Saluted Sentence Examples
Toni saluted him with a smile and jogged to his car.
The lab rat flushed but saluted and ducked out of the room.
Kiera felt she should have curtseyed or saluted or something.
After the fall of Vitellius he was saluted as Caesar, or prince imperial, by the troops, obtained the city praetorship, and was entrusted with the administration of Italy till his father's return from the East.
In ancient Egyptian cultus the priest, after he has solemnly saluted the gods, begins the daily toilet of the god, which consists in sprinkling his image, clothing it with coloured cloths, and anointing it with oil (Erman, Die aegyptische Religion, p. 49).
The King and Queen came through and the King saluted the flag !
When the head of the deputy, Jean Feraud, was presented to him on the end of a pike, he saluted it impassively.
Each succeeding emperor was saluted with the wish that he might be "better than Trajan and more fortunate than Augustus."
By them he was escorted to the praetorian camp, where, after a few moments of surprise and indecision, he was saluted imperator.
Elected as the tool of the bigoted orthodox party in the Church, Michael diligently persecuted the iconoclasts on the northern and eastern frontiers of the empire, but meanwhile allowed the Bulgarians to ravage a great part of Macedonia and Thrace; having at last taken the field in the spring of 813, he was defeated near Bersinikia, and Leo the Armenian was saluted emperor in his stead in the following summer.
AdvertisementShe thought a moment, and then saluted as a flag-draped collie passed them.
It was still necessary for the man who had been formerly saluted by the highest authority as dictator of the English language to supply his wants by constant toil.
During the times of the republic, a victorious general, who had been saluted by the title of imperator by his soldiers, had his fasces crowned with laurel (Cicero, Pro Ligario, 3).
Meanwhile in Spain Galba had been saluted imperator by his legions, had accepted the title, and was already on his march towards Italy.
Mahmud entered Isfahan in triumph, with the captive shah on his left hand, and, seating himself on the throne in the royal palace, he was saluted as sovereign of Persia by the unfortunate klosain.
AdvertisementOn the 24th he sailed from the Hague, landing on the 26th at Dover, where he was met by Monk, whom he saluted as father, and by the mayor, from whom he accepted a " very rich bible," " the thing that he loved above all things in the world."
The term imperator was the natural and regular designation employed by his troops in addressing such a magistrate; but it was more particularly and specially employed by them to salute him after a victory; and when he had been thus saluted he could use the title of imperator in public till the day of his triumph at Rome, after which it would lapse along with his imperium.
On his return to Europe he was saluted as a magician, and received the greatest reverence from priests and people generally.
He saluted his little nephew as king without a moments hesitation, though he was aware that with the commencement of a new reign his own dictatorship had come to an end.
The corpse of Louis XIV., left to servants for disposal, and saluted all along the road to Saint Denis by the curses of a noisy crowd sitting in the cabarets, celebrating his death by drinking more than their fill as a compensation for having suffered too much from hunger during his lifetimesuch was the coarse but sincere epitaph which popular opinion placed on the tomb of the Grand Monarque.
AdvertisementA lodge was called a vendita (sale), members saluted each other as buoni cugini (good cousins), God was the "Grand Master of the Universe," Christ the "Honorary Grand Master," also known as "the Lamb," and every Carbonaro was pledged to deliver the Lamb from the Wolf, i.e.
This month I start my journalistic career ' was saluted as the great portent of joy to come.
As they passed us, the large craft and the gunboats in the harbour saluted and the seamen shouted applause for the master of the only little sail-boat that ventured out into the storm.
Here then men saluted one another, and heard and told the news, and went their ways again.
The teams had marched out together and saluted the crowd as they held hands.
AdvertisementThe small figure by the machine saluted smartly and beamed, if a rat skull could beam.
When we finished the song, I stood up and saluted him!
But the Armenian army was utterly defeated near Malatia on the 12th of Iyyar, and at the end of the day Esar-haddon was saluted by his soldiers as king.
This was the famous " ash-altar " at which the Iamidae, the hereditary gens of seers, practised those rights of divination by fire in virtue of which more especially Olympia is saluted by Pindar as mistress of truth."
They rode through the village of Rykonty, past tethered French hussar horses, past sentinels and men who saluted their colonel and stared with curiosity at a Russian uniform, and came out at the other end of the village.