Seams Sentence Examples
These can be most advantageously used on thick seams 6 to io ft.
Prince Andrew glanced at Kutuzov's face only a foot distant from him and involuntarily noticed the carefully washed seams of the scar near his temple, where an Ismail bullet had pierced his skull, and the empty eye socket.
They consist chiefly of sandstone and conglomerate, but include workable seams of coal.
The fibrous tough roots, softened by soaking in water, and split, are used by the Indians and voyageurs to sew together the birch-bark covering of their canoes; and a resin that exudes from the bark is employed to varnish over the seams. It was introduced to Great Britain at the end of the 17th century and was formerly more extensively planted than at present.
The steep icewalls at the margin of the inland ice show, especially where the motion of the ice is slow, a distinct striation, which indicates the strata of annual precipitation with the intervening thin seams of dust (Nordenskidld's kryokonite).
Both these series contain numerous plant remains, evergreen oaks, magnolias, aralias, &c., and seams of lignite (coal), which is burnt; but in neither occur the marine beds of the United States.
In southern Brazil, on the other hand, in Rio Grande do Sul, Parana, &c., the beds of this period are of terrestrial origin, containing coal seams and remains of plants.
The Ecca shales contain some of the best coals of South Africa, but the seams contain much unmarketable coal.
Like the similar sandstone in Bolivia, it includes seams of coal and is frequently impregnated with cinnabar.
Clearer evidence of their occurrence has, however, been found in fragments of wood fossilized by silica or carbonate of lime which are sometimes met with in coal seams.
AdvertisementSuch changes seem, however, to have been very rapidly accomplished, as pebbles of completely formed coal are commonly found in the sandstones and coarser sedimentary strata alternating with the coal seams in many coalfields.
The variation in the composition of coal seams in different parts of the same basin is a difficult matter to explain.
The thickness of coal seams varies in Great Britain from a mere film to 35 or 40 ft.; but in the south of France and in India masses of coal are known up to 200 ft.
These very thick seams are, however, rarely constant in character for any great distance, being found commonly to degenerate into carbonaceous shales, or to split up into thinner beds by the intercalation of shale bands or partings.
Although in the years 1870-1903 the amount raised was 5,694,928,507 tons, this later estimate was higher by 10,707,382,769 tons than that of the previous commission, the excess being accounted for partly by the difference in the areas regarded as productive by the two commissions, and partly by new discoveries and more accurate knowledge of the coal seams. In addition it was estimated that in the proved coalfields at depths greater than 4000 ft.
AdvertisementIn the early days of coal-mining, open working, or quarrying from the outcrop of the seams, was practised to a considerable extent; but there are now few if any places in England where this can be done.
In 1873 there could be seen, in the thick coal seams of Bengal, near Raniganj, a seam about 50 ft.
Poetsch in 1883, and originally applied to shafts passing through quicksands above brown coal seams, has been applied with advantage in opening new pits through the secondary and tertiary strata above the coal measures in the north of France and Belgium, some of the most successful examples being those at Lens, Anzin and Vicq, in the north of France basin.
The working of very thick seams presents certain special peculiarities, owing to the difficulties of supporting the roof in the excavated portions, and supplying fresh air to the workings.
The most typical example of this kind of working in England is afforded by the thick coal of South Staffordshire, which consists of a series of closely associated coal seams, varying from 8 to 12 or 13, divided FIG.
AdvertisementIn the working of thick seams inclined at a high angle, such as those in the south of France, and in the lignite mines of Styria and Bohemia, the method of working in horizontal slices, about i 2 or r 5 ft.
In France and Germany the method of filling the space left by the removal of the coal with waste rock, quarried underground or sent down from the surface, which was originally used in connexion with the working of thick inclined seams by the method of horizontal slices, is now largely extended to long-wall workings on thin seams, and in Westphalia is made compulsory where workings extend below surface buildings, and safety pillars of unwrought coal are found to be insufficient.
This loss .is proportionately greater in thin than in thick seams, the same quantity being cut to waste in either case.
In steeply inclined seams passes or shoots leading to the main level below are sometimes used, and in Belgium iron plates are sometimes laid in the excavated ground to form a slide for the coal down to the loading place.
It is particularly well suited to mines where groups of seams at different depths are worked simultaneously.
AdvertisementIn the vicinity of Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika, sandstones and shales of Lower Karroo age and yielding seams of coal are considered to owe their position and preservation to being let down by rift faults into hollows of the crystalline rocks.
The second type of Cretaceous is a terrestrial formation, and is important as it contains the rich coal seams of Greymouth, Westport and Seddonville, which yield a high quality of steam coal.
In 1890 coal was struck at a"depth of 1190 ft., and further seams were discovered later.
High winds and seams of burning lignite coal have aided the rains in giving the Bad Lands their peculiar configuration.
Prairie fires or spontaneous combustion have ignited many coal seams. Some have already burnt out; others still emit smoke and sulphurous fumes from the crevices in the hillsides, and through the fissures may be seen the glowing coal and rock.
An important geological characteristic of most of the Cordilferan region is that the Carboniferous strata, which in western Europe and the eastern United States contain many coal seams, are represented in the western United States by a marine limestone; and that the important unconformity which in Europe and the eastern United States separates the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras does not occur in the western United States, where the formations over a great area follow in conformable sequence from early Palaeozoic through the Mesozoic.
In New Brunswick the Carboniferous rocks occupy a large area, but the coal seams so far developed are thin and unimportant.
More important than the hills are the narrow and often rather deep river valleys cut below the general level, exposing the soft rocks of the Cretaceous and in many places seams of lignite.
The district is poor in minerals; the yield of silver and copper has almost ceased, but there are workable coal seams near Offenburg, where the Kinzig debouches on the plain.
The conditions under which the beds of coal were formed will be found described under that head; it will be sufficient to notice here that some coal seams were undoubtedl y formed by jungle or swamplike growths on the site of the deposit, and it is equally true that others were formed by the transport and deposition of vegetable detritus.
They consist of breccias, conglomerates, sandstones, marls, and limestones, with seams of coal and lignite.
Sometimes it contains thick seams of lignite or brown coal.
The very small pups are of a beautiful quality, but too tiny to make into garments, and, as the aim of a good furrier is to avoid all lateral or cross seams, skins are selected that are the length of the garment that, is to be made.
The hills and plateaus appear to be composed chiefly of the same sandstone series which in the Brazilian province of Rio Grande do Sul contains seams of coal, with plant remains similar to those of the Karharbari series of India (Permian or Upper Carboniferous).
Some tribes hung the scalps to their bridles, others to their shields, while some ornamented with them the outer seams of their leggings.
The coal-fields contain two main groups of seams, the lower in the middle section of the Carboniferous Limestone, and the upper in the Coal Measures.
The thin seams of the Calciferous Sandstone are not workable, but the bituminous shales in the Firth of Forth basin are largely worked for the manufacture of mineral oil.
Occasional beds of tuff are intercalated among these lavas, and likewise seams of fine clay or shale which have preserved the remains of numerous land-plants.
The mineral is chiefly obtained from seams in the Calciferous Sandstone at the base of the Carboniferous rocks.
Although the islands promise to become important, because of their excellent harbours, the discovery of good seams of bituminous coal (beside the anthracite already known), their abundant timber of certain kinds and their prolific fisheries, but little settlement has taken place.
The average thickness of the seams worked is from 12 to 18 ft., but occasionally a seam attains a great thickness - 20 to 80 ft.
The seams of the lower series are the best, and some of these at Sanktoria, near the Barakar river, are fairly good for coke and gas.
These are overlaid by a limestone, upon which rests conformably a series of sandstones with coal seams. The age of these beds is unknown.
They contain a few seams of coal, but the most important coal-bearing deposits of the country belong to the Tertiary period.
They contain numerous seams of coal.
The older rocks are overlaid unconformably by Cretaceous beds, consisting chiefly of sandstones with seams of coal, the whole series thinning rapidly towards the north and thus indicating the neighbourhood of the old shore-line.
The overlying Tertiary series includes nummulitic beds and valuable seams of coal.
The border ranges of the east and south of Assam belong to the Burmese system of mountain chains (see Burma), and consist largely of Tertiary beds, including the great coal seams of Upper Assam.
Compared with the Gondwana coal of the peninsula of India the Tertiary coal seams of Assam are remarkable for their purity and their extraordinary thickness.
The coal seams are commonly associated with petroleum springs.
There are also some very rich coal seams in eastern Persia, far away on the fringe of the desert, and under existing conditions quite valueless.
Coal has been worked in the Tertiary beds along the Harnai route to Quetta, but the seams are thin and the quality poor.
The deposits in these basins consist largely of coarse sandstones and conglomerates, amongst which lie seams of coal.
The Upper Carboniferous rocks are most important from their rich seams of coal.
The theoretical conclusion has been confirmed by the discovery of Coal Measures, with workable coal seams, at Dover at a depth of 2000 ft.
All finished material is carefully examined to see that it possesses a smooth surface, and that it is free from cracks, seams and other defects, and that it is true to section throughout.
It includes numerous seams of coal, many of which are worked on an extensive scale (at Giridih, Raniganj, &c.).
The seams are generally from one to five feet in thickness.
The Molteno beds contain several workable seams of coal.
The richest coal and lignite seams occur among the north-eastern mountains, generally near the Danube or Timok, and along the Morava.
The Upper Carboniferous is formed to a large extent of sandstones and shales, with seams of coal; but beds of massiye limestones are often intercalated, and some of these contain Fusaljna and other fossils like those of the Russian Ftisulina limestone.
The Carboniferous formations carry only thin seams of coal, never thicker than about 2 ft., and rarely readily accessible, and they can never be of more than small and merely local importance.
Nowadays the political consequence of Brunei largely arises from the existence there of valuable seams of coal, leased to the Sarawak government.
The Upper Carboniferous includes beds of shale and coal; but though the coal is good, the seams are thin and have not been much worked.
In following the progress of plant-life through those periods in the history of the earth of which records are left in ancient sediments, seams of coal or old land-surfaces, we recognize at certain stages a want of continuity between the floras of successive ages.
Other seams are full of the twigs and cones of Athrotaxis, a Conifer now confined to Tasmania.
Many of the clays which pass under this designation belong to the Carboniferous period, and are found underlying seams of coal.
It includes outcrops of numerous coal seams, and several mudstone horizons yielding non-marine bivalves.
Tube construction eliminates chafing side seams, and the absence of a shelf bra grants a dose of freedom.
The seams were on severe gradients with chain conveyors along the face length.
The British constitution, at least in regard to England, is now creaking at the seams.
Clothing is accentuated by large eyelets, oblique seams, seams on the outside and frayed ends.
The flysheet is 190T PU coated polyester with taped seams giving a hydrostatic head of 1500mm.
Taped seams are normal as is the concealed hood for all-over protection.
With a rollaway hood and sealed seams, it offers even more comfort and protection.
Featuring embossed cherry blossom design on side, Reinforced Seams and EVA outsole with molded rubber pod inserts to provide durability and traction.
In the lower seams mandrills were sometimes used as gages to measure the length for wooden props.
And by now there was a whole new wave of Brighton bands and punk venues, which were bursting at the seams.
The flysheet is made from double coated Weatherweave 2oz polyester with fully taped seams giving a hydrostatic head of 3000mm.
Wrexham is bulging at the seams with rock bands and I reckoned that on this showing this is one of the best.
Throughout the entire area are seams of diabase, with large slabs of diabase in some areas overlying ancient sandstone.
Inside the boot, all seams were filled with seam sealer to reduce the chance of water collecting.
For examples, many of the welded body seams were on the outside of the car!
What should I do if taped seams are showing wear or coming apart?
They look like French seams stitched down flat, which will entail three sets of stitching per seams stitched down flat, which will entail three sets of stitching per seam.
They are also all of a high wall bathtub construction with sealed seams.
Up to sixteen workable coal seams are to be found in the district.
Features include flatlock seams, a cotton gusset and a sheer toe.
Leave a length of yarn for joining shoulder seams.
Minimal rucksack rub over shoulder area due to flat fell shoulder seams.
His soil isn't suitable for carrots and parsnips as the alluvial silt has heavy seams running through it which make them bend.
They look like French seams stitched down flat, which will entail three sets of stitching per seam.
The seams had their flat faces beveled to match the decreasing angle made by adjacent strakes.
I tape the seams with Magic tape the seams with Magic Tape and add a self adhesive Avery mailing label for the address.
The seams are principally above water levels and in many cases have been laid bare by erosion; and the supply is varied - besides a " fat coking, gassy bituminous," there are an excellent grade of splint coal (first mined in 1864 at Coalburg, Kanawha county) and (except that in Kentucky) the only important supply of cannel coal in the United States.
In Victoria, Tasmania, northern New South Wales and Queensland, there are Jurassic terrestrial deposits, containing the coal seams of Victoria, of the Clarence basin of north-eastern New South Wales, and of the Ipswich series in Queensland; the same beds range far inland on the western slopes of the east Australian highlands in New South Wales and Queensland and they occur, with coal-seams, at Leigh's Creek, at the northern foot of the South Australian highlands.
I sometimes try my acquaintances by such tests as this--Who could wear a patch, or two extra seams only, over the knee?
The Frenchman, having pushed his head and hands through, without raising his eyes, looked down at the shirt and examined the seams.
For examples, many of the welded body seams were on the outside of the car !
Coal seams are also found in the west of the county.
Words marking collars, armpits, sewn into linings, seams becoming integral to the recollection.
Set in sleeves and sew up seams on the machine of course.
Thus the coal seams were laid down, together with their associated layers of clay, ironstone and strata of limestone.
Made from ripstop nylon it is lightweight and features fully taped seams and a mesh and taffeta lining for comfort.
I tape the seams with Magic Tape and add a self adhesive Avery mailing label for the address.
Essence is available in 4m and 5m widths to help reduce wastage and avoid unsightly seams.
Seam-friendly bra cups-While some nursing bras add seams across the cup, Hot Milk takes the no-seam approach to help prevent incidences of irritation and chafing.
You can expect a seamstress to perform alterations like letting out or taking in seams, hemming gowns, and modernizing vintage styles for a fresh look.
The seams need to be neat, even and straight.
The pockets should align neatly on both sides with no wrinkles appearing at any of the pant's seams, either at pocket joints, side seams, in the back, or in the crotch.
Some of the better brands now ensure that there are no seams, or very few seams so that irritation is reduced significantly.
Sports underwear is typically tight fitting with no seams.
In addition, look for sleepwear that has either no seams or minimal seams since they can be irritating to the skin.
You may need a little extra of these so that you can sew the seams far enough in (so they don't unravel).
The first stop is The House of Cards, which is bursting at the seams with different styles of Bicycle playing cards.
They can hide anywhere from in your pet's bedding to the seams of your couch.
Use a seam ripper to carefully open all of the seams on the cushion so you'll have a pattern to match.
Actually, you probably do something similar every Christmas, but this time you're going to cut off the extra bits and make a sturdier bond between the seams with fabric than you'd get with adhesive tape and paper.
Chair back cushions are buffeted by every wind that blows, and periodic summer rains run from the top of the cushion down, creating a greater opportunity for taking on moisture through the seams, with the resulting risk of mold and mildew.
Check the seams and around buttons for signs of tearing or unraveling.
The seams are double-sealed for durability, and the vinyl is extra-thick for additional peace of mind.
If you must use multiple pieces to cover a single wall, be sure to match the seams.
Powder coated faux tin is also available with faux tin moldings to help you complete the look of the room, while hiding any seams at the edges.
Even introductory level sewing machines offer multiple stitching options, including zig-zag stitches and stitches originally intended to create buttonholes or stretchable seams.
The seams are sealed and they are 100 percent waterproof.
You can use it on loose seams, ripped tulle or other tears on your dress.
One giveaway of an authentic dress from the 1980s would be shoulder pads sewn into the seams.
Check the seams, hems, and any delicate material, such as lace, for holes.
Use candles and string lights along seams of the tent to light the area.
The seams may pull apart or the colors may fade after a few washes, especially in the least expensive products.
The seams lie smooth so that there will be no chafing and the construction allows for full mobility.
Again, the design allows for full mobility with seams that lie flat and fabric that keeps you cool and dry.
Seams are reinforced for extra durability and there is a data card pocket so ski passes won't be lost.
The ArmourStretch offers full mobility while the flatlock seams and raglan construction prevent chafing.
If you shop in person, look the dress over completely, check out seams and look for stains.
Featuring a notch collar, a three-snap center front hidden closure, and both front and back "princess seams", this trench is very wearable for a variety of occasions.
Wear tailored jackets with contoured seams.
Avoid skirts or pants that have seams along the hips as they'll add extra bulk where it's not wanted.
Choose fitted jackets with seams to contour your natural curves.
Wear jackets with contoured seams to accentuate your waist and hips.
This style jacket often has seams that run down the front, beneath the breast pockets, and has two seams down the back which help to create a curvy silhouette.
Pull and tug seams and buttons to make sure they are sewn securely.
Depending on the cut and style of your dress, you may want to consider nude shapewear that has less obvious seams.
Cocktail dresses in particular are quite intricate in their detail and craftsmanship, from the stitching and seams to the visible embellishments.
Cut the box open carefully so small tears are not made in the seams.
The bags are lightweight, fold down for easy storage and the seams are bound with grosgrain ribbon, so that you can load them up with no fear of strain.
Although the majority of plastic totes come in a clear plastic with perhaps an accent color on the seams and straps, plastic totes can come in almost any color or pattern you can imagine.
When buying clothing, check to make sure the item doesn't have stains or ripped seams.
Carefully cut apart one of the seams from the toy, remove the stuffing, and fill with marbles or dried beans before stitching it back together.
Raw seams and EVA soles give the boots a strong appearance, but the fit remains comfortable and light.
Look for seams that appear as if they are being strained by the weight of the foot, and also be on the lookout for areas of the shoe that are starting to wear out.
Again, customers note that you have to take some time breaking them in, especially if you want to wear them barefoot, because the leather is stiff and the inside seams can feel rough.
It features raw seams and a faux fur lining.
They have a suede upper and feature raised seams and a Sherpa lining.
The seams in the shoe will be tight and almost invisible.
This process can be as simple as replacing the outsole or as complicated as reworking the leather and restitching all the seams.
Featuring a wide, non-elastic comfort waistband and flared legs, the Avanti Breathe Pant is fitted through the waist and hips with flattering forward leg seams.
Avanti Capris are fitted through the waist and hips, with straight legs, forward leg seams for a more flattering look, a lined crotch gusset, and a 21-inch inseam.
Look for double stitching, reinforced seams and waistbands, and fabrics that are pliable but not flimsy.
If you decide to choose a suit with a pattern such as a small conservative check or plaid, be sure patterns are aligned at the seams, shoulders and lapels.
You can use circular needles to make tubes, such as hats, sweaters or bags without side seams.
Trim any excess fabric from the seams, turn right side out again and press, making sure the batting or muslin is uniformly flat throughout the quilt.
Synthetics and mixes are harder to work with than 100 percent cotton, because they may pucker along the seams.
Fold one of the sides of the felt around the water bottle, and then fold the other side and stick with glue.To secure the seams, sew your bag using a needle and thread.
Seams should always be pressed together in one direction.
Many quitters choose to press all the seams to face the center of the quilt.
You can also quilt in the ditch created by the seams.
To quilt by machine, you can just follow the seams of the quilt pattern.
It is up to you whether you "stitch in the ditch" or stictch alongside the seams.
Select the largest areas of the clothing, removing seams, and cut along the grain.
Cut strips of the desired length across the double thickness of the body, leaving the side seams intact.
Breathe - For practical, every day wear, these Barely There panties have just what you need to feel comfortable and are designed with a soft breathable fabric with a wide, low-rise waistband without seams or tags.
The designers of this bra have freed women of itchy tags and tugging seams without sacrificing style or comfort.
Besides a basic black line, you'll also find stockings with seams made of rhinestones or in a diamond pattern.
The bra style tends to utilize more material as a whole, with more material, more seams, and a sturdier construction.
To get the most for your money, thoroughly inspect the garment before purchasing for loose seams or rips and make sure you follow the laundering directions.
During production of the film The Outlaw, starring voluptuous beauty Jane Russell, Hughes objected to seeing the seams of Ms. Russell's bra through her clothing.
Soft seamed - The seams in these garments are flat in order to help prevent irritation from seams rubbing against the skin during physical activity.
All stockings were once seamed because of the way they were constructed, but many stockings can now be found with seams because they are so sexy - they tease the eye as it imagines the seam running up the leg.
Seams and lace tops make an even sexier combination.
Seams make the garment more durable and may prevent your fishnet from tearing.
However, cheaper fishnet stockings will move around on legs as you walk, and the seams will slide.
Wear the Free People Tea Length Seamless Slip from Nordstrom when you need a slip that won't add bulky seams and hits just right for your tea length dresses.
The vertical bust seams and 2-ply front are designed to provide both shaping and support, while the wide-bottom band makes for a secure, stable fit.
Make sure to allow extra room for seams.
If your stockings have seams, straighten them.
Women who wear these shouldn't worry about adjusting their seams all day long; a quick glance in the mirror before you leave home to make sure that line is straight is smart.
The best shape for underneath bulky layers is actually a lace bra with seams.
The seams will give a lot of lift, which will create a more hourglass figure under the bulky tops.
You'll often find similar construction methods like French seams or hand finished hemlines in both.
These shorts can be purchased in white or nude, which won't show through most fabrics, and the seams aren't bulky whatsoever.
The side seams of this garment are towards the back to minimize irritation from surgery.
Amazingly enough, this pair features "eight-way stretch" and specifically placed seams that allow you to move with ease.
Also check the seams to make sure that the stitching is sturdy.
You'll see that the seams will be covered and angled towards the front or back of the garment.
Microfiber panties, especially, are often made without those irritating tags, and you won't have to deal with uncomfortable seams.
Technology gave the gift of nylons to women, but then wartime took it away, leaving women to draw seams on the backs of their legs in an attempt to look as if they were wearing stockings.
Thongs provide less coverage than a panty and sacrifice the back portion of the panty in order to remove any visible lines that are created by the derriere seams of underpants.
The boy brief or boy short also eliminates the derriere seams of traditional panties, but can create awkward lines around the thighs; sometimes this result can make the legs look like stuffed sausages.
The seams allow precise shaping and these bras may be less stretchy than seamless styles.
Finally, there are at least three garters per leg, as opposed to the miserly two on modern belts, better guaranteeing that stockings and seams stay in place.
Shelf bras are often embellished with lace detail, special seams, and brocade.
SmartWool bottoms feature back yokes and flatlock seams so that they remain fitted, sleek and won't chafe.
Likewise, tops are designed with princess seams and other details allowing them to skim the body and fit the waist.
With no lace, elastic or bulky seams, there is a good chance you'll achieve a seamless look under your clothes that other thigh-highs can't manage.
These garments are meant to shape you without seams or bumps as evidence.
If you thought your only option in seam lines was black, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find nude-colored seams in stock, too.
The iBra is deemed the ultimate T-shirt bra, with no seams, stitching or tags for a comfortable, smooth fit under shirts.
Wear a bodice with princess seams and darts to shape the bustier to your particular body type.
The seams should rest above or below the nipples for no bounce support without chafing.
Avoid corsets with unfinished seams and details under the breasts, which are uncomfortable for women who have sensitive skin or fuller busts.
Check for secure seams, sturdy wires, and a fit that will stay in place throughout the day.
Dipped necklines are usually scooped in style and are decked out with contrasting bound seams or light stitchery.
Then split the seams, and cut the bag into two rectangles.
These are sometimes solid colors or may have seams that are highlighted in a "piping" style.
While the town was bursting at its seams for tomorrow's holiday, the side street where the Deans' inn was located was peacefully quiet.
He glanced down at the expensive loafers that now contained tiny grains of sand he'd never be able to flush out of the seams.
The Alleghany Plateau consists of nearly horizontal beds of limestone, sandstone and shales, including important seams of coal; inclines slightly toward the north-west, and is intricately dissected by extensively branching streams into a maze of narrow canyons and steep-sided hills.
These older beds are overlaid, especially in the western part of the country, by a sandstone series which contains thin seams of coal and many remains of plants.
The seams vary in thickness.
Sublimed sulphur also results from the spontaneous combustion of coal seams containing pyrites.
In the Moscow basin, which was a broad gulf of the Carboniferous sea, coal appears as isolated inconstant seams amidst littoral deposits, the formation of which was favoured by frequent minor subsidences of the seacoast.
Europe generally, the principal coal seams occur in the Upper Carboniferous, while the Lower Carboniferous is mainly composed of marine deposits, with, however, the first bed of coal near its summit.
This consists of sandstones and shales with thin seams of coal.
Seams of coal lie near the base, some of them exceeding 20 ft.
There are extensive beds of good coal, including thick seams of steam coal near the Rand and other goldfields.
The areas containing productive coal measures are usually known as coalfields or basins, within which coal occurs in more or less regular beds, also called seams or veins, which can often be followed over a considerable length of country without change of character, although, like all stratified rocks, their continuity may be interrupted by faults or dislocations, also known as slips, hitches, heaves or troubles.
In some instances the coal seams may be changed as a whole, as for instance in South Wales, where the coking coals of the eastern side of the basin pass through the state of dry steam coal in the centre, and become anthracite in the western side.
In thick seams packing adds about 5d.
For straight seams the machines are excellent, making as neat a seam as is found in glove work, unless, of course, the pelts are especially heavy, such as bears and sheep rugs.
Cattle farms prosper along Beagle Channel, the timber industry is growing, lignite seams have been discovered, and alluvial gold is washed principally at Slogget Bay.
Sand and fill existing lining paper particularly the seams, taking care to re- paste any loose paper before applying emulsion.
If there seems to be staining or discoloration near the seams, water damage may have occurred in the past and has since been repaired.
You can easily identify a knife-edge pillow by looking at the seams around the edges of the pillow.
The construction is a bit more complex than the construction of a knife-edge pillow; the shape is created using more seams.
If you're considering using the fabric for a comforter, draperies or pillows, be aware that it's available in 110 inch widths so you can avoid seams.
With flatlock seams, ArmourStretch and built-in 30+ UPF, this is a must for hardcore outdoor activity.
Something that might appear minor to others, like seams in socks, can be vastly uncomfortable and unpleasant to a skin sensitive child.
Add bright glittery craft paint to seams in colors like fuchsia, purple, or lime green.
Flannel pajamas should have as much topstitching as possible, because it will reinforce seams for children who enjoy playing in their pajamas, which leads to rips.
Piped flannel pajamas have a hint of color at the seams, although they can be sewn in any style from boxy to fitted.
Piping is the rounded filler that you'll find alongside seams or around the top of pockets-and you might want to try a matching robe with piping as well.
This is the rare jacket that is also slimming, with seams down the front to enhance the waist and adjustable tabs at the back.
A purple T-shirt teamed with a grey blazer and skinny tie suddenly seams a lot more formal than when worn by itself.
The sticky strips can fix ripped luggage, hem skirts, secure boxes, identify suitcases, and fill seams of an adjoining cabin, among other things.
You should also tape any seams together to ensure a solid fit.
Armstrong's vinyl sheet flooring is available in six and 12 foot widths, which makes it easier to install without multiple seams.
Having fewer seams helps to maintain the integrity of the floor's design while keeping installation times and labor costs down.
Although the tiles are moisture resistant, liquids can seep into the seams and undermine the adhesive and even the subfloor underneath.
If you are installing self-stick floor tiles over a textured linoleum or vinyl floor, be sure to fill in the seams.
Do it yourself drywall installation isn't difficult, but you do need to have the right tools and take the time to create smooth finished seams.
Instead of powder, use a premixed joint compound to fill drywall seams.
Crown molding is a piece of wood that is placed along the seams where the ceiling hits the wall.
For some of the smaller joints and the vertical seams, try using a small tube of bathroom silicone caulk for a better looking job.
Apply the mesh tape along the seams of the sheetrock patch.
At the same time the side seams of drywall is tapered to allow for easier mudding.
Other builders prefer horizontal because there are fewer seams for each wall.
When creating seams, leave a one-inch overlap, and stagger joints.
Some experts feel that horizontal installation reduces the amount of seams, creating a better finished product.
Butt each sheet together without overlapping and then tape the seams together using duct tape.
While the surface of the planks is going to compare similarly when exposed to moisture, the sides of the planks or the seams where they attach to one another may not.
If you have a tiled shower, clean it thoroughly and apply some fresh grout to the seams if it's been a while.
If you require a big and tall suit because you're very muscular, move your arms in a full range of motions to make sure the jacket moves with you without undue pulling on the seams.
You don't want any part of it fitting tightly, so make sure you zip your jacket and move your arms around to test the seams.
Like the shirt, the most important thing is for the pants to be clean, loose fitting -- and no holes or weak seams.
They have offset side seams to reduce chafing, back pockets with Velcro closures, a Velcro waist, and a reinforced seat.
It is made from 100% cotton, is long sleeve with pucker free seams and has unbreakable buttons.
It has sealed seams and a four-way stretch shell.
The Greg Norman Waterproof Rain Pants have sealed seams and leg opening extensions for water run-off.
If you are going hiking, biking, or doing any other outdoor activity, you want to look for pants with no seams on the back and with zipper or velcro closures.
You should be able to flex in your jackets without straining the seams.
Even the seams are completely waterproof due to a product called Gore-seam tape.
Seams should have a single line of stitching that is visible.
These jeans are detail-oriented from the thick stitching at the seams to the horseshow logo on the back pocket.
Bike shorts lack seams in the crotch area and are made with padding to provide comfort.
The brushed waistband adds to the secure fit while the Flatlock seams provide a smoother surface, preventing chafing.
The waistband is non-binding and seams are reinforced for non-chafing action.
Ralph Lauren takes great pride in creating reinforced seams, durable woven fabrics, and double-stitched secure buttons on all of their shirts.
Examine the shoulders to ensure that the seams line up with the length or your own shoulders.
Even the seams have been flattened so that they don't rub against the skin, causing irritation as you move around.
The fabric aims to be non-restrictive while the seams lie flat against the skin; neck tape ensures additional durability.
They are reinforced at the stress seams for durability.
They have reinforced seams and are durable as well as comfortable.
Seam width - Seams should be at least one-half inch from the seam to the edge of the fabric.
Quality construction - Look for a garment with tight stitching on the seams and hem.
Hold it up to yourself and make sure it completely covers your breast and gives you a little extra room for seams after bra is complete.
It features figuring-defining seams, side pockets, and a notched collar, and is available in classic, goes-with-everything tan.
This black sheath dress from Catherines features a square neckline and slimming princess seams for a sleek, svelte look.
For beginning sewers, choose a solid color or one with a simple print that is easier to match up at the seams.
Look for darts and seams that bring the coat in at the waist and then widen around your hips.
When looking at dresses, check the seams and make sure they're strong.
If the seams are flimsy, don't bother, even if the dress is a steal.
The seams should be well made and have strong stitching.
Once you find that perfect dress, top or slacks for a steal, make sure it's worth the price (no matter how low) by checking seams, buttons, zippers and fit.
In addition to its simple shape, it also features seams on the front and back, which define the jacket and give it structure.
Their plus size bike shorts are available in black and are made from a cotton/spandex blend with flat seams that won't cut into your skin.
Heavier coats can look kind of bulky even before you put them on, so if you're trying to avoid adding to your bulk, look for styles that sport vertical seams and lines.
Examine preworn clothing to make sure the seams are sewn securely, no buttons are missing, and there are no small holes or tears in the fabric.
Inspect the seams for loose stitches and examine any visible details, like zippers and buttons, to ensure that everything is securely attached.
Sealed or taped, waterproof seams seal out the elements, as do Velcro® closure cuffs.
Give them a close scan for ripped seams, sagging hemlines, and fabric stains to ensure you get the best buy for your money.
Make sure all the buttons are securely sewn-on, seams are not ripped, and there are no minute holes or noticeable imperfections in the fabric.
For instance, to achieve a rail-thin profile in a pencil skirt, look for styles without pockets or pockets that are set into the seams.
It is easy to overcome these negatives by choosing styles with slimming princess seams and waist-nipping belts that create curves.
Panels are a good thing, but the more panels there are, the more seams there are, too.
Seams can sometimes irritate or bother the skin.
Quality shorts usually have a chamois insert that covers seams, which makes this a non-issue.
How seams fall and whether or not they can cause irritation are good reasons for trying shorts on before you buy them.
Princess seams and three-quarter sleeves add to the elegance.
There are more than 60 individual seams of coal that have been found viable to mine in West Virginia.
The mattress is made of latex and natural rubber that is heat-bonded at the seams.
When it comes to video game comics, the world wide web is busting at its seams with some fantastic reads.
Most importantly, carefully check the canvas top to make sure that the seams are still sewn tight and there are no tears or holes.
Body lice appear similar to head lice; however, they burrow into the skin and are rarely seen except on clothing where they lay their nits in seams.
However, the buyer needs to beware - often the gowns may be of a high quality but also well-used, with defects such as heel holes in the trains or missing trim and weakened seams.
As with any clothing purchase, be sure to check your items over for snags, loose strings, missing buttons, or seams that have been sewn crooked.
There's also a wide variety of sergers, which allow you to make lovely finished seams like you see on T-shirts and sweats.
If your dog likes to chew, make sure to tightly sew all the seams in the dog bed.
These lessons even include useful information like how to allow enough room for seams and how to pin fabric before sewing.
For the t-shirt, place the right sides together and sew the shoulder seams first.
Next, sew up the side seams and hem the bottom and the neckline.
For the shorts, place the right sides together and sew both side seams.
Place the two bodice pieces together, and sew both shoulder seams and one side seam.
The seams are double stitched so that the chair can take a beating and the frame is metal tube covered in scratch-resistant enamel so it will stand up to water and weather.
A Tanga will leave about a half-moon exposed on either side of the suit's outer seams.
Bonded seams help create a low drag and the piecing is designed to optimize the swimmer's shape.
Along with the Aquablade stripe styling, it has reinforced seams, is fully front lined and has a non-slip drawstring.
Aquaflite suits are top of the line, and come with a lifetime warranty on seams and zippers.
As for your own needs, you'll be glad to know that LiquidFit boasts of some of the most powerful seams in the industry, and they have quite a few materials and colors to choose from.
Seams begin to fray, and before you know it, that suit you purchased at the beginning of the season looks like last year's hand-me-down.
There was nothing wrong with this, so long as you didn't try to put anything on the seams, as they inevitably came apart and got sandy.
The side seams run four inches long for a bit more hip coverage.
All seams are reinforced and the suit comes with a front liner.
Leg seams run from 17 to 21 inches, and the cuts are roomy with drawstrings at the waist for an adjustable fit.
This creates durable, comfortable seams that won't leave indentations on your body or cause additional friction.
The seams are reinforced to eliminate embarrassing splits.
It has 4-way stretch flatlock seams to prevent chafing and a built-in full shelf bra.
The seams are bonded and welded together in a manner that completely eliminates the need for stitching, and this in turn creates an extremely low-profile suit without any bulk.