Screw Sentence Examples
Did I screw up somewhere along the line?
Basically, it started with a screw up.
The wire is subject to two superposed magnetizations, the one longitudinal, the other circular, due to the current traversing the wire; the resultant magnetization is consequently in the direction of a screw or spiral round the wire, which will be right-handed or left-handed according as the relation between the two magnetizations is right-handed or left-handed; the magnetic expansion or contraction of the metal along the spiral lines of magnetization produces the Wiedemann twist.
A steel cylinder (about the thickness of a goose-quill), which forms the micrometer screw, has two threads cut upon it, one-half being cut with a thread double the pitch of the other.
The amount of this pressure is regulated by the screw z'.
In determining the errors of the screw of the Potsdam form FIG.
The screw or rotatory log of Edward Massey, invented in 1802, came into general use in 1836 and continued until 1861.
The chairs on the British system weigh about 45 or 50 lb each on important lines, though they may be less where the traffic is light, and are fixed to the sleepers each by two, three or four fastenings, either screw spikes, or round drift bolts entered in holes previously bored, or fang bolts or wooden trenails.
During the course of a tour in Italy in December 1807 he gave a sharp turn to that world-compelling screw, the Continental System.
Hot-wire ammeters are, however, liable to a shift of zero, and means are always provided by some adjusting screw for slightly altering the sag of the wire and so adjusting the index needle to the zero of the scale.
AdvertisementA fleet of shallow-draught screw steamers provides a favourite means of communication between the business centre of the city and the outlying colonies of villas.
The play of the beam is limited by a stop S and a screw R, the latter being so adjusted that when the end Y of the beam is held down the two air-gaps are of equal width.
It can be shown that if a current i circulates in a small plane circuit of area S, the magnetic action of the circuit for distant points is equivalent to that of a short magnet whose axis is perpendicular to the plane of the circuit and whose moment is iS, the direction of the magnetization being related to that of the circulating current as the thrust of a right-handed screw to its rotation.
The famous Panama hats, fine qualities of which were at one time worth £20 to £30 each, are made from the leaves of the screw pine, Carludovica palmata.
In this way it may happen that although there is almost perfect periodicity with each revolution of the screw after (say) loo lines, yet the loo lines themselves are not equally spaced.
AdvertisementHe was the author of numerous inventions, including the cagniardelle, a blowing machine, which consists essentially of an Archimedean screw set obliquely in a tank of water in such a way that its lower end is completely and its upper end partially immersed, and operated by being rotated in the opposite direction to that required for raising water.
Any plane section of the screw (plectoidal of Pappus) surface so obtained is the quadratrix.
Bouguer's heliometer was in fact similar to that of Savary's third model, with the important difference that, instead of both object-glasses being fixed, one of them is movable by a screw provided with a divided head.
The differences of the readings of the screw, when converted into arc, afford the means of measuring the variations of the sun's apparent diameter.
This, with a knowledge of the temperature of the screw or scale and its coefficient of expansion, would enable the change of screw-value to be determined at any instant.
AdvertisementThe screw, turned by the wheels at g', acts in a toothed arc, whence, as shown in the figure, equal and opposite motion is communicated to the slides by the jointed rods v, v.
A metal contact-piece adjustable by a screw could be made to just touch a point at the centre of the disk.
They started hauling out the booze and I don't want to do anything to screw up a scholarship—especially now.
Screw pines have a closer connection.
But the method is not available if the separation is to be measured by screws; it is found, in that case, that the direction of the final motion of turning of the screw must always be such as to produce motion of the segment against gravity, otherwise the " loss of time " is apt to be variable.
AdvertisementThis wheel is acted on by a tangent screw whose bearings are attached to the cradle; the screw is turned by means of a handle supported by bearings attached to the cradle, and coming within convenient reach of the observer's hand.
It must be mentioned 4 _ 28 that the pressure of the cushion C on the type-wheels 6 - 30 has no influence whatever upon the micrometer-screw, 7 -32 because the type-wheels are mounted on a hollow cylindrical axis, concentric with the axis of the screw, but entirely disconnected from the screw itself.
The slowest speed is given by means of a tangent screw which is carried by a ball-bearing on the flange of the telescope sleeve, whilst its nut is double-jointed to a ring that encircles the flange of the heliometer-tube.
This ring is provided with a clamping screw, which, through the intervention of bevel-gear and rods, is operated by means of the hand-wheel 78.
With similar bevel-gear and rods the tangent screw is connected to the hand-wheel, 79, by which the observer communicates the fourth or slowest motion in position angle.
Having selected the most suitable one he directs the axis of the finder to the estimated middle point between the comet and the star, turns the finder-micrometer in position angle until the images of comet and star lie symmetrically between the parallel position wires, and then turns the micrometer screw (which moves the distance-wires symmetrically from the centre in opposite directions) till one wire bisects the comet and the other the star.
There is a collar, clamped by the screw at S, which is so adjusted that the eye-piece is in focus when pushed home, in its adapter, to this collar.
This lens is divided and mounted like a heliometer objectglass; the separation of the lenses produces the required double image, and is measured by a screw.
In deep water the closing mechanism is usually actuated by a screw propeller which begins to work when the line is being hauled in and can be set so as to close the waterbottle in a very few fathoms. A small but heavy water-bottle has been devised by Martin Knudsen, provided with a pressure gauge or bathometer, by which samples may be collected from any moderate depth down to about roc fathoms, on board a vessel going at full speed.
In another system introduced by the Mannesmann Tube Company the prop is made up of weldless steel tubes sliding telescopically one within the other, which are fixed at the right height by a screw clamp capable of carrying a load of 15 to 16 tons.
It consists of a small hydraulic press, which forces a set of expanding bits or wedges into a bore-hole previously bored by a long screw augur or drill, worked by hand, the action of the press being continued until a sufficient strain is obtained to bring down the coal.
One drum is usually fixed to the shaft, while the other is loose, with a screw link or other means of coupling, in order to be able to adjust the two ropes to exactly the same length, so that one cage may be at the surface when the other is at the bottom, without having to pay out or take up any slack rope by the engine.
A flexible steel band, lined with wood blocks, is gripped on the motor fly-wheel or pulley by a screw A, which, together with W, is adjusted to hold the brake steady.
This was arranged for by a movable leaf carrying the sighting V, worked by means of a mill-headed screw provided with a scale in degrees and fractions to the same radius as the elevation scale, and an arrowb head for reading.
The stem is turned by pressing down on the mill - headed screw.
Minting by means of a falling weight (monkey press) intervened between the hand hammers and the screw press in many places.
Olivier introduced screw presses for striking coins, together with rolls for reducing the cast bars and machines for punching-out round disks from flattened sheets of metal, in Paris in 1553.
Boulton and Watt's screw press, invented in 1788 and used at the Royal Mint until 1881, was worked by atmospheric pressure applied to a piston.
The parts of the range of moulds are brought tightly together and held in position by the bars 0 and the screw P, and when one mould is filled the carrier is moved forward on its rails by wheels worked by a handle also shown in the figure.
The blanks are charged into a hopper at one end of the furnace and conveyed towards the other end by a revolving Archimedean screw.
For this purpose the axis is furnished at its upper part with a screw working into a toothed wheel, and driving it round, during each revolution of the plate, through a space equal to the interval between two teeth.
Koenig's arrangement (Quelques experiences d'acoustique, p. I) the axis of the cylinder is fashioned as a screw, which works in fixed nuts at the ends, causing a sliding as well as a rotatory motion of the cylinder.
All that needed to be done was to fish the fractured ribs of the high arches, put oval holes in the fishes, and not screw up the bolts too tight.
The mooring chains, weighing 22 lb per ft., are taken from the upstream end of each pontoon to a downstream screw pile mooring and from the downstream end to an upstream screw pile.
Screw piles are cast iron piles which are screwed FIG.
At their end is fixed a blade of cast iron from two to eight times the diameter of the shaft of the pile; the pitch of the screw varies from one-half to one-fourth of the external diameter of the blade.
The rotation of the mercury is detected and measured by means of a small vane of platinum wire immersed in it, the shaft of this vane being connected by an endless screw with a counting mechanism.
This last is geared to the shaft of the armature by an endless screw, and the number of revolutions of the armature is reckoned by the counting-dials, which are ' See Electrician, 41, 112, and Journ.
He took out patents for lamps to burn oil of tar, for the propulsion of ships at sea, for facilitating excavation, mining and sinking, for rotary steam-engines and for other purposes; and so early as 1843 he was an advocate of the employment of steam and the screw propeller in warships.
For some engineering purposes it would appear to be desirable to produce master-screws to an accuracy of (1/2000)th of an inch to the foot of screw, so as to serve indirectly for the verification of "guiding screws" for general use in workshops.
Charles's balance areometer is similar to Nicholson's hydrometer, except that the lower basin admits of inversion, thus enabling the instrument to be employed for solids lighter than water, the inverted basin serving the same purpose as the pointed screw in Atkins's modification of the instrument.
The fallers are travelled forwards by means of screws, and when at the end of the screw are dropped automatically into the thread of a receiving screw fixed below, which carries the fallers back to their starting point to be risen by cams into the top pair of screws thus to repeat their journey.
The collimator has a vertical slit at its outer end, the width of which may be regulated by a micrometer screw; in some instruments one half of the slit is covered by a small total reflection prism which permits the examination of two spectra simultaneously.
N, Hole for filling, with screw plug.
Its lower end was fitted with a ball-and-socket joint to enable it to be laid in any direction, and beneath this is a screw which can be screwed by means of a small lever into a piece of wood embedded in the side of a trench.
The slit is narrowed down to the desired width, and moved as a whole by a micrometer screw, until it coincides with the cross-hair.
An electric motor, belted to a screw (1 or 1') connected with the spectroheliograph, is then started.'
The screw moves the spectroheliograph at a perfectly uniform rate across the fixed solar image.
The crushed mass is then placed in hempen cloths and pressed in a screw or hydraulic press.
The expense of cutting castings accurately to shape, cutting on them screw threads and what not, called " machining " in trade parlance, is often a very large part of their total cost; and it increases rapidly with the hardness of the metal.
A collar is provided, which when tightened on the vertical axis, otherwise free to move, holds it rigidly in position with respect to the plate PP. To this collar is attached a slow-motion screw, working against a reaction spring, by which the plate rr can be rotated through a small arc. The upper plate carrying two, three .or four verniers vv is attached to a vertical coned pillar passing through the centre of the larger pillar and rotating in it; this plate can be clamped to the lower plate by means of the screw C, and can be rotated with respect to it by the slow-motion screw d.
When the stand on which w rests is shaken, a multiplied representation of this movement takes place at h, and any small body resting on that point, as for example a small screw s standing on its head, may be caused to topple over.
Nutand bolt-making machinery, both for forging and screw cutting, operates automatically, and drilling machinery is highly specialized.
The focal adjustment is accomplished by the screw S, which acts on a slide carrying an arm to which the mirror B is attached.
The hour circle has two toothed circles cut upon it, one acted upon by a worm screw mounted on the pier and driven by clockwork, the other by a second worm screw attached to the polar axis, which can be turned by a handle in the observer's hand and thus a slow movement can be given to the telescope in right ascension inde FIG.
Slow motion in declination can be cornmunicated by a screw acting on a long arm, which latter can be clamped at pleasure to the polar axis.
The driving circle is also much too small, so that a very slight mechanical freedom of the screw in the teeth involves a large angular freedom of the telescope in right ascension, while its position at the lower end of a too weak polar axis tends to create instability from torsion of that axis.
This frame carries two very sensitive levels, k and 1, and the whole frame can be clamped to the circle g by means of the clamping screw m.
This done, the stops s and t are clamped and adjusted so that when arm r comes in contact with the screw of stop t the telescope will point due north, and when in contact with s, it will point due south, or vice versa.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
Suppose now, for the moment, that the readings of the levels k and l are identical in both observations, we have then, in the difference between the micrometer readings north and south, a measure of the difference of the two zenith distances expressed in terms of the micrometer screw; and, if the "` value of one revolution of the micrometer screw" is known in seconds of arc we have for the resulting latitude FIG.
The value of "one revolution of the screw in seconds of arc" can be determined either by observing at transit the difference of zenith distance of two stars of known declination in terms of the micrometer screw, the instrument remaining at rest between their transits; or by measuring at known instants in terms of the screw, the change of zenith distance of a standard star of small polar distance near the time of its greatest elongation.
It is, however, obviously impossible to apply a micrometer with advantage to such instruments, because to touch such an instrument, in order to turn a micrometer screw, would obviously set it into motion.
The rod terminates externally in a knob or screw terminal.
We shall reckon a rotation as positive when it is related to the direction from 0 to A as the direction of rotation is related to that of translation in a right-handed screw.
This is the axis of the required screw; the amount of the translation is measured by the projection of AB or BC or CD on the axis; and the angle of rotation is given, by the inclination of the aforesaid bisectors.
Successive half-turns about two skew axes a, b are equivalent to a twist about a screw whose axis is the common perpendicular to a, b, the translation being double the shortest distance, and the angle of rotation being twice the acute angle between a, b, in the direction from a to b.
It is easily shown that any displacement whatever is equivalent to two half-turns and therefore to a screw.
An infinitely small rotation about any axis is conveniently represented geometrically by a length AB measures along the axis and proportional to the angle of rotation, with the convention that the direction from A to B shall be related to the rotation as is the direction of translation to that of rotation in a righthanded screw.
The translation parallel to this axis is lox + mly + nhz (Xf + uv + vi) Ic. (8) The linear magnitude which measures the ratio of translation to rotation in a screw is called the pitch.
Its type, as distinguished from its absolute magnitude, may be specified by a screw whose axis is the line of action of R, and whose pitch is the ratio G/R.
A screw is determined by its axis and its pitch, and therefore involves five independent elements.
The pitch of a screw is the distance, measured parallel to its axis, between two successive turns of the same thread or helical projection.
Screws.The figure of a screw is that of a convex or concave cylinder, with one or more helical projections, called threads, winding round it.
Convex and concave screws are distinguished technically by the respective names of male and female; a short concave screw is called a nut; and when a screw is spoken of without qualification a convex screw is usually understood.
The relation between the advance and the rotation, which compose the motion of a screw working in contact with a fixed screw or helical guide, has already been demonstrated in 32; and the same relation exists between the magnitudes of the rotation of a screw about a fixed axis and the advance of a shifting nut in which it rotates.
The advance of the nut takes place in the opposite direction to that of the advance of the screw in the case in which the nut is fixed.
The pitch or axial pitch of a screw has the meaning assigned to it in that section, viz, the distance, measured parallel to the axis, between the corresponding points in two successive turns of the same thread.
The position of the box relative to the plate f, in the direction of measurement, depends therefore on the distance between the end of the screw s and the fixed stud C. A screwing in of s thus causes the box to move to the left, and vice versa.
The focal length of the objective and the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the webs are so arranged that images of the divisions are formed in the plane of the webs, and the pitch of the screw is such that one division of the scale corresponds with some whole number of revolutions of the screw.
By " run " is meant the difference between the intended whole number of screwrevolutions and the actual measures of the space between two adjacent divisions of the scale in turns of the screw FIG 15.
Hinks claims that thus never more than oneor two-tenths of a revolution of the screw need be used in making the measure, and little time is lost in running the screw backwards and forwards.
All this is true, but three readings instead of one for each pointing, much more figure-work in computation (especially if corrections have to be applied to the scale readings to reduce them to exact normal screw readings), are factors which involve a far greater expenditure of time than making a few additional turns of a screw in the process of measurement.
A, in which the motion of the slide which carries the photographic plate is measured entirely by a screw; B, in which that motion is measured by combination of a scale and screw; and C, in which the A F B photographic plate is fixed and the measuring microscope is moved.
This would, of course, create a periodic error, which would be determinable for the motion of any particular point (say the middle) of the web, but which would be smaller for a point near the axis of the screw and greater for a point farther from that axis.
In the Potsdam form of this apparatus the micrometer is, for convenience, provided with a motion at right angles to the axis of the screw, and it has been found at the Cape Observatory that the periodic errors in this apparatus do vary very sensibly according as the microscope is directed to a point more or less distant from the measuring screw.
Since the discovery of this fact all measurements have been made in that fixed position of the microscope with respect to the axis of the screw for which the errors of the screw have been determined.
The method consisted in having motion transmitted to the micrometer screw from an axis on which is mounted a disk that presses with friction-contact upon a cone that revolves uniformly by clockwork.
The screw Q serves to adjust the axis of O i to coincidence with the centre of the lines of the solar spectrograph, and the screw G then serves to move the slide 132 till the optical axis of 0 2 is coincident with the centre of the lines of the stellar spectrograph.
It is obvious that these two conditions can be produced at the will of the observer by simply turning the screw S, and that the difference of the readings of the screw-head, which are required to reproduce the two conditions in question, gives a measure of the displacement of the stellar lines relative to the solar lines.
It consists of a long screw spindle, coupled by suitable gearing with the cable drum, and thus rotating at the speed of the outgoing cable; on this screw works a nut which forms the centre of a thin 'circular disk, the edge of which is pressed against the surface of a right circular cone, the line of contact, as the nut moves along the screw, being parallel to the axis of the latter.
This instrument was capable of giving very considerable speed, but it was more complicated than that now in use, which consists only of an electromagnet, with its armature lever arranged to stop against an anvil or screw in such a way as to give a distinct and somewhat loud sound.
As the glass cylinder, driven by a motor, revolves upon its axis while also advancing (by means of a screw thread on the axis), all portions of the picture are successively brought under the beam or pencil of light and cause a beam of varying intensity to fall on the selenium cell.
No auxiliary filar micrometer was required, as in Savary's heliometer, to measure the interval between the limbs of two adjacent images of the sun, it being only necessary to turn the screw with the divided head to change the distance between the object-glasses till the two images of the sun are in contact as in fig.
The outside of the cylinder was cooled by water circulating round a spiral screw thread in a narrow space with high velocity driven by a pressure of 120 lb per sq.
By directing the telescope to a distant object, or to the intersection of the webs of a fixed collimating telescope (see Transit Circle), it is easy to measure the effect of a small change of zenith distance of the axis of the telescope in terms both of the level and of the micrometer screw, and thus, if the levels are perfectly sensitive and uniform in curvature and graduation, to determine the value of one division of each level in terms of the micrometer screw.
The work done by a wrench about a given screw, when the body twists about a second given screw, may be calculated directly as follows.
If a helix be described round the screw, crossing each turn of the thread at right angles, the distance between two corresponding points on two successive turns of the same thread, measured along this normal helix, may be called the normai pitch; and when the screw hns more than one thread the normal pitch from thread to thread i lay be called the normal divided pitch.
But there are cases in which the motions of both bodies are appreciable, and must be taken into accountsuch as the projection of projectiles, where the velocity of the recoil or backward motion of the gun bears an appreciable proportion to the forward motion of the projectile; and such as the propulsion of vessels, where the velocity of the water thrown backward by the paddle, screw or other propeller bears a very considerable proportion to the velocity of the water moved forwards and sideways by the ship. In cases of this kind the energy exerted by the effort is distributed between the two bodies between which the effort is exerted in shares proportional to the velocities of the two bodies during the action of the effort; and those velocities are to each other directly as the portions of the effort unbalanced by resistance on the respective bodies, and inversely as the weights of the bodies.
It was as if the thread of the chief screw which held his life together were stripped, so that the screw could not get in or out, but went on turning uselessly in the same place.
There was no quill feed, but the knee, as on larger machines, could be elevated through a screw feed.
I finally said screw it & bought an old fashioned safety razor like my dad 's.
Rebound damping at the rear can be adjusted by means of a small screw.
Not long after, the top screw of bow 's rigger popped open and we had to row on in 6s.
Has a screw on case back and sandblasted stainless steel finish, fixed bars, large crown and acrylic crystal.
It is water resistant to 200 meters with screw down crown.
The usual construction is to use the planetary section for mixing, feeding the compound into a single screw extruder for metering.
At K Battenfeld is showing machines with both planetary and twin screw extruders as the metering stage.
If the back of the plate is shaped for the screw fixings, use a countersink tool to bore out a recess for these.
Other handling systems can be based on screw conveyors or chain and flight conveyors.
She was the world 's first large iron ship and the first to be driven by a screw propeller.
Screw pin shackles are used mainly for non permanent applications.
Sharp-eyed drivers are being urged to help police tighten the screw on thieves who are stealing wheels from high value cars.
Having stripped the wires ready, slacken the screw of the appropriate connection terminal.
However the really great feature is that they are on screw threads, so there 's no need to carry a spanner with you.
There is also five pieces of Stainless steel standoffs to screw the X-Plate on the back of the motherboard.
High-pressure steam from this combustion process expands out a rocket nozzle or drives a turbine that turns a propeller screw.
No patient had a poor result because of the syndesmosis screw.
The blank for the body is drilled with a pilot hole for the screw on the mark made by the tailstock center.
Do not swing on the screw driver, the tang screw should be merely " nipped up " to position.
Fine adjustment of the alignment can be made with the tangent screw.
The micrometer of Auzout and Picard was provided with silk fibres or silver wires instead of the edges of Gascoigne, but one of the silk fibres remained fixed while the other was moved by a screw.
The short screw whose divided milled head is shifts the zero of the micrometer by pushing, without turning, the short sliding rod whose flat end forms the point d'appui of the micrometer screw at I.
The pitch of the screw is the same as that of the measuring screw (50 threads to the inch), and its motion can be limited by a stop to half a revolution.
The end-plane of this cylinder receives the pressure of the micrometer screw, so that by turning the small drum-head the coincidence-reading of the movable web with the fixed web can be changed, and thus any given angle can be measured with different FIG.
Its fundamental principle is that, by a combination of glass scales with a micrometer screw, " the chief part of the distance to be measured is read off on the scale; the fractional part of the scalespace is not estimated but measured by the screw."
The chief drawback to type A is that the errors of the screw are liable to change by wear, otherwise the apparatus, as made and used at Potsdam, is, on the whole, a convenient and accurate one.
The same effect can be produced by shortening the back leg by a screw placed in the direction of its length.
The form in general use on the British postal lines is the " Cordeaux screw," but the " Varley double cup " is still employed, especially by the railway companies.
Screw adjustments are provided for closing or opening the air gap between the electromagnets and armatures, for raising or lowering the siphon, and for adjusting the point of the siphon to the centre or side of the paper strip. The received signals are recorded on the paper strip in an undulating continuous line of ink, and are distinguished by the length of deviation from zero.
The signal coil is suspended by fibres and is mounted together with a fixed soft iron core on a brass plate affixed to a rack, with which a pinion operated by a milled head screw engages.
The ink-box is made adjustable, being carried by an arm attached to a pillar provided with a rack with which a pinion operated by a milled head screw engages.
This wheel is mounted on a carrier which, being movable about its centre by a screw gearing worked by hand, gives a radial sweep to the cutting edges.
If, therefore, the screw has several equidistant threads, the true pitch is equal to the divided axial pitch, as measured between two adjacent threads, multiplied by the number of threads.
If a helix be described round the screw, crossing each turn of the thread at right angles, the distance between two corresponding points on two successive turns of the same thread, measured along this normal helix, may be called the normal pitch; and when the screw has more than one thread the normal pitch from thread to thread may be called the normal divided pitch.
The normal pitch for a screw of one thread, and the normal divided pitch for a screw of more than one thread, must be the same In each screw.
When one is of considerably greater diameter than the other, the larger is commonly called in practice a wheel, the name screw being applied to the smaller only; but they are nevertheless both screws in fact.
To make the teeth of a pair of endless screws fit correctly and work smoothly, a hardened steel screw is made of the figure of the smaller screw, with its thread or threads notched so as to form a cutting tool; the larger screw, or wheel, is cast approximately of the required figure; the larger screw and the steel screw are fitted up in their proper relative position, and made to rotate in contact with each other by turning the steel screw, which cuts the threads of the larger screw to their true figure.
An eccentric may be made capable of having its eccentricity altered by means of an adjusting screw, so as to vary the extent of the reciprocating motion which it communicates.
This combination, called Hunters or the differential screw, combines the strength of a large thread with the slowness of motion due to a small one.
The pieces may be pairod together as a screw and nut, in which case the relative motion is compounded of turning with sliding.
In the friction-clutch, a pulley loose on a shaft has a hoop or gland made to embrace it more or less tightly by means of a screw; this hoop has short projecting arms or ears.
After the stalks have been removed either by hand or by a simple apparatus the juice is expressed either - as is still the case in many quarters - by trampling under foot or by means of a simple lever or screw press or by rollers.
The chief manufacture is that of cotton fabrics; the town also possesses iron forges, iron and brass foundries, oil and grease works, railway waggon factories, and bolt, screw and nail works.
This in its simplest form consisted of a ring of wire nearly closed terminating in spark balls very close together, adjustable as to distance by a micrometer screw.
The earliest picture of a press shows roughly the construction to have been that of an upright frame, the power exerted by a movable handle, placed in a screw which was tightened up to secure the requisite impression, and was loosened again after the impression was obtained.
Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.
This block gave a more rigid platen, and at the same time ensured a more equal motion to the screw when actuated by the bar-handle.
He also invented a device which allowed the bed on which the type pages were placed to run in and out more readily, thus reducing the great labour involved in that part of the work of the older form of press, and he also used a new kind of iron lever or handle to turn the screw which applied the necessary pressure.
The upper part of the staple, called the nut, answered the same purpose as the head in the older kind of wooden press, and was in fact a box with a female screw in which the screw of the spindle worked.
There was also another lever to the arbor head in addition to that of the spindle head; and lastly, the screw itself was so enlarged that it greatly increased the power.
We thus find V in terms of the constant and the difference of the two screw readings.
Parallel to this is a second movable plate A, the distances between the two being measurable by means of a screw.
First one and then the other conductor is connected with the electrode of the lower or movable plate, which is moved by the screw until the index attached to the attracted disk shows it to be in the sighted position.
Let the screw readings in the two cases be d and d'.
This figure shows how the wing twists and untwists when in action, and how it forms a true screw.
Each wing forms a mobile helix or screw.
He also recommends an elastic aerial screw consisting of two blades, which taper and become thinner towards the tips and FIG.
When the screw is made to rotate, the blades, because of their elasticity, assume a great variety of angles, the angles being least where the speed of the blades is greatest and vice versa.
After Pettigrew enunciated his views (1867) as to the screw configuration and elastic properties of natural wings, and more especially after his introduction of spiral, elastic artificial wings, and elastic screws, a great revolution took place in the construction of flying models.
An account of his helicoptere or screw model appeared in the Aeronaut for January 1872, but before giving a description of it, it may be well to state very briefly what is known regarding the history of the screw as applied to the air.
Degen in 1816 and Ottoris Sarti in 1823, followed Cayley at moderate intervals, constructing flying models on the vertical screw principle.
From the centre of the under screw an axle provided with a hook (e), which performs the part of a crank, projects in an upward direction.
Between the hook or crank (e) and the centre of the upper screw (a a), the indiarubber in a state of torsion (f) extends.
By fixing the lower screw and turning the upper, one a sufficient number of times the requisite degree of torsion and power is obtained.
Penaud next directed his attention to the construction of a model, to be propelled by a screw and sustained by an elastic aeroplane extending horizontally.
The engine was an eight-cylinder Antoinette petrol motor, developing 49 horse-power at 1100 revolutions a minute, and driving directly a single metal screw propeller.
Chrudim was the birthplace of Joseph Ressel (1793-1857), honoured in Austria as the inventor of the screw propeller.
The beam must be provided with a small ball of metal which can be screwed up and down a stem on the top of the beam for the purpose of accurately adjusting the position of the centre of gravity, and there should be a small adjustable weight on a fine screw projecting horizontally from one end of the beam for the purpose of accurately balancing the arms.
According as it is too great or too small, the stroke of the pendulum is shortened or lengthened by a screw.
At this time Captain Stockton, of the United States navy, gave an order for a small iron vessel to be built by Laird of Birkenhead, and to be fitted by Ericsson with engines and screw.
Skeat takes the ultimate root to be kar, to move, especially in a circular motion, seen in "curve," "circle," &c. The word "worm" is applied to many objects resembling the animals in having a spiral shape or motion, as the spiral thread of a screw, or the spiral pipe through which vapour is passed in distillation.
After two years in his father's office in London, he was sent to Birmingham to join his cousin Joseph Nettlefold in a screw business in which his father had an interest; and by degrees, largely owing to his own intelligent management, this business became very successful.
One leg of a compass carried the object, and the other the lens, the distance between the two being regulated by a screw.
The most used is the micrometer screw adjustment (fig, 51).
By the contrary movement the spring pressure raises the tube as far as is allowed by the screw.
On the tube very near to the pin E is a cylinder C, which by the action of the screw F is very slightly raised or lowered.
According to whether the screw A or B is used, the adjustment is fine or coarse.
In other fine adjustments by means of springs and balance wheels either a micrometer screw is moved (Zeiss), or a curved disk fixed to the balance wheel is turned (Leitz), or an oblique disk arranged more or less in a circle and attached to the balance wheel is revolved (Reichert).
The first method uses the objective screw micrometer.
The object is placed on a slide in the plane of the stage plate and able to be very finely moved by the micrometer screw, which has as fine a worm as possible.
The objective screw micrometer is, however, not sufficiently delicate, and is only used when comparatively large objects are to be measured, and especially for objects whose edges do not appear at the same time in the field of view.
A fine scale with known intervals is put on the stage plate, and by determining the distance between the graduations of the objective micrometer formed through the same objective, by means of the screw micrometer ocular, the magnification of the objective is determined.
As fractions of intervals can only be estimated in this method, a measurement with such an eyepiece scale can of course not be as exact as with a screw micrometer ocular.
A second error can arise through the inaccuracy of the eyepiece micrometer, and also in the case of a screw micrometer through periodic faults of the screw, and through dead motion.
The dead motion of a micrometer screw is best avoided by working the screw always from one and the same side.
Pliny describes in detail the apparatus and processes for obtaining olive oil in vogue among his Roman contemporaries, who used already a simple screw press, a knowledge of which they had derived from the Greeks.
The apparatus was then gradually improved, and thus were evolved the modern forms of the screw press, next the Dutch or stamper press, and finally the hydraulic press.
With the screw press, even in its most improved form, the amount of pressure practically obtainable is limited from the failure of its parts under the severe inelastic strain.
Continuously working presses (compression by a conical screw) have been patented, but hitherto they have not been found practicable.
I practically forced him to screw!
I get a little tipsy a hundred years ago when I hardly knew him and give away a party screw and now he mopes around with a mood as pleasant as an un-flushed toilet!
A discussion with my cohorts was in order but screw it; I had no stomach for a lengthy discussion tainted with bickering.
We each came to realize we were pawns in something far larger and, screw the consequences; as long as this horse was saddled, we'd ride the race, wherever it took us and do our utmost to maximize its success.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
Maybe he didn't want to screw a fat cow but then when he did want to, I didn't and both of us are too damn stubborn to talk about it.
This world will screw with your mind.
Makes people horrible deals that screw them over for eternity?
Don't screw over his mate, Wynn finished.
Patsy'll screw up again and be sent back to the slammer.
All you want to do is screw like rabbits and to hell with the consequences!
The utter pinnacle of Paul Dawkins' lifetime achievement was three September games with the bigs—screw the oh-for-seven batting average and his two fielding errors.
As for Pumpkin Green—screw walking across the United States!
Then he thought, Screw the diet, and stopped for a six-pack of Fat Tire on his way back to Bird Song.
I never met one who didn't somehow screw up my life!
She'd expected Darkyn to screw her over somehow, and she now knew how.
Screw both men; she was getting her chili pepper lights.
If I'm not here, screw 'em. My wife comes first.
But worse, I know if we don't get involved with the boy, that bitch will screw him up for good.
Call it a macho thing, but this time I'm not going to screw up and slip.
He knew she would want to finish the bags first, but thought, Screw it.
I mean, unless you screw things up and hurt her, Sarah will stay with you until your last breath, even if it means changing your diapers.
Or we could say screw it and stay here all day.
He grabbed her wrist, about to give her a lecture on appropriate behavior, but instead said, "Screw it" and locked eyes with her.
I don't want to screw around and play against the big leagues in Philadelphia; all your friends with the crazy middle names like, 'The Shiv' and 'The Hunchback' and 'Three Fingers'—really neat nicknames like that.
The bastards are going to find out they can't screw with me.
They started hauling out the booze and I don't want to do anything to screw up a scholarship—especially now.
It doesn't mean I'm going to screw up your world with every little suspicion and insignificant detail that crops up.
It was bad enough that she alone knew they were there to remind her to screw him over.
These are the use of a vibrating feed, a screw auger feed, and a notched cylinder feed mechanism.
These attractive frosted glass bulbs are available in either standard bayonet or standard screw.
I had the screw missing that holds the beater in place.
Above plus chrome panel bezel, Edison screw bulb & bulb holder - £ 4.00 each.
I lent him, grudgingly, my special screw cutting tool with instructions not to let it get blunt.
This is especially so if you screw up an objective, when the ruthless boss won't miss a moment to berate you.
Drop Head buckeye coupling A buckeye coupling that can be lowered to reveal a standard hook for a screw or three link type coupling.
Screw protective black cap back on to cylinder valve outlet.
A 2 liter plastic carton with screw cap is perfect.
Like elsewhere in East Asia, screw type chillers are taking market shares from reciprocating.
The base The base is turned on a small screw chuck.
Mash the egg yolks and crushed garlic clove and place in a screw top jam jar.
Air cooled chillers with either scroll or semi-hermetic screw compressors are available from 12 - 1,250 kW.
He has seen the industry develop to the point where screw compressors now dominate the industry.
The wheels of screw conveyor were made of PVC.
A fantastic English antique Victorian copper hot water bottle or bed warmer, with original early celluloid plastic screw top.
The sixth EMERALD was a 12-gun screw corvette launched at Pembroke in 1876.
Encounter The third Encounter was a 14-gun screw corvette, launched at Sheerness in 1873.
A screw dislocation is more complex - the Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line.
A 20mm dowel was inserted through the antler and buffalo horn base for strength and to take the 12mm brass screw connector fitting.
I hoped to take with me a bit more than an extensive, perhaps excessive, " history of the screw " .
Sighting along the line allowed the mast band to be lined up and temporarily fastened with a self-tapping screw into the mast button.
Followed by bone grafting and percutaneous screw fixation to support joint and graft.
We have mini, small and large fragment sets for plate and screw fixation of fractures.
Easy to follow instructions are included along with all required screw fixings.
The " Defense " a screw steamer war frigate was launched in the afternoon.
Bramble The sixth Bramble was a 6-gun screw gunboat, launched at Belfast in 1886.
We are the inventor of the screw centrifugal impeller and are a company totally dedicated to its development and improvement.
They are so quick and easy to use, simply screw onto a correctly inflated tire in place of the dust caps.
Swedish inventor and engineer who came to England in 1826 and built a competitor to Stephenson's Rocket, then patented a screw propeller.
Each control is operated via a large knurled knob which turns a screw thread to effect motion.
Where do you place the lag screw and why.
Above each screw terminal is an led lamp to indicate which terminal (or gear) is active.
Ensure that tightening the locknut does not advance the screw thereby jamming the action of the gravity switch.
Children need building materials they can rely on, so we build our Hollow Blocks of solid maple and screw them tightly together.
Cone headed galvanized screw nails secure the seating lathes.
However, as street drugs, the alkyl nitrites (usually butyl nitrite) come in small bottles with screw or plug tops.
Replace thermal paste with one supplied, attach new wire, screw new cooler in place.
Incidentally, all of the screw in water pipe fittings on my (TR7) engine are METRIC!
Imagine a bolt, nail or screw fastening a plank to a frame underwater.
Any of the slots stamped in the mounting plate may be used for the screw fixing.
The machine retains the MCP ' plunger over screw plasticising ' design, with a 16 mm transfer screw feeding a plunger system.
Then its time to screw on the rubber plunger.
The diameter of the screw propeller is two feet six inches with a four foot pitch.
Using the small flat head screw driver, carefully pry the connector off starting on the sit without the bare pins exposed.
Contains 5 hardwood screw in pegs, red and green painted base and 4 real rope quoits.
Once in position screw fix the end rafter into the frame.
I finally said screw it & bought an old fashioned safety razor like my dad's.
Not long after, the top screw of bow's rigger popped open and we had to row on in 6s.
The two cross-linked helices are always right-handed, twisting in the same direction as a normal screw.
It has a super hard scratch resistant sapphire crystal and a screw down crown which allows for 100 meters of water resistance.
To allow the fitting to slide in to the housing you may have to countersink this screw.
A ' dumb end ' allows different heads to be fitted, simply by loosening a socket screw.
The ladies will love the wine stopper, and the gents the cork screw.
An adjuster screw allows you to set V-groove widths very easily.
She was the world's first large iron ship and the first to be driven by a screw propeller.
Some flat bits have a screw thread instead of the center point and this helps the drill pull itself through the timber.
The variable pitch of the screw flights uniformly draws material from the hopper and resists segregation of the product.
The stem of the clamp has serrations for quick height adjustment within the collar and the screw is used to apply the final pressure.
The pull-out force required to remove the screw spikes is similar for both the recycled plastic and softwood sleepers.
Fourth Zebra was a wooden screw sloop, launched 13th November 1860.
However the really great feature is that they are on screw threads, so there's no need to carry a spanner with you.
If a mixer leaks around the base of the swivel spout, take off the spout by removing the fixing screw.
There is also five pieces of stainless steel standoffs to screw the X-Plate on the back of the motherboard.
Colonel Stevens, an American, built a small steamboat with a propeller or " screw " for propulsion instead of paddle wheels.
This was basically a bunker to boiler stoker but with the pick up screw capable of being angled through 180 degrees.
Later examples have screw in pottery or metal stoppers, or a simple push in cork stopper.
Hold the screw head in a vise, and knock the spade with a mallet or club hammer to remove the stump.
A handy screw type metal sunshade makes it easier to rotate a polarizing filter.
All screw terminals are clearly marked for easy installation.
The deep spiral groove means that waste is removed quickly and the center screw thread helps the drill to pull itself into the material.
Idle to one quarter throttle This is controlled by pilot jet, air screw and by the cut out in the throttle slide.
Then tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tightening tool.
Clamping Mechanisms Typical clamping mechanisms include toolmakers clamps, G clamps, screw clamps, clamps based on cams.
The fuse carriers are removed by undoing the small screw.
It is a very uninteresting gray steel cabinet with a screw on front cover.
The reel seat is a screw winch fitting made of very strong carbon construction.
The principle of Gascoigne's micrometer is that two pointers having parallel edges at right angles to the measuring screw, are moved in opposite directions symmetrically with and at right angles to the axis of the telescope.
The symmetrical separation of the edges is produced and measured by a single screw; the fractions of a revolution of the screw are obtained by an index attached to one end of the screw, reading on a dial divided into loo equal parts.
This screw is mounted on an oblong box which carries one of the measuring edges; the other edge is moved by the coarser part of the screw relatively to the edge attached to the box, whilst the box itself is moved relatively to the axis of the telescope by the finer screw.
By this screw the whole apparatus is attached to the telescope.
The lowest of these slides reposes upon a foundation-plate pp, into one end of which the screw s is tapped.
Another web is fixed parallel to the axis of the screw, as nearly as possible in the same plane with it and passing through the axis of rotation of the micrometer.
To use the instrument, it is well first to adjust the web moved by the screw S, so that its point of intersection with the web (commonly called the " position-web "), which is parallel to the axis of the screw, shall be nearly coincident with the axis of rotation of the micrometer box.
The micrometer is now clamped in position-angle by the clamp C, the star again brought back to the axis, and delicate adjustment given in position-angle by the slow-motion screw M, till the star-image remains bisected whilst it traverses the whole length of the position-web by the diurnal motion only.
The great improvement now introduced into all the best micrometers is to provide a screw s, which, not as in the Fraunhofer micrometer, moves only one of the wires, but which moves the whole micrometer box, i.e.
Thus the fixed wire can be set exactly on star A by the screw s, while star B is simultaneously bisected by the movable wire, or vice versa, without disturbing the reading for coincidence of the wires.
K is the clamp in position angle, P the slow motion screw in position-angle; pp is the position circle, R, R its two readers.
The pinion z and the toothed wheel d are connected by an intermediate wheel and pinion Y; the numbers of teeth in the wheels and pinions are so proportioned that twenty-four revolutions of the micrometer screw produce one revolution of the drum and wheel d.
Contact of the web-frame of the micrometer with the side of the box at y would therefore take place, were it not for the micrometer screw.
There is thus a thrust outwards of the spring upon the hollow cap W (attached outside the box), and a thrust of the rod upon the end of the screw s.
Repsolds in more recent micrometers under construction give a second motion to the eyepiece at right angles to the axis of the micrometer screw; this enables the observer to determine the zero of position-angle for his movable webs with the same accuracy as he formerly could only do for the so-called position-angle webs.
Micrometers used for subdividing the spaces on graduated circles and scales have, in general, only a single pair of cross-webs or parallel webs moved by a single screw.
C is the objective, D the micrometer box, E the graduated head of the screw, G the milled i r head by which the screw cc is turned, A an P FIG.
The tenoning platform is simple to make, and you will be able to screw one together in just a few minutes.
The screw should be tightened sufficiently to allow the visor bar to pivot but not have excessive axial movement.
Then tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tightening tool.
Screw threads - steel, titanium alloy, inclined nut seating.
The screw runs at up to 500 rpm to achieve a mixing performance that normally requires a more expensive twin-screw extruder.
Quick to fit and easy to use, simply screw the Pressure Guards onto correctly inflated tires in place of the existing dust caps.
You've built a wonderful company, now don't screw it up.
If the part or piece that you are missing is a screw or other machined item, check your local home improvement store first.
Finally, attach your brackets to your base, and then screw the brackets to the wall, taking care that your perch is basically level.
Run your hands over the perches and enclosed areas to be sure that there are no nails or screw tips sticking through that might hurt your pet.
Fold the ends under and then drive the screws into the frame (be sure to use a washer on each screw).
Pre-drill the screw holes going from the outside of the bed frame inward.
If you install a rod with a simple screw into drywall, don't expect it to support much weight.
Each screw must be secured to the wall using the appropriate anchor, unless you are going directly into a wall stud.
Make sure to measure for chain length, and locate studs to screw the hooks into for the best results.
With its screw top lid, this gel liner is small and sleek enough to fit into any size makeup bag.
It uses a post and screw system to keep your pages neatly organized.
To change the blade cap, simply screw a cap on the blade and insert it into the Wishblade's blade compartment.
Once the boot and binding are aligned, use your magic marker or felt-tipped pen to make a dot on the screw holes of the toe piece.
Then, insert the screws and screw the toe piece into place.
Once the heel piece is in place, you can make a small mark through the center of each screw hole.
Drill holes into the marks, fill the holes with adhesive, and screw the heel piece into place.
Locate the screw on the front of your ski bindings.
Use a screwdriver to rotate the the screw to the appropriate DIN number.
If you screw up, middle school is the time.
In most cases, Wilton cakes require a standard pastry bag, a coupler to screw onto the bag, and a variety of decorating tips.
If you screw up, it's out there for everyone to see."
The screw-on legs make this cot easy to travel with, and you can level it on nearly any surface by adjusting how tightly you screw each leg on.
For sides six inches or shorter, a screw at the bottom and the top are sufficient.
If you're shopping for pruners and the package doesn't say whether or not they are bypass pruners, look for a pruner with two separate blades joined by a screw.
Attach the middle layer to the bottom layer by placing it directly on top and screwing a deck screw in at an angle so it goes in both layers.
Simply unscrew the strap peg and put the strap between the guitar body and the red washer, and then screw the peg back in.
This procedure involves drilling two small holes in the guitar through which to screw the strap buttons.
This system uses a long screw that is inside the rail.
The screw pushes the trolley as the rail guides it.
The screw drive system is a little quieter than the chain loop system.
Also, be sure to use a heavy-duty lag screw long enough to be driven at least three inches into the studs of the house wall.
Once it is moved, all you need to do is patch up a few screw holes and paint over them.
Your lighting will fall if you screw it into the drywall or plaster on your ceiling.
Take a beveled 2 x 2 cut to length and screw it to the wall to provide a surface angled properly for installing the molding.
By 1926 he and two other partners had saved enough to start the Masco Screw Products Company.
The partners got a breakthrough when Hudson Motor Cars signed a large contract with Masco Screw.
Remove the screw under the cap and take off the handle.
Use even pressure to screw it in place, and stop when you feel solid resistance.
Secure the suspension wires to the main tees with screw eyes and screw hooks.
This is because if you drill the hole too close to the edge, when you drill in a screw to attach the drywall, there's a danger of striking an electrical wire - which could result in fire or serious injury.
Using your drill with the screwdriver bit, drive the first sheetrock screw at the center of the sheet, and then continue driving the screws every six inches toward the edge of the sheet.
Every time you attach a screw, make sure that it's "dimpled."
This means the head of the screw stops just below the surface level of the drywall.
Make sure the sheetrock screws go into the studs, with about 8 inches between each screw.
Apply joint compound to all of the screw dimples on the sheetrock.
After the first round of joint compound is dry, apply a second coat to both the joints and the screw dimples.
The joint compound on the screw dimples should create a 3 to 4 inch circle around each screw.
Screw the seat down into place and tighten it so it doesn't wiggle.
Remove the cap from the intake on the toilet, and screw the hose coming from the valve in the wall into the toilet.
Pre-drill your holes before you screw the deck down.
This helps reduce the "mushrooming" that occurs when the board surface creates a bump around the screw head.
When you receive the window, center it and make sure all of the screw holes align with solid wood you can screw into.
Install the first screw at the center hole on the top fin.
Center the bottom of the storm window and drive a screw at the two bottom corners of the side fins.
You'll typically see the black, or "hot" wire, connected to a darkly colored screw and the neutral wires (green and white) connected to lightly colored screws.
This will allow the wire to wrap around each terminal screw.
Unscrew each of the side terminal screws so that you have room to slide the curled end of each wire underneath each screw.
Once you've placed your jewelry inside, you can screw on the ring and lid and shake the jar.
Cut the chain to your wrist size, and secure the ends with a metal clasp or a metal screw.
Screw on rings tightly, and then loosen one-fourth of a turn.
With guidance, many confused elderly people enjoy molding soft, non-toxic clay or putting together a woodworking project that is pre-cut with pre-drilled screw holes.
A physician uses a small screw to move the lower jaw slightly forward, which helps the tongue stay in place.
The contact holder should be a screw top contact holder.
A screw top contact holder protects your contacts against bacteria more efficiently than a flip top contact holder.
Even if the carrying case does contain a durable screw top contact holder, you still must thoroughly clean the holder each day to avoid contact lens discomfort.
It could be that the hinge is stretched out or perhaps a screw is loose or missing.If you determine that the hinge is stretched out then use a pair of pliers to carefully bend it back into place.
If this has happened, you can simply replace the screw with one from a kit or use a pin to hold it until you are able to get the right size screw.
For those who are fearful of losing a really good pair of nose pads, you may want to try to screw in option.
Sometimes the eyeglass owner can do certain repairs themselves, such as replacing a screw on a non-spring hinge.
Replacing a screw is one of the most common repairs.
If this happens, use a small amount of glue and secure the screw into the frame.
Replace when needed and secure to the frame either by a screw or with glue.
These parts can be replaced provided you have a screw driver and matching replacement pieces.
You can also pick up additional lenses, headbands, adjusting screw, and Garny Lens Defogger and Cleaner Kit.
The most common type is done with screw top design.
The warranty will only cover damage that occurs as a result of a defect-not normal wear and tear-so scratched lenses, accidental breakage, and screw replacements are a few of the things on a list of what will not be covered.
Contact lens cases come in a variety of styles from the basic plastic screw top that has two separate compartments for each lens to the barrel design which stands upright.
Many eye doctors will recommend this type of case over the screw top cases due to the disinfecting action that they provide.
Repairs can be done to replace those parts as well as to fix minor items such as a bent frame or a loose screw or hinge.
In the Groove also has Battle Mode, where two players (or one player versus computer) dance to control the most space on a bar with random modifiers trying to screw you up.
Climb up his legs and use the Screw Attack to destroy him.
As long as there are video games that skyrocket to success (cough, Halo, cough), there will be Hollywood big-wigs buying up the rights in order to screw things up and disappoint moviegoers.
Screw Attack is a blog that is updated daily with all sorts of funny stuff, and not just video game spoofs.
Bottles with screw caps and synthetic stoppers do not need this consideration.
First - When you install the rack on the ceiling, make sure you screw it into a stud.
Find the fresh water inlet line and screw the air adapter onto it.
Simply unscrew the antenna, place the loop around the metal protrusion, and screw the antenna back in.
Remove this small rubber piece (about the size of an eraser head) and you'll find a port where you can screw in the cable.
Use safety gates that screw to the wall at the tops of stairways.
Once this initial surgery has healed, your dentist can screw in the implant that is made to look like a natural tooth.
You can accomplish this by loosening the thumb screw in the end wheel of the rotisserie assembly.
After you loosen the thumb screw, pull the wheel off.
Then, use the thumb screw that you had removed before, and screw the wheel back on, and then make sure that the wheel is locked in place.
Fill the mason jar with isopropyl alcohol (90 percent or higher) and screw the lid on the jar.
Available replacement parts include the blender replacement parts package, bottom screw cap, blender gasket, blender jar and food processor blade post.
Available replacement parts include water filters, blender gaskets, blender screw cap, coffee maker carafe, blender motor brush, blender jar and blender O-ring seal.
Replace it with a brand new bottom screw cap.
Reassemble the vacuum and screw the bottom plate back on before using the machine.
Common parts in need of replacement on the Rival food grinder include the food platform, the grinding chute, the feed screw, the rotary knife and the chopping cutter.
Nail or screw the two pieces of wood together to form a cross with four equal sized arms.
I'm cute, long blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, average built but guys always seem to screw me over.
What is wrong with me that guys always screw me over like this?
We continually go too fast and then screw it up.
Having a card with a picture of a wrench on it and the caption "I really wanna screw!" may be exactly what conveys your feelings of passion - but unless your sweetie has a sense of humor, the message is going to get lost.
For very expensive earrings, screw backs are the most secure option.
These usually screw on and some require a special wrench.
Instead, it was the type of jewelry that we now call a nose screw.
Usually, the screw had an ornamental stone or flower pattern on its visible surface.
With Brushed case and bracelet, an eye catching polished rotating bezel, silver dial, glittering sapphire crystal making quartz movement, screw down crown, 200 meter water resistant and attractive case makes it an exotic piece.
A dazzling polished case and bracelet, black dial with diamond, glittering rotating bezel, sapphire crystal, timely quartz movement, screw down crown, 200 meter water resistant.
Hatch or snap cases are easy to open, while screw backs require a case wrench to open and a press to close again.
If you don't see an obvious opening, you probably have a screw back case, which requires that special equipment.
Available features include stainless steel, gold tone, or black Ion finishes, date calendars, screw down case backs, illuminated markers and hands, and water resistance to 50 or 100 meters.
Other advanced features include carbon fiber dials and cases, crown protectors, stopwatch and elapsed time recording, screw down casebacks, and illuminated hands and markers.
Other notable features include textured bracelet and dial with a secure screw down crown.
Along with its state-of-the-art 50 minute chronograph, this watch offers 125 feet depth display, rotating bezel, maximum depth memory, power reserve display, ISO certification, and screw down crown and case back.
Hackers write these programs for various reasons, notably revenge against an "enemy" business's program developer, or just because they want to screw up user operations.
Remember that there are competitors just waiting for you to screw up so they can move in.
Simply unscrew and wipe down bulbs with a damp microfiber cloth, though be careful not to saturate the metal screw base.
Punch a screw, a large pin, or a small dowel into the narrow side of the box on each end.
Screw the lid back onto the candy filled jar.
Fill the bottle with hummingbird nectar, and screw the cap on tightly.
The music is referred to as Skrew, or Screwed and Chopped and was created by DJ Screw.
Strings were pulled and Braff helped Radin score a place for one of his songs, Winter, in an episode of Scrubs (the episode entitled My Screw Up).
The later English artists have somewhat changed the mode of communicating motion to the slides, by attaching the screws pdrmanently to the micrometer head and tapping each micrometer screw into its slide.
The electric lamp a gives illumination of the webs in a dark field, nearly in the manner described for the Cape transit circle micrometer; the intensity of illumination is regulated by a carbon-resistance controlled by the screw b.
The double webs composing the sides of the fixed square shall be strictly parallel, and shall form a true square of exactly ten revolutions of the screw on the side.
By means of the quick rack motions A and B move the plate so as to bring the reseau-square into the centre of the field of the micrometer; then, by means of the screw heads o, p, perfect the coincidence of the " fixed square " of webs, with the image of the reseau-square.
Here the place of the jib is taken by two inclined legs joined together at the top and pivoted at the bottom; a third back-leg is connected at the top to the other two, and at the bottom is coupled to a nut which runs on a long horizontal screw.
In the specification of the patent applied for on the list of July 1877 he showed a sketch of an instrument which consisted of a diaphragm, with a small platinum patch in the centre for an electrode, against which a hard point, made of plumbago powder cemented together with india-rubber and vulcanized, was pressed by a long spring, the pressure of the carbon against the platinum disk being adjusted by a straining screw near the base of the spring.
Screw pines are replaced by the nearly allied Cyclanthaceae.
For passenger trains and occasionally for fast goods trains screw couplings are substituted for the simple chains.
In these the central bar which connects the two end links has screw threads cut upon it,;and by means of a lever can be turned so as either to shorten the coupling and bring the vehicles together till their buffers .are firmly pressed together, or to lengthen it to permit the end link to be lifted off the hook.
The apparatus is so designed that when the plummet is suspended in air, the index of the beam is at the zero of the scale; if this be not so, then it is adjusted by a levelling screw.
If now the telescope be directed on the target and this level be brought to the centre of its run, the angle of sight can be read - if afterwards any range ordered is put on the sight and the gun truly layed, this bubble will be found in the centre of its run - so that if thereafter the target becomes obscured the gun can be relayed by elevating till the bubble is in the centre of its run, or at a completely concealed target the angle of sight can, if the range and difference of level are known or can be measured from somewhere near the gun, be put on by means of the micrometer screw, and the gun subsequently layed by putting the range in yards or degrees on the sight drum and elevating or depressing till the bubble is central.
The motive power was india-rubber in the condition of torsion; the propeller, a screw.
Models on the aeroplane screw type may be propelled by two screws, one fore and one aft, rotating in opposite directions; and in the event of only one screw being employed it may be placed in front of or behind the aeroplane.
By holding c c, Aerial screw centred at f.
The cardinal idea was to force the aeroplanes (slightly elevated at their anterior margins) forwards, kite-fashion, by means of powerful vertical screw propellers driven at high speed - the greater the horizontal speed provided by the propellers, the greater, by implication, the lifting capacity of the aerodrome.
There were twin screw propellers, which could be adjusted to different angles in practice, to provide for steering, and made 1700 revolutions a minute.
Nearly half of the power of the engines was lost in the screw slip. This showed that the diameter of the screws was not great enough; it should have been at least 22 ft.
With the help of this scale the total revolutions of the screw can be read; fractions of the revolution can be read from the divided cylinder d.
And again he twisted the screw with the stripped thread, and again it turned uselessly in the same place.
The watch has a stainless steel case, sapphire crystal, glass display back, screw down crown and quickset date.
It's stupid even fighting about any of the land before we make sure that gold-digging bitch doesn't screw us and get her hands on all of it!
I'm petrified I'll put my foot in my mouth and screw it up.