Scholarly Sentence Examples
His tastes were scholarly, and he was one of the founders of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
His life at this period was a struggle against crushing poverty, but his scholarly ambition was never relaxed.
The chief value of this very scholarly book is to be found in its textual side.
The final end, a complete collection of folksongs gathered with scholarly exactitude is still far away.
He was, in scholarly terms, perhaps the brightest star in even that bright firmament of Univ Fellows.
In turn critical, strident, scholarly, personal, moving and ultimately hopeful, it brings together the views of professionals and users.
We publish a scholarly journal, the British Journal of Ethnomusicology.
This rich, scholarly content -- selected by professional collection development librarians -- is not available elsewhere on the Internet.
Still, despite his scholarly accomplishments, Machen was hardly the sort of figure to attract front page coverage in the metropolitan dailies.
The thesis must be a scholarly monograph dealing mainly with a Canadian topic.
AdvertisementOr do these authors seem to want to maintain a stance of scholarly objectivity, merely describing these movements to others?
CatchWord is a database of online journals from leading scholarly, academic and business publishers.
It's very scholarly, with a lot on form, structure, and speculative historical settings.
Eligibility Requirements only scholarly theses dealing mainly with Canada are eligible.
The Voice of Hope is a collection of lightly edited transcripts of interviews, not scholarly analyzes.
AdvertisementThis work is full of such iconoclastic approaches, which the author presents in a captivating, entertaining and yet scholarly manner.
Comparatively little scholarly work has been done on the contribution of F.B. Meyer.
Thus the nature of the text is decided by the requirement of the medium, rather than for purely scholarly reasons.
The last five years have seen a spurt of scholarly interest in the non-communist left of the labor movement.
It looks, in short, like a general reader's fantasy of a scholarly tome.
AdvertisementIt was not my purpose to write a scholarly treatise about the phenomenon of the hefted flocks.
The revival of Greek from the time of Chrysoloras onward, instead of begetting a Hellenistic spirit, transported the more serious-minded to the nebulous shores of NeoPlatonism, while the less devout became absorbed in scholarly or literary ambitions, translations, elegantly phrased letters, clever epigrams or indiscriminate invective.
Apart from certain blemishes and awkward and even incorrect renderings, Tyndale's translation may be described as a truly noble work, faithful and scholarly, though couched in simple and popular language.
Davis was a man of scholarly tastes, an orator of unusual ability and great eloquence, tireless and fearless in fighting political battles, but impulsive to the verge of rashness, impractical, tactless and autocratic. He wrote an elaborate political work entitled The War of Ormuzd and Ahriman in the Ninteenth Century (1853), in which he combated the southern contention that slavery was a divine institution.
After further study in Paris and Göttingen, he returned to Oxford as tutor at New College, and soon earned recognition as a scholarly historian.
AdvertisementThe problems facing electronic scholarly publishing are more philosophical in nature.
Today 's editors of scholarly printed editions of Shakespeare co-exist with remarkable harmony.
They are intended to open up the scholarly research literature, in the spirit of the Open Access Movement.
It 's very scholarly, with a lot on form, structure, and speculative historical settings.
Eligibility Requirements Only scholarly theses dealing mainly with Canada are eligible.
Also innovative is the inclusion of the testimony of survivors alongside scholarly analyzes.
On-line material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work.
It looks, in short, like a general reader 's fantasy of a scholarly tome.
With the ubiquity of computers, networks, email and the World Wide Web, news about JSTOR is spreading through the scholarly community.
Unfortunately, scholarly articles and reference manuals can't provide a globally accepted definition of fine art figure photography.
These brands are marked by a scholarly appeal and most commonly will harbor one or two sweater vest styles each season.
Be cautious with online resources, as most websites don't hold up to scholarly review.
When layering is done right, as on a delicately polka-dotted shirt underneath a sunny yellow vest, your look will be scholarly chic.
There are two Powell's in Chicago and the stores primarily specialize in academic and scholarly tomes, including a good collection on medieval studies and classics.
It survived this violent period of political upheaval to become an important scholarly work during the Han dynasty that followed.
This is a scholarly treatment of the I Ching with a focus on its earliest meanings.
These sources are not perfect when it comes to predicting the direction of interest rates, but they have proven to base their forecasts on scholarly data as opposed to "gut feeling."
Imaginative with a tendency to cast a philosophical eye on life's events, water element people are clever, scholarly and sometimes secretive.
Whether your Sagittarius man falls into the sporty category or the scholarly category, you can still charm him by demonstrating your knowledge.
When Duncan finds him, the legendary Methos turns out to be a scholarly looking young man, hiding out among the Watchers under the name Adam Pierson, apparently doing research to find Methos.
The Baum universe of Oz has a fandom as fanatical as any, with conventions, scholarly treatises, and collectors of Oziania.
Back in the day (the Dark Ages day), anyone of scholarly occupation was considered a 'philosopher', which literally meant 'one who loves wisdom'.
Some believe in the process of peers, who are also considered to be experts in the same field as the scholarly work, reviewing the work and then qualifying its value.
Articles such as Using weblogs to promote literacy in the classroom, by David Huffaker, provide a very scholarly view of pedagogical methods to integrate blogs into the classroom experience.
Like many of the Spanish Jews he united scholarly tastes with political ability.
Budde's Die Religion des Volkes Israel bis zur Verbannung, as well as Addis's recent Hebrew Religion (1906), is a most careful and scholarly compendium.
He was widely known as an eloquent preacher, and his scholarly attainments won for him the friendship and esteem of some of the ablest scholars in the colonies.
The philological analysis of Wolf and his successors had raised doubts as to the very existence of Homer, and at one time the main current of scholarly opinion had set strongly in the direction of the belief that the Iliad and the Odyssey were in reality but latter-day collections of divers recitals that had been handed down by word of mouth from one generation to another of bards through ages of illiteracy.
His preaching was a unique combination of rhetorical splendour and scholarly richness; his piety that of an ancient saint, semi-ascetic and unearthly in its selfdenial.
The king was struck with the lad's bright grey eyes and pleasant humorous face; and Brokman, proud of his pupil, made him translate a chapter from a Hebrew Bible first into Latin and then into Danish, for the entertainment of the scholarly monarch.
Freeman's range included Greek, Roman and the earlier part of English history, together with some portions of foreign medieval history, and he had a scholarly though general knowledge of the rest of the history of the European world.
McCaleb's The Aaron Burr Conspiracy (New York, 1903) is a scholarly defence of the West and incidentally of Burr against the charge of treason, and is the best account of the subject; see also I.
His writings are marked by vigour and vitality of style, as well as by the highest qualities of the historian who recreates the past from the original sources; he had no sympathy with either legal or historical pedantry; and his death at Grand Canary on the, 9th of December 1906 deprived English law and letters of one of their most scholarly and most inspiring representatives, notable alike for sweetness of character, acuteness in criticism, and wisdom in counsel.
Meeting with an accident while he was wandering on the Palatine, and being detained in Rome, he passed part of his enforced leisure in giving lectures (possibly on Homer, his favourite author), and thus succeeded in arousing among the Romans a taste for the scholarly study of literature.
At Ramsey he wrote for his pupils a scholarly work dealing with points of prosody and pronunciation, and exhibiting an accurate knowledge of Virgil and Horace.
His strong facial resemblance both to Lord Beaconsfield and to Sir John Macdonald marked him out in the public eye, and he captured attention by his charm of manner, fine command of scholarly English and genuine eloquence.
This scholarly linguist, equipped with modern methods of scientific research, did not confine himself to the classical period like Csoma, but extended his ' The Capuchin friars who were settled in Lhasa for a quarter of a century from 1719 studied the language; two of them, Francisco Orazio della Penna, well known from his accurate description of Tibet, and Cassian di Macerata sent home materials which were utilized by the Augustine friar Aug.
But, though their publications count a large number of first editions, and some are works of considerable magnitude, they were not brought out with the scholarly perfection at which Aldo aimed.
He is the type of a distinct class of the Christian ministry - that class which aspires after scholarly training, prefers a broad to a sectarian theology, and adheres to rational methods of religious investigation and appeal.
His brother, Evelyn Abbott (1843-1901), was a well-known tutor of Balliol, Oxford, and author of a scholarly History of Greece.
To the study of Scottish history Mr Lang brought a scholarly care for detail, a piquant literary style, and a gift for disentangling complicated questions.
That it was used for other than literary purposes strengthened that sentiment in a way which mere scholarly or literary interest could not have done.
The use, therefore, of the inaccurate and misleading terms northern and southern ought no longer to be followed in scholarly works on Buddhism.
The man behind both critical and creative work was so genuine, that through his writings and speech and action he impressed himself deeply upon his generation in America, especially upon the thoughtful and scholarly class who looked upon him as especially their representative.
There do not appear to be any men in his line of descent given to scholarly or intellectual pursuits till we get back to the 17th century, when we come to Abijah Whitman, a clergyman, settled in Connecticut.
The proof deals with each symbol separately; as might be expected of its author, it is both scholarly and ingenious, but, it must be admitted, not very convincing.
All three were disciples of Erasmus, the great apostle of a new, tolerant, scholarly religion very different from the grimy pedantry of the medieval doctors.
After further study in Paris and Göttingen, he returned to Oxford as tutor at New College, and soon earned recognition as a scholarly historian.
When he reached the age of fifteen the scholarly and literary instincts began to awaken.
His knowledge of medieval literature and his appreciative sympathy with medieval life admirably qualified him for his work, and his scholarly attainments are still highly esteemed.
It deserves to be noted here that the former, the theology of the Aufklarung, was, like that of the deists, destined to a short-lived notoriety; whereas the solid, accurate and scholarly researches of the rationalist critics of Germany, undertaken with no merely polemical spirit, not only form an epoch in the history of theology, but have taken a permanent place in the body of theological science.
Marty-Laveaux in the Collection Lemerre (1868-1903), the handsomest, the most accurate, and the most complete, in the scholarly sense, yet published.
This position, which, through his steadiness, scholarly conservatism and freedom from caprice as a critic, soon became one of great influence, he held until his death in New York City on the 4th of July 1880.
Scholarly, and of good principles, they had given up the conflict with the vices and disorder that prevailed.
His studies of the Indian dialects were scholarly and valuable.
Of these the most important is The Secret of Hegel, which is admitted, both in England and in Germany, to be among the most scholarly and valuable contributions to Hegelian doctrine and to modern philosophy in general.
He was without scholarly training, and first appears as a furrier at Livland.
An eminently safe and scholarly archbishop was found in Matthew Parker, who had not made himself notorious by resistance to authority even under Mary.
On the contrary, he would hold that the scholarly tradition of Antioch more nearly reaches the real historical manhood of Jesus.
This new quasi-monophysitism disinclined the Lutherans to make much of Christ's humanity, while the Reformed, partly from the scholarly tradition of Calvin, partly from a polemical motive, laid great emphasis on the manhood.
In July 1859 failing health led him to seek rest in a trip to Europe, but he died on the 13th of that month at Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he had been put ashore when it was seen that he probably could not outlive the voyage across the Atlantic. Choate, besides being one of the ablest of American lawyers, was one of the most scholarly of American public men, and his numerous orations and addresses were remarkable for their pure style, their grace and elegance of form, and their wealth of classical allusion.
In 1640 he paid another visit to England on one of his usual scholarly errands, meaning to return when it was accomplished.
Kennedy's complete translation is a model of scholarly finish, and the appendices on Attic law, &c., are of great value.
The exalted position occupied by the learned class in ancient Ireland perhaps affords the key to the wonderful outbursts of scholarly activity in Irish monasteries from the 6th to the 9th centuries.
During this period Ireland enjoyed comparative rest notwithstanding the intertribal feuds in which the Norse settlers shared, including the campaigns of Cormac, son of Cuilennan, the scholarly king-bishop of Cashel.
Houston, Critical Study of Nullification in South Carolina (New York, 1896), is a concise, scholarly work.
It is still instructive, however, to note the successive phases through which scholarly opinion regarding the composition and date of his book has passed.
It was not, however, until the commencement of the 5th century that the sect began to decline, owing largely to the rise among them of a group of moderate and scholarly men like the grammarian Tychonius, who vainly strove to overcome the more fanatical section.
Muretus edited a number of classical authors with learned and scholarly notes.
His satire is incisive, but in a scholarly and humanistic way; it does not appeal to popular passions with the fierce directness which enabled the master of Catholic satire, Thomas Murner, to inflict such telling blows.
Answering questions or at least asking them is the basis of all scholarly endeavor.
Scholarly review of the many uses for fossils, up to the present day, including adornment, magic and medicine.
In this sense it might also have been for him a personal allegory of his scholarly battle against pure aestheticism.
Digital copies of the letters give the opportunity for a more integrated scholarly apparatus.
Southern's antipathy to elaboration becomes most damaging, however, when she rides roughshod over recent scholarly consensus.
A classmate of mine gave a presentation on two scholarly articles, both offering different theories on the meaning of the Victorian corset.
Working out a full grammar of mediation is an important scholarly desideratum, but it's beyond the scope of this module.
I felt I was reading a diatribe from someone with a personal ax to grind, rather than a scholarly or well researched biography.
Most but not all the reviews they publish may well be read as irrelevant for serious scholarly discourse and for professional affairs.
Nenner is very disinclined to cast his scholarly eye across the Channel.
The scholarly reviews that appeared noting its contents do not require emendation, because the book has not been rewritten.
While the majority of scholarly work addresses Labrouste's Paestum restoration, the present paper focuses on Labrouste's fifth year envoi.
A doctoral degree in business suggests that the student is an expert in scholarly research, plans to have an impact on his or her corporate community as well as the professional community and is seeking to achieve a personal best.
He was the scholarly leader of the orthodox wing of the Presbyterian church in America, and was moderator of the General Assembly of 1891.
He wrote several other works of the same nature which exhibit scholarly research and lucid arrangement.
He published a number of original and scholarly papers on assyriological questions of the highest value, chiefly in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.
The introduction of printing (first dated Hebrew printed book, Rashi, Reggio, 1475) gave occasion for a number of scholarly compositors and proof-readers, some of whom were also authors, such as Jacob ben Ilayyim of Tunis Later waters.
His moderation, good sense, wisdom, temper, firmness and erudition made him as successful in this position as he had been when professor of theology, and he speedily surrounded himself with a band of scholarly young men.
None of the numerous publications which we owe to Buchon can be described as thoroughly scholarly; but they have been of great service to history, and those concerning the East have in especial the value of original research.
Gayarre, coming down to the war, based on deep and scholarly research, and greatly altered in successive editions.
Such is the intentional obscurity in many of the compositions of these two authors that every sentence becomes a puzzle, over which even a scholarly Ottoman must pause before he can be sure he has found its true meaning.
Captain Desbriere's exhaustive work was done for the historical section of the French general staff, and is a fine example of the scholarly and conscientious modern French historical school.
Kennett's Schweich Lecture (1909), The Composition of the Book of Isaiah in thelLight of Archaeology and History, an interesting attempt at a synthesis of results, is a brightly written b'ut scholarly sketch of the growth of the book of Isaiah, which went on till thegreat success of the Jews under Judas Maccabaeus.
It presented in an attractive style what were then the latest results of scholarly research, but was criticized as wanting in erudition.
Glas's published works bear witness to his vigorous mind and scholarly attainments.
Here as elsewhere he had but one rule to guide him in matters of doctrine and discipline - the practice of Rome and the West; for it is singular to see how Jerome, who is daringly original in points of scholarly criticism, was a ruthless partisan in all other matters; and, having discovered what was the Western practice, he set tongue and pen to work with his usual bitterness (Altercatio luciferiani et orthodoxi).
These scholarly labours, however, did not take up his whole time, and it was almost impossible for Jerome to be long anywhere without getting into a dispute.
This is significant enough; Prof. Sayce, the most brilliant and distinguished of the " anti-critics," does not really reoccupy the position of the " able and pious men " of the mid-19th century, to whom " even to speak of any portion of the Bible as a history " was " an outrage upon religion " (Stanley, Jewish Church, Preface); these may still have pious, but they have no longer scholarly successors.
The kirk was robbed afresh, benefices were given to such villainous cadets of great families as Archibald Douglas, an agent in Darnley's murder; and though, under the scholarly but fierce Andrew Melville, the kirk purified herself afresh and successfully opposed the bishops, James VI.
He had no scholarly interest in the past, and he never hesitated to transform the texts when he could give contemporary "point" to a poem; but his instinct was good, and he did much to stimulate an ignorant public to fresh enjoyment.
Garner's Reconstruction Mississippi (New York, 1902) is judicial, scholarly and readable.
Tomlinson, The Prayer Book, Articles and Homilies (1897), a polemical work from the Protestant point of view, but scholarly and based on a mass of contemporary authorities to which references are given; the bishop of Exeter, The Ornaments Rubric (London, 1901), a pamphlet.
His brother, Charles Washington Baird (1828-1887), a graduate of New York University (1848) and of the Union Theological Seminary (1852), and the minister in turn of a Dutch Reformed church at Brooklyn, New York, and of a Presbyterian church at Rye, New York, also was deeply interested in the history of the Huguenots, and published a scholarly work entitled The History of the Huguenot Emigration to America (2 vols., 1885), left unfinished at his death.
He was a scholar, with a scholar's tastes and cravings for knowledge, easily excited, bent on scholarly discoveries.
It is true that down to the 15th century there were many Teutonic Scots who had difficulty in expressing themselves in " Ynglis," and that, at a later date, the literary vocabulary was strongly influenced by the Latin habit of Scottish culture; but the difficulty was generally academic, arising from a scholarly sensitiveness to style in the use of a medium which had no literary traditions; perhaps also from medieval and humanistic contempt of the vulgar tongue; in some cases from the cosmopolitan circumstance of the Scot and the special nature of his appeal to the learned world.
Now, however, a more logical and scholarly aspect was given to their literature by the writings of Barclay, especially his Apology for the True Christian Divinity published in Latin (1676) and in English (1678), and by the works of Penn, amongst which No Cross No Crown and the Maxims or Fruits of Solitude are the best known.
For education so scholarly a monarch as Matthias naturally did what he could.
Jerome at once set himself to such scholarly work as the place afforded.