Sanity Sentence Examples
How could a person keep their sanity under those circumstances?
She'd have to wait, and maybe by that time sanity would have returned.
Let's have a little sanity in the world.
Then Henry was restored to sanity, and the queen and Edmund Beaufort, now Duke of Somerset, to power.
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
In the twinkling of an eye I went from sanity to insanity.
But it was more than Dean's charity that kept the two together, although at times Dean questioned the relationship as well as his sanity for putting up with the old man.
We'd coaxed Howie to look away from eminent mayhem, simply to preserve his own sanity.
No doubt Alex would, as soon as he got back to civilization - and sanity.
We contemplated the possibility that I had totally lost my sanity.
AdvertisementBlair brought sanity to the Bush actions over Iraq.
To preserve her own sanity, she must learn to trust a man with a secret of his own.
The commutation of his death sentence had been due to some doubts as to his complete sanity, so atrocious was his conduct.
For your sanity 's sake, please get back to work right now !
I did come to believe that God returned me to sanity.
AdvertisementAlso, believe that a Power Greater than yourself or God can restore your thinking to sanity.
No wonder you are worried about your sanity, you keep trying to change your boyfriend.
Most of all did he show his sincere wish for peace by twice laying down the protectorate when the king was restored to sanity.
The spectacle of anarchy, and the stoppage in payment of taxes frightened the Republican deputies into some approach to sanity.
Each of us was concerned with Howie's sanity and after I laid out all the proposed safe guards, we agreed for me to approach Howie.
AdvertisementBrilliant Sanity is our innate ability to accept and be with our experience without attachment, desire or judgment.
Sanity must accept that we are physical beings, living in a physical world in a physical cosmos.
Trundle restored sanity with a superb curling shot into the corner of the net in stoppage time.
Text at the end of each line to identify the interaction is to retain sanity.
There is little sanity to compare the madness against.
AdvertisementBy 9am I'm in the relative sanity of the design studio.
This is not to say that the path to ecological sanity is to be found via education alone.
But the insistence with which Lucretius returns to the subject, and the horror with which he recalls the effects of such abnormal phenomena, suggest that he himself may have been liable to such hallucinations, which are said to be consistent with perfect sanity, though they may be the precursors either of madness or of a state of despair and melancholy.
Let 's have a little sanity in the world.
By 9am I 'm in the relative sanity of the design studio.
Lack of sanity checking on a new billing system springs to mind.
Mike 's bedroom door has been kept closed for sanity sake and Mike did n't see a reason to change the status quo.
There has always been a sanity check of the programs output.
The trouble is, losing the social game brings your sanity meter right down.
This site is a sanity saver - you definitely found the right place !
You really do have to wonder about the sanity of some people.
Questioning Charlie 's grip on sanity, Vincent dismisses the boy 's ranting, until he himself stumbles on the truth.
With proper research and planning you can get great photos and survive the experience with your sanity intact.
As it was, however, there was enough of a rotation that I was able to keep my sanity.
Single-parenting can certainly be a struggle, and LoveToKnow offers some unintrusive tips for maintaining your sanity as a single mom or dad.
However, establishing a schedule is important for your sanity and your baby's well-being.
She told me that for her to keep her sanity without having to take a trip to the vet every other day, not having a tree was the best way to go.
Using these solutions will help keep the peace in your house and enable you to keep your sanity.
The Ramona books are especially fitting for kids with older siblings, as Ramona constantly struggles to maintain sanity when her older sister, Beezus, is around.
Identity fraud services can be a real sanity saver after an identity theft.
This will allow you to keep work and family, friends and distractions/hobbies separate, and your sanity still intact.
The dress your full figured sister prefers might not flatter your petite college roommate or your athletic cousin.If this is the case, making a compromise is the best way to save your sanity.
Sanity is knowing and believing and acting upon the truth that you cannot successfully smoke cigarettes without grave consequences.
Given some of the sanity (and insanity) effects in the game, Eternal Darkness may not be appropriate for younger gamers.
There is plenty of action and loads of puzzles, but what really sets Eternal Darkness apart from the competition is the innovative "sanity meter."
If your sanity meter is drained too low, you start seeing things.
There are said to be about 100 different "sanity effects" in this game, from flies crawling across your screen to being thrown into a room filled with zombies… and it only gets stranger and more twisted from there.
Always include your parents in your plans, for both your safety and sanity.
You may want to practice this regularly, as relaxed breathing is good for your body and critical to maintaining your sanity during a crisis.
This is hardly surprising; in a media-saturated world where a gorgeous woman like Kate Winslet who has magnificent curves can be labeled "fat," everyone's vision and sanity gets blurry.
Just choose your style and get ready for handbag sanity to return.
If you want to keep your sanity, don't try to understand Gemini.
Having fun board games for kids can help preserve your sanity when Mother Nature forces your family to stay inside.
For parental sanity, children are provided water smocks when they enter and air dryers when they leave.
On the night Hal lost his job, his sanity slipped completely.
Eastbay shoes can be your little spot of sanity during a mad shopping season.
Through a series of storylines involving David Stenbeck, Julia's heroine status fluctuated as did her grip on sanity.
She worries about her own sanity, however, when she begins dreaming about her mother frequently giving her advice on how to handle her life.
The fans are really on Mary Jane's side and Mary Jane is spending some of her time going head to head with Phyllis, whose sanity has certainly been questioned before.
The key to preserving your sanity when shopping for last minute airline tickets is knowledge.
Careful preparation for a vacation to paradise also allows you to soak up the sun, sand and surf without sacrificing your sanity should unexpected situations arise.
Save your home, and your sanity, by picking spill-friendly eats that won't be a permanent souvenir of one fateful Sunday afternoon.
Ostensibly about what happens when a British secret agent tries to resign his position, the series explored issues of identity, privacy, community, responsibility and sanity.
After satisfying himself of Rolle's sanity, Dalton's father provided him with food and shelter and a hermit's dress.
The mother-idea of his poems, he says, is democracy, and democracy "carried far beyond politics into the region of taste, the standards of manners and beauty, and even into philosophy and theology" His Leaves certainly radiates democracy as no other modern literary work does, and brings the reader into intimate and enlarged relations with fundamental human qualities - with sex, manly love, charity, faith, self-esteem, candour, purity of body, sanity of mind.
He may be said to have believed in the sanity and sanctity of the state rather than of the Church.
The mind of the nation being so preoccupied with the Covenant, it naturally followed that those who carried their fanaticism farthest were ready to denounce and to unchurch those who showed any inclination to moderation and political sanity, and that the beginnings of schism soon appeared in the ranks of the Covenanters.
In the variety of his knowledge, and in the importance of his influence on both Greek and modern speculation he was the Aristotle of the 5th century, while the sanity of his metaphysical theory has led many to regard him as the equal, if not the superior, of Plato.
Cynthia still looked unconvinced at the sanity of endeavor but agreed to be a spectator.
It is enough to refer here to the fragmentary series of his Shakespearian criticisms, containing evidence of the truest insight, and a marvellous appreciation of the judicial "sanity" which raises the greatest name in literature far above even the highest of the poets who approached him.