Scuffle Sentence Examples
She heard the sounds of a physical scuffle and another shot from Dan's direction.
About a year ago he got involved in a minor scuffle outside the school gates.
The battle of Shiloh was a savage scuffle between two half-disciplined hosts, contested with a fury rare even in this war.
In a short scuffle the hero knocks out the baddie with a single punch.
She was in a club on George Street when a small scuffle broke out.
Further on they had a scuffle with certain " Arabians "; and at last, after successfully accomplishing the passage of the " rough and stony " road that led to Jerusalem, they were obliged to dismount before the gate of the city till they should receive license from the governor to enter.
There was one scuffle, when a young boy started a fight, which was soon quashed with others shouting " peace!
They started a scuffle, during which she received a fatal wound to her throat.
Referee Walsh has given the Lions a penalty for offside, but after a brief scuffle between the players, the penalty is reversed.
The durbar was interrupted by the news that a Russian general had attacked and routed the Afghan force holding the bridge across the river Kushk, and the incident might possibly have resulted in war between Britain and Russia but for the slight importance that Abdur Rahman attributed to what he termed a border scuffle.
AdvertisementI turned round to adjust my mittens, I think, when I heard a slight scuffle but no cry.
For example the other day I had a scuffle outside the police station some people pushed me.
During a chase a man who had seen the scuffle asked the store detective if he needed a hand.
Temperatures became frayed and a challenge on McNamara by Winter sparked a 14-man scuffle, the Rovers player being booked.
It would be hard to imagine a playground scuffle breaking out over her let alone a full-scale war.
AdvertisementThe incident nearly give rise to war between England and Russia; but the amir Abdur-Rahman, who was present at the Rawalpindi conference with Lord Dufferin at the time, affected to regard the matter as a mere frontier scuffle.
A chance scuffle led to a battle, and by the evening the Turkish and Egyptian fleets had ceased to exist (see Navarino, Battle Of).
There was one scuffle, when a young boy started a fight, which was soon quashed with others shouting peace !
At 4.45 a young black was arrested outside a minicab office in Atlantic Road after a scuffle with a plain clothes police officer.
During the scuffle afterwards, Carolyn herself is killed by another hostage.
AdvertisementDean related the complete happenings to Fred but when he began to describe the scuffle, he remembered the gun.
The bouncers thought otherwise and a scuffle ensued.
A desperate scuffle took place, Ryan being mortally wounded by Fitzgerald with a dagger, while Lord Edward himself was only secured after Sirr had disabled him with a pistol bullet in the shoulder.
Remember way back in September of this year when Kanye and his manager were arrested in Los Angeles over a scuffle with the paparazzi?
Anyone, much less a 110 pound woman, who found themselves on the losing end of any sort of scuffle with Tito Ortiz would have "visible injuries."
AdvertisementHe also claimed that he would "..rant later" about the first scuffle, but never did.