Sea-horses Sentence Examples
Forms of sea-horses (Hippocampus), pipe-fishes (Syngnathus), fife-fishes (Sclerodermus), and sun-fish, globe-fish, and other allied forms of Gymnodontes, are not uncommon.
Some of this sculpture has been found; the acroteria are Nereids mounted on sea-horses, and one pediment contained a battle of Greeks and Amazons.
In works of art she is represented either enthroned beside him, or driving with him in a chariot drawn by sea-horses or other fabulous creatures of the deep, and attended by Tritons and Nereids.
This vase dates about 250 B.C., and the Siren charms represent her in the same way, but usually mounted on two sea-horses.
Check the ropes carefully for large sea horses (Hippocampus kuda ). Also many soft corals, schooling fish, lionfish, giant morays.
For the ocean lover, there are sea horses and sea shells.