School system Sentence Examples
We wanted a firm economy, reasonable real estate costs, and a good school system.
The public school system is excellent, and the city has a Carnegie library (1903), with more than 22,000 volumes in 1907.
Indianapolis suffered severely from the business panic of 1837, and ten years later, when it received its first city charter, it had only about 6000 inhabitants; in the same year a free public school system was inaugurated.
The administration of the school system is in the hands of a superintendent of public instruction.
The public school system was established in 1839, being based on the programme for state education prepared in 1816-1817 by Archibald Debow Murphey (1777-1832), whose educational ideas were far in advance of his day.
The present school system is supervised by a state board of education consisting of the governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, attorney-general, and superintendent of public instruction.
As early as 1831 an unsuccessful attempt was made to form an adequate public school fund; the first real effort to establish a common school system for the territory was made after 1835; in 1840 there were altogether 18 academies and 51 common schools, and in 1849 the state legislature made an appropriation in the interest of the public instruction of white pupils, and this was supplemented by the proceeds of land granted by the United States government for the same purpose.
The school system comprises preparatory schools, rural schools, graded schools, three high schools and the university of Porto Rico.
The practical result of his work was the virtual revolutionizing of the common school system of Massachusetts, and indirectly of the common school systems of other states.
Their report is still extant, and among the movements initiated as a result of their visit was the Circulating School system.
AdvertisementPerry, erected in commemoration of his victory on Lake Erie in 1813, is in Wade Park, where there is also a statue of Harvey Rice (1800-1891), who reformed the Ohio public school system and wrote Pioneers of the Western Reserve (1882) and Sketches of Western Life (1888).
Cleveland has an excellent public school system.
In modern times many of the convents have been devoted to educational work especially for girls, which is an obstacle to the successful development of a public school system in the country.
The public school system of Rhode Island was established in 1800, abolished in 1803, and re-established in 1828.
The university, organized in 1847, and occupying the old State Capitol grounds, is an integral part of the public school system of the state, and is under the control of a board of regents, consisting of the governor, the superintendent of public instruction and eleven members, elected - one from each congressional district - by the General Assembly.
AdvertisementThe college is a part of the free school system of Delaware, and tuition is free to all students from the state.
Since 1904 the public school system has been administered by a non-partisan Board of Education chosen from the city at large, and not by wards as theretofore.
The school system is not one of marked state centralization - as contrasted, e.g.
The public school system includes common, high and normal schools, and various evening, industrial and truant schools.
The administration of the common school system was in the hands of a state superintendent of schools from 1813 to 1821, of the secretary of state from 1821 to 1854, and of a In 1906 a law was enacted for the establishment of a new state prison in the eastern part of the state to take the place of Sing Sing Prison.
AdvertisementThe public school system is administered by a state superintendent of public instruction, a state board of education, regents or trustees of higher institutions of learning, a superintendent of the common schools and a board of education in each county, and a board of directors in each school district.
The public school system is administered by state, county and district officers.
The Milwaukee public school system comprises four high schools, a high school of trades, and in addition to the ordinary grades, a kindergarten department and day schools for the blind and deaf.
It was not until 1860 that the modern hospital school system was definitely inaugurated by the opening of the Nightingale Fund School at St Thomas's Hospital, founded with the money subscribed by the British public in recognition of Miss Nightingale's national services, and worked on principles laid down by her.
At the head of the public school system is a superintendent of public instruction, chosen for two years.
AdvertisementThe result of the widespread monastic school system is that almost all men can read and write a little, though the women are altogether illiterate.
As parts of its public school system the city maintains twelve summer or vacation schools, evening schools, a normal and training school for the education of teachers, a school of drawing, and a technical school, the last for evening classes.
The city has an excellent public school system.
The free school system now provides free high schools for all children within the state; for an act of 1903 requires any town not maintaining a high school, or school of corresponding grade, or not uniting with adjoining towns in maintaining one, to pay the tuition of any of its children who attend a high school or academy within the state.
The city has a good public school system.
The highly organized school system of Ontario is directed by a minister of education, who is a member of the provincial cabinet.
Two years later (1854) a school system for the entire state was inaugurated.
John McIntire (1759-1815), one of the early settlers, provided by will for the maintenance of a school for poor children, and such a school was maintained from 1836 to 1856, when it was transferred to the city school system, annual contributions being made from the fund for poor children; later the McIntire Home was founded, and in 1902 donations to the city school system were discontinued and the entire revenues of the estate devoted to the maintenance of the Home, which is a model of its kind.
The school system is essentially American in its text-books and in its methods, thanks to the foundations laid by American missionaries.
Strangely enough, this liberty meant increase of power for the Clericals; for besides putting an end to stringent state interference in the education of future priests, it made possible a free and far-reaching Catholic school system whose crown was the episcopally controlled university of Louvain (1834).
In educational matters he waged a long and successful struggle on behalf of undenominational schools and for the establishment of the intermediate school system.
Framingham Academy was established in 1792, and in 1851 became a part of the public school system.
The public school system of Manila includes, besides the common schools and Manila high school, the American school, the Philippine normal school (1901), the Philippine school of arts and trades (1901), the Philippine medical school (1907) and the Philippine school of commerce (1908).
He was also deeply interested in the reorganization of education in Scotland, both in school and university, and acted as one of the temporary board which settled the primary school system under the Education Act of 1872.
The reorganized military school system under British control, for supplying officers, dates from 1887.
The school system was reorganized by new regulations, in accordance with which Hegel wrote a series of lessons in the outlines of philosophy - ethical, logical and psychological.
He became a member of the Massachusetts Board of Education in 1853, and as its secretary in 1855-1861 prepared valuable reports and rendered much service to the state's school system.
The legal beginnings of a public school system date from 1843; in 1867 the first tax was imposed for its support.
The administration of the common school system is vested in the state superintendent of public instruction, county superintendents and district boards.
The public free school system is administered by a state board of education, a superintendent of public instruction, division superintendents, and district and county school boards.
The public school system of Colorado dates from 1861, when a school law was passed by the Territorial legislation; this law was superseded by that of 1876, which with subsequent amendments is still in force.
At the head of the public school system is a Board of Education of seven members, including the governor and the superintendent of public instruction; this Board apportions the school fund among the counties, selects the text-books and prepares the examinations for teachers.
The first city charter was obtained in 1850, and in 1857 the public school system was established.
The increasing influence of more liberal ideas greatly improved the situation with reference to popular education, and the government now makes vigorous efforts to bring its public school system within the reach of all.
Personal property to the value of $500 is exempt from the same liability, The public school system was established in 1871.
The city has a good public school system and various private schools, including the DearbornMorgan School (for girls) and the Carteret Academy (for boys).
His uncles, John Breckinridge (1797-1841), professor of pastoral theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary in1836-1838and for many years after secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800-1871), for several years superintendent of public instruction in Kentucky, an important factor in the organization of the public school system of the state, a professor from 18J3 to 1871 in the Danville Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky, and the temporary chairman of the national Republican convention of 1864, were both prominent clergymen of the Presbyterian Church.
The public school system is administered under the direction of a superintendent of public instruction and a state board of education.
Since these several changes the common school system has been administered by towns and cities subject to an increasing amount of control through enactments of the state legislature and the general supervision of the state superintendent.
At the head of the public school system is the university of Maine, near the village of Orono in Orono township (pop. in 1900, 3257), Penobscot county.
Before 1890 some districts in the state under a local option law had established free schools, but the general free school system was founded in 1890 by a law which consolidated all the districts in each city into one large school district and classified Salt Lake City as a city of the first class, and Ogden, Logan and Provo as cities of the second class for school purposes; in 1908-9 six county school districts of the first class were formed.
At the head of the public school system is a state superintendent of public instruction, elected for four years, and a board of education, composed of the state superintendent, the president of the state university, the president of the Agricultural College, and two appointees of the governor serving for four years.
The idea of providing a university and free local schools as parts of a public school system occurs in the constitution of 1820 (and in the Acts of Congress that prepared the way for statehood), and the occurrence is noteworthy; but the real beginnings of the system scarcely go back further than 1850.
The maintenance of a free public school system was placed on a firm and broad foundation by the constitution adopted in that year.
Nominally there was a school system under the supervision of the national and departmental governments, but its activities were limited to the larger towns, where there were public and private schools of all grades.
The public school system (organized 1873) is administered by the state superintendent of public instruction, who exercises a general supervision over the schools, and by the state board of education, which prescribes the general rules and regulations for their management.
Education.-Indiana has a well-organized free public school system.
There are normal schools at Valparaiso, Angola, Marion and Danville, and a Teachers' College at Indianapolis, which are on the state's " accredited " list and belong to the normal school system.
Salt Lake City has a good public school system In the city is the University of Utah, chartered in 1850 as the University of the state of Deseret and opened in November 1850; it was practically discontinued from 1851 until 1867, and then was scarcely more than a business college until 1869; its charter was amended in 5884 and a new charter was issued in 1894, when the present style of the corporation was assumed; in 1894 60 acres from the Fort Douglas reservation were secured for the campus.
In the same year the free public school system was established, and the great stream of German immigration set in.
The common school system is administered by a state superintendent of public instruction, a state board of education, county superintendents and district boards.
The Springfield public school system is excellent, and in addition to the regular high school there are a technical high school, a vocational school, and a kindergarten training school.
As already noticed, the Malagasy owe to missionaries of the London Missionary Society their first school system and their first literature, in 1820 and subsequent years; 1 and for fifteen years all educational work was carried on by them, some 10,000 to 12,000 children having been instructed in their schools.
The Winyah Indigo Society grew out of a social club organized about 1740, and was founded in 1757 by a group of planters interested in raising indigo; it long conducted a school (discontinued during the Civil War) which eventually became part of the city's public school system.
Manual training, from the fourth to the twelfth grades, is a feature of the public school system.
For the administration of the common school system each county having five or more civil districts is divided into five school districts, and in counties having five or less than five civil districts each civil district constitutes a school district.
The public school system was inaugurated in 1830, but not until 1845 was the principle of taxation for support fully recognized.
We wanted a firm economy and reasonable real estate costs and a good school system.
I will begin by describing the structure of the school system in the Republic of Ireland.
He believes that the changes being made within the public school system are merely cosmetic.
The RP that is now challenged only became a dogma in the late 19th century, fostered by the public school system.
She went on to teach kindergarten for thirty-two years in the public school system.
They can develop an inclusion plan and inclusive pedagogy that would benefit all children and the school system on the whole " .
Many of the features I have described are spreading rapidly across the secondary school system.
My unhappy dalliance with the public school system has blessedly come to its end.
Certainly the term "ADHD," and "ADD" before it, receives ample attention in the media, as well as in health and school system.
Finally, if your initial search leaves you empty handed, don't forget to talk to the school office staff, principal, and even the main office of the school system.
Yet in 1960, a mother sued the school system in Baltimore, Maryland, feeling that her son was being forced into the prayer ritual.
Its stance was that the school system and any school officials should stay neutral.
Federal legislation entitles mentally retarded children to free testing and appropriate, individualized education and skills training within the school system from ages three to 21.
In 1974 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the San Francisco school system had violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by not providing English-language instruction for Chinese-speaking students.
It is now known that 70 to 80 percent of all children provided services for mental health problems in United States schools have these services delivered by the school system itself, by school guidance counselors and psychologists.
Special education refers to a range of educational and social services provided by the public school system and other educational institutions to individuals with disabilities who are between three and 21 years of age.
This school system sends 10 to 12 parents to jail each year for their children's failures to attend school.
Federal legislation mandates that this testing is free of charge within the public school system.
Parents who are not satisfied with school-based assessments have the right to ask for independent assessments that must be paid for by the school system.
They may be part of the public school system or part of the Federal Head Start program.
Educational interventions under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandate that AD/HD children will be served within the public school system.
For this reason some educators decided to encourage creativity outside the school system.
Certainly, the decision to take the education of your child out of the hands of the public school system is not one to be made lightly.
But, homeschooling has been done successfully throughout history, much longer than any public school system has been in place.
Also, keep in mind that no teacher or school system can possibly know your child better than you, nor are they as invested in his or her future success.
Reaching out for support and advice from other successful homeschooling families can help you along the way, countering those who will certainly question your decision to separate your child from the school system.
Various statistics have been printed about parents and children who homeschool in the U.S. Researchers are only just beginning to understand this schooling movement, which to some, threatens to undermine the public school system.
Until public schools can offer the same quality learning environment, parents will continue leaving the public school system in to provide their children with a higher quality of education.
Most communities offer sports programs to children of all ages, and enrollment in the public school system is not mandatory for joining a team.
Formal homeschool programs generally use a curriculum similar to that of the public school system.
They are required in the issuance of social security cards, drivers' licenses, and passports, and are often required to enroll children into the public school system.
At one point, many school districts in Texas went to extended year schooling, only for half of the districts to switch back to a traditional school system saying that to fight the parents was simply too difficult.
One issue is that many parents arranged their work schedules according to a traditional school system.
Your school system will specify style and color requirements.
Instead, the standard pants are usually khakis, but again, your school system will clearly state the expected clothing style.
Shoes-Your school system may list a variety of acceptable shoe styles, such as tennis shoes or loafers.
Regina Hall is back as Brenda Meeks, Cindy's friend who works in the school system where Cindy's nephew goes.
So, young teens will have to display their spikey anarchist tendencies outside the school system.
Contact your local school system or health department for information on the program details in your state.
Older children are provided these basics through the public school system.
Parents of children entering the public school system have many questions, especially when the students have autism.
In 1890 changes in the school system unfavourable to the Roman Catholic Church led to a constitutional struggle, to which was due the defeat of the Federal ministry in 1896.