Satisfaction Sentence Examples
Anger stirred within her at the satisfaction on his face.
Her only satisfaction was that he had failed.
A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her eager face.
The satisfaction and well-being he garnered frightened him.
There is nowhere recorded a simple and irrepressible satisfaction with the gift of life, any memorable praise of God.
If she refused him, would he find satisfaction somewhere else?
I have at least the satisfaction of seeing them through the eyes of my friends, which is a real pleasure.
He returned to Judea and governed it to the great satisfaction of the Jews.
Gabriel couldn't help the feeling of deep satisfaction as he gripped the vial in one hand.
If the quote they give you doesn't meet your satisfaction, you can always walk away and look elsewhere.
AdvertisementIn Italy the revelation of the treaty was hailed with satisfaction.
The yard porter, his arms akimbo, stood smiling with satisfaction before the large mirror.
The poet was at that moment in the bath, and seeing the sacks, and believing that they contained the expected gold, received them with great satisfaction, but finding only silver he complained to Ayaz that he had not executed the sultan's order.
They were regarded with satisfaction by masters and men alike.
She tried not to let it affect her but suspected by his look of satisfaction that he saw how quickly her face changed colors.
AdvertisementL'Annee de l'Eglise, in reporting on the missions in all parts of the world, dwells continually on this with satisfaction.
This will no doubt be attended with cost; but it should be considered that the first cost is the least, and remodelling the only way of having a complete watermeadow which will continue for years to give satisfaction.
The school age is from six to fourteen, and parents can be compelled to send their children to a Voiksschule, unless, to the satisfaction of the authorities, they are receiving adequate instruction in some other recognized school or institution.
Lord Derby thereupon came into office for the second time, and Bright had the satisfaction of assisting in the passing of two measures which he had long advocated - the admission of Jews to parliament and the transfer of the government of India from the East India Company to the crown.
They had evidently both formed the same resolution; the eyes of both shone with satisfaction and a confession that besides sorrow life also has joy.
AdvertisementThe pope then requested the emperor to leave Roman territory; but he remained near Rome for some days, demanding satisfaction for the losses suffered by his troops.
At other times her affectionate gaiety would give evidence as trustworthy of a fearless and improvident satisfaction.
These steps lead to a saving of fuel so great as to be astonishing at first sight - indeed in case of Gayley's blast-drying process incredible to most writers, who proved easily and promptly to their own satisfaction that the actual saving was impossible.
In a playful letter to Dr Clephane, he describes his satisfaction at his appointment, and attributes it in some measure to the support of " the ladies."
Though no radical changes have been made in the design of turbines for some years, an immense amount of skill and ingenuity has been shown in perfecting and improving details, and such machines of great size and power are now constantly being made, and give every satisfaction when in use.
AdvertisementIn 1563 he was appointed Lady Margaret professor of divinity at Cambridge, and his lectures gave such satisfaction to the authorities that on the 5th of July 1566 they considerably augmented his stipend.
After careful study and a preliminary examination of the land, a scheme was passed which has given satisfaction to the landowning community, and which distributes the tax equitably in proportion to the fertility of the soil.
Under the older conception the order had been Sorrow (Contritio), Confession, Satisfaction (or due manifestation of sorrow in ways prescribed) and Absolution.
Also that being applied for the dead, it is a satisfaction, that is to say, earns for them remission of the pains of purgatory."
But an analysis of his results leaves the reader in more perplexity than satisfaction at the kind of information imparted, and he reverts insensibly to the sources from which his instructor has himself been instructed.
Compensation, in its most familiar sense, is however a nomen juris for the reparation or satisfaction made to the owners of property which is taken by the state or by local authorities or by the promoters of parliamentary undertakings, under statutory authority, for public purposes.
Considering the vastness of the stat interests involved, there is much cause for satisfaction in the fact that these differences have been settled by peaceful arbitrament rather than by that recourse to force which has so often marked the delimitation of rights and territory on other continents.
Although President Hayes was not popular with the professional politicians of his own party, and was exposed to bitter attacks on the part of the Democratic opposition on account of the cloud which hung over his election, his conduct of public affairs gave much satisfaction to the people generally.
Prince Gorchakov could then declare to Europe, "La Russie ne boude pas; elle se recueille"; and for fifteen years he avoided foreign complications, so that the internal strength of the country might be developed, while the national pride and ambition received a certain satisfaction by the expansion of Russian influence and domination in Asia.
At the same time he was anxious to obtain for the Christians of Turkey some amelioration of their condition, and to give thereby some satisfaction to his own subjects.
Some years previously he had expressed his conviction that "one of the chief needs of the age was to make inroad after the alien, to bring in the votaries of fashion, of literature, of sentiment, of policy and of rank, who are content in their several idolatries to do without piety to God and love to Him whom He hath sent"; and, with an abruptness which must have produced on him at first an effect almost astounding, he now had the satisfaction of beholding these various votaries thronging to hear from his lips the words of wisdom which would deliver them from their several idolatries and remodel their lives according to the fashion of apostolic times.
About 2000, mainly from the Gilbert Islands, were brought in at the expense of the government between 1878 and 1884; but they did not give satisfaction either as labourers or as citizens, and most of them have been returned to their homes.
He had the satisfaction of seeing a bill pass for providing Ireland with an improved system of local government, and took an active share in the debates on the various foreign and domestic questions that came before parliament during 1895-1900.
And the mystical bent of the Egyptians found satisfaction in the multiplicity of forms that their gods could assume; among the favorite epithets which the hymns apply to divinities are such as mysterious of shapes, multiple of faces.
A judgment which is not prompted by motives and inspired by interest, which has not for its aim the satisfaction of a cognitive purpose, is psychologically impossible, and it is, therefore, mistaken to construct a logic which abstracts from all these facts.
This "making of truth" is conceived as making for greater satisfaction and greater control of experience.
He professed to aim at a union of parties on the basis of the satisfaction of material interests, a policy to which the name of Sammlung was given; but his enemies accused him of constantly intriguing against the three chancellors under whom he served, and of himself attempting to secure the first place in the state.
Though soon afterwards released, it was not long before he was called before the council, and, refusing to give them satisfaction on some points, was thrown into the Tower, where he continued during the whole remainder of the reign, a period slightly over five years.
No one was admitted to mastership until he had served his apprenticeship, nor, as a rule, until he had shown that he could accomplish a piece of work to the satisfaction of the gild.
Before He left the Temple, never to return, one incident gave Him pure satisfaction.
The powers at once gave substantial proof of their satisfaction; Benevento, Ponte Corvo, Avignon and the Venaissin were restored to the Holy See.
Under the newer theory the order was Sorrow, Confession, Absolution, Satisfaction, and both satisfaction and sorrow took new meanings.
Not having received satisfaction he became a freebooter on land and sea, and mercenary soldier.
However deep, therefore, his French sympathies, he drew the same safe line as did Washington between French politics and American politics,' and handled the Genet complications to the satisfaction of even the most partisan Federalists.
It gave him great satisfaction to serve his apprenticeship to politics under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Balfour, to whom he was personally much attached.
In these forests every reasonable facility is afforded to the people concerned for the full and easy satisfaction of their needs, which are generally for small timber for building or fuel, fodder and grazing for their cattle, and edible products for themselves; and considerations of forest income are subordinated to those purposes.
The politic satisfaction of such a claim will strengthen, not impair, existing authority and power.
His family was of some position, though it seems not to have been able to establish to the satisfaction of heralds the claims which it made to nobility older than the 16th century.
When one of the latter, Fernan Sanchez, who had behaved with gross ingratitude and treason to his father, was slain by the legitimate son Pedro, the old king recorded his grim satisfaction.
He had the satisfaction of carrying out the decree which ordered that all the statues of Antony should be demolished, and thus " the divine justice reserved the completion of Antony's punishment for the house of Cicero" (Plutarch).
Even to the Kharijites he contrived to give satisfaction, as far as possible.
Some time after he had the satisfaction of seeing Wasif killed by his own troops, and succeeded, a year later, in having Bogha assassinated.
In the sphere of the concrete sciences where law obtains only ws Eiri To 7roX6 this ideal of science can clearly find only a relative satisfaction with large reserves.
On the one hand we have confrontation with fact, in which, in virtue of the rational principle which is the final cause of the phenomenal order, intelligence will find satisfaction.
If they are realized, the work of the scientist falls entirely within the field of the processes preliminary to the satisfaction of the canon.
Mary talked too much for Anne's comfort, and Anne too little for Mary's satisfaction.
Krauss records the satisfaction he felt when he observed that the additional troops given to the IV.
He proved to his own satisfaction that Canticles was apocryphal and that Baruch was not.
This, however, gave little or no satisfaction, and it was found expedient to do what Bacon had always recommended, to have a fair trial, yet not one in which the sentence must needs be damaging to the earl.
He did not perform the task to the king's satisfaction, and a few months later he was dismissed from office.
France, naturally, hailed with satisfaction the rise of a faction which was content to be her armourbearer in the north; and the golden streams which flowed from Versailles to Stockholm during the next two generations were the political life-blood of the Hat party.
The United States government characterized the affair as an outrage, demanding an indemnity as satisfaction.
Ali Murad, leaving the pursuit of Aga Mahcmmed, then returned to Isfahan, where he, was received with satisfaction, on.
He held that the federation of that state with Cape Colony was preferable to its union or federation with the Transvaal, and it was with considerable satisfaction that he learned that on the 7th of December of the same year (1858) the Volksraad of the Free State had passed a resolution in favour of " a union or alliance with the Cape Colony " and sought to ascertain the views of the Cape legislature on the subject.
His handling of the native question in Cape Colony gave general satisfaction.
Moreover, among the particular passions, appetites and desires there are some whose tendency is as clearly towards the general good as that of others is towards the satisfaction of the self.
He lectured on the Organon of Aristotle and the De finibus of Cicero with much satisfaction to the students but with little to himself.
The shah received the intelligence with satisfaction, and despatched a firman, by return of the messenger, appointing Nasir Khan beglar begi (prince of princes) of all Baluchistan.
The physical ground work lends a religious sanction to all moral duties, and Cleanthes's noble hymn is evidence how far a system of natural religion could go in providing satisfaction for the cravings of.
From Seneca we turn, not without satisfaction, to men of sterner mould, such as Musonius Rufus, who certainly deserves.
A Portuguese force under Major Serpa Pinto had invaded the II., - Shire highlands in order to forestall their annexation by the British, and the British government demanded satisfaction.
That he gave great satisfaction to the king when once he was appointed surveyor at Windsor in 1356 is unquestionable.
He is also empowered to detain a foreign ship the master or seamen of which appear to him through their misconduct or want of skill to have caused injury to a British vessel, until the necessary application for satisfaction or security be made to the local authorities.
Some were content to argue their own ideas into Scripture, and those they disliked out of it; to one or two it seemed a satisfaction to discover difficulties in Scripture, to point to historical inaccuracies and moral defects.
Finally - on the 9th of July 1 609 - Rudolph signed the famed " Letter of Majesty " which gave satisfaction to all the legitimate demands of the Bohemian Protestants.
Christ, the Son of God, became man in two natures, which internally and inseparably united make One Person, and, according to the eternal purpose of God, has obtained for man reconciliation with God, and eternal life, inasmuch as He by His vicarious death has made satisfaction to God for the world's sins, and this satisfac tion was Perfectly Commensurate With The Sins Of The World.
When it is roasted and rolled to his satisfaction he gently heats the centre of the bowl, where there is a small orifice; then he quickly thrusts the end of the dipper into the orifice, twirls it round smartly and withdraws it; if this is properly done, the opium (now about the size of a grain of hemp-seed or a little larger) is left adhering to the bowl immediately over the orifice.
It may be observed that bridges have always been at common law repairable by the county, although, with regard to bridges erected since the year 1805, these are not to be deemed to be county bridges repairable by the county unless they have been erected under the direction or to the satisfaction of the county surveyor.
The ministry seemed to offer the fairest field for its satisfaction.
On a second expedition of his own he proved to his own satisfaction that the river originated some 40 miles S.W.
Though very far from being hampered by any dogmatic philosophical or religious system of the past, his mind, until near the end, found sufficient satisfaction in the Christian view of life to make it indifferent to the restless, inquiring spirit of the present, and disinclined to play with any more recent solution of life's problems. He had no sympathy with either scepticism or formal dogmatism, and no need to hazard rash guesses respecting man's destiny.
In 1654 they were compelled by Cromwell to restore Run, and to make satisfaction for the massacre of Amboyna; but the English settlers not being adequately supported from home, the island was retaken by the Dutch in 1664.
For this he obtained a value which was substantially different from that ascertained by the committee of the British Association appointed for the purpose, but ultimately he had the satisfaction of seeing his own result accepted as the more correct of the two.
This peaceful state of the country gave the voivode leisure to promote its internal culture, and in the year of his death he had the satisfaction of seeing the first part of a Walachian Bible issue from the first printingpress of the country, which he had established at Bucharest.
The good offices of Madame de Combalet, to whom the Cid had been dedicated, and perhaps the satisfaction of the cardinal's literary jealousy, had healed what breach there may have been, and indeed the poet was in no position to quarrel with his patron.
The prestige of the Stephensons carried all before it, but in later life Sir John Fowler had the satisfaction of seeing the opposition of his clients justified, and Sheffield placed on the main line.
He was very trenchant in his criticism of the Government; thus giving satisfaction to ardent spirits in the Unionist ranks, but causing ministerial speakers to contrast his bitterness and violence with Mr. Balfour's quieter methods.
Friendship is not merely for the satisfaction of our needs, but is in itself a source of pleasure.
C. Rives in 1831, by which France had bound herself to pay an indemnity of twenty-five millions of francs for French spoliations of American shipping chiefly under the Berlin and Milan decrees, and the United States in turn agreed to pay to France 1,500,000 francs in satisfaction of French claims. Livingston's negotiations were conducted with excellent judgment, but the French Chamber of Deputies refused to make an appropriation to pay the first instalment due under the treaty in 1833, relations between the two governments became strained, and Livingston was finally instructed to close the legation and return to America.
His integrity in the management of the museum was called in question, but a judicial investigation speedily cleared his honour, to the satisfaction even of his accusers.
I see I have made myself a slave to philosophy, but if I get free of Mr Lucas's business, I will resolutely bid adieu to it eternally, excepting what I do for my private satisfaction, or leave to come out after me; for I see a man must either resolve to put out nothing new, or to become a slave to defend it."
It would add to my satisfaction if you would be pleased to let me know the long diameters of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, assigned by yourself and Mr Halley in your new tables, that I may see how the sesquialteral proportion fills the heavens, together with another small proportion which must be allowed for."
What application he has made in private, I know not; but I am sure that the Society have a very great satisfaction, in the honour you do them, by the dedication of so worthy a treatise.
Distress of seizure of property being the universal mode of obtaining satisfaction, whether for crime, breach of contract, non-payment of debt, or any other cause, the law of distress came into operation as the solvent of almost every dispute.
If a plaintiff having duly fasted did not receive within a certain time the satisfaction of his claim, he was entitled.
When summoned to punish the offenders, and to make monetary compensation, Suffolk and Somerset shuffled and prevaricated, but gave no satisfaction.
The double want of the age, the want of spiritual earnestness and the want of organized coherence, would find satisfaction in many ways which would have seemed strange to Wesley, but which were, nevertheless, a continuance of the work which he began.
This latter charge, though proved to the satisfaction of the committees of both Houses of Parliament, broke down under the cross-examination of the government witnesses by the counsel for the defence, and could indeed only have been substantiated by a dangerous stretching of the doctrine of constructive treason.
Enjoying her full confidence, consulted by her on every occasion, he had always used his influence for the public good; and perhaps those who look back now with so much satisfaction at the queens conduct during a reign of unexampled length, imperfectly appreciate the debt which in this respect is owed to her first prime minister.
The good understanding was so complete that a disagreeable incident in the Sandwich Islands, in which the injudicious conduct of a French agent very nearly precipitated hostilities, was amicably settled; and the ministry had the satisfaction of knowing that, if their policy had produced prosperity at home, it had also maintained peace abroad.
The Boer War had at last been brought to an end in May 1902 (5eeTRANsvAAL), and the king had the satisfaction of seeing South Africa settle down and eventually receive self -government.
Fox's most important political friends who had long wavered, at length, to Burke's great satisfaction, went over tolthe side of the government.
Meanwhile the chief objection, that of "novelty," was gradually removed by the multiplication of local manifestations, the genuineness of which was proved to the satisfaction of the Roman Congregation of Rights, and in 1765 it was allowed for houses of the Visitation and certain countries.
And though a mind like Disraeli's might work to satisfaction with Christianity as "completed Judaism," it could but dwell on a breach of continuity which means so much to Jews and which he was never allowed to forget amongst Christians.
This was a changing England, and one that Disraeli could govern on terms of mutual satisfaction; but not if the reviving "spirit of the country" ran to extremes of selfassertion.
Yet even this satisfaction had its tang of disappointment; for though Endymion was not wholly written in his last days, it was in no respect the success that Lothair was.
Meanwhile political students find to their satisfaction that he never courted popularity, and never practised the art of working for "quick returns" of sympathy or applause.
The ethical element in the " dark " philosophizing of Heraclitus (c. 530-470 B.C.), though it anticipates Stoicism in its conceptions of a law of the universe, to which the wise man will carefully conform, and a divine harmony, in the recognition of which he will find his truest satisfaction, is more profound, but even less systematic.
We have, in fact, to distinguish self-love, the " general desire that every man hath of his own happiness " or pleasure, from the particular affections, passions, and appetites directed towards objects other than pleasure, in the satisfaction of which pleasure consists.
Indeed, we may say that an egoist must be doubly self-regulative, since rational self-love ought to restrain not only other impulses, but itself also; for as happiness is made up of feelings that result from the satisfaction of impulses other than self-love, any over-development of the latter, enfeebling these other impulses, must proportionally diminish the happiness at which self-love aims. If, then, it be admitted that human impulses are naturally under government, the natural claim of conscience or the moral faculty to be the supreme governor will hardly be denied.
In this treatise, as in Paley's, we find " every man's own satisfaction, the spring that actuates all his motives," connected with " general good, the root whereout all our rules of conduct and sentiments of honour are to branch," by means of natural theology demonstrating the " unniggardly goodness of the author of nature."
But he does not seriously trouble himself to argue with egoism, or to weigh carefully the amount of happiness that might be generally attained by the satisfaction of egoistic propensities duly regulated; a supreme unquestioning self-devotion, in which all personal calculations are suppressed, is an essential feature of his moral ideal.
At first he was vastly pleased with the city and court of Rome; but his satisfaction ere long turned to discontent, and he gave vent to his ill-humour in a venomous satire on the pope's treasurer, 1MIilliardo Cicala.
The first part of his life was devoted to mercantile and financial pursuits at Cadiz and then in Madrid, where he managed the affairs of and liquidated a mercantile and industrial society to the satisfaction and profit of the shareholders.
This the citizens were summoned, in parties of ten each, to profess and swear to as the confession of their faith - a process which, though not in accordance with modern notions of the best way of establishing men in the faith, was gone through, Calvin tells us, "with much satisfaction."
Having no scope for the development of his powers as a preacher, he sought mental and spiritual satisfaction in the cultivated society of Berlin, and in profound philosophical studies.
He felt that he could only rally the people to him by procuring them the satisfaction of their national pride.
But the justice of God demands satisfaction; and as an insult to infinite honour is in itself infinite, the satisfaction must be infinite, i.e.
Satisfaction is only possible through the God-man.
Zeus grew up, administered an emetic to Cronus (some say Metis did this), and had the satisfaction of seeing all his brothers and sisters disgorged alive.
The modern bee-keeper, therefore, allows just so much drone comb in the hive as will produce a sufficient number of drones to ensure queen-mating, while affording to the bees the satisfaction of dwelling in a home equipped according to natural conditions, and containing all the elements necessary to bee-life.
Before 1892 Mr Chamberlain had the satisfaction of seeing Lord Salisbury's ministry pass such important acts, from a progressive point of view, as those dealing with Coal Mines Regulation, Allotments, County Councils, Housing of the Working Classes, Free Education and Agricultural Holdings, besides Irish legislation like the Ashbourne Act, the Land Act of 1891, and the Light Railways and Congested Districts Acts.
After the brilliant victory of Roccasecca (May 19, 1411) he had the satisfaction of dragging the standards of Pope Gregory and King Ladislaus through the streets of Rome.
On the whole the government of Eugene gave general satisfaction in the kingdom of Italy; it comprised the districts between the Simplon Pass and Rimini, and also after the peace of Presburg (December 1805), Istria and Dalmatia.
But it is certain that he explained to his own satisfaction and accepted every item of the Roman Catholic creed, even going beyond it, as in holding the pope to be infallible in canonization; and while expressing his preference for English as compared with Italian devotional forms, he was himself one of the first to introduce such into England, together with the ritual peculiarities of the local Roman Church.
Leopold IV., who reigned from 1817 to 1871, had the satisfaction in 1863 of reuniting the whole of Anhalt under his rule.
Tired and conflicted, she lay back on the bed, taking great satisfaction out of a real bed after the few days on the flimsy bed at the Sanctuary.
Rissa watched Sirian read it, nod in satisfaction, and proclaim it was as he had said.
With apparent satisfaction, she released Xander and placed her bloodied wrist to Xander's mouth.
Did you feel immense satisfaction?
Effective leadership among ward managers leads to fewer drug errors, higher patient satisfaction and lower staff absenteeism and turnover.
Join and you will soon feel the satisfaction of growing your own bonsai from various sources - seeds, cuttings, nursery stock.
There is a great satisfaction to be gained by throwing and catching a boomerang at the end of its mesmerizing flight.
People with low job satisfaction were most likely to experience emotional burnout, have reduced self-esteem and suffer from anxiety and depression.
Menger's rational egoism recognizes that value is grounded in human needs and their satisfaction.
Complacency, satisfaction with yourself, is your soul's most deadly enemy.
But the truth was that he had a personal life from which he derived great enjoyment and satisfaction.
Across Glasgow and Paisley, Access Cleaning Solutions always ensure total customer satisfaction with our leather cleaning.
Download our customer satisfaction feedback form here to help us improve our service.
Satisfaction of any desire gives its subject at least a minimal degree of pleasure, however fleeting.
And the first interview I do, someone who I have never met before fondles me for his own satisfaction.
There's more satisfaction to be gained in knowing that you have achieved something that is called the toughest footrace in the world.
Number of times the user expresses frustration or satisfaction.
On " Satisfaction " Richards recorded perhaps the first hit featuring a guitar fuzz effect which has since become commonplace.
No waiting period, no Deductibles, no claim forms, 100% satisfaction guarantee.
The Cur deus homo, in which he develops views of atonement and satisfaction which are still held by orthodox theologians.
Now the same amazing race technology is available in fully homologated form for use on the road by riders who know what satisfaction means.
People who worship idols are longing for something to bring them satisfaction in life.
So there is little immediate feedback, satisfaction or appreciation.
His visit afforded her but a very partial satisfaction, while his own enjoyment in it appeared so imperfect.
This enhances job satisfaction and thus in turn creates a vastly improved service to the customer.
The leadership's claim that the low turnout reflected satisfaction with the government is simply laughable.
Fitness is not only the physical health, but also mental health of a person along with self awareness and emotional satisfaction.
Man, the satisfaction I got from freaking my wife out with the 2 card monte!
Those who are desirous of honors follow the court, and from their ambitious pursuits meet with more mortification than satisfaction.
Contentment, Satisfaction, Bliss, Paradise - coffee nirvana is an exceptional range of premium Australian arabica coffee.
Over the past decade I've taken an increasing satisfaction in my increasingly outdated equipment.
The high quality and satisfaction of Pennine tenants was equally persuasive.
Customer satisfaction ratings on these services are generally high.
But I had the satisfaction of watching my own, homemade ravioli bubbling merrily away and I felt an inner glow.
The influence of having a roommate on patient satisfaction.
But a place does not have to be deemed sacred by the masses for it to provide spiritual satisfaction for an individual.
The committee expressed general satisfaction with the progress to date relating to the site.
Some people derive huge satisfaction from leaving personal work for their families.
You are guaranteed satisfaction, of which we are totally reliant on for the success of our business.
Worse for Mercedes, the customer satisfaction surveys backed the gossip.
Public sector work can also result in high levels of job satisfaction.
This approach is used to guide a simple heuristic constraint satisfaction algorithm eliminating the need to explicitly define a search objective.
Endeavor, at all times, to maximize client satisfaction.
This enabled Family HA to measure tenant satisfaction from the first month of the project.
The Harvard Business Review reported on a survey which related employe satisfaction to profitability.
The technical improvement, championship successes and popularity of the UKTSDF over the years have naturally been a source of immense satisfaction.
But before we in Britain show any smug satisfaction at the US picture, it's worth looking at our own country.
This confirms findings by Stalker, who found that occupational therapists derived increased job satisfaction in their new care management role.
The aim is to compare the efficacy, maternal satisfaction and midwife acceptability of the three models of care provision.
By contrast, there were some signs of improved job satisfaction under the choice schemes considered in the research.
Each location has been carefully designed for maximum satisfaction when beating the snot out of your opponent too.
The first six replies carefully explained that you not have a snowball 's chance in hell of getting any satisfaction.
Their arrival seemed to afford him real satisfaction, and their comfort to be an object of real solicitude to him.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model spitfire.
Without the payment in satisfaction function some defendants would make spurious, unsupported offers.
Our services include outbound telemarketing, Collections and Surveys & Customer Satisfaction Programs.
Levels of national satisfaction in France have followed a similar downward trajectory - from 44% in 2003 to just 20% today.
Conclusions Among the participants interviewed, patient satisfaction with the out-of-hours triage service in Chester is very high.
For example, suppose a telecommunications company had measured customer satisfaction performance among its mobile phone users at 95 per cent.
This afforded great satisfaction to Ivan, but it did not entirely satisfy his requirements, because the new route by the White Sea and North Cape was long and uncertain and for a great part of the year communications were stopped by the ice.
The grandiose project was at once vaguely outlined in three formal documents, to the intense satisfaction of both parties, and on both sides there was much rejoicing at the conclusion of such an auspicious alliance; but the diplomatic honeymoon was not of long duration.
This speculative mood, in which nature and beauty and earthly satisfaction appear as a vain show, is the counterpart of the former mood of sensuous enjoyment.
He now saw that regard for the public good was too vague an object for the satisfaction of a man's affections.
They are a novum salutis genus - a new path to Heaven, to tread which counted "for full and complete satisfaction" pro omni poenitentia and gave "forgiveness of sins" (peccaminum remissio) 1; they are, again, the "foreign policy" of the papacy, directing its faithful subjects to the great war of Christianity against the infidel.
Elsewhere (ii.), it is true, it is said that there is no lasting satisfaction in pleasure; but the sage may mean to point out that, though there is no permanent outcome to life, it is the part of common-sense to enjoy what one has.
A more plausible theory is that the author is an honest thinker, a keen observer and critic of life, who sees that the world is full of miseries and unsolved problems, regards as futile the attempts of his time to demonstrate an ethically active future life, and, recognizing a divine author of all, holds that the only wise course for men is to abandon the attempt to get full satisfaction out of the struggle for pleasure, riches and wisdom, and to content themselves with making the best of what they have.
A substantial reduction however, had to be made in favour of the 5% " priority bonds, " which were bonds issued to the local banks before mentioned in satisfaction of their claims, and formed an annual first charge of T590,000 on the whole of the revenues ceded to the bondholders; the capital amount of the " priority bonds " was £T8,169,986, which was to be extinguished by 1906.
The king had now clarified the ancient laws of the realm to his satisfaction, and could proceed to abolish superstitious rites, remedy abuses, and seize such portions of the Church's possessions, especially pious and monastic foundations, as he deemed superfluous for the maintenance of religion.
The queen's frequent messages of thanks and greeting to her colonies and to the troops sent by them, and her reception of the latter at Windsor, gave evidence of the heartfelt joy with which she saw the sons of the empire giving their lives for the defence of its integrity; and the satisfaction which she showed in the Federation of the Australian colonies was no less keen.
He was a devout member of the Church of England, to which he looked up with unstinted affection and reverence; and he found in its service and formularies an adequate satisfaction for all his religious feelings.
This view, however, leads to a dilemma; if the law of righteousness is simply an expression of the divine will, satisfaction to law is equivalent to propitiation offered to God; if the law has an independent position, the view is inconsistent with pure monotheism.
So in Byron and Heine, and, in a sense, in Walter Pater (Marius the Epicurean), there is the same tendency to seek relief from the intellectual cul-de-sac in frankly aesthetic satisfaction.
The British party was strong because of the loyalty of the large Church of England element, the neutrality of many Quakers, Dunkers, and Mennonites, and a general satisfaction with the liberal and free government of the province, which had been won gradually and had not suffered such catastrophic reverses as had embittered the people of Massachusetts, for instance.
Psychologically, pragmatism starts from the efficacy and allpervasiveness of mental activity, and points out that interest, attention, selection, purpose, bias, desire, emotion, satisfaction, &c., colour and control all our cognitive processes.
His dauntless courage, his perseverance, and his earnestness at length prevailed, and he had the satisfaction, before he died, of seeing his favourite system of church polity firmly established, not only at Geneva, but in other parts of Switzerland, and of knowing that it had been adopted substantially by the Reformers in France and Scotland.
If her companion does not give her enough details, Miss Keller asks questions until she has completed the view to her satisfaction.
This generation inclines a little to congratulate itself on being the last of an illustrious line; and in Boston and London and Paris and Rome, thinking of its long descent, it speaks of its progress in art and science and literature with satisfaction.
He is his godson, she added, her tone suggesting that this fact ought to give Prince Vasili much satisfaction.
When a new one comes he is done for in a week, said the doctor with evident satisfaction.
Napoleon's short hair was wet and matted on the forehead, but his face, though puffy and yellow, expressed physical satisfaction.
To her own surprise a power of life and hope of happiness rose to the surface and demanded satisfaction.
Afterward he purred with pleasure / He looked back on the evening with great satisfaction.
Overall satisfaction with repairs rose from 57% in the first quarter to 67% by the end of the last quarter.
But before we in Britain show any smug satisfaction at the US picture, it 's worth looking at our own country.
The life satisfaction questionnaire is broken down into a number of life domains.
Research shows that Ulster Bank has one of the highest rates of customer satisfaction in the industry*.
His father had never conferred a favor or shewn a kindness more to his satisfaction.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model Spitfire.
If our school has to some extent succeeded in this aim, it can look back with satisfaction over its past record.
Our services include outbound Telemarketing, Collections and Surveys & Customer Satisfaction Programs.
He 's found much money and a certain satisfaction in lingerie, but now it 's all business and a clinging trophy wife.
That in itself is a satisfaction -- leaving aside the upshot of the exercise in terms of legislation or starting a war or whatever.
Both lead to lower customer satisfaction, lack of repeat business and a low word-of-mouth referral rate.
You may find great satisfaction in running and growing a successful company, especially given the struggle we went through to get to that point.
Even if your baby won't sleep there at night at first, you'll experience a feeling of satisfaction if the baby's room is painted, furnished, and decorated by the end of the pregnancy.
In families where most of the child's life is spent within the walls of childcare, true satisfaction with the chosen arrangement will be achieved through discussion and acceptance.
Enjoying the open relationship generates important paths for communication that is crucial for long-term satisfaction.
Satisfaction in a teaching career comes from helping children and not the income received.
Are you doing it for your own satisfaction?
Once you've found an online florist with good reviews and a satisfaction guarantee, you can choose the right arrangement that fits your relationship, the occasion, and your budget.
Fans of history, movies and sports know the satisfaction that can be gained from purchasing and owning a historic letter or document, or a legendary player's jersey.
Mrs. Beasley's also offers a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
What does matter is consumer satisfaction, including reliability, value, ease-of-use and technical support.
Add to that the issues of shipping costs, the time you will wait, and the specter of what might happen if your purchase doesn't meet your satisfaction, and you can see the advantages of buying from a known domestic supplier.
You may be pleasantly surprised when a problem is resolved quickly and to your satisfaction.
Your safety and satisfaction are both at risk if you choose the wrong kayak for the type of water you plan to enter.
For your guaranteed satisfaction when it comes to knowledgeable employees who will help you decide on the bike that's perfect for your expectations, it's wise to visit a reputable bicycle dealer. has free shipping on orders over $30.00, 120-day returns, and a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you've saved a cat from certain disease and the early death he or she would have suffered in the wild.
After several thousand years of domestic felines, it does grant a pet owner a certain sense of satisfaction to recognize that he is the only person in the known universe with a cat named "Flargoth".
Once you learn how to pay down debt you can start to enjoy the satisfaction that comes with being in control of your financial situation.
Even if this is not the card with the highest APR, the satisfaction of having a zero balance might be a good motivator to keep you going on the road to debt payoff.
Most companies are rated by their level of customer satisfaction.
Problems such as these did not reflect well upon AAA, which is commonly considered one of the best companies with regards to customer service and membership satisfaction.
You'll have the satisfaction of building a piece of fine furniture without some of the preliminary work and hassle.
Additionally, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your unwanted furniture has been put to good use without having to go through the hassle of selling it yourself.
Whether you decide to build a bed that is basic in design or choose one of the many different styles available, you are sure to have fun building it and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself.
Even if society never learns the truth about climate change, there will be the satisfaction of knowing that the global community did its part to keep the planet healthy for the world's children and grandchildren.
Many products you associate as green cost more, but provide little more than the satisfaction of doing something for the planet.
By using wind energy, your lifestyle will create less greenhouse gas emissions, giving you the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing your part to protect the planet.
Doing so will give you the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing your part.
Decor satisfaction is just a mouse click away.
Downsizing your life a little at a time will reduce stress and bring you a sense of satisfaction.
Finding your style and creating an environment that is unique is part of the satisfaction of decorating your game room.
You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that what you buy will retain its beauty and artisanship for years to come.
In 2009, Ralph Lauren Paints ranked as the highest in customer satisfaction with interior paint, according to J.D.
One of the most crucial steps for satisfaction with any type of mineral makeup comes from correct application.
Mineral makeup is a bit tricky to use and for maximum satisfaction it is best if you are shown by a skilled professional. - discounted colognes and perfumes, backed by a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
If the trial meets to your satisfaction, the company offers an automatic replenishment program for $29.95 a month.
It is easy to double your color pleasure with MAX Factor's new mix of catwalk fashion colors contained in a stick which includes two shades of lip color satisfaction, known as MAXwear Lip Colors.
Providing magnification that is both distortion-free and optically correct (a must-have mirror feature), the standing travel mirror will ensure satisfaction for anyone who appreciates a sharp, clear image.
If all that isn't enough, Yves Rocher offers a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
While the product is a bit pricy at nearly one hundred US dollars, the 0.2 ounce tube can last up to six months and also has a one year satisfaction guarantee.
Your potential new landlord should answer all your questions directly and to your satisfaction.
Then you can compare them based on satisfaction ratings, fuel efficiency, convenience features, performance, and more.
As of 2010, Wachovia is currently ranked number one in customer satisfaction in North America, with a banking presence marked with 6,600 outlets nationwide.
In order to find work that is low stress, a person must determine what particular factors will enhance their satisfaction.
They also found that satisfaction does not always equal stress-free jobs.
Since there is some correlation between satisfaction and stress, perhaps the answer is to look for satisfying work.
Even with the best preparation, work stress can still affect your job performance and satisfaction.
Dr. Wanzer also found in a separate study that aging adults who used humor as a way to cope with stress also were more capable to deal with life and were more likely to experience satisfaction.
There is a certain satisfaction in getting a good deal on a prom dress.
Sometimes, function is not everything when it comes to customer satisfaction.
In the end, your satisfaction is the most important detail of all.
If you saw it, there was a slight look of satisfaction on her face when she saw the man she loved so heartbroken.
The company also offers a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee; whether you order it and it doesn't fit, you don't like it, or it breaks, simply send it back.
Because the company offers a satisfaction guarantee, customers began purchasing the product with confidence.
Baby clothes can be a joy to make, not just because it's wonderful to make something for an infant, but because you can get such quick satisfaction.
Special interest classes include the ever popular basket weaving, musical instruments, or any other type of education that is not meant to enhance a career but will give personal satisfaction.
As you go back to school, enjoy the challenges and opportunities that college brings, and remember that once you've earned your degree, your salary and job satisfaction level will both, perhaps dramatically, increase.
Students who enter a career in homeland security also have the satisfaction of playing an important role in protecting the nation against terrorist attacks and other disasters.
The Impact of Distance Learning on Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction - This dissertation compares online and face-to-face community college classrooms for a doctoral degree in philosophy.
Comprehensive education should also give graduates the professional expertise to apply legal concepts and provide solid ethical analysis and investigation to the satisfaction of lawyers, judges, juries, and citizens.
Beyond the employment, career, and financial opportunities afforded by a college degree is the satisfaction of personal achievement.
Education takes personal commitment, time, and effort, so it makes sense that increased self-worth and satisfaction are among the most personal advantages of earning a college degree.
The life of a guide dog is not one of carefree play, but dogs that are suited to this work seem to take a great deal of satisfaction from caring for their special companions.
Customer reviews of Timberwolf dog food found at offer a picture of general satisfaction.
The company has each one of their products analyzed, and guarantees customer satisfaction or your money back.
You'll be amazed by the feeling of satisfaction you'll get, and it won't be too long before you're setting your oven on preheat again.
The following peanut butter dog biscuit recipe makes a delicious treat for your pet, and you have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what's in it.
While fostering a Rottweiler is a lot of work, it also provides a great deal of satisfaction.
While they can be fussy and experience problems, many people love growing gardenias and the satisfaction they bring.
A chair near your garden will be your favorite spot on a summer afternoon, and the satisfaction you get from learning how to make a butterfly garden will make it well worth the trouble.
However, teaching is what I do; I really enjoy it and get a lot of satisfaction out of it.
When you do get your closet organized, you'll reap rewards beyond the initial satisfaction of seeing everything in its place because organizing will help combat bad habits that invite clutter.
Even modest ranch house renovations can update your residence and increase your satisfaction with your home.
This helps projects go off without a hitch and increases customer satisfaction.
Old Jacksonville Fans - Old Jacksonville Ceiling Fans advertise a 99.3% customer satisfaction rate in surveys.
You'll save a significant amount of money on sheetrock and have the satisfaction of knowing you completed the work yourself.
Once that's done to your satisfaction you can begin the installation.
Once the painting is completed to your satisfaction, let it dry completely (try to wait 24 hours).
You also get the satisfaction of knowing you tackled a home repair yourself.
They offer a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and serve all of North Jersey, from East Rutherford to Long Island City and beyond.
Shirts uses only Italian fabrics and offers a satisfaction guarantee.
The founders have stuck to their roots and have built a product name on quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental awareness.
Clients then are hooked on the creative satisfaction they get from designing their own individualized garments.
Whether online or brick-and-mortar, any place that carries gear designed for the golfer in mind is going to provide you with the most satisfaction down the line.
Before you go shopping for a jacket, consider the features you require for top performance and satisfaction.
Their 100 percent satisfaction guarantee means you never have to worry about making a shopping mistake.
Many gardeners get great satisfaction from planting and harvesting their own food and experiencing the entire food cycle from seed to table.
For most home gardeners, the satisfaction, cost effectiveness and long-term sustainability of organic fertilizer makes it a positive and practical option.
As a consumer, you have the satisfaction of knowing you made the best choice for the environment by buying organic products.
You also have the satisfaction of knowing that your purchase of organic products has less of an environmental impact than other types of foods.
A nice benefit of shopping here is their 60 day no hassle return policy, which guarantees your satisfaction with your purchase.
Shopping online is made easy and they guarantee satisfaction.
If you're not sure about what size to order, Lane Bryant provides expert advice to help you look and feel great in your new summer robe, and their satisfaction guarantee offers peace of mind when shopping online.
They are members of the Direct Marketing Association, and all merchandise is covered by an unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
Today Catherines is a leader in the plus size industry and is known for its customer satisfaction.
This can make a difference in the level of comfort and satisfaction you enjoy in retirement.
Volunteering is one of the activity ideas for the elderly that brings the most personal satisfaction.
They will appreciate the gesture and in return, you get the satisfaction of making someone's day a little brighter with your creations.
However, the satisfaction of knowing they are in good hands is invaluable.
Your parent can have the satisfaction of being in her own, while you have the peace of mind of knowing someone is with her always.
Additionally, it may be well worth noting that also offers product video consumer reviews and each sale comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
With these, you also get a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
An equal number of people have expressed satisfaction with their purchases.
Is there a satisfaction or a money-back guarantee?
Whether you're just an avid gamer or a seasoned programmer, there is a lot of satisfaction when you learn how to create your own video games.
His narration, sometimes grim and sometimes raging, is a gritty contrast to the real satisfaction you feel after clearing Germans out of a town, or blasting away obstacles so your reinforcements can land safely.
The emotional satisfaction of completing the game is more profound, knowing that you have not only endured the physical, but the emotional rigors of war.
The satisfaction from obliterating the competition will be even greater when every aspect of your team is yours to customize.
You can read your customer satisfaction by looking at the hearts displayed just below them.
Sure it's just 2-on-2 and the basic controls run simple, but there's a bit of strategy and some satisfaction in spiking a ball in someone's face and knocking them down.
While some people don't see the need to go out and buy every video game in sight, others get a sense of satisfaction from actually owning the titles they play.
Since its inception, the company's mission has been "to reach new heights in customer satisfaction through ongoing innovation, quality products, unmatched after-sales service, and an unrelenting focus on customer needs."
They're already cut to fit when you get them, and they come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.