Salesman Sentence Examples
The salesman heartily agreed.
Henry is a good salesman and you know it.
The polished salesman was back.
He was a junior salesman.
On the other hand, maybe his personality was what made him an accomplished salesman.
The truth is, he probably likes being a salesman, and why not?
Yep, he was a salesman, all right.
Maybe that was what made him such a good salesman in the past.
You're the best salesman we have.
The salesman nodded vigorously.
AdvertisementHe had given up being a salesman to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a veterinarian.
When they met he was still a high ranking salesman for a large corporation.
Maybe it was his years as a salesman, or maybe his personality was attracted to the salesman job.
If he hadn't been so sophisticated, it might have been a thought to ponder - but at that point any idea of him quitting his job as a top salesman and moving to Arkansas to become a veterinarian would have been ludicrous.
All the way home she thought about Katie's observation that Uncle Fabrice treated him as though he were a poor salesman.
AdvertisementThe traveling salesman problem is to find the shortest path for a salesman problem is to find the shortest path for a salesman to visit each of a list of cities.
I opened the door to find a doorstep salesman there.
Remember, the salesman wants to sell you the bike just as much as you want to buy it, possibly even more.
Don't let a salesman force one brand on you when you've been looking at other brands.
If you don't have someone who is familiar with the car sale business and can negotiate effectively with the salesman to get the vehicle at as low of a price as possible, you can quickly find yourself in a great deal of debt.
AdvertisementWithout any training or diploma, he took on construction and salesman jobs to make ends meet.
Opportunities for positions ranging from lower-level employment, such as working as a clerk or a salesman at a local venue, to upper-level corporate management jobs, are posted online at Verizon's website.
An Oscar nominated actress, Rosemary Harris is known for many roles from The Gift, Death of a Salesman, The Boys of Brazil and Holocaust to The Royal Family.
He was tall, an athlete gone to seed, with thinning hair and a used car salesman's smile.
I mean, it was the quintessential traveling salesman's dream, a naked and willing woman hopping into his bed, wife in another town, a freebie, so to speak.
AdvertisementThe salesman conceded when he was done with his pitch.
He started teaching there, going door-to-door, like an ordinary salesman.
In fact, he's merely a highly educated second hand car salesman in a suit.
To buy from salesman named Herman within fourthe agent for its online.
French president Mitterand's son was chief arms salesman to the Hutu government of Rwanda that perpetrated this holocaust.
Became a bit of a carpet salesman, myself... " This brought hoots of derision from some of his listeners.
But, of course, a salesman must not jeer at the customer.
This included a very slick Turkish lobbyist, who would not look out of place as a dodgy second hand car salesman.
He was also a salesman for his father's granary business, and developed a recipe for a particularly nutritious loaf of bread.
Spotted on the streets was a Big Issue salesman holding a placard which read " Please queue in an orderly fashion.
The Victorian Glasgow Botanic Gardens conservatory the largest in Britain is a double-glazing salesman 's wet dream.
At the time, James was a traveling salesman dealing in hardware, perhaps for his father's business.
I once employed a salesman who'd worked for years at Time Warner.
Why would you ask a salesman in a washing machine shop, " Is water metered here?
She tells the salesman, " I would like to buy a pair of pink Curtains.
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Was our speaker being totally honest, or was he behaving like a second-hand car salesman?
It's going to do very well, ' says the Carphone salesman.
The double glazing salesman who sits on your tail in his Dagenham dustbin.
A hardware salesman puts a spanner into Joe's plans for a romantic evening with Melanie.
At the time, James was a traveling salesman dealing in hardware, perhaps for his father 's business.
I once employed a salesman who 'd worked for years at Time Warner.
Why would you ask a salesman in a washing machine shop, Is water metered here?
She tells the salesman, I would like to buy a pair of pink Curtains.
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me !
The traveling salesman problem is to find the shortest path for a salesman to visit each of a list of cities.
It 's going to do very well, ' says the Carphone salesman.
A hardware salesman puts a spanner into Joe 's plans for a romantic evening with Melanie.
How can I improve the array of products on the table so that I can be a better salesman?
I was not interested in listening to the car salesman prate on about extra features I could not afford, so I left.
Can you say "Slick Willie the used car salesman?"
Your salesman should be able to provide you with all the details regarding its warranty.
The lamps were selling successfully through salesman who would travel door-to-door in rural areas, demonstrating the lamps and even leaving them in the home for overnight trials.
Much like a car salesman trying to talk you into buying the latest sportscar, you are trying to entice someone into noticing your best features.
Car salesman want to make commission off the sale of a vehicle so they want to sell it for as much money as they can.
In her daily discussion on The View on December 20, O'Donnell attacked Trump's decision not to fire Tara Conner, calling him a "snake-oil salesman," as well as pointing out that he went bankrupt.
Ellen Lee DeGeneres was born January 26, 1958 in New Orleans, Louisiana, to Elliot (a salesman) and Betty Jane DeGeneres.
Her parents divorced in 1973 and her mother married Roy Gruesserdorf, also a salesman.
O'Donnell called Trump, who runs the Miss USA organization, a "snake-oil salesman."
At the age of 21, Matthew McConaughey was well on his way to earning a law degree when he picked up the best-selling book, The Greatest Salesman in the World by author Og Mandino.
The program was the network's first ever prime-time series and followed the life and times of shoe salesman Al Bundy, his homemaker wife Peggy, teenage son Bud and daughter Kelly.
Steve Craig was a basketball player, real estate salesman and production designer.
Her mother, Joy Arrington, is a professional tennis player and her dad, Steve Fanning, played minor league baseball before becoming a salesman.
Her father was a vacuum salesman and her mother was a church secretary and real estate agent.
When I walked into the camping store I asked a salesman if they sold webbing, and to my delight he said yes and asked which kind, width and color would I like and how much I needed.
You can also consult with the salesman at the guitar store.
Revisit the store where you purchased them and ask the salesman to see if any of their other, regional stores have any in stock.
Darrow was a salesman of heating and engineering equipment but lost his job during the Great Depression.
Copy writing requires a salesman's sense of marketing to write copy for companies who want to build their advertising profiles.
Now, when the salesman puts the numbers on a sheet in front of you, there shouldn't be any big surprise.
But he doesn't want you, or the salesman, to know that he doesn't know anything.
And it was until a salesman used it to entertain some customers and saw its potential as a toy.
Do you need to visit every company website, or make time to speak to a salesman from every company?
The Insurance Salesman website not only has home contents insurance quotes, but also has lots of options and brands of insurance for comparing quotes.
His parents decided to sign him up for accordion lessons when asked by a door to door salesman if they would like their son to learn piano or accordion.
The third season winner, Neal Boyd is an insurance salesman from Missouri.
Kody Brown - A Utah salesman obsessed with keeping his plural marriage lifestyle from his clients, until now of course.
In his forties, he is an advertising salesman who is only legally married to one wife, but considers the other three women to be his wives despite the lack of a legal union.
Maybe it was the years he spent as a salesman.
It was ridiculous to stand here, trying to match wits with such a polished salesman.
I never intended to be a salesman all my life, and the company hasn't been the same since it changed hands.
It's probably some traveling salesman who has a local married dame....
He had been a top salesman, which meant he had a way with words, and that's all he intended to do - talk.
Deep down inside, a voice suggested that he was getting bored with her and wanted to be a salesman again.
Tetzel was selected as the most efficient salesman; he was appointed general sub-commissioner for indulgences, and was accompanied by a clerk of the Fuggers from whom Albrecht had borrowed the money to pay his first-fruits.
In 1854 he became a salesman in a shoe-store in Boston; in 1855 he was "converted"; and in 1856 he went to Chicago and started business there.
In essence, the Zippo lighters were the salesman in a pocket.
A little man in Russian civilian clothes rode out from the ranks, and by his clothes and manner of speaking Pierre at once knew him to be a French salesman from one of the Moscow shops.
I never thought of him as being anything else but a salesman until I saw him tonight, but he seems so... comfortable now.
Still, Alex was a good salesman, I guess.
The salesman looked uncertain until Alex lifted a brow.