Scenes Sentence Examples
I can think of a thousand scenes and places in history I'd visit!
Could Howie really see scenes from the past?
The whole effect of the grim castle, the silvery stream and the verdant woods makes one of the most striking scenes in Belgium.
The portal has curious sculptures with scenes from the life of SS.
A'Ran sat at the battle planner and watched the scenes before him.
Riotous scenes occurred both in Sydney and on the coal-fields, and a large number of special constables were sworn in by the government.
Various squareslare set apart for markets, and here are to be witnessed scenes of the greatest animation.
The new comedy of Greece was probably limited for the most part to scenes written in the metres of dialogue; it remained for Plautus, as Leo has shown, to enliven his plays with cantica modelled on the contemporary lyric verse of Greece or Magna Graecia, which was in its turn a development of the dramatic lyrics of Euripides.
After a series of scenes and scuffles the bill was promulgated by royal decree, the decree being postdated to allow time for the third reading.
Then the Turin gas men struck, and a general sympathy strike broke out in that city in consequence, which resulted in scenes of violence, lasting two days.
AdvertisementThey became orgiastic in character and scenes of drunkenness, cf.
He didn't want to know what Tim did behind the scenes.
Rhyn stared at the scenes playing out in Death's outstretched hands. His heart grew heavy as he watched demons kill humans by the hundreds. The promise he'd made to keep Katie happy made him feel sick, and duty would never fill the hollow part of him that would remain during a lifetime without his mate.
Conflicts occurred between the strikers and the independent laborers and the police; the trouble spread to the city of Parma, where violent scenes occurred when the labor exchange was occupied by the troops, and many soldiers and policemen, whose behaviour as usual was exemplary throughout, were seriously wounded.
In the quiet of a country town, far removed from actual contact with painful scenes, but on the edge of the whirlwind raised by the Fugitive Slave Bill, memory and imagination had full scope, and she wrote for serial publication in The National Era, an anti-slavery paper of Washington, D.C., the story of "Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life among the Lowly."
AdvertisementEvidence of the intense interest taken by American visitors in Stratford is seen in the memorial fountain and clock-tower presented in 1887, and in a window in the church illustrating scenes from the Incarnation and containing figures from English and American history.
He continued behind the scenes to play a powerful part in forming North-country opinion until his death on the 18th of February 1900.
And the Moslem came on the scenes bringing, as a gift for Christendom, fuller knowledge of classical, especially Aristotelian, texts.
A situation - hazardous in spite of its comic substratum - between Thaumasta and the pretended Parthenophil is conducted, as Gifford points out, with real delicacy; but the comic scenes are merely stagy, notwithstanding, or by reason of, the effort expended on them by the author.
Supposing Dekker to be chiefly responsible for the scenes dealing with the unfortunate old woman whom persecution as a witch actually drives to become one, and Ford for the domestic tragedy of the bigamist murderer, it cannot be denied that both divisions of the subject are effectively treated, while the more important part of the task fell to the share of Ford.
AdvertisementHe could only use the eye which remained to him for brief and intermittent periods, and as travelling affected his sight prejudicially he could not anticipate any personal research amongst unpublished records and historic scenes.
The mosaics of the choir (547) are due to Justinian, and, though inferior in style, are remarkable for their splendour of colouring and the gorgeous dresses of the persons represented, and also for their historical interest, especially the scenes representing the emperor and the empress Theodora presenting offerings.
On the faces of the buttresses below the statues are marble alto-reliefs illustrating scenes from the early history of the Pilgrims. On high panels between the buttresses are the names of the passengers of the "Mayflower."
The subjects are scenes from the Old and New Testaments, and the Last Judgment, with Heaven and Hell.
When the narratives describe the life of the young David at the court of the first king of the northern kingdom, when the scenes cover the district which he took with the sword, and when the brave Saul is represented in an unfavourable light, one must allow for the popular tendency to idealize great figures, and for the Judaean origin of the compilation.
AdvertisementLate Minoan art in its finest aspect is best illustrated by the animated ivory figures, wall paintings, and gesso duro reliefs at Cnossus, by the painted stucco designs at Hagia Triada, and the steatite vases found on the same site with zones in reliefs exhibiting life-like scenes of warriors, toreadors, gladiators, wrestlers and pugilists, and of a festal throng perhaps representing a kind of " harvest home."
Complete scenes of worship in which libations are poured before the Sacred Axes are, moreover, given on a fine painted sarcophagus found at Hagia Triada.
The ceiling of that of Orchomenos, and the painted vases and gold cups from the Vaphio tomb by Sparta, with their marvellous reliefs showing scenes of bull-hunting, represent the late palace style at Cnossus in its final development.
Here was what seems to have been the basement of a very large hall or " Megaron," approached directly from the central court, and near this were found further reliefs, fresco representations of scenes of the bull-ring with female as well as male toreadors, and remains of a magnificent gaming-board of gold-plated ivory with intarsia work of crystal plaques set on silver plates and blue enamel (cyanus).
A tall funnel-shaped vase of this class, of which a considerable part has been preserved, is divided into zones showing bull-hunting scenes, wrestlers and pugilists in gladiatorial costume, the whole executed in a most masterly manner.
The chest is of limestone coated with stucco, adorned with life-like paintings of offertory scenes in connexion with the sacred Double Axes of Minoan cult.
To this wave were owed in all probability the Nilotic scenes depicted on the Mycenae daggers, on frescoes of Hagia Triada and Cnossus, on pottery of Zakro, on the shell-relief of Phaestus, &c.; and also many forms and fabrics, e.g.
A list of its birds, with some notes, bibliographical and biological, has been given as an Appendix to Baring-Gould's Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas (8vo, 1862); and Shepherd's North-west Peninsula of Iceland (8vo, 1867) recounts a somewhat profitless expedition made thither expressly for ornithological objects.
He found time, in addition, to write a short book on Die Serbische Revolution (1829), from material supplied to him by Wuk Stephanowich, a Servian who had himself been witness of the scenes he related.
He embellished the walls and pylons of his court with scenes from his victories over Hittites and Syrians, and placed a number of colossal statues within it.
A few scenes and inscriptions were added by later kings, but the above is practically the history of the temple until Alexander the Great rebuilt the sanctuary itself.
The sacred barks of the divinities preserved in the sanctuary of Karnak were then conveyed in procession by water to Luxor and back again; a representation of the festal scenes is given on the walls of the great colonnade.
But Gallatin had come home to new scenes and new actors, and he did not fully appreciate the situation.
Especially noteworthy are the stelae (reliefs) representing scenes of leave-taking, which, though often of simple workmanship, are characterized by a touching dignity and restraint of feeling.
The mature Wagner would not have carried out twenty bars in his flattest scenes with so little musical invention.
But this vandalism, which Wagner condoned with a very bad grace, now happily begins to give way to the practice of presenting long scenes or entire acts, with the singers, on the concert-platform.
Das Rheingold, prologue in 4 scenes to Der Ring des Nibelungen; ein Buhnenfestspiel (poem written last of the series, which was begun in 1848 and finished in 1851-1852; music, 1853 - 1854).
But it must remain possible that contact with new scenes and persons, and especially such controversial necessities as are exemplified in Colossians, stimulated Paul to work out more fully, under the influence of Alexandrian categories, lines of thought of which the germs and origins must be admitted to have been present in earlier epistles.
Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfort and the industrial centres on the Rhine were the chief scenes of his activity.
The surrounding country presents many scenes of beauty.
In the meantime Ibrahim Miyan was assassinated; and after various other scenes of anarchy, the rao Bharmulji, son of Rao Rayadan, by general consent, assumed the chief power.
The weekly Saturday market is well attended, and affords interesting scenes of modern Welsh agricultural life.
The relief is in some instances enclosed in a frame of figures and scenes in relief.
The Mithras legend has been lost, and can be reconstructed only from the scenes on the above described relief.
These scenes were repeated in Pernambuco, where the Portuguese, after various conflicts, were obliged to leave the country; in Bahia, however, as well as in Maranhao and Para, the Portuguese prevailed.
The picture gallery is associated with the festive scenes that occurred during the short residence of Prince Charles in 1745; and in it the election of representative peers for Scotland takes place.
But the finest portions beneath the domes, with scenes from the history of Abraham, Moses and Elijah, are by Domenico Beccafumi and are executed with marvellous boldness and effect.
Here are Pinturicchio's famous frescoes of scenes from the life of the latter pontiff, and the collection of choir books (supported on sculptured desks) with splendid illuminations by Sienese and other artists.
Another hall, the Sala di Balia, has frescoes by Spinello Aretino (1408) with scenes from the life of Pope Alexander III., while yet another has been painted by local artists with episodes in recent Italian history.
The characters are well drawn and the dialogue full of comic strength, the scenes knit together and the plot skilfully worked out.
This speech was public evidence of what was known to be going on behind the scenes.
It is often difficult to obtain quite accurate or even adequate reproductions of scenes and subjects, and, when this is done, it is obviously necessary to refrain from treating the work of the old artists and sculptors as equivalent to photographic representations.
The latter is the more probable motive, and we recognize in this the first instance of that impulse to visit the scenes familiar to them through literature which afterwards acted on many of the great writers of Rome.
Plautus, though, like Terence, he takes the first sketch of his plots, scenes and characters, from the Attic stage, is yet a true representative of his time, a genuine Italian, writing before the genius of Italy had learned the restraints of Greek art.
He does not seek in that poem to draw Italian peasants from the life, but to bring back the shepherds of Theocritus on Italian scenes.
The chief charge which his detractor brings against him is that of contaminatio, the combining in one play of scenes out of different Greek plays.
Scenes of remarkable activity may be witnessed here and at Billingsgate in the early hours of the morning when the stock is brought in and the wholesale distributions are carried on.
Battles and scenes of destruction are so fully described in other instances that one must believe that when nothing is related nothing special occurred.
Ten years after this, one of the most famous scenes in the streets of London occurred, when Edward the Black Prince brought the French King John and other prisoners after the battle of Poitiers to England.
Ben Jonson places one of the scenes of Every Man in his Humour in Moorfields, which at the time he wrote the play had, as stated above, lately been drained and laid out in walks.
Night after night during the intervening ten days the landing places at Anzac and Suvla were scenes of unceasing activity.
They are the broken bases of drinking vessels containing inscriptions, emblems, domestic scenes and portraits etched in gold leaf.
Some of the later specimens have views of cities, battle scenes and processions painted in grisaille.
Owing to theAfashion of Dutch and Flemish painters introducing glass vases and drinking-glasses into their paintings of still life, interiors and scenes of conviviality, Holland and Belgium at the present day possess more accurate records of the products of their ancient glass factories than any other countries.
The district contains several old hill forts, the scenes of many engagements during the Mahratta wars.
In the sculptures of the Cornmagene and the Tyana districts, the nose has a long curving tip, of very Jewish appearance, but not unlike the outline given to Kheta warriors in Egyptian scenes.
The subjects depicted are processions of figures, human and divine (Yasili Kaya, Euyuk, Giaur Kalessi); scenes of sacrifice or adoration, or other cult-practice (Yasili Kaya, Euyuk, Fraktin, Ivriz, and perhaps the figures seated beside tables at Marash Sakchegeuzu, Sinjerli, &c.); of the chase (Arslan Tepe, Sakchegeuzu); but not, as known at present, of battle.
These demonstrations were of two kinds, one nocturnal, showing the moon and bright stars, the other diurnal, for day scenes.
These reliefs represent both sacred subjects and scenes of war and hunting, mixed with grotesque monsters, such as specially delighted the rude, vigorous nature of the Lombards; they are all richly decorative in effect, though strange and unskilful in detail.
Parts of these doors are covered with bronze reliefs of scenes from the Bible, which are of still earlier date, and were probably brought to Verona from the Rhine provinces.
The style was applied only to the representations of sacred personages and scenes, and as the traditional forms and attributes of the Brahmanic and Buddhist divinities were mutable only within narrow limits, the subjects seldom afforded scope for originality of design or observation of nature.
The subjects also now include a new series of landscapes and views drawn as seen by the designers, and not reproductions of the work of other men; and also sketches of scenes and characters of every-day life and of the folk-lore in which Japan is so rich.
A military mutiny at Rastatt on the r r th of May showed that the army sympathized with the revolution, which was proclaimed two days later at Offenburg amid tumultuous scenes.
They are the presentment of all his ideas and scenes in the plainest and most direct language, the frequent employ ment of colloquial forms of speech, the constant insertion of little material details and illustrations, often of a more or less digressive form, and, in his historico-fictitious works, as well as in his novels, the most rigid attention to vivacity and consistency of character.
And, though he cannot unroll before us the page of heroic action with the power and majesty of Homer, yet by the sympathy with which he realizes the idea of Rome, and by the power with which he has used the details of tradition, of local scenes, of religious usage, to embody it, he has built up in the form of an epic poem the most enduring and the most artistically constructed monument of national grandeur.
In fact, some Oriental scenes and descriptions of incidents were corroborated by a letter from India which arrived just after the experiment; and the same thing happened when the events described were occurring in places less remote.
He published Garibaldi and the Making of Italy (1911); Life of John Bright (1913); Clio, a Muse, and other Essays (1913); Scenes from Italy's War (1919).
The etiquette of the imperial circle, scenes from the law-courts and the recitationroom, the reunions of dilettanti and philosophers, the busy life of the capital or of the municipal town, the recreations of the seaside and of the country - all these he brings vividly before our eyes.
Having completed his education, he spent some time in travelling, chiefly in the south of Europe, and visited Paris, where he was an eye-witness of some of the last scenes of the Revolution.
But literary criticism is merged in admiration of the wit, the humour, the vivacity, the satire of a piece which brings before us the old life of Florence in a succession of brilliant scenes.
Bethmann Hollweg, Lord Haldane thought, was willing to entertain the British suggestions; it was Tirpitz who behind the scenes offered a most strenuous opposition to any restrictions.
Inside and out, the whole of the temple is covered with scenes and inscriptions in crowded characters, of ceremonial and religious import; the decoration is even carried into a remarkable series of hidden passages and chambers or crypts made in the solid walls for the reception of its most valuable treasures.
The mixture of races among the inhabitants, especially the presence of numerous Malays, who on all festive occasions appear in gorgeous raiment, gives additional animation and colour to the street scenes.
They contain a rich abundance of fruit trees, especially vines, oranges, lemons and figs, and in some parts present scenes of almost Alpine grandeur.
The scenes of the recurrent wars were mostly distant from Massachusetts proper, either in Maine or on Canadian or Acadian territory, although some savage inroads of the Indians were now and then made on the exposed frontier towns, as, for instance, upon Deerfield in 1704 and upon Haverhill in 1708.
He belongs distinctly to the romantic school; his forte is vivid and picturesque description, the lively presentation of scenes and actions, characters and states of society, not the subtle analysis of motives, the power of detecting the undercurrents or the generalizing faculty.
His connexion with Ludendorff led to his becoming an influence behind the scenes in German politics, and, after the revolution, to his entering the Reichstag, as well as to his debut as a newspaper proprietor on a grand scale.
Herzl, however, succeeded in assembling several congresses at Basel (beginning in 1897), and at these congresses were enacted remarkable scenes of enthusiasm for the cause and devotion to its leader.
Many of the towns were the scenes of encounters between the Boers and British, March 1900-May 1902.
Three steps led down to the floor of the font, and over it was suspended a gold or silver dove; while on the walls were commonly pictures of the scenes in the life of John the Baptist.
Francesco contains famous frescoes by Piero de' Franceschi, representing scenes from the legend of the Holy Cross, and others by Spinello Aretino, a pupil of Giotto.
Savinus with reliefs showing scenes from his life, of fine and fresh execution, by Benedetto da Maiano; and later tombs by P. Bariloto, a local sculptor.
One by one they fell, and everywhere were repeated the same scenes of butchery.
In spite of one or two stirring scenes it is a tedious book, and its personages are little more than machines for the enunciation of the author's opinions and sentiments.
Every consideration was shown to the Imperial troops and the Imperial civil authorities, who were allowed to vacate their posts without being subjected to force, and the universal rejoicings of a liberated people were happily marred by no scenes of violence.
He also executed a translation of the Psalms. He wrote a play - a piece of one act, with twelve scenes - The Despatch of the Greek Ambassadors.
Although they are imitated from classical writers, he has introduced many scenes of national life, which he describes with much vigour.
The existence of this degraded class up to the Exile throws considerable light upon the phraseology of the prophets in referring to idolatry as adultery and the scenes connected with it as prostitution.
Its exterior is adorned with statues and busts of Connecticut statesmen and carvings of scenes in the history of the state.
Thomas ordered his lieutenant to retire on Nashville, Hood following him up, impressing recruits, transports and supplies, and generally repeating the scenes of Bragg's march of 1862.
For the future avoidance of any such scenes a cunning workman of Cornwall offered to make a table which should seat 1600 knights and more, and at which all should be equal.
The frescoes in the choir, with scenes from the life of St John the Baptist and St Stephen, are by Fra Filippo Lippi (1456-1466) and are his best work; the dance of Salome and the lying in state of St Stephen are the finest of the series.
Strahan (Smith's publisher) in which he gave an account of the closing scenes of his friend's life and expressed warm admiration for his character.
Gods are represented with their appropriate attributes - the fire-god hurling his spear, the moon-goddess with a shell, &c.; the scenes of human life are pictures of warriors fighting with club and spear, men paddling in canoes, women spinning and weaving, &c. An important step towards phonetic writing appears in the picture-names of places and persons.
Marti's book is clever, but the circumstances in which it was produced account for its cold reception and afford presumption that the best scenes are not original.
The subjects in the nave begin with scenes from the Book of Genesis, illustrating the Old Testament types of Christ and His scheme of redemption, with figures of those who prophesied and prepared for His coming.
These Simple And Earnest Scenes De La Vie Reelle Are An Appealing Revelation Of That Eternal Secret Of The Soil Which Every People.; Wishing To Have A Country Of Its Own Must Early Lay To Heart;' And Jean Rivard, Le Defricheur, Will Always Remain The Eponym Of The New Colons Of The 19Th Century.
There he remained for eighteen months, but shortly after his return to England he accompanied Groves and other friends on a private missionary enterprise to Bagdad, where he obtained personal knowledge of Oriental life and habits which he afterwards applied with tact and skill in the illustration of biblical scenes and incidents.
When, then, Paul proposed, after the Jerusalem council of Acts xv., to revisit with Barnabas the scenes of their joint labours, he naturally demurred to taking Mark with them again, feeling that he could not be relied on should fresh openings demand a new policy.
To the east of this is a large space, now open, but once very possibly roofed, and forming a basilica in two storeys, built against the rock on the north side, and there decorated with pilasters also; and to the east again is an apsidal hall, often identified with the temple itself, in which the famous mosaic with scenes from the Nile, now in the Palazzo Barberini on the uppermost terrace, was found.
The peplus was a costly, saffron-coloured garment, embroidered with scenes from the battle between the gods and giants, in which Athena had taken part.
Peter"; at least one case in which a beautiful Roman matron appealed, not in vain, to the better feelings of the Gothic soldier who attempted her dishonour; but even these exceptional instances show that Rome was not entirely spared those scenes of horror which usually accompany the storming of a besieged city.
It is to them rather than to the sylvan scenes of the Ardennes that travellers and tourists flock.
The intelligence of these events in the capital soon spread through the provinces; and in most of the large towns similar scenes were enacted, beginning with plunderings and outrages, followed by the institution of burgher guards for the maintenance of peace.
Of his many works the most important are his chronicles of the four kings of Castile during whose reigns he lived; they give a generally accurate account of scenes and events, most of which he had witnessed; he also wrote a long satirical and didactic poem, interesting as a picture of his personal experiences and of contemporary morality.
Northward and far back in the foot-hills is the Ptolemaic temple of Deir el Medina, and beyond under the cliffs of Deir el Bahri the terrace temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the walls of which are adorned with scenes from her expedition to Puoni (Somaliland) in search of incense trees, and many other subjects.
They are decorated with religious scenes and texts, especially those which describe the passage of the sun through the underworld.
Immediately to the south and west of Kandahar is a stretch of well-irrigated and highly cultivated country, but the valley of the Arghandab is the most fertile in the district, and, from the luxuriant abundance of its orchards and vineyards, offers the most striking scenes of landscape beauty.
But though about this time he had got ready all or most of the materials for his fundamental work on Body, not even now was he able to make way with its composition, 1 The book, of which the copies are rare (one in Dr Williams's library in London and one in the Bodleian), was printed in quarto size (Paris, 1642), with a pictorial title-page (not afterwards reproduced) of scenes and figures illustrating its three divisions, " Libertas," " Imperium," " Religio."
Brandishing a huge knife, with which he wounded Colonel Rathbone who attempted to hold him, the assassin rushed through the stage-box to the front and leaped down upon the stage, escaping behind the scenes and from the rear of the building, but was pursued, and twelve days afterwards shot in a barn where he had concealed himself.
The exact scenes of these conflicts are not known, although the date of the second encounter was the ISth of March 933; but few more important battles have ever been fought.
And his style has an additional charm for modern readers, because it is employed in describing scenes from the everyday life of Athens.'
Opposite is the Palazzo Faraggiana, with scenes from the life of Columbus in relief on its marble pediment.
When, therefore, the government at the end of 1897 introduced the necessary measures for prolonging the existing arrangements provisionally till the differences with Hungary had been settled, scenes of great disorder ensued, and at the end of the year the financial arrangements had not been prolonged, and neither the bank charter nor the Customs Union had been renewed.
The emperor insisted that the Reichsrath should again be summoned to pass the necessary measures for the agreement with Hungary; scenes then took place which have no parallel in parliamentary history.
On the 24th of November the scenes of disturbance were renewed.
They were able for the first time to procure the election of one of their party in the Austrian Delegation, and threatened to introduce into the Assembly scenes of disorder similar to those which they had made common in the Reichsrath.
The desire not to disturb the emperor's Diamond Jubilee year by untoward scenes doubtless contributed to calm political passion, and it was celebrated in 1908 with complete success.
A gross case of insult offered by a Frenchman to a Sicilian woman led to the massacre at Palermo, and the like scenes followed elsewhere.
But fired by enthusiasm for the Greek revolution and by Byron's example, he was no sooner qualified and admitted to practice than he abandoned these prospects and took ship for Greece, where he joined the army and spent six years of hardship amid scenes of warfare.
The princess wrote Aventures de la tour de Perse, in which, under the veil of fictitious scenes and names, she tells the history of her own time.
In 1827 a combined expedition led by Champollion and Rosellini was despatched by the governments of France and Tuscany, and accomplished a great deal of valuable work in copying scenes and inscriptions.
As to manners and customs, although we possess no systematic descriptions of them from a native source-, the native artists and scribes have presented us with exceptionally rich materials in the painted and sculptured scenes of the tombs from the Old and Middle Kingdoms and the New Empire.
For the Deltaic dynasties these sources fail absolutely, the scenes being then either purely religious or conventional imitations of the earlier ones.
Arms and ArmourFrom the contents of graves and other remains, and the sculptured and painted scenes, an approximate idea can be obtained of the weapons of the Egyptians at all periods from the prehistoric age onwards.
The wooden club, a somewhat primitive weapon, seems to have been considered characteristic of foreigners from very early times, and, in scenes dating from the Middle Kingdom, belong principally to the levies from the surrounding barbarians.
Lofty enclosure walls, Temples adorned with scenes from the victorious campaigns of the Pharaoh, shut off the sacred buildings from the surrounding streets.
It became the theory that the temples were the gifts of the Pharaoh to his fathers the gods, and therefore in the scenes of the cult that adorn the inner walls it is always he who is depicted as performing the ceremonies.
Copper daggers with parallel ribbing (61) down the middle are common in the XIth-XIVth Dynasties; and in the XVIIIth-XXth Dynasties they are often shown in scenes and on figures.
Other carving full of detail is on the great mace-heads of Narmer and the Scorpion king, where scenes of ceremonials are minutely engraved in relief.
The supposed figures of glass-blowers in early scenes are really those of smiths, blowing their fires by means of reeds tipped with clay.
The erasures of her name by Tethmosis III., and reinsertions of names under later kings, the military scenes, and the religious groups showing the sacred kine of Hathor, all add to the interest of the remarkable temple.
She completed and decorated the temple of Deir el Bahri, embellishing its walls with scenes calculated to establish her claims, representing her divine origin and upbringing under the protection of Ammon, and her association on the throne by her human father.
His palace was at Medinet Habu on the west bank of Thebes in the south quarter; and here he built a great temple to Ammon, adorned with scenes from his victories and richly provided with divine offerings.
Abbs was killed by the Franks near Ascalon, his son sent in a cage to Cairo where he was executed, while lJsmah escaped to Damascus, The infant Fgiz, who had been permanently incapacitated by the scenes of violence which accompanied his accession, died in i16o.
Six miles to the south is the large Benedictine monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, founded in 1320, famous for the frescoes by Luca Signorelli (1497-1498) and Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma (1505), in the cloister, illustrating scenes from the legend of St Benedict; the latter master's work is perhaps nowhere better represented than here.
Christian Hviid Bredahl (1784-1860) produced six volumes of Dramatic Scenes' (1819-1833) which, in spite of their many brilliant qualities, were little appreciated at the time.
But to these were quickly added subjects of allegory, of classical learning, of witchcraft and superstition and of daily life; scenes of the parlour and the cloister, of the shop, the field, the market and the camp; and lastly portraits of famous men, with scenes of court life and princely pageant and ceremony.
Sculptures representing Jesus among the Doctors and other scenes are also in the church.
The subjects are, between two panthers, a central group of a gigantic Medusa with her two diminutive children, Pegasus and Chrysaor, and corner groups of apparently unconnected battle scenes.
Of these scenes there are seventy-two, beginning with Harold's visit to Bosham on his way to Normandy, and ending with the flight of the English from the battle of Hastings, though the actual end of the strip has perished.
Hunting scenes are frequently represented in ancient works of art, especially the boar-hunt, and also that of the hare.
The partiality for the chase which the ancient Egyptians manifested was shared by the Assyrians and Babylonians, as is shown by the frequency with which hunting scenes are depicted on the walls of their temples and palaces; it is even said that their 1 See on this whole subject ch.
Nor did she neglect the scenes of patriarchal history.
Amongst all the people it is believed that the spirits of the dead are able to revisit the scenes of their earthly life.
We now come to the final scenes.
But by way of incident he has almost nothing to add till we come to the closing scenes.
In the Resurrection scenes he also gives incidents in which he has, played a part; and the appearances of the risen Lord are not confined either to Jerusalem or to Galilee, but occur in both localities.
With these wonderful scenes, the most intensely tragic in all German literature, Goethe's poetry in this period reaches its climax.
With the aid of the vast body of Faust literature which has sprung up in recent years, and the many new documents bearing on its history above all, the so-called Urfaust, to which reference has already been made - we are able now to ascribe to their various periods the component parts of the work; it is possible to discriminate between the Sturm and Drang hero of the opening scenes and of the Gretchen tragedy - the contemporary of Gotz and Clavigo and the superimposed Faust of calmer moral and intellectual ideals - a Faust who corresponds to Hermann and Wilhelm Meister.
For, as an interpreter of human character in the drama, Goethe is without a rival among modern poets, and there is not one of his plays that does not contain a few scenes or characters which bear indisputable testimony to his mastery.
He was an eye-witness on more than one occasion of the folly and excesses of the French Revolution; and these scenes not only increased his love for his church, but strongly impressed him with that dread of anarchy, of popular movements ending in bloodshed, and of communistic and socialistic views which characterized him in after life.
It may be questioned whether O'Connell was not rather led than a leader in this; the movement, at least, passed beyond his control, and the country for many months was terrorized by scenes of appalling crime and bloodshed.
At the end of 1845 they returned home, and the results of the expedition, consisting of casts, drawings and squeezes of inscriptions and scenes, maps and plans collected with the utmost thoroughness, as well as antiquities and papyri, far surpassed expectations.
The interior has been modernized; there is a fine relief by Matteo da Campione in the organ-loft, representing the coronation of a king, and some 15th-century frescoes with scenes from the life of Theodelinda.
At the present time the Dutch flag flies nowhere on the mainland of India, though the quaint houses and regular canals at Chinsura, Negapatam, Jaffna, and many petty ports on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts remind the traveller of familiar scenes in the Netherlands.
The value of the letters lies in the fact that in them we get behind Cicero and are face to face with the other dramatis personae; also that we are admitted behind the scenes and read the secret history of the times.
Almost the same scenes followed the laying off of Laramie in April 1868, when 400 lots were sold during the first week and 500 habitations were erected within a fortnight.
As is common throughout Malayan lands, the trade of North Borneo is largely in the hands of Chinese shopkeepers who send their agents inland to attend the Tamus (Malay, temu, to meet) or fairs, which are the recognized scenes of barter between the natives of the interior and those of the coast.
Giotto and others, the most famous of which are those over the high altar by Giotto, illustrating the vows of the Franciscan order; while the upper church has frescoes representing scenes from the life of St Francis (probably by Giotto and his contemporaries) on the lower portion of the walls of the nave, and scenes from Old and New Testament history by pupils of Cimabue on the upper.
Pownall, a distant kinsman, who attempts to prove that Pownall was the "author behind the scenes" of the "Letters of Junius" and "that Francis was his subordinate."
The first book, for instance, consists of a lay on the anger of Achilles (1-347), and two continuations, the return of Chryseis (430-492) and the scenes in Olympus (348-429, 493611).
In the third book the scenes in which Helen and Priam take part (including the making of the truce) are pronounced to be interpolations; and so on.
The king's habit of mingling with the peasantry secured for him a large amount of popularity, and probably led many to ascribe to him the authorship of poems describing scenes in peasant life, Christis Kirk on the Grene, The Gaberlunzie Man and The Jolly Beggar.
The most ancient of these, it is now agreed, is the fragmentary copy of the Iliad, on vellum, in the Ambrosian Library of Milan, which consists of cuttings of the coloured drawings with which the volume was adorned in illustration of the various scenes of the In 1897 Illorin was occupied by the forces of the Royal Niger Company, and the emir placed himself "entirely under the protection and power of the company."
To this contrast may be ascribed some of the most striking scenes in the cave.
The working of Lord Aberdeen's Act had given rise to many unedifying scenes and to lengthy struggles over disputed settlements, and it was early felt that some change at least was necessary in Aboli- the law.
The excavations at Senkereh were peculiarly successful in the discovery of inscribed remains, consisting of clay tablets, chiefly contracts, but including also an important mathematical tablet and a number of tablets of a description almost peculiar to Senkereh, exhibiting in basrelief scenes of everyday life.
Mention must be made of the Rebecca riots in1843-1844in South Wales, wherein many toll gates were destroyed by mobs of countrymen dressed in female garb, " as the daughters of Rebecca about to possess the gates of their enemies "; and the Anti-Tithe agitation of1885-1886- largely traceable to the inflammatory language used concerning clerical tithe by certain organs of the vernacular press - which led to some disorderly scenes between distraining parties of police and crowds of excited peasants in the more remote rural districts.
His boyhood was passed working in his father's fields, but the sight of the engravings in an old illustrated Bible set him drawing, and thenceforth, whilst the others slept, the daily hour of rest was spent by Millet in trying to render the familiar scenes around him.
In this temple, however, each cell, instead of being the residence of a monk, is occupied by an image of Parswanath, and over the door, or on the jambs of each, are sculptured scenes from the life of the deity.
They might then have been written by one who, as a young man of sixteen or twenty, had witnessed the terrible scenes of fifty years before.
He composed a considerable, quantity of poetry and several minor prose works, especially Notes on the Iroquois (1846); Scenes and Adventures in the Ozark Mountains (1853).
From this sprang the Lyrical Ballads, to which Coleridge contributed The Ancient Mariner, the Nightingale and two scenes from Osorio, and after much cogitation the book was published in 1798 at Bristol by Cottle, to whose reminiscences, often indulging too much in detail, we owe the account of this remarkable time.
His poems, including " Afar in the desert I love to ride," depict the scenes of those early days in glowing lines.
The third satire, imitated by Samuel Johnson in his London, presents such a picture as Rome may have offered to the satirist at any time in the 1st century of our era; but it was under the worst emperors, Nero and Domitian, that the arts of flatterers and foreign adventurers were most successful, and that such scenes of violence as that described at 2 77 seq.
But his highest and rarest literary quality is his power of painting characters, scenes, incidents and actions, whether from past history or from contemporary life.
His method was to choose some Spanish or Italian play, cut out the parts he disliked, and substitute scenes with dialogues in his own way, but he has neither ideals, taste nor education; and, except in Os Maridos Peraltas, his characters are lifeless and their conventional passions are expressed in inflated language.
Joao; in Patria he evoked in a series of dramatic scenes and lashed with satire the kings of the Braganza dynasty, and in Os Simples he interprets in sonorous stanzas the life of country-folk by the light of his powerful imagination and pantheistic tendencies.
In the chapter-house a famous sarcophagus, with scenes illustrating the myth of Hippolytus, is preserved.
The Altai, seen from this valley, presents the most romantic scenes, including the small but deep Kolyvan lake (altitude, 1180 ft.), which is surrounded by fantastic granite domes and towers.
The scenes are partly mythological (labours of Heracles), partly purely heraldic. Eighteen panels were transported to the Louvre in 1838; other fragments rewarded the Americans, and a scientific ground-plan was drawn.
This magnificent palace, where so many scenes historic in the Bijapur dynasty occurred, is now the abode of hundreds of pigeons.
Lastly, the epitaph, read impartially, is not libellous at all, but simply takes up the vein of the opening scenes of Gargantua in reference to Gargantua's author.
In the centre was the serai, occupied by the king and his retinue, with an extension towards the north, opening on a large inner court, containing the public reception rooms, elaborately decorated with sculptures and historical inscriptions, representing scenes of hunting, worship, feasts, battles, and the like.
The haziness and inaccuracy of his topography make it clear that he did not attempt to familiarize himself with the actual scenes of events even that took place in Italy.
The boyhood and youth of Zachary Taylor were thus passed in the midst of the stirring frontier scenes of early Kentucky, and from this experience he acquired the hardihood and resoluteness that characterized his later life, although he inevitably lacked the advantages of a thorough education.
In some of them he attacks superstition and philosophical error with the sharpness of his wit; in others he merely paints scenes of modern life.
Such facts as that dogs " hunt in dreams," make it likely that their minds are not only sensible to actual events, present and past, but can, like our minds, combine revived sensations into ideal scenes in which they are actors, - that is to say, they have the faculty of imagination.
His style is clear, absolutely unadorned, and somewhat lacking in force; he appeals constantly to the intellect rather than to the emotions, and is seldom picturesque, though in describing a few famous scenes, such as the execution of Charles I., he writes with pathos and dignity.
The interior is fitted with magnificent wood carvings and stained glass windows illustrating the principal scenes of "Carmen Sylva's" writings.
The result was a scandalous series of scenes in parliament and of courts martial.
His conflict with Mirabeau on the question of assigning to the king the right to make peace or war (from the 16th to the 23rd of May 1791) was one of the most striking scenes in the Assembly.
The Castello di Corte here, the old castle of the Gonzagas (1395-1406), erected by Bartolino da Novara, the architect of the castle of Ferrara, now contains the archives, and has some fine frescoes by Mantegna with scenes from the life of Ludovico Gonzaga.
He applies his mathematics to the drama; no writer excels him in artful construction, in the arrangement of dramatic scenes, in mere theatrical technique, in the focusing of attention on his chief personages.
On the following day, after tumultuous scenes, Athanasius fled, and four days later Gregory was installed by the aid of the soldiery.
On the English stage the liberty 01 unrestricted incident and complicated action, the power of multiplying characters and introducing prose scenes, would have exactly suited his somewhat intermittent genius, both by covering defects and by giving greater scope for the exhibition of power.
For his next four pieces, which were comedies, there is claimed the introduction of some important improvements, such as the choosing for scenes places well known in actual life (as in the Galerie du palais), and the substitution of the soubrette in place of the old inconvenient and grotesque nurse.
Besides York, Yeavering and Maelmin in Bernicia, and Catterick in Deira, were the chief scenes of the work of Paulinus.
They add greatly by their picturesque dress to the gaiety of the street scenes.
He was beginning to be himself by 1864 or 1865 - that was the first of such periods of his as may be accounted good - and, though not at that time so fully a master of transient effects of weather as he became later, he began then to paint with a success genuinely artistic the scenes of the harbour and the estuary, which no longer lost vivacity by deliberate and too obvious completeness.
The controversy, which thus began, continued through the parliament of 1880, and led to many violent scenes, which lowered the dignity of the House.
When he was made Irish secretary, Burke accompanied him to Dublin, and there learnt Oxenstiern's eternal lesson, that awaits all who penetrate behind the scenes of government, quam parva sapientia mundus regitur.
But after frequent stormy scenes in the diet, which were only prevented from becoming mêlées by Fersen's moderation, or hesitation, at the critical moment, he and twenty of his friends of the nobility were arrested (17th February 1789) and the opposition collapsed.
There he found mural paintings, some of which represented local lake or river scenes, carved woodwork, fragments of pottery, gypsum images of Buddha, and traces of gardens.
Three monuments remain to mark the line of the Spina, around which the chariots whirled; an Egyptian obelisk of Thothmes III., on a pedestal covered with bas-reliefs representing Theodosius I., the empress Galla, and his sons Arcadius and Honorius, presiding at scenes in the Hippodrome; the triple serpent column, which stood originally at Delphi, to commemorate the victory of Plataea 479 B.C.; a lofty pile of masonry, built in the form of an obelisk, and once covered with plates of gilded bronze.
Both Cithaeron and Parnes must have been wooded in former times; for on the former are laid the picturesque silvan scenes in the Bacchae of Euripides, and it was from the latter that the wood came which caused the neighbouring deme of Acharnae to be famous for its charcoal - the iiv0paices Hapv70cot of the Acharnians of Aristophanes (348).
An omophorion of the 11th or 12th century, with scenes from the Gospel in needlework, and a chalice of the 15th century with enamels, given by Cardinal Bessarion, the predecessor of Giuliano della Rovere as commendatory of the abbey, are among its treasures.
Of the north there are the sagas of Kormak (930-960), most primitive of all, a tale of a wild poet's love and feuds, containing many notices of the heathen times; of Vatzdeelasaga (890-980), relating to the settlement and the chief family in Waterdale; of Hallfred the poet (996-1014), narrating his fortune at King Olaf's court, his love affairs in Iceland, and finally his death and burial at Iona; of Reyk -deela (990), which preserves the lives of Askell and his son Viga-Skuti; of Svarf-deela (980-990), a cruel, coarse story of the old days, with some good scenes in it, unfortunately imperfect, chapters I-10 being forged; of VigaGlum (970-990), a fine story of a heathen hero, brave, crafty and cruel.
The pathos of such tragedies as the death of Gunnar and Hoskuld and the burning is interrupted by the humour of the Althing scenes and the intellectual interest of the legal proceedings.
All Papuans believe that within them resides an invisible other self, or spirit, which may occasionally leave the body in the hours of sleep and after death hovers for some period at least round the scenes of its embodied life.
The king as a sphinx, in certain religious scenes, makes offerings to deities; and elsewhere he tears his enemies in pieces.
In more modern days its banks were the scenes of many bloody battles during the Napoleonic Wars.
In Sproat's Scenes from Savage Life (1868) there is a good account of Aht opinions by a settler who had won the confidence of the natives between 1860 and 1868.
Charles of Orleans being a captive and his father-in-law, the count of Armagnac, highly unpopular, John the Fearless, hitherto prudently neutral, re-entered Paris, amid scenes of carnage, on the invitation of the citizen Perrinet le Clerc.
He was not only on the stage but also behind the scenes of every important controversy, whether theological or academical.
Violent scenes greeted the attempt of the government to procure the suspension of the parliamentary immunities of 140 deputies, accused or suspected of more or less treasonable practices, and when, on the 4th of October, the Cortes reopened after the summer recess, Seor Romero Robledo, the president of the lower house, opened an attack on the ministry for their attempted breach of its privileges.
He had looked at the empire from the colonial point of view, in a way only possible in a colonial atmosphere; and at home some of his colleagues had gone a long way, behind the scenes, to destroy one of the very factors on which the question of a practical scheme for imperial commercial federation seemed to hinge.
The musical selections (settings of scenes from sacred history) were called oratorios.
This idea that material representation involves a profanation of divine personages, while disallowing all religious art which goes beyond scroll-work, spirals, flourishes and geometrical designs, yet admits to the full of secular art; and accordingly the iconoclastic emperors replaced the holy pictures in churches with frescoes of hunting scenes, and covered their palaces with garden scenes where men were plucking fruit and birds singing amid the foliage.
At one time the mosques were covered with mosaics, analogous to those of Ravenna, depicting scenes from the life of Mahomet and the prophets.
It is now generally agreed that the scenes represented are religious processions.
On the western side one is reminded of scenes in the highlands of Ross-shire and Inverness-shire in Scotland, from the picturesque character of the blue, white, and pinkish crystalline peaks and the fantastic outlines of the mountain ranges which rise abruptly to a height of from z000 to nearly 3000 feet above the Button Grass.
When, in 146, his public life closed, he completed his preparation of himself for his great work by laborious investigations of archives and monuments, and by a careful personal examination of historical sites and scenes.
Finally, in the night, she killed Atli himself and burned his hall; then, leaping into the sea, she was carried by the waves to new scenes, where she had adventures not connected with those recorded in the Nibelungenlied.
He set to work to realize this project, and produced the Apostles in 1866, a.nd St Paul in 1869, after having visited Asia Minor with his wife, where he studied the scenes of the labours of St Paul as minutely as in 1861 he had observed the material surroundings of the life of Jesus.
I remained silent as they proposed new ways to determine time and location; methods to further prove Howie was immersed in scenes that had truly taken place.
Dusty studied the scenes on the screens of his command center, agitated by the weather hindering their ability to deal with Talon's vamps.
A'Ran, dhjan of Anshan, strode from the room in which he'd left her into the secondary control deck, a small room lit up with scenes of space, the planet, their destination, and the internal corridors of the craft.
The slapper's sleeves were rolled, revealing an intricate tattoo of battle scenes around the letters PMF.
Dean suggested a pizza to give him time to get it out, and the two walked a few blocks to a favorite neighborhood spot—redcheckered tablecloth and scenes of Old Sorrento on the walls.
The music seemed more ominous to me than the ominous scenes in the film.
Most hardware accelerators will directly render polygons to scenes therefore freeing up processor time for other tasks.
His Majesty expressed the utmost abhorrence of the system, arising from the scenes he had himself witnessed in Cuba 40 years ago.
He was publicly executed amid scenes of drunkenness and disorder which contributed to the ultimate abolition of these revolting exhibitions.
Most hardware accelerators will directly render polygons to scenes freeing up processor time for other tasks.
Tho the scenes are often dark, gruesome and evil looking, there's little actual bloodshed and only brief scenes featuring the chainsaw.
This very loosely structured film eventually goes off the rails and the closing scenes feel almost like an afterthought.
The best -- well, most charming -- scenes appear improvisational afterthoughts.
In both these scenes, female solidarity defeats the male aggressor.
These included altarpieces and narrative scenes, often showing dramatic moments of revelation.
To all who are fond of garden scenes, in the great stile of Brown's finest works, Bowood will afford considerable amusement.
This creates the feeling of a sequence of dramatic scenes contrasted with solo arias.
The scenes in and around the law firm are absolutely authentic.
A senior backbencher said, " I dread to think of some of the scenes they will capture.
The church was decked in some very original batiks which represented a variety of scenes from the bible interlinked with the miners life.
Top sets, loads of smash and grab fight scenes and Vin Diesel looking cool makes for another sci-fi summer blockbuster must-see.
Thus borrowing whole scenes would come under this heading, and could be classed as an actionable breach of copyright.
They use distinctive, bright red open top busses that are adorned with drawings of scenes from the city they service.
All scenes are filmed with a handheld camcorder and most of the ruckus scenes are of poor quality.
On the other hand, another stylistic device, shaky handheld camerawork, doesn't add anything to the scenes in which it is used.
Work behind the scenes is nearing completion, when we intend to release the cd, and also its " digital sister " .
The British censor removed all the scenes depicting Devil worship.
Jet Li plays the main role, and displays his world beating Wing Chun style in a succession of excellently choreographed fight scenes.
Some of the scenes are stunning, visually beautiful cinematography.
These scenes are handled very badly, they become comical.
The many night scenes are very dark but remain easily comprehensible.
We see a royal coronation set out for us in 38 scenes.
The wham-bam bloodiness of much American cinema (often emotionally deadening pap granted 15 certificates) is replaced by understated scenes of upsetting impact.
The models usually last around three scenes before ingrained dirt and cracked limbs make them rather unphotogenic.
You slip on the tux, deliver a double-entendre or two and stand on the sidelines while the stunt crew does the action scenes.
Fans will be saddened also by the film inevitably losing much of its source material, like the adorable Dobby the house elf scenes.
Performances are very strong, especially in scenes of raw emotion or hidden ferocity.
Psychodrama, which involves replaying childhood scenes with other clients of the therapist, was incredibly emotional and to be honest quite good fun.
And in the final scenes, the dramatic tension becomes excruciating.
His dark muted scenes seem vaguely familiar, distant, like haunting memories.
There are only one or two scenes of court festivity with the obligatory Renaissance music and dancing, as when Henry meets Catherine Parr.
You will have to imagine scenes from pulp fiction or ' adult ' comics.
I prefer the fight scenes in Big Trouble in Little China, a bit more irony to the fight scenes in Big Trouble in Little China, a bit more irony to the fight scenes.
Many classic firefights and scenes of paintballing carnage have taken place in close quarter battles in this field.
His scenes of murder and self flagellation adding a disturbing menace missing from the pictures tempo.
Cardiff and Newport scenes in 1965 when there was still steam hauled freight by both large and small tank engines.
We will also place a large gauze over this area to assist with interesting lighting effects and ' hidden ' scenes.
We cross to " The Millenium gnome " for an exclusive film behind the scenes of Oasis's tour.
Some of the scenes were touching, others a little goofy.
The scenes when they try to integrate reality into it just came off as plain goofy.
Nice that he doesnt need the dagger anymore and the battle scenes ARE pretty gory.
May I recommend The Amber Spyglass, which has some hot scenes with underage teens making out. ' Coo er gosh.
This being the Special Edition release, the scenes of cloud city Bespin include newer graphics with a far grander perspective.
Motifs include religious figures, hunting scenes in which the king has the central place, and mythical animals like the winged griffin.
He came to shoot a couple of scenes by an aircraft hangar in Wales.
I feel heartbroken at the miserable scenes on the TV reports.
Few painters had the chance to witness scenes that would become historic, and historical knowledge was scarce, documentation fragmentary.
These scenes made an excellent hors d'oeuvre to the main work of the evening.
Beware groups who try to plan out their scenes - that ceases to be spontaneous improvisation.
In effect, these largely improvised scenes border on documentary with the kids drawing on horrifyingly true-to-life experiences.
Awful scenes over his alleged infidelity would be followed by grand romantic gestures once he filled her room with thousands of fresh daisies.
He describes the feelings that he and his comrades felt at the horrific scenes that confronted the brave liberators.
The image of the Sacred Lotus - in fact a water lily - is shown in many of the scenes depicted in the tombs.
Now six evocative scenes from those far off days are available as a special limited edition set of postcards at £ 1.75.
The same rather listless deadpan succession of scenes, only loosely connected, with a haphazard sense of narrative.
It's a work which alternates beautifully lyrical and delicate passages with scenes of extreme violence and brutality.
It doesn't have to depict pretty subjects -- Goya painted horrific scenes but he made something magnificent out of them.
In the many manger scenes, the wise men are pictured around the manger scenes, the wise men are pictured around the manger.
His New York street scenes of the 1940s are classic, but Burckhardt ultimately found photography too monumental.
Its scenes reflect the mores of the time and region in which it was created.
The mosaics will soon be installed to complete a wall which already has seven colorful mosaics depicting local scenes.
I was slinging mud and pinecones at my lads between scenes and one of the Assistant Directors shouted " Oi you come here!
The favorite subjects for intaglio include floral elements, animals and even mythological scenes.
Flesh tones appear natural when not basked in various light sources, as scenes switch from cold snowscapes to warm, red evenings.
Yes, there is the seemingly obligatory cheesy fight scenes in every episode.
Unfortunately the death scenes aren't up to much and most of them happen off-screen.
Through a series of bitingly satirical scenes, Chapman's script is peppered with killer one-liners and hilarious situations.
Instead of sticking to a purely orchestral sound, however, innovative combinations of sounds flicker between songs like scenes in a film.
It represents Sinai on the back, traditional icon scenes, but it is not entirely orthodox in type.
Gervais also mockingly introduces some outtakes and a series of deleted scenes, notably of Gareth arriving in his horrendous cycle shorts.
Backstage Tours A fascinating peek behind the scenes at the Northcott Theater.
The scenes are so photogenic, that they also attract interest with visitors.
Hopper's enduring popularity stems from his ability to stage scenes from everyday life in a way which also addresses universal concerns.
The show required a heavy workload of make up effects, using prosthetics for each of the transformation scenes.
The picture quality is very sharp throughout, even during the more energetic boxing scenes.
Such results show the ability of the whole model to map visual scenes of objects into vague linguistic quantifiers.
Not being able Master Z's Dart & Pool Supply the scenes camera believe quarterback is tone that congress.
This is only partially redeemed by the selection from Jet Li's back catalog of career fight scenes.
There are several scenes strongly reminiscent of scenes from, say, Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of the classic novel.
The scenes at the pit's mouth during the long attempt to clear the shaft were most heart rending.
The end result is some superb trial scenes, where the audiences hopes are raised or dashed, depending on how evidence is accepted.
Fans of the film will be hugely disappointed as deleted scenes are nowhere to be seen.
The paintings, executed on canvas, depict scenes from the story of Ulysses.
This is Peak Practice Country, the town often having been used to shoot scenes from the ITV television program.
It is also common to see nativity scenes in German homes.
Maher taught both McGoohan and Kanner to handle their guns like professionals and choreographed all the fight scenes, including the wonderful final shootout.
Or are there some very shrewd players behind the scenes?
October's Object of the month is a large sideboard, elaborately carved with scenes from Scotland's past.
At times The Pinhoe Egg was DWJ doing slapstick, with some vividly entertaining scenes.
There were scenes in there that were pure slapstick, that made me laugh harder and harder as the scene developed.
Actors will act out scenes from a crime followed by a workshop where kids can super sleuth to find out whodunit?
Some behind the scenes interview snippets with cast & crew on how they created the characters.
Colors lack just a little solidity and some scenes evidence a fair amount of grain.
There are six deleted scenes, and in a break from tradition they are all rather substantial and entertaining, if not absolutely essential.
There is a lot of talk and little suspense throughout, even during the chase scenes.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
The point of view shots make these scenes unbearably tense.
Lush greenery and bamboo thickets are typical farming village scenes in Taiwan.
They particularly enjoy the clown scenes, when much tomfoolery and satire take place.
Pacing is incredibly slow and there are few action scenes, there is however a lot of characterisation and interplay between the various townspeople.
Due to the lack of a commentary track we don't know why these scenes were removed.
The reflections on the surface of the water drawing you in to some very tranquil scenes.
The film is believed to be fully uncut, all scenes cut from English language prints are present.
The pace of the many short scenes doesn't allow for the story and more importantly the characters to gently unfold.
This year the reports were fairly uneventful, which is a tribute to the largely unsung work which goes on behind the scenes.
Very large flat bosses with scenes dominate the quadripartite vaulting of the nave roof.
In music it is often used to portray majestic scenes and to create vibrancy.
Next there are six deleted scenes which are presented in non-anamorphic widescreen, together with an optional director's introduction.
When they are together their communication is virtually wordless; these scenes are so truthful.
He presents a succession of many scenes, exquisitely wrought, of Johnson amid widely various settings of Eighteenth-Century England.
The Fancies Chaste and Noble (acted before 1636, printed 1638), though it includes scenes of real force and feeling, is dramatically a failure, of which the main idea is almost provokingly slight and feeble; and The Lady's Trial (acted 1638, printed 1639) is only redeemed from utter wearisomeness by an unusually even pleasingness of form.
The walls of the nave are adorned with mosaics of the 6th century; the scenes from the New Testament above the windows date from the time of Theodoric, while the somewhat stiff processions below, of virgins on one side and of saints on the other, are substitutions of the latter half of the 6th century for representations which probably contained some allusion to Arianism or episodes in the life of Theodoric (so Ricci).
A glimpse at Palestine in the latter half of the second millennium B.C. (§ 3) prepares us for busy scenes and active intercourse, but it is not a history of this kind which the biblical historians themselves transmit.
The richest grave of all was explored at Vaphio in Laconia in 1889, and yielded, besides many gems and miscellaneous goldsmiths' work, two golden goblets chased with scenes of bull-hunting, and certain broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma till the excavation of Cnossus.
The lower order contains the handsome portal with a semicircular pediment, while four of the remaining bays are filled with quaint scenes in surprisingly skilful perspective.
Confessors were visited in prison, martyrs' graves were scenes of pilgrimage, and the day on which they suffered was celebrated as the birthday of their glory.
His death was followed by scenes of wild disorder, and Cesare, being himself ill, could not attend to business, but sent Don Michelotto, his chief bravo, to seize the pope's treasures before the demise was publicly announced.
Petersburg, and he worked a good deal behind the scenes, inciting to violence, advising a boycott of the Duma, hostility to the Cadets, etc. But he did not play any part in the Soviet of workmen, and disappeared as soon as it became clear, after the crushing of the outbreak in Moscow, that the troops and the people were not on the side of the revolutionaries.
Among his other works are The Phantom Ship (1839); A Diary in America (1839); 011a Podrida (1840), a collection of miscellaneous papers; Poor Jack (1840); Joseph Rushbrook (1841); Percival Keene (1842); Monsieur Violet (1842); The Privateer's Man (1844); The Mission, or Scenes in Africa (1845); The Little Savage (1848-1849), published posthumously; and Valerie, not completed (1849).
The symbolism employed by Mithraism finds its best illustration in the large central relief, which represents Mithras in the act of slaying the bull as a sacrifice to bring about terrestrial life, and thus portrays the concluding scenes in the legend of the sacred animal.
On his return to Rio in March 1831 scenes of disorder occurred, and great agitation among the Liberal party.
A provisional and afterwards a permanent regency, composed of three members, was now formed in Brazil, but scenes of disorder succeeded, and discussions and struggles between the republican party and the government, and a reactionary third party in favour of the restoration of Dom Pedro, occupied the succeeding years.
In 1833 he took part in the closing scenes of the Black Hawk War, was present at the capture of Black Hawk, and was sent to Dixon, Illinois, to muster into service some volunteers from that state.
Dumas, who has drawn from this passage one of his very best scenes in Vingt ans apres, has done little but throw Retz into dialogue and amplify his language and incidents.
He quotes Fenelon and Addison, "deux esprits polis et doux, de la meme famille litteraire," as expressing their admiration for the inimitable beauty and naturalness of one of his scenes.
On the walls is a series of well-executed frescoes of scenes from Bavarian history, occupying a space of 16,00o sq.
In connexion with this work it must be remembered that Vambery could write down but a few furtive notes while with the dervishes, and dared not take a single sketch; but the weird scenes, with their misery and suffering, were so strongly impressed on his memory that his, book is convincing by its simplicity, directness and evidence of heroic endurance.
The charm of Italian scenes still remained the same, but the fresh and inspiring feeling of nature gave place to the mere sensuous gratification derived from the luxurious and artificial beauty of the country villa.
He appears, in the composition of his various pieces, to have treated everything that occurred to him in the most desultory fashion, sometimes adopting the form of dialogue, sometimes that of an epistle or an imaginary discourse, and often to have spoken in his own name, giving an account of his travels and adventures, or of amusing scenes that he had witnessed, or expressing the results of his private meditations and experiences.
His first appearance on the stage was made in March 1741, incognito, as harlequin at Goodman's Fields, Yates, who was ill, having allowed him to take his place during a few scenes of the pantomime entitled Harlequin Student, or The Fall of Pantomime with the Restoration of the Drama.
In the year 653 we find North umbrian influence paramount in Essex, for King Sigeberht at the instance of Oswio became a Christian and received Cedd, the brother of St Chad, in his kingdom as bishop, Tilbury and Ythanceastere (on the Blackwater) being the chief scenes of his work.
Two magnificent marble ambones, the larger dating from 1175, a large 11th-century altar frontal in the south aisle, having scenes from the Bible carved on thirty ivory tablets, with 13th-century mosaics in the apse, given by Giovanni da Procida, the promotor of the Sicilian Vespers, and the tomb of Pope Gregory VII., and that of Queen Margaret of Durazzo, mother of King Ladislaus, erected in 1412, deserve to be mentioned.
At the head of a large shop with many assistants, his business was to turn out, generally for a small price, devotional pieces commissioned by mercantile corporations or private persons to decorate their chapels in the churches - the preference being usually for scenes of the Passion, or for tortures and martyrdoms of the saints.
The compositions belonging to the period of his residence at Weimar comprise two pianoforte concertos, in E flat and in A, the " Todtentanz," the " Concerto pathetique " for two pianos, the solo sonata " An Robert Schumann," sundry " Etudes," fifteen " Rhapsodies Hongroises," twelve orchestral " Poemes symphoniques, " " Eine Faust Symphonie," and " Eine Symphonie zu Dante's ` Divina Commedia,' " the " 13th Psalm " for tenor solo, chorus and orchestra, the choruses to Herder's dramatic scenes " Prometheus," and the " Missa solennis " known as the " Graner Fest' Messe."
These are all scenes in the ritual of the indigenous naturalistic religion which was spread, in slightly varying forms, all over Asia Minor, and consisted in the worship of the self-reproductive powers of nature, personified in the great mother-goddess (called by various names Cybele, Leto, Artemis, &c.) and the god her husband-and-son (Attis, Men, Sabazios, &c.), representing the two elements of the ultimate divine nature (see Great Mother Of The Gods).
I think I shall never revisit those scenes.
The fight scenes are expertly choreographed and there 's no doubt that action movies pulsate with excitement.
Scenes of cruel staff punching and shaking terrified beagle puppies were shown.
It might be tedious to recount in detail the scenes that followed.
Balfour Juniors focused on using their Nemo models created in their arts week to recreate scenes from the movie Finding Nemo.
This is only partially redeemed by the selection from Jet Li 's back catalog of career fight scenes.
By reflecting reality we can create scenes that are immersive beyond their media.
They have never rehearsed these scenes, or even been in this space together.
There are several scenes strongly reminiscent of scenes from, say, Andrew Lloyd Webber 's musical version of the classic novel.
The scenes at the pit 's mouth during the long attempt to clear the shaft were most heart rending.
Oh Mother, I am seeing scenes which erstwhile lingered deep within the bounds of restless sleep.
The more conscious, i.e., the rightist elements, acting behind the scenes, wanted the restoration of the bourgeois regime.
In some cases, film censors suggest producers cut certain scenes involving violence or sex scenes and then rubber-stamp the movie later on.
For later scenes, the tailors of the Mellah came up trumps with suits of armor made from sardine cans.
Undiluted scabrous humor, with short, sharp scenes and a crazy string of plots.
This DVD is full of behind the scenes footage which will have not been seen as yet by anyone.
Neil Doncaster has blasted scurrilous gossip surrounding events behind the scenes at Carrow Road.
October 's Object of the month is a large sideboard, elaborately carved with scenes from Scotland 's past.
Often slow-moving scenes also shifted unconvincingly between stylized comedy to seriousness, for the sake of clunky plot development.
Live webcams, thermal satellite images, and animated snap-shots capture scenes of spewing ash and red-hot lava flow.
Old style cabaret spiced up to a modern arty theme with wicked humor and steamy scenes for both boys and girls !
He did n't stray from the path or ever ante up the action or tension in any of the scenes.
Or help out behind the scenes with office tasks, writing newsletters, publicizing events or stuffing envelopes.
The most fearful scenes were the result of this high-handed subversion of all existing order.
I pass out among her sylvan scenes; and here, on the spray of the tasseled broom, sits a little bird.
However, well before this, tanka poetry had a sense of beauty which was very different from colorful spring and autumn scenes.
The Dining Room has two 16th century Flemish tapestries with hunting scenes also brought from Cotehele.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
Expect complete strangers to hug each other amid tearful scenes.
The first scenes from Australia showed several hundred townsfolk gathered in the afternoon sunshine in the main street of Carnarvon.
There were similar scenes after the England cricket team trounced the Aussies.
Some of these scenes - especially the ones involving the children - really tug at the heartstrings.
The pace of the many short scenes does n't allow for the story and more importantly the characters to gently unfold.
Its stormy plot and hustling crowd scenes play directly to the uninhibited, spontaneous style that has always been BRB 's main strength.
Cue some scenes of cops talking and then some scenes of the uninteresting main characters talking.
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
Instead, Huston just pulls this horrible wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression for 90% of his scenes.
Next there are six deleted scenes which are presented in non-anamorphic widescreen, together with an optional director 's introduction.
Of vivid scenes member who is psat workbook a. The title also themlove in the civil rights movementsother.
The novelist's use of both similes and metaphors in her writing brought her scenes to life.
The two different scenes were chosen and juxtaposed to give a certain perspective of the story.
Emma teared up watching the harrowing scenes of the holocaust documentary.
Some nurseries even have stenciled or hand-painted scenes that include the baby's name on one or two walls.
Using friendly images, such as animals, puppets, babies, and children, the videos hold even small babies' attention with techniques such as deliberate pacing of scenes and characters and re-orchestrated classical music.
This website also offers a large selection of woodland scenes, some featuring just trees and grass, but most with beloved characters from Beatrix Potter's books.
You can always compromise with her, but setting limits in advance can help prevent any unpleasant scenes in public.
The drawings depict key scenes from the stories making this an ideal read aloud.
However, the illustrations that are included are in brilliant color bursting forth in a collage style of symbols and scenes from the stories.
There are five nature scenes available, including a wolf, bear, elk, deer or moose.
The theme apparently was "castles" - with faux stone walls painted around the room, opening up to painted scenes of medieval castles.
The design is a repeating pattern showing figures in pastoral scenes, hunting scenes, farm life and other 18th and 19th century family life.
Sometimes called by its full name Toile de Jouy, toile fabrics and wallpapers usually pair a light background with repeated scenes of people and animals in a pleasing outdoor setting.
Statues or Figurines-Whether you love angels or biblical scenes, you can find Bible characters, cherubs, crosses and more in the form of statues or figurines.
Throws-Purchase throws that feature biblical scenes and/or verses.
Animals, scenes from mythology, and homages to ancestors are all commonly represented in this type of interior.
The factory he started produced toile de Jouy, a cotton fabric printed with engraved scenes of historical figures or landscapes.
Several tour options are available, including 1-Hour Panorama tour for $24, 90-Minute Insights for $32, 3-Hour Behind the Scenes for $60, 90 Minute Desert Walk for $32, and a 2-Hour Desert Shelter Tour for $40.
Or bring your hobby to life with music or scenes from novels.
Ceramic and wooden nativity scenes are popular traditional American decor items around the holidays.
These large magnets are made to attach right to the front of your unit and depict bright scenes of laundry being dried on a line outdoors, or soap bubble filled wash baskets.
It rained almost everyday, and many of the scenes were outside shots.
In the coloring section, you can color winter scenes or count falling snowflakes.
There are a few that also portray famous scenes in Jewish history.
Additional shooting features might include color choices (like black and white, sepia or high contrast) or special scene features, like fireworks or snow scenes.
Selections range from fairy tale settings that ooze romance or beach scenes that are a bit more suggestive.
Common backdrops include Christmas trees, outdoor winter scenes or a cozy fireplace.
Flash diffusers are not only a necessity for portrait, studio and wedding photography, but can mute harsh shadows in outdoor scenes.
The same concept can be used when shooting shower scenes.
Similar to visualization, [[Guided_Imagery_as_a_Way_to_Reduce_Stress|guided imagery]] focuses the mind on images, such as places and scenes that are peaceful and calming, or of the body becoming healthy and healed.
While it may look like getting noticed by the right agency is only the luck of the draw, the reality is that there's a lot of hard work behind the scenes.
Another example involves much of the creativity and collaboration that is a part of the organic underground rap and hip hop scenes.
You can check out the dance scenes and use what you learn to rock your style.
Buy handcrafted manger scenes at Christmas Mangers.
And even the worst I could think of was nothing compared to the drama that played out behind the scenes.
Crystal or white resin sleds, ceramic or crystal winter scenes, and any other wedding themed accessory you can find might just work perfectly on top of your cake.
You can choose from sheet cakes (cut behind the scenes), or set up a whole table full of desserts like crème brulee, wedding cupcakes, cookies, and more.
For beach weddings, wrappers can include beach or ocean scenes along with the couple's names and wedding date.
The site offers eleven different styles in the beach theme, including seashells, beach scenes, and lighthouse designs.
The series gives you a sneak peek behind the scenes of what happens at wedding shops and salons during your appointment and fittings.
Ask a local pumpkin carving artist to carve wedding scenes, hearts, or even Celtic designs into your pumpkins and set them up to light the way into your reception or use them as unique centerpieces.
Specialty designs featuring tiki carvings, palm trees, fruits or island scenes will naturally cost more than standard designs because of the additional work and supplies involved in their creation.
African and safari scenes look wonderful with this theme and create a more cohesive appearance.
Choices abound from animal prints, maps of the world, subway maps, beach scenes, cartoon characters and your favorite sports teams.
If so, you can go for a more tranquil look, with scenes featuring oceans, palm trees, and quiet beaches.
Wildlife-If you love wildlife, then look for a novelty shower curtain that features scenes of wildlife, from black bears to graceful deer, woodland birds to squirrels and bobcats.
Trendy motifs include beach scenes, rubber ducks, cartoon characters, land and sea animals, and floral scenes or landscapes.
You can even purchase some amazing lace scenes, like a woven beach and seascapes shower curtain.
Castles and princesses go together in colorful patterns that may include various scenes of majestic turrets with fluttering flags.
While initially it seems like Paris Hilton is leading a perfectly privileged life, there is plenty going on behind the scenes to challenge that assumption.
Strife behind the scenes was taking its toll as well.
Farrell's film Miami Vice, with Jamie Foxx, reportedly had 20 minutes of film footage cut, including sex scenes between Gong Li and Farrell, before opening in China at the end of October.
I love movies, and I enjoy visualizing the scenes as I'm writing them, making sure the dialogue makes sense and the right message is being expressed to the viewer.
Residents of the Romanian village where Borat scenes were filmed filed a suit asserting that they were misrepresented.
The two attempted to stop the release of the DVD and/or have their scenes removed from the films.
With this latest bed rest order, Desperate Housewives production will moving to the actresses' Los Angeles home to film scenes with Cross.
Behind the scenes, however, stress was taking its toll.
Nakedness can sometimes help to sensationalize the film itself, and many nude scenes have become famous simply for the actors involved.
In 2006 Ricci proved that she is all grown up now with her portrayal of Rae in Black Snake Moan, a role which gave her several nude scenes.
Brad Pitt - Brad Pitt has bared his backside in a number of films, from his attention-getting role in Thelma and Louise in 1996 to some steamy scenes in 2005's Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
The pair were no longer on speaking terms, but managed to squeak another season of The Simple Life out by never appearing in the same scenes together.
Though he has claimed to have seen them, as he depicts a few scenes in his book.
Gibson is a prolific actor, who can convincingly handle dramatic scenes, brutal violence, and even romantic comedy.
Most of his professional time is now spent behind the scenes as a director and producer.
Celebrity love scenes can become the major talking point in movies and television shows, especially when they involve actors who are rumored to be romantically involved in real life.
Awkward, shocking, or explicit love scenes can also cause quite a stir.
For true romantics, however, love scenes capture a tenderness that is hard to ignore.
Many celebrity love scenes are well known simply because so many people have discussed them.
It's almost inevitable that a film entitled Love Story would become famous for love scenes.
Jennifer becomes gravely ill, and one of the final scenes has defined the film for movie buffs.
While the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith was never a huge hit with film goers, the love scenes in the movie came under close scrutiny when it was alleged that the stars had fallen in love.
Love scenes don't get much more classic than Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman bidding each other farewell in Casablanca.
This love scene is perhaps the best known of all romantic moments on film, and the standard to which all such scenes are held.
Celebrities will often comment that filming love scenes can be difficult.
Successful celebrities can get past these distractions, however, and deliver memorable love scenes that are talked about for years to come.