Scooting Sentence Examples
She crawled into bed and pulled up the covers, scooting back and leaning against the headboard.
Alex sat on the bed, scooting back against the headboard.
But the weather and the scenery were so beautiful, and it was such fun to go scooting over the smoother part of the road, I didn't mind the mishaps in the least.
Scooting, cycling and running will always be in an anti-clockwise direction and all three disciplines should be done wearing a helmet.
Scooting away quickly to the other side of her car to put something between her in the man.
So when you think you 're cool scooting around, all I see is a fat red Po saying " Eh oh " !
Try to remain as positive as possible without scooting around the question.
Some babies opt for another method of locomotion around this time, like bottom shuffling (scooting around on their bottom, using a hand behind and a foot in front to propel them), slithering on their stomach, or rolling across the room.
Areas of the site like "Foreign Linedancer" talk about the global phenomenon that has boots scooting all over the world.
Scooting the chair closer to him, she began to read.