School-book Sentence Examples
Then he added magnanimously, "I'm donating the school book and ink bottle to the museum, seeing as Miss Worthington helped in locating the buyers and all."
There is also a state school book commission, consisting of the state superintendent and eight other members appointed by the governor.
Although the Latin in some instances differs from that of the purest models, the work was for a long time a favourite elementary school-book.
The work enjoyed a high degree of popularity in ancient times as a school-book; it was translated into Latin by Rufus Festus Avienus, and by the grammarian Priscian.
His Unterricht in der Christlichen Religion is poor as a school-book but useful for reference.
Create a space for library books, school book bags and umbrellas.
I only ordered yesterday afternoon the urchin outfit for my son who is dressing up as Oliver for his school book week.
It first appeared in the Lutheran Sunday School Book in 1885.
With the rising costs of school book rental, lunches, and the list of supplies growing each year, many parents try to cut corners wherever and whenever they can.
We learn from Suetonius that, like Ennius after him, he obtained his living by teaching Greek and Latin; and it was probably as a school-book, rather than as a work of literary pretension, that his translation of the Odyssey into Latin Saturnian verse was executed.
AdvertisementThe same may be said of his translation of the Odyssey, which was still used as a school-book in the days of Horace, and the religious hymn which he was called upon to compose in 207 had no high literary pretensions.