Seal Sentence Examples
I had to seal the hemispheres.
Than an idea struck me; if we were sealed in, why not seal him out?
I've got someone coming up here to seal the place off.
The 5th duke was lord privy seal 1842-1846, and president of the council 1846.
She put down the geometry book and eagerly broke the seal of her letter.
In 1502 Warham was consecrated bishop of London and became keeper of the great seal, but his tenure of both these offices was short, as in 1504 he became lord chancellor and archbishop of Canterbury.
Such a mitre appears on a seal of Archbisho p Thomas Becket (Father Thurston, The ?P allium, London, 1892, p. 17), The custom was, however, .already growing up of setting the horns over the front and back of the head instead of the sides (the mitre said to have belonged to St Thomas Becket, now at Westminster Cathedral, is of this type), 1 and with this the essential character of the mitre, as it persisted through the middle ages, was established.
We'll seal the vault the best we can.
He gripped her trembling arm and placed the seal on her wrist.
Father Braun (Liturgische Gewandung, p. 457) gives a picture of a seal of Charles IV.
AdvertisementTo this ' The 10th of May has been made a holiday in North Carolina, and the date appears on the state flag and the state seal; and a statue has been erected at Charlotte in memory of the signers of the " Declaration."
Before she fell again for Sirian's lies, she pushed the lever to seal his cell and walked away, rage and confusion making her head spin.
The precepts of the law were valuable in the eyes of the Scribes because they were the seal of Jewish particularism, the barrier erected between the world at large and the exclusive community of Yahweh's grace.
The Senate, in which the partisans of the ministry had been increased by numerous appointments ad hoc, finally set the seal of its approval upon the measure.
John accepted the Articles on the same day and at once the great seal was affixed to them.
AdvertisementThe apothecaries' ordinance at Nuremberg provided that no Theriaca should in future be branded with the seal of the city unless it had been previously examined and declared worthy of the same by the doctors of medicine, and that every druggist must know the age of the Theriaca he sold.
Landon issued orders to the dealers last night to seal the others in the lakes where we found the souls originally.
The magic I used to kill her, I also used to seal the tumor.
If she ever escaped, she would seal him in the blackest hole she could find!
He became by a singular arrangement, only repeated in the case of Lord Ellenborough, a member of the cabinet, and remained in that position through various changes of administration for nearly fifteen years, and, although he persistently refused the chancellorship, he acted as Speaker of the House of Lords while the Great Seal was in commission.
AdvertisementIn March 1679 a new parliament hostile to Danby was returned, and he was forced to resign the treasurership; but he received a pardon from the king under the Great Seal, and a warrant for a marquessate.
In April 1673 he was appointed lord privy seal, and was disappointed at not obtaining the great seal the same year on the removal of Shaftesbury.
In Herat, where he spent the greater part of his life, he gained the favour of that famous patron of letters, Mir `Alishir (1440-1501), who served his old schoolfellow, the reigning sultan Husain (who as the last of the Timurides in Persia ascended the throne of Herat in 1468), first as keeper of the seal, afterwards as governor of Jurjan.
This tame acquiescence of the House of Habsburg in the reorganization of Germany seemed to set the seal on Napoleon's work.
He was cofferer to the king, treasurer of the wardrobe and afterwards clerk of the privy seal.
AdvertisementThe usual form of pardon in the United States is by deed under seal of the executive.
For instance, compare a seal's flipper with a bird's wing.
The old man continued to fold and seal his letter, snatching up and throwing down the wax, the seal, and the paper, with his accustomed rapidity.
His shriveled old hands were folded and on the finger of one of them Pierre noticed a large cast iron ring with a seal representing a death's head.
While listening to the officer's report Konovnitsyn broke the seal and read the dispatch.
This statue was itself based on the Great Seal of the Abbey of Walsingham from the original Shrine destroyed in 1538.
These awards include the Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS), Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS) and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV).
Seal the bag tightly, and give it to the vet immediately.
This involves sanding it down and reapplying a finishing product to protect and seal the wood.
Once the crown molding is up you will probably want to caulk around it to seal any gaps.
Once you get it cleaned and dried be sure to seal the grout to make cleaning easier in the future.
Under the influence of Archbishop Chicheley, who had himself founded two colleges in imitation of Wykeham, and Thomas Bekynton, king's secretary and privy seal, and other Wyke - hamists, Henry VI., on the 11th of October 1440, founded, in imitation of Winchester College, "a college in the parish church of Eton by Windsor not far from our birthplace," called the King's College of the Blessed Mary of Eton by Windsor, as "a sort of first-fruits of his taking the government on himself."
A specialty debt is created by deed or instrument under seal.
Still, Lake Baikal has a seal (Phoca vitulina, Phoca baikalensis of Dybowski) quite akin to the seals of Spitsbergen, marine sponges, polychaetes, a marine mollusc (ancilodoris), and some marine gammarids.
The proof of the supernaturalness of His Person sets the seal to the credibility of His.
In an act of 1534, with regard to ecclesiastical appeals from the courts of the archbishops to the crown, it is provided that the appeal shall be to the king in Chancery, "and that upon every such appeal a commission shall be directed under the great seal to such persons as shall be named by the king's highness, his heirs or successors, like as in cases of appeal from the Admiralty Court."
In this way Lanfranc set the seal of intellectual activity on the reform movement of which Bec was the centre.
Sealskins and other furs, and whale and seal oil, are exported, and the herring fishery is very productive.
This scene of the fight with the bull is often depicted on seal cylinders.
Can you set to your seal that they are true by the work of the same spirit in you that gave them forth in the holy ancients ?
It might be expected that there should be a decrease in the Greenland seal fisheries, caused by the European and American sealers catching larger quantities every year, especially along the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador, and so actually diminishing the number of the animals in the Greenland seas.
The average number of seals killed annually is about 33,000.1 The 1 Owing to representations of the Swedish government in 1874 as to the killing of seals at breeding time on the east coast of Greenland, and the consequent loss of young seals left to die of starvation, the Seal Fisheries Act 1875 was passed in England to provide for the establishment of a close time for seal fishery in the seas in question.
The chief articles of export (together with those that have lapsed) have been already indicated; but they may be summarized as including seal-oil, seal, fox, bird and bear skins, fish products and eiderdown, with some quantity of worked skins.
In 1467 Rotherham became keeper of the privy seal to this king; in 1468 he was appointed bishop of Worcester, in 1472 bishop of Lincoln and in 1475 chancellor of England.
If the fire is in working places to the rise the water may not reach the burning portions of the mine, but will effectually seal them.
The bowl is now severed from its blowing iron and the unfinished wine-glass is supported by its foot, which is attached to the end of a working rod by a metal clip or by a seal of glass.
One workman holds the blowing iron with the mass of glass attached to it, and another fixes an iron rod by means of a seal of glass to the extremity of the mass.
A modern glassblower, when making an amphora-shaped vase, finishes the base first, fixes an iron rod to the finished base with a seal of glass, severs the vase from the blowing iron, and finishes the mouth, whilst he holds the vase by the iron attached to its base.
Temples and palaces were repaired or erected at Lagash and elsewhere, the town of Nina - which probably gave ' They are also called high-priests of Gunammide and a contracttablet speaks of " Te in Babylon," but this was probably not the Te of the seal.
Babylonian art, however, had already attained a high degree of excellence; two seal cylinders of the time of Sargon are among the most beautiful specimens of the gem-cutter's art ever discovered.
A silver seal with hieroglyphs, now at Oxford, came also from Bor.
He was a member of the council of state in 1654, and in June 1655 he received the strange appointment of commissioner for the custody of the great seal, for which he was certainly in no way fitted.
His public career closes with addresses delivered in his capacity as chief commissioner of the great seal at the beginning of the sessions of January 20, 1658, and January 2, 1659, in which the religious basis of Cromwell's government is especially insisted upon, the feature to which Fiennes throughout his career had attached most value.
The principal industries are refineries for preparing whale and seal oil and saw-mills.
Many high officials of the British government have the word "lord" prefixed to their titles; some of them are treated in separate articles; for lord privy seal see Privy Seal.
It is there enacted "that no pardon under the great seal of England shall be plead= able to an impeachment by the Commons in parliament," § 3.
In 1293 the Saxon and Wendish merchants at Rostock decided that all appeals from Novgorod be taken to Lubeck instead of to Wisby, and six years later the Wendish and Westphalian towns, meeting at Lubeck, ordered that the Gothland association should no longer use a common seal.
It had no common seal, though that of Lubeck was accepted, particularly by foreigners, in behalf of the League.
The relation here indicated between the Shepherd's instruction and the initial message of one definitive repentance, open to those believers who have already "broken" their "seal" of baptism by deadly sins, as announced in Visions i.-iv.
Though contemporary, it does not altogether agree with the portraits on his Great Seal, which give the impression of greater strength and even of cruelty.
But the term raku-yaki did not come into use until the close of the century, when Chjiro (artistic name, Choryu) received from Hideyoshi (the TaikO) a seal bearing the ideograph raku, with which he thenceforth stamped his productions.
On the entry of the army into London in 1648, Deane superintended the seizure of treasure at the Guildhall and Weavers' Hall the day after Pride "purged" the House of Commons, and accompanied Cromwell to the consultations as to the "settlement of the Kingdom" with Lenthall and Sir Thomas Widdrington, the keeper of the great seal.
He was temporarily made keeper of the new great seal (14th of May).
His theological sensitiveness appears in his refusal of a preferment offered to him in 1635 by Sir Thomas Coventry, lord keeper of the great seal.
They recount the six partial judgments which followed the opening of the seventh seal and the blasts of the six trumpets.
The seer has a vision of the seven thunders, but these he is bidden to seal and not commit to writing.
And on accepting Philip's communications the king should send back honourable persons bearing letters sealed with his seal, in which his wishes should be fully set forth.
This is the earliest mention of an arched crown, which is not represented on the great seal till that of Edward IV.
A similar crown appears on the great seal of Henry VIII.
He still corresponded with the king, and returned again to London next year, but in May 1765, after the duke of Cumberland's failure to form an administration, Grenville exacted the promise from the king, which appears to have been kept faithfully, that Bute should have no share and should give no advice whatever in public business, and obtained the dismissal of Bute's brother from his post of lord privy seal in Scotland.
In 1877 he was counsel for Great Britain before the Anglo-American fisheries arbitration at Halifax; in 1897 he was a joint delegate to Washington with Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the Bering Sea seal question; and in1898-1899a member of the Anglo-American joint high commission at Quebec.
Thus he evidently made " the willing covenant " of conscious faith the essence of the matter, and regarded the sign or seal as secondary.
The new king was offended by Williams's advice to proceed with caution in dealing with the parliament, with the result that within a few months of Charles's accession the Great Seal was taken from Williams. In the quarrel between the king and the Commons over the petition of right, Williams took the popular side in condemning arbitrary imprisonment by the sovereign.
During the months when there were no baptisms the baptistery doors were sealed with the bishop's seal.
The May revolution of 1682 placed Golitsuin at the head of the Posolsky Prikaz, or ministry of foreign affairs, and during the regency of Sophia, sister of Peter the Great, whose lover he became, he was the principal minister of state (1682-1689) and "keeper of the great seal," a title bestowed upon only two Russians before him, Athonasy Orduin-Nashchokin and Artamon Matvyeev.
In September 1872 Gladstone again offered him the great seal, which Lord Hatherley had resigned; in the same year he took up his residence in his newly erected house at Blackmoor, in the parish of Selborne, in the county of Hampshire, from which he took his new title as a peer.
The supremacy of China is indicated by occasional missions sent, as on the founding of a new dynasty, to Peking, to bring back a seal and a calendar.
It was during this struggle that about 1287 (these privileges were finally sanctioned by the bishop in 1309) the citizens organized themselves into a commune or corporation, elected 4 syndics, and showed their independent position by causing a seal for the city to be prepared.
This declaration materially helped to seal the fate of Austria, and implicitly recognized Czechoslovak independence as an accomplished fact.
Disappointed in his hope of obtaining the great seal on the death of Zamoyski, he at once conceived that the whole of the nobility had been insulted in his person, and proceeded to make all government impossible for the next three years.
George Calvert died before the charter had passed the great seal, but about two months later in the same year it was issued to his eldest son, Cecilius.
He is usually described as the chaplain of Rufus; he seems in that capacity to have been the head of the chancery and the custodian of the great seal.
In the reign of James II., during the earl of Clarendon's absence in Ireland, he acted as one of the commissioners of the privy seal.
Their juntas acted to some extent in common; and although no written federal pact is known to have existed, they employed, as the symbol of their unity, a seal with the word Iruracbat, " The Three One," engraved upon it.
He is pictured on monuments and seal cylinders with the lightning and the thunderbolt, and in the hymns the sombre aspects of the god on the whole predominate.
The coast of Lower California is a favourite resort for the fur-bearing seal, r and pearl oysters find a congenial habitat in the south waters of the Gulf.
At last, on the 17th of November 1860, Miramon, under the plea of necessity, seized $630,000 in specie which had been left under seal at the British Legation and was intended for the bondholders.
And after her he gave also to all the rest that had received the seal."
It also has charge of the great seal of the United States, keeps the archives, publishes the statutes of Congress and controls the consular service.
Considered solely as French documents, lettres de cachet may be defined as letters signed by the king of France, countersigned by one of his ministers, and closed with the royal seal (cachet) .
The lettre de cachet belonged to the class of lettres closes, as opposed to lettres patentes, which contained the expression of the legal and permanent will of the king, and had to be furnished with the seal of state affixed by the chancellor.
The lettres de cachet, on the contrary, were signed simply by a secretary of state (formerly known as secretaire des commandements) for the king; they bore merely the imprint of the king's privy seal, from which circumstance they were often called, in the r4th and r5th centuries, lettres de petit signet or lettres de petit cachet, and were entirely exempt from the control of the chancellor.
The fleur-de-lis was first definitely connected with the French monarchy in an ordonnance of Louis le Jeune (c. 1147), and was first figured on a seal of Philip Augustus in 1180.
The United States claimed as a matter of right an exclusive jurisdiction over the sealing industry in Bering Sea; they also contended that the protection of the fur seal was, upon grounds both of morality and interest, an international duty, and should be secured by international arrangement.
The only seal nurseries were upon the Pribiloff Islands, which belonged to the United States, and the Komandorski group, which belonged to Russia.
The United States, nevertheless, insisted that such prohibition was indispensable on the grounds - (t) that pelagic sealing involved the destruction of breeding stock, because it was practically impossible to distinguish between the male and female seal when in the water; (2) that it was unnecessarily wasteful, inasmuch as a large proportion of the seals so killed were lost.
In the event of a determination in favour of Great Britain the arbitrators were to determine what concurrent regulations were necessary for the preservation of the seals, and a joint commission was to be appointed by the two powers to assist them in the investigation of the facts of seal life.
He was included in Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's cabinet at the close of 1905 as lord privy seal, an office which he retained in 1908 when Mr Asquith formed his new ministry, but which he resigned later in the same year.
In 1886 a difference about international rights on the high seas arose on the Pacific coast in connexion with the seal fisheries of Bering Sea.
The Alaskan boundary, the Atlantic and inland fisheries, the alien labour law, the bonding privilege, the seal fishery in the Bering Sea and reciprocity of trade in certain products were among the subjects considered by the commission.
The Orkneys were the Orcades of classical writers, and the word is probably derived from the Norse Orkn, seal, and ey, island.
Its range towards the pole seems to be only bounded by open water, and it is the constant attendant upon all who are employed in the whale and seal fisheries, showing the greatest boldness in approaching boats and ships, and feeding on the offal obtained from them.
The article known as tussur spun is prepared in exactly the same manner as other spun silks, but its chief use is to make an imitation of sealskin known commercially as silk seal.
At this time Beckington was acting as secretary to Henry VI., and soon after his return in 1 443 he was appointed lord privy seal and bishop of Bath and Wells.
And, as he saw that the marriage with Anne Boleyn was determined upon, he petitioned the king to be allowed to resign the Great Seal, alleging failing health.
In 1226 he was appointed chancellor by the council governing during the minority of Henry III.; and when the king in 1236 demanded the return of the great seal, Neville refused to surrender it, on the ground that only the authority that had appointed him to the office had power to deprive him of it.
Roman recruits when they took the sacramentum, or oath of fealty, were tattooed with the "sign" or "seal."
During the existence of the coalition ministry of North and Fox, the great seal was in commission (April to December 1783), and Lord Loughborough held the leading place among the commissioners.
For some time after that ministry's fall he was considered the leader of the Whig party in the House of Lords, and, had the illness of the king brought about the return of the Whigs to power, the great seal would have been placed in his hands.
In 1792, during the period of the French Revolution, Lord Loughborough seceded from Fox, and on the 28th of January 1793 he received the great seal in the Tory cabinet of Pitt.
Lord Londonderry now became president of the council, Lord Lansdowne leader of the House of Lords, and Lord Salisbury, son of the late premier, who as Lord Cranborne had for three years been under-secretary for foreign affairs, was included in the cabinet as lord privy seal.
To have the force of law the acts of the congregations must be signed by the cardinal prefect and secretary, and sealed with his seal.
Further, Pope Pius confined the functions of the chancery to the sending out of bulls under the leaden seal (sub plumbo), for the erection of dioceses, the provision of bishoprics and consistorial benefices, and other affairs of importance, these bulls being sent out by order of the Consistorial Congregation.
The seal is that of the fisherman's ring, hence the formula of conclusion, "Datum Romae, sub annulo Piscatoris."
Large lumps of Chinese silver, stamped with the imperial seal, are also used.
The king exerted all his personal influence to overcome Yorke's scruples, warning him finally that the great seal if now refused would never again be within his grasp. Yorke yielded to the king's entreaty, went to his brother's house, where he met the leaders of the Opposition, and feeling at once overwhelmed with shame, fled to his own house, where in three days he was a dead man (January 20, 1770).
It was also for a long period the chief seat of the Greenland trade, but the Arctic seal and whale fishery is now extinct.
A licence under the Great Seal to proceed to the election of a bishop, known as the conge d'eslire, together with a letter missive containing the name of the king's nominee, is thereupon sent to the dean and chapter, who are bound under the penalties of Praemunire to proceed within twelve days to the election of the person named in it.
In the event of their refusing obedience or neglecting to elect, the bishop may be appointed by letters patent under the Great Seal without the form of election.
In 1531 he had been made a serjeant-at-law and king's serjeant; and on the 10th of May 1532 he was knighted, and succeeded Sir Thomas More as lord keeper of the great seal, being appointed lord chancellor on the 26th of January 1533.
He resigned the great seal on the 21st of April 1544, and died on the 30th, being buried at Saffron Walden, where he had prepared for himself a splendid tomb.
Elegant liliaceous plants, with rhizomatous stems. P. multiflorum (Solomon's Seal), 2 to 3 ft., with arching stems, and drooping white flowers from the leaf axils, is a handsome border plant, doing especially well in partial shade amongst shrubs, and also well adapted for pot culture for early forcing.
In 1593 the leaguer of Geertruidenburg put the seal on Maurice's reputation as an invincible besieger.
One hundred members, many of them foreign divines, composed this great assembly, who after 154 sittings gave their seal to the doctrines of the Netherlands Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism.
It has, however, of later years been "unhaired," the underwool clipped very even and then dyed seal colour, in which way very useful and attractive garments are supplied at less than half the cost of the cheaper sealskins.
A large number of skins, after unhairing, is dyed seal colour and used in America.
The preparation of seal skin occupies a longer time than any other fur skin, but its fine rich effect when finished and its many properties of warmth and durability well repay it.
In the case of seal and beaver skins the process is a much more difficult one, as the water or hard top hairs have to be removed by hand after the pelt has been carefully rendered moist and warm.
With seal skins the process is longer than with any other fur preparation and the series of processes engage many specialists, each man being constantly kept upon one section of the work.
In America of late, strides have been made in seal dyeing, but preference is still given to London work.
As illustrative of this, it may be explained that any brown tone of fur such as sable, marten, mink, black marten, beaver, nutria, &c., will go well upon black or very dark-brown furs, while those of a white or grey nature, such as ermine, white lamb, chinchilla, blue fox, silver fox, opossum, grey squirrel, grey lamb, will set well upon seal or black furs, as Persian lamb, broadtail, astrachan, caracul lamb, &c. White is also permissible upon some light browns and greys, but brown motley colours and greys should never be in contrast.
Among the principal imitations of other furs is musquash, out of which the top hair has been pulled and the undergrowth of wool clipped and dyed exactly the same colour as is used for seal, which is then offered as seal or red river seal.
Its durability, however, is far less than that of seal.
For many years raw sealskins Sold as seal.
Sold as seal.
The first mention of the cloth trade for which Kidderminster was formerly noted occurs in 1334, when it was enacted that no one should make woollen cloth in the borough without the bailiff's seal.
In 1557 he even wrote to the Danish king protesting against the placing of "the three crowns" in the royal Danish seal beneath the arms of Denmark.
The motto was ` s Imperium et libertas "; the seal, three primroses; and the badge, a monogram containing the letters PL, surrounded by primroses.
He had a principal share in compiling the statutes of the university, which passed the great seal on the 25th of September 1570, and in November following he was chosen vice-chancellor.
By virtue of Poyning's Act, a celebrated statute of Henry VII., all proposed Irish legislation had to be submitted to the English privy council for its approval under the great seal of England before being passed by the Irish parliament.
He had with difficulty been prevented from holding up the lord privy seal by name as an example of the meaning of the word "renegade."
Borromeo was made prothonotary, entrusted with both the public and the privy seal of the ecclesiastical state, and created cardinal with the administration of Romagna and the March of Ancona, and the supervision of the Franciscans, the Carmelites and the knights of Malta.
As one of the Bering Sea Commissioners he spent the summer of 1891 investigating the facts of the seal fisheries on the northern coasts of Asia and America.
Having been made keeper of the privy seal in 1492, and having arranged a dispute between the Scotch and the Dutch, the bishop's concluding years were mainly spent in the foundation of the university of Aberdeen.
The bay is noted as a centre of the whale and seal fishery.
Fragments of the monastic buildings remain, and west of the churchyard is the monks' park, known as the Seal, and now a promenade, commanding beautiful views.
This consisted of bronze swords and vases, gold jewellery with agate and other gems, bracelets, collars, a seal cylinder and two engraved gold rings, one of which, the largest known, bears a religious scene.
The gift of a seal to Goethe on his birthday in 1831 " from fifteen English friends," including Scott and Wordsworth, was suggested and carried out by Carlyle.
Laymen who had resented their exclusion from power were now promoted to offices such as those of lord chancellor and lord privy seal which they had rarely held before; and parliament was encouraged to propound lay grievances against the church.
On the establishment of the Commonwealth, though out of sympathy with the government, he was nominated to the council of state and a commissioner of the new Great Seal.
On his return he resumed his office as commissioner of the Great Seal, was appointed a commissioner of the treasury with a salary of 1000, and was returned to the parliament of 1654 for each of the four constituencies of Bedford, Exeter, Oxford and Buckinghamshire, electing to sit for the latter constituency.
On Richard Cromwell's accession he was reappointed a commissioner of the Great Seal, and had considerable influence during the former's short tenure of power.
He again received the Great Seal into his keeping on the 1st of November.
But without an intimate knowledge of Fox's political experience and capacity he would hardly have made him his principal secretary, and soon afterwards lord privy seal and bishop of Exeter (1487).
Gradually Warham and Fox retired from the government; the occasion of Fox's resignation of the privy seal was Wolsey's ill-advised attempt to drive Francis I.
A borough seal dated 1469 is extant, but the corporation is not mentioned in the grant made by Edward VI.
In 1368 the seal of the city, a double-headed eagle, which in the 14th century took the place of the more ancient ship, was adopted as the common seal of the confederated towns (civitates maritimae), some seventy in number.
The borough, first claimed as such in the reign of Henry I., was in existence by the middle of the 13th century, since a deed of Gilbert Fitz-Stephen, lord of the manor, mentions the services due from "his burgesses of Dertemue," and a borough seal of 1280 is extant.
Just across the Nydeck bridge is the famous bear pit in which live bears are kept, as they are supposed to have given the name to the town; certainly a bear is shown on the earliest known town seal (1224), while live bears have been maintained at the charges of the town since 1513.
This seat he retained less than four years; for although he discharged its duties in so efficient a manner that, with one exception, his decisions were never reversed on appeal, he took up a position of such uncompromising hostility to the governments of the day, the Grafton and North administrations, on the greatest and most exciting matters, the treatment of the American colonies and the proceedings against John Wilkes, that the government had no choice but to require of him the surrender of the great seal.
The act of 1829 provides that nothing therein contained is to enable a Roman Catholic to hold the office of guardian and justice of the United Kingdom, or of regent of the United Kingdom; of lord chancellor, lord keeper, or lord commissioner of the great seal of Great Britain or Ireland or lord lieutenant of Ireland; of high commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or of any office in the Church of England or Scotland, the ecclesiastical courts, cathedral foundations and certain colleges.
The secondary fermentation proceeds slowly and the carbonic acid formed is allowed to escape by way of the bung-hole, which in order to prevent undue access of air is kept lightly covered or is fitted with a water seal, which permits gas to pass out of the cask, but prevents any return flow of air.
Ellesmere resigned the chancellorship on the 5th of March 1616/7, and on the 7th the great seal was bestowed upon Bacon, with the title of lord keeper.
The fine was in effect remitted by the king; imprisonment in the Tower lasted for about days; a general pardon (not of course covering the parliamentary censure) was made out, and though delayed at the seal for a time by Lord Keeper Williams, was passed probably in November 1621.
The town, according to the whimsical etymology shown on the corporation seal, takes its name from hirondelle (a swallow).
Such ritual use of oil as a o payls or seal may have been suggested in old religions by the practice of keeping wine fresh in jars and amphorae by pouring on a top layer of oil; for the spoiling of wine was attributed to the action of demons of corruption, against whom many ancient formulae of aversion or exorcism still exist.
He upheld American rights in Samoa, pursued a vigorous diplomacy with Italy over the lynching of eleven Italians, all except three of them American naturalized citizens, in New Orleans on the 14th of May 1891, held a firm attitude during the strained relations between the United States and Chile (growing largely out of the killing and wounding of American sailors of the U.S. ship "Baltimore" by Chileans in Valparaiso on the 16th of October 1891), and carried on with Great Britain a resolute controversy over the seal fisheries of Bering Sea, - a difference afterwards settled by arbitration.
In English law obligation is used in at least four senses - (1) any duty imposed by law; (2) the special duty created by a vinculum juris; (3) not the duty, but the evidence of the duty - that is to say, an instrument under seal, otherwise called a bond; (4) the operative part of a bond.
Seal Island and Penguin Island are in the bay; Ichaboe, Mercury, and Hollam's Bird islands are to the north; Halifax, Long, Possession, Albatross, Pomona, Plumpudding, and Roastbeef islands are to the south.
Neither are there any dangerous species of Carnivora, which are represented by the timid puma (Felis concolor), three species of wildcats, three of the fox, two of Conepatus, a weasel, sea-otter and six species of seal.
The Cetacea, which frequent these southern waters, are represented by four species - two dolphins and the sperm and right whale - and the Phocidae by six species, one of which (Phoca lupina) differs but little from the common seal.
It need scarcely be said that tiles have rather increased in value than deteriorated in the eyes of the connoisseur, that the ornamentation of metal-work, wood carving and inlaying, gem and seal engraving, are exquisite of their kind, and that the carpets manufactured by skilled workmen, when left to themselves and their native patterns, are to a great extent unrivalled.
It got its name (robben, Dutch for seal) from the seals which formerly frequented it, now only occasional visitants.
The seal was definitely set upon this decision by his formal engagement on behalf of his native country, early in 1890.
Sec. 16 contains a provision empowering the chief governor and privy council of Ireland by a proclamation under the great seal of Ireland to suspend the act during such time only as there shall be an actual invasion or rebellion in Ireland; and it is enacted that during the currency of the proclamation no judge or justices shall bail or try any person charged with being concerned in the rebellion or invasion without an order from the lord lieutenant or lord deputy and senior of the privy council.
He was present with his brother Warwick at the battle of Northampton in July 1460, immediately after which the great seal was committed to his keeping.
That Zeno and Cleanthes crudely compared this presentation to the impression which a seal bears upon wax, with protuberances and indentations, while Chrysippus more prudently determined it vaguely as an occult modification or " mode " of mind, is an interesting but not intrinsically important detail But the mind is no mere passive recipient of impressions from without, in the view of the Stoics.
Before 1223 their courts had received autonomy in civil and criminal jurisdiction; their chief rabbi was appointed by the king and entitled to use the royal arms on his seal.
On the 5th of May 1364 he became privy seal, and in June is addressed by the new pope, Urban V., as king's secretary.
In fact, as privy seal he was practically prime minister, as Thomas Cromwell was afterwards to Henry VIII.
Parliament demanded that laymen only should be chancellor, treasurer, privy seal and chamberlain of the exchequer.
On the meeting of parliament in January 1390 Wykeham resigned the great seal; and asked for an inquiry into the conduct of the privy council, and on being assured that all was well resumed it.
The earliest known form of the name is Sweynesse, which occurs in a charter granted by William earl of Warwick some time previous to 1184; in King John's charter (1215) it appears as Sweyneshe, and in the town seal, the origin of which is supposed to date from about the same period, it is given as "Sweyse."
On the contrary, his conduct after his retirement was distinguished by a moderation and disinterestedness which, as Burke has remarked, "set a seal upon his character."
Pitt chose for himself the office of lord privy seal, which necessitated his removal to the House of Lords; and in August he became earl of Chatham and Viscount Pitt.
The crown, having made choice of one of such persons, is empowered to present him by letters patent under the great seal to the metropolitan, requiring him to consecrate him to the same name, title, style and dignity of a bishop; and the person so consecrated is thereupon entitled to exercise, under a commission from the bishop who has nominated him, such authority and jurisdiction, within the diocese of such bishop, as shall be given to him by the commission, and no other.
His marriage with Placidia, the daughter of the great Theodosius, was taken as the seal of the union between Goth and Roman, and, had their son Theodosius lived, a dynasty might have arisen uniting both claims. But the career of Ataulphus was cut short at Barcelona in 415, by his murder at the hands of another faction of the Goths.
Michael of Cesena died in 1342, and Occam, who had received from him the official seal of the order, was recognized as general by his party.
In the East the custom which has prevailed for centuries, and which is a practice at the present day, of using the seal as a stamp wherewith to print its device in ink or pigment in authentication of a document is parallel to our western habit of inscribing a signature for the same purpose.
With us, the notion of a seal is an impression in relief, obtained from an incised design, either on a soft material such as wax or clay,, or on a harder material such as lead, gold or silver.
On the clay stoppers of wine jars of the remote age which goes by the name of the pre-dynastic period, and which preceded the historic period of the first Pharaohs, there are seal impressions which must have been produced from matrices, like those of Babylonia and Assyria, of the cylinder type, the impress of the design having been repeated as the cylinder was rolled along the surface of the moist clay.
Even in the 1st dynasty, about 4300 B.C., the Egyptian Pharaohs had their official sealers, or, to use a modern expression, keepers of the Royal Seal.
Early in the 7th century B.C. the cylinder seal gave place to the cone, the impression being henceforth obtained after the fashion followed to the present day.
As time advanced there was a growing tendency to enlarge the royal seal.
In Germany, however, this full type had already been attained somewhat earlier in the seal of the emperor Henry II.
The royal seal thus developed as a seal of majesty became the type for subsequent seals of dignity of the monarchs of the middle ages and later, the inscription or legend giving the name and titles of the sovereign concerned.
All the early royal seals which have been referred to were affixed to the face of the documents, that is, en placard; but in the 11th century the practice of appending the seal from thongs or cords came into vogue; by the 12th century it was universal.
Also from ancient times Naturally, the introduction of the pendant seal invited an impression on the back as well as on the face of the disk of wax or other material employed.
Hence arose the use of the counterseal, which might be an impression from a matrix actually so called (contrasigillum), or that of a signet or private seal (secretum), such countersealing implying a personal corroboration of the sealing.
The earliest seal of a sovereign of France to which a counterseal was added was that of Louis VII.
The first royal seal of England which ranks as a " great seal " is that of Edward the Confessor, impressions of which are extant.
This seal was furnished with a counterseal, the design being nearly Conqueror, as duke of Normandy, used an equestrian seal, representing him mounted and armed for battle.
After the conquest of England, he added a seal of majesty, copied from the seal of Henry I.
Equestrian seals of barons and knights; the seals of ladies of rank; the armorial seals of the gentry; and the endless examples, chiefly of private seals, with devices of all kinds, sacred and profane, ranging from the finely engraved work of art down to the roughly cut merchant's mark of the trader and the simple initial letfer of the yeoman, typical of the time when everybody had his seal.
The ordinary shape of the medieval seal is round; but there are certain exceptions.
In the later centuries also, particularly in the 14th century, they were set in seal matrices and finger rings.
But there are examples of elaborate matrices composed of several pieces, from the impressions of which the seal was built up in an ingenious fashion, both obverse and reverse being carved in hollow work, through which figures and subjects impressed on an inner layer of wax are to be seen.
The first and obvious reason for an inscription on a seal was to ensure identification of the owner; and therefore the names of such owners appear in the earliest examples.
The baronial seal bears the armed and mounted knight.
Armorial devices of the gentry first appear on seals at the close of the 12th century; and from that time there is a gradual development of the heraldic seal, which in the 14th century was often a work of fine decorative sculpture.
Fine seal engraving is to be found in the productions of many of the continental nations; but in the best periods nothing can excel the work of English cutters.
But the most beautiful seal of this period, and in many respects the most beautiful medieval seal in existence, is the monastic seal of Merton Priory, in Surrey, of the year 1241.
The Merton seal is the work of a master hand treating his subject with wonderful breadth and freedom.
Hence the leaden bulla was a recognized form of seal during the middle ages in the Peninsula, in southern France, in Italy, and in the Latin East.
But, while lead was the ordinary material for the metal seal, a more precious substance was occasionally used.
In 1838 the opposition to the governor's extensive powers under the constitution was greatly increased in the " Broad Seal " or " Great Seal " War.
After a closely contested election in which six members of Congress were chosen on a general ticket, although there was an apparent Democratic majority of about one hundred votes (in a total of 57,000), two county clerks rejected as irregular sufficient returns from townships to elect five Whig candidates to whom the state board of canvassers (mostly Whigs and headed by the Whig governor, William Pennington) gave commissions under the broad seal of the state.
In 1846 an act was passed designating slaves as apprentices bound to service until discharged by their owners, and providing that children of 1 The election to the U.S. Senate in 1865 of John Potter Stockton (1826-1900), a great-grandson of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, created hardly less excitement than the Broad Seal War.
The seal and whale fisheries, once vigorously prosecuted, are extinct, but the fishing-fleets for the home waters and the Newfoundland grounds are considerable.
A district council being a corporation, the general law applies in the case of a rural council that they must contract under their common seal, the exception to this rule including the doing of acts very of lands.
From the end of the 18th century the Russian fur traders had settlements here for the capture of the seal and the sea otter and the blue and the Arctic fox.
Under the American regime seal fishing off the Aleutians save by the natives has never been legal, but the depletion of the Pribilof herd, the almost complete extinction of the sea otter, and the rapid decrease of the foxes and other fur animals, have threatened the Aleuts (as the natives are commonly called) with starvation.
The walrus is now found mainly far N.; the sea otter, once fairly common throughout the Aleutian district, is now rarely found even on the remoter islands; the fur seal, whose habitat is the Pribilof Islands in Bering Sea, ha .s been considerably reduced in numbers by pelagic hunting.
In August berries are fairly abundant over the interior; one of them, the salmon or cloud berry, preserved in seal oil for the winter, is an important food of the natives.
They have also felt the fatal influence of the liquor traffic. From 1893 to 1895 the United States expended $55,000 to support the natives of the Fur Seal Islands.
Dall, " Alaska as it was and is, 1865-1895," in Bulletin of the Philadelphia Society of Washington, xiii.; Governor of Alaska, Annual Report to the Secretary of the Interior; Fur Seal Arbitration, Proceedings (Washington, 1895, 16 vols.); also Great Britain, Foreign Office Correspondence, United States, Nos.
Its Latin names are Persea, Muller catenata (" chained woman"), Virgo devota, &c.; the Arabians replaced the woman by a seal; Wilhelm Schickard (1592-1635) named the constellation "Abigail"; Julius Schiller assigned to it the figure of a sepulchre, naming it the "Holy Sepulchre."
But the fauna of the lake is somewhat rich; a species of seal which inhabits its waters, as well as several species of arctic crustaceans, recall its former connexion with the Arctic Ocean.
The crown thereupon grants to the dean and chapter its licence under the great seal to elect a new bishop, accompanied by a letter missive containing the name of the person whom the dean and chapter are to elect.
In the eastern part of the country the rhinoceros is met with, and the rivers swarm with crocodiles and with a curious mammal called the ayu, bearing some resemblance to the seal.
In August 1715 he joined the cabinet as lord keeper of the privy seal, and after a visit to George I.
In 1636 he was made grand pensionary of Holland, and in 1648 keeper of the great seal; in 1651 he resigned his offices, but in 16J7 he was sent a second time to England on what proved to be an unsuccessful mission to Cromwell.
According to Bellarmine, Garnet's zealous friend and defender, "If the person confessing be concealed, it is lawful for a priest to break the seal of confession in order to avert a great calamity "; but he justifies Garnet's silence by insisting that it was not lawful to disclose a treasonable secret to a heretical king.
In this connexion it is worth pointing out that Garnet had not thought it his duty to disclose the treasonable intrigue with the king of Spain in 1602, though there was no pretence in this case that he was restricted by the seal of confession, and his inactivity now tells greatly in his disfavour; for, allowing even that he was bound by confessional secrecy from taking action on Greenway's information, he had still Catesby's earlier revelations to act upon.
His aim was to impress upon her familiar facts and aspects the seal of his own gracious nature.
Later canons continued this restriction; and although in outlying parts of Christendom deacons claimed the right, the official churches accorded it to presbyters alone and none but bishops could perform the confirmation or seal.
Those then who would receive the spiritual saving seal have need of a determination and will of their own..
And he justifies his view by this, that circumcision, which foreshadowed the Christian seal (a payis), was imposed on the eighth day on those who as yet had no use of reason.
The seal of the commonalty is extant for 1350, and that of the mayoralty first occurs in 1428.
Other buildings connected with the history of the Mormon church are three residences of Brigham Young, called the Lion House, the Beehive (the beehive is the symbol of the industry of the Mormon settlers in the desert and appears on the state seal), and the Amelia Palace or Gardo House (1877), which is now privately owned and houses an excellent private art gallery.
In October Wolsey was deprived of the great seal, and surrendered many of his ecclesiastical preferments, though he was allowed to retain his archbishopric of York which he now visited for the first time.
The first lay ministry since Edward the Confessors time came into office; Sir Thomas More became lord chancellor, and Anne Boleyns father lord privy seal; the only prominent cleric who remained in office was Stephen Gardiner, who succeeded Wolsey as bishop of Winchester.
In selecting him for the post, the queen undoubtedly placed her seal on the wish of the country to carry out the waI to the bitter end.
For Ireland, besides the state papers, there are the Calendars of Patents and of Fiants, and for Scotland the Exchequer Rolls and Registers of the Privy Council and of the Great Seal, both extending to many volumes.
His seal of arms is among those attached to the famous letter of remonstrance addressed by the barons of England to Pope Boniface VIII.
The Rockingham ministry had been succeeded by a composite government, of which it was intended that Pitt, now made Lord Chatham and privy seal, should be the real chief.
The edges of the lid dip into an external water seal or lute G, whereby the gas is prevented from escaping.
The 72nd canon ordains that " no minister or ministers shall, without licence and direction of the bishop under hand and seal, appoint or keep any solemn fasts, either publicly or in any private houses, other than such as by law are or by public authority shall be appointed, nor shall be wittingly present at any of them under pain of suspension for the first fault, of excommunication for the second, and of deposition from the ministry for the third."
In February 1806 he became lord privy seal in the ministry of Fox and Grenville, but resigned early in 1807 when the government proposed to throw open commissions in the army and navy to Roman Catholics and Protestant dissenters; in 1812 he joined the cabinet of Spencer Perceval as lord president of the council, becoming home secretary when the ministry was reconstructed by the earl of Liverpool in the following June.
The sixth grade, for civilians an egret, for the military a tiger-cat with a mother-of-pearl clasp. The seventh grade, for civilians a mandarin duck, for the military a mottled bear with a silver clasp. The eighth grade, for civilians a quail, for the military a seal with a clear horn clasp. The ninth grade, for civilians a long-tailed jay, for the military a rhinoceros with a buffalo-horn clasp.
After the inspector has finished his work the cars are resealed with the state seal, and await orders of the purchaser.
The earlier English spoon-handles terminate in an acorn, plain knob or a diamond; at the end of the 16th century the baluster and seal ending becomes common, the bowl being "fig-shaped."
Mongan king of Dalriada in the 7th century is stated to have passed after death into various shapes - a wolf, a stag, a salmon, a seal, a swan.
That there was substantial identity in the character of original and copy may be inferred from the fact that the well-known tract called Modus tenendi parliamentum was exemplified under the Great Seal of Ireland in 6 Hen.
Besides raising crops, the settlers possessed numbers of cattle, sheep and pigs, but their most lucrative occupation was seal fishing.
It may be mentioned here that on the first of these sites a cuneiform tablet belonging to the Amarna series was discovered; at Gezer, a deed of sale; at Tell-el-Hasy the remains of a Babylonian stele, three seals, and three cylinders with Babylonian mythological representations; at Tell-el-Mutasellim, a seal bearing a Babylonian legend, and at Taannek, twelve tablets and fragments of tablets were found near the fragments of the terracotta box in which they were stored.
It created a corporation under the name of the Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut in New England in America, sanctioned the system of government already existing, provided that all acts of the general court should be valid upon being issued under the seal of the colony, and made no reservation of royal or parliamentary control over legislation or the administration of justice.
He opened it, surprised to see a ring bearing the White God's seal.
I oversee their creation then seal them.
He fidgeted with a couple of pens and doodled geometric shapes similar to those around her neck onto stationery bearing the seal of the bed and breakfast.
If this was what it took to seal the deal with Sasha …
A potential war with Qatwal wasn't planned, but he'd seal the fate of his people if he walked away from her.
Pulling the hood up again, she draped her cloak over the Tiyan seal on her horse's saddle and urged it forward.
Turn the bird over, then seal and secure the joint of the tail sleeve using adhesive tape.
In witness whereof the Church Commissioners have caused their Common Seal to be hereunto affixed.
The colors are black, white, blue, agouti, chinchilla, sable, seal point and fawn.
The ear is surrounded by the ear cups which form an almost airtight seal and cuts out disturbing outside noise.
Although virtually annihilated last century, the fur seal population has recovered steadily, and now numbers in excess of 50,000 individuals.
One such collection, in the Cathays p ark museum, is a collection of seals and seal dies.
As publishers, all our prints are embossed with a unique seal to validate authenticity.
LaVey's involvement gives the witchcraft elements the official seal of approval, as it were, guaranteeing their verisimilitude if not absolute authenticity.
When full seal loosely with autoclave tape and leave on tray by autoclave tape and leave on tray by autoclave.
The excitement started by a seal launch from the two foot high bank and running the flood swollen beck down into the sea.
Ultrasound can seal ruptured blood vessels deep within the body without the need for risky surgery.
The skins of the seals and the caribou were used for clothing and tents, while seal blubber was used for fuel and light.
The boat then glides effortlessly into one of the water filled caissons where the doors close to form a watertight seal.
Where it is unavailable, the official receiver is able to execute a conveyance without using a company seal.
Antifreeze stains here indicates that the internal seal which keeps coolant away from the bearing is defective.
Stop the seal cull In the last issue of The Newspaper we published an article about the annual cull of young seals in Canada.
The letting on the seal was identified as the cursive form of ancient Assyrian cuneiform!
If you read the old papers you get the impression that could have been an outbreak of seal distemper.
As I descended, I was temporarily distracted by the sighting of a gray seal.
This is a very nice beginners wreck dive with the occasional seal swimming around.
A dividend waiver must be executed under seal and received by the company before the dividend waiver must be executed under seal and received by the company before the dividend becomes payable.
He then doused a valiant Stoke fight-back with a third to seal a 3-1 win for Derby.
Made of TPE, a high performance thermoplastic elastomer that stretches easily, Active SEAL maintains a waterproof seal.
The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols.
The state Supreme Audit Institution has its own seal which presents the state emblem of the Republic of Albania and its name.
After soaking, the prunes are lifted from the madeira and then quickly enrobed in good dark chocolate to seal in the goodness.
The construction process involves using high temperature epoxy to seal the pressure chamber.
A baby seal being clubbed to death on the Canadian ice floes.
No balance hole features and has the shortest flywheel side seal shoulder of 10mm to suit a wider flywheel side seal shoulder of 10mm to suit a wider flywheel bearing than all other crankshafts.
To ' seal ' this leak, a laser is used to burn a tiny area of the ocular fundus.
New Zealand fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri, sub-Antarctic fur seal A. tropicalis and Antarctic fur seal A. gazella are found.
It is now more famous for the Seal Reserve, a breeding ground for thousands of cape fur seals.
Clamping the rubber gaiters to the new stainless steel seal holders was easy, however there was nowhere to clamp the top end to.
Ever tried to find a head gasket or brake seal kit for a 1934 Leyland Lion?
Early cars used a large rubber grommet, later cars had a foam seal held in place by plate.
Very lucky divers might have a seal for company on the way up, or see the guillemots diving down to meet them.
If you are a few m i les offshore and see t hore and see t h e sam e, it is usually The Atlantic Seal.
In Nuuk, a large igloo is built and turned into an Arctic kitchen serving up fresh wild reindeer steaks and seal soup.
The US already prohibits the importation of seal products.
Vale seal improbable triumph BOWDON Vale cruised to an improbable 20-point victory at home to third placed Winsford on Saturday.
Remember to pull the seal up higher and add another lump of lead so the suit stays more inflated.
A bonus is that the new type of injectors seal on DMU injectors seal on DMU injector pipe olives lower down giving them a new lease of life.
Other attractions include koalas high in the treetops and the spectacle of thousands of Australian fur seals swimming and lazing on Seal Rocks.
As well as being useful for interpreting the behavior of the seal, these pictures will also be interesting in studying the krill themselves.
Press out the air and seal the bag tightly, then turn the bag several times to distribute the marinade.
The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols.
Spread with the Italian meringue all over using a palette knife to seal in the ingredients.
Detail on the Bedford seal is hard to distinguish but both ships clearly had a square rigged mainmast and a lateen mizzen.
This means that the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office certify the notary 's signature and seal.
Wentworth beats him to the draw and leaves on his forehead the seal of The Spider, an already notorious killer of criminals.
The seal matrix is a flat pointed oval (25 mm long, 19 mm wide) with a suspension loop on the back.
The vented black plastic frame with soft contoured foam padding provides a tight seal to keep out the wind.
Doll is wearing a seal skin parka with attached hood with the brown fur to the exterior.
This will melt the plastic around the hole and seal it.
All three seals are close to release weight and all have now recovered from seal pox.
This means more animals are being killed than would be considered prudent under a truly precautionary approach to harp seal management.
Late spring Greenland storms Drown thousands of harp seal pups, Nothing on TV.
All our rescued seal pups are returned to the wild.
You should avoid handling a seal pup at all costs, for the same reason.
However, Woods drained a 15-foot birdie putt at the final hole to seal his place in golf history.
Wearers of tight fitting respirators must be clean-shaven in the area of the mask seal.
This included some second century roman pottery and a 13th century lead seal.
The nearest rookery is a small group of seals in Chichester harbor which are occasionally seen around Selsey (Seal Island ).
If you are a few m i les offshore and see t h e SAM e, it is usually The Atlantic Seal.
As it has a soft satin finish we won't need to varnish or seal.
Use a large flat blade screwdriver to lever the seal out.
We'll also watch for Common Seal, Red Kite, Osprey and numerous seabirds.