Scrutinized Sentence Examples
The demands of the various departments of state had been much cut down, and according to the minister of finance's own statement much of the reduction was merely unavoidable expenditure deferred; the fact that some of this expenditure, which had been jealously scrutinized, was to be undertaken at once, meant that demands on future years would be relatively re- duced.
Pierre looked round at his fellow prisoners and scrutinized them.
And we may be sure that any such narrative concerning One who was so deeply reverenced would be most carefully scrutinized at a time when many were still living whose memories went back to the period of Our Lord's public ministry.
On the basis of his results, as they have been scrutinized by scholars like Schiirer and Geffcken, it is possible to disentangle some of the different strata with a certain degree of confidence.
All conclusions derived from the various forms of animal and plant life should be scrutinized closely and compared.
You are going to be highly scrutinized and criticized.
In the United Kingdom the budget is placed by the executive before the whole House, without any previous examination except by the cabinet, and it is scrutinized by the House sitting as a committee; in the majority of countries, however, the budget undergoes a preliminary examination by a specially selected committee, which has the power to make drastic changes in the proposals of the executive.
The quality of industry training post graduation will also be scrutinized.
Overly thin female celebrities are also scrutinized, and usually labeled anorexic or bulimic if they appear too skinny.
As he went along he looked with pleasure at the year's splendid crop of corn, scrutinized the strips of ryefield which here and there were already being reaped, made his calculations as to the sowing and the harvest, and asked himself whether he had not forgotten any of the prince's orders.
AdvertisementHe scrutinized her for a long moment, eyes narrowing, before he stepped aside to rejoin the shadows.
Bradley had already perceived, in the case of the two stars previously scrutinized, that the apparent difference of declination from the maximum positions was nearly proportional to the sun's distance from the equinoctial points; and he realized the necessity for more observations before any generalization could be attempted.
All available evidence, from the freezing point curve and from other sources must be scrutinized before an opinion is pronounced.
The claims of the " expert " require to be carefully scrutinized.
It was inevitable that, in proportion as this casuistry assumed the character of a systematic penal jurisprudence, its precise determination of the limits between the prohibited and the allowable, with all doubtful points closely scrutinized and illustrated by fictitious cases, would have a tendency to weaken the moral sensibilities of ordinary minds; the greater the industry spent in deducing conclusions from the diverse authorities, the greater necessarily became the number of points on which doctors disagreed; and the central authority that might have repressed serious divergences was wanting in the period of moral weakness'- that the church went through after the death of Boniface Viii.
AdvertisementWhen he finished, the Exemplar approached them and scrutinized the two young vampires.
In addition, all new policies will be scrutinized for unnecessary bureaucracy.
The implications of monitoring listed building consent casework in the same way that conditions for archeological work are scrutinized cannot be quantified.
Like astrology, the symbolism of alchemy has in modern times been scrutinized in the light of Jungian psychology.
The high quality of written feedback on the student work scrutinized by the reviewers is particularly supportive to student learning.
AdvertisementGraham Barber has thoroughly scrutinized the large surviving repertoire of the nineteenth century and selected these works as being fully worthy of resurrection.
The performance of CSP channels across TCP/IP networks is also scrutinized.
It may be true that, in the comparative scarcity of historical evidence, 12 th-century romances present a more favourable picture o£ chivalry at that earlier time; but even such historical evidence as we possess, when carefully scrutinized, is enough to dispel the illusion that there was any period of the middle ages in which the unselfish championship of " God and the ladies " was anything but a rare exception.
Everything that is offered on the other side is scrutinized with the utmost severity; every suspicious circumstance is a ground for argument and invective; what cannot be denied is extenuated, or passed by without notice; concessions even are sometimes made; but this insidious candour only increases the effect of the vast mass of sophistry."
From habit she scrutinized the ladies' dresses, condemned the bearing of a lady standing close by who was not crossing herself properly but in a cramped manner, and again she thought with vexation that she was herself being judged and was judging others, and suddenly, at the sound of the service, she felt horrified at her own vileness, horrified that the former purity of her soul was again lost to her.
AdvertisementEvery invoice submitted is scrutinized to ensure there are no unjustifiable expenses claims being made.
Such a notion demands that their language of subjectivity is scrutinized very carefully.
Skills, values, vocational, social and cultural objectives should be equally scrutinized from this particular perspective.
Silica litters have some advantages over bentonite clay litters and brands that boast biodegradable claims, but the silica litter variety has been scrutinized in the past for safety issues.
Just as clay litter has been scrutinized for its potentially detrimental health effect, silica has been judged in an equally severe manner.
The benefits of goldenseal are enhanced when it is combined in formulas with multiple herbs and when taken as a whole herb rather than berberine extract, the active ingredient and the one currently being scrutinized in research studies.
From a business standpoint, the hardest thing is being under a microscope and being scrutinized.
This highly publicized adoption is already being scrutinized by some news agencies.
This means that it usually focuses on games prior to the Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto era where sex and violence in video games had become more heavily scrutinized.
Expect to be thoroughly scrutinized, although it will be done respectfully.
When choosing a pendant, the chain needs to be scrutinized carefully for weaknesses or flaws, and the clasp should be secure.
Yet, all aspects of your life must be scrutinized, if you are following a gluten free diet on doctor's orders.
If you prepare vegetables in sauces, they must be scrutinized too, as many sauces include wheat or barley as a thickener or filler.
However, in order to avoid potential replicas it is recommended that any Tod's merchandise be scrutinized carefully when purchased from unauthorized online vendors.
Even baby wipes should be scrutinized if your child is experiencing a suspicious rash.
During the elimination phase of the diet, which clears the body of allergens, ingredient labels for all processed foods should be carefully scrutinized to make sure that none of the proscribed foods makes its way into the diet.
Blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and body temperature are checked, and the ear, nose, and throat are scrutinized.
When the rate increases, as it did from 2001 to 2002, the factors that precipitated this change need to be assessed and scrutinized.
This is dressing to be looked at, even scrutinized, and you have to not just embrace it, but actively want it.
This is why you should always strive to be an informed customer and only buy trusted brands that have been scrutinized and found to deliver.
All these are nominated for life by the president of the republic. Besides the accounts of the state and of the communes, those of charitable institutionsi and training collegesi and a great variety of other public establishments are scrutinized by the Cour des Comptes.
When her hair was done, Natasha, in her short petticoat from under which her dancing shoes showed, and in her mother's dressing jacket, ran up to Sonya, scrutinized her, and then ran to her mother.
The arm-muscles have been studied in an absolutely exhaustive manner by Fiirbringer, who in his monumental work has tabulated and then scrutinized the chief characters of fourteen selected muscles.
The security of the treasury was also so jealously scrutinized that even the price which the tenant might be willing to pay was often disallowed.