Sculpture Sentence Examples
Domenico contains one of the finest works in sculpture by Arnolfo del Cambio.
They combine the technique of weaving, embroidery and sculpture.
The interior, plain in itself, contains interesting sculpture.
The differences of character are very skilfully rendered in all the sculpture of this age.
The roofs were wholly of stone, and the walls covered with sculpture.
In painting, sculpture and music he considered himself the equal of specialists.
For sculpture and various architectural purposes white, fine-grained marble was brought from Paros and Naxos.
To this fact is largely due the excellence of the Germans in grandiose decorative painting and sculpture, a talent for the exercise of which plenty of scope has been given them by the numerous public buildings and memorials raised since the war of 1870.
The architecture and sculpture of this age have also left some of their most remarkable monuments among the Greek cities of Sicily.
Some important sculpture was found, and a large number of inscriptions, the most valuable being two bilingual texts, in Lydian-Aramaic and Lydian-Greek.
AdvertisementThe rock sculpture is often very similar to that of a tropical desert.'
It revolted from Egypt on two occasions, but was reconquered, and a sculpture at Thebes depicts the storming of the city.
Langhans, the post office and the museum of sculpture and painting, the latter faced by the Mende fountain.
The soil of the area does not lend itself to terracotta sculpture.
The Gandhara school of sculpture, of which the best specimens come from the neighbourhood of Kanishka's capital, Purushpura (the modern Peshawar), is a branch of Graeco-Roman art adapted to Oriental religious subjects.
AdvertisementIn 1880-1883 he brought out his History of Greek Sculpture, which at once became a standard work.
The earliest recorded images of Hera preceded the rise of Greek sculpture; a log at Thespiae, a plank at Samos, a pillar at Argos served to represent the goddess.
In the archaic period of sculpture the oavov or wooden statue of the Samian Hera by Smilis was famous.
From El Kb southward its place was taken by Libyan sandstone, soft and easily worked, but unsuitable for fine sculpture.
This may perhaps apply to other arts as well as to sculpture and painting.
AdvertisementDrawing continued to be the strong point of the art after the more laborious sculpture had lost all vitality.
Lastly we must recognize the different schools of Egyptian sculpture which are as distinct as those of recent painting.
Flint scrapers were used in dressing down limestone sculpture in the IIIrd Dynasty.
Some pieces of sculpture were found here, among them fragments of the Parthenon and a singular relief of Asclepius with a kneeling woman suppliant.
Sculpture was also found in excavating the Stoa of the Giants and the Roman agora.
AdvertisementThe striking feature of the building is the sculpture of the west pediment, carved in high relief on limestone slabs.
Some more pieces of Graeco-Roman sculpture have been recovered by the French from the sunken ship off Mandia.
He was especially anxious to obtain works of art, mainly sculpture, for the famous Munich collections which he started, and in this he had the advantage of the assistance of the painter Martin Wagner.
The old hospital on the island-quarter contains a museum with interesting collections of paintings, Gallo-Roman antiquities, sculpture, &c. Close by stands the library, which possesses many valuable MSS.
Their effects are best seen in sculpture and in metal work, though it remains doubtful whether the best examples of the latter were made in Cyprus or on the mainland.
These paintings will be complemented by French sculpture, oriental ceramics and a spectacular decorated piano designed by William Morris.
Artistic talents â making a frieze on a school wall or helping with sculpture.
Some of the isolated burials, finds and Norse funerary sculpture may even suggest occasional intermarriage and individual Viking settlement.
The sculpture is a data representation of the community.
The awards are copies of a unique sculpture by Liliane Caumont, a French sculptress currently living in Spain.
By the end of the day they will create a collective sculpture which will be shown at the Qube Gallery later in the year.
Fhnders Petrie has collected and discussed a series of facial types shown in prehiltoric and early Egyptian sculpture, Journal Anthropological Institute, 1901, 248.
The temple and considerable remains of the group of sculpture were found in 1889.
There are numerous sculptural adornments without, and there is elaborate interior decoration with paintings, sculpture, coloured marbles and gilding.'
Thus public monuments became fortresses, and antique sculpture was built into city walls.
A Romanesque cloister containing a collection of old sculpture flanks the church on the north.
His notices of ancient sculpture and its various styles appeared as an appendix to the Saggio di lingua Etrusca, and arose out of his minute study of the treasures then added to the Florentine collection from the Villa Medici.
It has yielded to the Austrians fine sculpture in marble and bronze and many inscriptions.
In sculpture and painting not much has yet been done to adorn the city.
The wealth of the state and the king's desire to celebrate his victories by monuments of art led to the rise of the "Pergamenian school" in sculpture.
Numerous works of sculpture of all periods have been found, and also a very extensive series of inscriptions, some of them throwing much light upon the subject of temple administration in Greece.
This floor consists of a rotunda, and of halls and cabinets of sculpture.
The lowest of its three floors contains the Egyptian museum; on the first floor plaster casts of ancient, medieval and modern sculpture are found, while the second contains a cabinet of engravings.
It was the result of the revival of classic architecture known as Renaissance, but the change had commenced already a century earlier, in the works of Ghiberti and Donatello in sculpture, and of Brunelleschi and Alberti in architecture.
The king of Sicily's fame as an amateur of painting has led to the attribution to him of many old paintings in Anjou and Provence, in many cases simply because they bear his arms. These works are generally in the Flemish style, and were probably executed under his patronage and direction, so that he may be said to have formed a school of the fine arts in sculpture, painting, gold work and tapestry.
Armorial devices of the gentry first appear on seals at the close of the 12th century; and from that time there is a gradual development of the heraldic seal, which in the 14th century was often a work of fine decorative sculpture.
The 14th century is also the period of enriched canopies, of niches and pinnacles and of other details of monumental sculpture reproduced in its seals.
The architectural and ornamental sculpture of the interior is mostly by the same artist, and there are a few interesting pictures, as well as some realistic wall paintings by the 18thcentury artist Jacob de Wit similar to those in the Huis ten Bosch near the Hague.
Dating from the 14th century, and restored by Fonsega in the 17th, it is a building of extraordinary richness of decoration, with paintings and sculpture by Guido Reni, Lanfranco, Caravaggio, D'Arpino, Solimene, Luca Giordano and notably a " Descent from the Cross " by Ribera, conconsidered the finest work of this master.
Pacioli was equally amazed and delighted at Leonardo's two great achievements in sculpture and painting, and still more at the genius for mathematical, physical and anatomical research shown in the collections of MS. notes which the master laid before him.
The importunate expectations of a masterpiece or masterpieces in painting or sculpture, which beset him on all hands in Florence, inclined him to take service again with some princely patron, if possible of a genius commensurate with his own, who would give him scope to carry out engineering schemes on a vast scale.
Few works of painting and none of sculpture (unless the unfulfilled commission for the Trivulzio monument belongs to this time) are recorded as occupying him during the seven years of his second residence in that city (1506-1513).
His collection of paintings and sculpture, much of which had long been loaned to the Metropolitan Museum, was sold in January 1886.
Its quarries of white marble were not regularly worked until after the Persian wars; of this material all the chief buildings of Athens were constructed, as well as the sculpture with which they were ornamented.
Greeks to a sepulchral chest, in stone or other material, which was more or less enriched with ornament and sculpture.
Painting and sculpture, like modern Rumanian architecture, are still in their infancy.
Among the most important are the objects from prehistoric tombs and the architectural fragments from Selinus, including several metopes with reliefs, which are of great importance as illustrating the development of Greek sculpture.
One of the most important is the museum, which contains about four hundred modern paintings, a large number of casts, a few pieces of original sculpture and a well-arranged collection of drawings and engravings.
This work, which includes sculpture and architecture, as well as painting, has become indispensable to the art traveller in Italy.
The main art centres of Tuscany are Florence, Pisa and Siena, the headquarters of the chief schools of painting and sculpture from the r3th century onwards.
While the former city, however, bore as prominent a part as any in Italy in the Renaissance, the art of Pisa ceased, owing to the political decline of the city, to make any advance at a comparatively early period, its importance being in ecclesiastical architecture in the 12th, and in sculpture in the 13th century.
The other works of Cicognara are - the Memorie storiche de' litterati ed artisti Ferraresi (1811); the Vite de' più insigni pittori e scultori Ferraresi, MS.; the Memorie spettanti alla storia della calcografia (1831); and a large number of dissertations on painting, sculpture, engraving and other kindred subjects.
Lessing, on the other hand, maintained the view that the marble group illustrated the version of the legend given by Virgil, with such differences as were necessary from the different limits of representation imposed on the arts of sculpture and of poetry.
A similar inscription and sculpture is on a rock near Gur (Firuzabad) in Persia.
Mercie was appointed professor of drawing and sculpture at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and was elected a member of the Academie Frangaise in 1891, after being awarded the biennial prize of the institute of 800 in 1887.
She squinted at the object and decided it was a sculpture, but she couldn't make out any detail.
The present sculpture is modern, as the abbey was destroyed by air raids in the Second World War, but since rebuilt.
This project was an identity based group sculpture and involved the participants taking casts of their own faces with dental alginate.
Activities included architectural modeling, psychological testing, map making, a photographic portraiture project, and a memorial plaque sculpture project.
The sculpture is finished in cold cast bronze, antique silver (nickel brass) or copper.
It will feature calligraphy, painting, sculpture, photography and ceramics by some of the best artists working in Japan today.
Nearby is an interesting modern sculpture of the mythical beast called a chimera.
This forms an interesting counterpoint to the Family Group sculpture.
Enclosed within the area of the Sculpture Garden is a lost wax, bronze casting foundry.
He has used only the heartwood of the oak trunk for this sculpture, the sap wood having been cut away.
Loaded with a huge variety of activities ranging from making mosaics in the Sculpture gallery to designing a kimono in the Japanese Gallery.
Her profile recalls Greek classical sculpture as well as fashion mannequins of the period.
The Courtauld gift will include the plaster maquette for this sculpture.
Bullring Birmingham Commission The scale of work ranges from small bronze maquettes up to very large outdoor sculpture of monumental proportions.
This is not an inappropriate response, for African artists have produced countless masterworks of three-dimensional figurative sculpture.
We are interested in analyzing the structural differences during seed ontogeny that leads to these two fundamentally different seed surface sculpture types.
They are not preliminary studies for sculpture but related explorations freed from many of the laws of physics that a sculptor must obey.
He also exhibited a new, major sculpture, at the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition and at Soho Galleries, also in Sydney.
Kerry Stewart Drops Loveliness at Royal Festival Hall Ballroom, London Kerry Stewart is known, so far, for her figurative sculpture.
The pride of the collection, and College icon, is a monumental sculpture by Barbara Hepworth.
The only Romanesque sculpture is on the N doorway and a Purbeck marble font.
The aim is that this will lead to a life-size sculpture that will be a lasting reminder of the UN International Year.
An existing bronze sculpture has been relocated to the southwest corner of the site to provide a landmark from the road.
Prices Each driftwood sculpture is unique and prices range from £ 30 upwards depending on size and type.
Over the weekend the craftspeople will be constructing a large willow sculpture.
If an ice sculpture is a must have, go for a martini luge.
The whole film is a journey in which the woman like moving sculpture, summons up an area of female sensuality.
The snake is another common subject of sculpture and is often shown as Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent.
Through its witty mimicry, Thank You also acts as a parody of both monumental statuary and decorative ' corporate ' sculpture.
A view of another section of the museum showing a carved stele (upright slab) and various pieces of Egyptian sculpture.
The peculiar blue-green hue of Fritsch's sculpture makes it seem supernatural.
Surfing around ideas, collage and assembly were central to almost everything he created from the early surrealism to the later public sculpture.
Another key part of the brief was to make the sculpture tactile.
The publication of CUT IT OUT will be accompanied by the public unveiling of Banksy's latest large scale street sculpture.
Among his numerous publications the most important were a volume on the bronzes found at Olympia, vast works on ancient gems and Greek vases, and the invaluable Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture (English translation by Eugenie Strong).
The façade, flanked by two towers with cupolas, is decorated with arcades filled in with statuary and sculpture, the whole representing the Last Judgment.
French became a member of the National Academy of Design (1901), the National Sculpture Society, the Architectural League, and the Accademia di San Luca, of Rome.
It is the cell-walls which connect the different cells of a tissue (see below), and it is upon their characters (thickness, sculpture and constitution) that the qualities of the tissue largely depend.
This is the work of Tomasino Vincenz of Bologna, who, though a pupil of Raphael in painting, in sculpture followed Michelangelo, to whom the work is sometimes ascribed.
The two former are among the finest in the world, and are filled with masterpieces by Raphael, Andrea del Sarto, Perugino, Ghirlandaio, Botticelli, the Lippi, and many other Florentine, Umbrian, Venetian, Dutch and Flemish artists, as well as numerous admirable examples of antique, medieval and Renaissance sculpture.
Painting being less real than sculpture, because lacking the third dimension of space, and a kind of dream, admitted of much greater freedom of treatment than this last.
Zeno, but has a fine 12th-century west front of equal interest, richly decorated with naïve Romanesque sculpture (1135).
Of the great amount of Roman sculpture the best single piece is a head of Dionysus under the influence of wine, crowned with a wreath of ivy, his right hand thrown carelessly over his head.
When early in the 16th century the Spaniards found their way from the West India Islands to this part of the mainland of America, they discovered not rude and simple tribes like the islanders of the Antilles, but nations with armies, official administrators, courts of justice, high agriculture and mechanical arts, and, what struck the white men especially, stone buildings whose architecture and sculpture were often of dimensions and elaborateness to astonish the builders and sculptors of Europe.
The city is rich in works of art, for Milan, with the introduction of the early Renaissance style by Filarete and Michelozzo after 1450, became the home of a Lombard school of sculpture, among the chief masters of which may be mentioned Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, or Omodeo, 1 of Pavia (1447-1522), Cristoforo Solari, and, the last of them, Agostino Busti, known as Bambaia (c. 1480-1548), whose work may be seen in the cathedrals of Como and Milan and in the Certosa di Pavia.
Artistic pleasure, grown less delicate, required the stimulus of a more sensational effect or a more striking realism, as we may see by the Pergamene and Rhodian schools of sculpture, by the bas-reliefs with the genre subjects drawn from the life of the countryside, or, in literature by the sort of historical writing which became popular with Cleitarchus and Duris, by the studied emotional or rhetorical point of Callimachus, and by the portrayal of country life in Theocritus.
With regard to painting and sculpture, however, Goethe felt that a protest was necessary, if the insidious ideas propounded in works like Wackenroder's Herzensergiessungen were not to do irreparable harm, by bringing back the confusion of the Sturm and Drang; and, as a rejoinder to the Romantic theories, Goethe, in conjunction with his friend Heinrich Meyer (1760-1832), published from 1798 to 1800 an art review, Die Propyliien.
But the perfect plastic art of Italy, the pure art of the Cinque Cento, the painting of Raphael, Da Vinci, Titian and Correggio, the sculpture of Donatello, Michelangelo and Sansovino, the architecture of Bramante, Omodeo and the Venetian Lombardi, however much imbued with the spirit of the classical revival, takes rank beside the poetry of Ariosto as a free intelligent product of the Renaissance.
Other churches with interesting monuments are Sant' Anna dei Lombardi, built in 1411 by Guerrello Origlia, which contains some splendid marble sculpture, especially Rosellino's " Nativity " in the Cappella Piccolomini; Sant' Angelo a Nilo, which contains the tomb of Cardinal Brancaccio, the joint work of Donatello and Michelozzo; San Giovanni a Carbonara, built in 1344 and enlarged by King Ladislaus in 1400, which contains among much other remarkable sculpture the tomb of the king, the masterpiece of Andrea Ciccione (1414), and that of Sergiami Caracciolo, the favourite of Joanna II., who was murdered in 1432 (the chapel in which it stands is paved with one of the earliest majolica pavements in Italy); San Lorenzo (1324), the Royal Church of the House of Anjou; and, for purely archaeological interest, the Church of Sant' Aspreno, thought to be the oldest Christian church in Italy, in the crypt of the new Borsa or exchange.
Of sculpture done by him during this period we have no remains, only the tragically tantalizing history of the Sforza monument.
Lydian sculpture was probably similar to that of the Phrygians.
The other works of Cicognara are - the Memorie storiche de' litterati ed artisti Ferraresi (1811); the Vite de' più insigni pittori e scultori Ferraresi, MS.; the Memorie spettanti alla storia della calcografia (1831); and a large number of dissertations on painting, sculpture, engraving and other kindred subjects.
The fireworks and sculpture are being created by The World Famous, a leading pyrotechnics company.
Her sculpture has been exhibited both solo and with renowned sculptors like Henry Moore and Brancusi.
This section will consider sculpture commissioned and/or sited in the housing environment in the early post-war decades.
The sculpture trail is now an established form of presentation.
Border TV filmed her setting them up in an aviary at the sculpture park.
The peculiar blue-green hue of Fritsch 's sculpture makes it seem supernatural.
The construction of the sculpture involved the technology of surfboard design.
The publication of CUT IT OUT will be accompanied by the public unveiling of Banksy 's latest large scale street sculpture.
Here, uprooted tree stumps are arranged to form a natural sculpture that provides a safe haven for woodland plants and wildlife.
To make this glass sculpture, the artist had to anneal each component to make it less brittle.
Soft Sculpture Wall Hangings-Soft sculpture wall hangings are becoming more and more popular in baby nurseries.
Whether you like painting or sculpture, artwork brings sophistication into the home.
An Egyptian style vase and a hand blown art glass sculpture would add some creative flair.
Interesting attractions include the Nasher Sculpture Center, Deep Ellum, and the American Airlines Center for Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Stars games.
Their solution for the kitchen amounted mostly to antiquing the cupboards, painting the table and the walls, tying a bunch of twigs together to make a sculpture, and filling the room with plenty of bad karma.
Or you might find a Gothic, European-style tapestry on the wall near a modern looking sculpture.
Try to make sure that it will reflect something interesting or attractive such as a window, a beautiful piece of art or sculpture, a sparkly chandelier, or anything else you have that you would like to emphasize.
This bunny ice sculpture mold is from Sculptures in Ice and will capture your family's imagination.
Primitive artwork and sculpture are often white-washed for an aged and authentic look.
An ice sculpture centerpiece is the ideal winter decoration for a formal setting.
A stunning addition to your room décor would be to include an ice sculpture.
Your finished cake "sculpture" should resemble a frog shape, but it doesn't have to be perfect.
Paula is especially interested in "generating visual composition and expression," which includes film, photography, painting and sculpture.
Specimen trees and garden sculpture are often dramatized with uplights.
A well-chosen accent light will appear to be a decorative sculpture during the day and offer a slight glow at night.
These range from organic gardening for beginners through to more unusual courses such as living willow sculpture, mushroom hunting, foraging for free and organic wine making.
Using his sculpture, the company created aluminum molds and produced the first plastic pink flamingo lawn ornaments.
The bar is solid glass and the copper/glass sculpture behind the bar goes from floor to ceiling, which she actually had commissioned to be done for the tasting room itself.
Bronze sculpture typical of this era can be a very attractive addition to traditional décor.
Unlike sculpture and painting, however, there is no way to know for sure how ancient people danced because there was no way to record all of the movements.
The "Kent Four" Sculpture was designed by former faculty-artist Alastair Granville Jackson.
The sculpture was built by former Hollywood actress Frances Rich.
You also need to keep all of this in mind when selecting stone, sculpture, wood, resin or other composites.
People began to apply the symmetry of the Golden Ratio to create buildings, sculpture and other forms of art.
That's not to say you can't use color in your choices for feng shui design, just be aware you'll need a sculpture, painting or object of the actual element in order to activate it.
If you choose to use a sculpture or picture of a peony or peach blossom in your bedroom or relationship sector, make sure you use two objects or pictures since two is always the optimum choice for positive energy in romantic relationships.
Origami is a form of sculpture in which three-dimensional shapes are created by the act of folding paper.
Even if you are not comfortable using your own body as a model for pregnancy art, you can still celebrate your beautiful pregnant belly by purchasing a painting, sculpture, or figurine that will commemorate the special time in your life.
Our redwood sculpture and seating areas are also totally unique.
When you visit Hotel Monaco, you will notice many travel-themed embellishments including a Tree of Life sculpture by a noted Bay Area artist.
The sculpture includes illustrations of founder Bill Kimpton's world travels as he worked to develop the Kimpton hotel line.
In the late 1970s, Cabbage Patch creator Xavier Roberts discovered fabric sculpture.
Marie's love of dolls inspired her to try her hand at creating her own unique dolls through sculpture.
Kinder Art-Kinder Art offers art lessons in architecture, art history, drama, drawing, folk art, painting, sculpture, and more.
There's no need to limit yourself to "traditional" arts like drawing and painting; creating an outdoor sculpture or writing and performing a play about the new school year are also great artistic activities.
Millennium Park is a 24.5-acre park that has one of America's most sophisticated outdoor concert venues, a contemporary garden, the famous Cloud Gate sculpture and the Crown Fountain.
Try sno-cone eating racesor ice-cube sculpture contests?
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and Cowles Conservatory are free to visit during regular hours.
Based mostly on religious imagery and focused around Christian paintings, sculpture and architecture, most of the Gothic art produced was done in order to beautify religious buildings in the name of the Catholic church.
Color in the coloring books, make a sculpture from modeling clay, write a poem in fuchsia marker in your new journal.
You don't even have to make jewelry; you could use them in a home décor project or even make a sculpture out of them.
In art school, he studied painting and sculpture.
She attended San Francisco State University, where she studied film and sculpture.
Everyone and everything around them had frozen in mid-movement, like an eerie sculpture garden.
The contest and punishment of Marsyas were favourite subjects in Greek art, both painting and sculpture.
From it came the three archaic metopes now in the museum at Palermo, which are of great importance in the history of the development of art, showing Greek sculpture in its infancy.
This is the tomb with recumbent effigy of the Cardinal Brago or De Braye (1282), with much beautiful sculpture and mosaic. It is signed Hoc oPVs Fecit Arnvlfvs.
The recent excavations by the British School on the site of the Dictaean temple at Palaikastro bear out this conclusion, and an archaic marble head of Apollo found at Eleutherna shows that classical tradition was not at fault in recording the existence of a very early school of Greek sculpture in the island, illustrated by the names of Dipoenos and Scyllis.
Unlike Chinese art it has a genius for architecture and sculpture rather than painting.
Modelling in terra-cotta, sculpture in stone and ivory, engraving on, gems, were following it closely by the beginning of the 2nd millennium.
After 2000 B.C. all these arts revived, and sculpture, as evidenced by relief work, both on a large and on a small scale, carved stone vessels, metallurgy in gold, silver and bronze, advanced farther.
The fresco-paintings, ceramic motives, reliefs, free sculpture and toreutic handiwork of Crete have supplied the clearest proof of it, confirming the impression already created by the goldsmiths' and painters' work of the Greek mainland (Mycenae, Vaphio, Tiryns).
There alone we have proof that the art of writing was commonly practised, and there tribute-tallies suggest an imperial organization; there the arts of painting and sculpture in stone were most highly developed; there the royal residences, which had never been violently destroyed, though remodelled, continued unfortified; whereas on the Greek mainland they required strong protective works.
This is a Grecian building (1785), with a richly ornamented ceiling and inlaid altarpavement; it also contains much fine sculpture in the memorials to former dukes, and is the burial-place of Field Marshal Lord Raglan, who was the youngest son of the 5th duke of Beaufort.
The most successful Venetian sculpture is to be found in the many noble sepulchral private monuments.
In the British Museum is another piece of early sculpture from the ruins of the villa of Antoninus, near Rome.
In the promontory of Eshaness may be seen some wonderful examples of sea sculpture.
The interments are not nearly so numerous as in other catacombs, nor are there any vestiges of painting, sculpture or inscriptions.
The struggle between Antaeus and Heracles is a favourite subject in ancient sculpture.
The most prominent among Brazilian painters is Pedro Americo, and in sculpture Rodolpho Bernardelli has done good work.
In 1910 it was renamed and appropriated to the uses of the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, which was instituted in 1826, and incorporated by royal charter in 1838, on the model of the Royal Academy in London.
There are besides an adequate number of training institutes for teachers, a great number of schools of commerce, several art schools - for design, painting, sculpture, music, &c. Most of these special schools are of recent origin, and are almost entirely maintained by the state or the communes.
There was another form of obelisk, also tapering, but more squat than the usual type, with two of the sides narrow and terminating in a rounded top. One such of Senwosri I., covered with sculpture and inscriptions, lies at Ebgig in the Fayum.
Arundel House, originally a seat of the bishops of Bath, was the residence of Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel, whose famous collection of sculpture, the Arundel Marbles, was housed here until presented to Oxford University in 1667.
No gallery in London is exclusively or especially devoted to sculpture.
It consists mainly of paintings, but includes a few drawings and examples of sculpture.
A second sculpture, similar in subject but smaller and much defaced, was found hard by in 1906.
Ahmar (on left bank of Euphrates); large stela with sculpture and long relief inscription, found in 1908 with several sculptured slabs and two gateway lions, inscribed in cuneiform.
The Opera del Duomo contains models and pieces of sculpture connected with the cathedral; the Etruscan and Egyptian museum, the gallery of tapestries, the Michelangelo museum, the museum of natural history and other collections are all important in different ways.
Later, in the Roman period, the type in sculpture changed from the Egyptian.
Several fine mansions are in the vicinity of the town, notably that of Deepdene, contain ing part of a gallery of sculpture collected here by Thomas Hope, the author of Anastasius.
Of late the so-called "Zinspalaste" ("tenement palaces") have been built on a magnificent scale, often profusely adorned without and within with painting and sculpture.
Beyond this, he eloquently pleaded the cause of painting as a distinct art, which Lessing in his desire to mark off the formative arts from poetry and music had confounded with sculpture.
He regarded this as the art of the eye, while sculpture was rather the art of the organ of touch.
Zeno, but has a fine 12th-century west front of equal interest, richly decorated with naïve Romanesque sculpture (1135).
Anastasia is a mine of wealth in early examples of painting and sculpture, and one of the finest buildings in Italy of semi-Gothic style.
The Museo Lapidario contains a fine collection of Roman and Etruscan inscriptions and sculpture, mostly collected and published by Scipione Maffei in the 18th century.
In architectural magnificence and in wealth of sculpture and painting Verona almost rivalled the Tuscan city, and, like it, gave birth to a very large number of artists who distinguished themselves in all branches of the fine arts.
Verona is specially rich in early examples of decorative sculpture.
The architecture of Verona, like its sculpture, passed through Lombard, Florentine and Venetian stages.
The real beginnings of the study of painting and sculpture in their higher branches must be dated from the introduction of Buddhism from China in the middle of the 6th century, and for three centuries after this event there is evidence that the practice of the arts was carried on mainly by or under the instruction of Korean and Chinese immigrants.
Sculpture and Carving.Sculpture in wood and metal is ol ancient date in Japan.
Setting aside rude prehistoric essays in stone and metal, which have special interest for the antiquary, we have examples of sculpture in wood and metal, magnificent in conception and technique, dating from the earliest periods of what we may term historical Japan; that is, from near the beginning of the great Buddhist propaganda under the emperor Kimmei (540571) and the princely hierarch, ShOtoku Taishi (573621).
The great Nara school of sculpture in wood was founded in the early part of the 11th century by a sculptor of Imperial descent named JOchO, who is said to have modelled his style upon that of the Chinese wood-carvers of the Tang dynasty; his traditions were maintained by descendants and followers down to the beginning of the 13th century.
Several families of experts have been associated with this class of sculpture, and their designs have been carefully preserved and imitated down to the present day.
Buddhist sculpture was by no means neglected during this period, but there are few works that call for special notice.
There is a radical difference between the points of view of the Japanese and the Western connoisseur in estimating tbe Japanese merits of sculpture in metal.
Both these compounds afford delicate, unobtrusive and effective grounds for inlaying with gold, silver and other metals, as well as for sculpture, whether incised or in relief.
Yet another and very favorite method, giving beautiful results, is to model the design on both faces of the metal so as to give a sculpture in the round.
The plate thus obtained shows accidental clouding, or massing of dark tones, and these patches are taken as the basis of a pictorial design to which final character is given by inlaying with gold and silver, and by kata-kiri sculpture.
When Japanese sculpture in wood or ivory is spoken of, the first idea that presents itself is connected with the netsuke, which, of all the art objects found in Japan, is perhaps the most Netsuke essentially Japanese.
One of the most remarkable developments of figure sculpture in modern Japan was due to Matsumoto Kisaburo (1830-1869).
Nevertheless, Matsumotos figures marked an epoch in Japanese wood sculpture.
Midway between the Matsumoto school and the pure style approved by the native taste in former times stand a number of wood-carvers headed by Takamura KOun, who The Semi- occupies in the field of sculpture much the same place ign as that held by Hashimoto Gaho in the realm of 00.
Watts, Lord Leighton executed a few pieces of sculpture.
The sculpture from this treasury, which ornamented its frieze and pediment, is of great interest in the history of the development of the art, and the fragments of architectural mouldings are of great delicacy and beauty.
A little before his death he had also formed a scheme of writing a Discourse on the Arts of Painting, Sculpture, Etching, &c., but when he died he had made but little progress with it.
In 1900 the French school at Athens recovered more fragments of sculpture, including a head of Heracles and the torso and possibly the head of Atalanta, these last two of Parian marble.
He then returned to America for a year, but in 1896 went to London, and during the next five years exhibited much sculpture and painting there and in Paris.
In 1904 he received a gold medal for sculpture at the St.
His theory of representing history by sculpture is thoroughly in accord with that of ancient Greece.
This building, which was erected by Shah Rukh Mirza, the grandson of Timur, over Soo years ago, contains some exquisite specimens of sculpture in the best style of Oriental art.
The two western portals are adorned with sculpture in the ornate Romanesque style; the tower on the left of the facade was rebuilt in the 17th century.
Petrie's excavation of the cemetery behind the temple enclosures revealed burials dating from the fourth dynasty onwards, the most important being mastables of the period from the sixth to the eleventh dynasties; many of these exhibited a peculiar degradation of the contemporary style of sculpture.
Crowns, both open and arched, are represented in sculpture and paintings until the end of the reign of Edward IV., and the royal arms are occasionally ensigned by an open crown as late as the reign of Henry VIII.
Alberti wrote works on sculpture, Della Statua, and on painting, De Pictura, which are highly esteemed; but his most celebrated treatise is that on architecture, De Re Aedificatoria, which has been translated into Italian, French, Spanish and English.
His philosophy was more like Michaelangelo's famous sculpture of the Dawn, a spirit yet encumbered with the stubble of the material from which it was hewn, than a clear cut figure with unmistakable outlines.
The municipal museum contains a library of over 85,000 volumes as well as 1800 MSS., and a fine collection of sculpture and paintings.
Of the Mexican and Central American sculpture and architecture a competent judge says that Yucatan and the southern states of Mexico are not rich in sculptures, apart from architecture; but in the valley of Mexico the human figure, animal forms, fanciful life motives in endless variety, were embodied in masks, yokes, tablets, calendars, cylinders, disks, boxes, vases and ornaments.
In each province they had found the best springs, beds of clay, paint, soapstone, flinty rock, friable stone for sculpture and hard, tenacious stone for tools, and used ashes for salt.
The marble of Hymettus, which often has a bluish tinge, was used extensively for building in ancient Athens, and also, in early times, for sculpture; but the white marble of Pentelicus was preferred for both purposes.
From the latter part of the 5th century his art-type was changed in conformity with the general development of Greek sculpture.
In Swanston Street there is a large building where under one roof are found the public library of over ioo,000 volumes, the museum of sculpture, the art gallery, and the museums of ethnology and technology.
He stands as a leader in the practice of polychrome, since widely diffused, and by his writings and example did much to reinstate the ancient union between architecture, sculpture and painting.
In the interior, which is without transepts or aisles, the roodscreen and the choir-enclosure, which date from about 1500, are masterpieces of delicate sculpture; the vaulting and the walls are covered with paintings of the 15th and 16th centuries.
A strange stone sculpture of the so-called Chac-Mol type, known before only from the country of the Tarascs, from Tlaxcala and Chichen Itza, was discovered in Salvador (Ahuachapan).
He became an active member of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture and of the Academy of Inscriptions.
He caused engravings to be made, at his own expense, of Bartoli's copies from ancient pictures and published Nouveaux sujets de peinture et de sculpture (1755) and Tableaux tires de l'Iliade, de l'Odysse, et de l'Eneide (1757).
Educational foundations include the Royal College of Physicians, of Surgeons and of Science; the Royal Irish Academy, with an unequalled collection of national antiquities, including manuscripts and a library; and the Royal Hibernian Academy of painting, sculpture and architecture.
These large divisions need physiographic subdivision, which will now be made, following the guide of structure, process and stage; that is, each subdivision or province will be defined as part of the earths crust in which some similarity of geological structure prevails, and upon which some process or processes of surface sculpture have worked long enough to reach a certain stage in the cycle of physiographic development.
Nevertheless the mountains are of especial interest to the physiographer who wishes to make a comparative study of land forms as affected by normal and by glacial sculpture, in order to give due attention to process as well as to structure and stage in the analysis and description of mountain topography.
Farther north in Montana, in spite of a decrease of height, there are to-day a few small glaciers with snowfields of good size; and, here the effects of sculpture by the much larger Pleistocene glaciers are seen in forms of almost alpine strength.
The museum, in the old East India Company's house, has fine collections in natural history, entomology, botany, anatomy, archaeology and ethnography, a picture and sculpture gallery, and exhibits of coins and industrial art.
The palace is now partly used for government purposes, and also contains the municipal archives, a collection of ancient inscriptions, formed by the epigraphist Raffaele Fabretti (many of them from Rome), a gallery of sculpture of various periods and a picture gallery.
In the early development of architecture and sculpture Pistoia played a very important part; these arts, as they existed in Tuscany before the time of Niccola Pisano, can perhaps be better studied in Pistoia than anywhere else; nor is the city less rich in the later works produced by the school of sculptors founded by Niccola.
Besides the silver altar it contains many fine works of sculpture; the chief are the monument of Cino da Pistoia, lawyer and poet, Dante's contemporary (1337), by Cellino di Nese, surrounded by his scholars, and Verrocchio's finest work in marble, the monument to Cardinal Forteguerra (1474), with a large figure of Christ, surrounded by angels, in high relief.
Among' the earlier churches the principal is Sant' Andrea, enriched with' sculpture, and probably designed by Gruamons and his brother Adeodatus in 1136; in the nave is Giovanni Pisano's magnificent pulpit, imitated from his father's pulpit at Pisa.
Giovanni Fuorcivitus (so called because it was outside the line of the earliest, pentagonal, enceinte of the middle ages), with one of the long sides elaborately adorned with small arcades in the Pisan style, in black and white marble, also with sculpture by Gruamons (1162) on the facade.
Street in 1860, is remarkable; the richness of the work within increases from west to east, culminating in a choir arcade decorated with work among the finest of its period extant; the period is that of the choir of Westminster Abbey, and from a comparison of building materials, choir arcades and sculpture of foliage, a common architect has been suggested.
He had now plunged into the study of Bellini and the Venetian school, Fra Angelico and the early Tuscans, and he visited Lucca, Pisa, Florence, Padua, Verona and Venice, passionately devoting himself to architecture, sculpture and painting in each city of north Italy.
At the age of twelve he entered the Ecole royale de Sculpture, and at twenty, having learnt all that he could from Michel Ange Slodtz and Pigalle, he carried off the prix de Rome and left France for Italy, where he spent the next ten years of his life.
This work procured him his "agregation" to the Academy of Painting and Sculpture, of which he was made a full member in 1775.
These rocks illustrate on a grand scale the action of ice in mountain sculpture.
All are similar in their trends, forms, sculpture and vegetation, and are plainly and harmoniously related to the ancient glaciers.
There is a fine Gothic church dating from 1348, but subsequently in part destroyed and used for secular purposes; the town hall (1475) has a fine gable filled with sculpture, and contains some interesting antiquities.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to sculpture.
Yet she confessed with her usual candour that she had no taste for painting, sculpture or music. Her supposed love of literature does not appear to have amounted to more than a lively curiosity, which could be satisfied by dipping into a great number of books.
Remains of sculpture, engraved bronzes and gems, show clearly the source to which the Phoenician artists went for inspiration; for example, the uraeus-frieze and the winged disk, the ankh or symbol of life, are Egyptian designs frequently imitated.
With the exception of that part used as a mosque, nearly the whole of the ancient temple has fallen into ruins, but the relics are not excelled in beauty of architecture and sculpture by any remains of Hindu art.
The most valuable parts of the work are those which relate to poetry, of which he had a much more intimate knowledge than of sculpture and painting.
Here is also the museum of industrial art, and the Ny-Carlsberg Glyptotek, with its collection of sculpture, is on this boulevard, which skirts the pleasure garden called Tivoli.
Perhaps no sculpture earlier than the XIIth Dynasty has survived there, but Senwosri I.
Of the numerous works of art discovered in the course of the excavations the statues and large works of sculpture, whether in marble or bronze, are inferior to those found at Herculaneum, but some of the bronze statuettes are of exquisite workmanship, while the profusion of ornamental works and objects in bronze and the elegance of their design, as well as the finished beauty of their execution, are such as to excite the utmost admiration - more especially when it is considered that these are the casual results of the examination of a second-rate provincial town, which had, further, been ransacked for valuables (as Herculaneum had not) after the eruption of 79.
The stream of Buddhist art which went out eastwards across Asia had its rise in North-West India, and the remains of architecture and sculpture unearthed in this region enable us to trace its development back to pure Greek types.
Elsewhere are but few other monuments; at Wadi Maghara in Sinai is a rock sculpture of Semcrkhet of the 1st Dynasty in perfect state, at Giza is a group of tombs of a prince and retinue of the 1st Dynasty, and at GIza and Bet Khallaf are two large brick mastabas with extensive passages closed by trap-doors, of kings of the IIIrd Dynasty.
Danish sculpture will be always famous, if only through the name of Thorvaldsen.
Lycian sculpture followed closely the development of Greek sculpture, and many of the sculptures with which the tombs are adorned are of a high order of merit.
Its church (13th and 16th centuries) is interesting only for the possession of two masterpieces of sculpture of uncertain authorship, executed approximately between 1490 and 1550.
In Art the term is used for a representation or likeness of an animate or inanimate object, particularly of the figure of a person in sculpture or painting.
Most of the sculpture decorated a bath restored by Hadrian.
First comes architecture - in the main, symbolic art; then sculpture, the classical art par excellence; they are found, however, in all three forms. Painting and music are the specially romantic arts.
Other schools are the provincial Institute of Secondary Education (490 regular students in 1907; library of 12,863 vols.), a provincial school of arts and trades (opened 1882), a theological seminary, a boys' technical school, a school of painting and sculpture, a conservatory of music, normal school, mercantile school and a military academy.
Their school of bronze sculpture, whose first famous exponent was Ageladas (Hagelaidas), the reputed master of Pheidias, reached its climax towards the end of the 5th century in the atelier of Polyclitus and his pupils.
Brahman astronomy owed much to the Greeks, and what the Buddhists were to the architecture of northern India, that the Greeks were to its sculpture.
With the revival of civilized conditions in secular life, secular ideals in art also revived; the ecclesiastical traditions in painting and sculpture, which always tend to become stereotyped, began in the West to be encroached upon long before the period of the "Renaissance."
The 12th and r3th centuries, which witnessed the great struggle between the secular and spiritual powers in the state, witnessed also the rise of a literature inspired by the lay spirit, and of an art which was already escaping from the thraldom of the stereotyped ecclesiastical forms. Gothic sculpture was not incidentally decorative, it was an essential element in the harmony of the architectural design.
The fine arts are represented by sculpture in relief, carving in wood and ivory, embroidery.
Sculpture exhibited realistic vigour of indubitably native stamp; and the minor plastic crafts were cultivated with success on lines of striking originality.
Sculpture, on the contrary, in which art, as in architecture, the medieval French had been surpassed by no other people of Europe, was practised with originality and power in the reigns of Henry II.
The decorative sculpture of this epoch, whether combined with architecture or isolated in monumental statuary, ranks for grace and suavity with the best of Sansovino's.
Sculpture was represented in London for a brief space by Torrigiani; painting by Holbein and Antonio More; music by Italians and Frenchmen of the Chapel Royal.
The love of its citizens for sculpture is abundantly manifest in the statues and carvings on their houses.
Usually it was governed by a viceroy of the royal line, but it gained a brief independence under Ptolemy Lathyrus (107-89 B.C.), and under a brother of Ptolemy Auletes in 58 B.C. The great sanctuaries of Paphos and Idalium, and the public buildings of Salamis, which were wholly remodelled in this period, have produced but few works of art; the sculpture from local shrines at Voni and Vitsada, and the frescoed tombstones from Amathus, only show how incapable the Cypriotes still were of utilizing Hellenistic models; a rare and beautiful class of terra-cottas like those of Myrina may be of Cypriote fabric, but their style is wholly of the Aegean.
Cassini (1625-1712) from Italy to superintend, the Academies of Inscriptions and Medals, of Architecture and of Music, the French Academy at Rome, and Academies at Arles, Soissons, Nimes and many other towns, and he reorganized the Academy of Painting and Sculpture which Richelieu had established.
There are schools of painting, sculpture and architecture under the direction of the Royal Academy of Arts; a conservatory of music under that of the Royal Academy of Music; and experimental gardens and laboratories under the Royal Society of Agriculture.
Several works of sculpture, including a bas-relief at Pistoia and a small terra-cotta model of a St John at the Victoria and Albert Museum, have also been claimed, but without general consent, as the young master's handiwork.
After asserting these in detail under nine different heads, he speaks under a tenth of his proficiency as a civil engineer and architect, and adds lastly a brief paragraph with reference to what he can do in painting and sculpture, undertaking in particular to carry out in a fitting manner the monument to Francesco Sforza.
His sculpture then, as now, celebrates its own physicality, with an emphasis on materials and construction.
The building was intended to be "a place of public meeting for all sorts and descriptions of people, without distinction, who shall behave and conduct themselves in an orderly, sober, religious and devout manner, for the worship and adoration of the eternal, unsearchable and immutable Being, who is the author and preserver of the universe, but not under and by any other name, designation or title, peculiarly used for and applied to any particular being or beings by any man or set of men whatsoever; and that no graven image, statue or sculpture, carving, painting, picture, portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted within the said messuage, building, land, tenements, hereditament and premises; and that no sacrifice, offering or oblation of any kind or thing shall ever be permitted therein; and that no animal or living creature shall within or on the said messuage, &c., be deprived of life either for religious purposes or food, and that no eating or drinking (except such as shall be necessary by any accident for the preservation of life), feasting or rioting be permitted therein or thereon; and that in conducting the said worship or adoration, no object, animate or inanimate, that has been or is or shall hereafter become or be recognized as an object of worship by any man or set of men, shall be reviled or slightingly or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to, either in preaching or in the hymns or other mode of worship that may be delivered or used in the said messuage or building; and that no sermon, preaching, discourse, prayer or hymns be delivered, made or used in such worship, but such as have a tendency to the contemplation of the Author and Preserver of the universe or to the promotion of charity, morality, piety, benevolence, virtue and the strengthening of the bonds of union between men of all religious persuasions and creeds."
Now continue to see the unveiling of the sculpture on 23 June 2001.
But the relief of the crust is not a finished piece of sculpture; the forms are for the most part transitional, owing - their characteristic outlines to the process by which they aieomorph 'o ogy.
The two ambones in the cathedral of Salerno, which are different in design, are magnificent in effect and are enriched with sculpture as well as with mosaic. In the gospel ambo in the cathedral of Ravello (1272), and also in that of the convent of the Trinita della Cava near Salerno, the spiral columns inlaid with mosaic stand on the backs of lions.
The four wall-surfaces that flank the three western doorways are decorated with very beautiful sculpture in relief, once ornamented with colour, the designs for which, according to Burckhardt, must be ascribed to the architect of the whole, though executed by other (but still Sienese, not Pisan) hands.
Sculptured panels, with conventional motives, peacocks, eagles devouring hares, peacocks drinking from a cup on a tall pillar, are let into both exterior and interior walls, as are roundels of precious marbles, sawn from columns of porphyry, serpentine, verd antique, &c. The adoption of veneer for decoration prohibited any deep cutting, and almost all the sculpture is shallow.
But about the year 1452 he finally retired to Florence, where he was admitted to the burghership, and on the death of Carlo Aretino in 1453 was appointed chancellor and historiographer to the republic. He had already built himself a villa in Valdarno, which he adorned with a collection of antique sculpture, coins and inscriptions.
In addition to remains of architecture and sculpture, some of them of high merit, there have been found many inscriptions, throwing light on the cures attributed to the god.
Some of this sculpture has been found; the acroteria are Nereids mounted on sea-horses, and one pediment contained a battle of Greeks and Amazons.
The outer surface of many of the species presents likewise the most exquisite sculpture, heightened by brilliant shades, or spots of green, red, yellow and bluish black.
Its importance at Rome may be judged from the abundance of monumental remains - more than 75 pieces of sculpture, loo inscriptions, and ruins of temples and chapels in all parts of the city and suburbs.
His learning was not drawn from books only; he was also an archaeologist, and frequently went on expeditions in France, always on foot, in the course of which he examined the monuments of architecture and sculpture, as well as the libraries, and collected a number of notes and sketches.
The façade, flanked by two towers with cupolas, is decorated with arcades filled in with statuary and sculpture, the whole representing the Last Judgment.
In 16thcentury sculpture the cathedral is especially rich, containing many statues, groups and altar-reliefs by Simone Mosca and Ippolito Scalza.
This figure, also known as the vesica piscis, is common in ecclesiastical seals and as a glory or aureole in paintings of sculpture, surrounding figures of the Trinity, saints, &c. The figure is, however, sometimes referred to the almond, as typifying virginity; the French name for the symbol is Amande mystique.
Owing to its position, the Persian state, when it from time to time became a conquering empire, overlapped Asia Minor, Babylon and India, and hence acted as an intermediary for transmitting art and ideas, sending for instance Greek sculpture to India and the cult of Mithra to western Europe.
Indeed, the building has been compared to the treasure den of a gang of "sea sharkers," and from a museum of sculpture of the most varied kind, nearly every century from the 4th down to the latest Renaissance being represented.
Very beautiful sculpture, executed with an ivory-like minuteness of finish, is used to decorate the whole building with wonderful profusion.
The stalls in the choir, carved by Cristobal de Salamanca in 1588-1593, and the sculpture of the pulpits, as well as the iron-work of the choir-railing and some of the precious marbles with which the chapels are adorned, deserve notice.
The great deposits of sculpture and pottery now unearthed, representing all that escaped from the ravages of the Persians and the burning of the ancient shrines, afford a startling revelation of the development of Greek art in the 7th and 6th centuries.
In later days, in the time of the Sargonid kings of Akkad or the monarchs of Ur, stones such is granite, basalt, diorite and dolerite were probably brought from the Sinaitic peninsula, if not from the western desert of Egypt, if the Red Sea coast is to be identified, as seems very probable, with Magan, " the place to which ships went," the land whence the Babylonians got some of their first stones for sculpture and architecture.
The precise species of dog that was cultivated in Greece at that early period cannot be affirmed, although a beautiful piece of sculpture in the possession of Lord Feversham at Duncombe Hall, representing the favourite dog of Alcibiades, differs but little from the Newfoundland dog of the present day.
Eminent as a philosopher, Ravaisson was also an archaeologist, and contributed articles on ancient sculpture to the Revue Archeologique and the Memoires de l'Academie des Inscriptions.
Sculpture throughout the district is very provincial and of minor importance; the only exceptions are certain statues found at Carthage and Cherchel, the capital of the Mauretanian kings.
In Havana, also, there is a school of painting and sculpture, a school of arts and trades, and a national library, all of which are supported or subventioned by the national government, as are also a public library in Matanzas, and the Agricultural Experiment Station at Santiago de las Vegas.
The richest ornamentation was applied to the arches and string courses, while plaques of sculpture, roundels and coats of arms adorned the facades.