Sanatorium Sentence Examples
There are several infirmaries and hospitals, and a sanatorium for children.
Tea is grown in the district, which includes the military sanatorium of Ranikhet.
It is now utilized as a sanatorium for British soldiers.
Birmingham Sanatorium stands in the parish.
In the north, however, the hot lowlands are malarial and unsuited to north European settlement, while the dry, elevated plateaus are celebrated for their healthiness, those of Catamarca having an excellent reputation as a sanatorium for sufferers from pulmonary and bronchial diseases.
It is an important military cantonment and sanatorium, being the headquarters of a brigade in the second division of the northern army corps.
The Tunbridge Wells sanatorium is situated in grounds sixty acres in extent.
Among its buildings are the Crawford county court-house, the city hospital and a sanatorium.
Charitable Institutions, &c. - The state maintains a school for the blind at Gary, a school for deaf mutes at Sioux Falls, a tuberculosis sanatorium at Custer, a general hospital for the insane at Yankton, a school for the feeble-minded at Redfield, a soldiers' home at Hot Springs, a reform school at Plankinton, and a penitentiary at Sioux Falls.
Even when patients are unable' to stay long at a sanatorium they learn there the advantages of open air and can continue the treatment at home to their great advantage.
AdvertisementThe atoll has an exceedingly healthy climate, and might well be used as a sanatorium for phthisical patients, the temperature never reaching extremes.
They form favourite places of excursion, and in the woods at Ginneken is a Kneipp sanatorium.
In the vicinity, on the lake-shore, is the government sanatorium.
Several of these institutions are built on the slopes of the hills, and on the highest point, Sugar Loaf Mountain, is a sanatorium.
Among charitable institutions are a Home of Benevolence (1878) for orphans and abandoned children, the Notre Dame Institute (for orphans) under the Sisters of Notre Dame, and the O'Connor Sanatorium.
AdvertisementIn 1835 the nucleus of the present district of British Sikkim or Darjeeling was created by a cession of a portion of the hills by the raja of Sikkim to the British as a sanatorium.
At the foot of the Rosenberg is Maria Griin, with a large sanatorium.
Below the second terrace at the south-west end a large and complicated building, with an open courtyard surrounded on three sides by a colonnade and with chambers opening out towards the north, may have served as a gymnasium or a sanatorium.
Its healthy climate, however, makes it useful as a sanatorium.
Tests made for several successive years by means of culture media and sterile plates, demonstrated the perfect bacteriologic purity of the air, first drawn into the caverns through myriads of rocky crevices that served as natural filters, then further cleansed by floating over the transparent springs and pools, and finally supplied to the inmates of the sanatorium.
AdvertisementIt is the seat of one of the state normal schools (1894), of St Joseph's Academy (Polish), and of the Stevens Point Commercial College, and has a Carnegie library (1904), the Portage county court-house, a city hospital, and a tuberculosis sanatorium.
After her return to England she devoted herself to reorganizing the Governesses' Sanatorium in Harley Street (now the Home for Gentlewomen during Temporary Illness), which was at that time badly managed and in great need of funds.
Various streets have been laid out, a large hotel erected for the reception of the visitors who resort to the place as a sanatorium in summer, and the religious wants of the community are supplied by a Roman Catholic and a Protestant church.
The state supports the Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1859), at Kalamazoo; the Eastern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1878), at Pontiac; the Northern Michigan Asylum for the Insane (opened 1885), at Traverse City; the Michigan Asylum for the Dangerous and Criminal Insane (established 1885), at Ionia; the Upper Peninsula Hospital for the Insane, at Newberry; a Psychopathic Hospital (established 1907), at Ann Arbor; a State Sanatorium (established 1905), at Howell; the Michigan State Prison (established 1839), at Jackson; the Michigan Reformatory (established 1887), at Ionia; the State House of Correction and Branch Prison (established 1885), at Marquette; the Industrial School for Boys, at Lansing; the Industrial Home for Girls (established 1879), near Adrian; the State Public School (opened 1874), at Coldwater, a temporary home for dependent children until homes in families can be found for them; the School for the Deaf (established 1854), at Flint; the School for the Blind, at Lansing; an Employment Institution for the Blind (established 1903), at Saginaw; the Home for the Feeble Minded and Epileptic (established 1893), at Lapeer; and the Michigan Soldiers' Home (established 1885), at Grand Rapids.
Bauchi is a province of special importance from the European point of view because, with free communication from the Benue assured, it is probable that on the Kibyen and Sura plateaus, which are the healthiest known in the protectorate, a sanatorium and station for a large civil population might be established under conditions in which Europeans could live free from the evil effects of a West African climate.
AdvertisementA depot of stores for the navy is maintained, but the island is used chiefly as a sanatorium.
He established the first tuberculosis sanatorium in Scotland and provided a home for epileptic sufferers.
The complex was used to house injured servicemen during World War I, and subsequently became a tuberculosis sanatorium in the 1930s.
First sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt Sanatorium, opens.
Only the very wealthy could afford medical help or a trip to a Swiss sanatorium to recuperate in the fresh air.
Mary Ann was dispatched to Osborn House on the Isle of Wight, where a small sanatorium was set up for the estate workers.
He manages to draw the audience into a private life set in a ' private sanatorium ' .
The novel is set in a tuberculosis sanatorium high in the Swiss Alps.
In the city are the state library (1842), the state law library (1839), the Illinois historical library (1889), of which the State Historical Society (1903) is a department, and the Illinois Supreme Court library; several educational institutions, including Concordia-Seminar (Evangelical Lutheran), the Ursuline Academy (Roman Catholic), and the Academy of the Sacred Heart (Roman Catholic); the Springfield hospital (1897; Lutheran), and the St John's hospital (1875; under the Sisters of St Francis), two orphanages, two homes for aged women, and a sanatorium; the permanent grounds of the State Fair (157 acres), and a state rifle range and militia camp-ground (160 acres).
The state institutions consist of state hospitals for the insane at St Peter (1866), at Rochester (1877), established originally as a state inebriate asylum under a law taxing liquor dealers for that purpose, which was subsequently held to be unconstitutional, at Fergus Falls (1887), at Anoka (1900) and at Hastings (1900); the state institute for defectives at Faribault, consisting of the schools for the deaf (1863), blind (1874) and feeble-minded (1879); the state public school for dependent and neglected children at Owatonna (1886); a sanatorium for consumptives at Walker; a hospital for indigent, crippled or deformed children (1907) at St Paul; the state training school for boys near Red Wing; a similar industrial school for girls (established separately in 1907) at Sauk Center; the state reformatory at St Cloud (1887), intermediate between the training school and the state prison, for first offenders between the ages of sixteen and thirty years, in which indeterminate sentences and a parole system are in operation; the state prison at Stillwater (1851), in which there is a parole system and a graded system of diminution of sentence for good conduct, and in which, up to 1895, prisoners were leased under contract (especially to the Minnesota Thresher Company), and since 1895 have been employed in the manufacture of shoes and of binding twine, and in providing for the needs of the prison population; and the state soldiers home occupying fifty-one acres adjoining Minnehaha Park in Minneapolis.
First sanatorium for TB patients, the Holt Sanatorium, opens.
Only the very wealthy could afford medical help or a trip to a Swiss Sanatorium to recuperate in the fresh air.
He manages to draw the audience into a private life set in a ' private sanatorium '.
Having suffered from melancholia, presumably brought on by an unmentionable disease, he was moved to a sanatorium in 1919.
Titled "In Sanatorium," episode one took place at Waverly Hills Sanatorium located in Louisville, Kentucky.
Read on to learn more about the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, a place considered by some to be one of the scariest haunted mental hospitals in the United States.
Originally named "The Waverly Hills Sanatorium at Waverly Hills," this giant structure was constructed from 1908 through July 26, 1910.
As tuberculosis, a serious bacterial lung infection, reached epidemic proportions in 1924, the overcrowded structure was expanded into a 400 patient sanatorium.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium is easily one of the most haunted in the country, and this explains why so many paranormal groups go there to investigate.
It lies low, but is regarded as exceptionally healthy, and serves as a kind of sanatorium for the surrounding district.
In 1908 a state tuberculosis sanatorium was opened near Aberdeen, Moore county.
The other public buildings of the town include the infirmary founded in 1837, the present buildings being erected in 1883, and subsequently enlarged; the sanatorium, the seamen's hospital, the South Wales Institute of Mining Engineers (which has a library) built in 1894, the exchange, an institute for the blind, a school for the deaf and dumb, and one of the two prisons for the county (the other being at Swansea).
Wei-hai-wei is used by the China squadron as a sanatorium and exercising ground.
Chiswick Hall, no longer extant, was formerly a country seat for the masters and sanatorium for the scholars of Westminster school.
Iowa City is the seat of the state university of Iowa, of Iowa City Academy, of the library of the State Historical Society and of the state Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
Among the principal buildings are a Carnegie library, the city hall, the Government building, the court house, St Patrick's sanatorium, the masonic temple and the Elks' club.
The fort was used as a sanatorium until 1857, when it was bought by the 12th Lord Lovat, whose son presented it in 1876 to the English order of Benedictines.
The institutions under its charge include a Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Davenport; a Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown; a College for the Blind at Vinton; a School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs; an Institution for Feeble-minded Children at Glenwood; an Industrial School for Boys at Eldora; an Industrial School for Girls at Mitchellville; and, at Oakdale, a Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
The state institutions, each governed by a board of trustees, and all under the supervision of the state board of charity, include a state hospital at Tewksbury, for paupers (1866); a state farm at Bridgewater (1887) for paupers and petty criminals; the Lyman school for boys at Westboro, a reformatory for male criminals under fifteen years of age sentenced to imprisonment for terms less than life in connexion with which a very successful farm is maintained for the younger boys at Berlin; an industrial school for girls at Lancaster, also a reformatory school - a third reformatory school for boys was planned in 1909; a state sanatorium at Rutland for tuberculous patients (the first public hospital for such in the United States) and a hospital school at Canton for the care and instruction of crippled and deformed children.
There are also a fine castle (1667) and grounds, a sanatorium for children and numerous modern villa residences.
In 1906 a magnificent sanatorium for consumptives was opened about 4 m.
The sanatorium is situated 367 m.
The borough has a public library (1881), a Masonic Home, the Gaylord Farm Sanatorium of the New Haven County Anti-Tuberculosis Association, the Phelps School (for girls) and the Choate School (1896, for boys).
The government maintains a sanatorium at Lake Rotorua, and there are private bathing establishments in other places, notably near Lake Taupo.
In South Island there are hot pools and a state sanatorium at Hanmer Plains.
It has a Carnegie library, and is the seat of an Evangelical Lutheran theological seminary (1865), of Lutheran homes for the aged and orphan, of the Milwaukee county hospital for the insane, of the Milwaukee sanatorium for nervous diseases, and of the north-western branch of the national soldiers' home, which has grounds covering 385 acres and with main building and barracks affording quarters for over 2000 disabled veterans, and has a hospital, a theatre, and a library of 15,000 volumes.
There is a state sanatorium for tuberculosis (1909).
Kishinev is the seat of the archbishop of Bessarabia, and has a cathedral, an ecclesiastical seminary with Boo students, a college, and a gardening school, a museum, a public library, a botanic garden, and a sanatorium with sulphur springs.
It is also noted for its healthiness and possesses a large sanatorium much frequented by convalescents from Rio de Janeiro during the hot season.
In the vicinity is the Wilhelmsheim sanatorium for consumptives.
On coming into the hands of the English, the fort was dismantled by order of Lord William Bentinck, and is now converted into a sanatorium for the troops at Nasirabad.
At about the same time tea-planting was introduced into the neighbourhood of the sanatorium of Darjeeling, among the Sikkim Himalayas.
Other institutions include a museum opened in honour of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, and the West of England Sanatorium, to which two large conservatories are attached, as a winter-garden for invalids.
The state supports the following charitable and correctional institutions all under the inspection of a State Department of Charities and Correction (1905); hospitals for the insane at Trenton and Morris Plains; a training-school for feeble-minded children (partly supported by the state) and a home for feeble-minded women at Vineland; a sanatorium for tuberculous diseases at Glen Gardner; a village for epileptics, with a farm of 700 acres, near Skillman, Somerset county; a state home (reform school) for boys near Jamesburg, Middlesex county, and for girls in Ewing township, near Trenton; a state reformatory for criminals sixteen to thirty years of age, near Rahway; a state prison at Trenton; a home for disabled soldiers at Kearney,' Hudson county; a home for disabled soldiers, sailors and their wives at Vineland"; and a school for the deaf at Trenton.
Besides the strictly state institutions, there are a number of private charitable institutions which are assisted by state funds; among these are the eye and ear infirmary at Portland, the Maine state sanatorium at Hebron for the treatment of tuberculosis, and various hospitals, orphanages, &c. The national government has a branch of the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers at Togus, and a marine hospital at Portland.
Holloway; in the neighbourhood is the sanatorium of the same founder (1885) for the treatment of mental ailments, accommodating about 250 patients.
It has a grand-ducal palace, a Roman Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a sanatorium for nervous disorders, and several educational establishments.
The Kent Sanatorium and one of the Barnardo homes are established here.
Near it is a large sanatorium, much frequented as a health resort.
On the "farm" the city maintains an "infirmary village," a tuberculosis sanatorium, a detention hospital, a convalescent hospital and houses of correction.
It has an Evangelical and a Roman Catholic church, a sanatorium for consumptives, and does a considerable trade in wine.
A funicular railway runs up to the Malberg (r000 ft.), where is a sanatorium and whence extensive views are obtained over the Rhine valley.
Its sheltered situation and desirable winter climate began to attract notice about 1840; in 1855 a national sanatorium for consumptive patients was erected by subscription; a pier was opened in 1861, and in 1870 railway communication was afforded.