Scenery Sentence Examples
His gaze took in the scenery around them.
She took in the summer scenery and sighed deeply.
I'll try my luck closer to the seashore where the scenery is as fair as the little ones I seek.
The scenery of the Wye valley, including a succession of rapids just above the town, also attracts many tourists.
In the second act there was scenery representing tombstones, there was a round hole in the canvas to represent the moon, shades were raised over the footlights, and from horns and contrabass came deep notes while many people appeared from right and left wearing black cloaks and holding things like daggers in their hands.
But the prosperity of the island depends mainly upon foreign visitors (some 30,000 annually), who are attracted by the remarkable beauty of the scenery (that of the coast being especially fine), the views of the sea and of the Bay of Naples, and the purity of the air.
He found some of his wired energy dissipating at the long walk and change of scenery despite knowing nothing good had ever come from a meeting with Sasha.
We collect the money, the customer gets to relax, enjoy this gorgeous mountain scenery and eat your fresh blueberry muffins.
The whole island is mountainous, and is remarkable for its beautiful scenery and its fertility.
In addition to the scenery, we have a million gallon hot spring pool run by the town.
AdvertisementThese elderly patrons paid their bills, didn't trash their rooms and, to a person, were breathlessly enthralled with the mountains, weather, scenery, and everything else about the beautiful mountain town of Ouray, Colorado.
The town offers more than spectacular scenery to its visitors.
The scenery here becomes bold and picturesque.
All this time the scenery was becoming more mountainous.
The film is visually stunning, featuring gorgeous cinematography displaying the picturesque scenery and wildlife.
AdvertisementThe island is very picturesque with rolling green hills surrounded by glorious coastal scenery.
Table Mountain and its connected hills are famous for the magnificence of their scenery.
It is a favourite winter resort, especially for visitors from England, and is situated in beautiful coast scenery.
In the Valcea department, besides many other iodine, sulphur and mud baths, there are the state-supported spas of Calimanescii, Caciulata and Govora, situated among some of the finest Carpathian scenery Most famous of all is Sinaia, the summer residence of the Court; while important springs exist at Lake Sarat, near Braila; at Slanic, in the Prahova department, where flooded and abandoned salt-mines are fitted up as baths; at the Tekir Ghiol mere, near Constantza; and at Baltzatesti (Baltate,itii), in the Neamtzu (Neamtu) department, a favourite resort of invalids from many parts of eastern Europe.
By lunch-time we had reached a viewing point at which the scenery could only be described as breathtaking.
AdvertisementThe scenery here tells its own tale - no need for noisy chatter!
Colin Parker Tumbling clouds, wheeling gulls... You see, the scenery has a poetic effect on you!
Unquestionably one of Europe's most charming cities, Lucerne also has the added virtue of stunning lakeside and mountain scenery on its doorstep.
It has a dry and equable climate and beautiful scenery.
The scenery is in general bold and wild.
AdvertisementIt's quite lush at this level but higher up the scenery becomes drab with a number of glacial moraines.
From the windows diners enjoy the changing moods of the Scottish scenery with a breathtaking panorama overlooking the Morar River estuary.
He was identified with the Hudson River School, and excelled in pictures of autumn scenery.
Knit goods are manufactured, but the importance of the place is due to its sulphur springs, the waters of which are used for the treatment of skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, etc., and to the tonic air and fine scenery.
The scenery is everywhere strikingly beautiful and varied, and the coral beds of the more secluded bays in its harbours are conspicuous for their exquisite colouring.
Five well-contrasted types of scenery in Derbyshire are clearly traceable to as many varieties of rock; the bleak dry uplands of the north and east, with deep-cut ravines and swift clear streams, are due to the great mass of Mountain Limestone; round the limestone boundary are the valleys with soft outlines in the Pendleside Shales; these are succeeded by the rugged moorlands, covered with heather and peat, which are due to the Millstone Grit series; eastward lies the Derbyshire Coalfield with its gently moulded grasscovered hills; southward is the more level tract of red Triassic rocks.
Many points are inaccessible, and the scenery is wild in the extreme.
The scenery in the oriental portion of the island is very beautiful, with wild mountains and tropical forests.
The scenery of the islands is picturesque, gaining beauty from the fine colouring of the sea and the rich vegetation.
The scenery in the neighbourhood is very beautiful, near the town being the district called Little Switzerland.
Three miles south, in Sussex, the village of Frant stands on a hill which is perhaps the finest of the many view-points in this district, commanding a wide prospect over some of the richest woodland scenery in England.
It passes through the most picturesque scenery in Belgium and is remarkable for its sinuous course, its length of 120 m.
Bouillon is the only town on its banks, and since it is not navigable it has escaped the contamination of manufacturing life; its valley remains an ideal specimen of sylvan scenery and medieval tranquillity.
It is separated on the south from the island of Shikoku by the Naruto channel, through which, in certain conditions of the tide, a remarkable torrential current is set up. The island is celebrated for its exquisite scenery, and also for the fact that it is traditionally reputed to have been the first of the Japanese islands created by the deities Izanagi and Izanami.
Calderwood Castle on Rotten Calder Water, near High Blantyre, is situated amid picturesque scenery.
The forest scenery much resembles that of England, with fine oaks and greensward.
South of the watershed the whole aspect of the landscape is as hideous and disappointing as scenery in Afghanistan.
Large quantities of ground mica are used in the manufacture of wall-paper, and to produce a frosted effect on toys, stage scenery, &c. Powdered mica is also used in the manufacture of paints and paper, as a lubricant, and as an absorbent of nitro-glycerine and disinfectants.
William Gilpin, in his Forest Scenery, describes a cedar which, at an age of about 118 years, had attained to a height of 53 ft.
The scenery throughout the hills is picturesque, and in many parts magnificent.
It is pleasantly situated on rising ground between two small valleys opening into that of the Dove, and the most beautiful scenery of Dovedale is not far distant.
This district affords striking contrasts of scenery, from the sheltered fields of Miranzai to the barren desolation of the salt mines.
Belts of shrubbery may be placed round the slips outside the walls; and these may in many cases, or in certain parts, be of sufficient breadth to furnish pleasant retired promenades, at the same time that they serve to mask the formality of the walled gardens, and are made to harmonize with the picturesque scenery of the pleasure ground.
The scenery about the city is remarkable.
While the greater part of western and northern Belgium is devoid of the picturesque, the Ardennes and the Fagnes districts of " Between Sambre and Meuse " and Liege contain much pleasant and some romantic scenery.
The study of the scenery of England and Wales as a whole, or the study of orographical and geological maps of the country, allows a broad distinction to be drawn between the types of land-forms in the west and in the east.
These regions, as they become more known, may even invite the attention of tourists by their sublime scenery.
His peculiar strength lay in the historical ballad, which he was the first to introduce into Rumanian poetry, and in the vivid portraiture of Oriental scenery and emotions.
The scenery through which they flow is often of great beauty and grandeur.
The moderate steep climb up to valley to the top of Glen Coe goes through the most dramatic alpine scenery in Scotland.
With some of the most dramatic scenery to be found anywhere in the world Scotland can offer the holidaymaker unrivaled delights.
Well spend the majority of our time trekking between Alpine huts, enjoying some of the Balkans best mountain scenery.
In the distance, they add a somewhat incongruous note to the scenery - a glimpse of India in Southern Italy, perhaps.
The village lies low, but the surrounding scenery is extremely beautiful.
Very few birds (although including Gray's Lark) but some memorable, almost lunar, scenery.
Another short Via Ferrata has to be tackled on the descent, which provides equally magnificent rock scenery to the ascent.
You have plenty of time to appreciate the majesty of the scenery from Notchland Inn, with wonderful walking trails nearby.
The limestone dale scenery continues for some miles now, as the route makes use of a succession of them to push northwestwards.
Enjoy a whale watch cruise, visit the oceanarium or marvel at the incomparable scenery in the park.
It is also a land in which the sea is seemingly omnipresent, and in which changes in scenery occur over relatively short distances.
Beautiful scenery, a perfect cabin, everything was there for you, it felt so personal, it was lovely.
Stadium baby prams have the rear seat slightly higher than the front enabling both children a view of the scenery.
Higher up amidst spectacular scenery we may see a Red Warbler.
Corfu, Greek Isle Corfu boasts some of the most stunning scenery in the Greek Isles.
The ships are purpose built for these ice-free waters, weaving close to the shore past magnificent coastal scenery.
Then continue south by Big Sur on Highway 1, where you will experience some of the most incredible coastal scenery in America.
There are many nature trails to explore the wildlife and breath-taking scenery.
Well spend the majority of our time trekking between alpine huts, enjoying some of the Balkans best mountain scenery.
Two miles to go, amazing limestone scenery - with Brian just to the right of the photo.
Expeditions by sea kayak or on foot through spectacular highland scenery are also on offer.
Jewel of the Leat Not wishing to be too voyeuristic you avert your eyes to the hazy moorland scenery.
To the west you have lovely mountain scenery whilst to the East you see amazing seascapes.
The scenery out of the bedroom window was very nice - looking across fields of grazing sheep to the hills at the back.
At first, after you've collected your thoughts following the initial skirmish, you'll just admire the scenery.
Later we will start our journey southwards through the Spey Valley then on to the dramatic scenery of Glen Garry.
The scenery was also effective and well managed, linking with fabulous costumes to produce a glittering spectacle.
The adjoining forest is ideal for leisurely strolls, walks along the trails or just merely enjoying the scenery.
We took in the scenery, breathed the clear Tyrolean air and ate the strudel.
The aqueduct is followed by the short (308 yards) Hyde Bank Tunnel after which the scenery becomes more suburban than rural.
A slow moving sea of ice, they can provide a relatively tranquil way to walk through the jagged chaos of alpine scenery.
Not far upriver from Lancaster the " Crook of Lune " is well worth visiting for the beautiful river scenery.
We headed north into the western rift valley toward the Queen Elizabeth N.P. Good drive and some stunning scenery.
It had never proved commercially viable, despite having stunning scenery for tourists.
The region is largely unspoiled, lying amid stunning countryside and coastal scenery, and made up of farmhouses and quaint villages.
You are in for some really stunning scenery and we cross mountain passes and descend the glens following coursing streams and gushing waterfalls.
For family holidays it offers perfect walks in wooded valleys, breathtaking scenery, majestic waterfalls and more.
There is nothing but beautiful scenery to enjoy while enjoying lunch or dinner.
The scenery of the neighbouring Orwell and Stour estuaries is pleasant.
The scenery is rural and pleasant; the course of the river winding.
From this point as far as Taplow the southern slopes of the Chilterns descend more or less closely upon the river; they are finely wooded, and the scenery is peculiarly beautiful, especially in early summer.
Mount Hope (216 ft.), on the eastern side, commands delightful views of landscape, bay and river scenery.
It is characteristic of the prophetic eschatology that images suggested by one prophet are adopted by his successors, and gradually become part of the permanent scenery of the last times; and it is a proof of the late date of Joel that almost his whole picture is made up of such features.
The mountains are rugged and difficult; but there is much of the world-famous beautyof scenery, and of the almost phenomenal agricultural wealth of the valleys of Bokhara and Ferghana to, be found in the as yet half-explored recesses of Badakshan.
The banken veld, formed by the denudation of the plateau, is much broken up and is rich in romantic scenery.
Thence issue many streams which in their way to the ocean have forced their way through the ranges of hills which mark the steps in the plateau, forming the narrow passes or poorts characteristic of South African scenery.
It is situated in the midst of wild mountain scenery on the river Irfon, a right-bank tributary of the Wye.
It attracts many visitors both as a health resort and on account of the magnificent scenery and remarkable volcanic phenomena of the surrounding district.
In this district, too, as has already been remarked, is the finest scenery of the Rhine, a fact due in great part to the grotesque shapes of the quartzose rocks, left denuded of the less durable slate and sandstone.
The magnificent scenery of the west coast of Pomona is commonly visited from Stromness.
He appears to have had no great sense of natural beauty, in which point he resembled his generation (though one remarkable story is told of his being deeply affected by Alpine scenery); and, except in his passion for the stage, he does not seem to have cared much for any of the arts, Conversation and literature were, again as in Johnson's case, the sole gods of his idolatry.
It lies at the mouth of a deep ravine, in a sheltered situation, at the foot of Monte Cerreto (4314 ft.), in the centre of splendid coast scenery, and is in consequence much visited by foreigners.
The scenery of Wharfedale is very pleasant.
The neighbouring scenery is attractive, especially in the Glen of Araglin, once famed for its ironworks.
The landscape is rich and beautiful, varied with grand rock scenery, the coast-line being broken by numerous small bays, into which flow streams rarely navigable even for short distances, but often skilfully utilized by the natives for irrigation; and sometimes flowing in subterranean channels.
The village, which is connected by stage with the station, is situated at the junction of two valleys and commands delightful views of mountain scenery.
Deep valleys winding through the barren foothills lead gradually up to the higher mountains, and as the track ascends the scenery and vegetation change their character; the trees which line the banks of the wadi are overgrown with creepers, and the running stream is dammed at frequent intervals, and led off in artificial channels to irrigate the fields on either side; the steeper parts of the road are paved with large stones, substantially built villages, with their masonry towers or da y s, crowning every height, replace the collection of *mud walls and brushwood huts of the low country; while tier above tier, terraced fields cover the hill slopes and attest the industry of the inhabitants and the fertility of their mountains.
The scenery in this mountain region is of the most varied description; bare precipitous hill-sides seamed with dry, rocky watercourses give place with almost startling rapidity to fertile slopes, terraced literally for thousands of feet.
It now takes a tortuous westerly course, and the scenery on its banks becomes more romantic. Winding down by Neckarsteinach and Neckargemund between lofty wooded heights, it sweeps beneath the Kanigsstuhl (1900 ft.), washes the walls of Heidelberg, and now quitting the valley enters the plain of the Rhine and falls into that river from the right at Mannheim.
In the Pasud taluk, however, there are wide stretches of woodland, while some of the peaks rise to a height of 2000 ft., the scenery (especially during the rains) being very beautiful.
The rich pastoral scenery of this part of Lincolnshire influenced the imagination of the boy, and is plainly reflected in all his early poetry, although it has now been stated with authority that the localities of his subject-poems, which had been ingeniously identified with real brooks and granges, were wholly imaginary.
The scenery among the mountains is generally soft.
Nowhere is the region of eternal snow reached, and masses of foliage enhance the gentle aspect of the scenery and glorify it in autumn with tints of striking brilliancy.
Lakes and Waterfalls.Japan has many lakes, remarkable for the beauty of their scenery rather than for their extent.
The motives remained almost identical with those of the Chinese masters, and so imbued with the foreign spirit were many of the Japanese disciples that it is said they found it difficult to avoid introducing Chinese accessories even into pictures of native scenery.
He was the boldest and most original of Japanese landscape artists, leaving powerful and poetic records of the scenery of his own land as well as that of China, and trusting more to the sure and sweeping stroke of the brush than to color.
This expectation, however, was not realized, but in time the place grew popular as a health resort, the scenery in every direction being remarkably picturesque.
Swedenborg claimed also to have learnt by his admission into the spiritual world the true states of men in the next life, the scenery and occupations of heaven and hell, the true doctrine of Providence, the origin of evil, the sanctity and perpetuity of marriage and to have been a witness of the "last judgment," or the second coming of the Lord, which is a contemporary event.
Almost all the district is mountainous, and is distinguished by the beauty of its scenery and by its mineral wealth.
It has a length of 35 m., beginning at Gloggnitz in Lower Austria and ending at Miirzzuschlag in Styria, and passes through some exceedingly beautiful scenery.
In the southern portion of the district the scenery in parts of the hill-ranges and the highlands which connect them is very beautiful.
The sentiment of Italian scenery and the love which the Italian peasant has for the familiar sights and sounds of his home found a voice which never can pass away.
It lies in a valley surrounded by hills, at a short distance from the river Dart; the scenery, towards Dartmoor and in the neighbourhood of Buckland and Holne Chase, being unsurpassed in the county.
The Carpathians do not form an uninterrupted chain of mountains, but consist of several orographically and geologically distinctive groups; in fact they present as great a structural variety as the Alps; but as regards magnificence of scenery they cannot compare with the Alps.
The whole of Bhutan presents a succession of lofty and rugged mountains abounding in picturesque and sublime scenery.
The cloud and thunder and lightning effects are spoken of as very impres'Eve, and the scenery of the lake and its shores has been much extolled by travellers.
The climate and the scenery in and about Biddeford attract summer visitors and there are two resorts, Biddeford Pool and Fortune Rocks within the municipal limits; but the city is chiefly a manufacturing centre (third in rank among the cities of the state in 1905) - good water-power being furnished by the river - and cotton goods, foundry and machine shop products and lumber are the principal products, the first being by far the most important.
The general elevation of the country is about 500 ft., but the hills and plateaus which form the prominent feature in the scenery of Luxemburg range from 1200 to 1500 ft.
There is much fine scenery in the neighbourhood, there are mineral springs near by, and the place has become known as a summer resort.
Its valley, much the richest portion of the state agriculturally, is celebrated for the quiet variety and beauty of its scenery.
It, too, is a summer recreation ground, with much beautiful scenery.
Beliefs and practices with reference to the heavenly world were inspired by zoic activities; its location, scenery and environment were the homes of beast gods.
The climate is healthy and the coast scenery in the neighbourhood fine, especially towards the south.
The scenery is very beautiful; the valley about the lakes of Grasmere and Rydal Water is in great part wooded, while on its eastern flank there rises boldly the range of hills which includes Rydal Fell, Fairfield and Seat Sandal, and, farther north, Helvellyn.
The great attraction of Darjeeling is its scenery, which is unspeakably grand.
The scenery is generally magnificent.
Owing to the varied and beautiful scenery, this is a favourite summer resort; the game of the forests and the fishing in the streams and in the multitude of lakes serve as further attractions.
It is noted for its remarkable scenery, especially where it crosses the Highlands.
The largest lake entirely within the state is Lake George, famous for its beautiful scenery.
East of the Taupo plateau and south of Opotiki on the Bay of Plenty the steep thickly-timbered ranges held by the Uriwera tribe still show scenery quite unspoiled by white intrusion.
In appearance the more conspicuous flora differs very greatly from that of Australia, Polynesia, and temperate South America, and helps to give to the scenery a character of its own.
Davenport lies on the slope of a bluff affording extensive views of landscape and river scenery.
It is a study of social and ethnological conditions, and contains many passages of literary charm, describing bird life, animal life and natural scenery.
The action of water and ice upon the soft sandstone of which the hills here are chiefly composed has produced deep gorges and isolated fantastic peaks, which, however, though both beautiful and interesting, by no means recall the characteristics of Swiss scenery.
It is built on a picturesque promontory which separates the waters of Green Bay from Little Bay de Noquette, and its delightful summer climate, wild landscape scenery and facilities for boating and trout fishing make it a popular summer resort.
It is served by most of the Levantine steamship companies, and is the best point of departure for visitors desiring to see Tarsus, the Cilician remains, and the finest scenery of the East Taurus.
Entirely on her own initiative, and moved by admiration for the fine achievements of "her brave Irish" during the war, the queen announced her intention of paying a long visit to Dublin; and there, accordingly, she went for the month of April 1900, staying in the Viceregal Lodge, receiving many of the leaders of Irish society, inspecting some 50,000 school children from all parts of Ireland, and taking many a drive amid the charming scenery of the neighbourhood of Dublin.
The scenery has been immortalized in Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake.
No part of England surpasses the more fertile portions of this county in the peculiar richness of its rural scenery.
The islands of the archipelago nearly all present bold and picturesque profiles against the horizon, and at the same time the character of the scenery varies from island to island and even from district to district.
The inland slope is gradual, but on the northern shore the range terminates in abrupt and almost perpendicular declivities, and here, consequently, some of the finest coast scenery in the island is found, widely differing, with its unbroken lines of cliffs, from the indented coast-line of the west.
Sometimes he is descriptive, as in his Polish poem entitled Flis (" The Boatman"), in which he gives a detailed account of the scenery on the banks of the Vistula.
One of his most remarkable poems is his Jan Deborog, in which, like Mickiewicz, he has well described the scenery of his native Lithuania.
Haverhill was the birthplace of Whittier, who lived here in 1807-1836, and who in his poem Haverhill, written for the 250th anniversary of the town in 1890, and in many of his other poems, gave the poet's touch to the history, the legends and the scenery of his native city.
The Jurjura range, forming the background of the plains between Algiers and Bougie, extends through the district of Kabylia, with which for grandeur of scenery no other part of Algeria can compare.
It is celebrated because of the difficulties overcome on the precipitous eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre, the beauties of the mountain scenery through which it passes, and the rapid transition from the hot, humid coastal plain to the cool, arid plateau, 7924 ft.
The delightful scenery of mountains, lakes, streams and woodlands gives to the greater part of New Hampshire, which is in the New England physiographic province, the appearance of a vast and beautiful park; and the state is a favourite summer resort.
The lakes and ponds, numbering several hundred, were formed by glacial action and the scenery of many of them is scarcely less attractive than that of the mountains.
To the west the valley of the Liffey affords pleasant scenery, with the well-known grounds called the "Strawberry Beds" on the north bank.
It contains a convent, boys' college, hospital, several mills, and is a favourite summer resort on account of the' angling and shooting, and the magnificent scenery.
Travellers whose idea of picturesqueness is based upon the abnormally sharpened peaks of the ice-sculptured Alps are disappointed with the scenery of the central and southern ranges of the Rocky Mountains.
Excepting on the west coasts of the larger islands, which present rugged cliff scenery remarkable both for beauty and for colouring, the group lies somewhat low and is of bleak aspect, owing to the absence of trees.
The scenery of Euboea is perhaps the most beautiful in Greece, owing to the varied combinations of rock, wood and water; for from the uplands the sea is almost always in view, either the wide island-studded expanse of the Aegean, or the succession of lakes formed by the Euboic Sea, together with mountains of exquisite outline, while the valleys and maritime plains are clothed either with fruit trees or with plane trees of magnificent growth.
It is beautifully situated in the upper part of the valley of the Wharfe, and owing to the fine scenery of the neighbourhood, and to the bracing air of the high moorlands above the valley, has become a favourite health resort.
The scenery is comparatively poor, consisting chiefly of sheep-downs (in Montgomeryshire) and barren turbaries (in Cardiganshire).
The cultivation of the tree rapidly spread, and the larch has become a conspicuous feature of the scenery in many parts of Scotland.
Its scenery is varied by forests of some size - the chief being the Foret de Senart, the Foret de Crecy and the Forét d'Armainvilliers.
On the isthmus are distinct traces of the canal cut by Xerxes before his invasion of Greece in 480 B.C. The peninsula is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery, and derives a peculiar interest from its unique group of monastic communities with their medieval customs and institutions, their treasures of Byzantine art and rich collections of documents.
About two-thirds of the boundary of Mayo is formed by sea, and the coast is very much indented, and abounds in picturesque scenery.
The coast scenery is not surpassed by that of Donegal northward and Connemara southward, and there are several small coast-towns, among which may be named Killala.
This and the smaller valleys are noted for the beauty of their tropical scenery.
The valleys are remarkable for beautiful scenery, - peaks, cliffs, lateral ravines, cascades and tropical vegetation.
But the most noteworthy characteristics of the province are, perhaps, the brilliancy of its climate, the beauty of its scenery (which ranges in character from the alpine to the tropical), and the interest of its art and antiquities.
The Susquehanna is a wide and shallow stream with a zigzag course and numerous islands, but both the Susquehanna and the Delaware, together with their principal tributaries, flow for the most part transverse to the geological structure, and in the gorges and water-gaps through which they pass ridges in the mountain region, is some of the most picturesque scenery in the state; a number of these gorges, too, have been of great economic importance as passages for railways.
It is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery and for its fine villas, and is a favourite resort in spring, summer and autumn.
It is beautifully situated on the peninsula formed by the junction of the rivers Ischl and Traun and is surrounded by high mountains, presenting scenery of the finest description.
From the flanks of Lebanon, especially from the heights which lie to the north of the Qasimiyeh or IKasimiya (Litany) River, the traveller looks down upon some of the finest landscape in the world; in general features the scenery is not unlike that of the Italian Riviera, but surpasses it in grandeur and a peculiar depth of colouring.
The scenery in the neighbourhood is striking, lofty bare mountains being varied by open plains and long valleys dotted with villages.
Snowdon is demarcated from the surrounding hills by passes famous for their scenery, such as that of Llanberis to the N.E.
There is a good deal of pretty scenery along this river, as, for instance, at Ciergnon, but the most striking part of the valley is contained in the last 12 m.
This is one of the villages which has become the centre of a residential district, and is frequented by holiday-makers from London, owing to its proximity to the pleasant woodland scenery of Epping Forest.
The coast scenery near Boscastle is severely beautiful, with abrupt cliffs fully exposed to the sea, and broken only by a few picturesque inlets such as Crackington Cove and Pentargan Cove.
Bergen is the nearest port to the famous Hardanger Fjord, and is the starting-point of a remarkable railway which runs through many tunnels and fine scenery towards Vossevangen or Voss.
It lies on a plateau about 880 ft., above sea-level and commands pleasant views of diversified scenery.
Dar Nuba is well-watered, the scenery is diversified and pretty, affording a welcome contrast to that of the rest of the country.
The boldness of its scenery is softened by the richness of its verdure.
The scenery on its banks is in parts very beautiful.
The cliff scenery is grand, and there is a fine sandy beach along the northward sweep of the coast in Watergate Bay.
The scenery of both made a great impression on his mind, and was afterwards described with singular vividness in his writings.
The descriptions of South American scenery in Westward Ho!, of the Egyptian desert in Hypatia, of the North Devon scenery in Two Years Ago, are among the most brilliant pieces of wordpainting in English prose-writing; and the American scenery is even more vividly and more truthfully described when he had seen it only by the eye of his imagination than in his work At Last, which was written after he had visited the tropics.
Its situation on the broad and navigable Rhine, and at the centre of an extensive network of railways, giving it direct communication with all the important cities of Europe, has greatly fostered its trade, while its close proximity to the beautiful scenery of the Rhine, has rendered it a favourite tourist resort.
Between the Lot and the Aveyron is a belt of causses or monotonous limestone table-lands, broken here and there by profound and beautiful gorges - a type of scenery characteristic of Aveyron.
With its beautiful scenery and temperate climate, Ilfracombe is frequented by visitors both in summer and winter.
South and central Germany, on the other hand, is very much diversified in scenery.
There is superb mountain scenery on the roads to El Caney and San Luis (pop. 1907, 344 1), in the thickly populated valley of the Cauto.
Not to mention the olive, which must have been introduced at a remote period, all the members of the orange tribe, the agave and the prickly pear, as well as other plants highly characteristic of Sicilian scenery, have been introduced since the beginning of the Christian era.
The mountain scenery is extremely picturesque, and the trees and shrubs are such as are common in England, the mountain ash being the only common English tree which is there conspicuous by its absence.
The name is said to be due to a resemblance of the scenery to that of Melrose, Scotland.
It lies on both sides of the river Calder, and the scenery of the valley is beautiful in spite of the numerous factories.
His exquisite strains, in which pure imagination is blended with most accurate and realistic descriptions of scenery and rural life, have an extraordinary charm not easily described.
The country neighbouring Ludlow is richly wooded and hilly, while the scenery of the Teme is exquisite.
The general aspect of the county is mountainous, and the scenery is marked by beauty and grandeur.
The descriptions of the campaigns are admirably vivid, and show his singular eye for scenery.
It is a flat plain, and its scenery is uninteresting.
Throughout the northwestern region uniformity of features characterizes the scenery, betokening even at a distance the general monotony of structure.
The south-eastern region of the Highlands, having a more diversified geological structure, offers greater variety of scenery.
Farther to the south-west, in the shires of Perth, Inverness and Argyll, they give place to the ordinary hummocky crested ridges of Highland scenery, which, however, in Ben Nevis and Aonach Beg reach a height of over 4000 ft.
Almost all the eminences in the Lowlands consist of hard igneous rocks, forming not only chains of hills such as those just mentioned and others in Ayrshire and Lanarkshire, but isolated crags and hills like those on which stand the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling, and others conspicuous in the scenery of Fife and the Lothians.
Only in the higher tracts are there rugged features recalling the more savage character of Highland scenery.
In fact, in journeying westwards across the tops of the Highland mountains we pass, as it were, over successive stages in the history of the origin of Highland scenery.
No feature in Highland scenery is more characteristic than the corries, and in none can the influence of geological structure be better understood.
The lakes and water-basins may be classified in four groups, each with its own peculiar scenery and distinct mode of origin - (I) glen lakes, (2) rock-tarns, (3) moraine-tarns, (4) lakes of the plains.
Raised sea-beaches likewise play a part in the coast scenery.
This great series of metamorphic rocks, the geological age of which is still unsettled, has had a powerful effect on the scenery, especially along the Highland line.
Forest-clad mountains and stretches of thorny jungle alternating with rich alluvial plains, cultivated like gardens under an ancient and elaborate system of irrigation, make the scenery of Lombok exceedingly attractive.
The scenery is generally monotonous; even the mountainous districts rarely show striking features 1 Nos.
This range encloses many charming valleys and glens; the most prominent feature of its scenery is formed by the forests, chiefly of pines and firs.
The climate of eastern Bokhara and Darwaz is delightful in summer, and Dr Regel writes of its Alpine scenery and flora in terms of enthusiastic admiration.
The scenery, especially in the neighbourhood of the fjords, is pleasant, lacking the barrenness of some portions of the kingdom.
The rocky gorges through which it flows, with a distant view of the Hindu Kush, form some of the finest scenery in the world.
The surrounding scenery is famous for its richness of colour, especially in the grounds of Cary Court, and along "The Hobby," a road cut through the woods and overlooking the, sea.
The empire included within these boundaries is rich in varieties of scenery and climate, from the highest mountains in the world to vast river deltas raised only a few inches above the level of the sea.
From this point the climb to the Plateau began through magnificent scenery of glaciers and peaks, the heights of which were estimated as 10,000, 15,000 and even 19,000 feet.
From its mountainous character Mauritius is a most picturesque island, and its scenery is very varied and beautiful.
The northern half of Lerida belongs entirely to the Mediterranean or eastern section of the Pyrenees, and comprises some of the finest scenery in the whole chain, including the valleys of Aran and La Cerdana, and large tracts of forest.
Along the upper course of the White river in the Bostons and in the country about Hot Springs in the Ouachitas is found the most beautiful scenery of the highlands; few regions are more beautiful.
Neustadt, the third of the larger divisions, is distinguished neither by picturesque scenery nor historical interest.
Of the mountain scenery the granite pinnacles and domes of the highest Sierra opposite Owen's Lake - where there is a drop eastward into the valley of about 10,000 ft.
Near Owen's lake the scenery is extremely grand.
It is a fine headland of granite, pierced by a natural arch, on a coast renowned for its cliff scenery.
One of the striking features in the geology of Arran is the remarkable series of intrusive igneous rocks of Tertiary age which occupy nearly one-half of the area and form the wildest and grandest scenery in the island.
It lies at the foot of Mount Keira, amid fine mountain and coast scenery.
Though much of Riigen is flat and sandy, the fine beech woods which cover a great part of it, and the bold northern coast scenery combine with the convenient sea-bathing offered by the various villages around the coast to attract large numbers of visitors.
The borough lies on a ridge of ground commanding delightful landscape scenery extending north up the course of the river to the Blue Mountains 20 m.
The central plateau (2500 to 4500 ft.), with no navigable river and few natural approaches, with its monotonous scenery and severe climate, is a continuation of central Asia.
The west coast, with its alternation of sea and promontory, of rugged mountains and fertile valleys, its bright and varied scenery, and its fine climate, is almost a part of Europe.
The scenery of the Thuringian portion of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt attracts many visitors annually, the most beautiful spots being the gorge of the Schwarza and the lovely circular valley in which the village of Schwarzburg nestles at the foot of a curiously isolated hill, crowned by the ancient castle of the princely line.
The water supply is derived from Lake Kerferd in the vicinity, which is a favourite resort of visitors; the scenery near the town, which lies at an elevation of 1805 ft.
Many of the residences are on bluffs commanding beautiful views of river scenery; and good building material has been obtained from the Burlington limestone quarries.
The scenery is beautiful, and there is a remarkable view from a steel tower observatory, 150 ft.
He points to features of the lake of Gennesareth, which were first touched in the Christian Year; and he observes that throughout the book "the Biblical scenery is treated graphically as real scenery, and the Biblical history and poetry as real history and poetry."
The scenery on both sides is of the most varied and beautiful description, many villages lining each well-wooded shore, while on the European side are numerous fine residences of the wealthy class of Constantinople.
Much of the grandest scenery is due to glaciation.
Middle Park is not level, but is traversed thickly by low ranges like the Alleghanies; in the bordering mountain rim are several of the grandest mountain peaks and some of the most magnificent scenery of the state.
The scenery on the head-waters of the White and Bear, the upper tributaries of the Gunnison, and on many of the minor rivers of the south-west is wonderfully beautiful.
Many parts of the railways among the mountains are remarkable for altitude, construction or scenery.
Perhaps finer than these for their wide-horizoned outlooks and grand surroundings are the Alpine Tunnel under the continental divide of the Lower Sawatch chain, the scenery of the tortuous line along the southern boundary in the Conejos and San Juan mountains, which are crossed at Cumbres (10,003 ft.), and the magnificent scenery about Ouray and on the Silverton railway over the shoulder of Red Mountain (attaining 11,235 ft.).
But the picturesque scenery and delightful summer climate have made New England a favourite resort.
The scenery of both the lake and the skrgdrd is similar, the numerous islands low, rocky, and generally wooded, the waterways between them narrow and quiet.
The scenery in the neighbourhood of Belper, especially to the west, is beautiful; but there are collieries, lead-mines and quarries in the vicinity of the town.
The first district, thus defined, is much the largest, and includes the greatest elevations in the country and the finest scenery.
The scenery of these lakes, though never grand, is always quietly beautiful, especially in the case of Molar, the wooded shores and islands of which form a notable feature in the pleasant environs of the city of Stockholm.
Kyneton lies at an elevation of 1687 ft., and the scenery of the district, which includes some beautiful waterfalls, attracts visitors in summer.
It is celebrated equally for its picturesque scenery and for the numerous points of historical and other interest within it.
Following the valley upward, the points of chief interest apart from the scenery are these.
The coast, fully exposed to the open ocean, abounds in fine cliff scenery, including numerous caves and natural arches, but is notoriously dangerous to shipping.
It is not only the loftiest part of the sierra, but also the highest land in the whole Ionian group. The name "Black" was given from the darkness of the pine woods which still constitute the most striking feature in Cephalonian scenery, although their extent has been greatly curtailed by fire.
Among the most surprising features of cave scenery are the vertical shafts that pierce through all levels, from the uppermost galleries, or even from the sink-holes, down to the lowest floor.
They are navigable from May to October, and furnish interesting features of cave scenery.
Much has been written about the impressive ness of Himalayan scenery.
It is not in comparison with the picturesque beauty of European Alpine scenery that the Himalaya appeals to the imagination, for amongst the hills of the outer Himalaya - the hills which are known to the majority of European residents and visitors - there is often a striking absence of those varied incidents and sharp contrasts which are essential to picturesqueness in mountain landscape.
Few small countries contain so great a variety of scenery as Portugal.
This wealth of colour gives to the scenery of Portugal a quite distinctive character and is the one feature common to all its varieties.
Reitor, depict country life and scenery with loving sympathy, and hold the reader by the charm of the characters, but Diniz is a rather subjective monotonous writer who lacks the power to analyse, and he is no psychologist.
The forest and river scenery of the neighbourhood of Stettin is picturesque, but the low level and swampy nature of the soil render the climate bleak and unhealthy.
The region is made up in general of high ranges deeply glaciated, preserving some remnants of ancient glaciers, and having fine " Alpine " scenery, with many sharp peaks and ridges, U-shaped valleys, cirques, lakes and waterfalls.
The scenery on some of these tributaries is almost as beautiful as that of the Snake, though lacking the grandeur of its greater scale.
It is served by the Union Pacific, the Colorado & Southern, and the Colorado & North-western railways; the last connects with the neighbouring mining camps, and affords fine views of mountain scenery.
S., a seat of the earl of Glasgow, stands in romantic scenery.
Here and there persons are glanced at, while the whole scenery of his birthplace and its neighbourhood is curiously worked in; but for the most part the satire is typical rather than individual, and it is on the whole a rather negative satire.
The river here is about a mile wide, and a considerable portion of the borough is built on the slope of a hill which rises gently from the river-bank and overlooks beautiful scenery.
It lies in the midst of beautiful scenery, 4 m.
The sea-bathing and magnificent scenery attract visitors in summer even to this remote district, which has no railway and few good roads.
The shallow inlet of Poole Bay is followed by the eminence of St Alban's Head, and thereafter, right round the south-western promontory of England, the cliff-bound coast, with its bays and inlets closely beset with hills, predominates over the low shore-line, exhibits a remarkable series of different forms, and provides the finest scenery of its kind in England.
Contemporary igneous outbursts are extremely common in some of the ancient formations, and add, by their resistance to atmospheric erosion, to the extreme ruggedness of the scenery.
They are all similar in the great features of their land-forms, which have been impressed upon them by the prolonged action of atmospheric denudation rather than by the original order and arrangement of the rocks; but each group has its own geological character, which has imparted something of a distinctive individuality to the scenery.
Except in the towns of the outer border, the Lake District is very thinly peopled; and from the economic point of view, the remarkable beauty of its scenery, attracting numerous residents and tourists, is the most valuable of its resources.
The whole region may be looked upon as formed by an arch or anticline of Carboniferous strata, the axis of which runs north and south; the centre has been worn away by erosion, so that the Coal Measures have been removed, and the underlying Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone exposed to the influences which form scenery.
The belt of Millstone Grit south of the Aire, lying between the great coal-fields of the West Riding and Lancashire, has a lower elevation, and forms grassy uplands and dales; but farther south, the finest scenery of the whole region occurs in the limestones of Derbyshire, in which the range terminates.
Compared with the rugged and picturesque scenery of the Lower Carboniferous rocks, that of the Coal Measures is, as a rule, featureless and monotonous.
High on the barren crest of the Pennines, where the rocks yield no mineral wealth, except it be medicinal waters, Harrogate, Buxton and Matlock are types of health resorts, prosperous from their pure air and fine scenery.
The remarkable features of the scenery of South Devon and Cornwall are due to a narrow band of Archaean rock which appears in the south of the peninsulas terminating in Lizard Head and Start Point, and to huge masses of granite and other eruptive rocks which form a series of great bosses and dykes.
A few small outcrops occur where still more ancient strata have been raised to the surface, as, for instance, in Charnwood Forest, where the Archaean rocks, with intrusions of granite, create a patch of highland scenery in the very heart of the English plain; and in the Lickey Hills, near Birmingham, where the prominent features are due to volcanic rocks of very ancient date.
The typical scenery of the Chalk country is unrelieved by small streams of running water; the hills rise into rounded downs, often capped with fine clumps of beech, and usually covered with thin turf, affording pasture for sheep. The chalk, when exposed on the surface, is an excellent foundation for roads, and the lines of many of the Roman " streets " were probably determined by this fact.
Flamborough Head, the South Foreland, Beachy Head and the Needles are examples of the fine scenery into which chalk weathers where it fronts the sea, and these white cliffs gave to the island its early name of Albion.
The dissection of the great east and west anticline in the south-east of England has resulted in a remarkable piece of country, occupying the east of Hampshire and practically the whole of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, in which each geological stratum produces its own type of scenery, and exercises its own specific influence on every natural distribution.
The scenery is quiet in its character, but the gravel hills are often prominent features, as at Harrow and in the northern suburbs of London; the country is now mainly under grass or occupied with market and nursery gardens, and many parts, of which Epping Forest is a fine example, are still densely wooded, the oak being the prevailing tree.
Kent is again pre-eminent in the growth of hops; indeed this practice and that of fruit-growing give the scenery of the county a strongly individual character.
It is often asserted that the scenery of rural England is of its kind unrivalled.
This is the origin of the numerous lakes of Maine, which give it some of its most beautiful scenery, and help to make it a holiday resort in summer.
To this subsidence are due the picturesque coastal scenery, the numerous islands and bays, the good harbours and the peculiar coast-line.
Slopes of Range.-Between the northern and the southern sides of the range there is quite as great a difference in climate, productions and scenery as there is between the Swiss and the Italian sides of the Alps.
A still lower terrace, terminating in the Shinarump Cliffs, is less conspicuous; but the higher ones afford magnificent scenery.
The Archean rocks produce a picturesque coast-line, the north shore particularly being indented by deep bays surrounded by high cliffs, mostly burnt off and somewhat desolate; the islands also rise abruptly to considerable heights, the north shore furnish= ing the boldest scenery of the Great Lakes.
The picturesque appearance of the village, with its quays and little harbour, and the grandeur of the cliffs and moorland scenery towards Land's End, make Newlyn an attractive spot.
Beyond, the road enters the "Desert" and passes through most delightful scenery.
At the mouth of the river, where the scenery is very fine, is East London, third in importance of the ports of Cape Colony.
Their scenery is of striking beauty.
In general characteristics and the beauty of their scenery these islands resemble those of the Sesse archipelago.
The neighbouring country is interesting from its scenery and antiquities.
The artistic taste of the landscape gardening is excellent, and the mountain scenery is not unworthy of Kashmir.
Eureka Springs and Wild Cat Cave are of interest to visitors, and attractive scenery is furnished by the river and its bordering bluffs.
His idyllic masterpiece is the sustained transcript of winter scenery and home-life, Snow-Bound, which has had no equal except Longfellow's " Evangeline " in American favour, but, in fact," nothing of its class since " The Cottar's Saturday Night " can justly be compared with it.
The surface is generally hilly; the scenery is fine in the north, where the cliffs reach a height of 135 ft., and the granite hill of Helligdomsklipper dominates the island.
The beauty of the scenery in its vicinity has made the city a summer resort.
It is situated close to some of the most romantic scenery in the Highlands, and is particularly well known through Scott's Lady of the Lake.
While rendered extensively useful, by various skilful artifices, in working the numerous mines of the district, at other parts of their course they present the most picturesque scenery in the Harz.
But while the summer is thus relatively ungenial on the top of the Harz, the usual summer heat of the lower-lying valleys is greatly tempered and cooled; so that, adding this to the natural attractions of the scenery, the deep forests, and the legendary and romantic associations attaching to every fantastic rock and ruined castle, the Harz is a favourite summer resort of the German people.
The scenery is finest between Rhayader and Hay in the upper part, and from Goodrich, below Ross, to Chepstow in the lower, the second being the portion which gives the Wye its fame.
The noble tower, however, which formed the citadel of the colony, still remains, and is a striking feature in the scenery of Constantinople.
The inhabitants present a remarkable conglomeration of different races, various nationalities, divers languages, distinctive costumes and conflicting faiths, giving, it is true, a singular interest to what may be termed the human scenery of the city, but rendering impossible any close social cohesion, or the development of a common civic life.
It is chiefly remarkable for the beauty of its scenery, and is a very favourite resort in the spring and autumn.
Almost everywhere they present to the sea perpendicular cliffs, broken into fantastic forms, affording at every turn, to those who sail along the coast, the most picturesque and varied scenery.
On each side of the village the coast scenery is remarkably picturesque, the rugged cliffs - reaching in the promontory of Red Head, the scene of a thrilling incident in the Antiquary, a height of 267 ft.
The fine scenery in the neighbourhood, and the climate, which is possibly the healthiest in Cuba, make the place a favourite resort for natives and foreigners.
The fine surrounding scenery culminates to the east in the wild mountain Errigal (2466 ft.) at the upper end of the loughs.
Subterranean rivers and water-worn caves provide a special type of scenery below the surface.
But the finest part of its whole course, as regards the picturesqueness of the scenery on its banks, is between Linz and Vienna.
Besides these highest points there are a considerable number of mountains in the central provinces of Imerina and Betsileo and the intervening and surrounding districts; and in the Bara country the Isalo range has been compared to the "Church Buttes" and other striking features of the scenery of Utah.
The scenery is wild and beautiful until the river passes Sigmaringen.
The situation is pleasant, and the neighbouring coast exhibits bold cliff scenery.
Four conspicuous features of Pyrenean scenery are the absence of great lakes, such as fill the lateral valleys of the Alps; the rarity and great elevation of passes; the large number of the mountain torrents locally called gaves, which often form lofty waterfalls, surpassed in Europe only by those of Scandinavia; and the frequency with which the upper end of a valley assumes the form of a semicircle of precipitous cliffs, locally called a cirque.
Built largely on the well-wooded slopes of Westerton and Airthrey Hill, sheltered by the Ochils from the north and east winds, and environed by charming scenery, it has a great reputation as a health resort and watering-place, especially in winter and spring.
While, again, continuous mountain ranges and broad plains and table-lands give the prevailing character to the scenery, there are, on the one hand, lofty isolated peaks, such as Monseny, Montserrat and Mont Sant in Catalonia, the Pea Golosa in Valencia, Moncayo on the borders of Aragon and Old Castile, and, on the other hand, small secluded valleys, such as those of Vich and Olot among the Catalonian Pyrenees.
Nature is not grand in any part of Nebraska, but the Bad Lands are imposing, and in the wooded foot-hills there is an abundance of bold and attractive scenery, particularly in Sioux county, and in Cherry county around Valentine and on the canyon of the Snake river.
In the south they stretch themselves along the banks of the Rhine, forming a strip of picturesque river scenery made up of the varied elements of sandhills and trees, clay-lands and pastures.
The forest, with which it is densely covered, consists of oak, beech, ash and fir, and the scenery, especially on the main side, between Gemiinden and Lohr, is impressive.
The pleasant scenery of the neighbourhood, which attracts large numbers both of visitors and of residents from London, is described in Dickens's novel, Barnaby Rudge, and the King's Head Inn, Dickens's "Maypole," still stands.
The country abounds in romantic scenery; that of the district of Ararat especially has been celebrated by patriotic historians like Moses of Chorene and Lazarus of Pharb.
The scenery in the neighbourhood is magnificent, the snowy cones rising from amidst woods of araucaria, and being surrounded by blue lakes.
While the scenery of the western slope of the Andes is exceedingly grand, with its deep fjords, glaciers and woods, yet the severity of its climate detracts considerably from its charm.
The western, which reaches an altitude of about io,000 ft., then ceases to exist as a continuous chain, there remaining only a short, high ridge, called by Edward Whymper the " Pacific range of the equator," and between this ridge and the crystalline Andean axis, the " avenue of volcanoes," to use his words, arises amidst majestic scenery.