Saw-in Sentence Examples
The agony she saw in his eyes made her stomach roll.
Betsy located the families Howie saw in our last session.
Worse—he saw in her mind that what she said was true.
There was a part of her that wished it had been her she saw in the videos.
The woman she saw in downtown Atlanta had reacted to her the same way.
He felt ecstatic that she heard in his music what he saw in her art.
Hmm, there's that loyalty I saw in your palm.
Was that all he saw in the picture?
You saw in him what I've always seen and no one else has. He would do for me what I did for him. Trading my soul to Death was not an easy decision, but I never would've done it for anyone else.
Ully obeyed. They crept through the hallways, avoiding any that seemed crowded. Toby followed the directions he saw in his memories and led them to a small chamber near the center of the fortress. They entered and closed the door, seeing the open portal hovering in the middle. He took Ully's hand, and they stepped into it.
AdvertisementIf she told him more, he might influence the paths she saw in a way that would make their slim chance of survival even slimmer.
Was that regret she saw in his eyes?
Maybe the loneliness he saw in her eyes was merely a reflection.
She found a hand saw in the shed and cut down several small trees and some sumac bushes.
I'll bring over a chain saw in the morning and cut it up.
AdvertisementWhile the French directory saw in that province little more than a district which might be plundered and bargained for, Bonaparte, though by no means remiss in the exaction of gold and of artistic treasures, was laying the foundation of a friendly republic. During his sojourn at the castle of Montebello or Mombello, near I\Iilan, he commissioned several of the leading men of northern Italy to draw up a project of constitution and list of reforms for that province.
To this course Napoleon consented, to the despair of King Victor Emmanuel and Cavour, who saw in this a proof that he wished to back out of his engagement and make war impossible.
Isabella had been for many years prepared, and she and Ferdinand, now that the proposal for this new tribunal came before them, saw in it a means of overcoming the independence of the nobility and clergy by which the royal power had been obstructed.
History saw in David the head of a lengthy line of kings, the founder of the Judaean monarchy, the psalmist and the priest-king who inaugurated religious institutions now recognized to be of a distinctly later character.
George Low (1747-1795), the naturalist and historian of Orkney, who made a tour through Shetland in 1774, described a Runic monument which he saw in the churchyard of Crosskirk, in Northmavine parish (Mainland), and several fragments of Norse swords, shield bosses and brooches have been dug up from time to time.
AdvertisementBut the followers of Cyril of Alexandria, and with them those of Eutyches, saw in the Chalcedon decree of two natures only another form of the "Nestorian" duality of persons in Christ, and rose everywhere in opposition.
Muller, it had its origin in the worship of Zeus Laphystius; the fleece is the pledge of reconciliation; Jason is a propitiating god of health, Medea a goddess akin to Hera; Aeetes is connected with the Colchian sun-worship. Forchhammer saw in it an old nature symbolism; Jason, the god of healing and fruitfulness, brought the fleece - the fertilizing rain-cloud - to the western land that was parched by the heat of the sun.
Spencer in his De legibus Hebraeorum saw in the Passover a practical protest against the Egyptian worship of Apis.
Lagrange saw in the problems of nature so many occasions for analytical triumphs; Laplace regarded analytical triumphs as the means of solving the problems of nature.
He saw in the Magyars the chief obstacle to the realization of his dream, and openly warned them that they were " an island in the Slav ocean," which one day might easily engulf them.
AdvertisementThis force was procured for him by Pigneau de Behaine, bishop of Adran, who saw in the political condition of Annam a means of establishing French influence in Indo-China and counterbalancing the English power in India.
The keen eye of Aurangzeb saw in this conjuncture of events a favourable opportunity for realising his own ambitious schemes.
According to some he was the god of consuming fire; others saw in him the bright sky, or the heaven; still others recognized in him a storm god, a theory with which the derivation of the name from Heb.
This announcement of his views was received with wild enthusiasm by the English who saw in him the friend of their liberties and their Church.
Although a considerable part of the agora has been excavated, none of the statues which Pausanias saw in it have been discovered.
The nation, proud of its pre-eminence and weary of civil war, saw in the king its true representative and the guarantee of its unity and success.
But Louis saw in the Spanish question a chance of more than making up for this loss.
What Protestantism saw in the distant past, Trent naturally recognized in the present.
Napoleon ordered Ney to master Quatre Bras, and added that the emperor would attack the corps which he saw in front of him.
They called attention to the fact that the Germans in earlier days were deaf to such requests; they saw in them a " dismemberment of the country," and asserted that in the central public departments of Vienna, too, the Czechs did not occupy a number of official positions in proportion to their population.
The Viennese Germans saw in this a danger to the hitherto peaceful common life of the population of Vienna.
European Liberalism, too, gagged and fettered under Metternich's "system," recognized in the Greeks the champions of its own cause; while even conservative statesmen, schooled in the memories of ancient Hellas, saw in the struggle a fight of civilization against barbarism.
The ignorant populace, for whom the promised social millennium had by no means dawned, saw in an attitude seemingly so inconsistent obvious proof of corrupt motives, and there were plenty of prophets of misrule to encourage the delusion - orators of the clubs and the street corners, for whom the restoration of order would have meant well-deserved obscurity.
But Paul saw in Jesus much more than the Jewish Messiah.
In this idea Paul also shared, but he carried the matter farther than most of his contemporaries and saw in the Spirit the abiding power and ground of the Christian life.
Denying the existence of a deity, and refusing to admit as evidence all a priori arguments, Holbach saw in the universe nothing save matter in spontaneous movement.
The island was variously identified with America, Scandinavia, the Canaries and even Palestine; ethnologists saw in its inhabitants the ancestors of the Guanchos, the Basques or the ancient Italians; and even in the 17th and 18th centuries the credibility of the whole legend was seriously debated, and sometimes admitted, even by Montaigne, Buffon and Voltaire.
In effect, therefore, Mayow - who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration - preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognizing the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his spiritus nitro-aereus, as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air; he perceived the part it plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces of metals as compared with metals themselves; and, rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to cool the heart, or assist the passage of the blood from the right to the left side of the heart, or merely to agitate it, he saw in inspiration a mechanism for introducing oxygen into the body, where it is consumed for the production of heat and muscular activity, and even vaguely conceived of expiration as an excretory process.
More weighty was the Du Pape of Joseph de Maistre (1819), closely reasoned and fortified with a wealth of learning, which had an enormous influence upon all those who thought that they saw in the union of " altar and throne " the palladium of society.
Now sole emperor, he saw in the one Catholic church the best means of counteracting the movement in his vast empire towards disintegration; and he at once realized how dangerous dogmatic squabbles might prove to its unity.
Aristotle saw in the temple of Hera at Olympia a bronze disk, recording the traditional laws of the festival, on which the name of Lycurgus stood next to that of Iphitus, king of Elis.
The large powers granted to the king under the new constitution displeased the Liberals, who saw in its provision only a disguised form of personal government.
Dr David adds that Junker may undoubtedly claim to be the discoverer of the okapi, for, as stated on p. 299 of the third volume of the original German edition of his Travels, he saw in 1878 or 1879 in the Nepo district a portion of the skin with the characteristic black and white stripes.
He immediately saw in Leif a likely aid in the conversion of the Greenlanders.
The Austrian stroke had failed, and worse than failed, for Napoleon III., who had been filled with alarm at this attempt to create on his flank an empire of 70,000,000, saw in Prussias attitude no more than a determination to maintain for her own ends the division and weakness of Germany; and this mistaken diagnosis of the situation determined his attitude during the crisis that followed.
The proposal was accepted, largely owing to the influence of Dandolo, who saw in it a means for further extending the dominions and commerce of the Venetians.
This was done in the teeth of the expressed wish of Russia; it roused the helpless resentment of Servia, whose economic dependence upon the Dual Monarchy was emphasized by the outcome of the war of tariffs into which she had plunged in 1906, and who saw in this scheme another link in the chain forged for her by the Habsburg empire; it 1 Alois, Count Lexa von Aerenthal, was born on the 27th of September 1854 at Gross-Skal in Bohemia, studied at Bonn and Prague, was attache at Paris (1877) and afterwards at St Petersburg, envoy extraordinary at Bucharest (1895) and ambassador at St Petersburg (1896).
He also saw in the campaign a means of getting rid of the disaffected troops, and of obtaining a sufficient number of captives to form the nucleus of the new army.
A party had also arisen, whose best-known leader was Mustafa Kamel Pasha (1874-1908), which held that Egypt was ready for self-government and which saw in the presence of the British a hindrance to the attainment of their ideal.
Frederick, meanwhile, had turned towards England, which saw in him a possible ally of great importance against the French.
Although he had often violently denounced President Lincoln, the latter thought he saw in Stanton a good war minister, and in January 1862 invited him into his cabinet.
Later Jewish and Christian writers of Apocalypses saw in Nero the tyrant of the end of time.
To metamorphosis he only allowed a logical value, as explaining the natural classification; the only real, existent metamorphosis he saw in the development of the individual from its embryonic stage.
They saw in him a pious man, an esteemed professor, who had done nothing but propose a discussion on the notoriously intricate subject of Indulgences, peremptorily ordered to recant and to remain silent.
Austria, once the champion of Europe against the Turk, saw in the Russian advance on the Danube a greater peril than any to be feared from the moribund Ottoman power, and made the maintenance of the integrity of Turkey a prime object of her policy.
It is, therefore, not to be wondered at that these men saw in Omar the ideal of a prince, and that in Moslem history he has acquired the reputation of a saint.
A brother of Abdarrahman, Ilyas, saw in this revolt an opportunity of obtaining the government of Africa for himself.
The 3rd century B.C. saw in its first half the close of Epicurus' activity, and the life-work of Chrysippus, the refounder of Stoicism, is complete before its close.
The occupation of Monterey for a few hours by a Buenos Aires privateer (1818) was the only incident of actual war that California saw in all these years; and it, in truth, was a ridiculous episode, fit introduction to the bloodless play-wars, soon to be inaugurated in Californian politics.
They and Jesus spoke indeed the same words and appealed to the same authorities, but they rightly saw in him a revolutionist who threatened the existence of their most cherished hopes.
Another pathway to reputation was suggested by some remarks he saw in the seventh number of the Foreign Review, in an article on Damiron's French Philosophy in the igth Century.
It was thus that Schopenhauer by his own experience saw in the primacy of the will the fundamental fact of his philosophy, and found in the engrossing interests of the selfish 'pros the perennial hindrances of the higher life.
He held fast by the Triple Alliance, for he saw in this the surest bulwark of peace.
This event by no means disconcerted the believers, who saw in it only another manifestation of Pigott's divinity, and proclaimed it as "an earnest of the total redemption of man."
The Italians saw in him a pedantic foreign professor, blind to the beauty of classical antiquity, penuriously docking the stipends of great artists.
As for political science, we do not regard the national state as that ultimate and final product which men once saw in the Roman Empire.
In after ages the oppressed people saw in his love for Israel and his patient resignation their own realized ideal.
These represent for the most part what Enoch saw in a vision.
What Enoch saw in heaven.
The theory has been vigorously opposed, notably by Semon (op. cit.), who saw in the holothurians a nearer approach to the ancestral form than was furnished by any calyculate echinoderm, and by the Sarasins, who derived the echinoids from the holothurians through forms with flexible tests (Echinothuridae, which, however, are now known to be specialized in this respect).
Foes of the family, such as Warwick and Southampton, saw in his factious conduct the means of ruining both the brothers.
Louis XIV., moreover, though prepared to quarrel with the pope in the matter of his own authority over the Gallican Church, was a bigoted upholder of Catholic orthodoxy, and Protestants saw in his political ambitions a menace to their religion.
In the church he inherited the ideas of Laud, and saw in the maintenance of the Act of Uniformity the safeguard of religion.
Ministers saw in the Luddite organization only another conspiracy against the state; and, so far from seeking means for removing the grievances that underlay popular disaffection, th.e activity of parliament, inspired by the narrowest class interests, only tended to increase them.
The statesmen by whom it was established and continued saw in Russia a power which, unless firmly kept within bounds, would dominate Europe; more particularly that it would undermine and supersede British authority in the East.
To say "Majuba" and "Gordon" recalls its deepest hurts, but not all of them; and it may be that a pained and angry people, looking back, saw in the man whom they lately displaced more than they had ever seen before.
From this time forward his influence became supreme, and all who had accepted the reformed doctrines in France turned to him for counsel and instruction, attracted not only by his power as a teacher, but still more, perhaps because they saw in him so full a development of the Christian life according to the evangelical model.
The Venetian government now put aside its resentment and was officially represented at the magnificent wedding festivities, for it saw in Bianca Cappello an instrument for cementing good relations with Tuscany.
His earlier views on the doctrine of non-resistance had been sensibly modified by what he saw in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes and by the course of affairs at home, and in 1688 he published an Inquiry into the Measures of Submission to the Supreme Authority in defence of the revolution.
Since the Frankish monarchy was now in their power some of, them tried to reestablish the unity of that monarchy in all its integrity, together with the superiority of the State over the Church; others, faithless to the idea of unity, saw in the disintegration of the state and the supremacy of the nobles a warrant for their own independence.
Without a Gi,ndias leader or popular power, they might have found both in Danton; for, occupied chiefly with the external danger, he made advances towards them, which they repulsed, partly in horror at the proceedings of September, but chiefly because they saw in him the most formidable rival in the path of the government.
He was a man of vast learning and upright piety, but, although personally friendly to Galileo, there is no doubt that he saw in his scientific teachings a danger to religion.
Louis Philippe, king of the French, saw in.
His efforts to reconstruct the Spanish navy were attacked both by the apostles of retrenchment and by those who saw in the shipbuilding contracts an undue favoring of the foreigner; the Marine Industries Protection Act was denounced as favoring the large shipowners and exporters at the expense of the smaller men; the Compulsory Education Act as a criminal assault on the rights of the family.
The priestesses by whom she was served are depicted in early art as armed with the double-headed axe, and the dances they performed in her honour with shield and bow gave rise to the myths which saw in them.
Worse—he saw in her mind that what she said was true.
I.m not the defenseless little human you saw in Hell.
Anger filled her, and she began to saw in earnest, unwilling to let another innocent person die in the darkness of the underworld.
I need help to identify a sea anemone I saw in my last dive.
The anger he saw in the blue eyes couldn't hide the pain in Daniel's soul.
He also saw in the spinney the body of the man Farrow, whose death was caused by gunshot in the mouth.
I did not see several species I saw in winter such as great rock nuthatch, desert finch and somber tit.
He was an enthusiast for evolution and saw in the growth of embryos what he called ' ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny ' .
We saw in an earlier chapter that cal pips may be used to calibrate a type A display.
I see a mistle thrush perching on a wall across the river, a species that I now realize we never saw in Mallorca.
This is the totally uncut American release version that you saw in theaters back in the 1970s.. .
The chalk artist saw in the little street urchin what nobody else saw - a potential masterpiece!
Though rejected by the Jesuits, who found peripatetic formulae a faithful weapon against the enemies of the church, Cartesianism was warmly adopted by the Oratory, which saw in Descartes something of St Augustine, by Port Royal, which discovered a connexion between the new system and Jansenism, and by some amongst the Benedictines and the order of Ste Genevieve.
There remained Prussia, which, now that the Danish apaign of 1864 was otTer, was completing, her preparais for the final struggle with Austria for the hegemony Germany; and Napoleon, who saw in the furthering of marcks plans the surest means of securing his own influence divided Europe, willingly lent his aid in negotiating a PrussoIn the summer of 1865 Bismarckmade formal posals to La Marmora; but the pourparlers were interrupted by conclusion of the convention of Gastein (August 14), to which stria agreed partly under pressure of the Prusso-Italian enlenle.
These very considerations naturally combined to recommend the fact to constitutionalists, who saw in it, besides the territorial guarantee, the elimination of the danger of foreign interference in the relations between Italy and the Vatican, such as Bismarck had recently threatened and such as France was believed ready to propose.
Nabonidus (Nabunaid) king of Babylonia (556 B.C.) saw in the disaster the vengeance of the gods for the sacrilege of Sennacherib; the Hebrew prophets, for their part, exulted over Yahweh's far-reaching judgment.
In Leibnitz we find a philosophic or religious optimism, which saw in the universe the perfect work of a God who from all possibilities selected the .best.
It is curious, for instance, to compare the scanty references to the material marvels of Constantinople which Villehardouin saw in their glory, which perished by sack and fire under his very eyes, and which live chiefly in the melancholy pages of his Greek contemporary Nicetas, with the elaborate descriptions of the scarcely greater wonders of fabulous courts at Constantinople itself, at Babylon, and elsewhere, to be found in his other contemporaries, the later chanson de geste writers and the earlier embroiderers of the Arthurian romances and romans d'aventures.
He saw in Christ the divine Spirit, who had come down from heaven to transform the lives of men, all of whom are sinners.
There was no opposition, because the ministers never attempted to do anything which would arouse opposition, and because they were ready to do anything called for by any one who had power enough to make himself dangerous; and in 1743 they embarked on a useless war with France in order to please the king, who saw in every commotion on the continent of Europe some danger to his beloved Hanover.
In spite of the vigorous protest of Great Britain, which saw in this demand only a pretext for reviving the traditional Bourbon ambitions in the Peninsula, the mandate was granted by the majority of the powers; and on the 7th of April 1823 the duke of French in- Angoulme, at the head of a powerful army, crossed tervengion, the Bidassoa.
He acknowledged no acquaintances but saw in all these men only brothers, and burned with impatience to set to work with them.
She looked into her lover's face and saw in it a look of commiseration and perplexity.
The first person he saw in the house was Natasha.
He only saw in her a pretty and fresh young girl, with whom he did not deign to unite his fate.
But then I looked into my mirror and realized that the person I saw in that mirror was me.
This is the totally uncut American release version that you saw in theaters back in the 1970s...
The chalk artist saw in the little street urchin what nobody else saw - a potential masterpiece !
When I saw the fern, I was reminded ofprimitive plants that I saw in a history video.
When I saw the fern, I was reminded of primitive plants that I saw in a history video.
Ellen was disturbed by much of what she saw in the small village in South America, including the macabre ritualistic dance performed by the village leaders.
Many people recommend buying a table saw in the direction in which you are accustomed, simply for safety purposes.
A chain brake to stop the saw in the event of a kickback.
Soon he was receiving orders for furniture and lamps - and people wanted the house plans so that they could replicate the home they saw in the magazine.
In most cases you'll be facing the same villains that you saw in the movie Spiderman 3.
It could be somewhere you have visited, a picture of a place you saw in a movie or magazine, or just the perfect place for you to get away.
If you have your heart set on that spectacular door you saw in Architectural Digest and have to use it in your pocket door setup, by all means indulge your need to explore your creative vision, but use good judgment.
Whatever the public saw in the little guy, motivated Naughty Dog to create two sequels and a Crash Kart racing game.
Aries is sucker for an under dog; if he sees you putting down the people you come into contact with, he’ll seriouslybegin to question what he saw in you in the first place.
While the bras have yet to reach the height of popularity they saw in the 1940s and 50s, they have popped back up a few times in performances and on women who love their vintage clothing for everyday wear or costuming.
However, despite their beauty and functionality, they're not likely to return to the levels of popularity or necessity they saw in earlier times.
Nicole works as a volunteer at the hospital and offers to help Bryce interpret the symbol he saw in his flashforward.
Benford follows a lead on the tattooed assassin he saw in his flashforward.
Bryce searches for the woman he saw in his flashforward.