Scanners Sentence Examples
I suspect there are a lot more digital cameras in use out there than properly equipped scanners... ... ... .
Barcode users no longer have the dilemma of choosing between the reliability of solid-state CCD readers and the speed of laser scanners.
They also have large format scanners that can make dupes of my drawings.
The MRI and CT scanners are large and rather foreboding - they can also make a rather threatening noise when they are working.
Specific projects have included thermoacoustic refrigeration, automotive wheels and tires, bioengineering applications, robotic manipulators, washing machines and MRI scanners.
Some of these have flatbed, radiograph or slide scanners attached.
Traditionally drum scanners provided the best quality, but were expensive to use and hard to operate.
The use of cameras and hand-held scanners is forbidden.
At the 1st implementation phase, the system is supposed to extend up to 300 workplaces equipped with biometric scanners.
The register has been replaced in some schools by fingerprint scanners, saving valuable time.
AdvertisementFlat-bed scanners have plummeted in price over the last few years.
Where can I find updates for the most common virus scanners?
In the background, the Liberator's scanners have detected a 700 year old Earth ' Wanderer ' class spaceship drifting toward the planet.
Most notably this applies to the number of flat-bed scanners which remain uncounted, often being the personal property of an individual academic.
It only supports scanners attached to a SCSI port, not to the parallel port.
AdvertisementIn the background, the Liberator 's scanners have detected a 700 year old Earth ' Wanderer ' class spaceship drifting toward the planet.
We must assume ships ' phasers are souped up with some kind of extra subspace field, which may explain their visibility in scanners.
For example, radiation dose from modern computed tomography scanners may be in excess of that produced by older models.
For example some gamma cameras and PET scanners are combined with a computerized tomography x-ray system.
Many programs, such as virus scanners, are set by default to obtain updates.
AdvertisementYou may have purchased computers and scanners before, but if you've never bought a printer you might not know what to look for.
Scanners are actually easy to buy because it all depends on how you are going to use it.
Scanners should list a Dynamic Range specification, which is similar to the contrast ration on a monitor or television.
Most scanners hook to your computer via USB.
Flatbed scanners are capable of scanning 8.5x11 sheets (sometimes legal size) on a copier-like glass.
AdvertisementHand-held scanners are less popular, except with on-the-go business men who need that function.
A visit to your local electronics store may reveal that stand-alone scanners are slowly becoming obsolete for consumers.
All-in-ones are printers, scanners, and copiers in one unit (some include a fax).
The microchip is inserted just under the skin and can be read by scanners used by veterinarians and animal welfare organizations.
In the United States, the total amount of discarded electronic equipment, including computers, computer peripherals such as printers, fax machines and scanners, and cell phones came to 2.25 million short tons in 2007.
The program easily works along with popular cameras and scanners and has support for numerous image formats.
This typically results in a higher quality image than most scanners provide.
In most MRI scanners, the patient opening is like a long tube, and some patients may become claustrophobic.
To be more patient-friendly, different types of MRI scanners have been developed.
Newer MRI scanners have shorter patient openings that allows the patient's head to remain outside the machine during body scans.
Open MRI scanners are available with columns and open sides to alleviate claustrophobia.
These scanners are designed to image only the joints or the head.
Newer CT scanners, called multislice or multidetector CT, are used to rapidly image newborns to assess congenital heart defects.
New CT scanners have preset imaging features that allow scanning at the lowest radiation dose for the child's weight and age.
Personal computers, tape recorders, cameras, approved scanners, and some other electronic devices are allowed.
Personal copiers and hand-held scanners are not.
The microchip, which can be read by scanners at many animal shelters, allows the animal to be identified even without a collar or tags.
Thermal scanners are used to track and locate possible paranormal activity.
Airport X-ray scanners will not damage film, video or computer equipment, so don't fret.
You can use Free Spyware Removal Tools, and scanners like AVG, Spybot, Ad-Aware and Microsoft's Defender.
The 1500 is printed with special red ink and is for use in optical character recognition scanners.