Schemes Sentence Examples
At the same time he was full of schemes, practical and unpractical.
This method is frequently adopted in combined schemes of heating and ventilating; the fresh air is warmed by being passed over their surfaces previously to being admitted through the gratings into the room.
The emperor Nicholas found that his ambassador at Vienna, Baron Meyendorff, was not a sympathetic instrument for carrying out his schemes in the East.
In recent years classifications in part agreeing with the older schemes but largely original, in accord with researches on the comparative anatomy of the insects, have been put forward.
In the classification adopted in this article, the attempt has been made to combine the best points in old and recent schemes, and to avoid the inconvenience of a large heterogeneous group including the vast majority of the families.
For his Baltic. schemes, on the contrary, he had found the ground well prepared.
The First Consul, finding his plans of seizing Lisbon frustrated, remonstrated with his brother, who thereupon resigned his post, and returned to Paris, there taking part in the opposition which the Tribunate offered to some of Napoleon's schemes.
The Klong is rhythmic, the play being on the inflection of the voice in speaking the words, which inflection is arranged according to fixed schemes; the rhyme, if it can so be called, being sought not in the similarity of syllables but of intonation.
An event happened which gave him a base of operations, and enabled him to mask his schemes against the emperor.
He lived in close alliance with the Church, to which he was very generous, and entered eagerly into schemes for the conversion of his heathen neighbours.
AdvertisementHe successfully thwarted all the schemes of the emperor Sigismund, by adroitly supporting the revolutionary party in Bohemia.
But the schemes of Alexander could be carried out only with the co-operation of other powers.
She threw herself heart and soul into the schemes for rescuing Strafford and coercing the parliament.
He lived abroad from 1808 to 1812, passing most of his time in England, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and France; trying to secure aid in the prosecution of his filibustering schemes but meeting with numerous rebuffs, being ordered out of England and Napoleon refusing to receive him.
The expulsion of the Jesuits gave a new impulse to the attacks directed against all schemes of education in which Latin held a prominent position.
AdvertisementThe family was greatly impoverished owing to his losses over these schemes, but still possessed a good deal of interest.
But of late years an increasing desire has been manifested, especially in Germany and America, to manipulate the fourth Gospel on grounds of internal evidence, at first only in the way of particular transpositions of more or less attractiveness, but latterly also by schemes of thorough-going rearrangement.
In the ethics of Plotinus all the older schemes of virtue are taken over and arranged in a graduated series.
Refusing to entangle himself in the abortive and equivocal schemes of Lepidus to subvert the Sullan constitution, Caesar took up the only instrument of political warfare left to the opposition by prosecuting two senatorial governors, Cn.
Basel was slow to accept the Reformation; the news of the Peasants' War and the inroads of Anabaptists prevented progress; but at last, in 1525, it seemed as if the authorities were resolved to listen to schemes for restoring the purity of worship and teaching.
AdvertisementHe accompanied the fugitive government to Konigsberg, where he rendered considerable service in the commissariat, and was afterwards still more useful as commissioner of the national debt and by his opposition to illconsidered schemes of taxation.
Various schemes of analysis have been proposed to account for this and other passages of the same nature in the epistle, e.g.
Her sister, Ellen Cons (1840-1920), was also closely associated with many philanthropic schemes, and was one of the governors of the " Old Vic."
As a thinker he was not original, and even as a theologian he has produced but few schemes of doctrine, except his doctrine of sin.
They were, however, unable to win either English or Norman support and their schemes collapsed with Richard's return (March 1194).
AdvertisementUnlike some of his predecessors, he had no grand, original schemes of his own to impose by force on unwilling subjects, and no pet crotchets to lead his judgment astray; and he instinctively looked with a suspicious, critical eye on the panaceas which more imaginative and less cautious people recommended.
Bismarck, the director of the policy of Prussia, was devising methods for the realization of his schemes, and it became clear after the war over the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein that the smaller German states would soon be obliged to decide definitely between Austria and Prussia.
The third route, starting from Chester and passing up the western coast, is more complex, and exists in duplicate, the result perhaps of two different schemes of road-making.
From 1903 onwards the question of army reform had been under discussion, and the government was anxious to get this settled, though in fact Mr Brodrick's and Mr Arnold-Forster's schemes for reorganization failed to obtain any general support.
He was successful at the council of 1059, the pontifical election was placed out of reach of the schemes of the local feudal lords and restored to the heads of the clergy; certain reservations were made with regard to those rights which the Holy See was considered to have conceded personally to Henry of Germany (the young king Henry IV., son of the emperor Henry III.), but nothing more.
With a boldness worthy of Julius II., he devised the most gigantic schemes for the annihilation of the Turkish Empire and the conquest of Egypt and Palestine.
Willcocks' irrigation schemes had not up to 1910 affected "Mesopotamia" directly.
Circumstances favoured Henry's schemes.
Though she had mounted the throne by a military revolt and entered on great schemes of conquest, she never took an intelligent interest in her army.
The erection of houses has involved the construction of new roads, and new water and sewerage schemes.
Becket lent himself entirely to his master's ambitions, which at this time centred round schemes of territorial aggrandizement.
Both schemes appeared practically impossible; potassium cost about L 1 7 per lb, gave a very small yield and was dangerous to manipulate, while on the other hand, the only source of electric current then available was the primary battery, and zinc as a store of industrial energy was utterly out of the question.
About 1879 dynamos began to be introduced into metallurgical practice, and from that date onwards numerous schemes for utilizing this cheaper source of energy were brought before theublic. The first electrical method worthy lectrical P y reduction.
He encouraged the study of Sanskrit, and furthered schemes for the enlightenment and amelioration of the Hindus.
Her correspondence in cipher from thence with her English agents abroad, intercepted by Walsingham and deciphered by his secretary, gave eager encouragement to the design for a Spanish invasion of England Under the prince of Parma, - an enterprise in which she would do her utmost to make her son take part, and in case of his refusal would induce the Catholic nobles of Scotland to betray him into the hands of Philip, from whose tutelage he should be released only on her demand, or if after her death he should wish to return, nor then unless he had become a Catholic. But even these patriotic and maternal schemes to consign her child and re-consign the kingdom to the keeping of the Inquisition, incarnate in the widower of Mary Tudor, were superseded by the attraction of a conspiracy against the throne and life of Elizabeth.
There are also schemes (more or less advanced) for piercing the Spliigen and the Hohe Tauern, both on the main ridge, and the LOtschen Pass, on one of the external ranges.
Unhappily for himself and for Don John he went heart and soul into all the prince's schemes.
Thus Chalmers "reviews seriatim and gravely sets aside all the schemes usually proposed for the amelioration of the economic condition of the people" on the ground that an increase of comfort will lead to an increase of numbers, and so the last state of things will be worse than the first.
At various times and by various persons, but more particularly by Peter the Great, the project has been mooted of cutting a canal between the Volga and the Don, and so establishing unrestricted water communication between the Caspian and the Black Sea; but so far none of these schemes has taken practical shape.
The king, thwarted in his favourite schemes, made overtures in 1746 to Lord Bath, but his purpose was upset by the resignation of the two Pelhams (Henry and Newcastle), who, however, at the king's request, resumed office.
The Papacy was far from realizing Hildebrands great schemes; yet in regard to the question indispute it gained solid advantage, and its general authority was incomparably more important than it had been half a century before.
The pope and his French ally, Charles IV., whom it was proposed to seat upon the German throne, had completely misread the signs of the times, and their schemes met with very little favor in Germany.
Henceforward it was the king who put forward schemes of reform and the diet which modified or rejected them.
He was continually harassed by the Turks until peace was made in 1562, and connected therewith were troubles in Bohemia and especially in Hungary, two countries which he had acquired through marriage, while North Germany was disturbed by the wild schemes of Wilhelm von Grumbach (qv.) and his associate John Frederick, duke of Saxony.
His schemes directly threatened the independence of the princes; but they were too indolent to unite against his ambition.
He was now able to carry out, at least partially, his railway schemes, for he could afford to ignore Liberal dislike to state railways, and if he was unable to make all the lines imperial, he could make most of them Prussian.
The condition of parties was such that Bismarck could not hope to win a majority for his schemes, especially as he could not obtain the monopoly on tobacco on which he depended to cover the expense.
But very slight results attended these elaborate schemes, although their failure did not deter Leibnitz from pursuing the same end.
He was economical, and gave up a third of his civil list in order to help forward the task of establishing an equilibrium in the annual budget, and he was always ready from his large private fortune to help forward all schemes for the social or industrial progress of the country.
In meeting all the extraordinary demands resulting from the Civil War he displayed great energy and resourcefulness, and was active in thwarting the schemes of the secessionists in the neighbouring state of Kentucky, and of the Knights of the Golden Circle, the Order of American Knights, and the Sons of Liberty (secret societies of Southern sympathizers and other opponents of the war) in Indiana.
Returning to Paris at the outbreak of the Revolution, he became implicated in schemes for the escape of Louis XVI.
Hence, while Godwin thoroughly approved of the philosophic schemes of the precursors of the Revolution, he was as far removed as Burke himself from agreeing with the way in which they were carried out.
Forms. - Various schemes of classification have been proposed, but none has met with universal acceptance; the following are at least the principal types.
He interfered as little as possible with the independence of the different tribes, demanding from each only its due proportion of tribute and military service; and he kept his army constantly engaged in brilliant schemes of foreign conquest.
An important criterion for judging the period during which individual 1 For the schemes of Noldeke and Grimm see Mahommedan Religion.
He was a prominent supporter of the financial schemes of John Law, by which he made large sums of money.
His schemes were frustrated by two of the amirs whom he had imprisoned and who, escaping from their confinement, attacked him in his bath and killed him.
Land increased in value as irrigation schemes were completed, and European capital was increasingly eager to find employment in the country.
His schemes consisted of series of broad, straight streets, cutting one another at right angles.
In 1866 he was employed at the ministry of war in the preparation of army reorganization schemes, and he published anonymously in the following year L'Armee francaise en 1867, a work inspired with Orleanist sentiment, which ran through ten editions in a few months and reached a twentieth in 1870.
It is probable that Monmouth never went so far as to think of armed rebellion; but there is little doubt that he had talked over schemes likely to lead to this, and that Shaftesbury had gone farther still.
He was interested in many things, and threw himself with ardour into whatever he took up; he contrived schemes quickly, and pushed them on with an energy which usually made them succeed when no long time was needed, for, if a project was delayed, there was a risk of his tiring of it and dropping it.
He forwarded all promising schemes to the organization.
In 1842, however, some effort was made towards the realization of Alleyn's schemes, and in 1858 the foundation was entirely reconstituted by act of parliament.
Returning to England, he remained loyal to Henry; and after the king's death in 1422 became a member of the council and was the chief opponent of the wild and selfish schemes of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.
Drawings of this and the immediately following years prove that on his return his mind was full of schemes for religious pictures.
The headship of Christendom was in his grasp, and schemes for a new crusade began to take shape.
For that very reason his schemes were doomed to end in disaster, since the time was come for a new departure.
Conciliation was also tried with some success; plantation schemes were rejected in favour of an attempt to Anglicize the Irish; their chieftains were created earls and endowed with monastic lands; and so peaceful was Ireland in 1542 that the lord-deputy could send Irish kernes and gallowglasses to fight against the Scots.
During the period which immediately preceded the Restoration he endeavoured to oppose Monk's schemes, and desired Fleetwood to forestall him and make terms with Charles, but in vain.
At the beginning of 1856 the two schemes came to a head together.
In 1460, during the reign of the fourteenth Caran Shyri, or king of the Cara nation, Hualcopo Duchisela, the conquest of Quito was undertaken by Tupac Yupanqui, the Inca of Peru; and his ambitious schemes were, not long after his death, successfully carried out by his son Huayna-Capac, who inflicted a decisive defeat on the Quitonians in the battle of Hatuntaqui, and secured his position by marrying Pacha, the daughter of the late Shyri.
In 1785 he was nominated to the committee on agriculture, and as its secretary drew up reports and instructions on the cultivation of various crops, and promulgated schemes for the establishment of experimental agricultural stations, the distribution of agricultural implements and the adjustment of rights of pasturage.
In his solitude he had ample leisure for forming schemes of missionary enterprise among Persians and Goths, and by his correspondence with the different churches he at once baffled his enemies and gave greater energy to his friends.
An enormous gap severs the pre-monarchical period from this age, and while the tribal schemes and tribal traditions can hardly be traced during the monarchies, the inclusion of Judah among the " sons " of Israel would not have originated when Judah and Israel were rival kingdoms. Yet the tribes survive in post-exilic literature and their traditions develop henceforth in Jubilees, Testament of the XII Patriarchs, &c.
In his schemes for social reform he was at first a student of Robert Owen, until his later views led him to accept Roman Catholicism.
Not so fortunate were Jefferson's ambitious schemes of education.
He did not at first speak very often, though he showed an active interest both in legal questions and in Chamberlain's schemes of social betterment and imperial unity.
But Wellesley's schemes of imperial dominion did not extend beyond the establishment of a college for English officials.
He tried to tempt the wearied Greeks on the banks of the Beas with schemes of conquest in the rich south-eastern provinces; but, having personally offended their leader, he had to fly the camp (326 B.C.).
When once established as sultan, he planned more extensive schemes of conquest.
The new governor, Ramon Blanco, was like Despujols and many of his predecessors, humane at heart, but he could do little more than hold in check the tyrannical schemes of The the clergy.
Various schemes of classification of spectra have been used.
The opposite party, led by Clay, Adams, Biddle, &c., had schemes for banks and tariffs, enterprises which were open to severe criticism.
Meanwhile, indignation at Antony's un-Roman excesses, and alarm at Cleopatra's rumoured schemes of founding a GrecoOriental empire, were rapidly increasing.
Story was a staunch supporter of his Church, and had little sympathy for schemes of reunion with the other Presbyterian communities.
The state debt in 1874 was $12,108,247, of which about $9,370,000 was incurred after the Civil War for internal improvement schemes.
The sudden illness and death of the queen now frustrated any schemes which Bolingbroke or others might have been contemplating.
The various schemes which have been put forward for the conversion of the San Juan and the lacustrine depression into an interoceanic waterway are fully discussed under Panama Canal.
He was mistaken, however, in his schemes, for Cosimo displayed the genius of his family for politics, and coldly dismissed his would-be lord-protector.
Agrippina determined to hasten the death of Claudius, and the absence, through illness, of the emperor's trusted freedman Narcissus, favoured her schemes.
After assisting the minister in his wiselyconceived but unavailing schemes of reform during the brief period of his tenure of office, Du Pont shared his dismissal and retired to Gatinais, in the neighbourhood of Nemours, where he employed himself in agricultural improvements.
As a part of the plans of the national government for reclamation of land in the arid states, imposing schemes have been formulated for such work in Colorado, including a great reservoir on the Gunnison.
The growth of Evangelical sentiment in the church, along with the example of the great missionary societies founded in the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, led to the institution of the various missionary schemes still carried on, and their history forms the chief part of the history of the church for a number of years.
Of these schemes that of church extension has most historical importance.
A lay association was formed, which raised large sums of money for the missionary schemes, so that their income was not allowed seriously to decline.
During the agitation the church was much occupied with the question of her own defence, and after it died down, various schemes were entertained for the improvement of her position without and within.
Prerogative, despite Bacon's advice and efforts, clashed more than once with liberty; Salisbury's bold schemes for relieving the embarrassment caused by the reckless extravagance of the king proved abortive, and the House was dissolved in February 1611.
And other parts of Colbert's schemes deserve still less equivocal condemnation.
Various schemes had been propounded with a view of increasing the output of the hand-press, and in 1790 William Nicholson (1753-1815) evolved his ideas on the subject, which were suggestions rather than definite Cylinder inventions.
While Nicholson's schemes did not bear any practical result they certainly helped others later on.
Monsignor Barnes's theory is that Pregnani alias James de la Cloche, without the knowledge of Charles II., was arrested by order of Louis and imprisoned as Dauger on account of his knowing too much about the French schemes in regard to Charles II.
The schemes he put forward as one of the heads of the league of Schmalkalden, aimed primarily at overthrowing the house of Habsburg; to this end aid was sought from foreigner and native, from Protestant and Catholic alike.
The Concord of Wittenberg, made in 1536, was favourable for these schemes, but after five years spent in assiduous preparation war was prevented by the serious illness of the landgrave and the lukewarmness of his allies.
Three parliamentary committees had prepared schemes for a remission of the land taxes, for a new system of taxation, for a reorganization of the army based on a stammtrupp (regular army), by the enlistment of hired soldiers, and for naval reforms. In this last connexion the most suitable types of vessels for coast defence as for offence were determined upon.
The next three or four years were employed by Emin in various journeys through his province, and in the initiation of schemes for its development, until in 1882, on his return from a visit to Khartum, he became aware that the Mandist rising, which had originated in Kordofan, was spreading southward.
In Natal an act of 1904 gave power to the government to forward irrigation schemes.
The acquisition of Bechuanaland by Great Britain was the essential preliminary to the development of the schemes which Rhodes entertained for the extension of British rule into Central Africa.
With these advisers Charles entered into those schemes so antagonistic to the national interests which have disgraced his reign.
Danby (afterwards duke of Leeds) now became chief minister; but, though in reality a strong supporter of the national policy, he could not hope to keep his place without acquiescence in the king's schemes.
It was now upon schemes of conquest that the energy of the nation was to be concentrated, although the motives which called forth that energy were unchanged.
Numerous attempts have been made to construct schemes of classification based on the power of growing colonies _ ?
Among the more characteristic of these schemes adopted at various times may be mentioned those of Miguel (1891), Eisenberg (1891), and Lehmann and Neumann (1897).
After 1900 the city grew very rapidly, principally owing to the great irrigation schemes in southern Idaho; the water for the immense Boise-Payette irrigation system is taken from the Boise, 8 m.
But Catiline's hopes were again disappointed; once more he failed to obtain the consulship (64); and, moreover, it soon became apparent that one of the new consuls, Cicero, was mysteriously able to thwart all the schemes of the conspirators.
Rome's schemes for a union which meant an unconditional submission on the part of the Orthodox Church did not cease, however, but they were no longer attempted on a grand scale.
He became chaplain to Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, and was employed by her to forward the schemes for securing the English throne for her son, Henry of Richmond, afterwards Henry VII.
His Projet de paix perpetuelle, which was destined to exercise considerable influence on the development of the various schemes for securing universal peace which culminated in the Holy Alliance, was published in 1713 at Utrecht, where he was acting as secretary to the French plenipotentiary, the Abbe de Polignac, and his Polysynodie contained severe strictures on the government of Louis XIV., with projects for the administration of France by a system of councils for each department of government.
In almost everything she was the opposite of her gentle husband, but entered into his educational schemes, and gave her patronage to the foundation of Queen's College, Cambridge.
Japan was compelled to give up her conquests on the Chinese mainland, so as not to interfere with the future action of Russia in Manchuria, and the financial and other schemes for increasing Russian influence in that part of the world were vigorously supported.
However this may be, before he had time to mature his schemes, and when he had been the director of Russian policy for only eighteen months, he died suddenly of heart disease when travelling with the emperor on the 30th of August 1896.
The great bent of his energies was ceaselessly directed to the better organization of his diocese and to the furtherance of schemes for increasing the influence and efficiency of the church.
It has always been politic for powerful states to facilitate and hide schemes of aggrandizement under euphemistic expressions; to cloak subjection or dependence by describing it in words inoffensive or strictly applicable to other relations.
The doctrine which in others seemed to produce all sorts of extravagances - communistic experiments at Brook Farm and Fruitlands, weird schemes of political reform, long hair on men and short hair on women - in his sane, wellbalanced nature served only to lend an ideal charm to the familiar outline of a plain, orderly New England life.
This" government within a government "was secured in all its privileges, its profits as heretofore being appropriated to allowances to members of the royal family and the maintenance and development of" works of public utility "in Belgium and the Congo, those works including schemes for the embellishment of the royal palaces and estates in Belgium and others for making Ostend" a bathing city unique in the world."The state was to have the right of redemption on terms which, had the rubber and ivory produce alone been redeemed, would have cost Belgium about £8,50o,000.
Schemes which set up a larger number of distinct races, such as the eleven of Pickering, the fifteen of Bory de St Vincent and the sixteen of Desmoulins, have the advantage of finding niches for most well-defined human varieties; but no modern naturalist would be likely to adopt any one of these as it stands.
It is true that the schemes drawn up by chronologists differed widely, as was natural, considering the variety and inconsistency of their documentary data.
Lastly, there is usually to be discerned amongst such lower races a belief in unseen powers pervading the universe, this belief shaping itself into an animistic or spiritualistic theology, mostly resulting in some kind of worship. If, again, high savage or low barbaric types be selected, as among the North American Indians, Polynesians, and Kaffirs of South Africa, the same elements of culture appear, but at a more advanced stage, namely, a more full and accurate language, more knowledge of the laws of nature, more serviceable implements, more perfect industrial processes, more definite and fixed social order and frame of government, more systematic and philosophic schemes of religion and a more elaborate and ceremonial worship. At intervals new arts and ideas appear, such as agriculture and pasturage, the manufacture of pottery, the use of metal implements and the device of record and communication by picture writing.
Yet his political activity was not inconsiderable, and his advice was always sound and well-considered; while in his government of the Netherlands, which he exercised through the marquis de Prie, he set himself resolutely to oppose the many wild schemes, such as Law's Mississippi project, in which the times were so fertile.
On constitutional matters he writes with an insight to be attained only by the study of political philosophy, discussing in a masterly fashion the dreams of idealists and the schemes of government proposed by statesmen.
So many of the chief actors in the Mutiny on the native side carried their secrets into dishonoured graves that it is impossible to know exactly what schemes the household of the The king of Delhi had concerted with the disaffected sepoys.
But his far-reaching schemes and studies brought him no immediate gain, and diverted him from the tasks by which he should have supported himself.
The importunate expectations of a masterpiece or masterpieces in painting or sculpture, which beset him on all hands in Florence, inclined him to take service again with some princely patron, if possible of a genius commensurate with his own, who would give him scope to carry out engineering schemes on a vast scale.
But in 1399 Visconti recommenced his wars of conquest, which were to have included Padua had not death cut short his schemes in 1402.
The endeavour to bring about a customs union which would embrace the Transvaal was also little to the taste of President Kruger's Hollander advisers, interested as they were in the schemes of the Netherlands Railway Company, who owned the railways of the Transvaal.
The session of parliament which sanctioned this change was notable for the attention devoted to irrigation and railway schemes.
Thus was broken the bond of unity which had for three-quarters of a century kept the subjects of the two nations together in schemes of aggression upon a common foe.
Among his early schemes was one to unite the Atlantic and the Pacific by a canal, and another to construct a canal from Madrid to the sea.
Livingston's case was damaged by President Jefferson, who believed that Livingston had favoured Burr in the presidential election of 1800, and that he had afterwards been a party to Burr's schemes.
The Rashtrakutas were, moreover, debarred from large schemes of conquest by dissensions with the branch dynasty which they had set up in Gujarat and by the constant threat of, attack by the Chalukyas from Mysore.
The morphologist may propose classifications, and the embryologist may erect genealogical trees, but all schemes which do not agree with the direct evidence of fossils must be abandoned; and it is this evidence, above all, that gained enormously in volume and in value during the last quarter of the 19th century.
Those divisions fall under three schemes.
It was then that he set afoot his numerous schemes for the restoration of the learning and culture of England which had sunk so low during the long years of disaster which had preceded his accession.
In 1158 he again departed to plunge into schemes of continental conquest.
But Becket vehemently opposed it, and got so much support when the great council met at Woodstock that Henry withdrew his schemes.
He had never forgotten the services of the legates Pandulf and Gualo to himself and his father, and was always ready to lend his aid to the political schemes of the popes, even when it was difficult to see that any English interests were involved in them.
Such schemes were finally abandoned simply because the king discovered that his allies were worthless and that his money was all spent.
Thereupon., abandoning his Irish schemes, Warbeck sailed to Scotland, whose young king James IV, had just been seduced by the emperor Maximilian into declaring war on England.
Nothing came of the project, which contrasts strangely with the greater part of Henrys sober and cautious schemes.
It was believed at the time, and is still sometimes maintained by historians, that Wolsey laid down schemes of policy and persuaded his master to adopt them; but the truth would appear to be that Henry was in no wise dominated by the cardinal, but imposed on him his own wishes, merely leaving matters of detail to be settled by his minister.
He could trade upon Edwards precocious hatred of Marys religion, he could rely upon French fears of her Spanish inclinations, and the success which bad attended his schemes in England deluded him into a belief that he could supplant the Tudor with a Dudley dynasty.
His large schemes and lavish expenditure alarmed however the parsimonious directors of the West India company, but John Maurice refused to retain his post unless he was given a free hand, and he returned to Europe in July 1644.
Anxious negotiations thus arise, which colour all modern schemes of theology.
He was strongly opposed to the schemes of the empress Judith for a redivision of the empire in favour of her son Charles the Bald, which he regarded as the cause of all the subsequent evils, and supported Lothair and Pippin against their father the emperor Louis I.
It is on the whole desirable to recognize such affinities in our schemes of classification.
He was famous not only for his interest in schemes for the alleviation of poverty in Moscow, but also as the founder of new churches and monasteries.
The king and queen, however, who looked for help from abroad and especially from Leopold, dreaded a war with Austria and had no faith in the schemes of Narbonne.
In 1433 died King John, exhorting his son not to abandon those schemes which were now, in the long-continued failure to round Cape Bojador, ridiculed by many as costly absurdities; and in 1434 one of the prince's ships, commanded by Gil Eannes, at length doubled the cape.
He also interested himself in a variety of schemes for the advancement of the social and religious welfare of the community, including the establishment of the Association for the Better Observance of Sunday, the foundation, with Hannah More, of schools at Cheddar, Somersetshire, a project for opening a school in every parish for the religious instruction of children, a plan for the education of the children of the lower classes, a bill for securing better salaries to curates, and a method for disseminating, by government help, Christianity in India.
He also carried through Parliament an important Housing and Town-Planning bill compelling local authorities to provide housing schemes, and obtained parliamentary sanction to an arrangement for the issue by such authorities of housing bonds.
Elaborate schemes applicable to horsebreeding, cattle-breeding and swine-breeding, have been drawn up by the department on the advice of experts, but the working of the schemes is for the most part left to the various county council committees.
The benefits arising from these schemes are being more and more realized by farmers, and the department is able to report an increase in the number of pure bred cattle and horses in Ireland.
Provisions were also made as to the transfer of graduates and students, so that they might occupy under the new regime positions equivalent to those which they occupied previously, in respect both of degrees and the keeping of terms. The commissioners were directed to work out schemes for the employment of officers already employed in the institutions affected by the new arrangements, and for the compensation of those whose employment could not be continued.
There also exist other schemes for joining the Danube with the rivers Neckar and Theiss, and also for connecting the Oder Canal with the Vistula and the Dniester.
By the vehemence of his rhetoric, by the fervour of his grandiose schemes for the remaking of China at the time of the revolution, he captured the imagination of considerable sections of the public, especially in the United States; but his subsequent career failed to justify his own belief in himself as a heaven-sent reformer.
But troubles soon broke out in Greece, Agesilaus was recalled from Asia Minor, and his schemes and successes were rendered fruitless.
Feeling their incapacity they no longer embarked on great political schemes; and the army, the instrument by which such schemes were carried on, was only held together by the force of habit.
Robert the Pious, a crowned monk, resembled his father in eschewing great schemes, whether from timidity or prudence; yet from 996 to 1031 he preserved intact the authority Robert he had inherited from Hugh, despite many domestic dis- the Pious turbances.
Modern in his practical schemes and in his calculated purpose, Philip the Fair was still more so in his method, that of legal procedure, and in his agents, the lawyers.
As early as 1643 Jan Adriaanszoon Leeghwater proposed to endike and drain the lake; and similar schemes, among which those of Nikolaas Samuel Cruquius in 1742 and of Baron van Lijnden van Hemmen in 1820 are worthy of special mention, were brought forward from time to time.
Robespierre, however, found him an obstacle to his religious schemes, and involved him in the fate of the Hebertists.
On a second attempt of the same kind Ambrose was again employed; and although he was unsuccessful, it cannot be doubted that, if his advice had been followed, the schemes of the usurper would have proved abortive; but the enemy was permitted to enter Italy; and Milan was taken.
All three schemes were ratified in 1904 by the Cortes and the French Chambers.
Under his direction many useful public works were carried outroads, bridges and large schemes of drainage.
He was obliged to reconstruct the cabinet several times in order to get rid of troublesome colleagues like General Cassola, who wanted to make, himself a sort of military dictator, and Camacho, whose financial reforms and taxation schemes made him unpopular He had more often to reorganize the government in order to find seats in the cabinet for ambitious and impatient, worthies of the Liberal party-not always with success, as Seor Martos, president of the Congress, and the Democrats almost brought about a political crisis in 1889.
As with Said's project these schemes came to naught.
This subject had been handed over in 18 9 3 to a royal commission, and further discussed by a select committee in 1899 and a departmental committee in 1900, but both of these threw cold water on the schemes laid before them - a result which, galling enough to one who had made so much play with the question in the country, offered welcome material to his opponents for electioneering recrimination, as year by year went by between 1895 and 1900 and nothing resulted from all the confident talk on the subject in which Mr Chamberlain had indulged when out of office.
She supported various schemes of emigration to the colonies; and in Ireland helped to promote the fishing industry by starting schools, and providing boats, besides advancing £250,000 in 1880 for supplying seed to the impoverished tenants.
Yet his dismissal was not really due to his book, but to the influence of Marie Antoinette, whose schemes for benefiting the duc de Guines he had thwarted.
He held aloof, for this very reason, from all Zionist schemes.
The mayor was concerned about the lack of support for light rail schemes.
Increasingly investors are ending up with more exposure to residential property because of commercial property players' growing penchant for mixed-use schemes.
Mr Farr, Watson Wyatt, is an experienced senior actuary for some of the largest pension schemes in the UK.
Such schemes are usually highly advantageous to the staff.
Minor Ailment schemes There are now several successful minor ailment schemes There are now several successful minor ailment schemes around the country.
He often stops the evil schemes of his father without personal animosity.
Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Quality assurance Quality assurance schemes have been in use in early years settings for a number of years.
British farmers and growers producing food bearing the logo are independently inspected under a range of farm assurance schemes.
Veterans taking part in these schemes are also entitled to a veterans ' lapel badge.
There have been changes recently and there are schemes to repopulate areas with this little beastie.
It was frequently used in Victorian carpet bedding schemes.
By 1914, barbed wire was a standard item in the military defense schemes of all the major belligerents of the Great War.
In all the schemes for world brotherhood, permanent international peace, industrial conciliation, the existence of the Devil is ignored.
In highly built-up areas redevelopment schemes may provide opportunities for creating new public open space.
There are funding schemes available to help the freelance cameraman from Skillset.
Particular benefits for forecourts include eletronic e-top-ups, electronic LED pole signs, an integrated codax carwash ticketing sytem and online customer loyalty schemes.
The balance of evidence from the study tends to support a need for a greater commonality between the coding schemes used in different systems.
This could include taking part in existing local authority concessionary schemes.
Track progress of the various satellite constellation schemes by checking for new articles.. .
When do schemes for enhanced redundancy payments become contractual?
The main aim was therefore to produce the first account of the survival and subsequent development of hospital contributory schemes under the NHS.
The National Forest Company is donating 20 (Plant a Tree) schemes to create a carriage drivers copse at Catton Park.
Under the Schemes, measures were introduced in 1994 to help corncrakes.
Waterfront Projects This package of schemes aims to improve the waterway corridor running through Aire Valley.
Other schemes use the service provided by their global custodian.
The disease has a major impact upon smallholder dairy schemes as higher performing exotic animals are highly susceptible.
And those many schemes to finish in this busy summer daze.
Almost everyday we see pension debacles in the press whether government or company pension schemes.
You need to carefully evaluate your communications with others, as they may involve deceit, misunderstandings or underhanded schemes.
There are also various charities dedicated to the needs of carers, some of which run respite schemes or can help with finance.
Soil erosion Soil erosion is reduced where digested sludge from farm slurry digested sludge from farm slurry digester schemes provides a good fertilizer.
Soil erosion Soil erosion is reduced where digested sludge from farm slurry digester schemes provides a good fertilizer.
The use of standard classification schemes will improve resource discovery [40] .
Vivid color schemes and a wide array of options allow players to create incredibly diverse car designs.
This could either be in the form of reducing bills or further schemes to improve the environment.
In particular much previous work has been based on weekly sampling schemes which are inappropriate to the highly episodic nature of the particulate flux.
We actively promote good teaching practice and operate award schemes to reward excellence and innovation in teaching.
The NHS executive aims to introduce pilot schemes in April.
The evidence suggests that decisions on bed numbers in PFI schemes reflect financial expediency rather than clinical judgment.
Assessment of three schemes for stratifying stroke risk in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.
Schemes of Arrangement have been used to bring finality to 69 insurance companies run-offs, of which PricewaterhouseCoopers have been involved with 58.
Most professional bodies have formal CPD schemes in place.
We need to make an effort to start schemes ourselves, and get local authorities actively fostering and encouraging community wind power.
A technology futurist might argue that one of the micropayment schemes from the 1960's is going to be set up real soon now.
Employing standard schemes will also assist in the provision of browsing structures for subject-based information gateways [18] .
We can't put the genie back in the bottle, whereby final salary schemes took on all the risk.
The government currently has no plans to replace existing nuclear generation capacity, nor for large-scale hydro or tidal power schemes.
Some of the schemes do sound a little too idealistic for a first term.
Standby schemes may be to provide from 5% to 100% of the design service illuminance according to circumstances.
However, training levy schemes in which the levy depends upon the wage bill are shown to address capital market imperfections only.
Doorstep recycling schemes, for example, to counter the need for a new household waste incinerator.
The audit of schemes should be considered indicative rather than comprehensive or exhaustive.
Advantages of using classification schemes include improved subject browsing facilities, potential multi-lingual access and improved interoperability with other services.
The effect of finite efficiency for the quantum interrogation is delineated for the various schemes.
Jo Chapman Community Transport Links Funds are being offered by the Countryside Agency toward schemes that could help relieve rural isolation.
What evil schemes will they conduct upon arrival at their mysterious mountain lair?
Schemes that accredit landlords usually require them to submit all of their properties within the boundaries of the scheme for approval.
Should she take laudanum, and end it, to have done with all hopes, schemes, debts, and triumphs?
Then came the great railroad year, 1845, in which every one seemed to have a mania for new schemes.
As employers make up for falling market prices in increased contributions toward their pension schemes, that by extension means less IR takings.
Like a chess master, it watches impassively as schemes are hatched and intentions are thwarted.
Corporate gym membership, pension schemes, private healthcare - these are all instant winners with staff and we can help you get started.
Details of the schemes emerged in a leaked memo last night, causing anger among MPs.
But the long-distance " regional metro " schemes are very different.
The overall design concept and configuration (with various color schemes on the fairing components and front wheel mudguard) deliberately enhances this image.
Some airlines, for example, may choose to take advantage of carbon neutrality schemes being offered by some NGOs.
Such schemes are widespread in the film sector, almost non existent for music.
Such mail usually advertises get-rich-quick schemes, ' health ' products, or websites, sometimes obscene.
The schemes aim to co ordinate, not compete with existing services.
Firstly the history of high-tech government schemes is one of massive cost overruns coupled with equally massive logistical and technical failures.
Employe share ownership schemes themselves can also perhaps be divided into two types.
Dr. Margaret Young has made many experimental pairings, producing some birds of, in her words, " stunning color schemes " .
Between these bookends, as it were, we have the panoply of Elizabethan stanzas, lines, meters, and rhyme schemes.
New irrigation schemes are also in place and new varieties of crops, successfully bred using participatory breeding techniques, are being grown.
Until recently many employers excluded part-timers from occupational pension schemes or offered inferior schemes for part-timers from occupational pension schemes or offered inferior schemes for part-timers.
We are looking forward to working with EDHA and this will hopefully pave the way for similar schemes in area.
Design examples Park and ride schemes -- uses permeable pavements, swales, filter strips and ponds to treat diffuse pollution.
We are in the process of negotiating changes to a number of final salary pension schemes in order to keep them open.
Under proposals in his draft energy strategy, schemes will be expected to include photovoltaics or be designed to incorporate them in the future.
Of the photosynthetic bacteria, three schemes are used for light harvesting pigments.
In addition, they will show the employer how to avoid common legal pitfalls where employe benefit schemes are offered.
Woodland Grant and Farm Woodland Premium Schemes (encouraging planting of new woodland and maintenance of existing woodland ).
Fortrey created an expensive and sumptuous home that was extravagantly decorated with strapwork, magnificent molded plasterwork and detailed paint schemes.
Neighborhood Watch schemes, reporting crime, local police stations... Graffiti Problems with graffiti or damage to property?
It tends to argue the pros and cons of schemes that have for long been agreed to be desirable - LRT.
These new schemes are an important step forward in ensuring that the healthcare professions better reflect the wider population through widening participation.
This puts almost irresistible pressure on markers to use quantitative marking schemes.
The group pensions area is strong with schemes written in previous quarters starting to generate new premium income.
Can we have the patience to trust in long-term fundamental schemes like this instead of expecting to find some magic quick fix?
It seems reasonable to include any quality schemes they use.
It appears reasonable to TPAS that schemes should make some allowance for the fact that they are backdating contributions in some cases many years.
A number of the approved schemes have involved major land reclamation projects.
The decorative schemes have been meticulously researched and missing elements stained glass panels, stencils and soft furnishings painstakingly recreated.
Administration The complex approval process for pension schemes will be replaced by a simplified regime requiring registration only.
Central Government funding available for Local Authority PFI schemes Central Government allocates specific resources for Local Authority PFI projects through the Spending Review.
Age limits for entry to training schemes should not be unnecessarily restrictive to exclude groups of staff.
This does not include membership based on transfer values from other schemes but does include extra membership given on ill health retirement.
Similarly there are poems with complex rhyme schemes, regular rhyme schemes and many different rhythms.
This Strategy includes the publication of guidance and technical documents, the results from pilot river basin management schemes and an information exchange platform.
Initial work on two pilot schemes has already begun and is looking at the application of these methods to rural roads in the county.
Details of schemes around the country can be found on the safer routes to school website.
By contrast, there were some signs of improved job satisfaction under the choice schemes considered in the research.
He sees the subtlety of the devil's schemes.
The guidance is based on industry good practice and is relevant to mentoring schemes in schools, higher education and in industry.
We currently own and manage some Sheltered Housing schemes, usually for older people.
The Act itself governs the operation and promotion of collective investment schemes.
Beta invite signees beware These beta invite schemes are really becoming sleazy.
Road schemes which had been judged essential were only at the early planning stages, with no identified routes.
That is another £ 1.5 billion a year stealth tax imposed when schemes were already on the ropes.
This would provide additional data to feed into the government disease surveillance schemes.
Beside this there are numerous other swindles and get-rich-quick schemes primed and ready to catch the unwary and unwise.
Bonuses can be paid via employe profit sharing schemes, usually tax-free.
Mr Ching could not quantify the indirect cost to council taxpayers of the deferral of other capital schemes.
It can assist in area safety schemes, and deter drivers from using certain routes by altering the signal timings at junctions.
However, due to the problems of running steam traction below ground these schemes never reached fruition.
They can't explain why the slow trickle away from final salary schemes has become a raging torrent.
A team led by partner Jason Coates has been appointed to advise the trustees of TM Retail's two pensions schemes.
This suggests compulsory trustee training, which may not sit easily with the requirement for all schemes to have a member-nominated trustee.
The Government has shown a dramatic turnaround in its attitude toward road schemes.
Some schemes tie the individual to a particular type of employment or specific employer.
These stakeholder schemes are now viewed by most as an almost unmitigated disaster.
For medium head schemes runners are mounted in a spiral casing with internal adjustable guide vanes.
These schemes also accommodate the planting of new hedgerows and the buffering of riparian vegetation.
However such schemes should not prevent the attending veterinarian from preventing suffering in the animals under his care.
The threatened walkouts follow Grampian's decision to end final salary pension schemes for workers at a number of its plants.
There is no great demand from warden schemes for their warden schemes for their wardens to have police powers.
Schemes involving part boxing and part pounding of the catch seems wasteful of space.
These schemes tend to be financially worthwhile only if the institution employs over 60 people.
For some weeks he was concealed in the city and in Wapping; but, finding the schemes for a rising hang fire, he went to Harwich, disguised as a Presbyterian minister, and after a week's delay, during which he was in imminent risk of discovery, if indeed, as is probable, his escape was not winked at by the government, he sailed to Holland on the 28th of November 1682, and reached Amsterdam in the beginning of December.
Meanwhile he had been appointed physician to the elector of Bavaria; but in 1670 he was again in Vienna advising on the establishment of a silk factory and propounding schemes for a great company to trade with the Low Countries and for a canal to unite the Rhine and Danube.
Although Kaufmann was unable to induce his government to support all his ambitious schemes of further conquest, he sent Skobeleff in 1880 and 1881 against the Akhal Tekkes, and was arranging to add Mer y to his annexations when he died suddenly at Tashkend on the 15th of May 1882.
For reasons of health it may be assumed that no system of heating is advisable which does not provide for a constant renewal of the air in the locality warmed, and on this account there is a difficulty in treating as separate matters the subjects of heating and ventilation, which in practical schemes should be considered conjointly.
While occupied with work on committees and in administration he pressed forward several schemes of reform, including a large measure of law reform prepared by a commission presided over by Matthew Hale, and the settlement of the church; but very little was accomplished by the parliament, which seemed to be almost exclusively taken up with the maintenance and increase of its own powers; and Cromwell's dissatisfaction, and that of the army which increased every day, was intensified by the knowledge that the parliament, instead of dissolving for a new election, was seeking to perpetuate its tenure of power.
But such schemes were now obsolete an& anachronistic. They led to a languid lingering Italian campaign, which was settled far beyond the Alps by Philips victories over the French at St Quentin and Gravelines.
Either the fuller or the narrower way of dealing with theism will differ according to the philosophical stand rather the history of many and diverse theistic schemes.
The mystic erratic temperament of Otto, alternating between the most magnificent schemes of empire and the lowest depths of self-debasement, was not conducive to the welfare of his dominions, and during his reign the conditions of Germany deteriorated.
Back again in France by 1800, he boldly published in 1802 his Vrai sens du vote national pour le consulat a vie, in which he exposed the ambitious schemes of Bonaparte.
When it became evident that, under present conditions at least, the navigation of the middle Euphrates was impracticable, attention was turned, owing to the peculiarly advantageous geographical position of its valley, to schemes for connecting the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf by railway as an alternative means of communication with India, and various surveys were made for this purpose and various routes laid out.
Some of the more oppressive measures of the previous reign were abolished; the clergy, the nobles and the merchants were exempted from corporal punishment; the central organs of administration were modernized and the Council of the Empire was created; the idea of granting a constitution was academically discussed; great schemes for educating the people were entertained; parish schools, gymnasia, training colleges and ecclesiastical seminaries were founded; the existing universities of Moscow, Vilna and Dorpat were reorganized and new ones founded in Kazan and Kharkov; the great work of serf-emancipation was begun in the Baltic provinces.
In all these schemes Alexander took a keen personal interest; but his enthusiasm was soon cooled by practical difficulties, and his attention became more and more engrossed by foreign affairs.
Ignatius succeeded, though in Xavier's case after some opposition, in gaining their sympathy for his missionary schemes (see Loyola, Ignatius Of); and they were among the company of seven persons, including Loyola himself, who took the original Jesuit vows on the 15th of August 1534.
He returned to Switzerland in July 1788, cherishing vague schemes of fresh literary activity; but genuine sorrow caused by the death of his friend Deyverdun interfered with steady work, nor was it easy for him to fix on a new subject which should be at once congenial and proportioned to his powers; while the premonitory mutterings of the great thunderstorm of the French Revolution, which reverberated in hollow echoes even through ' An anonymous pamphlet, entitled Observations on the three last volumes of the Roman History, appeared in 1788; Disney's Sermon, with Strictures, in 1790; and Whitaker's Review, in 1791.
Varying chronological schemes may have been current and some weight must be laid upon the remarkable vagueness of the historical information in later writings (see Daniel).
Its purpose was to enable a competent commission, renewable in part each year, to utilize a portion of funds entrusted to it in inquiries on the best methods of furthering the interests of the community, and, when the funds became large enough, to apply their income directly to schemes of betterment.
The advent of the more peaceful and Anglophile tsar, Alexander I., brought about the dissolution of the League, and the abandonment of the oriental schemes which Bonaparte had so closely at heart.
The Orient was, indeed, ever the magnet which attracted him most; and his hostility to England may be attributed to his perception that she alone stood in the way of his most cherished schemes.
Harbour works were begun in 1857, piers and jetties were constructed, dredgers imported, and controversy raged over the various schemes for harbour improvement.
It will be more appropriate here, without giving what would be a needless repetition of considerations, both historical and theoretical, which appear in other articles, to confine ourselves to two general questions, (I) the history of the various schemes of classification, or Morphography, and (2) the consideration of the main tendencies iii the study of zoology since Darwin.
Chronological Systems. - The extreme divergence in the chronological schemes employed by different writers on the history of Babylonia and Assyria has frequently caused no small perplexity to readers who have no special knowledge of the subject.
A comparison of the principal schemes of chronology that have been propounded may be made by means of the preceding table.
At the same time the circumstances of the period, the fact that various schemes of union with Rome were abroad, that the missions of Panzani and later of Conn were gathering into the Church of Rome numbers of members of the Church of England who, like Laud himself, were dissatisfied with the Puritan bias which then characterized it, the incident mentioned by Laud himself of his being twice offered the cardinalate, the movement carried on at the court in favour of Romanism, and the fact that Laud's changes in ritual, however clearly defined and restricted in his own intention, all tended towards Roman practice, fully warranted the suspicions and fears of his contemporaries.
In Alsace-Lorraine German-speaking immigrants are gradually displacing, under 1 Schemes of thinkers, like William Penn's European Parliament (1693); the Abbe St Pierre's elaboration (c. 1700) of Henry IV.'s " grand design " (see supra); Jeremy Bentham's International Tribunal (1786-1789); Kant's Permanent Congress of Nations and Perpetual Peace (1796); John Stuart Mill's Federal Supreme Court; Seeley's, Bluntschli's, David Dudley Field's, Professor Leone Levi's, Sir Edmund Hornby's co-operative schemes for promoting law and order among nations, have all contributed to popularizing in different countries the idea of a federation of mankind for the preservation of peace.
In spite of his vast schemes of reform and the clat of his isinalls Europeanizing innovations, his oriental extravagance led to bankruptcy, and his reign is historically important simply for its compelling European intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt.
Perhaps the good of agriculture came next in his affections to the claims of empire; and he forwarded all promising schemes for its betterment and organization.
With the memory of Tilsit still fresh in men's minds, it was not unnatural that to cynical men of the world like Metternich he merely seemed to be disguising " under the language of evangelical abnegation " vast and perilous schemes of ambition.
In Parliament, during the year of Opposition, he justified the expectations formed of him, but incurred the animosity of his opponents by the vehemence of his denunciation of ministerial schemes.
He at once began to take an independent part in the movements then agitating NewEngland, which between 1830 and 1850 was stirred by discussions pertaining to Unitarianism, transcendentalism, spiritualism, abolitionism and various schemes for communistic living.
His name still remained a spell to conjure with, and the politicians sought to obtain the assistance of his approval for their schemes; but in general his last years were quiet and uneventful.
The excuses and explanations later given by Fremont - military preparations by the Californian authorities, the imminence of their attack, ripening British schemes for the seizure of the province, etc. - made up the stock account of historians until the whole truth came out in 1886 (in Royce's California).
In plain terms he stated his abhorrence of the proposal; he was at a loss to conceive what part of his conduct could have encouraged their address; they could not have found "a person to whom their schemes were more disagreeable"; and he charged them, "if you have any regard for yourself or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of the like nature."
With Gustave Callier, whose funeral in 1863 was made the occasion of a display of clerical intolerance, Laurent had much in common, and the efforts of the society were directed to the continuation of Callier's philanthropic schemes.
Although intimate with Lafayette and others, he took no actual share in their schemes for the overthrow of the government., but in 1827 he joined the association known as Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera.
Only in the highest spheres did all these schemes, crossings, and interminglings appear to be a true reflection of what had to happen.
Impregnable Malta surrenders without a shot; his most reckless schemes are crowned with success.
For example, pyramid selling schemes are highly disapproved of.
The Grants will support 42 schemes, many of which will refurbish existing sites and extend their life.
We have arranged for 49 Radon tests to be installed, and have been consulted on several remediation schemes.
Broadly speaking, with home reversion schemes, the older you are, the more you'll be paid for your property.
Where local road pricing schemes are developed, the views of business, vital to the local economy, must be sought.
Existing ' rotation invariant ' texture classification schemes can fail when the 3D textures are rotated.
We ended the century working on six major regeneration schemes of run-down housing estates acquired from London councils.
The two final salary schemes operated by Reuters were closed to new members in 1999.
He sees the subtlety of the devil 's schemes.
Color schemes Do you drive a blue or green car?
Consistent underspending or slippage on capital schemes may result in the intervention of a nominated Director.
However, despite the welcome investment returns achieved over the past couple of years, the solvency position of many schemes has not improved.
The new millions raised would no doubt be squandered on politically more fashionable schemes.
It also holds the register of all stakeholder pension schemes.
In particular, in collaboration with Dr. Malcolm Sabin, his group has been looking at the analysis of subdivision schemes.
Training grant schemes to subsidize the cost of worker training.
The generic syntax for URLs provides a framework for new schemes to be established using protocols other than those defined in this document.
However, ministers believe recent schemes to teach Gaelic in primary schools could help to arrest the decline.
This data is used in a variety of surface texture classification schemes.
In the winter of 1838-1839, vast torchlight meetings were held; speeches and schemes became more violent and inflammatory.
First, we took the tough decision to prioritize which schemes should get the go ahead.
The scheme was one of the Government 's trailblazer schemes to tackle anti-social behavior and ran from October 2004 to September 2005.
There are 5 first tranche schemes valued at £ 18 million.
The few sculptural or memorial schemes have been deliberately transient in nature.
There will be a two year transition period where both schemes will run concurrently.
Omega also has a powerful concept of input and output filters to allow the user to work with existing transliteration schemes, etc.
They ca n't explain why the slow trickle away from final salary schemes has become a raging torrent.
The design has already led to Levitt Bernstein winning the RIBA Housing Design Award for unbuilt schemes in 2000.
Shared care schemes with GPs were also underdeveloped in some areas.
There are currently two schemes in the UK which provide definitions of verbal descriptors of the nutrient content of foods.
The threatened walkouts follow Grampian 's decision to end final salary pension schemes for workers at a number of its plants.
There is no great demand from warden schemes for their wardens to have police powers.
Abstract Permanent distortion is one of the main drawbacks of all the irreversible watermarking schemes.
Many large construction schemes had fallen to the wayside as a result of diverse policy changes made by successive Governments.
It was afterward claimed that during the Second World War Attlee worked as a restraining influence on some of Churchill 's more wilder schemes.
They include direct employe ownership, workers ' co-operatives and simple profit-sharing schemes.
Detective Digby was determined to thwart the schemes of the malevolent criminal.
Themes and color schemes for baby nurseries are very diverse.
Manufactured by Graco, this product is currently available in two different color schemes.
Instead, pick up a few solid colored blankets that compliment your mobile's color schemes, or follow a similar pattern that isn't too distracting from the rest of the room.
The whimsical characters and vivid color schemes make for a dynamic and stimulating nursery for any new baby and makes for a unique look for a child's room that will last long into the toddler years.
Whatever your reasons for choosing gender neutral themes, any of these unisex decorating schemes should work for boys and girls, from babyhood to toddler age.
The color schemes and designs of HOTmilk nursing bras are extremely varied and compete well with non-nursing styles.
If your home is contemporary in style, and a traditional baby nursery will look out of place amid your other color schemes and furnishings, consider decorating it in a modern style instead.
Modern nurseries often feature color schemes and furniture that can grow with your child, while matching the rest of your home's contemporary décor.
They have over fifty silk ties to choose from in many different color schemes such as orange and green or blue, black, and gray.
Each time you echo a friendly "Here, kitty!" whilst dangling a favorite salmon snack, kitty will remember your insidious schemes and bolt in an inconvenient direction.
Some of the obvious color schemes include blue, white, tan, and green.
If you live in a city, car share or life share schemes may be a good option.
There are many types of car share schemes, from people coming together to share rides through to cooperative groups who own and run vehicles.
These include using public transportation when it is available, using a bicycle for short distances, considering hybrid cars or vehicles that use alternative fuels, and investigating city car share schemes.
City car share and lift share schemes often include the use of special road lanes, that are only available to cars with more than one person in it.
Car share schemes can be formal arrangements where agreements are drawn up for all participating parties or they can be informal schemes that are put into place occasionally.
There are a number of benefits of city car share schemes.
Car share schemes are not without their disadvantages.
Car share schemes, from lift shares to car ownership cooperatives, can be a great solution.
School programs also interact with other community recycling schemes.
Compost that is produced with school garden and kitchen waste, for instance, can be used in community gardening schemes.
Some food takeaway stores run schemes where they will fill reusable food containers.
Research the original color schemes for houses built in this era and use them throughout the home.
The architecture was probably built with these color schemes in mind; using them will highlight the beauty of your home.
Contemporary and eclectic design schemes can also work beautifully in a log cabin or home.
Other commonly seen color schemes of this style utilize warm oranges and reds inspired by terracotta tiles and pottery.
If clean lines and low-key color schemes are more your thing, then look into creating a modern living room.
Instead, have them make major contributions like painting walls, selecting color schemes and fabrics or selecting wall art.
Different color schemes are appropriate for the mood that you wish to inspire.
Monochromatic color schemes work really well with clean furniture and a mix of textures and finishes.
Online bedroom design tools are popular because they help homeowners try different color schemes and furniture placements without any risk.
However, for simple choices, such as color schemes or furniture placement, these tools can be an excellent choice.
Color awakens one's senses in either a pleasant or unpleasant way, and we all feel differently about individual colors, and coordinating groups of colors known as color schemes or palettes.
One of America's most popular decorating schemes, traditional style is rooted in designs that emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries, including Queen Anne style, and furnishings styled after Chippendale and Thomas Sheraton.
Fabrics for traditional design schemes trend towards florals, solids, muted plaids, understated stripes, and tone-on-tone patterns.
A brushed or polished stainless steel will provide a more modern design, while warm bronze or copper tiles combined with classic ceramic tiles and traditional color schemes add timeless style to a bath.
Whether they're tossed on a couch, chair, bed, or even the floor, they add comfort and a sense of hominess to even the most bleak décor schemes.
The design rule of three is a good standard for selecting color schemes.
Often the kitchen is the hub of a home, and it's no surprise that is where most people congregate during parties; for this reason, you must carefully consider different kitchen color schemes.
Choosing bedroom color schemes can be a challenge, but you can easily narrow down your options by evaluating your personal style as well as how much time you spend and the activities you engage in within the space.
Figure out what color schemes fit with your desired style and work from there.
The black and white color scheme is one of the most popular color schemes used in kitchens.
These collections usually include coordinating prints, patterns and color schemes that are designed to be used together.
They feature ideas for classic color schemes, information on furniture styles and window treatments, as well as how to decorate every room in your house in a traditional way.
Popular color schemes included black and white, such as a checkered tile floor, with accents of bold colors such as red, turquoise and pink.
Because they're often dark, it's important to use light and bright color schemes (if it suits your style, of course).
Many color schemes will work with contemporary style including earth tone colors like Churchill Hotel Maple, Autumn Russet and Roasted Coffee.
No matter what your home's style is, create room color schemes that work harmoniously with all the aspects of the design.
Color schemes can often be derived from an overarching theme.
If your home is built in a specific style, such as a Craftsman, you may also find that room color schemes can be derived from the period in which it was built.
Typical color schemes include red, white and blue.
Casual living room interior design schemes involve creating a comfortable place for spending time with family and friends.
Her Spring and Fall 2006 lines, however, brought out more flagrant prints, island-inspired styles, and color schemes like "Winter Sky" and "Banana Pie".
Offering great variety, quality and affordability in one portable package, the company's palettes bring something new and different to makeup collections with their imaginative hues and striking color schemes.
When you use free scrapbooking templates, you don't have to spend huge quantities of time deciding on layout, design and color schemes.
The voice of reason and something of a moral authority, Frylock uses his fries as limbs while trying to protect Meatwad from Shake's wrath, as well as generally smoothing out ill-conceived schemes gone predictably awry.
With his pink straw and two yellow chicken hands, he hatches ill-thought out schemes and malicious attempts to attack his fellow Aqua Teen, Meatwad.
Unfortunately, because Meatwad's not very bright, he endures the wrath and schemes of Shake.
Photographs showcasing the items in use can help trigger exciting new reception decoration schemes or even an entire wedding day theme.
The wedding color schemes you consider not only dictate the color of your wedding reception decorations, flower bouquets, and your bridesmaid dresses, but also set the mood for your entire event.
From the ceremony decorations to the smallest details, wedding color schemes are something to be chosen carefully, as they will be featured throughout the wedding.
Choose a few samples to get an idea of the paper's weight and color schemes.
Instead, they use other wedding color schemes that they may simply like better.
Silver, though not as autumnal as gold and bronze, will still compliment many wedding color schemes.
For outdoor afternoon weddings, keep color schemes soft and simple.
Color schemes should be light, active, floral, and generally inviting, without being garish or too eye-catching.
From simple, easy accents to more elaborate decorative schemes, there are many options for decorating wedding aisles in the fall. actually has a designated fall blend, though there are other color blends available to match a myriad of fall wedding color schemes.
Since they fit so well with the inherent theme of all weddings, it's also easy to customize heart-shaped cakes to fit other themes and correspond to set color schemes.
Some are very colorful while others have a monochromatic color schemes.
When buying elegant shower curtains to add to the ambiance of your bathroom, you'll find a wide variety of color schemes available.
Though many styles and even color schemes come and go, one look that never seems to wane in popularity is the animal print.
These non-traditional color schemes are also a popular choice in camo clothing.
Color schemes include red/navy, white/navy, and white/black.
One and two piece snowsuits make up the toddler selection, with several different color schemes ensuring a nice suit for both little boys and little girls.
Bright colors, light colors, crinoline, wide skirts and generally happy schemes and designs make a birthday dress distinct from holiday dresses or afternoon formal dresses.
Several ships' color schemes are coordinated with their itineraries, such as the tropical touches for the Pride of Aloha's Hawaiian cruises.
Tattoos range from "blackwork," large areas of heavy black ink in designs, to fine details and elaborate color schemes including fluorescent inks.
Here are a few design schemes to consider when contemplating basement remodeling ideas.
They may provide inspiration, but don't directly copy any color schemes in your immediate context.
Metal awnings don't offer a wide variety of color schemes, and odd-sized window customizations can increase the cost of manufacturing the awnings substantially.
It's available with multiple color schemes featuring yellow, red, gray, or green.
Animal prints often pop up in unusual color schemes, too (like pink and black leopard prints).
Other color schemes include Midnight Black/Navy Gradient and Shiny Black/Smoke Gray Polarized.
If you visit the Cartier website you can catch a glimpse of their breathtaking beauty and unique yet sophisticated color schemes.
Not all stores will have both color schemes in stock.
They're available in the same two color schemes and would make even Paris and Mary-Kate proud.
If you enjoyed the Drop Ship video game for the PS2 because its intense realism, variety of missions, and fun control schemes, then you may want to check out some of these other flight simulator games.
Other PSX cheat devices actually allow cheaters to bypass the PlayStation's copy protection schemes and browse the contents of the game CDs in the comfort of their living rooms.
Perhaps the biggest change is the introduction of new optional control schemes.
Aside from the ability to play online via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, perhaps the most notable feature of this Wii Mario Kart game is the opportunity to use one of four different control schemes.
The other three control schemes involve the Classic Controller, the GameCube controller, and the combination of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk attachment.
Unfortunately many of them are packed with advertisements, confusing navigation schemes, hidden charges or otherwise sketchy agreements.
As such, certain cell phone themes also come with preset color schemes.
It includes three control schemes, kart color changing, and ghost races.
Sandra Butler is an expert when it comes to shaping, moisturizing, and maintaining black hair as well as incorporating new and ingenious color schemes.
Many of these hair schemes will involve ample relaxing and curling techniques; therefore, before or after your hair is treated, be sure to inquire about hair maintenance products that will prevent your locks from drying out.
Finally, realize that some free job websites (free to employers) may also include spam, illegal programs and multi level marketing schemes; there is no guarantee the positions are all legitimate on these websites especially.
It is important to know the difference between a direct sales business where you sell items to individuals and memberships to the company and pyramid schemes.
In pyramid schemes, the profit is in signing up others to recruit others rather than to sell the products.
People considering a career as a mortgage broker should not simply enroll in the first online class they find; the classes should provide real training and not merely be get rich quick schemes.
Mystery shopping for companies, but be wary of schemes that require you to pay them before they hire you.
With tankinis and bikinis, you can mix and match the pieces for different looks and color schemes.
Puglee is a brainy creature that gets all A's no matter how hard she schemes to do worse in school.
With six sets, you can pick the color schemes you enjoy most.
Color schemes also change as trends evolve and wane.
Other types of unusual candles are ones that use slightly different color schemes, for instance black and white, or 'everlasting candles' that won't blow out.
This means that a flameless candle can be chosen to match many different home décor styles or color schemes.
Floral scented candles typically do well with color schemes that match the color of the flower itself and bakery scented items can include colors that represent the food ingredients.
You can add them to most decorating schemes easily and dress them up with a touch of color or artificial flowers.
This is a great way to try on different themes and color schemes for your Christmas tree if you haven't already decided on those things.
Stage the scene all in silver and white or other modern color schemes, and create props that look more like modern art than ancient Bethlehem.
These emails take advantage of general naiveté of the public as well as their need for get rich schemes.