Scores Sentence Examples
We've saved scores of lives.
I knew Betsy viewed scores of non-abduction cases, any of which Howie could solve in a minute.
In between, his sleep-movies starred Annie, huddled and pregnant as she walked the penstock trail in tears, and Shipton plunging down to the rocks and river below, amid scores of viewers clapping and cheering his bloody demise.
There were scores of dots of color but Dean had little trouble catching sight of a yellow blur rounding a corner, further below than he would have guessed.
The player who drives the jack into the ditch between the two bowls scores three.
If he moves the jack, but does not carry it through to the ditch, he scores two.
If he pass between the jack and either bowl he scores one, although it is not easy to see what driving he has done.
This influence was due not only to his publications, but also to the "school" or classes for the training of clergymen which he conducted for many years at his home and from which went forth scores of preachers to every part of New England and the middle colonies (states).
Its powers have been exercised with the greatest caution, yet with consistent firmness; and the publicity which has been given to the true and detailed causes of scores and scores of railway accidents by the admirable reports of the Board of Trade inspectors has been a powerful lever in improving the railway service.
Jameson (1897) of the text of the Ring (first published in the pocket edition of the full scores) is the most wonderful tour de force yet achieved in its line.
AdvertisementAdd to these the eroded river basins of the Xingu, Tapajos and Guapore on the north and west, the Paraguay on the south-west, and the scores of smaller rivers along the Atlantic coast, and we may have some conception of the agencies that have been at work in breaking down and shaping this great table-land, perhaps the oldest part of the continent.
Scores of towns, too, owe their origin and enlargement to the care of the Angevin princes, who were lavish of privileges and charters, and saw to it that the high-roads were clear of robbers.
He dwarfs trees so that they remain measurable only by inches after their age has reached scores, even hundreds, of years, and the proportions of leaf, branch and stem are preserved with fidelity.
It is often depicted with a flowing tail, which appendix attests close observation of nature; for the mino-game, as it is called, represents a tortoise to which, in the course of many scores of years, confcrvae have attached themselves so as to form an appendage of long green locks as the creature swims about.
Costumes of the utmost magnificence were worn, and the chiselling of masks for the use of the performers occupied scores of artists and ranked as a high glyptic accomplishment.
AdvertisementAnd in scores of other passages Philo dwells on " the ineffable mysteries " of Jewish faith and allegory.
Scores of charming lakes lie in the hollows.
Vast water-power is developed on the Merrimac at Lawrence and Lowell, and on the Connecticut at South Hadley, and to a less extent at scores of other cities on many streams and artificial ponds; many of the machines that have revolutionized industrial conditions since the beginning of the factory system have been invented by Massachusetts men; and the state contains various technical schools of great importance.
He also re-colonized Siberia, which had been slipping from the grasp of Muscovy, and formed scores of new settlements, including Tobolsk and other large centres.
Translations or revisions in scores of languages are still being carried on by companies of scholars and representative missionaries in different parts of the world, organized under the society's auspices and largely at its expense.
AdvertisementFrogs and toads are represented by scores of species, some of which, e.g.
The Aztec numerals, which were vigesimal or reckoned by scores, were depicted by dots or circles up to 20, which was represented by a flag, 400 (a score of scores) by a feather, and 8000 (a score of scores of scores) by a purse; but for convenience these symbols might be halved and quartered, so that 534 might be shown by one feather, one quarter of a feather, one flag, one-half of a flag, and four dots.
Moreover, whatever the rocky understructure, the till soil has been averaged by a thorough mechanical mixture of rock grindings; hence the prairies are continuously fertile for scores of miles together.
On the Pacific coast marine Quaternary formations occur up to elevations of a few scores of feet, at least, above the sea.
In many places there are different channels for high and low water, the latter being partly filled by each freshet, and recut after each subsidence; and the river meanders tortuously through the alluvial bottom in scores of great bends, loops and cut-offs.
AdvertisementThe guards and all the workmen procurable were driven, forthwith, in bands, to all the places among the forests of the Don to fell timber and work day and night, turning out scores of vessels of all kinds.
But in reality he made it certain that the princes would one day shake off the imperial power altogether; for it was perhaps more difficult for the sovereign to contend with scores of petty nobles than with two or three great princes.
The newer quarters, situated near the river, are laid out in the fashion of French cities, but the eastern parts of the town retain, almost unimpaired, their Oriental aspect, and in scores of narrow, tortuous streets, and busy bazaars it is easy to forget that there has been any change from the Cairo of medieval times.
There are scores of anecdotes about Frederick, but not many so well authenticated as this.
It may, however, be that, moving among small coral islands for scores of generations and thus without materials, they lost the art.
This mould must obviously be made in scores of little separate sections (false cores or drawbacks) to permit of their removal from the model without causing fracture of the sand.
Here is the "laurel ditch" or "dead-line" - commemorated by a handsome bronze relief set in the wall of the fortress - where scores of Cuban patriots were shot.
In the Koh-Daman, north of Kabul, are the sites of several ancient cities, the greatest of which, called Beghram, has furnished coins in scores of thousands, and has been supposed to represent Alexander's Nicaea.
A lamentable instance of the prevalent confusion of thought on this point is shown by the vocal scores of the Bach cantatas corresponding to the edition of the Bach Gesellschaft (which must not be held responsible for them).
In 1678, on the rupture of relations between Charles and Louis, a splendid opportunity was afforded Louis of paying off old scores by disclosing Danby's participation in the king's demands for French gold.
Here we find open plant associations of Haifa or Esparto Grass (Stipa lenacissima) alternating with steppes of Chih (Artemisia herba-alba); and each plant association extends for several scores of miles.
By an invention probably due to Humfray Cole and published in 1 578 by William Bourne in his Inventions and Devices, it was proposed to register a ship's speed by means of a "little small close boat," with a wheel, or wheels, and an axle-tree to turn clockwork in the little boat, with dials and pointers indicating fathoms, leagues, scores of leagues and hundreds of leagues.
They occur in all seasons, scores of slight tremors being recorded every year by the Weather Bureau; but they are of no importance, and even of these the number affecting any particular locality is small.
The Baptists about the same time entered the colony both from the north and the south and established scores of churches.
But there are scores of others which, though less grand, are hardly less beautiful.
In districts like that of Cripple Creek their enormous ore "dumps" dot the mountain flanks like scores of vast ant-hills; and in Eagle River canyon their mouths, like dormer windows into the granite mountain roof, may be seen 2000 ft.
Hezekiah Smith was a highly successful evangelist, and through his labours scores of churches were constituted in New England.
The nobility took advantage of this opportunity to pay off old scores against Gustavus III.
Saldanha, Palmella, the count of Villa Flor (afterwards duke of Terceira), and the other constitutionalist leaders were driven into exile, while scores of their adherents were executed and thousands imprisoned.
Nevertheless, long stretches of the river, extending to scores of miles, are habitually navigated by native boats.
The Christmas season has furnished many lessons, and added scores of new words to Helen's vocabulary.
Of higher academies and college-preparatory schools there are scores.
At Vienna he had lessons in pianoforte playing from Carl Czerny of " Velocity " fame, and from Salieri in harmony and analysis of scores.
Several such institutions supported wholly or in part by the state of Maryland are located here, and besides these there are scores of others.
After this there was nothing remaining save to punish the leaders of the revolt; a good many scores of them were hanged, though the vengeance exacted does not seem to have been greater than was justified by the numerous murders and burnings of which they had been guilty; the fanatic Ball was, of course, among the first to suffer.
The campaign of 1654 was an uninterrupted triumph, and scores of towns, including the important fortress of Smolensk, fell into the hands of the Muscovites.
Between 1 774 and 1789 he built scores of of ft ., the optical excellence of which approved itself W illiam by a crowd of discoveries.
Some miles south of Diego-Suarez is a huge volcanic mountain, Ambohitra, with scores of subsidiary cones on its slopes and around its base.
As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands.
Scores of lakes are scattered about the heads of streams rising in the sand-hills, especially in Cherry county.
Here scores of sponsoring vendors would be displaying and demonstrating their exotic wares to the multitude of visitors.
In this connection, the agenda of the Congress raised that scores must be settled with the old philosophic conscience.
Their scores in the latter stages meant they were unable to beat the previous season's finish.
Walked away from Firhill deflated and the stadium announcer was reading the full time scores, which deflated me more!
But scores of city merchants and professional men were then meeting daily at that hour to plead for Pentecostal blessings.
The ball bobbles around almost at random and the replays are vital to see what the hell went on when anyone scores.
The scores of wine bodegas in town have made Jerez, a city of some 200,000, world famous for its sherries.
There is little doubt however that the 2006 squad scores over the 1971 team in pace bowling.
He also wrote six operas, seven ballets, incidental music for several plays, four radio scores and a dramatic cantata.
In addition bar charts of the scores are also included.
Likewise, because we eat only small servings of foods such as ketchup and other condiments, they do not have GI scores.
Prosecutions do not require scores of witnesses swearing on oath that they were in fact depraved and corrupted; it is all hypothetical.
The extra food has also attracted scores of aggressive seagulls, who also prey on young ducklings.
He scores against Greece but tests positive for the banned stimulant ephedrine and is sent home.
Countries with high extraversion scores had more traffic fatalities than countries with moderate or low extraversion scores had more traffic fatalities than countries with moderate or low extraversion scores.
To me, a gadget freak, it scores 10/10 easily!
This was the first sign of a much greater oil spill off the Sussex coast with scores of oiled guillemots and other birds.
On this site, golf club handicappers can enter golf scores for members, which are then consolidated into a national database.
Scores of minor accidents as vehicles skid on black ice in the morning rush hour.
During the second lactation, sire effects appeared to account for up to 36% of the variation in sole lesion scores.
Every kill earns the player a set amount of money, and final scores can be sent to a global ranking leader board.
Price advanced to meet him, but Ashby coolly lobbed the bouncing ball over the Stafford keeper to level the scores.
This music in particular has been alluded to in other film scores concerned with space and possibly malevolent forces.
Methods 5, and 8 also have low median and mode visual difference scores.
The students worked collectively on the section introducing the normal curve and standardized scores.
The mean scores for the four central issues indicate a strong overall negative perception of the concept of inclusion.
The audience gradually warmed to the musical quality and inspired playing from a richly talented quartet coping admirably with often technically difficult scores.
Short form 36 scores were also improved in both arms, although only transcervical resection returned them to normal values.
Pyridostigmine responders were defined as those patients who experienced an improvement of at least 20% over their initial scores.
They have been physically reunited with their " dead " son Russell on scores of occasions.
He is motivated to achieve high scores - even aiming for 100% at each session.
In addition to a wide range of general statistics, the deprivation scores from the Noble research are available on the GIS.
Soon it may even feel self-important enough to display its scores outside the porters ' lodge.
Months to rebuild policy scores above the state's senate to decide whether mr.
Pigs in the fully slatted system had better hygiene scores and were less active than pigs in the straw-based system.
The effect size statistic is equal to the mean change in instrument scores divided by the baseline standard deviation [36] .
On the invasion of Italy there were scores of small craft crossing the straits all with their little fires flickering in the dark.
To calculate variance, the mean of a group of scores is subtracted from each score to give a group of " deviations " .
A posteriori validation using subject measures can be done using supplementary points technic to compute subjects scores.
The government keeps marking schools on their test scores - this makes teachers really twitchy.
Structural, concurrent, and discriminant validity of the test scores were evaluated.
Their style is emulated, without the intelligence or humor, by scores of media wannabes who confuse aggression with persistence.
Starting our tour in the southern marshes of the Great Morass, we encountered scores of wetland birds and American wood warblers.
Ivan's generals (he himself rarely took the field) were generally successful at first, and bore down their enemies by sheer numbers, capturing scores of fortresses and towns.
Scrabble search can be made from a 209,000 word allowed scrabble words list with scores.
Months to rebuild policy scores above the state 's senate to decide whether mr.
However, its simplistic to suggest that scores are entirely random.
A Tranmere Rovers fanatic 's favorite striker just ca n't stop scoring but his affections turn sour when Super Davie scores once too often.
When she came back to England she brought from Europe scores of stags ' antlers as souvenirs of the chase.
The spread is usually calculated by taking the standard deviation of the scores.
The effect size statistic is equal to the mean change in instrument scores divided by the baseline standard deviation [36 ].
To calculate variance, the mean of a group of scores is subtracted from each score to give a group of " deviations ".
Dover scores of string quartets and symphonies by all three composers are readily available and fairly inexpensive.
It was further predicted that there would be a reduction of symptomatology scores over a 6-week period in treatment.
In a nail biting final, the scores reached 9-9 and it went to a tie breaker.
After totting up the scores I came last with a quite respectable 24 points.
Mill waste (virgin fiber trimmings etc) scores 50.
The " true Christian " is n't someone who scores well on a range of esthetic performance indicators or even personality types.
Concurrent validity was established by calculating correlation coefficients between Deleted Essential Test scores and scores on other integrative and holistic tests.
The main edition has three scores and a set of viol parts, singers sharing two to a score.
He stumbles onto a beach area to see scores of injured & traumatized survivors within the burning wreckage of a plane crash.
In my opinion, public schools are fairly equitable, while private schools have a wide range of test scores.
The poorexam scores fated her future because college acceptance was reliant on them.
The poor exam scores fated her future because college acceptance wasreliant on them.
Whoever receives the three lowest scores on the test will have to retake it.
You can concentrate on a handful of key assignments rather than scores of them, giving yourself the opportunity to devote your full attention and creativity to them.
Once each of these factors is evaluated, all of the scores are added up.
While the Apgar scale is typically used for healthy babies at one and five minutes after birth, babies who receive lower scores may continue to be evaluated after these initial evaluations and given updated scores.
Vinfolio is an indispensable resource for wine collectors with wine offers, reviews and scores, and acquisition services. has a 'Fine Wine Investment Advice' section which covers the basics of wine investment and offers chapters on wine scores, futures, prices, storage, and counterfeits.
Scores of local farmers come together to sell you the freshest produce on the market.
Other features might include the ability of the TV to display the weather or sports scores at the push of a button while you are watching a program.
The Readability Scores page organizes books by title in three different scoring methods.
There is a wide range of scores, from 340 to 850.
It isn't unheard of for people with low FICO scores to wind up denied for a job or turned down for a rental.
Mistakes are shockingly common, so compare everything carefully, take notes, and compare the scores.
The scores range from a high of 850 to a low of 300.
The company states on their website that they have sold over 23 million FICO scores since the company started offering the service to consumers in March of 2001.
The scores are also used as a basis for adjusting interest rates on existing accounts.
These calculators provide estimates, not real scores, so don't assume your score is exactly the same as what is estimated.
Upon completion, you see an estimated range of scores and recommendations of products based on these numbers.
Scores are calculated using the VantageScore system, which differs slightly from the FICO scores used by some other programs, but are nonetheless viable and accurate, provided you understand how they work.
The range of potential FICO scores runs from 300-850.
Generally, scores of 680 and higher receive the best interest rates.
Scores of 600 or lower are considered high risk, which is sometimes referred to as "nonprime".
Additionally, contrary to popular belief, personal inquiries have no negative effect on scores.
Among all fruits and berries, acai scores the highest ORAC value.
The city of Las Vegas and the surrounding area are home to scores of design professionals.
With sports fans checking out scores and statistics online, it was only a matter of time before they designed online fantasy sports games.
More than just a for-pay music downloading service, iTunes also offers the ability to listen to scores of radio stations from every conceivable style of music at no charge.
There are scores of websites on the Internet that purport to give you the best deals on transportation and accommodations.
The game lists your friends that also play the game along with their scores.
Complete them to get high scores and win prizes, all for free.
The scores are averaged and each round has a winner.
The highest scores for each game have been posted on the site.
With high scores and almost unlimited levels, old school gamers hold a special place in their hearts for Atari games and other games from the 1970's and 1980's.
Every Video Game has a little more depth in terms of a gamer community with forums, high scores and name recognition.
You do have to register with the website, but in doing so, your high scores are saved and you can partake in the competitive nature of retro arcade games.
One nice thing is that even though this Jeopardy game is a single player game, you can compare scores with other players on the leaderboard.
If your picture scores well, then it is accepted and posted on the site.
When the feelings of nervousness and anxiety become unmanageable and overwhelming, they interfere with test performance, which can result in lower test scores.
Your scores should be higher, and they should reflect a true measure of your knowledge of the material.
If you see that your child's math scores are dropping, and you're worried than neither you nor your child's teacher seems to be able to provide the right support, hiring a math tutor can be a great option.
Also, be sure and check out the feedback scores on the sellers.
The shows may be edited down in length, and the accompaniments may be simplified from the original scores, but these productions still pack a lot of pizazz.
The second organization that ranks teams according to scores is the NSCAA or the National Soccer Coaches Association of America.
There have also been incidences where teachers have doctored their student's exam scores so that they appeared higher than they actually were.
These scores are calculated based on the results of CST California Standardized Test (CST) scores in both Mathematics and English-Language Arts.
Another cool feature of the site is that everything a user does on the site (such as make a comment on a post or log in), the user scores points.
If she scores or if she passes the "puck" off the table, the players switch roles.
For instance, when the inventory was first created back in the 1960s, it relied on scores that were easily skewed because certain questions within questions counted as the same number of points.
According to one study (Sharp and Lipsky; 2002) the scores for the elderly cannot be completely trusted because the psychometric data on the BDI II are mixed.
Those with zero or negative scores are given a small amount to wager for the final round.
Applicants must also provide their scores from the GMAT (applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit scores for the TOEFL or the IELTS).
They'll see your grades, list of extra-curricular activities, and ACT or SAT scores, but these things don't give them a chance to get to know you as a person.
Some schools will require GRE test scores, while others may just want to see a portfolio and resume.
For just a small snapshot of student achievement at the college, the current range of SAT verbal and math scores for enrolled freshmen is 700 to 790 out of 800 possible points.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association sites for men's ice hockey and women's ice hockey have news, scores, and stats.
Prerequisite requirements and the need for test scores vary by program.
For example, not all programs require GRE or GMAT scores.
You will have to take these tests prior to submitting your application so that you can include your scores.
Our admissions process does not rely on standardized test scores or previous GPAs to guide our decision making.
The Admissions Committee will also review personal statements, recommendations and LSAT scores.
Not all students are natural test-takers, so practicing how to take the test can actually help students improve their potential scores and test taking experience.
The college requires up-to-date vaccinations, high school transcripts and ACT scores.
For adult students returning to college, check into the admission requirements and required test scores.
The CKSF awards scholarships based on students' scores on quizzes.
Students who do not supply transcripts must submit scores from the ACT test instead.
For instance, the Purdue Financial Aid Estimator asks for residency, expected family contribution and income, GPA and test scores.
There are scholarships for students with high GPAs and test scores, but there are also financial awards for students who perform community service, have a specific ethnic heritage, enjoy a particular hobby and more.
Luckily, there are scores of resources available on most campuses to aid students in finding and declaring a major.
Students create an account on the school's Online Student Center, which manages all of their records, test scores, and course grades.
Prospective students do not need to submit standardized test scores.
However, SAT, ACT or Accuplacer scores can exempt students from placement testing.
The goal of all of these resources is to optimize students' scores on these tests.
The Princeton Review touts some specific strategies for helping students with their test scores and to help them get into the higher education institutions of their choice.
Merit-based scholarships might be awarded based on the GPA you earned during your undergraduate work, scores you received on a test or independent projects that you've completed during your prior studies.
The magazine also keeps a running total of how each breed scores as well as the standings of individual animals in the Canadian Canine Events.
In some seasons several scores of blooms are borne by this tree, but during the winters of 1891 and 1982 many of the more exposed points were badly injured by frosts, and the bloom lessened in quality accordingly.
These pieces are normally short training pieces rather than full scores and are often available on guitar lesson websites.
Even though there are scores of ways to acquire Jason Mraz tablature, chords, and sheet music, there is no guarantee they can help teach you to play guitar alone.
Tales of rowdy aggression, drug-addled performances and unabashed womanizing helped make Kings of Leon tabs as valuable as gold to scores of musically-inclined admirers.
Yates Guitar features a wide range of sheet music and scores for players looking for a step up.
However, newer classical music scores are now coming in tab format (or with tabs included) or are being transcribed into tablature.
Classical scores approach these elements rather critically and tell you exactly how to play each note.
Thielemans' amazing career continued through the late 1960s as he experimented with bossa nova and played on the film scores to Midnight Cowboy and Sugarland Express.
There are scores of Web sites where you can get tablature for scales, exercises and your favorite songs.
You can find scores of Brazilian music tabs online for your guitar at a variety of different websites.
The GIA provides scores for color quality in a scale from 0-10, ranging from light to dark color.
Earn money and set high scores on your quest.
You received higher scores for creating multiple lines (4 are considered a Tetris) , while trying to prevent the blocks from going too close to the top, resulting in losing the game.
The game modes found here open up as you start playing the games and building high scores.
This somewhat hazy sub-genre utilizes common RPG-like elements such as character stats, hit points and other ability scores.
Doing so scores a base amount of points, removes the connected stones, and causes more stones to fall into the grid from above.
You could think of it as a test of quickness rather than raw intelligence or IQ scores.
Most of these include a countdown timer, and stars to collect for high scores.
Option Mode is where you can set your difficulty level and review high scores, as well as purchase new characters, higher levels of characters, higher difficulty settings, and story scenarios in the "Shop".
Even the original 8 and 16-bit games featured striking scores that have been remixed by fans dozens of times over.
Double letter scores and triple word scores abound!
It can auto-tabulate your scores as you try possible combinations of letters.
Some of music scores are kind of catchy.
Each mission gets progressively more difficulty with larger scores of enemies and challenges.
While it may be tempting to use these letters every chance you get, it is in your best interest to use them when you are also creating a word with a bonus space, like those that provide double or triple word scores.
Single-Skin Mode is for those times when you want less distractions to raise your high scores.
Time Attack Mode features four different timed levels with high scores up for grabs.
A wireless connection is also required, but if you happen to have all of theses things you can use your own characters on separate screens and save each of your scores to your own memory sticks.
More stylized patterns can also be unlocked by raising your high scores in different levels and modes.
The reason you may want to store the Mii is for high scores, achievements or your likeness.
The Mii Channel is a good place to spend some time if you want to start fresh with a set of new scores or you want to create something fun.
Keep this in mind when chasing high scores and going after certain achievements.
Within a few minutes, children can pick up the game and start attempting high scores.
The coaches play like a game because you can attempt to better your scores and you can only unlock new games as your progress.
Players can create custom skateboard art and graffiti tags and share high scores with anyone on the network.
You mostly fish for bass, which give you the best scores.
You can't save high scores, but you can wile away the house place old school video games.
Unfortunately, the limitations of the Genesis system did not allow you to save scores, so you were forced to keep track of them by hand on a piece of paper.
It's easy enough to understand how to play the game Tetris, but creating a strategy to get consistently high scores takes a lot of time on the keyboard or controller.
When you reach the higher levels where the speed increases, you may have to forget about making 4 row scores.
The game scores the singer on pitch and length of note, but bigger scores are accumulated through the awesome thrashing and pounding of the other players.
The guitars and drums have the ability to freestyle at the end and scores are significantly increased if they work well together.
You can play a 'solo' type game while in the band, but it is a team effort and if you want to get those Epic scores, you need to be a team player.
Overdrive allows the band to pop out ridiculous scores.
Shaking the maracas and posing them to the correct placement is natural and you'll find yourself getting higher scores and more perfects than using the controller.
Because there are no true objectives (other than to try to amass as much riches as possible, just like in real life), points, scores, or anything of that sort, Second Life technically isn't a "game" in the traditional sense of the word.
You can chain together a massive amount of swirls if possible, which scores you major points.
You are thrown into battles with scores of Romans attacking you from all sides.
You can save your games, play 3 different modes (7 letters, 6 letters, or mixed), track your high scores, and play full screen.
The entire Legend of Zelda series is well-known for its mix of adventure, action and role-playing elements, beautiful settings and environments, original music scores and unforgettable gameplay.
Your result's screen scores you on accuracy, speed, and difficulty.
Common criteria include average scores of print and online magazines, consumer reviews, and overall sales of a game.
These tunes bring back fond memories of goomba stomping, power-up collecting, high scores and more.
Over Clocked Remix - The best-known site for video game music remixes, OCRemix features a large database of high-quality scores.
Some of them will control cartoon-characters playing tennis, while others will bring death upon scores of invading aliens.
With advances in video game technology platforms, video game music and sound effects have advanced to the level of film scores.
There are strategy guides, a cheat codes section, and-as of this writing-one game save which includes medals and top scores.
Also, you can bring your Mii (your Wii virtual self) to your friends and download all your scores and data onto their Wii.
In order to gain significant improvements in your health and scores, you have to become a rigorous player, according to the writer.
With the above Wii Fit tips, you can stay sharp (and earn some high scores too).
In Wii Play, you'll have to rely on your skill and experience, however, if you want to achieve the best scores.
Your high scores will be recorded for each separate Mii, though recall that those scores won't be transferred to a friend's Wii.
What you can do, if you want to compare top scores is to have them posted to the Wii Message Board.
To use the Mii on your friend's console or when your friend's Mii is on your console, you can use that as competition to increase your own high scores.
You can create your own user identity and keep track of your high scores.
The fact that Yahoo Messenger keeps track of you and your friends' high scores can be fun, especially if you have competitive friends.
Then all of the scores are tallied and then the wines are unveiled.
This superb Chardonna has a history of high scores and admiring fans.
Williams Selyem wines consistently receive scores in the good to superior range from reviewers like Wine Spectator and Robert Parker.
Parker scores this wine a 91 and notes the "great fruit, huge body, sweet tannin and long finish."
This doesn't always mean the most expensive, but high scores for wines are based on some weighted evaluations of score combined with price and availability.
Who scores wines, and what do the scores mean?
When you find wine scores, many will have initials after them to indicate who supplied the rating.
In most wine marketing materials you will see scores from one of the five critics listed above.
You may also find wines that do not have scores, but that have received awards at competitions.
Even less expensive, widely available wines that receive a superior rating often experience some price inflation when the scores are published.
Many reviewers go back to certain wines and taste them as they age, providing new scores.
You get images, sport scores, weather reports, and headlines with the USA Today app.
Moderately retarded individuals have IQ scores ranging from 35 to 55.
Severely retarded individuals have IQ scores of 20 to 40.
Profoundly retarded individuals have IQ scores under 20 to 25.
Low IQ scores and limitations in adaptive skills are the hallmarks of mental retardation.
Analysis of a child's scores provides information about level of effectiveness, coping style, and specific coping strengths and weaknesses.
Studies have also linked firstborn children with higher academic achievement and possibly higher intelligence scores when compared to later-born children.
In fact, in one study, peer rejection proved to be a more sensitive predictor of later mental health problems than school records, achievement, intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, or teacher ratings.
Babies who have low Apgar scores are at increased risk for CP.
However, studies also indicate that ECE produces persistent gains on achievement test scores, along with fewer occurrences of being held back a grade and being placed in special education programs.
Grade retention has become increasingly controversial as early 2000s education initiatives such as No Child Left Behind have pressed schools to meet certain standards defined by scores on standardized tests.
A student's academic record and scores on standardized tests form the core of his or her college application profile.
Two equivalent forms of the test are provided so that children can be retested if their initial scores are questionable or if the test is needed for evaluating the effectiveness of subsequent remedial instruction.
The WADT is widely considered to be both reliable and valid, with norms based on the scores of 2,000 children.
Other children might fail to be identified as candidates for early intervention for reading or other learning difficulties on the basis of their ADT scores.
The vast majority of children have ADT scores within the normal range.
Early intervention for children with low ADT scores may include exercises and activities designed to improve auditory discrimination.
Their findings pointed to links between social class, race, and intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, despite questions by many about the validity of IQ tests as a measurement of intelligence or a predictor of achievement and success.
Traditionally, IQ scores of 90-109 are considered average; scores below 70 indicate mental retardation.
Gifted children achieve scores of 140 or above.
Nor is there a correlation between the frequency of spells and scores on behavioral profiles.
A raw score based on the number of correct copies is converted based on norms for each age group, and results are reported as converted scores and percentiles.
Raw scores are based on the number of items answered and are converted into a standard age score corresponding to age group, similar to an IQ measure.
The test has a mean, or average, standard score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 for composite scores (subtests have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3).
While standard age scores provide a reference point for evaluation, they represent an average of a variety of skill areas.
In many cases the patient's scores on the Beck or Zung inventories will suggest the appropriate direction of treatment.
Studies of abused children's intellectual performance find lower scores in both verbal and math and visual-spatial areas.
A 2003 survey by the National Education Association found that 22,000 schools in 44 states failed to make the required yearly progress on standardized tests, primarily because of low test scores by ELLs and disabled students.
For example, clinical studies show that the outcome of babies with low five-minute Apgar scores is significantly better than those with the same scores at 10 minutes.
Test examiners are trained to support the infant in achieving the best possible scores.
It provides standard age deviation scores for chronological ages between three years and six months and nine years and eleven months.
Standardized test-A test that follows a regimented structure, and each individual's scores may be compared with those of groups of people.
In the case of the Cognistat, test taker's scores can be compared to groups of young adults, middle-aged adults, the geriatric, and people who have undergone neurosurgery.
By comparison, untreated PKU patients generally have IQ scores below 50.
This standardized test scores responses to 33 specific neurological stimuli to estimate the infant's neural development.
Research has shown that the risks of massaging preterm infants are minimal and that infants benefit from improved developmental scores, more rapid weight gain, and earlier discharge from the hospital.
Dubowitz exam-Standardized test that scores responses to 33 specific neurological stimuli to estimate an infant's neural development and, hence, gestational age.
Corrected scores are sometimes used to evaluate these groups, but their use remains controversial.
The BSID has poor predictive value, unless the scores are very low.
Achievement and ability tests follow a uniform testing protocol, or procedure (i.e., test instructions, test conditions, and scoring procedures) and their scores can be interpreted in relation to established norms.
The results of quantifiable psychological tests can be translated into numerical values, or scores.
Thus, psychologists, educators, and other test administrators are careful to take the stage of childhood into account when interpreting a child's test scores.
Standardized test-A test that follows a regimented structure, and each individuals scores may be compared with those of groups of people.
Anxiety and depression scores were significantly higher for this group.
Interestingly, Buss and Plomin suggested that children who are rated as extreme on these dimensions may be qualitatively different from those whose scores lie closer to the middle.
Research has shown that children enrolled in Head Start enjoy immediate, measurable gains in cognitive test scores; however, researchers disagree as to the long-term impact.
The most distinctive feature of the Wechsler tests is their division into a verbal section and a nonverbal (or performance) section, with separate scores available for each subsection.
For all of the Wechsler scales (which also include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, or WAIS), separate verbal and performance scores, as well as a total score, are computed.
While creative people do tend to have average or above-average scores on IQ tests, beyond an IQ of about 120 there is little correlation between intelligence and creativity.
Third, the scores on these tests often depend partly on speed, which is not necessarily a criterion for creativity.
Positive reinforcement has also been shown to boost fifth graders' scores on creativity tests, help sixth graders write more original stories, and lead college students to produce novel word associations.
Recognizing this possibility, Murray sent scores of his instructors to Cuba to become fully trained in teaching Latin dances.
Earning top scores for mambo and samba, Smith sure looked like he was having a lot of fun while dancing on the show.
Ohno and Hough earned several perfect scores, most notably for their Samba and Paso Doble.
This dance couple earned several perfect scores during their partnership for the show.
She earned, with her partner Derek Hough, several perfect scores and blew the competition out of the water almost from the first episode of the season.
This winner of the eighth season of the show wowed judges, especially earning top scores on Latin dances, such as the Argentine Tango, the Cha-Cha-Cha, and the Paso Doble.
However, homeschooling has shown to be more effective for many children than public school, with the average scores on standardized achievement tests consistently higher for homeschoolers than those of public school students.
Students who are home schooled tend to perform better on standardized achievement tests, and substantially so, with scores averaging 30 points higher than their public schooled peers.
As they monitor the student's progress, school personnel make certain test scores are in compliance with state requirements.
In a 1991 test, scores reported by the Stanford Achievement Test, showed that homeschooler's composite scores were 18 to 28 points above their public school counterparts.
The statistics on homeschooling in the United States show that children who are homeschooled appear to achieve higher test scores on average than their traditionally schooled counterparts.
Georgia does not require parents to submit standardized test scores to the public school authorities.
Mean scores on every subtest on standardized academic achievement far surpass those scores of publicly schooled students.
The mean of subtest scores were at least in the 80th percentile for homeschooled students.
Will colleges even look at your students' test scores?
The trick to effectively using achievement testing for homeschooling is to interpret your child's scores and results correctly.
Standardized tests always offer scores in percentiles.
For example, if your child scores in the 90th percentile on a math section that means your child performs as well as or better than 90 percent of the population on that particular given test.
Most tests also give stanine scores along with grade equivalencies to help give a completed picture of your student's academic abilities.
All of these scores can help you determine where your child is at academically.
If it's just one area over the course of a whole slew of scores that are on par, perhaps you've overlooked something in your overall educational plan.
According to a John Hopkins University study by the College Board, knowing Latin and Greek roots, prefixes and suffixes can significantly increase SAT and PSAT test scores.
In over 75 percent of these decisions FICO® scores are used.
Those with higher scores can get by with lower down payments.
For example, many lenders are looking for scores of 620 or greater and they might reject any loans from applicants with scores below the 620 point.
However, her research only measured achievement scores in children ages under 12.
You might expect to find scores of photographs of her in tight outfits or low-cut sheaths, but racy swimsuit or lingerie photos are nearly impossible to find.
From simple two-letter words to long and impressive triple word scores, there are plenty of ways to increase your vocabulary and game score at the same time.
This can often improve scores and settle arguments with those who are really serious about their Scrabble.
You can find thousands online and also in scores of books.
These games are based on numbers and scores - for example, working will deplete your "health points" but gain you "money" to buy presents for a date.
For positions dealing with specific tests, such as the ACT or SAT, you may be asked to provide proof of your own scores.
Renowned for their elegant, smart briefcases, McKlein scores with the Lake Forest Laptop Tote.
For example, does eating a healthy breakfast improve students' test scores?
This one features operas with professionally composed scores.
Any backpack that features personalized components instantly scores points for creativity and uniqueness.
Some school districts report increased test scores without improving the core curriculum.
Whoever wins the contest scores a fun-filled goody bag.
High scores are displayed, and players have the option of adding a particular game to their favorites or sharing it with others.
Kids play games that will help them improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, math and science scores.
Between bad scores and Razzie awards, the film is cited on many worst movie ever lists.
Walmart made news in 2006 by offering scores of medications through its pharmacies for a mere $4.
Music options for hymns or other scores to be played while the card is viewed.
Nader's portrayal of Dimitri won him scores of fans and multiple storylines as the Marick family expanded to become a significant presence in Pine Valley.
All You Wanted by Sounds Under Radio is a soft, sad, but beautiful song that scores the last act of the episode when Caroline and Sheriff Forbes reveal to Matt and his mother that they have found Vicki Donovan's body.
Egyptian tattoo art attracts scores of tattoo lovers because of the diversity of presentation and style.
The permanent exhibits include costumes, lyrics, instruments, handbills for concerts, musical scores, and stage props, among other items.
The options for viewing USA road trip maps is nearly endless, with scores of free online trip planning resources, along with traditional travel professional services.
There are scores of places online to buy yourself yoga apparel.
There are scores of online music sites featuring yoga music in one form or another.
Frequently diagnosed much later than autistic disorder, often as late as the teen years, individuals with Asperger's disorder are high functioning, ranging from average to exceptionally high scores in IQ testing.
For instance, a savant that is a fan of hockey may recall the scores of all hockey games his favorite team has ever played.
This isn't as true anymore because of FICO scores which ignore most inquiries or group them together within a 30-day period as people shop for mortgage or car loans.
Scores can be changed with time and effort.
But bad scores remain unless your behavior changes.
Although the admission requirements vary by school, most applicants will be asked to supply essays, a resume, several letters of recommendation, test scores, and school transcripts.
If you want to attend an undergraduate business school, you will be asked to supply SAT scores.
To attend a graduate level program, you will need to submit GMAT scores.
The higher your scores, the better off you will be.
These are the best scores, and borrowers with scores in this range will receive the lowest interest rates and best terms.
The government gives it good scores in crash tests, making it a safe vehicle for you and your family.
Other benefits of this vehicle include its top safety scores and the longest warranty of any minivan on the market.
Let the school mascot throw candy into the crowd every time the team scores.
You're expected to maintain a good standing in school, so your incoming grade point average, ACT/SAT scores and overall coursework are taken into account.
When he checked their math and reading scores, he discovered a distinct correlation between high scores on the physical tests and high scores in math and reading.
While this score might not tell you a lot on any given day, by tracking these scores over the course of days, weeks or months, you get a very accurate picture of your activity and fitness level.
Once one side runs out of boules, the scores are calculated (one point per boule that's closer to the cochonnet than your opponents) and a circle is drawn again.
After suffering a disability, scores of people turn to Social Security when they can no longer work to earn an income.
Plaid uniform-type lingerie scores this collection an A+.
The scores are interspersed throughout the listing and create nice segues from a batch of song to the next batch of songs.
The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack was written almost entirely by composer Danny Elfman (of Oingo Boingo fame and later known for composing many TV and film scores, including Batman and Good Will Hunting).
Their perfect scores gain the two entrance into Harvard.
Fans of the films will want to invest in the soundtracks and movie scores in order to relive the film experience at home, but even those who don't care for the movies will enjoy these albums.
There are many more choices here than on Movieweb, so if you have very specific tastes, you can find a station that caters to you, from Disney soundtracks to original scores to 80s movies.
There are other types of Halloween music though, other than the soundtracks and scores from various movies.
From self-crafted to custom invitations, there are scores of options available that can echo the essence of your celebration.
If handmade invitations and announcements aren't your thing, there are scores of free printable invitations available.
People are there for football scores and friendly banter, not to compliment you on your gorgeous helmet-shaped gelatin mold.
Despite having one of the lowest scores in the first season, the Dancing with the Stars results for Kelly Monaco and Alec Mazo was first place.
In order to keep the true aim of the program a secret from the contestants, they are all told that their eliminations are based on a scientific formula that is somehow tied to their original beauty scores.
The judges look on and prepare their scores and comments for the elimination portion of the show.
In the end series Pollard scores a legitimate movie role, but says if her acting career doesn't pan out, she will continue doing reality TV.
Each performance is given a score out of ten by each judge, and these scores are combined with viewer votes to determine an overall score.
Eliminations on this show are based on a combination of judges' scores and viewer votes.
It also reflects a supposition that the word 'sorcerer' scores higher on some scale of absolute interest than the word 'philosopher'.
The musical scores that accompany Luke's battles with Vader contain many a poignant note amidst the bold brass, horns and drums as though the music mourns the lost relationship long before the audience is aware of it.
They follow everything from from stats to the draft, to schedule, to scores, to appearances on reality TV shows.
These scores are then averaged, with a minimum score of 24 required to qualify.
We've identified scores of these low live perpetrators.
Yes, I thought, there were scores of people who wanted to murder Howie.
While we'd both been witness scores of times, neither of us had paid much attention.
At least one of Damian's Guardians lay slain among the scores of vamps.
Her apprehension grew as the vamp led her down a maze of hallways through scores of other vamps and past multiple doorways.
Even if Bird Song was a boarding house, there must have been scores of lodging places just like it.
She parked in her assigned spot and emerged from the car, startled by the scores of personnel already present.
Hunter chuckled as they threaded their way around cluttered desks and scores of busy bodies.
Early Saturday morning, the two had boarded a charter bus with scores of bikers for the 372-mile, eight-hour trip to Cortez, Colorado, where they found a pleasant little town abuzz with the activity of 2,000 riders and hundreds of support personnel.
On the north side of the Saskatchewan river forests prevail for scores and even hundreds of miles.
The caves of Cotilla near Havana, of Bellamar near Matanzas, of Monte Libano near Guantanamo, and those of San Juan de los Remedios, are the best known, but there are scores of others.
The land was not denuded, and the fact that " some scores of thousands of Jews remained in Judah through all the period of the exile," 3 even though they were " the poorest of the land," revolutionizes ordinary notions of this period.
In its lowest portions just behind the front ranges are the natural "parks" - great plateaus basined by superb enclosing ranges; and to the west of these, and between them, and covering the remainder of the state east of the plateau region, is an entanglement of mountains, tier above tier, running from north to south, buttressed laterally with splendid spurs, dominated by scores of magnificent peaks, cut by river valleys, and divided by mesas and plateaus.
Immediately there was a huge improvement and the test scores rose to an average quotient of 108.