Samples Sentence Examples
The following are samples from a number of days' results, given in le Cadet's book.
Samples of this timber have been studied after forty-three years' immersion in sea-water.
Some samples of ore, coal and limestone, obtained in the Mittagong district, with pig-iron and castings manufactured therefrom, were exhibited at the Mining Exhibition in London and obtained a first award.
The investigation was carried out with scrupulous scientific rigour upon samples of water taken in every part of the city, at all states of the tide and under various atmospheric conditions.
But ten years afterwards, in the exhibition of 1872, which was specially devoted to cotton, a few only of the thirty-five countries which had sent their samples in 1862 again appeared, and these for the most part only to bear witness to disappointment and failure.
Samples of water are collected periodically from a number of places in a large sea-area (the North or Norwegian seas, or the English Channel, for instance) at the surface, bottom and a number of intermediate levels.
Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, forming an acid salt, Pb(HS04)2, which is hydrolysed by adding water, the normal sulphate being precipitated; hence the milkiness exhibited by samples of oil of vitriol on dilution.
The ballistic method is largely employed for determining the relation of induction to magnetizing force in samples of the iron and steel used in the manufacture of electrical machinery, and especially for the observation of hysteresis effects.
Parshall quotes tests of six samples of iron, described as of good quality, which showed an average hysteresis loss of 3070 ergs per
Several instruments in which the traction method is applied have been devised for the rapid measurement of induction or of magnetization in commercial samples of iron and steel.
AdvertisementSimilar results were obtained with three different samples of the metal.
The lyric and epic poems of Stephen GyongyOsi, who sang the deeds of Maria Szechy, the heroine of Murany, Murdnyi Venus (Kassa, 1664), are samples rather of a general improvement in the style than of the purity of the language.
Grains of gold or particles of ore may be detected by washing samples of gravel in a prospector's 1 Of doubtful origin.
Where the deposit is a regular one and the mineral is of fairly uniform richness, the taking of a few samples from widely separated parts of the mine will often furnish sufficient data to determine the value of the deposit.
On the other hand in the case of uncertain and irregular deposits, the value of which varies between very wide limits, as, for example - in most metal mines and especially mines of gold and silver - a very large number of samples must be taken - sometimes not more than two or three feet apart - in order that the average value of the ore may be known within reasonable limits of error.
AdvertisementBy the end of August 1885, when a political crisis had supervened between Great Britain and Russia, under the orders of the Amir the Mosalla was destroyed; but four minars standing at the corners of the wide plinth still remain to attest to the glorious proportions of the ancient structure, and to exhibit samples of that decorative tilework, which for intricate beauty of design and exquisite taste in the blending of colour still appeals to the memory as unique.
For a subsequent letter Calvin furnished (reluctantly, according to de Trye) samples of Servetus's handwriting, expressly to secure his conviction.
Oceanic Deposits.-It has long been known that the deposits which carpet the floor of the ocean differ in different places, and coasting sailors have been accustomed from time immemorial to use the lead not only to ascertain the depth of the water but also to obtain samples of the bottom, the appearance of which is often characteristic of the locality.
Captain Phipps in 1773 secured samples of soft blue clay in this manner from a depth of 683 fathoms, but as a rule when sounding in great depths the sample is washed off the tallow before it can be brought on board.
Out of 118 samples of globigerina ooze obtained by the " Challenger " expedition 84 came from depths of 1500 to 2500 fathoms, 13 from depths of loon to 150o and only 16 from Scot.
AdvertisementRed clay is the deposit peculiar to the abysmal area; 70 carefully investigated samples collected by the " Challenger " came from an average depth of 2730 fathoms, 97 specimens collected by the " Tuscarora " came from an average depth of 2860 fathoms, and 26 samples obtained by the " Albatross " in the Central Pacific came from an average depth of 2620 fathoms. Red clay has not yet been found in depths less than 2200 fathoms. The main ingredient of the deposit is a stiff clay which is plastic when fresh, but dries to a stony hardness.
The most numerous analyses have been carried out by Forchhammer, who dealt with 150 samples, and Dittmar, who made complete analyses of 77 samples obtained on the" Challenger"expedition.
As Marcet had foreshadowed from the analysis of 14 samples in 1819, the larger series of exact analyses proved that the variations in the proportion of individual salts to the total salts are very small, and all analyses since Dittmar's have confirmed this result.
Dittmar's analysis of the " Challenger " samples indicated an excess of oxygen in the surface water of high southern latitudes and a deficiency at depths below 50 fathoms.
The vertical distribution of salinity has only recently been investigated systematically, as the earlier expeditions were not equipped with altogether trustworthy apparatus for collecting water samples at great depths.
AdvertisementTwo main types of water-bottle for collecting samples have been long in use.
In deep water the closing mechanism is usually actuated by a screw propeller which begins to work when the line is being hauled in and can be set so as to close the waterbottle in a very few fathoms. A small but heavy water-bottle has been devised by Martin Knudsen, provided with a pressure gauge or bathometer, by which samples may be collected from any moderate depth down to about roc fathoms, on board a vessel going at full speed.
This has made it possible to obtain many samples from moderate depths along a long line in a very short space of time.
In the early samples of carbide this compound used to be present in considerable quantity, but now rarely more than% is to be found.
The commercial intelligence department collects and disseminates accurate information on general commercial questions, and collects and exhibits samples of goods of foreign origin competing with similar British goods.
The northern limits of the wheat-growing areas have not been definitely ascertained; but samples of good wheat were grown in 1907 at Fort Vermilion on the Peace river, nearly 600 m.
In the year 1906-1907 -6676 samples of seeds were tested.
Experiments are also conducted to test the merits of new or untried varieties of cereals and other field crops, of grasses, forage plants, fruits, vegetables, plants and trees; and samples, particularly of the most promising cereals, are distributed freely among farmers for trial, so that those which promise to be most profitable may be rapidly brought into general cultivation.
In the Lawes Testimonial Laboratory there is a vast collection of samples of experimentally grown produce, annual products, ashes and soils.
It was distinguished by the unusual purity of the metal obtained, some of his samples containing 99.5 to 99.8%.
Samples dating from the old sodium days are still in existence, and when they exhibit unpleasant properties the defect is often ascribed to the metal instead of to the process by which it was won.
At the same spot samples of water drawn from the bottom were found to contain o 3 cc. of sulphuretted hydrogen per litre.
More attention seems to have been given to the matter in the United States of America and in Germany and Russia than in England, but the infinite variety of samples known to the commercial expert, and the impossibility of standardizing those in such a manner as to make readily recognizable what the chemist has treated, renders most of the recorded analyses of uncertain value.
Most countries have a close check upon this at the time of importation, and the customs authorities in Great Britain submit to analysis all samples of a doubtful character.
That " there were in Athens persons who abused the dialectical exercise for frivolous puzzles " he admits; but " to treat Euthydemus and Dionysodorus as samples of ` the Sophists ' is, " he continues, " altogether unwarrantable."
At this height, with the thermometer marking 9 degrees below freezing, he remained for a considerable time, making observations not only on magnetism, but also on the temperature and humidity of the air, and collecting several samples of air at different heights.
The magnetic observations, though imperfect, led him to the conclusion that the magnetic effect at all attainable elevations above the earth's surface remains constant; and on analysing the samples of air he could find no difference of composition at different heights.
This body samples all linseed oil arriving in England and reports on its value.
They had been injured in some degree on the passage, but on samples being submitted to brokers, and others of long experience and tried judgment, the reports were highly favourable.
Lafar has stated that 20% of the cows in Germany suffer from tuberculosis, which also affected 17.7% of the cattle slaughtered in Copenhagen between 1891 and 1893, and that one in every thirteen samples of milk examined in Paris, and one in every nineteen in Washington, contained tubercle bacilli.
Thus of samples of meat bought in Prague and kept in a cool room for about two days, luminosity was present in 52% of the samples in the case of beef, 50% for veal, and 39% for liver.
If the meat was treated previously with a 3% salt solution, 89% of the samples of beef and 65% of the samples of horseflesh were found to exhibit this phenomenon.
Samples have yielded from 7 to 19% of morphia, and only 2 to 3% of ash, and are therefore of excellent quality.
According to Dr Reveil, Persian opium usually contains 75 to 84% of matter soluble in water, and some samples contain from 13 to 30% of glucose, probably due to an extract or syrup of raisins added to the paste in the pots in which it is collected, and to which the shining fracture of hard Persian opium is attributed.
By mixing assayed samples he is able to produce an opium containing uniformly 10% of morphia.
A few months after his return, through Germany, to London in 1815, he was induced to take up the question of constructing a miner's safety lamp. Experiments with samples of fire-damp sent from Newcastle soon taught him that "explosive mixtures of mine-damp will not pass through small apertures or tubes"; and in a paper read before the Royal Society on the 9th of November he showed that metallic tubes, being better conductors of heat, were superior to glass ones, and explained that the heat lost by contact with a large cooling surface brought the temperature of the first portions of gas exploded below that required for the firing of the other portions.
The acts themselves must be consulted for the procedure, beginning with the taking of samples and ending with the conviction of an offender.
Samples of quinine in which cinchonidine is present usually contain a smaller percentage of water than the pure sulphate.
Owing to its voluminous character as much as 18% of water may remain present in apparently dry samples of sulphate of quinine.
Some of the largest and most accurate steelyards are those made for testing machines for tearing and crushing samples of metals and other materials.
Wright employed a coal requiring six hours for its distillation, and took samples of the gas at different periods of the time.
The inspector then samples and examines the wheat, and enters the grade upon a blank opposite the number and letters of the car.
The commission keeps complete records and samples of each car until the wheat has passed entirely out of the market.
Only about 5% of the samples are ever reinspected, and in less than 2% of these is the grade changed.
At the same time it is only fair to say that whatever may have been the conveniences of Mushet's plan, it was not absolutely essential; this Bessemer proved in 1865, by exhibiting a series of samples of steel made by his own process alone.
The Coal-bearing strata which occupy a considerable area in China (Map A, II.), contain abundant samples of a vegetation which appears to have agreed in their main features with the Permo-Carboniferous floras of the northern hemisphere.
This process, so to speak, samples or tests the varying electromotive force of the alternating current at one particular instant during the phase and measures it on a voltmeter.
The apparent impossibility of obtaining pure and trustworthy samples of the drug has led to its entire abandonment in therapeutics.
The stomping baseline is nicely juxtaposed with samples from The Blues Brothers film.
Mass spectrometry was applied to patient samples.
If anything looks abnormal inside your bladder, your doctor will want to take tissue samples.
Blood samples are taken, usually from the ear, for analysis of lactate accumulation.
All cranberry juice samples inhibited E coli adhesion; none of the placebo samples did this.
The majority of samples contained aflatoxins at low levels which were not of toxicological concern.
I took my samples using 90mm Petri plates containing potato dextrose agar, the traditional medium for growing mold.
You had, ah, me look into these ice core samples for you?
On one occasion at the height of summer, I hiked down to a highly alkaline lake to get a few samples.
In 5/6 patients the wild-type allele was lost in the tumor samples, suggesting a causal role for the mutations in RCC.
The samples have been analyzed at the University of Bangor in Wales and found to contain americium, cesium and cobalt.
Blood samples need to be collected into heparin anticoagulant - not citrate.
Blood samples can be taken from sites such as the forearm, the upper arm, the upper arm, thigh and the base of the thumb.
Blood samples are taken from these animals to provide cells for in vitro assays, which further reduces the number of animals used.
To manage autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia (ARCA) patients in specialist clinics and collect blood samples and clinical data.
Solely using samples, ambient atmospherics, and glitchy noises, they assemble experimental soundscapes that are often Satanic in nature.
Methods Samples of DNA were collected under license from English Nature from greater horseshoe bats in Dorset during 2005.
Containing wpt gram Bennett at the he concluded that ore samples while.
The task of checking quality falls to Ballantine's master blender at Dumbarton, to whom samples of each distillation are sent.
The company specializes in using DNA samples to carry out paternity testing and tracing family bloodlines.
Results of dot blot and RT-PCR showed that one of the six samples was positive for HSVd.
The annual report of the independent body found that 99.3% of food samples tested were either residue free or within accepted levels.
Boolean isAlphaPremultiplied specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values.
The samples showcased in this book were generated by groups of enthusiastic braiders interested in Kumihimo - the ancient art of Japanese braiding.
Despite the generally calcareous environment, it is also possible that the samples contain pollen and diatom evidence.
The analysis of the samples was very difficult because of high quantities of suspended calcium carbonate.
The DSC 204 Phoenix differential scanning calorimeter can be equipped with an automatic sample changer for up to 64 samples.
The majority of samples 114 (56 per cent) contained ethyl carbamate in the range 11-30 microgram/l.
A small number of samples from the present survey were found to have elevated levels of ethyl carbamate.
It represents almost all samples of China maps produced by European cartographers from the 16th to 19th centuries.
Listen to song samples, read reviews and order a copy of her demo cd & stunning forthcoming album.
PrP accumulation Image analysis was used to quantify PrP plaque formation in the tissue samples of human cerebellum.
A further 9% of samples contain only glume wheat chaff.
Of these samples, three contained two chlorobenzenes and one contained three chlorobenzenes.
Results The food samples were analyzed by static headspace gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection at CSL Food Science Laboratory, Norwich.
All samples, with the exception of the diffusion tubes, were analyzed using ion chromatography.
Furthermore, because virtually all materials change a solvents refractive index, the interferometer can detect samples containing no natural chromophores.
Test samples of live cockles, previously taken once a month, are now taken each week from the beds.
The use of upper bound estimates may significantly overestimate total dioxins concentrations in those samples where most congeners are not present at the LOD.
For Quality Control purposes a reference sample with known concentrations of dioxins congeners was included in the batches of samples analyzed.
Victory Games Sports Crosswords From Victory Games, free samples of sport themed crossword puzzles to solve online.
Samples were taken from all the deer culled within the Forest District.
Samples of pollen taken from cores bored from deep peat bogs or lake sediments are stratified, with the earliest part lying deepest.
The samples were dated using dendrochronology, which uses the pattern of growth rings to age timber.
In tests incontinence pad samples were held in contact with skin that had been treated with three topical agents used to manage incontinence dermatitis.
We find that religion accounts for about half of the unemployment differential in our two samples.
A remote controlled gel cutter dispenses samples into 96-well plates for trypsin digestion and mass analysis.
Using the PDWork template to calculate dilution factors Getting the right dilution of samples for analysis can be a great help for laboratory technicians.
For wet analysis samples require dilution to be measured.
The most stable size dimorphism is in the size of the canines, which is pronounced in all studied samples.
The laboratory samples for Level 2 were prepared by dividing a bulk sample using a rotary sample divider.
Unlike the bearded dragons tested, chameleon skin gives more uniform results, regardless of where on the body the samples come from.
Some of the samples in the lower drawers of the cabinet have on them the name of R. Bradley.
Owen, Kent and Dale (2001) analyzed data from machair sand dune seed banks and seed rain samples using DCA.
Individual phthalate esters were determined in two samples of each of these composite food groups.
The volume of the samples was measured, they were analyzed for fluoride concentration and the 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion was calculated.
A fully worked example illustrates the major facets of the analysis of small samples.
Human milk samples Dioxins and PCBs are highly fat-soluble and accumulate in adipose tissue.
Atrophic fibers were noted to be of both major fiber types, with no significant increase between biopsy samples except in one subject.
February 1987 The CVL identifies scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) in some of the brain samples referred to it.
To ensure that the composition of the alloy is correct, samples of the molten metal are routinely checked by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
All samples reflect radiant flux, while only some transmit it.
Do not store the samples during transit or at home in areas likely to contaminate foodstuffs or drinks.
I don't like working with many samples and try to keep things sounding fresh, with a dark edge.
All samples were analyzed by high resolution gas chromatography coupled with high or low resolution mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at CSL.
Because the symptoms are quite similar to acute and chronic bacterial gastroenteritis of ferrets, stool samples need to be cultured for these bacteria.
A tantalizing glimpse of the axed V&A Spiral in the form of samples of the fractal tiles which would have covered the building.
There, urine samples will be tested at regular intervals to ensure the pregnancy hormone HCG is disappearing.
Bone samples from the broken hip were sent to pathology.
In this preliminary study, paraffin-embedded tumor samples of uncertain histogenesis from seven patients were then analyzed.
Unfortunately samples of one don't give much statistical confidence, and will only give reliable information in a major holdup.
Balabanova, alongside her normal research into the metabolism of drugs, started requesting samples of other ancient human remains from universities.
In addition, the driver of a car fitted with an alcohol ignition interlock is required to provide further breath samples at random intervals.
In all patients receiving replacement immunoglobulin therapy, blood samples should be obtained at regular intervals to assess liver function.
The choice of sterilizing method is material dependent but at least half the prepared tissue scaffolds samples will be gamma irradiated.
At present irradiated graphite properties are based on empirical data obtained on samples irradiated in a material test reactor (MTR ).
In addition, sulfur isotope analyzes have been performed on eleven corrosion samples from city centers.
Connect NG tube to the pump and collect four samples of gastric juice, each over 15 min into polystyrene cups.
Although depressed people may seem lethargic, samples of their blood show a raised level of stress hormones such as cortisol and noradrenaline.
No samples of UK-grown outdoor lettuce or imported lettuce and spinach would have exceeded the maximum levels.
None of the 8 samples of imported lettuce or any of the 8 of imported spinach exceeded the maximum levels.
Skin will be tested by shining ultraviolet light to limited areas and by taking tiny skin samples.
Samples were then run on an ABI 377 gene scan analysis gel with an internal molecular weight marker.
The samples were extracted with 80 per cent aqueous methanol at room temperature, using a procedure based on that of Barnes et al.
Figures 6 and 7 show higher magnification micrographs of hardmetal samples tested with wet rubber, dry rubber and wet steel test wheels.
More so they undergo mitosis at similar rates when compared to control samples.
It is quite a challenge to obtain clear EXAFS signals from samples with a mean thickness of only 12 atomic monolayers.
Fresh samples of tumor and normal colonic mucosa were taken at the time of surgery and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen.
There was no indication that any of the protein kinase genes was frequently mutated in this set of breast cancer samples.
Consider sending samples for mycological examination in people without previous positive mycology - the absence of fungi suggests another diagnosis.
System will also Ned to link user back to new sample entry page Can we prevent users creating multiple samples with the same name?
Nematodes The effect of growing transgenic potatoes on free living nematodes The effect of growing transgenic potatoes on free living nematodes is being evaluated using samples from ongoing field trials.
Where possible the health gain notation reflects both the type of evidence and the small size of some of the samples.
Tho someone must be doing something right onboard, judging by the amount of samples so far collected.
Carefully collected samples have been correlated with data obtained by lunar orbiters, including the most recent lunar missions.
Intimate samples include blood, semen or other bodily fluids, dental impressions or a swab from any body orifice other than the mouth.
Mean values are taken from replicate samples (excluding any outliers ).
No evidence was found concerning magnesium oxide, which was not present at least in the analyzed samples (from Sample 1 ).
The intention of this scholarship is to promote field parasitology (collection of data or samples) under any difficult conditions.
Or maybe everyone wets their appetites, so the supermarket needn't worry about giving away samples - we're all peckish anyway.
A grandly towering fusion of jazz funk, eccentric samples and lush vocals nailed to a chassis of crackling grooves and pounding percussion.
A population pharmacokinetics analysis was conducted on samples from over 1,100 MS patients receiving doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg/kg natalizumab.
The most abundant individual phthalate in each of the samples was DEHP.
We have a repertoire of over 350 songs, see our sample playlist including some RealAudio samples.
We genotyped the IVS1-397 and TA n microsatellite polymorphisms of the ESR1 gene in 325 cases and 327 controls samples of Hong Kong Chinese.
You'll see higher polyphony counts when you use 16-bit samples than with 24-bit samples.
The various samples were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy to assess the usefulness of these sample preparation techniques in the field of paintings research.
In 61% of the samples there are barley grains and no rachis and in a further 31% barley grains outnumber rachis.
Sampling rate How fast a digital recorder or player samples a signal.
The instrument was then tested on core samples from a hydrocarbon reservoir in the North Sea.
None of the samples tested were found to contain residues.
In 2003, the average level of pesticide residues in Delhi samples was 34 times above the same BIS standard.
Most samples exhibited a reduced sheet resistivity resultant from film curing over the duration of the test.
Give samples of your portfolio, and of course, show off that impressive resume.
The Ares modular controlled strain rheometer is a research and development instrument capable of handling a wide range of samples from water to solids.
What if samples were made taken from your favorite Scottish bands and mixed with the irregular rhythms of our ancient music.
No pathogens, including salmonella, have been isolated from any of the food, water, or environmental samples collected at the school.
No UK Lion Quality egg samples were found to contain salmonella.
The new arrivals would start collecting samples which would be taken back to the laboratory for analysis.
A lab-based PIMA service is also available to analyze samples provided to us by customers.
Generally, only one needle puncture will be required to obtain all blood samples at a given time.
Rectal fecal samples were used together with the modified McMaster technique to calculate the egg count.
Image analysis, modeling skills, and experience with biological samples will be an advantage.
Small tissue samples are also be obtained using this method allowing a range of inflammatory and injury markers to be examined in the tissue.
Small soil samples are taken on a grid basis, either with an auger or following the topsoil strip.
Air samples were taken continuously every two minutes with a Casella slit sampler placed within 1 meter of the dental chair.
Three of the eight samples had complete sapwood and could be precisely dated.
There is also a random data selector to request samples of data from our databases.
Objective 3. Samples of urine containing albumin fragments collected previously from children with meningococcal sepsis were remapped using SDS PAGE.
Confirmation of a diagnosis of BVD in acute cases depends upon demonstrating seroconversion in paired serum samples.
Thin polythene sheeting samples may be attached to it securely by means of small magnets.
The archive is stored on mobile storage shelving for easy location of samples.
Most designers that we mentor only produce a showman 's collection and then sell from the samples.
My samples were growing out of cracks in the concrete sidewalk beside a busy four lane highway.
The samples are mostly composed of granted minerals, e.g., micas and other complex silicates.
The clay samples form the other four locations can be regarded as too silty.
They noted that from 100 samples, seven had either sinuses or epithelial lined spaces.
Mary Greene samples seasonal surprises at an authentic Swedish smorgasbord New Year, new holiday?
Of these samples, 27 were soy sauces and the remainder comprised mushroom soy, oyster, teriyaki and various other similar sauces.
This entry specifies the vertical spacing between the samples to be included in the movie image.
The absorption spectra of pure samples of some of these pigments are shown in the graph on the left.
Strong hybridisation signals were observed for all symptomatic samples, when blots were washed at medium to high stringency.
Divers could be sent down, robot submersibles used to investigate and samples dredged from surface boats.
Thus magnetic fields can now be surveyed in thin film samples of high-temperature superconductors.
The high cost of sampling prohibited the taking of additional samples at these locations.
She and Ray Gosling begin work on calf thymus DNA samples given to Wilkins by Rudolf Singer in May 1950.
Blood samples were also taken to determine serum titer of EBV IgA.
Standard Service - 2 working days turnaround from receipt of samples.
The measurement uncertainty samples were analyzed in eight separate batches over a period of three weeks.
If some line differs very much form the lines of both samples, the object remains unclassified.
Thus samples of regolith returned by the Apollo missions proved valuable in studies of the solar wind.
Two samples of seminal fluid should be produced no earlier than 10 or 12 weeks following vasectomy.
The decapods and other zooplankton in the samples were dried and weighed.
Thus if Dalton's diagram for the molecule, propor- or compound atom, of water be correct, it follows that in all samples of water the total number of the hydrogen atoms is equal to that of the oxygen atoms; consequently, the ratio of the weight of oxygen to that of hydrogen in water is the same as the ratio of the weights of an oxygen and a hydrogen atom, and this is invariable.
Different samples of water cannot therefore differ ever so little in percentage composition, and the same must be true for every compound as distinguished from a mixture.
Aside from two laboratory samples, one in the United States and one in Russia, it does not exist on the planet.
Based on this unprecedented success, samples of Borlaug's seeds were sent abroad.
In very few words Nicholas bought seventeen picked stallions for six thousand rubles--to serve, as he said, as samples of his remounts.
None of the 43 pus samples analyzed contained P. anaerobius DNA.
The random quadrat data is based on twice the number of samples in each section compared to the belt transect.
You can view samples of both the full band, and the quintet versions from here.
To solve this problem, researchers resort to either quota samples or random samples.
Charcoal samples obtained from six of these sites produced radiocarbon dates ranging from the 5th century AD to the 12th century.
Also included are two random samples of 100 records.
Very few complete unsmoked reefers rolled with " home grown " appear in the samples.
A total of 8 samples of Spanish carrots were tested for residues of chlormequat.
No scope for anonymity and personal freedom - ID cards, CCTV, databases, DNA samples, retina scans?
Samples were then taken from the root canals to determine the numbers of remaining bacteria.
Samples This rough-and-ready table is exhibiting screenshot extracts from both the earlier and the later tests.
The samples of ruminant feedingstuffs are being analyzed by the ELISA technique.
Yellow rust of barley No samples were received in 1997.
Brown rust of barley The high incidence of barley brown rust in 1989 was reflected in the large number of leaf samples received.
The results from the first quarter of the saliva samples have all been negative, showing that the bats sampled were not carrying disease.
Collect samples by scraping the active edge of a skin lesion using the edge of a rounded scalpel blade or glass slide.
Fanatical field assistant attempts to smoke portion of dried scat sample and unwittingly ignites canvas tent, destroying hair samples.
The specific activity of the protein samples were determined by liquid scintillation counting.
The semen samples showed that the blood groups matched.
The samples should be taken from known affected dogs / bitches and their unaffected siblings, parents or close relatives.
Samples are transported back to the laboratory for sieve analysis in this fashion.
The first tests were just routine, urine samples, blood tests, chest and skull X-rays which took most of the day.
Chemical analyzes of soil samples indicated elevated levels of arsenic, zinc, tin and copper bound into the slag deposits.
A comparison of the results for all spinach samples with the limits proposed in the draft Regulation is given in the table below.
No difference in CD20 ABC between BM and PB samples was found in splenic lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, or follicular lymphoma.
Staphylococcus albus and Proteus sp. may also be present in samples taken from the nasal cavities.
Three hundred and nine stream sediment and 347 panned concentrate samples were collected and analyzed for a variety of major and trace elements.
Pixel stride is the number of data array elements between two samples for the same band on the same scanline.
Will the taking of samples cause damage or distress to, or kill, organisms?
Total RNAs from testes tissues and sperm samples were extracted and applied to microarray experiments (Agilent Human Oligo 1A).
Demonstration samples shown to Eureka were made of thermoplastic polyurethane but could also be made of polyethylene or polypropylene for industrial uses.
Therefore their presence on throat swab cultures is normal; finding them in cultured blood samples is highly significant.
These characteristics are required for high throughput protein crystallography, where samples of unknown quality will arrive for screening and immediate data collection.
Samples of a novel vertical dual mode thyristor structure were designed and manufactured in collaboration with Westcode Semiconductors and Cork NMRC.
Saturday 's mission was one of two touch-and-go landings to collect samples of the asteroid 's surface materials.
Opinion please one more a greater image for the samples of the color of the options of the tracer of lines.
Samples will be taken along a transect at 100m intervals across and along the relict river valley.
Samples are also taken to ensure that feed is not contaminated with any undesirable substances.
As to specific verbiage used by traditionalists, I do n't have time at the moment to look up samples from Church history.
Maternal blood samples were collected at prior to chorionic villous sampling.
Please avoid sending chorionic villus samples on a Friday.
Crown rust of oats Five virulence combinations were identified from the 1993 crown rust samples.
Two additional waveform samples shall also be computed by the on-board processor by performing a DFT algorithm on the corrected I/Q signal samples.
It consists of a chamber in which test samples are mounted on a circular carousel which rotates around a xenon arc lamp.
The store gave out free samples to engender loyalty from their customers.
The store gave out free samples to engenderloyalty from their customers.
In this folder you'll place pictures of nurseries from magazines and the Web, fabric samples, furniture and bedding ads, and even sketches and descriptions of your own ideas.
Many times artists, seamstresses, and other crafters leave samples of their work, along with a business card advertising their products.
When searching through baby nursery ideas, it's always a good idea to take along a notebook or binder and jot down and/or place samples of the materials, paint colors, and accessories that you favor.
Paint and fabric stores will typically give you samples that you can take home and muse over.
New parents are often surprised to learn about the many free baby samples that are just there for the asking!
Hopefully, the hospital will give you lots of free baby samples that you can take home.
You won't get enough formula to last you for very long, however, but there are other places you can visit online to sign up for free samples.
Not only can you find free coupons for baby formula, but you can also find free baby food samples, including organic baby food.
Still looking for more free baby samples?
Free Mania- Free formula, diapers, baby food samples, free bib, diaper bag, online resources, coupons, circus tickets, birthday meals, sippy cups, and magazines can be found at this site.
Yeah Baby-Yeah Baby offers giveaways such as a free health magazine and samples, baby formula, and diapers.
All Free Samples-You can find free samples for a variety of topics at this site.
Ask to see samples of the person's work.
Free4Baby has samples, coupons, magazines, toys, subscriptions, gifts, newsletters, and more.
They also have links to free things for babies, including free diapers, baby magazines, formula samples, baby food and more.
Large chain retailers such as Wal-Mart also feature weekly free giveaways on their website, where you can get new samples of products mailed to you each week.
These samples are tender no matter the gender.
Make a list of possible photographers, then set up an appointment with each to look at samples and discuss prices.
Finally, the next time you visit your child's pediatrician, ask if he has any coupons or samples of Enfamil to give away.
Ask for samples of the carpet you like to take home and examine.
Most online cigar retailers sell a set of cigars that includes samples from different parts of the world and from tobacco that is grown or aged in different ways.
Take home samples and test them with your existing decor, or bring them with you to the store when you prepare to redecorate.
They established themselves as a major computer component manufacturer and in the early 2000's created a relationship with Intel so Asus would receive any prototypes and samples ahead of other competitors.
Visit our website to hear samples of the tunes.
When testing was carried out against a limited number of other breeds, including Abyssinians and the average Tabby, the Siberian did indeed show lower levels of the protein in fur and skin samples.
Salmon Samples cats treats make a wonderful Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve them anytime you want to give your cat something special.
Now as I've said, this recipe makes a great Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve these salmon samples cat treats for other special occasions.
Place your little salmon samples on the cookie sheet by half-teaspoonfuls, and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Try free cat food samples is a good way to find a food that helps your pet thrive.
Many manufacturers are happy to give samples because it helps sell their product.
People can lose out on their free cat food samples merely because they neglected to read the fine print and understand the limits of the offer.
There are a number of ways to find cat food samples.
Another way to get samples is to go to manufacturers' websites and ask.
Still another way to try various cat foods is to ask for samples at your pet supply store or local feed store.
Once or twice a week is the best; if you wait any longer than that you may find that the samples have run out or the offer has expired.
Be aware that the following websites change often and the samples that are available as of this writing may have changed.
Free Mania is a site with hundreds of offers for free samples of all types.
Spend some time looking through all of the samples to see other things you may be interested in.
Best Free Stuff has a large selection of free samples of all sorts from pet food to cosmetics.
Purina Naturals occasionally offers samples of their natural pet foods.
While technically you might be able to feed your cat for an indefinite period of time using coupons and free samples, most veterinarians recommend that you find a food that your pet does well on and stick with it.
Feeding your pet free cat food samples is one way to save money as you try out a number of different brands.
Companies give away samples of their products because they know that it builds their brand and creates consumer loyalty.
When they send you free samples, the company hopes that you will tell your friends.
However, when you provide the information that they ask for, you will be more likely to receive coupons, offers, news of special events and more free samples from these companies.
Greenies offers free samples of their products.
Audible Kids offers audio versions of bestselling kids' books, lets kids and parents listen to samples, and organizes content by age range and subject matter.
Most books from Audible are not free, but several samples are available for no charge.
Watch for special events at your local liquor store where you get to try free samples of the drink mix, or buy a few small bottles of different varieties and experiment a little.
Showrooms frequently have samples of tables on display that you can manipulate to determine how easy or difficult a table is to expand and collapse.
Wood samples and color options viewed in person can also help give you a good idea of what the table will actually look like when it arrives.
Often they're made up of manufacturer overstock, showroom samples, and discontinued items.
They carry floor samples, slightly imperfect pieces and discontinued merchandise, as well as new merchandise.
Many Thomasville stores and authorized Thomasville retailers have some floor samples, discontinued and clearance merchandise on-site.
On the Walnut Creek Furniture website are samples of eighteen of the most popular finish choices and there are many more available.
Usually, scientists and workers from government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, measure water pollution by taking samples of water from different sources and analyzing them to see what pollutants the samples contain.
After a 40 day period of taking the pills, both groups' blood samples were analyzed for blood sugar levels and various lipid profiles.
Whether you purchase all the components for your new design at once or you build slowly over the course of years, be sure to hold all samples and colors together in the room where they will be placed.
Swatch samples - Many catalogs offer swatches of their fabrics and paints upon request.
Go to the paint section of your local home improvement store and you will find a wide selection of pale blue paint samples.
You may want to carry a swatch of fabric with you to the paint store to ensure a perfect match or bring home color samples to see what you like best.
Once you've decided on the colors, you're ready to start browsing through samples.
Most stores have fabric samples that you can take home to see how the fabric will look in your décor.
If you're purchasing fabric from an online store, you can usually request samples for a nominal shipping fee.
Bring samples of your fabrics when you're out hunting for paint.
Take tile samples home to place in your bathroom and see if the color is truly what you want.
Finally, once you have chosen your top colors you can save the colors and then print out the final results and take it to your nearest Home Depot store to choose your swatches and paint samples.
Eight ounce samples are available in store to help you choose the right color.
Color To Go samples allow you to test colors on your walls before making a final decision.
A contemporary rug reflects the current market trends and will repeat the current colors and designs you find in most furniture floor samples.
You can also purchase small samples to test on the walls.
You can order a fan deck of paint chips from the Benjamin Moore website, or, if you have a few specific colors in mind, you can order color samples.
These small samples contain just enough paint to let you paint a swatch of color on your wall.
Rug Depot is an online outlet store that specializes in stair runners and offer over 1000 runner samples to choose from.
MirrorMate allows you to order frame samples so you can see exactly how the frame will look once it's in your home.
Take a look at samples of all the colors and materials in the room itself to see how light will affect them, and make sure your Southwest bathroom décor flows naturally into the rest of the home.
Most stores have samples available that you can use to test for the best match to your skin.
Even if they are not complimentary, they can still save you money by allowing you to try small samples to find the perfect makeup product for your face and body.
If perfume is a once-in-a-while adventure, consider collecting samples or buying miniatures.
Most designer brands, either new or classics, provide potential customers with free samples.
Used sparingly, these samples can actually last quite a long time.
Free beauty product samples are a liberated way to try out a new look and to possibly discover a new favorite.
With free beauty products samples, you can experiment with different looks and fun combinations at home without shelling out extra from your wallet.
Clinique is one makeup manufacturer that definitely rules when it comes to free beauty product samples.
From tiny lipsticks to downsized patches of face powder, Clinique knows that free beauty product samples are the way to lure back customers and turn them into instant loyalists.
Many people, whether it is completely legal or not, are using sites such as eBay and others similar in format, to sell free beauty product samples.
Whether you agree with it or not, a lot of auctioneers are making a killing with these free samples.
Especially on regional items or those that are in high demand, the resale of free beauty product samples is now commonplace.
One final benefit to obtaining free beauty product samples, either online or in store, is for those who experience sensitive skin on a regular basis.
Free beauty samples are a great way to try out a new look without the financial obligation.
Free beauty samples may be a perfect solution for you if you love to try a new look but don't have a lot of money to spend.
Save yourself from clutter and expense by searching for free beauty samples wherever you can.
Cosmetic counters in all major department stores are major strategists when it comes to getting their free beauty samples out there.
Type "free beauty samples" into Google, and you will get around 20,400,000 hits.
It is very rare to find free beauty samples on the web that do not want to take something from you in order to give you something "free" in return.
You'd be amazed at how many people have called or emailed the corporate headquarters of their favorite beauty product and have received free beauty samples.
The obsession with beauty often begins early, so it's no surprise that free makeup samples for teens are so widely available.
Of course, consumers aren't foolish, and manufacturers know that one of the best ways to promote new products is to offer free samples.
These samples, often referred to as freebies or gratis, are offered with the hopes that they will entice consumers to purchase full-size products at regular prices.
Many manufacturers offer free makeup samples for teens.
These samples are presented in several different formats, depending on the product in question.
Clinique and MAC are both popular brands that offer complimentary makeup samples at their counters.
Foundation samples are generally packaged in small plastic jars and will last a few days.
Select cosmetic companies, such as Bobbi Brown, offer foundation samples in pre-packaged sleeves.
Lipstick samples are especially common among beauty manufacturers.
Tube samples will last a few days, while postcards are good for one or two uses.
Lipstick samples are not as readily available as foundation, but are occasionally offered as gifts with purchases or tear-outs in fashion and beauty magazines.
Don't expect to run across too many free eye shadow samples.
When available, eye shadow samples are pressed into postcards and are generally good for several uses.
Many web sites specialize in providing samples especially for teens.
Others simply offer complimentary samples to everyone.
Select brands, such as the ones below, create members-only clubs that include such perks as free samples and discount coupons.
Additionally, specialty stores such as Sephora often have free samples on hand.
In many cases, companies offer free makeup samples as an incentive to purchase the full-size version.
Department store counters and specialty stores, such as Sephora, also offer samples on occasion.
The cosmetic and beauty sections are updated frequently, and typically include a wide variety of opportunities, such as fragrance samples and vouchers for free facials.
In addition to free beauty product offers, which include everything from coupons to shipping codes to samples, the site also features deals on fashion, shoes, jewelry and more.
Promotions like the yearly beauty events at Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman typically offer a designer cosmetic case or makeup bag filled to the brim with high-end cosmetic samples.
An added perk came in the form of free samples and a trip to the local mall one afternoon for a look at the world of marketing.
Samples are priced between $1 and $1.50.
Although you cannot purchase perfumes directly from the site, you can view footage from the commercials, learn more on the inspirations behind her popular fragrances, and watch for free perfume samples of new scents.
Because fragrance can be altered when stored improperly, you'll need to take precautions to store your samples and uphold the integrity of the scent.
To prolong their shelf life, always keep fragrance samples in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.
Once oxygen has hit the stored scent, it will begin to change the overall composition immediately . Use opened samples within days of breaking their seal.
Unopened samples may last for several years if stored properly.
In the world of beauty and fragrance, there are plenty of consumers who save samples, whether they be cosmetic samples received through bonus giveaways, or sample size perfumes.
These (often dusty) samples may have been stored improperly, or may be so old that the perfume has lost its scent entirely.
Many online beauty retailers such as Sephora offer free samples with every online purchase.
Why not use these samples as a way to test out new scents and discover if they wear well on your skin?
Samples have many uses, including quick and easy gift basket fillers.
For a quick gift idea, gather several fragrance samples and stuff them in a stocking or in a makeup train case as a way of pampering your favorite fragrance aficionado.
If samples are available, apply onto your freshly washed face to find the perfect match.
From there, it should be a cinch to get all the samples you want!
You can browse through samples online, or even web tutorials for a wide variety of looks.
If you are unfamiliar with the different brands of makeup, visit several different counters, collecting advice and samples on which foundation is best for your skin tone and type.
Take the samples home and experiment to find the one you like best that achieves the elegant prom makeup look you are trying to achieve.
Rounding out the purchase are 10-day samples of what Estee Lauder deems beauty must-haves, which include best-selling skin care products, mascara and cosmetic bag.
Cool Savings also offers free samples and online specials, although some of the "specials" are merely ads for products.
Whether you want to try out a book before you buy it, or are just looking to read 10 or 15 pages to pass the time, these samples will do the trick.
Many camera shops allow customers to test out floor samples.
Before you start shooting thousands of random images and sending samples of your work to potential employers, find a subject you have an interest in.
It should also include samples of other images, such as still life, portraits or action shots.
Once you have the rights, post a few samples of your photojournalism and provide a link with contact information.
Wine tastings have become very popular, and more often than not, they serve food samples to go with the wines.
If you sign up for customer newsletters on your favorite digital scrapbooking sites, however, you'll be among the first to be notified of any available free samples.
Whether you choose purchase a digital scrapbook kit or download free samples, remember that digital scrapbooking supplies are often only available as very large image files.
See the newest fonts first, or look at samples by letter.
Flyers and newspaper advertisements are inexpensive ways to promote your business, but you may also want to consider creating a website with samples of your work as a way to gain clients from outside your community.
Set up a simple Web site with samples of your best pages, take out an ad in your local paper, hang up fliers, and pass out business cards to anyone who might be interested in your services.
The area contains booths where vendors display their products, do demonstrations and possibly offer samples to kick start your creativity.
Most stores also have samples posted that use the store's latest product arrivals.
Store samples are the easiest to scraplift, since the paper and embellishments are readily available.
In some cases, the scrapbook page freebies are samples of catalog sets.
The samples show scrappers the color and graphic options available and allow them to experiment with different paper at no cost.
Prints of Joy offers a samples section, where all scrapbooking items and clipart are free of charge.
These samples give you the chance to see the best ways to use the scrapbook templates in your own book.
Places such as Office Max and Staples usually have samples you can look at and then you can order directly through them.
By knowing what you want, looking into samples and packages, reading over the contract and taking your time, you're sure to find the perfect professional to capture your wedding day.
Instead, they have several samples for brides to try on.
The wedding invitation industry is a competitive one, so most invitation companies are happy to send a few free invitation samples via the mail before a final purchasing decision has been made.
Most companies prefer that shoppers narrow their choices down to two or three choices before the free samples are sent.
In other words, they are usually reluctant to send more than just a few samples.
Whether you use these free wedding vows verbatim or as inspiration for a customized ceremony, these samples can help you to say what you are feeling in your heart.
Even if you want to write your own ceremony, free wedding vow samples can help inspire you.
Once you have an idea of what you are looking for in your invitation, you may want to request samples from a few designers, which are usually available for a minimal fee, to see what you like best.
Allow several weeks to receive the samples.
You can click on the occasion and check out the many different samples.
Check out the samples below, some of which also include African wedding invitation verses.
However, bridal stores traditionally offer try-on samples in a size 8!Fortunately, some companies are adapting to meet the changing needs of their clientele.
In addition to offering larger try-on samples, these stores are developing collections of plus size bridesmaid dresses based to fit a full figured woman's curves instead of merely being larger versions of existing styles.
Using wedding program samples can make finding the right stationary and remembering all the important information much easier for busy bride and grooms to be.
No matter what type of wedding ceremony a couple is having, there are detailed program samples available to help them organize all of the pertinent information they need to include.
A graphics design or printer studio may have options like multiple page booklets, long tea-length flip books, natural papers, and other creative ideas you may not have thought about until you see some samples.
These packets often come with samples of entire program options or with various cover options.
Downloadable templates are available for free or a nominal fee, or simply look at free samples to get your creative juices flowing.
When buying program samples, be sure to get insert samples if you think you will be using one.
Stationary samples, like the wedding program, can help make your planning process easier.
You can save time and money by picking the right program cover, wording, and layout the first time by using wedding program samples.
Wedding Tips has samples of vows from different religious traditions, including a blessing of the Apaches and an explanation of a handfasting ceremony.
If they can bring you samples before making a purchase, that is even better.
Check out Lisa's Now and Forever gallery for samples of her wedding photography.
Take advantage of all wedding freebies and samples you come across during planning.
Choose a few samples to get an idea of the paper's weight and color schemes.
If you need more advice on how to write a wedding announcement, there are many wedding announcement wording samples available online.
Many photographers have websites where you can see samples of their work.
When trying to coordinate wedding cake design colors with decoration or clothing colors, always bring samples of the shades well in advance so that the decorator can make his or her best efforts to match.
If design isn't your strong point, another option is to make appointments with a variety of decorators, describe what you want in a cake, taste a few samples, and go with the baker who seems best equipped to handle your request.
Check around, make your budget clear up front, taste cake samples before committing to hiring someone, and don't be afraid to ask for detailed design sketches or potential decoration ideas.
If you know exactly what you want the castle design to look like and have some very specific requests, you may need to shop around and see samples from several different decorators before narrowing down to just one.
Always taste samples before picking a baker so that you know you're getting the best quality you can.
Hair samples can be taken from the head or body.
Participants in this program agree to provide urine samples for analysis three times per week for the first 12 weeks (Mon-Wed-Fri).
Because good local designers can be so hard to find, it's useful to look online and see samples of various work and shop around.
The rep has some samples so you can feel the fabric and ascertain the quality.
You can visit the Sesame Street Workshop for clothing samples, but if you are not satisfied with the selection at the Sesame Street Workshop, then you will probably have better luck back at the Sesame Street Elmo Store.
The generous supply of free samples in the bathrooms can be a nuisance, however, and when two twin beds are joined to create a king-size bed, the window is difficult to access.
Whenever possible, it's a good idea to take your vet a stool or vomit sample, so they can see exactly what you're trying to describe and have the samples analyzed at the lab if needed.
Be sure to put any samples gathered into a zip lock bag to prevent further contamination.
During this year's pet adoption drive, each new adopting family will receive an Iams adoption kit containing food samples, coupons, and important tips on pet care, behavior, training, and nutrition.
Here are a few samples to help you get started.
Today I want to let you know about some great samples I have gotten in the last week that I personally think work great.
In addition, when I got samples and felt how soft the material was, I loved everything about it.
Since Poodles are low allergy dogs, Wally sent saliva and hair samples to the husband for testing.
All samples aggravated the husband's allergies.
As the host of an Internet radio show, I frequently get samples of dog supplies from people who want to be on my show to discuss their product and how it can make your life better.
My challenge is finding a place to store all the wonderful samples I receive.
If you're taking your samples in to the garden center for analysis, dig up approximately a half cup of soil from several locations around the garden area.
Ask if they have any samples that you could try or if they have any suggestions.
Visitors are sure to find something of interest on this site since it features track samples to learn from and information for all skill levels.
So, collect a few samples of sheet music and give it a try for yourself.
When you can, request wood samples and extra photographs, and always ask about the cost of shipping, which can quickly change your bargain into something else.
Kitchen Cabinet Mart offers free samples so you can examine the wood before making a choice.
Fortunately, you should have no problems acquiring samples from manufacturers to determine the best fit.
Free samples are available upon request to help you choose the perfect color to compliment your décor.
As you make your choices from samples or computer images, remember that wood is a natural material.
You'll also have the benefit of seeing the samples in person so you can tell if the color will work in your home.
Choosing the right vinyl siding color or texture can be a challenge, so be sure you are making the right choice by using color samples of vinyl siding.
If you hire a contractor to install vinyl siding, typically he will provide you with color samples in the form of a palette or fan deck.
Ask for samples from a variety of manufacturers, and don't rely on color swatches on websites as everyone's computer monitor color resolutions are slightly different.
Keep in mind that some manufacturers can create custom colors, so if you don't find the right solution among the color samples, consider this option for an extra charge.
First go through the samples and eliminate the colors that obviously won't work.
Ask for larger samples so you can get a better idea of the finished product, and have someone hold the sample up to the house so you can step away for a better view.
Consider the roofing material of your home in relation to the vinyl color samples, especially if you have a very prominent roofline.
Contractors who work with ceiling tiles on a regular basis will be able to direct you to the best selection, order you samples and provide the best installation.
Next, ask to see samples from a current lot of tiles.
This process includes reviewing product specifications, color and finish options and styles using manufacturer materials and actual window samples.
Purchase or borrow samples of all materials you are considering for the project before you buy.
Look at the samples in the light they will be installed in to make sure the color works for you and with the other choices in the home.
While samples can be a small expense, they can save you a larger expense later on if you find that the stone you were expecting came in a lot lighter than you had expected.
They are happy to send you fabric samples so that you can choose more comfortably.
You can get even more detailed with reproduction fabric at Trinity Quilts, although you should ask for samples before you select your material.
The representatives there will advise you on how and from where to take samples, test them, and provide you with remedies and further education.
Trying free organic coffee samples will help you choose the best coffee according to your tastes as well as allowing you access to the benefits of organic coffee.