Scalp Sentence Examples
She replaced the hat to protect her searing scalp.
Zach jerked suddenly, knocking his cap off and exposing a scalp full of red hair.
The nails of the fingers, or the hair of the scalp may grow to an enormous length if not trimmed.
It's also great for flaky, itchy scalp.
If the scalp is very scaly then a shampoo containing coal tar or salicylic acid may help to remove it.
She breathed deep, throwing her head back and fluffing her hair with her fingers to cool her scalp.
In the disease of the scalp called favus, Schonlein had discovered a minute mycelial fungus; a remarkable discovery, for it was the first conspicuous step in the attribution of diseases to the action of minute parasites.
For such offences as witchcraft, fraud, removing landmarks, and adultery the criminal had his heart cut out on the altar, or his head crushed between two stones, while even lesser punishments were harsh, such as that of slanderers, whose hair was singed with a pine-torch to the scalp.
Properly the scalp could only be taken after a fair fight; in more recent times there seems to have been no such restriction.
The female louse lays around 6 eggs a day, firmly attached to the hair shaft close to the scalp.
AdvertisementDrive away old cobwebs with gray hairs turning white on my scalp.
His thinning hair was plastered meticulously over his bald tome scarcely concealing the pink scalp.
If your roots are greasy soak some cotton wool in witch hazel, cologne or skin tonic and rub all over scalp.
To remedy dandruff try rubbing lemon juice or a strong infusion of sage or rosemary into the scalp and roots.
Recent research has shown that a fungus that occurs naturally on everyone's scalp causes dandruff.
AdvertisementThe top scales fall away, giving the impression of severe dandruff, whilst the bottom scales remain firmly attached to the scalp.
Cradle Cap Treatment Shampoo Cradle cap is a form of seborrhoeic dermatitis, which can cause a dry, flaky, itchy scalp.
The fetal heart rate should be monitored and where available a fetal scalp electrode should be placed.
Components of ERP were recorded from 15 scalp electrodes.
The skin with hair follicles, hairy skin, e.g. on the scalp, has a thin epidermis and many sebaceous glands.
AdvertisementA thorough examination of the scalp with a comb is the most effective method.
Indian Head Massage relaxes the scalp and tones up the subcutaneous muscles relieving eyestrain, headaches and improving concentration.
They are small wingless insects which live in the hair and suck blood from the scalp.
These measures should help to minimize the risk of making the scalp itchy.
Even the 7th choice wicket keeper Dave Lewis got into the act, picking up the prized scalp of John Gray.
AdvertisementIn the second place leprosy of the scalp very rarely occurs, and does not occur apart from advanced lepromatous leprosy.
She had sustained multiple scalp wounds and had a ligature around her neck, although the ligature had not caused her death.
All facial's include a hand and scalp massage.
Terbinafine is not licensed for treatment of fungal scalp infection, but it is commonly used off-licence for this condition.
Unlike scalp ringworm, the patches of hair loss are not scaly or inflamed.
The EEG machine is normal equipment found in every NHS hospital which measures brain activity through the patient's scalp.
Two series of 36 LED's help to penetrate the scalp with light to stimulate and massage the scalp.
Paul Anderson managed to claim the scalp of their dangerous 22 year old female number 4 batsman.
Ringworm is a skin infection caused by fungus that can affect the scalp, skin, fingers, toenails, or feet.
I thought that Stacey Ross was going to add another scalp to his belt.
They took a memorable scalp in the FA Cup two weeks ago.
Stalker currently has a rather pink patch on his balding scalp, which is nice.
Apply to a dry scalp, working in small sections.
This daily shampoo eliminates dandruff and soothes your scalp.
Neem Shampoo contains a tincture of Neem leaves, which have a soothing effect on the scalp.
The Semang, as they are most usually called by the Malays, are Negritos - a small, very dark people, with features of the negroid type, very prognathous, and with short, woolly hair clinging to the scalp in tiny crisp curls.
Ringworm of the scalp (Tinea capitis) is mainly seen in children but can affect adults who have neglected their personal hygiene.
Massage your scalp with rosemary oil in an olive oil base.
The EEG machine is normal equipment found in every NHS hospital which measures brain activity through the patient 's scalp.
Stimulating the scalp is another way to tackle the problem of hair loss.
Two series of 36 LED 's help to penetrate the scalp with light to stimulate and massage the scalp.
The EEG was recorded from 12 subjects at 64 scalp electrodes.
A few scanty gray hairs still hung about his yellow scalp.
On the scalp, it is also possible to have " tinea capitis ".
The ancient gompa here contains some grotesque masks of demons and you can be shown the fabled yeti scalp.
Even if your baby doesn't have much, if any, hair, you'll still want to wash his scalp.
In this event, the sebaceous glands excrete an excess of sebum to the point that it builds up into a waxy plaque on the scalp and sometimes the face.
A popular natural home remedy for infant cradle cap includes the use of warm oil that is rubbed on the infants scalp in an effort to loosen up the plaque.
Dandruff shampoos aren't necessarily harmful when applied to the scalp, but you will need to take special care to ensure that none of the run-off enters your infant's eyes or mouth.
One final step a parent can consider that may help to control a cradle cap situation from returning or increasing in severity is to increase the washings of your infant's scalp.
In cases of cradle cap, too much stimulation is already present for hormonal reasons and not washing the scalp enough contributes to the buildup of cradle cap.
Natural and organic formulas are often slightly gentler for daily use, but for combating an oily cradle cap-prone scalp a slightly harsher detergent may be necessary.
Baths should be kept to a minimum, or else you might wind up drying out her fur and scalp.
Tea tree oil inhibits growth of the organism that causes dandruff and scalp dermatitis, Pityrosporum ovale, as well as most fungal and yeast cultures in laboratory studies.
Stevia is used in some shampoos to help eliminate dandruff and other scalp problems.
Natural Remedies - For other gray hair natural remedies, try a mix of fresh ginger and honey and eat one teaspoon per day or rub coconut oil and lemon juice on your scalp twice daily.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can develop on the scalp or body.
The round, worm shaped rash can cause itching, redness and baldness on the scalp.
Scalp ringworms may require a special shampoo.
As discussed in Smart Medicine for Healthier Living (Avery 1999) another common cause of hair loss is fungal infection on the scalp.
This condition is surprisingly common, and manifests as an itchy, flaky scalp.
Mix the cider vinegar with your favorite herbs, then pour over your scalp after shampooing.
Leave the mixture on your scalp from a few minutes to overnight, and rinse well.
Apply to your pet's coat as you would a commercial flea powder, sprinkling in small amounts and massaging into the scalp and coat as you go.
Burdock root oil is used as a scalp aid in the treatment of dandruff.
Typically known as Bur oil, the root works by helping the sebaceous glands in the scalp lubricate the hair follicles.
By keeping the scalp lubricated, the dry, flaky conditions associated with dandruff are reduced.
For many years, they thought that the cause of this type of headache was due to the muscles of the scalp, neck and face contracting in response to elevated levels of stress, tension or emotion.
Often the pain affects the entire head, neck, and scalp.
Sometimes the headache pain is felt throughout the entire head and scalp or centered at the back of the neck.
Take advantage of the hood to protect a child's scalp and neck from potential sunburn.
It's especially wise to wear one when you're out during the summer; you'll be doing your scalp a favor and avoiding potential sunburn.
It would be doubly cruel to play this prank on the person who just got their scalp full of raw eggs from the Cracking Eggs Trick, but here is another example of one of a safe and easy college prank you can play on someone.
It can also shrink hair follicles if it settles into the scalp.
Be sure you wash your scalp as well as your hair.
He or she may recommend a hair treatment specifically designed to stimulate hair growth and get your scalp extra clean.
Because of the lighter color, thin hair can let the scalp show through.
An up-do that is pulled tightly to your scalp will highlight thin patches.
Also, wear a hat when you can to further block the rays from reaching your hair or your scalp.
During the surgery, a healthy blood vessel, on the outside of the scalp, is re-routed to the part of the brain that is not getting enough blood flow.
Cephalohematoma-A benign swelling of the scalp in a newborn due to an effusion of blood beneath the connective tissue that surrounds the skull, often resulting from birth trauma.
An EEG measures brain waves through small button electrodes that are placed on the child's scalp.
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating in the armpits, palms, soles of the feet, face, scalp, and/or torso.
In scalp/facial hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating of the face and scalp occurs, as well as moderate to severe facial blushing.
Pain-sensitive structures in the head include blood vessel walls, membranous coverings of the brain, and scalp and neck muscles.
Therefore, headaches may result from contraction of the muscles of the scalp, face or neck; dilation of the blood vessels in the head; or brain swelling that stretches the brain's coverings.
Each person has about 100,000 hairs on their scalp.
Children with this condition usually have patchy hair loss with some broken hairs visible just above the surface of the scalp.
When broken off at the surface, the hairs resemble small black dots on the scalp.
Alopecia areata, or localized baldness, is the sudden appearance of sharply defined circular or oval patches of hair loss, most often on the scalp.
This condition may affect scalp hair, the eyebrows, eyelashes, genital area, and occasionally the underarms.
The hair loss is not accompanied by other visible evidence of scalp disease, and the condition is not contagious.
The scalp hair, however, appears normal in this condition.
Also, if a child's scalp show signs of infection (redness, swelling, tenderness, warmth), consulting a physician is advised.
If the physician suspects a fungal infection of the scalp, a hair sample may be tested by microscopic examination in the laboratory.
The infection may be confirmed by culturing the scalp for fungal organisms.
Blood tests or a scalp biopsy may be required if a medical condition-such as lupus erythematosus, thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency, or hormonal imbalance-is suspected.
In addition, topical creams or lotions such as minoxidil, cortisone (also injected into the scalp), or anthralin are sometimes used.
Because such treatment triggers hair growth in bald patches but does not eradicate the disease, however, new bald patches can occur in other parts of the scalp even if new growth occurs.
Massaging the essential oils of rosemary, lavender, sage, thyme, and cedar into the scalp is believed to increase circulation and reduce stress.
About three to six drops of essential oil are added to 1 tablespoon of jojoba or grape seed oil and massaged into the scalp.
In addition to aromatherapy, stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, or creative visualization may increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)-A record of the tiny electrical impulses produced by the brain's activity picked up by electrodes placed on the scalp.
Head injury is an injury to the scalp, skull, or brain.
Plaque psoriasis can develop on any part of the body, but most often occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk.
Patches of psoriasis are found in the scalp for nearly half of all psoriasis sufferers.
Often found on the arms, legs, trunk, scalp, and sometimes in the diaper area, guttate psoriasis can clear up without treatment or disappear and resurface in the form of plaque psoriasis.
Psoriasis on the scalp is distinguished from seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff, because the scales of psoriasis are dry, not greasy.
A complete medical history and examination of the skin, nails, and scalp are the basis for a diagnosis of psoriasis.
Users should apply sunscreen liberally to all exposed parts of the skin, including the hands, feet, nose, ears, neck, scalp (if the hair is thin or very short), and eyelids.
Liquids may be best for the scalp, since they can penetrate the hair.
Severe poisoning can also lead to tingling in the scalp, fingers, and toes, muscle contractions, an elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, large drops in body temperature and blood pressure, vomiting of blood, and coma.
To perform the auditory brainstem response (ABR) test, headphones are placed on the infant or child and electrophysiological responses from the scalp and ears are recorded in response to tones sent through the headphones.
Auditory steady-state response (ASSR) testing also involves monitoring recorded responses from the scalp of tones at varying frequencies.
Human bites on the head and neck may cause avulsion injuries to the ears, nose, cheeks, or scalp.
Young children are particularly at risk for infection of puncture wounds from bites on the head because the skin on the scalp and forehead is relatively thin and soft.
Cranial nerves are nerves that originate in the brain and connect to specialized structures such as the nose, eyes, muscles in the face, scalp, ear, and tongue.
To care for the scalp and hair during chemotherapy, the child should use a mild shampoo and soft brush, and low heat for hair drying.
Generally the insertion of a fetal scalp electrode is a safe procedure, but it may occasionally cause umbilical cord prolapse or infection due to early amniotomy.
Scalp infections with the herpes virus or group B streptococcus are possible, and concern has been raised regarding the potential for enhancing transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Electroencephalography-The recording of electrical impulses produced by the brain's activity via electrodes attached to a patient's scalp.
Body ringworm (tinea corporis) can affect any part of the body except the scalp, feet, and facial area where a man's beard grows.
They may require fluids and nutrients to be administered through an intravenous line, in which a small needle is inserted into a vein in the hand, foot, arm, leg, or scalp.
Sometimes inflamed and filled with pus, scalp ringworm lesions can cause crusting, flaking, and round bald patches.
Most common in black children, scalp ringworm can cause scarring and permanent hair loss.
A dermatologist may also study the scalp of a person with suspected tinea capitis under ultraviolet light.
Shampoo containing selenium sulfide can help prevent spread of scalp ringworm, but prescription shampoo or oral medication is usually needed to cure the infection.
Within a few hours or days small red spots begin to appear on the scalp, neck, or upper half of the trunk.
Less common symptoms include prolonged headache, fever, and pain and swelling of the scrotum, scalp, eyelids, lips, ears, backs of the hands and feet, and perineum.
An electroencephalogram (EEG), also called a brain wave test, is a diagnostic test which measures the electrical activity of the brain (brain waves) using highly sensitive recording equipment attached to the scalp by fine electrodes.
The technician either measures the scalp and marks the spots where small discs (electrodes) will be placed or fits the head with a special cap containing between 16 and 25 of these discs.
The scalp is then rubbed with a mild, scratchy cleanser that may cause mild discomfort for a short while.
Before an EEG, care should be taken to avoid washing hair with an oily scalp product 24 hours before the test.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the scalp and skin characterized by scaly lesions usually on the scalp, hairline, face and body.
It can affect the scalp, eyebrows, forehead, face, folds around the nose and ears, the chest, armpits, and groin.
In infants it appears most commonly on the scalp and is called cradle cap.
Babies exhibit a characteristic non-itchy greasy red scaly rash or dry whitish or grayish scales on the scalp and possibly on other areas.
Frequent washing of the scalp with a mild baby shampoo followed by brushing with a soft brush to remove scales usually clears up cradle cap.
Parents may rub mineral oil into their child's scalp to soften and loosen the scales, but the oil should be brushed or shampooed out and not left to accumulate.
Head lice live and crawl on the scalp, sucking blood every three to six hours.
Female lice lay their eggs in sacs called nits that are about 0.04 in (1 mm) long and are glued to shafts of hair close to the scalp.
Head lice may cause irritability in children and scalp irritations or sores may be present.
Head lice in children are usually confined to the scalp.
An adult louse may be visible as movement on the scalp, especially around the ears, nape of the neck, and centerline of the crown, the warmest parts of the head.
Before beginning any treatment, parents should test a small scalp section for allergic reactions to the medication, use a vinegar rinse to help loosen nits, and wash hair with regular shampoo.
After applying to the hair and scalp, the child's head is covered with a shower cap for four to six hours.
Head lice nits are removed by combing through each hair section from scalp to tip.
Permethrin-A medication used to rid the scalp of head lice.
Infected patients have thickened, crusty areas all over their bodies, including over the scalp.
A 2003 study appeared to identify a single gene that controls both handedness and the direction that hair spins on the scalp.
Surface electrodes attached to the scalp measure voltages in the brain.
Seborrheic dermatitis may be dry or moist and is characterized by greasy scales and yellowish crusts on the scalp, eyelids, face, external surfaces of the ears, underarms, breasts, and groin.
Coal-tar shampoos may be used for seborrheic dermatitis that occurs on the scalp.
Sun exposure after the use of these shampoos should be avoided because the risk of sunburn of the scalp is increased.
In infants, the skin lesions are usually found on the face, scalp, diaper area, body folds, hands, and feet, and tend to be exudative (oozing fluid that has escaped from blood vessels as a result of inflammation).
There are neither scars nor any inflammation in the area of scalp hair loss.
Tonsure trichotillomania is a pattern hair loss of the scalp in which hair is present only at the nape and on the outer edge of the scalp.
The surgeon takes the hair from what is called a permanent donor site, which is an area of the scalp that is not likely to become bald, and moves it to a bald location.
The pieces are placed into small incisions in the balding part of the scalp.
Scalp reduction involves removing some of the bald skin and then stretching the remaining skin over the area.
Issues like how thick you can expect the hair to be, how natural it will look, how much of your scalp will be covered, and how many treatments will be needed should all be explored thoroughly.
Folk wisdom - and many advertisers - will tell you that poor circulation to the scalp is the culprit, or that you're losing your hair because you're not taking the right vitamins.
It's a cream that you apply to your scalp twice a day.
The most popular type of hair transplant involves taking thin strips of hair from areas of the scalp that aren't balding, diving the strips into smaller pieces, and then placing that hair in thinning or bald spots.
The transplanted hair should be taken from what is called a permanent donor site, an area of the scalp that isn't likely to become bald.
Other hair restoration surgeries include scalp reduction and skin flaps.
In a scalp reduction surgery, part of the bald area is removed and the remaining, hair-bearing skin stretched to cover the spot.
A skin flap procedure involves cutting a flap of hair-bearing skin from one part of the scalp and rotating or moving it to fill in a bald space.
On rare occasions, this can cause total loss from the scalp (alopecia totalis) or loss from the entire body (alopecia universalis).
Usually genetic, in men it causes receding hairlines, while in women hair becomes thin all over the scalp.
Make sure to regularly wash scalp and hair pieces.
It is rubbed on the scalp and can be obtained without a prescription.
Each individual's biochemistry is unique and some people may experience scalp irritation or dryness even from the use of a natural brand.
Slide your hand out so that the ponytail is held loosely a couple inches from the scalp and twist the hair.
Moreover, at the very worst, individuals with a sensitive scalp or systemcan experience a wide array of side effects from a burning itching scalp to digestive and allergic reactions.
Hair care lines such as Nioxin have also been created to support hair growth and inhibit the build up of DHT on the scalp.
There are numerous hair support lines available, but theoretically, any shampoo that cleanses thoroughly is doing its job to remove DHT from the scalp.
In fact, the Science of Hair Restoration reports in its minodoxil FAQ section that "any shampoo" can remove DHT from the scalp.
Shampoos can penetrate the scalp to reach this area.
Moreover, for individuals who suffer from hair loss, adding gel to a super short hair cut can cause the hair to clump and reveal larger portions of the scalp.
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, delivering it to tissues, including your scalp and hair follicles.
Some hair vitamin companies claim that lack of iron actually suffocates your scalp, sothat when you're anemic, your blood can't deliver enough oxygen to keep your hair healthy.
Wigs that are too large will bunch up around the scalp, making your false hair appear "big" and ill-suitedto your face.
Since the chemicals used to straighten and relax black hair can be damaging to the locks as well as to the scalp, many people prefer a natural approach.
In this process, a corn row or track is created around the head, right on the scalp.
Actually, the wig covers the entire scalp using a lace cap base that fits and bonds to your head.
The hair in the wig looks natural because the hairs are knotted into the lace, which creates the illusion that they are growing from the scalp.
The lace does not hide the knots, but the knots at the front of the hairline are light, and they can be bleached to give the illusion that the hairs are growing from the scalp.
Every person's biochemistry is unique and so it follows that your hair and scalp type is also highly individualized.
Moreover, matching your scalp needs to your hair texture will also aid the choosing process.
Many hair care lines are aware of the fact that consumers may have scalp issues, and so these lines will carry products specific to flaky or irritable scalps.
Using the right hair products can make a world of difference to your hair and scalp health.
Some types of hair extensions are ideal for tracking techniques which weave the hair into the scalp in rows of tight braids.
One of the major advantages of this bonding method is that it can be less damaging to both the hair and scalp.
This technique allows the extension to bind closer to the scalp with minimal to no irritation.
Where fusion methods are concerned, some individuals will experience scalp sensitivity issues or allergic reactions.
Different shampoos and conditioners help strengthen hair follicles and increase scalp circulation to promote hair growth, while volumizer styling products give hair greater fullness.
In this case, certain hair loss products can be effective, and transplants are also possible to move hair from the scalp to the chest.
With short styles, men should also consider using a leave-in conditioner with UV protectant and sunscreen properties to help protect the scalp from sunburn and skin damage.
Try not to pluck gray strands, because the scalp is not as resilient and the strands may not regrow, resulting in thinner, uneven hair.As hair loses moisture, it also becomes thinner and limper, with greater possibility of hair loss.
Hair loss products such as minoxidil (a topical cream applied to the scalp) and finasteride (a prescription drug) can slow and even slightly reverse hair loss, but the benefits are lost when the products are no longer used.
At the same time, it is important to be aware of the changes in the scalp - less hair covering it means a greater risk of sunburn, and sunscreen and hats should be used for protection.
Your scalp will rejoice and tingle with regular use of the Treat Me Right Peppermint Hair Mask.
This treatment is a 5 minute conditioning mask that stimulates the scalp and restores volume and shine to tired strands.
Overuse of hair dryers can cause damage to the hair and dry the scalp out as well.
Next, massage the shampoo into your scalp and roots and rinse.
Do not put conditioner directly on your scalp, rather work it through the hair, taking special care to coat the hair tips where most damage occurs.
The formulators of Nioxin hair products firmly believe that healthy hair can only grow from a healthy, well-nourished scalp.
Conditions such as excessive oiliness, seborrhea, or even normal dandruff are all indications of a sickly scalp.
The company's intent was to produce a line of hair formulations that would help create an optimal scalp environment for hair growth.
The systems work in stages, beginning with a shampoo, a conditioner, and a scalp treatment.
Regardless of the formulation, these products contain vitamins, antioxidants and certain ingredients designed to remove dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from the scalp.
One of the more highly acclaimed products includes the Nioxin Scalp Treatment.
The Scalp Treatment contains an SPF 15 sunscreen which safeguards the scalp from UV rays that can cause cellular damage and hinder hair growth.
More importantly, the formula contains botanicals, nutrients, antioxidants and special proteins called cytokines, which are applied to the scalp in order that they may permeate the hair follicle.
Do not be alarmed if a tingling sensation and redness of the scalp occurs upon application, as this is a normal occurrence when using the Scalp Treatment.
Propecia is an oral tablet that treats male pattern baldness on the top and in the middle front of the scalp.
Naturally, hair stylists attempt to keep the perming solutions as far from their client's skin and scalp as possible.
Even the hair shaft can be compromised and undergo fractures right where the hair meets the scalp.
Moreover, sometimes severe scalp burns can occur when the perm solution makes contact with the scalp.
Nor will it heal any sort of scalp burns induced by perming solution.
Twist the hair gently upwards toward the scalp, leaving a bundle of curls loose on top.
If you're suffering from an itchy, flaky scalp, Nexxus dandruff shampoo can come to your rescue.
He or she can prescribe stronger shampoos or other treatments to rid you of your itchy, flaky scalp forever.
These will allow you to highlight large sections of hair without subjecting your scalp to any stress.
As well as presenting with hair loss on the scalp, it also contributes to hair loss elsewhere on the body.
Now available over the counter, Regaine is a lotion applied directly to the scalp.
If possible, avoid ironing the first two inches from the scalp, you'll keep your crown volume while achieving super straight locks.
Starting in the back bottom section, slowly close the iron on a section of hair no thicker than ¼", as close to the scalp as possible (careful to avoid burns!).
A Neolight hair laser comb is used to stimulate hair growth and improve the scalp's circulation.
Finding a permanent solution to treat loss or increase hair growth is not an exact science, although innovative studies have proven that certain types of scalp stimulation triggered a significant growth in a percentage of hair loss clients.
In the privacy of your own home, you can treat your scalp in as little as 15 minutes, 3 days a week and can hope for a positive result while using a laser comb or brush.
Emitting no sound or sensation, laser combs apply light energy to the scalp in a gentle and nourishing method that many people find therapeutic and relaxing.
Low level lasers energize and awaken the scalp by providing a high level of light.
Cells in the scalp react to the light; this process, called photobiostimulation, penetrates the scalp tissue and increases the action that is the major carrier of energy from one reaction site to all living cells.
If you're on the fence about purchasing a laser hair comb or brush, consider a professional Neolight laser scalp treatment first.
Laser scalp treatments may be offered at beauty schools and salons, dermatologists, chiropractic offices, hospitals, wellness spas, and sports centers, as well as hair replacement clinics.
Work an emollient and a heat protectant spray through hair from scalp to ends.
For added volume, blow dry hair with a nozzle, use your fingers to lift hair and direct heated air flow to the scalp.
Slowly work iron from scalp to ends, making sure you use firm pressure to guarantee an even grip.
They are found in the hair and scalp of an infested person.
This means that if you are in close proximity to another person who has been infested, the lice can spread to your hair and scalp.
Since the presence of lice can cause an itchy, irritated scalp, a person with lice is at risk of developing skin sores and infections caused by excessive scratching.
With a few simple steps, you can minimize the risk of getting lice, which will in turn minimize the potential hair and scalp problems they can cause.
Head lice eggs look like small white or tan-colored dots at the base of the hair or on the scalp at the nape of the neck or behind the ears of an infested person.
The eggs are stuck fast to the hair or the scalp and don't flake off in the same way that dandruff does.
If you want to find out whether someone has been infested with head lice, one way to tell is to wet the hair thoroughly and then rub the scalp with a towel.
The motion may make them easier to see.When you are examining someone else's scalp, be sure to do so under a bright light.
Treat the hair and scalp of all infested family members with a shampoo made for this purpose.
Check that there are no knots, loose ends, or sharp edges on the underside of the barrette that could rip hair or cause scalp irritation.
Attaching themselves to the hair shaft and scalp with tiny claws, head lice may go undetected until uncontrollable itching and scratching begins.
Lice are extremely uncomfortable, cause endless itching and scalp irritation, and most importantly, keep children away from school where they miss out on the daily activities and the education that they deserve.
Practice cleanliness and keep an eye on the host's scalp daily.
Regular lice scalp checks help to regulate and prevent outbreaks in the school surroundings.
All of these symptoms are detrimental to the overall condition of the scalp and the hair, but the good news is you don't have to live with it.
Add texture to the hair by misting a volumizing tonic from scalp to ends prior to heat styling.
Attaching themselves to the human scalp with tiny claws, head lice feed off the blood of their human host and cause itching, scalp irritation, and chronic head lice conditions if they aren't treated promptly and properly.
Although hardly noticeable from a distance, head lice can be seen by the human eye when the scalp and hair is observed up close.
Others searching for a natural cure for head lice may have a sensitive scalp that is easily irritated by harsh shampoos.
Whatever the reason, there are some home treatment options available for ridding the scalp of lice and their eggs.
Check scalp daily for a period of two weeks to discover and treat any future outbreaks.
Work the petroleum jelly into the scalp, through the ends and cover with a shower cap overnight.
Try using a dish detergent to cut the grease and remove the residue from the scalp and hair quickly.
Although time consuming, this method is very effective and requires no further treatment other than occasional scalp checking.
Immediately after treating the scalp, make sure all bedding, clothing and pillows used by the lice carrier have been washed thoroughly in hot water.
To prevent future outbreaks, keep children from partaking in scalp to scalp contact while participating in activities such as sports, sleepovers, hair brushing and braiding.
For added volume and lift, spray a volumizing tonic from scalp to ends prior to drying the hair.
Lightly scrunch a texturizing spray from scalp to ends.
Taking a two inch section from the hair you've released, wrap it around a hot roller making sure to roll it all the way to the scalp.
If you're not up for using heated tools near your scalp, you may have to curl your hair the old-fashioned, time-consuming way.
Suitable for all hair types and incredibly conditioning, Wen products ditch the sulfates and drying lathers commonly found in shampoo, and cleanse the scalp and hair with natural, luxurious ingredients.
Contrary to popular belief, the bubble action created from a shampooing lather does not increase the clean factor on the scalp or the hair shaft.
Although a good lather can effectively break up dirt, oils, and scalp buildup, it is not always necessary, and some consider the effect merely psychological.
Apply immediately on scalp, working through the ends of your hair.
Add a few more pumps and continue working the product through the scalp, massaging in a circular motion.
After washing the hair, towel dry and apply a shine or smoothing serum from scalp to ends.
Clamp the hair is a section no thicker than ¼" inch as close to the scalp as possible, using extreme caution to avoid scalp burns, With a steady hand, pull the iron down the shaft of the hair, and release when you reach the ends.
Clamp the hair is a section no thicker than ¼" inch as close to the scalp as possible, using extreme caution to avoid scalp burns.
The longer you wait between shampooing, the more the natural oils from your scalp will protect your hair.
The scalp produces oil based on the need.
If you start to shampoo every 3 days, the scalp will realize that it needs to spread out the production for use over a longer period of time.
You boil the water and let the herbs steep for about twenty minutes, making a sort of "hair tea" for your strands and scalp.
Cornrows are braids that are attached to the scalp, creating a pattern.
The great thing about these braids is that because they are not attached to the scalp, the braids may be manipulated into several different styles, resembling styles worn in long, relaxed hair.
Believed to be worn by the early Mohican and the Mohawk tribes, the classic mohawk style is typically shaved on the sides and the back with a remaining crest of hair left on the center of the scalp.
Plaits are braids that are not attached to the scalp.
Brushing your hair, however, can help to stimulate your scalp and distribute natural oils, but don't view brushing as a way to straighten or tame unruly hair.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that your braids do not pull at your scalp.
Try spraying olive oil or melted coconut oil onto your scalp.
Braids that appear too tight may appear to pull the scalp and the scalp may look red or very pale.
By speaking up and choosing a comfortable style, you can still enjoy braids without risking the health of your hair and scalp.
Work a pomade or wax into the section from scalp to ends.
If you intend to leave the twists in place for a few weeks, make sure you rinse and condition the scalp frequently to remove odor and eliminate itch.
When using a new chemical product, always test an area of your hair first, before you apply it to your full head, to see if the product causes irritation to the scalp.
Although chemical texturizers can more than likely easily wave the hair, there is a greater chance for having hair loss or scalp damage when using any chemicals.
To determine your natural hair level, you'll want to hold a swatch to the base of your scalp and compare the level of darkness to your own.
Try applying a hair powder or a dry shampoo to your scalp to remove excess oil and you'll prolong cleansing an additional day without sacrificing body.
Working a texturizing spray from scalp to ends will help support curl while minimizing frizz.
Once hair is lifted to the lightest shade of blonde, frequent scalp touch-ups will mask the dark outgrowth.
New clients are given a free consultation and a microscopic hair and scalp analysis to help determine which treatment plan is best for their particular type of hair loss.
This non-surgical hair replacement technique is essentially a hairpiece that is attached to the scalp.
The Bio-Matrix is applied to the client's scalp with a trademarked adhesive called "Polyfuse" After the hairpiece is applied a stylist cuts and styles the client's hair.
The follicles are then transplanted to the area of the scalp where hair loss is apparent.
Once the follicles are implanted into the new position on the scalp, the natural client's natural hair should begin to grow back.
Similar to a body wave hairstyle, a loose perm provides support and lift at the scalp with a bit of body throughout your style.
For perfect waves, work a texturizing cream from scalp to ends on damp hair.
Once dry, add even more curl and movement with a waving iron, or simply twist locks around a flat iron from scalp to ends.
Scalp hair may be inactive for close to 100 days, while hair growth on the body may take substantially longer.
Once the hair emerges from the scalp, it is dead, and the growth comes only from the follicles, not the ends.
Tight ponytails and other restrictive hair styles can interfere with circulation to the scalp and cause hair to grow slowly or even fall out.
Massage your scalp once a week to stimulate the hair follicles.
Simply shake your head after applying powder at that scalp and prepare to turn heads with this effortless summer style.
This redistributes the hair's natural oils and primes the scalp for shampoo.
While there are no guarantees that any one product will help to stimulate growth, many people have had success when using a hair regrowth shampoo in conjunction with regular scalp massage.
The only way to create more abundant or healthier regrowth is to stimulate the scalp and assist the hair follicle in producing new growth.
Daily scalp massage may trigger the natural production of hair.
For best results, use a peppermint based hair or body oil and massage the scalp in a circular motion.
For budget friendly scalp massage and treatments, check out local beauty schools and walk-in for same day appointments.
After shampooing and towel drying the hair, apply some styling lotion or mousse, and work it through the hair from scalp to ends.
Combing wet hair prevents damage to the hair shafts, while brushing with a bristle brush stimulates the scalp and encourages the production of natural oils to keep the hair gleaming and healthy.
A Mohawk has short shaved sides with a long tuft of hair running down the center of the scalp that stands up on end.
Once hair has been lifted to the desired blonde hue, your colorist will either work a toner from scalp to ends or keep it as is.
Wen hair care works by gently cleaning the scalp and the hair with a secret blend of herbs, aloe and conditioners.
Add a splash of water to help break up any residual products or oil from the scalp.
Using a combination of Aloe Vera gel, rosemary and mint essential oils, Wen Cleansing Conditioner gently and effectively removes dirt and oils from the hair and scalp without a lather.
Perfect for both the body and scalp, Wen Oil can also be used for relaxing body massage or to treat dry cuticles, elbows and hands.
Without the addition of sodium laurel sulfate, Wen cleanses the scalp and hair thoroughly using a unique blend of Aloe Vera, essential oils and mint.
To maintain shine and overall hair health, be sure to brush hair regularly with a boar bristle brush from scalp to ends.
Regular hair brushing helps to distribute the scalp oil to the ends, adding shine and condition throughout your tresses while stimulating hair growth at the scalp.
When you brush your tresses, make sure you start at the bottom of your tresses and slowly work your way up from mid-shaft to the scalp, working gently to remove tangles as you go.
Use your blowdryer and direct the heat at the scalp and lift tresses at the root.
Work with sections no wider than your brush and blowdry from scalp to ends, being careful not to direct too much heat on the ends to avoid damage.
If you intend to create an elaborate and full style, reapply and mist evenly on the scalp and ends during the blowdry.
To pump body into dry hair, bend over at the waist, spray liberally at the scalp, and shake!
After a week, she felt the need to wash her hair more often than she had before the treatment, and her scalp began to flake.
The reviewer's scalp burned, her hair went flat, she developed a cough, and she lost about 30 percent of the hair at the crown of her head.
Although he never went to the scalp, Justin has in fact embraced a newer version of a shaggy cut.
A vent or boars hair brush will help tame flyaways while distributing scalp oil for natural texture and separation.
Any shampoo that advertises the effective removal of DHT on the scalp or the ability to prevent DHT from reaching the hair follicle, should help prevent hair loss.
Nizoral Shampoo, which is created specifically for African American hair, is known for developing a thick lather that helps remove dandruf and DHT on the scalp.
Hair oil is a popular product among black women as it helps hydrate and protect the scalp and hair.
Users apply the product to the scalp weekly.
This is especially helpful in black women who may be experiencing hair loss due to burning, scarring or damage on the scalp caused from heat styling, braiding, weaves, hot oil or other damaging styling products.
In this method, a device known as the fetal scalp electrode is placed into the vagina and is placed on top of the baby's head, measuring the heart rate.
While most hair loss occurs on the scalp, particularly after manipulating the hair, some individuals also note hair loss on their body.
The scalp is an area that's often forgotten when applying sunscreen.
Even your hair and scalp could use a hearty dose of SPF-included shampoo!
Hoods provide extra coverage in places we typically forget to apply sun block, like the ears, back of the neck, and scalp.
You may treat your hair too harshly or use products that dry out your hair and scalp.
Epithelial cells cover the outer surface of your body including your scalp.
A healthy scalp is the foundation of healthy hair.
Many shampoos contain wheat germ or some other form of vitamin E because its topical application can stimulate circulation to the scalp and enhance nutrient absorption into the hair follicles, which encourages hair growth.
Reduced oxidative stress allows blood to flow freely to the scalp, triggering healthy hair growth.
It is a water-soluble vitamin that stimulates healthy scalp circulation when taken internally or used topically.
First, it provides the scalp with essential oils.
It also prevents scalp flaking and itching, which can result in hair loss or unhealthy, dull hair.
Vitamin A is present in shampoos and scalp treatments.
Omega-3 fatty acids also support scalp health, and a deficiency in these fats can lead to dull skin and hair.
It also helps improve absorption of other critical hair health nutrients such as iron and glucosamine, and increases circulation to all parts of the body, including the scalp.
It can also be used topically to treat dry scalp.
Holistic Online reports that vitamin C helps with scalp circulation.
The right vitamins can strengthen hair from the inside out, reduce breakage, maintain a healthy scalp and boost hair growth.
If the scalp is dry and flaky, hair follicles can clog, which can stunt growth.
If the mask is held on with elastic, it can start to dig into your scalp, or even snap halfway through the night.
Dermatitis herpetiformis is a skin condition characterized by intensely itchy bumps and blisters, usually occurring at the scalp, knees, elbows, back and buttocks of affected individuals.
NeuroSky, a 12-employee company in California founded in 1999, is using EEG waves (electroencephalography) to measure the brain's electrical activity through electrodes placed on the scalp.
First, a gel is put over a hundred electrodes on a person's scalp.
The murderer Ed Gein wore a human face and scalp as depicted in the movie.
This body tattoo has taken over 650 hours of tattoo work, and covers his face and scalp as well as his body.
Implants can be performed on most areas of the body and are commonly seen on the face, arms and scalp.
Services include haircuts, styling, manicures/pedicures, full makeup applications, scalp massages, waxing and more.
Electrodes are strategically placed on the patient's scalp so they can measure brainwaves.
This is an oily build up on the scalp that can become crusty or scaly.
A second method uses several smaller incisions in the scalp.
As the numbness begins to go away, many patients experience scalp itching, which can continue for several months.
Stay away from artificial scents and colorants, parabens, and other preservatives that can irritate baby's scalp and skin.
This can include any place your epidermis reaches, including the lips, ears, scalp, and hands.
Psoriasis is most typically located on the knees and elbows, but will also be found on the arms, legs, torso and scalp.
Not surprisingly, the cancer will show on skin that has frequent sun exposure, such as the face, ears and scalp.
While the itchy patches of skin can occur anywhere, infants typically have them on the scalp and face, while teens usually experience this typs of dermatitis on the hands and feet.
Yellowish, scaly, oily patches develp on the scalp and face; sometimes they travel to other parts of the body.
Whether you want to protect your tresses from intense UV rays or prevent any scalp burns, a hair and scalp sunscreen is a summer necessity.
Intended to block harmful UV rays and resist damage and color fading, a hair and scalp sunscreen is a great investment if you plan to spend time in the sun.
Unlike a traditional spray on or lotion sunblock, a spray on hair and scalp treatment makes sun protection easier than ever while combining soothing hair and scalp conditioners with a purposeful SPF.
While SPF formulations will vary, a minimum of SPF 15 will ensure your scalp and roots are protected from sun and fading while you enjoy your time outdoors.
Not only will your hair color benefit from the protection, the tender scalp area will be more resistant to burns and chaffing.
While it is one of the least likely considered areas to apply a sunblock or sunscreen, the scalp is actually prone to sunburn and chaffing from intense UV exposure.
If you've ever spent a day in the sun without a hat, chances are you're familiar with a mild scalp sunburn.
Since hair and scalp sunscreens are a relatively new product on the market, there is certainly some concern about how to use the products effectively.
While a standard sunscreen can be applied to the scalp and hair as needed rather than a specific hair product, those formulated for hair and scalp use will help combat excessive product build up.
While hair suncreens can offer some protection against unwanted color fading and scalp sunburns, the best protection for the scalp and tresses will always be a large sun hat.
While a scalp sunscreen will work wonders to prevent burns and color fading, nothing beats multiple sources of protection.
This redness may come and go, but many people experience permanent redness of the cheeks, nose, forehead, and sometimes the chest, ears, and even scalp areas.
Therapeutic Hair Repair binds moisture to hydrate the hair and scalp, repairs split ends and neutralizes bacteria.
She shivered at the tingling massage traveling across her scalp and into her brain.
As evidence of such prowess, and as a token of his right to a share of any spoil, the warrior was accustomed to scalp his enemy and adorn his bridle with the trophy.
In temporal arteritis your doctor may need to take a biopsy of a blood vessel in your scalp for diagnosis.
He also received 26 sutures to his scalp laceration.
You can work out when the lice first moved in by judging how many centimeters from the scalp you find the nits.
He had quite a large paunch, and his hair was sparse, tho his scalp was not completely bald.
The nurses also offer good help with scalp psoriasis for people with thick heads of hair.
Cradle cap is represented by a waxy yellowish build-up on your infant's scalp.
The measurement of fetal heart activity is performed most accurately by attaching an electrode directly to the fetal scalp.
Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis) is most common in children.
It grows in small rings, which give it the appearance of growing in tufts, though it is really closely and evenly distributed over the whole scalp. The figures of the men are muscular and well-formed and generally pleasing; a straight, well-formed nose and jaw are by no means rare, and the young men are often distinctly good-looking.
On a mucous membrane or a delicate skin it exerts an irritant action, which occurs more quickly than on a thickened epidermis, such as the scalp, and according to the strength and period of application there may result redness, a blister, or an ulcer.
The back of his skull buzzed harder until he wondered if his scalp was about to spin off and fly away.
After the successful warrior's return the scalp or scalps captured were dried, mounted and consecrated by a solemn dance.