Saturated Sentence Examples
Guilt and need warred as her senses became saturated with his oak-amber scent, the warmth of his body at her back.
The mass is then covered with two-thirds of its weight of alcohol, and saturated with hydrochloric acid gas.
Her senses became saturated quickly by his scent and heat.
The water, moreover, till it is saturated with gases, readily absorbs noxious vapours to which it may be exposed.
Saturated fats aren't healthy for anyone in large amounts but are particularly bad for people with type 2 diabetes because it can worsen insulin response.
He spent much of his time in practising magic, and it was believed that he had so saturated his body with poisons that none could injure him.
The oldest rocks of Barbados, known as the Scotland series, are of shallow water origin, consisting of coarse grits, brown sandstones and sandy clays, in places saturated with petroleum and traversed by veins of manjak.
The substance is then cooled to the lower temperature 0" along the path CD, keeping it in the saturated state.
In this process all the anode metals pass into solution except iridium and other refractory metals of that group, which remain as metals, and silver, which is converted into insoluble chloride; lead and bismuth form chloride and oxychloride respectively, and these dissolve until the bath is saturated with them, and then precipitate with the silver in the tank.
Thus, beef fat is more saturated than chicken fat and vegetable shortening is more saturated than vegetable oil.
AdvertisementThe substances used as tests in these reactions are caustic potash and calcium hypochlorite; the former being the substance dissolved in an equal weight of water and the latter a saturated extract of bleaching powder in water.
Lime in the caustic state is beneficially applied to soils which contain an excess of inert vegetable matter, and hence may be used for the improvement of old garden soils saturated with humus, or of peaty soils not thoroughly reclaimed.
Garden pots are made with a comparatively large hole in the bottom, and those of the largest size have also holes at the side near the bottom; these openings are to prevent the soil becoming saturated or soured with superabundant water.
At this point selection ceases; the remaining molten metal freezes as a whole, and in freezing splits up into a conglomerate eutectic of (1) austenite of about 2.2% of carbon, and therefore saturated with that element, and (2) cementite; and with this eutectic is mixed the " primary " austenite which froze out as the temperature sank from v to v'.
Hantzsch, Ber., This assumption also shows the relationship of the diazonium hydroxides to other quaternary ammonium compounds, for most of the quaternary ammonium hydroxides (except such as have the nitrogen atom attached to four saturated hydrocarbon radicals) are unstable, and readily pass over into compounds in which the hydroxyl group is no longer attached to the amine nitrogen; thus the syn-diazo hydroxides are to be regarded as pseudo-diazonium derivatives.
AdvertisementIn Morocco and generally throughout North Africa there is a considerable demand for green tea, which is drunk hot out of glasses, the liquor being almost saturated with sugar and strongly flavoured with mint.
Through this space the fresh surface water finds its way, and dissolving the salt below rises in the inner tube as brine, but only to such a level that the two columns bear to one another the relation of ten to twelve, this being the inverse ratio of the respective weights of saturated brine and fresh water.
Heavy CO 2 saturated water descends through lighter formation water and carbonate minerals gradually precipitate driven by ionic equilibrium.
He uses a wide intensity of colors, alternating between saturated hues and muted, almost monochromatic effects.
Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.
AdvertisementIt was simply reeking with cholera germs, having a mud floor that had become saturated with filth.
Many people in the UK are eating too much fat, especially saturated fat.
The access line is completely saturated during a 25 second period at the center of the period.
If partly saturated air is cooled without changing its pressure or amount of water vapor, a point is reached when it becomes saturated.
The Internet is saturated with photo stock agencies.
AdvertisementA three-ounce portion of skinless chicken thigh has 2.6 grams of saturated fat and 9.2 grams of total fat.
Skinless chicken breast will have 0.9 grams of saturated fat and 3.0 grams of total fat.
Some say the market is saturated while others feel that when it comes to explaining how to make Italian cuisine, there can never be too much of a good thing..
People avoiding carbs and focusing on proteins alone can overlook the fact that the foods they are eating can be high in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
For example, butter, lard, and shortening are all either trans fats or saturated fats, both of which have been associated with heart disease and increased cholesterol levels.
Saturated fats occur naturally in red meat, eggs, and in some oils such as palm oil.
Because they do contain some saturated fat, keep them to a minimum, no more than 6 ounces daily.
Calories consumed as saturated fat should equal no more than 8-10 percent of total calories consumed per day.
The main dietary sources in children's diets of saturated fat are whole milk, cheese, hot dogs, and luncheon meats.
Teens who follow a vegetarian diet are more likely to meet recommendations for total fat, saturated fat, and number of servings of fruits and vegetables as compared to non-vegetarians.
This changes the double bond on the carbon atom from a cis configuration to a trans configuration, making the fatty acid saturated, and a greater health concern.
Nutrition experts have built up convincing evidence that there are major problems with the conventional American diet, which is centered on meat products that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat and low in fiber.
Nutritionists have repeatedly shown in studies that a healthy diet consists of plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, and foods that are high in fiber and low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Some studies have shown that some vegetarians consume large amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat.
Eggs and dairy products contain cholesterol and saturated fat, while nuts, oils, and avocados are vegetable sources of saturated fat.
To reap the full benefits of a vegetarian diet, vegetarians should be conscious of cholesterol and saturated fat intake.
Cholesterol-A steroid fat found in animal foods that is also produced in the human body from saturated fat.
Calories consumed as saturated fat should equal no more than 8 to 10 percent of total calories consumed per day.
Elevated blood pressure can be reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, and which is low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol.
Repeat the crosshatching and tincture application until the wart is saturated with the tincture.
In making the paste, so much cadmium sulphate must be added that a saturated solution of that salt is formed and is present in the cell.
Be it enough for our purpose to say that he thoroughly saturated his mind with the " new learning," first at Oxford, where in 1515 he was admitted to the degree of M.A., and then in Cambridge, where the fame of Erasmus still lingered.
The saturated aqueous solution is colourless and fumes strongly on exposure to air; after a time it darkens in colour owing to liberation of iodine.
Bueb (Congress of German Gas Industries, March 1900) brings gas (free from tar) into intimate contact with a saturated solution of ferrous sulphate, when a "cyanogen mud" is obtained.
Hydroferricyanic acid, H 3 Fe(NC)s, obtained by adding concentrated hydrochloric acid to a cold saturated solution of potassium ferricyanide, crystallizes in brown needles, and is easily decomposed.
Chromium trioxide, Cr03, is obtained by adding concentrated sulphuric acid to a cold saturated solution of potassium bichromate, when it separates in long red needles; the mother liquor is drained off and the crystals are washed with concentrated nitric acid, the excess of which is removed by means of a current of dry air.
On pouring a solution of chromous chloride into a saturated solution of sodium acetate, a red crystalline precipitate of chromous acetate is produced; this is much more permanent in air than the other chromous salts and consequently can be used for their preparation.
Potassium chlorochromate, CrO 2 Cl OK, is produced when potassium bichromate is heated with concentrated hydrochloric acid and a little water, or from chromium oxychloride and saturated potassium chloride solution, when - it separates as a red crystalline salt.
In small quantities, it may be prepared by the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid to a cold saturated solution of borax.
It is certain then that when dissolution occurs the available energy of the whole system is decreased by the process, while when equilibrium is reached and the solution is saturated the available energy is a minimum.
When a variable quantity is at a minimum a slight change in the system does not affect its value, and therefore, when a solution is saturated, the increase in the available energy of the liquid phase produced by dissolving in it some of the solid must be equal to the decrease in the available energy of the solid phase, caused by the abstraction from the bulk of that part dissolved.
A saturated solution is a system in equilibrium, and exhibits the thermodynamic relations which hold for all such systems. Just as two electrified bodies are in equilibrium when their electric potentials are equal, so two parts of a chemical and physical system are in equilibrium when there is equality between the chemical potentials of each component present in the two parts.
The four phases are (I) crystals of salt, (2) crystals of ice, (3) a saturated solution of the salt in water, and (4) the vapour, which is that practically of water alone, since the salt is non-volatile at the temperature in question.
Equilibrium between these phases is obtained at the freezing point of the saturated solution under the pressure of the vapour.
Thus a mixture of ice, salt and the saturated solution has a constant freezing point, and the composition of the solution is constant and the same as that of the mixed solids which freeze out on the abstraction of heat.
If the supply of ice fails first the temperature will rise, and, since solid salt remains, we pass along a curve OA giving the relation between temperature and the vapour pressure of the saturated solution.
Or, by increasing the pressure, we eliminate the vapour and obtain the curve OF giving the relation between pressure, freezing point and composition when a saturated solution is in contact with ice and salt.
At B is a nonvariant system made up of ice, solid phenol, saturated solution and vapour.
The 20 40 60 80 100 liquid then becomes saturated with B also, and, if inoculated with B crystals, will deposit B alongside of A, till the whole mass is solid.
If the solution in the cylinder be kept saturated by the presence FIG.
In the equation dP/dT= X/T(v 2 - v 1), P is the osmotic pressure, T the absolute temperature and X the heat of solution of unit mass of the solute when dissolving to form a volume v2 - v1 of saturated solution in an osmotic cylinder.
This result must hold good for any solution, but if the solution be dilute when saturated, that is, if the solubility be small, the equation shows that if there be no heat effect when solid dissolves to form a saturated solution, the solubility is independent of temperature, for, in accordance with the gas laws, the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution of constant concentration is proportional to the absolute temperature.
In all this investigation it should be noted that the heat of solution with which we are concerned is the heat effect when solid dissolves to form a saturated solution.
Thus cupric chloride dissolves in much water with an evolution of heat, but when the solution is nearly saturated, it is cooled by taking up more of the solid.
Many brine springs also occur in a more or less saturated condition.
The brine used in the salt manufacture in England is very nearly saturated, containing 25 or 26% of sodium chloride, the utmost water can take up being 27%; and it ranges from 38 to 42 oz.
Saltmaking is by no means an unhealthy trade, some slight soreness of the eyes being the only affection sometimes complained of; indeed the atmosphere of steam saturated with salt in which the workmen live seems specially preservative against colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c.
Yet these two schools of Sufis were never quite similar; on Sunnite soil Sufiism could not openly impugn orthodox views, while in Persia it was saturated with Shiite heresy and the pantheism of the extreme devotees of 'Ali.
The residue is then dissolved in water, decolorized by animal charcoal and saturated at 50 C. with oxalic acid.
From the crude oxide so obtained (which contains lanthanum and didymium oxides) the cerium may be separated by conversion into its double sulphate on the addition of potassium sulphate, the sulphates of the cerium group being insoluble in a saturated solution of potassium sulphate.
Pinerua separates the metals by taking advantage of the fact that cobalt chloride is soluble in ether which has been saturated with hydrochloric acid gas at low temperature.
The total heat of the saturated vapour at any temperature is usually defined as the quantity of heat required to raise unit mass of the liquid from any convenient zero up to the temperature considered, and then to evaporate it at that temperature under the constant pressure of saturation.
The usual definition of total heat applies only to a saturated vapour.
If the saturated vapour behaves as a perfect gas, the change of intrinsic energy E depends only on the temperature limits, and is equal to s (8-00), where s is the specific heat at constant volume.
Zeuner, at a later date (La Chaleur, p.441) employing the empirical, formula pv= BO +Cp 25 for saturated steam, found the value S = 568, which further increased the discrepancy.
It was first employed in the case of steam by Peabody as a means of estimating the wetness of saturated steam, which is an important factor in testing the performance of an engine.
If the steam at A were dry and saturated, we should have, assuming Regnault's formula (to), H A -H D = 305 (0'-O), whence, if S = .475, we have zL = .3 0 5 (0 '- 0)-.
It is evident that this is a very delicate method of determining the wetness z, but, since with dry saturated steam at low pressures this formula always gives negative values of the wetness, it is clear that Regnault's numerical coefficients must be wrong.
The rate of increase of the total heat, instead of being constant for saturated steam as in Regnault's formula, is given by the equation dH/d0 =S(1 - Qdp/d0).
The reason for adopting this method is that the specific volume of a saturated vapour cannot be directly measured with sufficient accuracy on account of the readiness with which it condenses on the surface of the containing vessel.
The gas must be collected either by downward displacement, since it is soluble in water and also attacks mercury; or over a saturated salt solution, in which it is only slightly soluble.
For purposes of substitution, the free element as a rule only works slowly on saturated compounds, but the reaction may be accelerated by the action of sunlight or on warming, or by using a "carrier."
Thatched roofs are not now allowed in London or other towns and their vicinity, but if saturated with a solution of lime the thatch is said to be incombustible.
Six anodes were suspended, alternately with four cathodes, in a saturated solution of copper sulphate in a cylindrical fire-clay trough, all the anodes being connected in one parallel group, and all the cathodes in another.
Their waters are saturated with saline compounds, which in some cases have considerable commercial value.
In the person of his son, the throne was occupied by a soldier and stateiman of genius, saturated with Greek culture and Greek thought, and intolerant of every goal but the highest.
Guntz (Comptes rendus, 1901, 133, p. 872) electrolyses a saturated solution of barium chloride using a mercury cathode and obtains a 3% barium amalgam; this amalgam is transferred to an iron boat in a wide porcelain tube and the tube slowly heated electrically, a good yield of pure barium being obtained at about looo C. The metal when freshly cut possesses a silver white lustre, is a little harder than lead, and is extremely easily oxidized on exposure; it is soluble in liquid ammonia, and readily attacks both water and alcohol.
A saturated solution of the hydroxide deposits on cooling a hydrated form Ba(OH) 2.8H 2 0, as colourless quadratic prisms, which on exposure to air lose seven molecules of water of crystallization.
Barium nitrate, Ba(N03)2, is prepared by dissolving either the carbonate or sulphide in dilute nitric acid, or by mixing hot saturated solutions of barium chloride and sodium nitrate.
The same substance may be able to exist in two different states at the same temperature and pressure, as when water and its saturated vapour are contained in the same vessel.
The "syrup" employed for medicinal purposes consists of a concentrated or saturated solution of refined sugar in distilled water.
A saturated solution of potassium chlorate in strong nitric acid is added, and the mass evaporated to dryness.
The filtrate diluted to 200 cc. is carefully neutralized with hydrochloric acid, and excess of 6 cc. of the strong acid is added, and the solution saturated with hydrogen sulphide, which precipitates the copper and cadmium, metals which would otherwise interfere.
A saturated solution (1 in woo of warm water), thymol gauze and an ointment are used.
With oil it was accordingly at one time saturated in hopes of reviving the colours.
The diamide, PO (NH 2) (NH), results when the pentachloride is saturated with ammonia gas and the first formed chlorophosphamide, PC1 3 (NH 2) 2, is decomposed by water.
An inch falling in a single day on a saturated mountain area will nearly all reach the rivers, but if it falls during a drought seven-eighths may be lost so far as the period of the drought is concerned.
In estimating the evaporation to be deducted from the rainfall for the purpose of determining the flow into a reservoir, it is important to bear in mind that the loss from a constant water surface is nearly one and a half times as great as from the intermittently saturated land surface.
For example, on reduction with zinc and alcoholic potash, the a/' compounds give saturated ketones and also bi-molecular compounds, the Jay being unaffected; the Jay series react with hydroxylamine in a normal manner, the a/3 yield oxamino-oximes.
Again, the most convenient site for oil wells is the crest of an anticline or "dome," where an impervious stratum imprisons the gas and oil in a subjacent saturated layer under pressure.
Their northern slope, which is occupied by the three Guianas first named, is saturated and river-torn; but their southern one, Brazilian Guiana, is in general thirsty and semi-barren, and the driest region of the Amazon valley.
Before it reaches the plains it receives a great number of small streams from impenetrable, saturated and much broken mountainous districts, where the dense and varied vegetation seems to fight for every square foot of ground.
The hydrocarbons, upon which the luminosity of the flame entirely depends, are divided in the analysis into two groups, saturated and unsaturated, according to their behaviour with a solution of bromine in potassium bromide, which has the power of absorbing those termed "unsaturated," but does not affect in diffused daylight the gaseous members of the "saturated" series of hydrocarbons.
Gas leaves the retorts saturated with naphthalene, and its capacity for holding that impurity seems to be augmented by the presence of water vapour.
To do this, saturated ammoniacal liquor is decomposed by lime in the presence of steam, and the freed ammonia is passed into strong sulphuric acid, the saturated solution of ammonium sulphate being carefully crystallized.
The monohydrate also results as a white precipitate when concentrated sulphuric acid is added to a saturated solution of ferrous sulphate.
Divers obtains it by mixing cold saturated solutions containing one molecular proportion of sodium nitrate, and two molecular proportions of acid sodium sulphite, and then adding a saturated solution of potassium chloride to the mixture.
Salt, too, is obtained from the ashes of wood saturated by sea-water.
Arsenic can also be estimated by volumetric methods; for this purpose it must be in the arsenious condition, and the method of estimation consists in converting it into the arsenic condition by means of a standard solution of iodine, in the presence of a cold saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate.
White arsenic exists in two crystalline forms (octahedral and prismatic) and one amorphous form; the octahedral form is produced by the rapid cooling of arsenic vapour, or by cooling a warm saturated solution in water, or by crystallization from hydrochloric acid, and also by the gradual transition of the amorphous variety, this last phenomenon being attended by the evolution of heat.
The prismatic variety of the oxide can be obtained by crystallization from a saturated boiling solution in potassium hydroxide, or by the crystallization of a solution of silver arsenite in nitric acid.
They pass into the refrigerator, where they are condensed and fall back as a condensed liquid through the meal, percolating it as they pass downwards, and reaching to the bottom of the vessel as a more or less saturated solution of oil in the solvent.
Thus it points the way to the application of a further method to resolve the isolated fatty acids of an oil or fat into saturated fatty acids, which do not absorb iodine, and into unsaturated fatty acids, which absorb iodine in various proportions as shown above.
This separation is effected by converting the alkali soaps of the fatty acids into lead soaps and treating the latter with ether, in which the lead salts of the saturated acids are insoluble, whereas the salts of the above-named unsaturated acids are soluble.
The saturated fatty acids can then be further examined, and valuable information is gained by the determination of the melting-points and by treatment with solvents.
So far as the air discharged from the expansion cylinder is concerned, its humidity is precisely the same so long as its temperature and pressure are the same, inasmuch as when discharged from the expansion cylinder it is always in a saturated condition for that temperature and pressure.
Hence consumption of food rich in saturated fatty acids would raise cholesterol levels concurrently.
It is possible to create full-color anaglyphs if one is careful and doesn't use greatly saturated colors.
Appendix on handling emulsions, e.g. breaking up an emulsion by adding saturated brine.
Know how to distinguish alkenes (as unsaturated hydrocarbons) from alkanes (as saturated hydrocarbons) using addition reactions with aqueous bromine.
It lets users analyze their personal daily food intake, including total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
Chroma The degree of saturation of a particular color low chroma The degree of saturation of a particular color low chroma means a pastel color, high chroma means a saturated color.
The XRF signal was saturated by the pigment lead chromate.
When I print " photo prints " the printed image is too contrasty and the colors are too saturated.
The Division is the UK's foremost supplier of saturated polyester resins for the manufacture of flexible urethane foam and polyurethane elastomers.
I would expect the rate of spread to be approximately exponential, until the net begins to become saturated.
Eating too much saturated fat is related to heart disease.
You're also adding to the already high saturated fat by piling on more meat.
Furthermore, the recipient mailbox is reportedly saturated, which suggests perhaps that people are incredibly gullible and have already bitten for this scam!
Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons; they only contain single bonds.
A simple change from butter to margarine is a simple way to start cutting down on your saturated fat intake.
According to Hi-Fi News, 'the wonderfully fluid images and deeply saturated colors painted by this Fujitsu combination are little short of mouth-watering.
Above the water table is the zone where the ground is not fully saturated.
Alkanes are saturated as they contain only single bonds.
At doses above 200 mg, the absorption was saturated probably due to poor solubility.
A saturated solution is one in which no more solute will dissolve at that temperature.
A pledget of cotton saturated with passiflora and introduced into a carious tooth has promptly allayed violent toothache.
However, on being searched by a female warder her clothing was found to be saturated with blood.
It may be produced by placing quantities of horse-dung saturated with the urine of horses, especially of stud horses, with alternate layers of rich earth, and covering the whole with straw, to exclude rain and air; the spawn commonly appears in the heap in about two months afterwards.
All this, especially in a writer like Schutz, who is saturated with every progressive tendency of the time, seems to point to a deep sense of the appropriate style of trombone writing.
Even these species are sometimes left stranded by low spring tides, though the mud in which they are rooted remains saturated with sea-water.
Arguing from the existence of only one mono-substitution derivative, and of three di-derivatives (statements of which the rigorous proof was then wanting), he was led to arrange the six carbon atoms in a ring, attaching a hydrogen atom to each carbon atom; being left with the fourth carbon valencies, he mutually saturated these in pairs, thus obtaining the symbol I (see below).
At the time of Eusebius the Greek Church was saturated with prejudice against the book and with doubts as to its canonicity.
This solution is saturated with ammonia, produced in the recovery plant (see below), in vessels provided with mechanical agitators and strongly cooled by coils of pipes through which cold water is made to flow.
On the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid to a cold saturated solution of the salt, red crystals of chromium trioxide, Cr03, separate (see Chromium), whilst when warmed with concentrated hydrochloric acid and a little water, potassium chlorochromate is produced.
Traditional quiche would be higher in ' bad ' or saturated fat due to the pastry.
Know that alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons and know their properties.
Products high in saturated fatty acids, salt, sugar etc should therefore not be promoted on this basis.
This is a simple way to reduce your saturated fat intake.
Water must be displaced from saturated soils in order to reduce the volume of the voids.
The causes are the same old suspects - too little fiber, saturated fat, cholesterol and obesity.
So instead of normally having 100% of the hemoglobin saturated with oxygen, smokers are down to about 85% of normal.
Wars there have been in the past; this earth is saturated with blood.
With the soil saturated again with water there were large pools of water on the fields adjacent to the weather station.
Use unsaturated fats such as sunflower or olive oil rather than saturated fats such as butter.
Only because their imagination is thoroughly saturated with Christian symbol and doctrine are they able to manifest a fully realized and believable heaven.
Tip from Joanne Bednar of Motivation Station Saturated fats are the BAD fats.
The magnesium sulfate solution should be saturated throughout the test.
The supernatant fluid above the crystals is a saturated solution of iodine.
I remember your darkly woven poetry; your saturated tapestry of overlapping stories.
Some planting was enclosed in stockades of windbreak material but the posts would work loose in the saturated winter ground.
Her humble attitude was refreshing in a society to saturated by hubris.
Some have simple drawings in just one or two colors, while others are deeply saturated with color.
It is 58 percent polyunsaturated fat, 23 percent monounsaturated fat, and 15% saturated fat in content.
You should avoid baking powder as well, as it contains sodium carbonate.Lose the fat - saturated fat, that is.
Substitute saturated animal fats such as butter and lard with unsaturated vegetable oils like olive, mustard, canola and sunflower oil.
There are also a number of spreads available specifically developed to replace saturated fats for cooking and spreading.
Note that your sponge should not be saturated with the mixture - tap away any excess.
Throws are particularly effective because, depending on the material and design, they can add a variety of saturated colors to a small space without adding bulk.
Select a brightly saturated color to paint it, taking inspiration from other colors in the room and using a contrasting shade to the wall behind it.
Whether you're seeking a new dramatic makeup style, or just want to explore a richer, jeweled color palette, saturated and warm red tones such as maroon can be easy to pull off if you have the right skin tone and application techniques.
Heavily saturated colors may not be appropriate for a soccer game, per se, but the strong colors can do wonders for "moving" cityscapes and other action shots.
Although it is low in cholesterol and very low in saturated fat, this salad is high in sodium.
The In-N-Out Double Double is high in saturated fats.
Burger King's veggieburger is low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol, but high in sodium.
Billy Ray Cyrus' uber cute daughter Miley, has saturated the tween scene in record time.
While it is true that meat is full of protein and vitamins, the same amount of nutrients can be derived from plant-based sources, without the excess of saturated fat and cholesterol that accompanies even lean cuts of meat.
This is not to say that there are no obese vegetarians, but the sheer amount of saturated fat in meat means that you are increasing your chances of obesity, even if your diet is otherwise healthy.
Additionally, vegetarians tend to have clear, vibrant skin because they load up on olive oil, dark leafy greens and flax seeds, while avoiding saturated animal fats that clog the system.
Though it contains a high level of saturated fat, studies have shown that this type of saturated fat isn't as harmful when ingested as those found in other food products.
The raw food diet is naturally low in salt and contains little to no saturated fat.
Because the diet is rich in fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes it is naturally low in saturated fats and high in fiber.
Roast beets plain or coated lightly with olive oil to add as little saturated fat and cholesterol as possible.
Keep in mind that whole-grain products may also contain added sugar, sodium or saturated fat, which you should limit in a healthy diet.
Saturated animal fats can cause heart disease and certain cancers in dogs just like they do in human beings.
The dog food does not contain saturated animal fat or chemical additives.
Saturated animal fat and chemical additives may contribute to the development of heart disease and certain canine cancers.
Gritty, sandy, or peaty soils therefore suit them best-even marsh land, though saturated, is free in texture.
Saturated blues and purples, from cobalt to ink to ultra-violet, along with fluorescent oranges, tangerines and yellows look fresh and sophisticated as accents against faux-nude neutrals and light greys.
Though a loud men's shirt is hardly as versatile as, say, a crisp dress shirt, the market is still saturated with options aplenty.
Grain-fed beef tends to be fattier with well-marbled fats and a higher level of saturated fat.
It contains lower levels of saturated fat and more omega-3 fats than grain-fed beef.
For example, Cheetos puffs that are not made with organic ingredients have 160 calories and 10 grams of fat per 1 ounce serving, as well as 1.5 grams of saturated fat and 370 milligrams of sodium.
Saturated fat levels remain the same, but the sodium drops to 290 milligrams.
It's still not a health food, however, since the product contains 13 grams of fat and 6 grams of saturated fat in a tablespoon serving.
All add a few more calories by using organic palm shortening but have no cholesterol and are lower in saturated fat than butter and contain no trans-fats.
The meat that develops from grain feeding is high in saturated fat and has less omega-3 fatty acids.
This is especially true in areas with saturated soil conditions.
Cotton is one of the crops most heavily saturated in pesticides and fertilizers.
Grass fed beef is lower in saturated fat and higher in Omega-3s, CLA, and vitamin E than its grain fed counterpart.
The rhythm game genre as a whole quickly began to get saturated and, in the eyes of some industry analysts, it has become somewhat stagnant as well.
With the market saturated in sequels, stamped-out clones and other filler titles, even veteran gamers are starting to scratch their heads and wonder what else is out there.
The medications are applied directly to the wick, enough times per day to allow the wick to remain continuously saturated.
Instead, flaunt a wispy pixie and keep your color saturated (deep in tone) or lightened to the lightest shade of pale.
Apply gel to the hair with your hands or use a spray gel, making sure that the hair is saturated with the gel.
Diets high in salt and saturated fat can limit your chances of conceiving.
While pastels are perfectly pretty and can look great with delicate coloring, many women stay away from rich, saturated hues when it comes to choosing blouses or other clothing.
So step outside the box and try blouses, jackets and dresses in saturated colors - you just might be surprised and love your new look.
Saturated in vibrant rich hues like that of plum and cognac, this is a structured leather handbag that even features "feet" to protect the bottom of the bag from scuffing.
While the Internet is saturated with websites dedicated to soap opera spoilers, not all of them provide accurate information.
As you can tell by the aforementioned list, the Internet is saturated with websites dedicated to soap opera spoilers, like Eastenders.
Instead, use a cotton ball saturated with salt water to soak the navel area about three times a day.
Flash refers to the sheets of paper saturated in personalized tattoo artistry that adorn the walls and counters of practically every tattoo parlor you might visit.
If you're interested in starting an online store, make sure that you select a product niche that isn't already saturated.
Make sure the stain is completely saturated, then blot away excess liquid without rubbing it in.
The company advises against using saturated or jet mops, stating that they may make the floor too wet, thereby causing damage.
The more dye you use, the bolder and more saturated your spirals will be.
If your dye is not extremely saturated, there will be a lot of white left in the shirt, as in the spiral tie dyed shirt shown above.
Unlike the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet does not encourage excessive consumption of saturated fats, such as those found in bacon, cheeses and butter.
The diet does not encourage excessive consumption of saturated fats, such as those found in bacon, cheeses and butter.
Eating too many animal based products and other foods high in saturated and trans fats may lead to elevated cholesterol levels.
Eliminate or greatly reduce fried foods, which contain high levels of saturated or trans fats.
Saturated fat was once thought to be the enemy.
The suggested replacements for such fats were products such as trans fat and Olestra, both of which are now known to be more deleterious than saturated fat.
These diets may be dangerously low in fiber and much too high in saturated fats for the digestive system to thrive.
Fat grams should be mostly unsaturated with no more than 10 percent of the total calories coming from saturated fats.
Choose foods low in saturated and trans fats, which increase risk of heart disease.
In general, your daily intake should be 55-60% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein, and less than 30% fat (particularly watch saturated and trans fats).
It has long been known through prominent studies that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is more effective in reducing heart disease risk than the total amount of fat consumed.
Many vegetarian meals also contain less saturated fat and more antioxidants than other types of meal plans.
Trans fats and saturated fats should certainly be avoided.
To be avoided are saturated fats, sugar and other sweets, and fatty meats.
Saturated fats are derived from animal products such as beef, poultry, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, and pork.
Vegetable oil and corn oil are higher in saturated fats than unsaturated fats and are often referred to as polyunsaturated fats.
Interesting to note, unsaturated fat consumption has been shown to lower high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both known to be caused by a high saturated fat dietary intake.
With all the media hype about healthy fat, trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, it can be puzzling to understand which low fat foods are beneficial and which ones are best left untouched.
Similarly, for a food to be labeled "low saturated fat", a serving must contain 1 gram or less of saturated fat and no more than 15% of calories from saturated fat.
Despite the latest news on Low Fat Diets low fat diets, choosing foods with less fat, saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol is a definite plus to the health of the heart muscle and overall weight management.
This plan is marketed as providing low sodium, low cholesterol, and low saturated fat food choices, with an appropriate dose of heart healthy unsaturated fats.
Acceptable but containing some saturated fats include meats, such as lean beef cuts, chicken and turkey breast, and low fat dairy foods.
Saturated fat is best limited to no more than 10% of total calories.
Also beneficial to know is the saturated fat amount, starch content, cholesterol and sodium amount.
Saturated fat is another kind of fat that most people get too much of.
Limit the amount of saturated fats and trans fat from baked goods, chips, margarine, hydrogenated oils and other "junk" food.
Get as much of your fat from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources as you can, and limit saturated fat and trans fat to no more than 10% of total fat.
Limit the amount of trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium consumed each day.
Choose lean meats and poultry without skin and prepare them without added saturated or trans fats.
One of the major good points for the South Beach Diet in comparison to other low-carb diets is the emphasis on healthy, plant-based fats like olive oil instead of saturated fats like bacon.
Because of the decrease in saturated fats, you'll likely see a drop in your cholesterol levels while on the diet.
For optimum nutrition, the leading foods to avoid are saturated fats and trans fat.
Saturated fats are found in whole milk dairy products such as whole milk, cream, cheeses, yogurts, ice cream, and sour cream.
For example, lightly steaming fresh broccoli would be a natural cooking low fat method while deep frying the broccoli in highly saturated oil would not be considered part of a natural diet.
Besides incorporating wholesome, unprocessed foods into food selection, natural nutrition involves keeping saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol, and empty calorie intake to a minimum.
Research shows that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol can significantly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Research has determined that saturated fat and trans fat are the worst offenders to the human body, mainly the heart and arteries.
It's also a good idea to cut down on saturated fats and eliminate trans fats from your diet, especially if you are trying to lose weight.
You do not need to eliminate any food completely, although you are encouraged to watch your intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.
And while unsaturated fats are emphasized, there is no outright ban on saturated fats such as butter.
Americans are forgoing the prescribed vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and instead eat foods high in sugars, sodium, and saturated fats.
Eat lean meats and poultry without skin and prepare without added saturated and trans fat.
Limit saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.
Increased risk of heart disease - Diets high in saturated fats lead to high cholesterol, a main cause of heart disease.
Even fad diets encourage all four lifestyle changes, with the exception of Atkins, which allows you to increase saturated fats.
The most important first step for a heart-healthy diet that will lower cholesterol levels is to cut back on saturated fats and, as much as possible, eliminate trans fats from your diet.
They may be even more harmful than saturated fats.
Saturated fats are found in things like full-fat dairy products, egg yolks, fatty meats and tropical oils like coconut and palm.
It's chewier, but you'll get more Omega-3 fats and less saturated fat and cholesterol.
Now, converts to diets like the Atkins program will probably object to the saturated fat part, just like those who adhere to the GI school would like more clarification on the veggies, rice and pasta parts.
The primary culprit is saturated and trans-fats, which increase LDL cholesterol levels or "bad" cholesterol.
Saturated and trans-fats also cause obesity.
Saturated and trans-fats are part of most fast food meals.
In particular, the harder vegetable fat and shortening used by the fast food industry to make cakes, biscuits and pastries is especially harmful as they contain incredibly high amounts of saturated and trans-fats.
This study also found that 45 percent of the kid's meals were extremely high in saturated and trans fats.
Most restaurants value taste over health and as a result fill their food with saturated and trans-fats, hydrogenated oils and tons of sugar and salt.
These numbers are also worrisome because they have exceptionally high amounts of fat calories and saturated fat.
Just a brief look at fast food nutritional information shows most meals contain astronomically high numbers of calories, saturated and trans fats.
People who are diagnosed with diabetes should avoid eating too many foods containing saturated fats and trans fats because there is an increased chance of developing heart disease.
The arrangement of these components determines whether fats are classified as polyunsaturated, monosaturated, or saturated fat.
Saturated fats are thick and heavy and tend to accumulate in arteries.
If you are counting fat grams, save your willpower for saturated fats and allow yourself a little more leniency when you are consuming healthier fats.
Cutting back on saturated fat grams may be an important step toward healthy eating, but trans fats should really be eliminated altogether.
You want to avoid snacks with high levels of sodium or saturated fats.
In addition, it sets up a scenario where you may be consuming too much saturated fat.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, your diet should consist of 20 to 35 percent fat of which less than 10 percent is from saturated fats.
Opt for white meat over dark meat which is higher in saturated fats.
Whenever possible, try to cut down on saturated fat by making good choices.
In older children, fats, especially saturated fats, should be limited.
The Greek Gods plain yogurt contains 11 grams of fat, mostly saturated.
Fats should make up 20 to 35 percent of your diet, with saturated fats constituting no more than 10 percent.
When consuming a high-protein diet, many people select proteins containing high levels of saturated fat.
Animal proteins that contain a great deal of saturated fat include beef, pork, lamb, dairy products, and processed or cured meats.
Saturated fat contributes to increased rates of heart disease, high cholesterol, and clogged arteries.
Selecting protein foods that are lower in saturated fats and cholesterol can help.
As part of good nutrition and healthy eating, you should choose proteins which are low in saturated fat.
If you're a heavy meat eater, you may have already been advised to lower your consumption of fatty meats, as they contain more cholesterol and saturated fat than other protein sources.
The diet minimizes saturated and trans fats and provides a healthy dose of fiber to fill you up and protect bowel health.
In several places the debris within the walls is saturated with sewage, and the water of the Fountain of the Virgin, and of many of the old cisterns, is unfit for drinking.
The clays of the Rolling Downs formation overlie a series of sands and drifts, saturated with water under high pressure, which discharges at the surface as a flowing well, when a borehole pierces the impermeable cover.
Cadmium sulphate, CdSO 4, is known in several hydrated forms; being deposited, on spontaneous evaporation of a concentrated aqueous solution, in the form of large monosymmetric crystals of composition 3CdSO 4.8H 2 O, whilst a boiling saturated solution, to which concentrated sulphuric acid has been added, deposits crystals of composition CdSO 4 4H 2 0.
They are widely distributed, but are particularly abundant in certain tropical climates where active root absorption goes on while the air is nearly saturated with water vapour.
The apparently structureless substance is saturated with it; and if once a cell is completely dried, even at a low temperature, in the enormous majority of cases its life iS gone and the restoration of water fails to enable it to recover.
There is no need for cuticularization here, as the external dangerous influences do not reach the interior, and the processes of absorption which Boussingault attributed to the external cuticularized cells can take place freely through the, delicate cell-walls of the interior, saturated as these are with water.
This soil is spongy, and, undergoing alternate contraction and expansion from being alternately comparatively dry and saturated with moisture, allows the heavy blocks to slip down by their own weight into the valley, where they become piled up, the valley stream afterwards removing the soil from among and over them.
Yahwism is a religion which appears upon a soil saturated with ideas and usages which find their parallel in extrabiblical sources and in neighbouring lands.
We have to be saturated, as it were, with 18th-century influences, so that we can realize the conditions in which industry and trade were carried on, before we can rightly explain the course of development.
The residue is then fused with caustic potash and nitre, dissolved in water, saturated with chlorine and distilled on the water-bath in a current of chlorine.
Three such compounds are possible according to the number of valencies acting directly between the carbon atoms. Thus, if they are connected by one valency, and the remaining valencies saturated by hydrogen, we obtain the compound H 3 C CH 3, ethane.
These last two compounds are termed unsaturated, whereas ethane is saturated.
Saturated steam is steam in contact with liquid water at a temperature which is the boiling point of the water and condensing point of the steam; superheated steam is steam out of contact with water heated above this temperature.
The water of the ocean is usually nearly saturated with calcium salts, which must continually be removed since they are always being added in the water brought down from the land.
The water in shallow seas, off the shores of islands or in lagoons, is saturated with calcium bicarbonate and if the amount of carbonic acid in solution be reduced by any means, normal carbonate must be precipitated.
By the second addition of zinc most of the silver will be collected in a saturated zinc-silver-lead crust, which, when worked up, gives fine silver.
When in this condition the metal is popularly said to be " saturated."
It appears, therefore, that liquid oxygen is by far the most strongly paramagnetic liquid known, its susceptibility being more than four times greater than that of a saturated solution of ferric chloride.
Unsaturated aldehydes are also known, corresponding to the olefine alcohols; they show the characteristic properties of the saturated aldehydes and can form additive compounds in virtue of their unsaturated nature.
The solution turns yellow in colour, and, when saturated, deposits a pasty mass of crystals.
Permeability is practically identical with the speed at which percolation takes place; through clay it is slow, but increases in rapidity through marls, loams, limestones, chalks, coarse gravels and fine sands, reaching a maximum in soil saturated with moisture.
When heated with monobasic saturated acids and zinc chloride it yields acridines.
With substances prone to discolorization, as, for example, certain amino compounds, the operation may be conducted in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, or the water may be saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen.
Crossing the mountains and descending their eastern slopes, the wind becomes less saturated and warmer, so that the formation of clouds ceases.
If the latter be insoluble, the gas diffuses into the solution and, when this becomes saturated, escapes into the air.
The isothermals are approximately equilateral hyperbolas (pv= constant), with the axes of p and v for asymptotes, for a gas or unsaturated vapour, but coincide with the isopiestics for a saturated vapour in presence of its liquid.
It is, however, a curious question how, considering the increase of carbonic acid by the decomposition of organic bodies and possible submarine exhalations of volcanic origin, the water has not in some places become saturated and a precipitate of amorphous calcium carbonate formed in the deepest water.
Mexico was formerly one of the worst drained large cities of the New World, its subsoil being permanently saturated and its artificial drainage being through open ditches into the San Lazaro Canal which nominally discharged into Lake Texcoco.
Within a recent geological period, central Aragon was undoubtedly submerged by the sea, and the parched chalky soil remains saturated with salt, while many of the smaller streams run brackish.
On the lower slopes of the mountains a rank vegetation exists, which, from the conditions mentioned, is constantly saturated with moisture.
The bishops were, for the most part, elegant triflers, as pliant as reeds, with no fixed principles and saturated with a false humanism.
The anhydrous salt may be prepared by heating a saturated solution of the hydrated salt.
The heptahydrate, Na2C03.7H20, is obtained by crystallizing a warm saturated solution in a vacuum; it appears to be dimorphous.
We may here notice the "percarbonates" obtained by Wolffenstein and Peltner (Ber., 1908, 41, pp. 2 75, 280) on acting with gaseous or solid carbon dioxide on Na202, Na203 and NaHO 2 at low temperatures; the same authors obtained a perborate by adding sodium metaborate solution to a 50% solution of sodium peroxide previously saturated with carbon dioxide.
In the case of the Clark standard cell above mentioned the elements are mercury and zinc separated by a paste of mercurous sulphate mixed with a saturated solution of zinc sulphate.
When the limit is reached the solution is said to be saturated, and the system is in equilibrium.
A nearly saturated solution of sodium chloride is obtained by purifying natural or artificial brine, i.e.
The ammoniacal salt solution is now saturated with carbon dioxide.
While the market is saturated with inexpensive and poorly-made steam irons, you can still find ones that would have made your grandmother proud.
The market is saturated with brokers, and you need an edge.
You may find that the market in your area is all ready saturated with work from home candle businesses.
When the reeds become saturated, don't throw them away!
Some brands remove some of the fat content as coconut and coconut oil are high in saturated fats.
The pastry is not only gluten-free, it is also higher in protein and lower in saturated fat than traditional lard-and-flour fare.
Almond milk offers a more nutritious choice with 50 percent more calcium than milk and no saturated fat or cholesterol.
Try to eat less or eliminate foods like egg yolks, shellfish, processed pork, and other foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Work with a dietician to plan meals and snacks that are lower in calories, sugars and saturated fats to improve your total health along with your blood sugar profile.
Each cookie contains 4.5 grams of fat, with one of those grams being saturated.
Avoid foods that contain trans-fats and limit your intake of foods that contain saturated fats.
Medical research shows a diet high in saturated fats like meats and dairy and low in fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of diseases such as colon cancer and kidney disease.
Following this line of reasoning, that means a healthy low carb diet should not be high in saturated fats, and it should also supply your body with the nutrients it needs from plant-based foods.
Each cookie has two and a half grams of fat with one gram of saturated fat.
The foundation of a heart healthy diet is to strictly limit saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol in the diet.
Others, like saturated fats and trans fats, are unhealthy types of fats and should be also limited in a low fat diet.
Check with your local deli and ask which lunch meats are low in saturated fat.
Selecting protein foods that are lower in saturated fats can help.
Plaque from saturated fats can build-up on the inner lining of your blood vessels, narrowing their diameter.
His lyrics are saturated with themes of paranoia, alienation, and in retrospect, seem to romanticize and dramatize the idea of suicide.
Yes, the music world is saturated with manufactured talent, a sad state of affairs that is quickly infiltrating the singer's home of Nashville, Tennessee.
Fortunately, the market is saturated with products formulated to maintain the skin's natural moisture.
The market is fast becoming saturated with technologically advanced products designed to rid you of oil and acne.
The market is just saturated with indulgent scents in a variety of categories.
The blues, grays, and reds seem deeper, more saturated than other scrubs.
Having primary colors is great, but using a deeply saturated tone for outlines or a desaturated pastel shade as a background can be the subtle difference that makes your site seem professional.
If a few pieces of carbide be dropped into saturated chlorine water the bubbles of gas take I.
Hot or dilute cold solutions deposit minute orthorhombic crystals of aragonite, cold saturated or moderately strong solutions, hexagonal (rhombohedral) crystals of calcite.
The cadmium sulphate solution must be saturated and have free crystals of the salt in it.
The salt K2S03 H20 may be obtained by crystallizing the metabisulphite, K 2 S 2 0 5 (from sulphur dioxide and a hot saturated solution of the carbonate, or from sulphur dioxide and a mixture of milk of lime and potassium sulphate) with an equivalent amount of potash.
With the exception of the Red Marls forming the upper part of the Keuper, most of the New Red Sandstone is permeable, and some parts contain, when saturated, even more water than solid chalk; but, just as in the case of the chalk, a well or borehole in the sandstone yields very little water unless it strikes a fissure; hence, in New Red Sandstone, also, it is a common thing to form underground chambers or adits in search of additional fissures, and sometimes to sink many vertical boreholes with the same object in view.
At the time I was writing "The Frost King," and this letter, like many others, contains phrases which show that my mind was saturated with the story.
The upright white hewn studs and freshly planed door and window casings gave it a clean and airy look, especially in the morning, when its timbers were saturated with dew, so that I fancied that by noon some sweet gum would exude from them.
Fats that are solid at room temperature such as lard, butter or shortening are higher in saturated and trans fat.
Rutherford examined it very carefully, and produced a magnetic detector for electric waves depending upon the power of electric oscillations in a coil to demagnetize a saturated bundle of steel wires placed in it.
Rhombic sulphur may be obtained artificially by slowly crystallizing a solution of sulphur in carbon bisulphide, or, better, by exposing pyridine saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen to atmospheric oxidation (Ahrens, Ber., 1890, 23, p. 2708).
The solution obtained may be evaporated in vacuo until it attains a density of 1.46 when, if partially saturated with potassium hydroxide and filtered, it yields crystals of potassium pentathionate, K 2 S 5 0 6.3H 2 0.
The ringed structure of benzene, C 6 H 61 was first suggested in 1865 by August Kekule, who represented the molecule by six CH groups placed at the six angles of a regular hexagon, the sides of which denoted the valencies saturated by adjacent carbon atoms, the fourth valencies of each carbon atom being represented as saturated along alternate sides.
When, as in the formation of naphthalene tetrachloride, for example, the one ring becomes saturated, the other might be expected to assume the normal centric form and become relatively inactive.
It contains four independent constants; two of these may be calculated from the heats of combustion of saturated hydrocarbons, and the other two from the combustion of hydrocarbons containing double and triple linkages.
A plaster cast of the type is, when dry, saturated with shellac varnish and redried.
According to Michel and Kraft, one litre of cold saturated solution of tin crystals weighs 1827 grammes and contains 1333 grammes of SnCl 2.
The megass coming from the first mill was saturated with steam and water, in weight equal to between 20% and 30% and up to 40% of the original weight of the uncrushed canes.
Sir Charles Cameron attributes the prevalence of typhoid in certain areas in Dublin to the soil becoming saturated with faecal matter and specifically infected.
This is generally effected by adding the calculated amount of potassium chloride (of which immense quantities are obtained as a by-product in the Stassfurt salt industry) dissolved in hot water to a saturated boiling solution of sodium nitrate; the common salt, which separates on boiling down the solution, is removed from the hot solution, and on cooling the potassium nitrate crystallizes out and is separated and dried.
The weather was already growing wintry and morning frosts congealed an earth saturated by autumn rains.
By reduction, the double linkages become saturated, and compounds result which stand in much about the same relation to the original nucleus as hexamethylene does to benzene.
A saturated solution of the gas, in water, is a colourless, oily, strongly fuming liquid which after a time decomposes, with separation of metaboric acid, leaving hydrofluoboric acid HF BF3 in solution.
Compounds in which all the units of affinity of the contained elements are engaged are said to be saturated, whilst those in which the affinities of the contained elements are not all engaged by other elements are said to be unsaturated.
Albumins (as classified above) are soluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies, and in saturated neutral salt solutions; they are coagulated by heat.
The residue is dissolved in alcohol and to the cold saturated solution a cold alcoholic solution of picric acid is added.
The saturated road no longer absorbed the water, which ran along the ruts in streams.