Scorpio Sentence Examples
The difference between the gill-books of Limulus and the lung-books of Scorpio depends on the fact that the latter are adapted to aerial respiration, while the former serve for aquatic respiration.
The appendage carrying the gill-book stands out on the surface of the body in Limulus, and has other portions developed besides the gill-book and its base; it is fused with its fellow of the opposite side On the other hand, in Scorpio, the gill-book-bearing apFIG.
The various comparisons previously made between the structure of Limulus and the Eurypterines on the one hand, and that of a typical Arachnid, such as Scorpio, on the other, had been vitiated by erroneous notions as to the origin of the nerves supplying the anterior appendages of Limulus (which were finally removed by Alphonse Milne-Edwards in his beautiful memoir (6) on the structure of that animal), and secondly by the erroneous identification of the double sternal plates of Limulus, called " chilaria," by Owen, with a pair of appendages (7).
It is not desirable to occupy the limited space of this article by a full description of the limbs and segments of Limulus and Scorpio.
On the surface of the carapace there are in both animals a pair of central eyes with simple lens and a pair of lateral eyetracts, which in Limulus consist of closely-aggregated simple eyes, forming a " compound" eye, whilst in Scorpio they present several AC separate small eyes.
The tergites of this region and those of the following region, the metasoma, are fused to form a second or posterior carapace in Limulus, whilst remaining free in Scorpio.
The next four pairs of appendages (completing the mesosomatic series of six) consist, in both Scorpio and Limulus, of a base carrying each 130 to 150 blood-holding, leaf-like plates, lying on one another like the leaves of a book.
The elongated axis which opens at the stigma in Scorpio and which can be cleared of soft, surrounding tissues and co agulated blood so as to present the appearance of a limb axis carrying the book-like leaves of the lung is not really, as it would seem to be at first sight, the limb axis.
Passing on now from the mesosoma we come in Scorpio to the metasoma of six segments, the first of which is broad whilst the rest are cylindrical.
In the allied extinct Eurypterines it is well developed, and resembles that of Scorpio.
AdvertisementPerhaps the most important general agreement of Scorpio compared with Limulus and the Eurypterines is the division of the body into the three regions (or tagmata) - prosoma, mesosoma and metasoma - each consisting of six segments, the prosoma having leg-like appendages, the mesosoma having foliaceous appendages, and the metasoma being destitute of appendages.
In 1893, some years after the identification of the somites of Limulus with those of Scorpio, thus indicated, had been published, zoologists were startled by the discovery by a Japanese zoologist, Kishinouye (8), of a seventh prosomatic somite in the embryo of Limulus longispina.
The simple identification of somite with somite in Limulus and Scorpio seemed to be threatened by this discovery.
In the case of Scorpio this segment is indicated in the embryo by the presence of a pair of rudimentary appendages, carried by a well-marked somite.
As in Limulus, so in Scorpio, this unexpected somite and its appendages disappear in the course of development.
AdvertisementOwing to its position it is convenient to term the somite which is excalated in Limulus and Scorpio " the praegenital somite."
The first segment of the mesosoma of Scorpio and Limulus thus remains the first segment, and can be identified as such throughout the Eu-arachnida, carrying as it always does the genital apertures.
There are a number of other important points of structure besides those referring to the somites and appendages in which Limulus agrees with Scorpio or other Arachnida and differs from other Arthro- '11'1 poda.
The position of the chelicerae of Limulus and of the ganglionic nerve-masses from which they receive their nerve-supply, is closely similar to that of the same structures in Scorpio.
The cerebral mass is in Limulus more easily separated by dissection as a median lobe distinct from the laterally placed ganglia of the cheliceral somite than is the case in Scorpio, but the relations are practically the same in the two forms. Formerly it was supposed that in Limulus both the chelicerae and the next following pair of appendages were prosthomerous, as in Crustacea, but the dissections of Alphonse Milne-Edwards (6) demonstrated VI FIG.
AdvertisementLimulus thus agrees with Scorpio and differs from the Crustacea, in which there are three prosthomeres - one ocular and two carrying palpiform appendages.
The central nervous systems of Limulus and of Scorpio present closer agreement in structure than can be found when a Crustacean is compared with either.
The lateral eyes of Scorpio consist of groups of separate small lenses each with its ommatidium, but they do not form a continuous compound eye as in Limulus.
The ommatidium (soft structure beneath the lens-unit of a compound eye) is very simple in both Scorpio and Limulus.
The struc ture of the lateral eye of Limulus was first described by Grenacher, and further and more accurately by Lankester and Bourne (5) and by Watase; that of Scorpio by Lan kester and Bourne, FIG.
AdvertisementWatase has shown, in a very convincing way, how by deepening the pit-like set of cells beneath a simple lens the more complex ommatidia of the compound eyes of Crustacea and Hexapoda may be derived from such a condition as that presented in the lateral eyes of Limulus and Scorpio.
Whilst Limulus agrees thus closely with Scorpio in regard to the VII?tg VII, The genital operculum.
A similar pair of coxal glands, lobate instead of ovoid in shape, was described by Lankester in Mygale, and it was also shown by him that the structures in Limulus called " brick-red glands " by Packard have the same structure and position as the coxal glands of Scorpio and Mygale.
Microscopically their structure is the same in essentials as that of the coxal glands of Scorpio (13).
Similar observations were made by Laurie (17) in Lankester's laboratory (1890) with regard to the early condition of the coxal gland of Scorpio, and by Bertkau (41) as to that of the spider Atypus.
Thus an organ newly discovered in Scorpio was found to have its counterpart in Limulus.
The coxal glands do not establish any special connexion between Limulus and Scorpio, since thay also occur in the same somite in the lower Crustacea, but it is to be noted that the coxal glands of Limulus are in minute structure and probably in function more like those of Arachnids than those of Crustacea.
In Limulus small entosternites are found in each somite of the appendage-bearing mesosoma, and we find in Scorpio, in the only somite of the mesosoma which has a welldeveloped pair of appendages, that of the pectens, a small entosternite with ten pairs of muscles inserted into it.
In Scorpio the completion of the horizontal plate by oblique flaps, so as to form an actual diaphragm shutting off the cavity of the prosoma from the rest of the body, possibly gives to the organs contained in the anterior chamber a physiological advantage in respect of the supply of arterial blood and its separation from the venous blood of the mesosoma.
This body occurs also in the blood of Crustacea and of Molluscs, but its abundance in both Limulus and Scorpio is very marked, and gives to the freshly-shed blood a strong indigo-blue tint.
The great dorsal contractile vessel or " heart " of Limulus is closely similar to that of Scorpio; its ostia or incurrent orifices are FIG.
The arterial system is very completely developed in both Limulus and Scorpio, branching repeatedly until minute arterioles are formed, not to be distinguished from true capillaries; FIG.
The connexion is not so intimate in Scorpio, but is nevertheless a very close one, closer than we find in any other Arthropods in which the arterial system is well developed, e.g.
Scorpio certainly comes nearer to Limulus in the high development of its arterial system, and the intimate relation of the anterior aorta and its branches to the nerve centres and great nerves, than does any other Arthropod.
An arrangement of great functional importance in regard to the venous system must now be described, which was shown in 1883 by Lankester to be common to Limulus and Scorpio.
This arrangement has not hitherto been detected in any other class than the Arachnida, and if it should ultimately prove to be peculiar to that group, would have considerable weight as a proof of the close genetic affinity of Limulus and Scorpio.
In both animals the wall of the pericardial sinus is connected by vertical muscular bands to the wall of the ventral venous sinus (its lateral expansions around the lung-books in Scorpio) in each somite through which the pericardium passes.
It is not surprising that with so highly developed an arterial system Limulus and Scorpio should have a highly developed mechanism for determining the flow of blood to the respiratory organs.
The veno-pericardiac muscles of Scorpio were seen and figured by Newport but not described by him.
They are figured and their importance for the first time recognized in the memoir on the muscular and skeletal systems of Limulus and Scorpio by Lankester, Beck and Bourne (4).
The mouth is relatively smaller in Scorpio than in Limulus - in fact is minute, as it is in all the terrestrial Arachnida which suck the juices of either animals or plants.
The only point in which the gut of Limulus resembles that of Scorpio rather than that of any of the Crustacea, is in possessing more than a single pair of ducts or lateral outgrowths connected with ramified gastric glands or gastric caeca.
Limulus has two pairs of these, Scorpio as many as six pairs.
It is very probable that in Scorpio they do not serve merely to secrete a digestive fluid (shown in other Arthropoda to resemble the pancreatic fluid), but that they also become distended by the juices of the prey sucked in by the scorpion - as certainly must occur in the case of the simple unbranched gastric caeca of the spiders.
The most important difference which exists between the structure of Limulus and that of Scorpio is found in the hinder region of the alimentary canal.
Scorpio is here provided with a single or double pair of renal excretory tubes, which have been identified by earlier authors with the Malpighian tubes of the Hexapod and Myriapod insects.
Moreover, there is a significant agreement in the character of the spermatozoa of Limulus and Scorpio.
In Limulus Lankester found (15) the spermatozoa to possess active flagelliform " tails," and to resemble very closely those of Scorpio which, as are those of most terrestrial Arthropoda, are actively motile.
In regard to the important structures concerned with the fertilization of the egg, Limulus and Scorpio differ entirely from one another.
Scorpio, being a terrestrial animal, fertilizes by copulation.
We have now passed in review the principal structural features in which Limulus agrees with Scorpio and differs from other Arthropoda.
It has been considered by them as proving that Limulus, in spite of all its special agreements with Scorpio (which, however, have scarcely been appreciated by the writers in question), really belongs to the Crustacean line of descent, whilst Scorpio, by possessing Malpighian tubes, is declared to be unmistakably tied together with the other Arachnida to the tracheate Arthropods, the Hexapods, Diplopods, and Chilopods, which all possess Malpighian tubes.
The figure B also shows the peculiar neural investiture formed by the cerebral arteries in Limulus and the derivation from this of the arteries to the limbs, III, IV, VI, whereas in Scorpio the latter have a separate origin from the anterior aorta.
An important fact in its favour was discovered by Laurie (17), who investigated the embryology of two species of Scorpio under Lankester's direction.
It appears that the Malpighian tubes of Scorpio are developed from the mesenteron, viz.
When we consider the relationships of the various classes of Arthropoda, having accepted and established the fact of the close genetic affinity of Limulus and Scorpio, we are led to important conclusions.
There is some reason to admit the existence of another more anterior pair of these muscles in Scorpio; this would make the number exactly correspond with the number in Limulus.
Leaving that question for consideration in connexion with the systematic statement of the characters of the various groups of Arachnida which follows on p. 475, it is well now to consider the following question, viz., seeing that Limulus and Scorpio are such highly developed and specialized forms, and that they seem to constitute as it were the first and second steps in the series of recognized Arachnida - what do we know, or what are we led to suppose with regard to the more primitive Arachnida from which the Eurypterines and Limulus and Scorpio have sprung ?
In living Arachnids, excepting the Pantopoda, it is either fused (with loss of its appendages) with the prosoma (Limulus, 1 Scorpio), after embryonic appearance, or is 1 Pocock suggests that the area marked vii.
The Pantopoda stand in the same relation to Limulus and Scorpio that Cyamus holds to the thoracostracous Crustacea.
An internal skeletal plate, the so-called " entosternite " of fibrocartilaginous tissue, to which many muscles are attached, is placed between the nerve-cords and the alimentary tract in the prosoma of the larger forms (Limulus, Scorpio, Mygale).
The prae-genital somite, after appearing in the embryo, either is obliterated (Scorpio, Galeodes, Opilio and others) or is retained as a reduced narrow region of the body, the " waist," between prosoma and mesosoma.
All Arachnida, including Limulus, feed by suctorial action in essentially the same way as Scorpio.
Possibly, though not probably, the somites carrying the two lung-sacs correspond to the first two lung-bearing somites of Scorpio, and it is the genital opening which has shifted.
Vivipara, ovipara, a y es, pisces, serpentes et Scorpio - and contains descriptions and illustrations of a large number of animal forms with reference to the lands inhabited by them.
At the moment of crossing the equator towards the north the sun is said to be at the first point of Aries; some thirty days later it enters Taurus, and so on through Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces.
A Serpent was the Egyptian equivalent of Scorpio; the Arrow only of Sagittarius was retained; Capricornus became " Life," or a Mirror as an image of life; Aquarius survived as Water; Taurus, Virgo and Pisces remained unchanged.'
Lateral eyes also are often present which are monostichous with aggregated lenses (Limulus)or with isolated lenses(Scorpio), or are diplostichous with simple lens (Pedipalpi, Araneae, &c.).
The somites following the head are strictly nomomeristic and nomotagmic. The first three form the thorax, thhe appendages of which are the walking legs, tipped with paired claws or ungues (compare the homoplastic claws of Scorpio and Peripatus).
Aglaosthenes or Agaosthenes, an early writer, knew Ursa minor as Kvv600vpa, Cynosura, and recorded the translation of Aquila; Epimenides the Cretan (c. 600 B.C.) recorded the translation of Capricornus and the star Capella; Pherecydes of Athens (c. 500-450 B.C.) recorded the legend of Orion, and stated the astronomical fact that when Orion sets Scorpio rises; Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.) and Hellanicus of Mytilene (c. 496-411 B.C.) narrate the legend of the seven Pleiades - the daughters of Atlas; and the latter states that the Hyades are named either from their orientation, which resembles v (upsilon), " or because at their rising or setting Zeus rains "; and Hecataeus of Miletus (c. 470 B.C.) treated the legend of the Hydra.
The Planet ruling the 9th house cusp is the Moon which lies in Scorpio.
Scorpio stellium is probably highly controlled and only likely to surface when they are seriously emotionally threatened.
At the waxing sextile and the waning trine of every cycle, when Pluto returns to Scorpio, such a protracted aspect happens.
The dark and heavy emphasis of traditional texts leaves a very unbalanced, one-sided view of Scorpio's fundamental dynamics.
The structure of the prosomatic appendages or legs is also seen to present many significant points of agreement (see figures), but a curious discrepancy existed in the six-jointed structure of the limb in Limulus, which differed from the seven-jointed limb of Scorpio by the defect of one joint.
The tergites, or chitinized dorsal halves of the body rings, are fused to form a " prosomatic carapace," or carapace of the prosoma, in both Limulus and Scorpio (see figs, 7 and 8).
The leaves (some 150 in number) of the gill-book (see figure) correspond to the tooth-like processes of the pectens of Scorpio.
It shows in Scorpio and Limulus a tendency to segregate into minor groups or " ommatidia."
Not only are the blood corpuscles of Limulus more like in form and granulation to those of Scorpio than to those of any Crustacean, but the fluid is in both animals strongly impregnated with the blue-coloured respiratory proteid, haemocyanin.
And the important consequences following from the demonstration of the identity in structure of Limulus and Scorpio are evaded by arbitrary and even phantastic invocations of a mysterious transcendental force which brings about " convergence " irrespective of heredity and selection.
When it is admitted - as seems to be reasonable - that the primitive Arachnida would, like the primitive Crustacea, be anomomeristic and anomotagmic, we shall not demand of claimants for the rank of primitive Arachnids agreement with Limulus and Scorpio in respect of the exact number of their somites and the exact grouping of those somites; and when we see how diverse are the modifications of the branches of the appendages both in Arachnida and in other classes of Arthropoda, we shall not over-estimate a difference in the form of this or that appendage exhibited by the claimant as compared with the higher Arachnids.
Cap woman generaly can have very good sex with scorpio man.
The scorpio stellium is probably highly controlled and only likely to surface when they are seriously emotionally threatened.
Scorpio with the sting in its tail can also be the dove of peace, the eagle of courage or the slithering snake.
Yet Scorpio is a truly mystical sign and can transcend far beyond the physical realm to depths often left wanting in others.
The dark and heavy emphasis of traditional texts leaves a very unbalanced, one-sided view of Scorpio 's fundamental dynamics.
Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are considered water birth signs.
If you want things to be steaming hot, cast your net towards Scorpio and Capricorn.
With Scorpio it's all about deep and heavy emotional bonding- perfect for setting the mood!
The Scorpio pet is born between October 23 and November 22.
If you do something to upset your Scorpio pet, they will hold a grudge until they feel you have won back the privilege of being in their good graces.
Scorpio pets tend to be healthy throughout their lives and love to be cuddled.
Taurus understands Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn best.
Cancer connects best with other Cancers, Scorpio, Taureans and Pisces.
Virgo feels great with Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio.
Scorpio should consider Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus for a love match.
Capricorn gets along great with Taurus, Scorpio and Virgo.
Pisces should focus on Scorpio, Cancer, fellow Pisceans and Taurus.
The same can be said if your Mars happens to be in Scorpio.
Take for example a Capricorn and a Scorpio; suppose that these two are business partners that get along famously.
This is easy to understand because Capricorn is a fairly ambitious sign, while Scorpio (who's also quite ambitious) knows how to see things to completion.
Water signs are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.
You'll find this same process at work in an individual who has a Libra sun coupled with a Scorpio ascendant.
Whereas Libra may only be concerned with things that are beautiful and just, Scorpio will provide a depth of character.
The Scorpio's flirting style will be alluring to Taurus, and they'll usually be happy once the chase ends.
That's why earth signs Virgo and Taurus, as well as other water signs Scorpio and Pisces are most compatible.
Cancers love the affection and understanding they get from Taurus and Virgo, while they revel in the romance and dependability of the Pisces and the passion the Scorpio brings to the table (and the bed!).
The Virgo can't stand brash Aquarius' nature, but does flourish in the company of a Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus or Scorpio.
Virgos are typically looking for peaceful relationships that will last a lifetime, so they need the strength of the Capricorn or Taurus, or the depth of the Cancer or Scorpio.
This glyph suggests that soul and sprit triumph over matter and thereby relates the Scorpio theme of transformation.
A Virgo woman and a Scorpio man can have a long-lasting bond.
Virgo and Scorpio most often make a wonderful astrological pair because the similarities and differences in their personalities usually complement one another.
On the surface, it would appear that a Virgo woman, Scorpio man couple would not be able to get along beyond the first date.
When the Virgo woman and Scorpio man enter and maintain a relationship, these traits play off of, and often complement, each other.
Both can mask their feelings well, though the Scorpio man's passionate nature could keep things from becoming too cool and detached.
A Virgo woman's loyalty and dependability will do well to quell the Scorpio man's tendency to get jealous.
One potential clash is the Virgo woman's tendency to be critical, which could trigger the Scorpio's tendency to perceive insults that may not really be there.
The Virgo woman tends to feel safe with the Scorpio man's unwavering certainty about life situations.
Both Virgo and Scorpio like to acquire resources.
The Scorpio's passionate and adventurous sexual nature can sometimes overwhelm the shy and practical Virgo.
Scorpio will have to be careful not to overwhelm his tender Virgo when his temper flares up, and Virgo will need to find the courage to remain calm when the man she loves becomes irrational.
A Virgo woman and a Scorpio man make a great match if they commit to one another and the goal of being together.
As in any relationship, the Virgo woman and Scorpio man will each have things they need to work on in order for the relationship to be harmonious.
The Scorpio man will need to work to keep his temper and jealousy under control.
When the Scorpio man and Virgo woman are willing to adapt and compromise in order to achieve a happy union, it is entirely possible to build a rewarding relationship--inside and outside of the bedroom--that lasts a lifetime.
Linda Goodman's moon in Scorpio made her intense, possessive and emotionally deep.
Saturn in Scorpio shows the need to go to your very core of being; cleaning up any leftover excesses, so that what is produced is in its purest form.
A moon that falls in Scorpio has the tendency to brood and ruminate, but it also gives much strength, determination and perseverance to the individual.
Moon in Scorpio people have deeply felt emotions.
Wondering what sign is a good match for a Scorpio?
Before delving into what sign is a good match for a Scorpio, it's helpful to know some of the characteristics to which this water sign responds best.
The reason for this is that even if one isn't a traditional match for Scorpio (for example Cancer), a person could still have a terrific relationship with this sign due to compatible moon signs or aspects.
Failing to do so will inevitably bring out the worst in Scorpio.
Show genuine compassion for others, particularly when they are in need or distress, and try not to laugh at their misfortunes because this will only provoke a strong rebuke from Scorpio.
This may sound intimidating and it is, but that's the Scorpio way.
It's this type of spirit that Scorpio respects.
In light of all those formidable characteristics, you might wonder what sign is a good match for a Scorpio?
As you probably already know, Scorpio is an intense sign, but Cancer can also be fairly intense.
The earth signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus all get along fairly well with Scorpio.
Each of these signs has a pragmatism and healthy dose of common sense that Scorpio finds attractive and reassuring.
Scorpio likes people to be stable, and few signs are more stable than that of the earth signs.
Additionally, Scorpio tends to be very good with money, and for the most part, so are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.
Usually, these signs prove to be too different for Scorpio to deal with, although it's not an impossible match, particularly if there are compatible aspects in the synastry chart.
However, keep in mind that Mars was the ancient ruler of Scorpio (before Pluto) and as such, both signs are incredibly hearty and determined.
On the other hand, the Air signs may prove to be a bit too whimsical, if not downright baffling, for Scorpio.
This is a quality that Scorpio may find annoying.
So, what should a person do if he/she is in love with a Scorpio, but is not one of the traditional matches?
Further, if you and your Scorpio mate love one another, there is most certainly a way to build a successful relationship.
If you are a Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or fellow Pisces (or have significant planets in these signs), you have a better chance at attracting this very special man, and a better chance overall to find lasting compatibility with him.
The sign does not pair well with Leo or Scorpio.
Scorpio and Aquarius are not traditional matches for Leo, even for friendship.
Scorpio, Pisces and Libra also provide solid matches.
Pisces and Scorpio tend to be a solid pairing.
The sign pairs well with Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio.
The best matches are Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio.
However, Cancer, Scorpio or Taurus can bring much needed balance.
If you are a Scorpio moon, you require deep bonds in your relationships.
Pisces can complete the Scorpio, and so can Cancer.
Pisces moon fits famously with both Cancer and Scorpio.
While air signs match well with one another, earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) match well with the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).
Pisces, Cancer and even Scorpio can benefit in a relationship with Virgo.
Compatibility for Scorpios is a more of a complex issue than some zodiac signs because of Scorpio's passionate nature.
Scorpio is serious when it comes to choosing a life mate and will want someone who is equally serious about creating a family and life together.
All that said, Scorpio isn't without her issues.
The first thing you'll have to do is win Scorpio's trust.
That could present a real challenge since Scorpio doesn't trust easily and usually will test a lover in an effort to determine just how trustworthy he is.
Make sure you can go the distance; if you can't, the only thing you'll win is Scorpio's scorn.
A Scorpio in love can be jealous and possessive.
As for fire signs, Scorpio will more than likely extinguish the flames with her emotional needs.
Fire signs won't cope well and in the end, Scorpio will either become boiling mad or steamed over her fire sign lover.
Fellow water signs make better lovers for Scorpio than air signs.
A water sign will understand Scorpio's need for emotional reassurances and proof of loyalty.
At first glance, it may appear that two water signs are the ideal matched set, but for Scorpio, there needs to be some sparks flying or she'll create them just to break up the monotony.
There is a tendency that these two might easily hurt each other's feelings, and the crab will hide in his shell while Scorpio's sharp barbed tongue lashes out.
Pisces is an old soul and will just swim into calmer waters when Scorpio's emotions burst forth.
That's not to say that Pisces doesn't feel things just as deeply as Scorpio; it's just that he prefers to keep his thoughts and feelings to himself.
This is especially true when faced with Scorpio's hot stinging temper when she feels she's been wronged.
Pisces will have a soothing and calming effect on Scorpio and help her learn to achieve greater introspection.
Scorpio can draw Pisces out of his lone wolf mode, but only if she doesn't make harsh demands.
The fish has to be lured into trusting Scorpio enough to give up his innermost secrets.
Scorpio will find excitement and new inspirations in a relationship with one of the earth signs.
Scorpio won't put up with any bull, not even Taurus, so this earth sign better watch his Ps and Qs.
The bull can be stubborn, but he will meet his match with Scorpio.
This will be a whirlwind romance, and these two can find a good balance in their relationship if Scorpio can let her gentler side surface.
Virgo's penchant for perfection could drive many signs crazy, but Scorpio will have a deep appreciation for Virgo's devotion in his effort to make sure everything is just so.
Scorpio will be pampered and if there are any rough edges, Virgo will show you how to file them down to smooth edges.
With these earthly expectations, Scorpio will rush in to fill those needs with her usual charm and finesse.
Capricorn is one sign that will eagerly rise to any challenges Scorpio flings his way.
In the end, Scorpio will be head over heels in love with her champion and may even let Capricorn carry her off to his mountain castle.
As long as Capricorn is devoted and appreciative of Scorpio's attributes, there will be harmony in the kingdom.
Cancer goes great with Scorpio, Pisces and Taurus.
Capricorns' drive for the stars makes them get together great with Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.
Pisces goes well with Scorpio, Cancer and Taurus.
If you're interested in a relationship with a Scorpio, you may want to look elsewhere.
The jealousy and controlling nature of Scorpio is too much for most Aquarians.
The only hope for the couple is less control on Scorpio's part and more disclosure on the part of Aquarius.
For example, Gemini loves the color yellow, while Scorpio is attracted to rich shades of purple and red.
Scorpio understands the Virgo man and knows how to mold the clay this combination of earth and water creates into the perfect union.
Scorpio characteristics are governed by fixed water energies that account for the intense and passionate aspects of this astrological sign.
Scorpio is a water sign and, in general, water signs are profoundly governed by their emotions and convictions.
This sign is incredibly intense; when a natal chart is heavily dominated by the Scorpio sign, it can produce an individual who is a passionate extremist.
Scorpio characteristics can account for this sign's classic penetrating gaze, the need to nail down concepts, taking extreme points of view and an internal fire that can lead to fanaticism.
Unlike Aries who is expectedly busy at the front lines, a Scorpio is dark, brooding and internally active.
Forgiveness is not one of Scorpio's better qualities.
An individual with a sun in Scorpio may not relate as heavily to this zodiac position if several other of his major planets are located in different signs.
Hence, the light presence of Scorpio in just one or two planets can be kept at bay by more yielding and whimsical signs.
Problems can arise when a natal chart is dominated by such an intense sign as Scorpio.
Although Scorpio's dominance will only serve to highlight the beneficial characteristics of this sign, Scorpio's flaws can become overwhelming when a person's sun, moon, and ascendant are all located in this portion of the zodiac.
A sun in Scorpio can produce a high level of tenacity and determination that is extremely helpful in fueling a person's work ethic.
Individuals with a sun in Scorpio will experience a strong creative drive and a formidable sexual spirit.
A moon in Scorpio can produce an individual who is so brooding he becomes difficult to know.
This can be seductive as potential suitors attempt to unravel the clandestine thoughts of their Scorpio.
It's easy to see how the self-disciplined and determined aspects of a Scorpio can forge an almost fanatical disposition in an individual whose sun and moon are both in this zodiac sign.
This is Pisces's house, and similar to Scorpio's eighth house of sex and death, it's a powerful one.
The personality profile of a Scorpio reveals a very intense, poetically in-depth individual with an axe to grind.
When Scorpio maximizes his potential, he manifests himself as a dark and mysterious literary hero who is a passionate lover and friend.
However, the more ominous side of Scorpio is revealed through his jealousy and lack of forgiveness.
There are two vital energies at play within the astrological sign of Scorpio.
Scorpio's quadruplicity is found in the fixed category.
Fixed signs like Scorpio are concerned with the maintenance of systems.
Scorpio's triplicity is found in the element of water.
As a Scorpio delves into his psyche or into the world around him, his water energy seeks truths and explanations alongside a desire to feel and relish every moment of his journey.
As Scorpio ponders the depths of his reality, he can become isolated by his thoughts; the result is a brooding, poetic individual.
When Scorpio feels an emotion, he explores this feeling to its very core.
Scorpio is the Lord Byron of the zodiac.
Scorpio's tendency towards jealousy is widely talked about within the field of astrology.
It's not difficult to discern just why Scorpio makes the most jealous and fitful lover of the zodiac.
Lost loves and friendships can be devastating to almost every individual, but not all persons are as aware of every aspect of their psyche as a Scorpio.
In such cases, Scorpio's introspection becomes his worst enemy.
Thus, Scorpio's jealousy will be fiery, as opposed to the passive aggressiveness of a Cancer.
This is where the concept of Scorpio's "sting" truly enters the picture.
Scorpio's jealousy may rattle him to the core; hence, as a protective measure, forgiveness is often out of the question.
It has often been said that individuals dealing with a Scorpio will not experience a second chance, so tread lightly around this sign.
On a positive note, Scorpio's level of jealousy is equal to his level of devotion.
Whether for good or ill, Scorpio is marked by the idea of power.
This is a powerful sign, and when Scorpio's energies are channeled in a positive direction, he can be a highly influential and beneficial individual within a community.
The aforementioned personality profile of a Scorpio describes an individual with a Scorpio-dominant chart.
In general, people are most comfortable with other people from within their own element (although not necessarily their own sign), such as Cancer and Scorpio or Gemini and Aquarius.
Cancer is a water sign, yet it isn't a loner like Pisces or passionate like Scorpio, the other water signs in the zodiac.
Many empaths and psychics have sun signs in Cancer or have several planets in Cancer or one of the other water signs of Pisces or Scorpio.
A Scorpio male profile wouldn't be complete without discussing the wild and passionate nature of this whirlpool water sign.
The last thing Scorpio expects or wants from his mate is self-doubt.
Scorpio has a tendency to overindulge in most of life's joys.
The Scorpio man must learn discipline; this is a nasty topic that he'll resist.
Everyone knows that Scorpio is the passion flower of the zodiac garden.
It seems like a zodiac mix-up that Scorpio was given a water sign instead of a fire sign.
His passion isn't just about sex; the Scorpio male, like his female counterpart, is passionate about all of life.
To the Scorpio male, love is as serious as it gets.
If he doesn't feel love for you, Scorpio won't ever pretend that he does.
Genuine feelings are the height of passion and integrity for Scorpio, and he wants to feel everything when it comes to love.
Love is intense and serious business to Scorpio.
The scorpion is the symbol for Scorpio, and that wicked stinger tail is no myth.
Scorpio can lash out and slice you in two with his bitter tirade.
A Scorpio male can be very vengeful if he's betrayed by his lover or discovers your feelings for him weren't real or as deep as his feelings for you.
Scorpio is enchanted by mystery and seduced by intrigue.
Remember, love is the most serious thing in Scorpio's life, and it should be the same with you.
Scorpio is loyal and faithful even in the wake of opposing advice and evidence.
This kind of blind trust is endearing and should never be abused because it's such a rare gift that only Scorpio can give.
Scorpio, like his fellow water sign Cancer, is not demonstrative of his affection in public.
That's not to say that Scorpio doesn't have those emotions when he's out in public with you.
The personification of Scorpio being a jealous lover is no exaggeration.
Scorpio flirts without even thinking twice, but when it's him doing the flirting, that's totally different because he knows he's loyal to you.
If he decides he wants another lover, Scorpio won't go behind your back.
Once you grasp the depth of passion revealed in a Scorpio male profile, you'll understand why toying with his affections is similar to playing with nitroglycerin.
Flanked on one side by intense Scorpio and salt-of-the-earth Capricorn on the other, Sagittarius feels like a breath of fresh air.
Although not as brooding as a Scorpio, Capricorns are deep thinkers and express deep concerns regarding the world around them.
Scorpio, although a water sign, is extremely deep-rooted and can be prone to hefty fits of jealousy.
Unfortunately, being a deep and brooding sign as well, Capricorn can almost match Scorpio's explosive fits, so these two signs may prove too similar in this respect.
To explain further, say you have a sun sign Aquarius and have an air moon sign and fire sign rising, but you find yourself drawn to the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
What is the best love match for Scorpio?
Scorpio wants quite a few things from her lover, and her mate will surely feel the unpleasant sting of her dismay if she's unhappy in any area of her love life.
If she's happy, her lover will be the happy recipient of all the attributes that make Scorpio such a desirable mate.
Scorpio is a water sign and when matched with another water sign, the two elements typically get along well with each other.
Cancer is more sentimental than Scorpio, but both signs form deep attachments.
Cancer is more family and home-oriented, while Scorpio is more sexually driven.
Scorpio might find Cancer too clingy at times and perhaps not as adventurous when it comes to sex.
Pisces is as sexually curious as Scorpio and is willing to venture into new waters.
Pisces is more sensual and will keep Scorpio interested long after that first bloom of love has passed.
Pisces isn't afraid to swim into dark, deep waters as long as Scorpio is willing to accompany her.
Scorpio needs to show appreciation for the many thoughtful little things she does each day.
Scorpio is greatly attracted to Taurus's confidence and sometimes unemotional attachment that makes him seem aloof and more desirable.
He can be very stubborn, but so can Scorpio.
Scorpio keeps her cards close to the vest, and Taurus isn't any better about revealing what he's feeling.
Virgo is a perfectionist, while Scorpio accepts life's limitations and disappointments.
Virgo's fearfulness about change can sometimes make Scorpio feel as though she's being held back and prevented from fully expressing her sign.
It doesn't help that Virgo isn't a great communicator, so Scorpio must intuitively figure out what is going on with her Virgo lover.
Scorpio can benefit from Virgo's refined tastes, while Virgo can take a page out of Scorpio's book and learn to let himself relax.
Capricorn is more objective than Scorpio when it comes to emotions.
As long as Scorpio can accept that Capricorn won't always understand or even relate to her feelings, this should be a long-lasting and rich relationship.
Understanding what is the best love match for Scorpio can begin with sun signs, but this can only be accurately predicted with natal chart comparisons.
Scorpio is passionate and very emotional, but can be a faithful lover to one deemed worthy of devotion.
The difference is in the way the two signs go about it; Scorpio may use clandestine methods for discovery, while Gemini is more apt to come right out and ask you!
Taurus' first house moon (usually in May) is Scorpio's seventh house moon.
Like his fellow water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces desires the one thing he doesn't have.
Capricorn is an ideal mate for water signs since earth is the one element that can contain starry-eyed Pisces, homebody Cancer and passionate Scorpio.
That is the job of a Scorpio or a Gemini.
Scorpio and Virgo make an intriguing romantic pairing.
If this can be achieved, Scorpio and Virgo’s compatibility receives high marks and offers good long-term potential.
The romantic match of Scorpio and Virgo offers plenty of positive points, particularly on the mental level.
Scorpio is typically a bit more overtly sensual in nature and willing to give voice to her desire and needs, while Virgo likes to playhis romantic cards close to his chest.
Nonetheless, the meeting of Scorpio and Virgo is a typical game of cat and mouse, a delicate tango of sharp wit and sexual attraction.
Scorpio is fascinated by Virgo’s seeming disinterest in traditional romance, while Virgo is intrigued by Scorpio’s ardent zest for love.
If each can learn from the other, with Scorpio sublimating some of her passionate responses and Virgo learning that expressing his feelings is a good thing, these two zodiac signs can remain well suited for some time to come.
Additionally, the wry sense of humor that Scorpio and Virgo share goes far in keeping this pair interested in one another.
Scorpio only wants the best that life has to offer, and Virgo is infamous for wanting things to be perfect.
In Scorpio, Virgo finds a match that actually admires his penchant for keeping things running smoothly, and Virgo is delighted that Scorpio doesn’t quit until the job is done right.
Even though there are plenty of advantages in a Scorpio and Virgo compatibility reading, there are also areas where things can go awry.
Virgo is very analytical when it comes to emotions, while Scorpio is anything but clinical.
Indeed, Scorpio thrives on emotional intensity and craves the release that comes with airing out grievances, while Virgo shies away from disputes and potential areas of conflict.
In order for this match to work well, Scorpio will need to feed her love of intensity through some other channel and Virgo will need to open up a bit about how he feels.
Even though Virgo and Scorpio finda lotto appreciate in one another, each of their outlooks on life may differ widely.
Scorpio also works well with details, but keeps a constant eye on the future and is a big picture thinker.
Additionally, Scorpio hates to explain herself and, in fact, takes it as an insult when she’s forced to do so.
Scorpio believes that who she is stands as a testimony to her character and that her works speak for her, so there’s no need to explain.
Virgo thinks that's a bit irrational and constantly questions Scorpio.
Scorpio and Virgo can increase their compatibility by relying heavily on the things they have in common.
If Virgo and Scorpio make their areas of compatibility the cornerstone of their relationship, this pair as every chance of succeeding.
Those born under the Virgosection of the zodiac are most compatible with fellow earth signsTaurusand Capricorn, as well as the water signs of Cancer and Scorpio.
Taurus and Scorpio relationships represent one of the more optimistic matches within the zodiac.
Scorpio and Taurus are governed by relatively harmonious elemental energies, so the good news is that the fundamentals are in place for a triumphant relationship.
Scorpio represents the poetic and pensive nature of water.
However, Scorpio's triplicity is also fixed like Taurus.
Scorpio, on the other hand, may not relate to Taurus' practicality.
Taurus is stable, and Scorpio needs a firm foundation in order to maintain his spirits.
Taurus thrives on stability, but the introspective nature of a Scorpio serves to bring some excitement into the mix.
Whereas a fire sign would simply exhaust the average Taurus, Scorpio's emotional response to life can provide just enough action to keep the days interesting.
So, in order to assess the actual Scorpio or Taurean influence, you will need to note how dominant these signs are in the chart.
If Taurus or Scorpio rests in several of the major planets such as the sun, moon, Mars and Venus, this can make for a fairly dominant chart.
If you are truly serious about using astrological principles to determine the compatibility rate of Taurus and Scorpio relationships, consult a professional astrologer who is familiar with chart nuances.
Scorpio and Taurus arguments, from an astrological perspective, may be the result of the deeply rooted and immovable nature of both these signs.
Fortunately, Scorpio and Taurus do not represent a difficult match.
In fact, the Scorpio and Taurus combination represents one of the more positive zodiac unions since water and earth signs are generally compatible.
So, when it comes to exploring the issues that provoke Scorpio and Taurus arguments, an understanding of astrological energies and also a wider view of the natal chart process is needed.
However, there is more than just an earth and water match at play in a Scorpio and a Taurus.
Should the Scorpio and Taurus in question host natal charts that display several inauspicious planetary aspects, a volatile relationship is much more likely.
Arguments between a Taurus and a Scorpio can occur over a variety of issues, but the provocative factors in these debates will likely be fueled by one or both of the individuals possessing fixed opinions.