Sealskins Sentence Examples
Sealskins and other furs, and whale and seal oil, are exported, and the herring fishery is very productive.
He described the natives as a bright, pleasure-loving people, dressed in sealskins or mats, and calling themselves Morioris or Maiorioris.
With the exception of sealskins, which are pickled in brine, all raw skins come to the various trade markets simply dried like this.
Of sealskins there are two distinct classes, the fur seals and the hair seals.
The principal sales of general furs are held in London in January and March, smaller offerings being made in June and October; while the bulk of fur sealskins is sold separately in December.
It has, however, of later years been "unhaired," the underwool clipped very even and then dyed seal colour, in which way very useful and attractive garments are supplied at less than half the cost of the cheaper sealskins.
For many years raw sealskins Sold as seal.
The exports consist chiefly of livestock, jerked beef, hides, wool, and other animal products, wheat, flour, corn, linseed, barley, hay, tobacco, sealskins, fruit, vegetables, and some minor products.
The chief exports are timber (very largely exported to Great Britain), wood-pulp, sealskins and felspar.