Salmon Sentence Examples
The catch and canning of salmon are particularly important.
Trout and salmon are plentiful in the river.
Salmon are known to have existed at Maidenhead so recently as 1812, but they disappeared soon after that date.
The town is a centre for salmon and trout fishing on the Blackwater and its tributary the Funshion.
Portrush has a thriving trade in salmon.
Cayley, however, has shown that, whatever be the degrees of the three equations, it is possible to represent the resultant as the quotient of two determinants (Salmon, l.c. p. 89).
Numerous hybrids have been raised, varying in colour from creamy white to salmon, pink, yellow, red and orange.
In 1894 the number of boxes of Scottish salmon delivered at Billingsgate market in London was 15,489, and in 1903 it was 15,103, being more than half of the salmon received then from all parts of Europe, including Irish and English consignments.
The fisheries are of great value, and there is an export trade to England in salmon, which are despatched in ice.
The artificial propagation and preservation of salmon and other edible fresh-water fish have been carried on successfully under the supervision of a state commission.
AdvertisementFresh salmon never smells fishy, it smells fresh.
At Poitiers he came in contact with the humanist Marc Antoine Muret, and with Jean Salmon Macrin (1490-1557), a Latin poet famous in his day.
Woollen cloth, machinery and spirits are manufactured; there is an extensive salt-mine in the neighbouring Zillenberg; the salmon and lamprey fisheries are important; and a fair amount of commercial activity is maintained.
So far acclimatizers note but few failures; the chief case is that of the salmon.
The fisheries of the Bann and of Lough Neagh (especially for salmon) are of value both commercially and to sportsmen, the small town of Toome, at the outflow of the river, being the centre.
AdvertisementThe fishery includes salmon in the Oder, trout in the mountain streams, and carp in the small lakes or ponds with which the province is sprinkled.
The Gudenaa is the only salmon river in Denmark.
Salmon are to be found in almost incredible numbers.
More than 3,000,000 salmon have been canned here in one season.
Car park nearby has display about life cycle of the salmon.
AdvertisementVarieties include turkey, salmon, chicken and tuna.
As for your cheek color, opt for salmon, soft red or deep rose.
Christiansand is an important fishing centre (salmon, mackerel, lobsters), and sawmills, wood-pulp factories, shipbuilding yards and mechanical workshops are the principal industrial works.
On Introduction the ablest older English work was Salmon, Historical Introduction to the Study of N.T.
Many of the lakes and rivers have been stocked with trout and salmon or bass; some, with smelt; the fresh waters of the state also contain pickerel, perch, pouts, eels, suckers, dace, sunfish and shiners.
AdvertisementFisheries.-Although the trout and salmon of the fresh waters in the interior are a great attraction to sportsmen,.
To that country fresh fish is sent in large quantities, and there is an important trade in canned salmon between British Columbia and Great Britain.
The principal fisheries are those on the Atlantic coast, carried on by the inhabitants of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the eastern section of Quebec. Cod, herring, mackerel and lobsters are the fish chiefly caught, though halibut, salmon, anchovies and so-called sardines are also exported.
In British Columbian waters the main catch is of salmon, in addition to which are halibut, oolachan, herring, sturgeon, cod and shellfish.
It is covered almost completely with dense forest, and has anumberof streams abounding with salmon.
Potatoes are largely grown in the district, and the salmon fisheries are valuable.
His blunt, direct style of oratory and his somewhat rough manners were characteristic. After the outbreak of the Civil War he was one of the most vigorous critics of the Lincoln administration, whose Ohio member, Salmon P. Chase, had long been a political rival.
These loughs and the smaller loughs, with the streams generally, afford admirable sport with salmon, sea-trout and brown trout, and Ballina is a favourite centre.
The list consists of oxen, sheep, geese, hens, honey, ale, loaves, cheese, butter, fodder, salmon and eels.
The industries include salmon fishing, deep-sea fishing, the making of rope and twine and the freestone quarries of the neighbourhood.
Mallow is a centre for the fine salmon fishing on the Blackwater.
The oyster-beds and salmon fisheries are largely in the hands of the state, which lets them to the highest bidder.
A similar specialization has been observed by Marshall Ward in the Puccinia parasitic on species of Bromus, and by Neger, Marchal and especially Salmon in the Erysiphaceae.
The salmon fishery of the Rhine is very productive, and trout abound in the mountain streams.
Salmon, in The New London Dispensatory, similarly praised the remedy.
The fish of greatest economic value are sturgeon (four species), which yield great quantities of caviare and isinglass, the herring, the salmon and the lobster.
Seward was the most conspicuous Republican in national politics, and Salmon P. Chase had long been in the fore-front of the political contest against slavery.
The carp and salmon tribes are the most abundant; after them rank the pike, the eel, the shad, the roach, the perch and the lamprey.
Warden's Account of the Private Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase (Cincinnati, 1874) deals more fully with Chase's private life.
Salmon are taken in the upper reaches of the Drammen.
The Moy is a notable salmon river for rodfishing and its tributaries and the neighbouring lakes contain trout.
The salmon fisheries of the Shannon, for which Limerick is the headquarters of a district, are the most valuable in Ireland.
The avi-fauna is the common Siberian, and the rivers swarm with fish, especially species of salmon (Oncorhynchus).
The herring and other sea fisheries are of some value, and the salmon fishery, in the hands of a company, has long been famous.
It has been noted for salmon fishery in the Tweed from very early times.
The fish are mainly the coarser species, such as carp, buffalo-fish and white perch; of better food fish, the principal varieties are bass (black, striped and rock), crappie, pike, "jack salmon" or walleyed pike, and sun fish.
Macroom has trade in corn-milling, leather-work and dairy produce, and is a good centre for salmon and trout fishing.
Though called the salmon of India, the mahseer is really a species of barbel.
One of the richest and most delicious of Indian fishes is the hilsa (Chepea ilisha), which tastes and looks like a fat white salmon.
The first settlement here was made in 1661, and the township was organized in 1669, when the present name was adopted instead of the Indian Misquamicut (meaning "salmon") by which it had been called.
Sturgeon were once the cheapest fish after salmon; to-day, despite all efforts to increase the supply, they are the dearest.
Salmon, once threatened with extinction, have been saved, maintained in good supply, and indeed have probably regained their pristine abundance.
Great herds of seals once lay like toll-gatherers off the Golden Gate and other bays of the coast, taking a large share of the salmon and other fish; but they are no longer common.
The salmon fishing both provides sport and is a source of commercial wealth.
The Blackwater is famous for salmon, and sea-fishing is important.
The large rivers produce salmon, which are usually sent to the great towns for sale.
The Wye, the Usk, the Dee, the Dovey, the Teifi, the Towy and most of the Welsh rivers and lakes are frequented by anglers for salmon and trout.
The town now possesses no early incorporation charters, and although both Chauncy and Salmon in their histories of Hertfordshire state that it was created a borough by charter of King John in 1206, the charter cannot now be found.
The rivers and lakes are generally well stocked with fish, such as salmon, trout of various species, gwyniad and vendace (especially in the north), pike, eels, perch of various species, turbot, bream and roach.
A prevalent custom among the better classes is that of beginning meals with a selection of such viands as anchovies, smoked salmon or slices of meat, of which a number of small dishes are provided (smorgasbord).
Fish are scarce in inner Persia; salmon trout and mud-trout are plentiful in some of the mountain streams. Many underground canals are frequented by carp and roach.
The fish principally caught are sturgeon, giving caviare, sheat fish or silure, salmon, carp, bream and perch.
The fisheries, both sea and salmon, are important.
There is trade in grain, truffles, chestnuts, brandy and in the salmon of the Dordogne.
As a mathematician Salmon was a fellow of the Royal Society, and was president of the mathematical and physical section of the British Association in 1878.
Salmon, lampreys and eels are caught in some of the larger rivers; trout abound in the streams of the northern provinces; but many fresh-water fish common elsewhere in Europe, including pike, perch, tench and chub, are not found.
Fishing (quantities of salmon enter the rivers) and hunting are their chief occupations.
The finest parts are among the most magnificent in the west; among its falls are the American (Oneida and Blaine counties), and the Shoshone and the Salmon (Lincoln county).
As chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance, his services were second in value only to those of President Lincoln and Secretary Salmon P. Chase in efforts to provide funds for the defence of the Union; and in July 1864 Fessenden succeeded Chase as secretary of the treasury.
Salmon trout (Salvelinus namaycush, Walb.) and whitefish (Coregonus clupeiformis, Mitchill) are the most numerous and valuable.
The English freshwater fisheries are not of great commercial importance, nor, from the point of view of sport, are the salmon and trout fisheries as a whole of equal importance with Fresh- those of Scotland, Ireland or Wales.
The rivers of the midlands and east are of little importance to salmon-fishers, though the Trent carries a few, and in modern times attempts have been made to rehabilitate the Thames as a salmon river.
Dr George Salmon brought light into darkness by distinguishing between Simon of Gitta and the original Simon Magus.
We cannot, therefore, agree with Dr Salmon's remark that the only reason why Justin attributed magic to Simon of Gitta was because of his identifying him with Simon Magus.
In August berries are fairly abundant over the interior; one of them, the salmon or cloud berry, preserved in seal oil for the winter, is an important food of the natives.
The total output (in 1901, 100,000,000 lb; in 1906, about 72,000,000 lb), which since 1900 has been more than half the total salmon product of the United States, is more than ten times the product of all other fish.
The second salmon stream is the Nushagak, flowing into Bristol Bay; this bay is the richest fishing field of Alaska, furnishing in 1901, 35% of the total production.
The Asiatics are employed in the salmon canneries.
Maine are exceptionally well adapted; many of them abound in trout, salmon, togue, black bass and pickerel; and near them there is still much game.
Maine markets more clams than any other state in the Union, and the catches of cod, hake, haddock, smelt, mackerel, swordfish, shad, pollock, cusk, salmon, alewives, eels and halibut are of importance.
The principal industrial establishments are shingle (especially cedar) and saw-mills, salmon canneries and factories for the manufacture of tin cans, and machinery used in the canning of salmon.
The city has a considerable trade in grain, lumber, fish, livestock, dairy products and oil; its manufactures include boilers, machinery and canned and pickled fish, especially salmon and herring.
Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Abraham Lincoln, that slavery was to be overthrown under the constitution and in the Union, by forbidding its growth and trusting to an awakened conscience, enforced by an enlightened self-interest.
Lampreys, sticklebacks, cattoids, sturgeons - the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is commonly known as the "Oregon sturgeon" - trout and salmon are the principal anadromous fish, the salmon and trout being the most important economically.
The Columbia river has long been famous for its salmon, and as the supply seemed threatened with exhaustion for several years following the maximum catch in 1883, the state legislature in 1901 passed an act establishing a close season both early in the spring and late in the summer and prohibiting any fishing, except with hook and line, at any time, without a licence.
The total catch of salmon on the Oregon side of the Columbia river in 1901 was 16,725,435 lb from this it rose to 24,575,228 lb in 1903, but fell to 18,151,743 lb in 1907 and 18,463,546 in 1908.
The chief are the Sardab-rud, Chalus, Herhaz (Lar in its upper course), Babul, Tejen and Nika, and all are well stocked with trout, salmon (azad-mahi), perch (safid-mahi), carp (kupur), bream (subulu), sturgeon (sag-mahi) and other fish, which with rice form the staple food of the inhabitants; the sturgeon supplies the caviare for the Russian market.
The breast is of a pale salmon or peach-blossom colour, each feather in front bearing a roundish dark spot, but these spots lessen in number and size lower down, and the warm tint passes into white on the belly.
A better process was indicated by Salmon in the " Note on the Double Tangents to Plane Curves," Phil.
It is the headquarters of extensive salmon and sea fisheries.
Salmon and herrings are taken in large numbers.
There is a very slight lumber industry; salmon fisheries are of greater importance.
Though fruit-trees will not bear there is an abundance of edible berries; the rivers and lakes abound with trout, perch, pike and other fish, and in the lower waters with salmon; and the cod, herring, halibut and Greenland shark in the northern seas attract numerous Norwegian and Russian fishermen.
Many of the rivers abound in salmon, and trout are plentiful in the lakes and streams.
The principal native products exported are live sheep, horses, salt meat, wool and hides, to which must be added the fish products - cod, train-oil, herring and salmon - eiderdown and woollen wares.
The river Clady, running past the village from the Nacung Loughs, affords salmon and trout fishing.
Excluding salmon, nearly one million hundredweights of fish were taken, and including shell-fish the total money received by the fishermen exceeded £414,000.
In the same year 13,436 hands were engaged in the 25 salmon fishing districts into which the country is divided.
In addition to the organized industry which exists in these salmon districts, there is a good deal of ordinary rod and line fishing in the higher reaches of the larger rivers and good trout fishing is obtainable in many districts.
Mongan king of Dalriada in the 7th century is stated to have passed after death into various shapes - a wolf, a stag, a salmon, a seal, a swan.
Fish, especially salmon, and game should of course be added to the list.
Fishenies.The catching of tunnies, sardines, anchovies and salmon on the coasts employs large numbers of fishermen (about 67,000 in 1910), and the salting, smoking and packing of the first three give employment to many others.
New Ross has breweries and tan-yards, a salmon fishery, and a brisk export trade in agricultural produce.
The rivers yield abundant fish, salmon (in the Elbe), sturgeon and lampreys.
It possesses a spa which was once considerably frequented, but is famous as a centre for the salmon fishing on the lower Shannon.
Dean looked longingly at a half-finished apple pie—set out of reach by Cynthia—while he nibbled on cold salmon and salad.
He will relish the opportunity to fill in your education on salmon.
The result, as all the world now knows, has been that salmon angling collapsed.
They are available in a wide range of colors from yellow, apricot and orange to salmon, pink, magenta and pearly white.
Today, losses in the salmon aquaculture business in Scotland alone are estimated at several millions of pounds annually.
Better still this was to happen in October at a time when my local rivers were closed as King Salmon took ascendancy.
Smoked salmon bagel 1 bagel filled with 1tbsp low-fat soft cheese and 1 slice smoked salmon.
There is more of a choice on the European menu with duck, beef, salmon, risotto, prawns and sea bass.
Examples include measurements on the fat content of farmed salmon, and on cake batters.
I made bobbles for the pink salmon one - again, a first time.
Liberty pink NEW Salmon pink bracts above dark green foliage.
There are salmon in six beats, and excellent brown trout in all lochs.
All but one of these studies used synthetic salmon calcitonin and the route of administration varied.
A 3 day ' tramping ' trip toward the snows of the Southern Alps, leaves only the beach campfire eating fresh salmon.
Vitamin D, your sardines, mackerel, salmon, all of which you can get canned.
We got served a quite nice lunch of salmon mousse, chicken and rice and creme caramel shortly after we took off.
Quality gourmet desserts, smoked salmon gift baskets, smoked salmon caviar, and smoked salmon cat treats!
They used wooden salmon cobles to fish for salmon.
The harbor was once busy with small cobles working stake nets for salmon off the River Tyne.
Beside the small buildings are four salmon cobles, three of which are upside down.
Scotch salmon at Billingsgate was then fetching 2s 6d [15p in decimal coinage] a pound wholesale.
Click here to buy Salmon Mouse A wonderfully creamy pate with a subtle yet satisfying flavor, made with local organic creme fraiche.
Many foods especially salmon, tuna, and beef contain some creatine.
The boxes are available in salmon and trout sizes and are made from mahogany, oak, English elm or American black walnut.
A series of National Byelaws are also being considered to reduce exploitation of spring salmon and enhance spawning escapement.
By far the biggest impact of this would affect salmon farming.
What salmon fisher has never had a fly in the back of his head, or at least, in his hat?
Commercial salmon fishers dominated inland waters until Nineteenth century landowners realized they could make more money from anglers.
Heavy equipment is used for the salmon fishing in the beginning of the season.
Membership of The SQS Club is open to all UK independent fishmongers who sell Scottish Quality Salmon.
Poached salmon in a cream and mustard sauce Crayfish tails provencale Sirloin steak if you don't feel fishy!
The ideal location for walking and hiking, trout and salmon fly-fishing, riding, golf or just relaxing.
The salmon pink oriental poppy has a lovely dark center, which is mirrored by the black leaved geranium.
Place salmon steaks in center of cooking grate of fully smoking grill or smoker.
The special fish and seafood menu boasts the freshest haddock, lobster, monkfish, salmon, sea bass and sole.
The estate has an organic salmon hatchery, mussel farm and hill farm with Highland Cattle and Hebridean Sheep.
Local guides will map a hike through bog moss and ling heather or outfit you for a day of angling for Scottish salmon.
Choose from Orkney cheese, smoked salmon, hot cured salmon or marinated herring, to further enhance that local flavor.
Its not all superb new music, classic indie and rock tunes and thrashing about like salmon at clubs and gigs.
Escaped farm salmon may interbreed with wild salmon and compete with them at their spawning grounds (5 ).
Sadly one almost expects waterways to have assorted junk in them and Salmon's Brook is no exception.
You could serve them with chicken kebabs or grilled salmon filet.
The remaining top cultured species include kelp, oysters, shrimp and salmon.
After a bracing dram 3 sea trout and a mended salmon Kelt were caught and returned.
Tillamook Oregon Fishing Vaccation - Tillamook Bay has been a consistent producers of big king salmon on the west coast.
Sources include bacteriophage lambda, salmon sperm and even cloned human DNA.
Both salmon and brown trout are present in the river, in addition to species such as brook lamprey.
Scottish Smoked Salmon is still a world leader, be it wild, organic or farmed.
Day Two First stop is Rogie Falls for a forest walk to the waterfall where salmon leap (in season ).
Their packaging is much improved and the range now includes lentil and salmon dishes.
Sunshine, oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel ), fortified margarines.
The salmon also tastes good served cold cooked, then marinated in the olive dressing with a mixed green salad.
Chicken equivalents can be rather dry, Salmon seems to come alive with flavor once marinated, retaining it's juiciness under the grill.
This makes a nice change to the usual salmon mousse.
I ate scrambled egg and smoked salmon, a small amount of fruit and home-made muesli.
Meanwhile, Beef Or Salmon's as short as 9-2, but looks a little nervy, kicking out in the parade.
This also applies in the Azure Restaurant, so the whole family can enjoy their teriyaki salmon on crispy noodles.
In the 17th and 18th century salmon and trout were so numerous, they were taken to supply markets as far away as London.
Breakfast has porridge with cream, smoked duck, venison and salmon, home-made oatcakes and jams " .
More oily fish Oily fish such as mackerel or salmon should be served at least once every three weeks.
In March, April and May, salmon and sea trout parr begin to migrate to the sea.
Top with the smoked salmon and sprinkle with the remaining parsley or chives.
Try it with penne pasta with salmon in a creamy sauce, charcuterie or even pan fried venison.
Therefore, despite reducing piglet birth weight, offering sows salmon oil reduced pre-weaning mortality of piglet birth weight, offering sows salmon oil reduced pre-weaning mortality of piglets.
You could also try this recipe with oily fish like salmon or tuna, with a little more curry powder to spice things up.
It certainly predates the beginning of salmon farming in Scotland.
Nice for lunch - I had salmon quiche with salad - not too runny which is how I prefer it.
I popped in one lunchtime just to assess the cut of its jib and ordered some smoked salmon ravioli (£ 3.95 ).
If you can, please take the time in autumn to observe the salmon run to their spawning redds.
The maki was filled with salmon roe, asparagus, salmon, flakes and some other stuffings and it was gorgeous.
Salmon carry abscesses and tumors, the herring never returned, and the sea lion rookery at Montague Island remains silent and empty.
Our peat smoked salmon is made from only the finest Scottish salmon.
For example why not replace the Sunday roast with poached salmon instead.
Scottish farmed salmon are firm with a fibrous to smooth to even texture.
In the winter, lucky riders in the Squamish area will glimpse majestic eagles feeding on the spawning salmon.
Also, to catch a salmon, first of all they have to be there.
He talked of trout and Tweed, Tay and Teviot, Highland lochs and leaping salmon.
The parties ' combined share of supply of farmed Atlantic salmon in the UK is approximately 42 per cent by volume.
It's the perfect accompaniment to grilled fresh salmon for a special meal.
Did you know that tinned salmon is also a source of calcium?
Many of the ingredients are grown locally, including plums from the hotel's own orchard and home-smoked salmon.
Next morning Paul sets off drift boating in search of some of his own truly king-size king salmon.
Cajun seasoning adds a deliciously spicy flavor to salmon filets.
The wheat sheaves represent agriculture in the Boro, whilst the fish denotes the salmon found in the River Bann.
Back at Lisdoonvarna we visited the smokehouse and purchased Cheese and Salmon to take home.
The main life stages of the salmon considered to be placed at risk were returning adults and migrating smolts.
Its experimental facilities allow trapping and counting of wild salmon smolts (juveniles) migrating to sea and adults returning to freshwater to spawn.
The lice also attack and kill young salmon smolts as they return to the sea from the estuaries.
Dinner tonight is low-carb salmon wraps, a mozzarella and tomato salad, and soy milk smoothies.
Cajun Seasoning adds a deliciously spicy flavor to salmon filets.
Hot smoked salmon steaks - rich, succulent steaks, one of our most popular buys.
Place slices of smoked salmon on a flat clean surface, cut slices into rectangles.
Salmon believes viewers will also benefit from the overdue realism now sweeping sports TV.
Fish for compliments - and salmon for starters As a starter, try our delicious salmon tartare.
I like to take whatever meat or fish I have purchased - salmon or tuna, pork tenderloin, chicken breasts or beef.
After the sumptious starters and maki rolls, we were expecting our main dishes to outshine - salmon teriyaki, beef bulgogi and tofu.
For starters I've gone for a delicate salmon terrine while my main is succulent pork.
He also learned how to poach trout and salmon and this was the start of his lifelong love of fishing.
Salmon, herring, mackerel, albacore tuna, and sardines are all high in EPA and DHA.
Salmon built a seemingly unassailable lead only to see it cut to zero on the last run.
From the back of his jumbo limo, he produced champagne, enormous king prawns and salmon to feed us great unwashed.
An occasional splash marks the leap of a wild salmon on its journey upriver.
Salmon A long bolster wagon (62 foot) first introduced by the LMS in 1929.
You need a bunch of watercress 227g soft cheese 227g Smoked Scottish salmon Black Pepper Lemon Juice Finely chop the watercress.
Budaeus was his friend, Rabelais his faithful secretary and doctor; men of letters, like Etienne Dolet, and the poet Salmon Macrin, were indebted to him for assistance.
Briefly, the chief fish of Japan are the bream (tai), the perch (suzuki), the mullet (bora), the rock-fish (hatatate), the grunter (oni-o-koze), the mackerel (saba), the sword-fish (tachi-uwo), the wrasse (kusabi), the haddock (tara), the flounder (karei), and its congeners the sole (hiranie) and the turbot (ishi-garei), the shad (namazu), the salmon (shake), the mash, the carp (koi), the funa, the gold fish (kzngyo), the gold carp (higoi), theloach (dojo), the herring (nishin) the iwashi (Clu pea melanosticta), the eel (unagi), the conger eel (anago), the coffer-fish (hako-uwo), the fugu (Tetrodon), the ai (Plecoglossus altivelis), the sayori (Heminamphus sayoni), the shark (same), the dogfish (maiiuka-zame), the ray (e), the sturgeon (chO-lame) and the maguro (Thynnus sibi).
Salmon also found that injury of a leaf by mechanical means, by heat, by anaesthetics, &c., would affect the immunity of the plant and allow infection by conidia which was not able to enter a normal leaf.
In the inland waters salmon, trout, togue (Salvelinus namaycush), pickerel and bass abound; along the shore there are lobsters, clams and scallops (Pecten irradians); and off the shore are herring, alewives, mackerel, cod, halibut, haddock, smelts, hake, menhaden, porgies and porpoises.
I popped in one lunchtime just to assess the cut of its jib and ordered some smoked salmon ravioli (£ 3.95).
I think you might relish the opportunity to fill in your education on salmon.
Salmon catches over the same period average some 800 fish, placing the Towy high in the listing of Welsh salmon rivers.
It 's the perfect accompaniment to grilled fresh salmon for a special meal.
Many of the ingredients are grown locally, including plums from the hotel 's own orchard and home-smoked salmon.
Canned salmon comes from wild, unfarmed sea stocks.
They accuse Chile alone of dumping 60,000 tons of frozen salmon filets onto the European market.
Salmon fishing only realy gets started from mid June on.
Your salmon fishcakes are on the menu for this week.
Sprinkle salmon steaks with equal amounts of rub, pressing rub into surface of both sides.
Esk and Tay District Salmon Fishery Boards carry out scientific work and employ fishery managers to enhance the potential of the salmonid fishery.
I had the salmon slices with green peppercorn and scallion pancakes.
In letting me through the trout fishers usually cast a scornful eye at me as a salmon toff.
Any sea trout or salmon caught therefore should be returned to the water.
Heat a pan until searing hot, add salmon and cook for 5 mins, turning once.
There is a salmon and sea trout run into the loch but NUAC retains only the rights to brown trout.
Let with salmon and sea trout fishing for 4 rods.
For the salmon and sea trout angler there is simply no case for opposing a cull.
The River Deveron is one of Scotland 's premiere salmon and sea trout rivers.
It is estimated that salmon and sea trout angling in Scotland supports 2,200 jobs and generates nearly £ 40 million in wages.
For those who have a leaning toward field sports we can offer fishing for salmon and sea trout in the river Cothi.
This must continue to include responsibility for the regulation and licensing of the commercial fishery for salmon and sea trout in tidal waters.
A major feature of Loch Duart salmon is the strong similarity in appearance and structure to wild salmon.
I chose the larger version of what was also on the starter list smoked salmon on a bed of potato with rocket.
The smoked salmon flavored crisps taste of smoky bacon.
We fed John Cole of a rare piece of wild salmon, with a sorrel sauce and potatoes from our little garden.
No spat settlement was yet apparent on Salmon Scar, St Ishmaels following previous systematic thinning in February and March.
There are chapters on tying Hairy trout flies, salmon, sea trout and steelhead flies, and bass and pike bugs.
Some temperate fish like salmon, catfish and sturgeon cannot spawn at all if winter temperatures do not drop below a certain level.
Smoked salmon with potato & dill waffle & game in season are other surefire hits.
On the side I tend to add some tagliatelle pasta to the side of a salmon dish.
The meal menus include salmon tartar with caviar, seared beef with a selection of Nobu sauces, and selections of exotic fruits.
If you opt for the Oriental, only then will we take the salmon filet from its teriyaki marinade and freshly grill it.
For starters I 've gone for a delicate salmon terrine while my main is succulent pork.
Families of triploid salmon were found to have much greater variability in growth than fertile diploids [7 ].
Try the spicy shrimp with noodles and bean sprouts; curried squid or vegetables; or grilled salmon in turmeric ginger sauce.
Cheryl is the chef, and her specials include Coronation chicken, salmon pie, lamb tagine, vegetarian lasagna and Chinese sweet-and-sour pork.
Salmon Teriyaki Salad A slab of grilled salmon steak in teriyaki sauce on a bed of mixed salad served with wasabi mayo.
As they are weaned onto food suitable to small salmon, the fry become free swimming rather than bottom feeders.
The Salmon Fishery Acts of 1861 and 1865 sought to modify existing fish weirs in rivers and forbid new ones.
Through this field flows a mile of the River Rede which is well-known for good trout fishing and later in the year salmon fishing.
Homemade Seafood Pie Scampi, Prawns, and Salmon in a creamy white wine sauce, topped with puff pastry and oven baked.
Other foods could include cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, tuna, salmon, cottage cheese and whole milk.
For instance, there is "whitefish caviar," "paddlefish caviar" and "salmon roe caviar."
The canned food that the vet sold us was Whiskas Salmon and Chicken Blend for adults.
Serve that for a week, then rotate to ground beef, and then salmon.
In addition to the beef, chicken and turkey, add some fresh salmon to your pet's diet.
Between the catnip and the salmon in these treats, you will be lucky if they last very long in your house.
In a large bowl, mash the sardines, mackerel and salmon into smaller pieces.
Salmon Samples cats treats make a wonderful Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve them anytime you want to give your cat something special.
Most cats love salmon, and although it's rich, it contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for felines.
Now as I've said, this recipe makes a great Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve these salmon samples cat treats for other special occasions.
Place your little salmon samples on the cookie sheet by half-teaspoonfuls, and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Proteins are provided from natural meats like smoked venison, chicken and salmon.
Each time you echo a friendly "Here, kitty!" whilst dangling a favorite salmon snack, kitty will remember your insidious schemes and bolt in an inconvenient direction.
For the Salmon and Herring dry food formula, this translates into 3/8 cup per day.
From specialized ingredients such as salmon oil to safe supplementation, Pierson provides readers with the particulars of when and why homemade cat meals are a good idea.
Flavors include turkey, salmon, duck and chicken.
Flavors include turkey and chicken, salmon, tuna and seafood.
Also called salmon berry, thimbleberry looks a bit like a wild raspberry.
Native Americans used thimbleberry and salmon berry bark, leaves and berries as medicinal teas for many ailments; use only the berries, since the leaves and bark are mildly poisonous unless harvested and prepared properly.
Salmon makes a great grilled dish that everyone will love, and cooking it in a pouch will prevent it from drying out or falling through the grill grate.
Place salmon on a large piece of parchment, skin side down, then wrap up the ends of the paper like a bag and staple them.
Barbecued Salmon - If you're looking for something a little lighter than red meat for your grill, consider salmon.
Other varieties come from salmon and wild herring.
Many salmon filet recipes are available that will tickle the taste buds of people with all different tastes.
Whether you like spicy, sweet, savory, or something else, there's sure to be a salmon filet recipe that will perfectly suit your mood.
Why not try one of these salmon filet recipes for a delicious, easy, and healthful meal.
The following recipes work well with all types of salmon filets but remember that wild salmon is typically more flavorful than farm raised salmon.
It shouldn't have a fishy smell - that smell indicates that the salmon has begun to break down and isn't as fresh as it should be.
The flesh of the salmon should be dark pink and should bounce back when pressed with a fingertip.
Try one of the following recipes for cooking your salmon filet.
For the salmon purists, this recipe provides lots of salmon flavor without much else.
Wrap the foil around the salmon into a packet and seal it.
This recipe makes a terrific grilled salmon that results in a sweet and salty dish.
Place the salmon filets flesh side down in the soy sauce/maple marinade and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Remove the salmon filets from the marinade and dry them with a paper towel.
Place salmon filets, flesh side down, on oiled grill and cook for three minutes.
Cooking salmon in parchment yields a moist, flaky, and flavorful filet.
Carefully wrap the parchment over the salmon and carrots, making sure that you leave no openings where steam can escape.
As you can see, recipes for salmon filets are easy to follow and virtually fool-proof, so why not include this healthy fish into your next meal?
Mt. Baker also has a trail, White Salmon which is 1.75 miles long.
From hand-cut fries at White Salmon Lodge to soups and pies, there is something for everyone.
Most people now know that salmon and olive oil contain a healthy dose of "good fats," but did you know that cacao is another great way to get heart-healthy fats into your diet?
They also contend that omega-3 fatty acids found in vegetable oil, salmon, and walnuts fight heart disease, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
Wine, cheese, crackers, smoked salmon, cookies and bruschetta are some examples of typical foods that might be included in a gourmet basket.
According to the Flower Shop Network, you can find hypericum in raisin brown, yellow, green, red, orange, and salmon pink.
If you choose to apply on paper instead, you can mail your application to Washington State University Vancouver Office of Admissions; 14204 NE Salmon Creek Ave.; Vancouver, WA 98686-9600.
The company's most popular itinerary includes fishing for King and Silver Salmon, Halibut, Ling Cod and other bottom fish offshore of Alaska's Inside Passage.
Other crowd favorites include fresh Alaskan halibut and Alaskan king salmon either grilled or fried to a light, golden brown.
Favorites include fresh Alaskan salmon, Alaskan king crab, shrimp, and lobster.
Ultra provides holistic nutrition for your dog using a combination of chicken, lamb and salmon meal.
Salmon is an excellent source of amino acids that nourish brain functions.The Ultra formula also procures nutrition from non-traditional dog foods like cranberries, tomatoes and garlic.
We put Salmon oil in her food and brush her daily.
You can make this dish with tuna or canned salmon, both of which are very good for your dogs since they contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
Protein sources come from chicken, lamb, duck, pork, sardine and salmon that is suitable for human consumption.
Fromm uses real meat such as chicken, duck, salmon and whitefish for protein.
The Pacific Stream formula uses real smoked salmon, and the Prairie formula uses roasted bison (lean meat) and roasted deer (venison).
The canned dog food is available in four flavors - Wholesome Chicken Recipe, Succulent Salmon Recipe, Wholesome Beef Recipe and Wholesome Lamb Recipe.
The dry line of Spot's Stew is offered in two flavors - Adult Dog Wholesome Chicken and Adult Dog Wild Salmon.
Chicken meal, salmon meal, lamb meal, turkey meal are the main protein sources.
The Salmon Berry (Rubus Spectabilis) - Has flowers of a bright red and very early.
O. Salmon Queen are beautiful varieties.
A well-known strain is that of the "Shirley Poppy," now much varied as to color, the latest gains being pretty salmon tints.
Their habit is that of an enlarged A. japonica, both in foliage and flower, the chief colors being pink, rose, salmon, and carmine.
Ceres, rosylilac; Gloria, rich rose; Kriemhilde, salmon; opal, purplish-pink; Siegfried, carmine; Venus, rosy-purple; Queen Alexandra, pink; and Salmon Queen, are a selection of the best.
There are many colors, such as white, lavender, mauve, several shades of purple, pink, rose, salmon, and blue.
The flowers, in finely blending tints of orange or salmon pink shaded with purple about a yellow eye, are 2 1/2 inches across and borne four or more together on stems of 2 1/2 feet.
Until the second half of this century only white, rose, salmon, and lilac sorts were known; and we are indebted to Mr Fortune for his Chinese varieties, most of which have scarlet, violet, and magenta flowers.
Among the hybrid Paeonias there is much variety of color-white, pale yellow, salmon, flesh-pink, and numerous intermediate shades from carmine to brightest purple.
Nymphaea Alba Arc-En-Ciel - A distinct hybrid with blending shades of pale salmon streaked with rose, and crimson spotted sepals.
Shades of pink can range from a very subtle pale blush of pink to bold and vibrant mauve and everything in between, even a salmon color or vibrant fuchsia.
Fedora Hat with Signature Web Band and Gucci Script Ornament is a natural straw hat with coral and salmon web and gold hardware.
There, you'll find Salmon River Traders flannel jeans and Carhartt Fleeced Line Wo0rk Fit Jeans, but this look is a bit more expensive at $51.95.
Flaxseed and salmon provide Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Gift baskets for those who enjoy fishing could be made with all types of specialty foods that are fish related, such as smoked wild salmon, seafood spice rubs or a package of Swedish Fish candy.
All three resorts offer food courts with multiple options for food from grilled salmon to hamburgers to salads, pizza and more.
You can fish for bass, muskie, salmon, walleye and more.
While this rule of thumb can help you select wines to go with certain foods, it doesn't mean you are doing something wrong if you pair a Chardonnay with a steak or a Cabernet Sauvignon with salmon.
These wines pair well with the foods that come from the Pacific Northwest, such as wild-caught Pacific salmon and mushrooms.
Secreto Viognier is a very good value and a versatile food partner to pair up with a roast chicken, pork loin, salmon, chowder, and Asian cuisine.
It goes especially well with grilled meats and salmon, and is a versatile addition to your cellar.
Their Steelhead Red is inspired by the steelhead trout and coho salmon that inhabit the creeks on the estate.
Elegant Party Basket, includes sparkling wine, fruit, smoked salmon, cheese, crackers, chocolates, $160.
Visit this winery to taste a few of over 30 wines produced here including Dr. Frank Rkatsiteli 2007, Salmon Run Meritage 2006 a