Scribe Sentence Examples
Each took a copy and one was held by the scribe to be stored in the archives.
The pen became finer in course of time, enabling the scribe to write very small.
The virtues of a scribe are honesty and care (or in a single word fidelity) and intelligence.
A scribe who preserves in his spelling the traces of a bygone age is probably trustworthy.
For the scribe, as for the man at the plough-tail, the Law was the rule of life.
Your humble scribe has been there, along with many others.
It is related that Ezra, the scribe and priest, returned to Jerusalem with priests and Levites, lay exiles, and a store of vessels for the Temple.
Ezra, a scribe of repute, well versed in the laws of Moses, returns with a band of exiles in order to reorganize the religious community.
As a source for the text it is superseded by the printed edition, and if there is more than one, then by the latest printed edition, which has been revised in proof by the author, or, in certain cases, by his representative; and the task of the textual critic is restricted to the detection of "misprints," in other words, of errors which the compositor (the modern analogue to the scribe) has made in "setting up" the manuscript, and which have escaped the notice of the proof-reader and the author or his representative.
These errors arise from the default of the scribe or copyist, and, in the case of printed books, the compositor.'
AdvertisementA scribe again who scrupulously records the presence of a lacuna or illegibility in what he is copying, inspires us with confidence in the rest of his work.
When they were baffled, the Sadducees, to whose party the chief priests belonged, sought in vain to pose Him with a problem as to the resurrection of the dead; and after that a more honest scribe confessed the truth of His teaching as to the supremacy of love to God and man over all the sacrificial worship of the Temple, and was told in reply that he was not far from the kingdom of God.
Already well known as a scribe, Ezra's labours were magnified by subsequent tradition.
After saying how Map translated the romance from the Latin at the bidding of King Henry, the usual statement, the scribe adds "qui riche loier l'en donor."
Obviously, the archetype placed Hebrews between Galatians and Ephesians, but the scribe altered the order and put it between 2 Thess.
AdvertisementSuch alterations may be due to the writer or writers of the MS., called the scribe or scribes, or to some other person or persons (for there may be several) called correctors.
The question whether the writing as a whole is pseudonymous, or only the superscription a mistaken conjecture by the scribe of Jude 1 is of secondary importance.
To have done so would have been impossible, in spite of his brilliant gifts, had he been no more than the "wretched scribe" sneered at by Napoleon.
The fidelity of a scribe has to be judged chiefly by internal tests, and these are best applied to his work in passages where there is no reasonable doubt of the correctness of the transmitted text.
In plays by contemporary authors she created the characters of Judith and Cleopatra in the tragedies of Madame de Girardin, but perhaps her most successful appearance was in 1849 in Scribe and Legouve's Adrienne Lecouvreur, which was written for her.
AdvertisementThe components are rearranged on the arbor to cut the profile or the scribe.
Using a scribe A scribe writes or types the candidate 's answers from dictation.
They don't scribe exact locations on maps or what a character said.
One of the most vexed questions of textual criticism, and one which divides scholars more perhaps than any other, is the question to what extent admitted imperfections and inconsistencies may properly be left in a text as due to the default of an author rather than of a scribe or compositor.
Scribe Ehren Kruger, who is teaming with Bobker and helmer Iain Softley on Skeleton Key for Universal Pictures, penned the Grimm screenplay.
AdvertisementTo take an instance already referred to, it is not clear at first sight whether in the couplet from Propertius Scythiae is more likely to be a misrecollection of some text of the 1st century A.D., or Scythicis some scribe's assimilation which made its way into the transmitted text in the course of the next thousand years.
He has no evidence at all for his big lie that Matthew was written by a Jewish scribe.
The story of this scribe (now combined with the memoirs of Nehemiah) crystallizes the new movement inaugurated after a return of exiles from Babylonia.
If a man had leisure to be wise - and this is not for many - he should study the Scriptures which had come down, and so become a scribe.
The latter is a diary of events kept during Sir Stamford Raffles' administration by his Malay scribe.
The comparative feebleness of the style has led to the conjecture that, even if the basis of the prophecy be Isaianic, yet in its present form it must have undergone the manipulation of a scribe.
The writer was known, and it was in this connexion that Napoleon referred to him as "a wretched scribe named Gentz, one of those men without honour who sell themselves for money."
Then, under the auspices of the empress GemmyO, the original plan was carried out in 712, Yasumaro being the scribe.
The prophecy must, therefore, be regarded as anonymous; the title was added by the compiler 1 A Hebrew tradition given in the Targum of Jonathan, and approved by Jerome, identifies Malachi with Ezra the priest and scribe.
Other repetitions of words already written and anticipations of words yet to be written are also found, through the scribe's eye wandering into the preceding or the following context.
If the autograph of a work is not accessible, there is no means of distinguishing between the involuntary errors of a scribe and the involuntary errors- "slips of pen" - of an author.
For the latter are in fact only scribe's mistakes, the author being his own amanuensis.
It is possible that the Apology was read to Hadrian in person when he visited Athens, and that the Syriac inscription was prefixed by a scribe on the analogy of Justin's Apology, a mistake being made in the amplification of Hadrian's name.
Men of genius were not wanting in the long history of Egypt; two doctors, Imhotp (Imuthes), the architect of Zoser, in the, Ilird Dynasty, and Amenophis (Amenhotp), son of Hap, the wise scribe under Amenophis III.
But even in the Talmud the reign of Alexandra is described in apocalyptic language such as is commonly applied to the future age, and if allowance be made for the symbolism proper to revelations it is clear that essentially the scribe and the seer have the same purpose and even the same doctrines.
The second concerns editorial emendations, where the original scribe has clearly made an error.
He was immensely proud of his " A " classification accorded by the " New Domesday scribe " .
Scribe's Life Pack It took years of training to become an ancient Egyptian scribe's Life Pack It took years of training to become an ancient Egyptian scribe.
Or does the scribe mean nothing by his/her addition or omission of the full stop?
In today's Gospel we have a scribe who is genuinely seeking the truth.
Such problems were used in the training of scribes -- here we see an Egyptian scribe.
We may even suspect that these verses were written by a scribe of a later age for the position they now occupy.
The record of the confirmation at Wilton was added by the scribe who also wrote the main text of S 1438, MS.
What Good Woodworking said... nd alcohol marketers are reaching more young viewers by focusing more attention on tungsten carbide scribe cable TV.
Mendel Dessau was a poor scribe - a writer of scrolls - and his son Moses in his boyhood developed curvature of the spine.
Measures were taken to instruct her in the genuine traditions and the old language of former ages, the intention being to have the whole ultimately dictated to a competent scribe.
Scribe 's Life Pack It took years of training to become an ancient Egyptian scribe.
He was the " scribe of the law of the God of Heaven ".
The game story, penned by former Hulk scribe Paul Jenkins, chronicles the struggle of Bruce Banner, the alter ego of the Hulk, to cope with and hopefully discover a cure for his destructive inner demons.
An impressive graphic designer that runs the website The Tengwar Scribe created a great font from Tengwar that you can purchase and download.
The decision given was embodied in writing, sealed and witnessed by the judges, the elders, witnesses and a scribe.
The written nieroglyphs, formed by the scribe with the reed pen on papyrus, eather, wooden tablets, &c., have their outlines more or less abbreyitted, producing eventually the cursive scripts hieratic and demotmc. The written hieroglyphs were employed at all periods, especially or religious texts, Hieratic.A kind of cursive hieroglyphic or hieratic writing is ound even in the 1st Dynasty.
The common policeman, the insignificant scribe in a public office, and even the actors in the "imperial" theatres, were protected against public censure as effectually as the government itself; for the whole administration was considered as one and indivisible, and an attack on the humblest representative of the imperial authority was looked on as an indirect attack on the fountain from which that authority flowed.
The text was written, according to Tischendorf, by four scribes, of whom he identified one as also the scribe of cod.
The first maxim is indisputable, provided we understand by "harder" harder to the scribe, and by "easier" easier to the scribe.
His ready pen, clear thought and elegant style, made him the scribe of the Reformation, most public documents on that side being drawn up by him.
The corrections of s e are important, as they are based (according to a note by that scribe, at the end of Esther) on an early copy which had been corrected by, Pamphilus, the disciple of Origen, friend of Eusebius and founder of a library at Caesarea.
Proper names, technical expressions, quotations from foreign languages, and frequent change of subject, are all likely to cause difficulty to a scribe and error in his work.
Scribe, who shared with him, as librettist, the success and growing popularity of his compositions.
The scribe could train the individual in morals and in manners; but the high priest was the ruler of the nation.
This addition may therefore have been originally the marginal note of a pious scribe which was afterwards transferred to the text.
The rule went to the sultana, and her trusted agent Ibn AbI Amir Mahommed ben Abdallahan Arab of noble descent, who in his early life was a scribe, and who rose by making himself useful first to the ministers and to the favorite wife.
Is a scribe, who recognizes under a corruption the word certainly intended, to perpetuate the error of the exemplar?
He again led the vanguard in the emperor Henry's expedition against Burilas the Bulgarian, and he is represented by the Valenciennes scribe as encouraging his sovereign to the attack in a long speech.
They add that in the next year Jeremiah's scribe Baruch read the prophecies of Jeremiah first to the people assembled in the Temple, then to the " princes," and then to the king, who decided his own future policy by burning Baruch's roll in the brazier.