constitution (which denied the power of state courts to entertain against any resident of the state suits founded on contracts existing on the 15th of June 1865) was repealed by the legislature in pursuance of the congressional " Omnibus Bill " of the 25th of June 1868, and as evidence of the restoration of Georgia to the Union the congressmen were seated on the 25th of July in that year.
Its origin is seated in attempts made to free from doubt the prevailing discordances as to whether the stars possessed appreciable parallaxes.
Herbart and Lotze, both deeply affected by the Leibnitzian hypothesis of indivisible monads, supposed that man's soul is seated at a central point in the brain; and Lotze supposed that this supposition is necessary to explain the unity of consciousness.
They next seated themselves quietly in the dining hall, where the baker set bread in order, and the cook brought each a single dish of one kind of food.
They include colossal figures of Aesculapius and Bacchus, and the lower half of a seated Egyptian divinity in black basalt, bearing the cartouche of Tethmosis (Thothmes) I.
Seated statues of both the Plinies, clad in the garb of scholars of the year 1500, maybe seen in the niches on either side of the main entrance to the cathedral church of Como.
Newton discovered a fine seated statue of Demeter, which now adorns the British Museum; and about 3 m.
On the hood is a seated figure of the Virgin Mary holding the Infant Saviour.
In the middle is represented the Assumption of the Virgin; on the hood is a seated figure of the Almighty bearing three souls in a napkin.
Firmly seated upon the throne Charles renounced the covenants, which in 1662 were declared unlawful oaths, and were to be abjured by all persons holding public offices.
The workings at De Beers had extended into the still more deeply seated granite in 1906.
The Ramesseum contains the remains of a stupendous seated colossus, in black granite, of its builder Rameses II., thrown on its face.
They came upon Elijah seated on "the mount," - probably Carmel.
In politics the revulsion from his particuar conclusions did not prevent the more clear-sighted of his opponents from recognizing the force of his supreme demonstration of the practical irresponsibility of the sovereign power, wherever seated, in the state; and, when in a later age the foundations of a positive theory of legislation were laid in England, the school of Bentham - James Mill, Grote, Molesworth - brought again into general notice the writings of the great publicist of the 17th century, who, however he might, by the force of temperament, himself prefer the rule of one, based his whole political system upon a rational regard to the common weal.
Africa Reichskanzler, This head official can be repre- East Africa seated by any other member of the Bundesrat named in a document of substitution.
Some of the Socialist members remained seated.
The most celebrated statue of Hera was the chryselephantine work of Polyclitus, made for the Heraeum at Argos soon after 423 s.c. It is fully described by Pausanias, who says that Hera was seated on a throne, wearing a crown (crTEg5avos), and carrying a sceptre in one hand and a pomegranate in the other.
In the evening a procession goes to the mosque, the principal figure being a white horse with white trappings, upon which is seated a small boy, the horse and the lad, who represents Hosain, being smeared with blood.
The limestone school was probably the next best, to judge from the reliefs, but hardly any statues of this school have survived; it probably was seated at Memphis.
On the following day the king, seated on the topmost step of a lofty tribune surmounted by a baldaquin, erected in the midst of the principal square of Copenhagen, received the public homage of his subjects of all ranks, in the presence of an immense concourse, on which occasion he again promised to rule " as a Christian hereditary king and gracious master," and, " as soon as possible, to prepare and set up " such a constitution as should secure to his subjects a Christian and indulgent sway.
On two Panathenaic prize vases in the British Museum are figures of racing bigae, in which, contrary to the description given above, the driver is seated with his feet resting on a board hanging down in front close to the legs of his horses.
It was at first announced that he had been returned by two votes; but a scrutiny eventually seated his Conservative opponent, who became afterwards Mr. Justice Ridley.
A girl with a baby at her breast and seated on an ass splendidly caparisoned was led through the town to the church, and there placed at the gospel side of the altar while mass was said.
The oogonium, seated on a stalk cell, is surrounded by an investment consisting of five spirallywound cells, from the projecting ends of which segments are cut off, constituting the so-called stigma.
A statue in the Vatican and a silver statuette in the British Museum perpetuate the type of its great effigy of the civic Fortune of Antioch - a majestic seated figure, with Orontes as a youth issuing from under her feet.
Among Sicilian discoveries must be counted a remarkable archaic statue of a seated goddess which was in Paris at the outbreak of war, and was soon afterwards acquired by the Berlin Museum.
He appeared seated in his chariot surrounded by thunder and lightning; Semele was consumed by the flames and gave birth prematurely to a child, which was saved from the fire by a miraculous growth of ivy which sprang up round the palace of Cadmus.
These separate enclosed seats are properly reserved for the clergy, and more usually the choir are seated in open benches in front of the stalls.
They alone might remain seated in a king's presence, and had power to try and even to imprison a king, who must appear before them at the third summons.
Its fame in later times was chiefly associated with the temple of Despoena, containing the colossal group made by Damophon of Messene, of Despoena and Demeter seated, with Artemis and the Titan Anytus standing beside them.
Tilton, on the ground of the height of the nave, the total height of the image, including the base and the top of the throne, would be about 26 ft., the seated figure of the goddess herself about 18 ft.
It is probable that the face, neck, arms and feet were of ivory, while the rest of the figure was draped in gold, Like the Olympian Zeus of Pheidias, Hera was seated on an elaborately decorated throne, holding in her left hand the sceptre, surmounted in her case by the cuckoo (as that of Zeus had an eagle), and in her right, instead of an elaborate figure of Victory (such as the Athena Parthenos and the Olympian Zeus held), simply a pomegranate.
But the two peculiar races of the south are the Moplahs and the Labbays, both of which are seated along the coast and follow a seafaring life.
The amphitheatre, which seated 12,000 spectators, is in a better state of preservation.
The fathers of the young couple are seated side by side, and between them stands the priest ready to.
The young couple are seated in two chairs opposite each other, their right hands tied together by a silken cord, which is gradually wound around them as the ceremony progresses, the bride in the meantime being concealed with a veil of silk or muslin.
With the Tudor dynasty firmly seated on the throne, a number of constitutional changes intended to place Welsh subjects on a complete social and political equality with Englishmen have to be recorded.
The sheets were severed after printing, brought up by tapes, and carried down to a sheet flyer, which moved backwards and forwards, and the sheets were alternately " flown " into the hands of two boys seated opposite each other on either side of the flyers.
The principal object within the temple is a cell lighted only from the door, containing a cross-legged seated figure of the god Parswanath.
In front of the southern facade, which looks on to Khedive Avenue, is a bronze statue of General Gordon seated on a camel, a copy of the statue by Onslow Ford at Chatham, England.
Zeus being firmly seated on his throne as the result of the slaying of the dragon by Orestes, the theological significance of the myth is forgotten, and the identifications Zeus-Agamemnon and GaiaClytaemnestra are abandoned.
Thereupon Phasael committed suicide in prison, but Herod effected his escape and with the help of the Romans seated himself on the throne of Judaea (37 B.C.).
In this Pigott presently seated himself and proclaimed himself as the Messiah with the words, "God is no longer there," pointing upwards, "but here," pointing to himself.
The Canzoniere is therefore one long melodious monody poured from the poet's soul, with the indefinite form of a beautiful woman seated in a lovely landscape, a perpetual object of delightful contemplation.
In ancient art Aphrodite was at first represented clothed, sometimes seated, but more frequently standing; then naked, rising from the sea, or after the bath.
The large bronzes are almost the only ones which have survived from classical times, the most famous of them being the seated Mercury and the dancing Faun; the marbles reckon among their vast number the Psyche, the Capuan Venus, the portraits of Homer and Julius Caesar, as well as the huge group called the Toro Farnese (Amphion and Zethus tying Dirce to its horns), the Farnese Hercules, the excellent though late statues of the Balbi on horseback and a very fine collection of ancient portrait busts.
In the agitation of their consciences and affections, the disciples have started into groups or clusters along the table, some standing, some still remaining seated.
The subject was the Virgin seated in the lap of St Anne, bending forward to hold her child who had half escaped from her embrace to play with a lamb upon the ground.
In art she is generally represented seated, with her hand on the head of the accompanying horse or animal.
At the head of the army she rode clothed in a coat of mail, armed with an ancient sword, said to be that with which Charles Martel had vanquished the Saracens, the hiding-place of which, under the altar of the parish church of the village of Ste Catherine de Fierbois, the " voices " had revealed to her; she carried a white standard of her own design embroidered with lilies, and having on the one side the image of God seated on the clouds and holding the world in His hand, and on the other a representation of the Annunciation.
Among others, Athanasius availed himself of this permission, and in February 362 once more seated himself upon his throne, amid the rejoicings of the people.
In the Apollo Citharoedus or Musagetes in the Vatican, he is crowned with laurel and wears the long, flowing robe of the Ionic bard, and his form is almost feminine in its fulness; in a statue at Rome of the older and more vigorous type he is naked and holds a lyre in his left hand; his right arm rests upon his head, and a griffin is seated at his side.
In the same gardens are a bronze statue of Burns and Baron Marochetti's seated figure of Prince Albert.
The king seemed firmly seated on his throneso much so that in 1395 he had found leisure for a long expedition to Ireland, which none of his ancestors had visited since King Rkhard John.
Coracle-fishing is performed by two men, each seated in his coracle and with one hand holding the net while with the other he plies his paddle.
Sphinxes of the usual Greek type are represented seated on each side of two doorways in an ancient frieze found by Sir Charles Fellowes at Xanthus in Lycia, and now in the British Museum.
Maffeo Barberini, his warmest friend and admirer in the Sacred College, was, by the election of the 8th of August 1623, seated on the pontifical throne; and the marked distinction with which he was received on his visit of congratulation to Rome in 1624 encouraged him to hope for the realization of his utmost wishes.
The verb e s s e r a has been mixed, not as in the other Romance languages with s t a r a, but with s e d e r e, as is proved by older forms seer, siedes, sieden, seyendo, obviously derived from s e d e r e, and which have in the texts sometimes the meaning of to be seated, sometimes that of to be, and sometimes both.
It consists essentially of two parts, a basal portion forming a chamber, the ovary, containing the ovules attached to a part called the placenta, and an upper receptive portion, the stigma, which is either seated on the ovary (sessile), as in the tulip and poppy, or is elevated on a stalk called the style, interposed between the ovary and stigma.
The handsome interior is remarkably rich in early tombs and monuments, the most important of them being the elaborate altar-tomb of John and Thomas White (c. 1482), members of an opulent family of merchants long seated in Tenby.
On the lateral walls of the approach we have a similar procession of attendants Leaded by the chief priestess and priest, who pours a libation at the feet of the goddess seated on her throne; while on the right returning wall are fragments of a third procession approaching another draped figure of the goddess on her throne (placed at the angle opposite the bull on the pedestal), the train being again brought up by a bull.
In one case the spherical thallus was found seated in a cup-like receptacle.
In the median line, immediately above the leaf-scar, is a print representing the ligule, or rather the pit in which it was seated.
The most interesting point in the structure of the leaf-base is the presence of a ligule, like that of Isoetes or Selaginella, which was seated in a deep pit, opening on the upper surface of the cushion, just above the insertion of the lamina.
The species without ribs - Subsigillariae - were in like manner grouped under the two sub-genera Clathraria and Leiodermaria; in the former each scar is seated on a prominent cushion, while in the latter the surface of the stem (as in Bothrodendron) is perfectly smooth.
Firmly seated on his throne, Nicholas proceeded to fill up the gaps in his education by studying the condition of his empire.
Señor Medena gracefully seated himself in the chair beside Destiny.
She was barely seated before he lurched the vehicle forward, nearly dumping her off the back.
In a few minutes they were all seated at the table, passing food.
Ignoring the raised brow Claudette turned on her husband, Cynthia hastily set another place and graciously submitted to improper treatment as Cade helped her with her chair and then seated himself.
Once seated, Quinn was the first to utter a word.
I can fix it, the Grey God swore, his large body seated and hunched as he held his head.
She was seated at the end of the table opposite Damian while Claire claimed the spot to his left.
All four Dawkinses were seated at the breakfast table by seven and bending over backwards to be nice to one another when Dean delivered a tray of pastry.
She would be seated between them, and after introductions and five minutes of comments by each, she would ask questions previously submitted in writing.
Lydia Larkin was seated at a desk in the drab outer room, looking as pensive as Fred O'Connor back in his cell.
Jake Weller was seated in his familiar position behind his desk dressed in his wrinkled uniform.
She was seated on the bed, folding and stacking the clothes he'd packed for her.
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
Someone was waiting for him at the Sanctuary, seated on the beach.
Deidre was seated for a minute before a red-faced nun brought out a tray with a plate heaped with food and a coffee pot with creamer, sugars and mug.
He was waiting for her in the garden, seated at a tea table under an awning.
He tossed the sword onto the sand and seated himself on a boulder.
Seated, his face was at her level, the dark eyes on her.
Deidre followed the scent to the veranda, thrilled to see Wynn seated at the table where they'd had dinner.
Her reflection was seated, and her hair was blond.
Her conviction wilted as she stepped from her room into the living room to find the black-clad death dealer seated in an armchair, facing the door as if on guard, with a lethal black sword across his lap.
And one dark form seated on the rocks, staring at the walls like an angry puppy thrown out of its master's house.
Her gaze shifted from him to the dark form seated on a boulder.
Declining seconds, she finished her meal and rose, suddenly wishing she hadn't been seated in the far corner.
Ully nodded, already seated and scribbling at his desk.
He barreled toward the forest, and she turned in time to see the black jaguar with the white eye patch seated at the edge of the park, tail flicking and intense green eyes on the approaching child.
Katie looked up from her spot seated on the bed as he entered, her face troubled.
Several giants with Romas's shade of blond hair and similar blue eyes seated themselves across from them.
If only Kiera had stayed seated or didn't have such a hyperactive bladder or just waited five minutes!
She drew him as she'd seen him during their conversation the day before, the quietly fierce leader seated in his ship.
He remained seated before a viewer listing the losses from the most current battle.
Fred had returned and was seated in the parlor with the Quincy letters and the rest of his acquired paraphernalia spread out before him on the coffee table.
By the time Dean finished shoveling, Edith Shipton was seated alone in the dining room eating her breakfast while Donnie and Fred were poring over the Annie Quincy letters and notebook in the parlor.
As the Deans entered the kitchen they both saw with dismay, Effie Quincy, seated at the table, milk glass in one hand, and the Annie Quincy notebook in the other.
The two men were seated in the parlor as Dean finished reading the photocopied paper.
They passed through the tunnels and arrived at a large chamber where a dais stood on the far wall with six men seated behind it.
At a quarter to seven they were seated at a table with Bill and Katie.
He wondered what changed her from the cowering girl he'd brought home with him yesterday to the almost confident woman seated across from him.
The city seemed to be over capacity, with people seated outside the buildings and even more packed inside.
Ully stopped when the first drops of rain fell, and Toby retreated as the Immortal seated himself on a fallen tree.
Fellow detectives Tom DeLeo and Andy Sackler, seated across the room, were arguing as usual while the only other occupant, newcomer Detective Lenny Harrigan, was either catching a quick nap or meditating.
Monica Cutler was seated in her usual corner amid a clutter of used coffee cups and thousands of old newspapers.
Dean's damaged bike was stowed in the trunk and in a matter of minutes he went from being an integral part of a wide and wonderful biking world to just another simple observer seated behind glass and peeking at life at 50 miles an hour.
The seated Guardian looked down his scroll, gaze lingering on a name.
The arena can accommodate in excess of 7,500 seated spectators, with provisions for the disabled.
Ashbourn Grove, a neat well-built mansion, picturesquely seated on a gentle acclivity, one mile N.E. from Ashbourn, is now unoccupied.
Deep seated failures would require the use of permanent ground anchorages.
When using a wall mounted bassinet the customer must be seated in the first row of business class or main cabin of the aircraft.
The flat disk is transferred onto another, preheated kiln batt which is securely seated on one end of a long metal pole.
Sherlock Holmes was seated in his favorite armchair, across from Munro who sat somewhat bedraggled on the edge of the sofa.
It should be seated flush against the bare brickwork of your chimney breast.
Josepha seated herself by the open casement, and for the first time gazed on the miniature she wore.
A robot companion approaching a seated person in a helping context.
The " bewitched horse " was the fallen cromlech on which he was seated.
And a good statue of a man seated cross-legged, carved in limestone, but without any inscription.
For if the seated figure were erect, then he would 3 2/3 royal cubits high which would be four of these cubits high which would be four of these cubits.
Now includes FREE waist extender The ERGO Baby Carrier supports the growth of your child's spine by carrying them in a seated position.
Showing two men in pith helmets seated in the shade of some trees.
In the fourth century Hippolytus records that a mother who had just given birth was to be seated among the catechumens.
Portrait of a young man seated on a pedestal playing the lute.
All such works were viewed seated at floor level on tatami mats.
In " Naked Gun ", Leslie and George are seated in a car, munching pistachio nuts.
This was followed by a formal dinner to celebrate the occasion where CWO Callan was seated next to the Air Commodore!
I am still seated in my TV room with a clear image of the severe injustice perpetrated by my people.
The versatile design allows racers to ride prone or seated.
Very nice little place, and we were seated toward the back on a slightly rickety table for two.
Finally, he brought himself to a standstill in front of the seated Master, and bowed with a somewhat sardonic smile.
Showing a native warrior seated on a camel and brandishing a spear.
Drawing two three-legged stools from under the table, the witch invited her visitors to be seated.
Double page full color supplement, Queen Mary seated wearing a diamond tiara & blue sash.
The spectators were seated in its terraces; women and plebeians (plebs) were confined to the topmost tier of seats.
Like a medieval time capsule, the contents of this seated Buddha have revealed hidden details of its production and worship in Tibet.
The third smaller ivory tusk finial from the Congo has figures seated in separate rows, rather than a spiral.
If you feel unsteady on your feet ask the driver to wait until you are safely seated before he sets off.
She seated herself at a small table alone, and an attentive waiter at once approached to take her order.
A yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi sits on an outstretched tiger skin at the base of the picture plain.
The old plan of coming out and taking one's place at the communion table in the body of the church is unhappily seen no more; communicants now receive the sacred elements seated in their pews.
The reverse shows the seated archer, or occasionally an elephant; the head of the king is beardless and wears a helmet and a diadem; only from the third or fourth king they begin to wear a beard after the Iranian fashion.
Not so easily to be classed, but among the most individual and beautiful of his pictures, are a few of which the motive was purely aesthetic. Amongst these may specially be noted "The Summer Moon," two Greek girls sleeping on a marble bench, and "The Music Lesson," in which a lovely little girl is seated on her lovely young mother's lap learning to play the lute.
From that time Abdur Rahman was fairly seated on the throne at Kabul, and in the course of the next few years he consolidated his dominion over all Afghanistan, suppressing insurrections by a sharp and relentless use of his despotic authority.
While seated with his family and friends absorbed in the play, John Wilkes Booth, an actor, who with others had prepared a plot to assassinate the several heads of government, went into the little corridor leading to the upper stage-box, and secured it against ingress by a wooden bar.
He tried to captivate the ambitious fancy of that king with a design for carving Mount Athos into a gigantic seated statue.
In springtime each year you would if seated there be close to the snowdrops planted by Mrs Watts which have been augmented by well-wishers.
Seated on a log in a small dell she was surrounded by a crowd of spellbound children listening to her tales.
Drusilla seated herself in the tv guide sun-dried grass and watched her sister.
Seated Hamstring and Groin Stretch Sit tall with both legs fully outstretched.
Ideally, the center of gravity of the seated person should be over the supporting base, the ischial tuberosities.
Later he found himself seated inside his van, his wheelchair neatly tucked away in the back.
A yogi seated on a tiger skin The yogi sits on an outstretched tiger skin at the base of the picture plain.
Do your child's knees bend comfortably over the edge of the seat when your child is seated against the seat back?
Can your child stay seated like this for the entire trip?
When seated, the rider almost looks as if he's crouching.
Rare designs include the capped bust, seated liberty and draped bust.
You will need enough space for guests to walk on all sides of the table while others are seated.
Office chairs that recline have pretty much become the standard in most offices because they allow people to stay seated longer and more comfortably, making them more efficient.
Its sturdy construction will make sure you stay seated up and alert while you work without sinking down into the chair.
They discovered that the body, when seated, has natural pivot points at the hip, knee and ankle.
While seated, feet should rest flat on the floor or on a foot rest.
Have a view of the doorway or entrance - Position your living furniture in a way in which you can see the entrance when seated.
Breakfast Bar- A countertop that is tall enough to accommodate bar stools can be an excellent way to serve seated meals with minimal fuss.
This method allowed a cushiony floor effect for those seated, while letting the beauty of the floor to shine bright.
Other women may prefer a small alcove seated at her makeup vanity with a free-standing mirror.
Since newborns have limited motor control, props will be needed to be used to take seated pictures of the baby.
Seated group poses take place on the ground or other non-traditional posing area.
Since tempura is always served hot, you need to have your family or guests seated at the table as you cook.
Guests were settled in, the mothers had been seated and candles were being lit.
If there is any sign of bitterness, than divorced parents should never be seated together, create separate "family tables."
If you use very small bowls, make a tight circle in the middle of the table and use the same amount of bowls as there will be guests seated at the table.
Indian wedding guests are sometimes seated on cushions on the floor or in chairs.
A song for before the ceremony, while everyone is being seated and waiting.
The head table's decorations should reflect the importance of those seated at the table during the reception.
The meal may be a seated dinner for a formal event or a simple cake and punch reception.
A buffet is far less formal than a seated dinner, but still gets the job done.
Recently, however, they were seated together at the Television Critics Association panel, as the show was presented.
Your dog should stay calm and seated next to you at all times.
Parkinson mentions it as "cherished in our garden in 1629," and gives it as "growing near the river of Canada where the French plantation in America is seated."
Periods of seated meditation were an important part of the Zen monk's daily routine.
Items come in most precious metals, and you'll find hand-carved wooden lockets featuring Buddha seated on a lotus.
They are great to wear if you are flying and plan to be seated for a long period of time.
Once seated, he or she should remain sitting down until the trip is completed.
Seated Jumping Jacks involves sitting up tall and placing your feet spread apart on the ground with all your weight.
Seating Dressing Options - Older adults who experience a loss of mobility or balance can benefit greatly from clothing that allows them to get dressed or changed clothes while remaining seated.
While seated upright, hold your right wrist with your left hand.
Hold the pose for a few moments and then return to your seated position.
While seated, grasp onto the sides of your chair for stability.
Seated lateral raises will help you build the deltoid muscles of your shoulders.
When you look at an example of senior chair exercise, you can easily see that getting a workout while seated is a viable option.
Rotary calf presses are done in a seated position with weight pushed using the calf muscles.
Hip adduction and abduction can be done using resistance bands while you are in a seated position.
When the optician measures you, make sure you're seated comfortably and the frames fit well.
Most people opt to go into the bathroom while others choose to remove their contacts seated in front of a vanity mirror.
Whether you crave inversions or prefer to stay seated and close to the ground at all times, this park is a great place to look.
Guests of exceptional size may feel uncomfortable in the ride vehicles; guests who are exceptionally tall should ask to be seated in the front where more leg room is available.
It is also a good place to keep certain customers who may otherwise upset others if they are seated at a table in the wrong place.
Once seated you can get all their orders at once, then serve them quickly without losing any time.
If she's in a good mood, she will turn a flip from a seated position.
You are seated in a private room either on the couch or at a nicely laid table.
It may also include training for proper limb positioning while seated in a wheelchair or lying in bed.
Normally, by a given age, a child develops the gross motor skills required to get into a sitting position and remain seated without falling over, crawl, walk, run, and jump.
To perform the Heimlich maneuver on a conscious child, the rescuer stands or kneels behind the child, who may be seated or standing.
The test is administered orally to an individual child who is seated such that neither the examiner's mouth nor the words on the test form are visible to the child.
For at least five minutes before the blood pressure reading is taken, the child should be seated in a chair, with feet on the floor and arms supported at heart level.
Infants can also get around while remaining in a seated position and pulling themselves with one or both arms, a form of mobility sometimes called hitching or bottom shuffling.
The child is held on the parent's lap or stands in front of the seated parent.
The examiner places the person in a comfortable position, usually seated on the examination table with legs hanging free.
The therapy may include training for proper limb positioning while seated in a wheelchair or lying in bed.
Seated hair dryers are essential for lifting and processing color as well as for locking in sheen from deep-conditioning hair treatments.
Waitresses work with customers food establishments, providing service from the time customers are seated until the time they leave.
The pass-through window allows the hostess to pass food from the kitchenette to guests seated outdoors.
Confirm that the turntable tray is seated properly.
You will have to apply pressure to get the roller seated because of the belt tension.
Meals might be served family-style, with everyone passing the plate; buffet style, with everyone serving themselves; or as a more formal seated dinner.
Many men also prefer not to have the bulk of a larger wallet in their back pocket while seated.
Most of Capricorn's traits are seated in his need for stability.
Everyone with brown hair stands up and moves to an empty chair while the rest of the players stay seated.
The sitters are usually seated around a table and hold hands while concentrating on the spirits they wish to communicate with.
Heel height can be adjusted anytime, anywhere, standing or seated, although I'd always recommend it's best to make adjustments while seated.
The fairy can be hidden and peeking out behind the other image, reaching for or extending herself toward the other image or combined into one design, such as a fairy seated on a rose.
A good introduction to Iyengar yoga, this workout covers standing poses, forward bends, seated poses, and inverted poses.
Seated Forward Bend - Provides a wonderful stretch for anyone's skill level and helps a yogi calm the mind before moving on.
Seated Spinal Twist - Beginners continue to deepen twisting poses as skill level increases.
The neck release poses are done while you are seated on your knees, but you can also do them sitting in chair.
All yoga can help with relaxation and strengthening, and seated yoga poses can have a particularly rejuvenating effect.
Because less balance is required in many seated poses, your mind can really work on mental focus, enhancing yoga's ability to clear your head.
Meditation is an important part of yoga, and is most often done in a seated position.
The following seated poses lend themselves well to a meditation practice, or a meditational opening or closing of a practice.
Yoga is also good for stretching, so consider the following seated yoga poses for extending various regions of the body.
The Seated Spinal Twist is an excellent stretch for the spine, as well as the muscles in the back, sides, and hips.
Yogis can also strengthen their muscles while in seated postures.
The pose is performed by lifting the legs up in front of your body, balancing your seated body on your bottom, and rolling back a bit so that you can lift your feet and legs off of the floor.
Camel Pose is a good seated back strengthener.
For a full sequence of the Bikram Yoga poses, yogis should include both the standing and the seated postures.
Yogis originally performed these poses while stable and seated, often during meditation.
The "Easy Does It" program teaches daily breathing exercises, muscle relaxation methods, meditation, self-massage and gentle seated poses modified from Hatha asana poses.
Whether seated on the sidelines, doing routines during a time-out or on center-court during half time, there are many ways to use floor cheers to help your squad's team and fans.
Some floor cheers are specifically designed to be used on the sidelines of the court, seated in the "pinwheel" position, pom-poms set aside while the hands are used as percussion instruments on the floor, the legs, or clapping together.
As all cheerleader's know, the cut of a uniform is also important - allowing them to move freely, whether doing a liberty or a floor cheer while seated.
Sometimes they are done seated on the floor.
Placing an exercise ball between your splayed legs can help you gradually increase your flexibility for seated forward bend poses.
When seated on the ball, feet should rest flat on the floor your weight evenly distributed.
Seated Concentration Curls - Sit at the foot end of a bench with your knees wide apart and feet planted firmly on the ground.
If you are unable to perform floor exercises, a seated abdominal exercise might be a viable option.