Sales Sentence Examples
Between 1884 and 1902 no fewer than 220,61 6 sales were effected for failure to pay taxes, while, from 1886 to 1902, 79,208 expropriations were effected for other debts not due to the state.
How are the sales going?
They want me to make another sales trip — to South America.
But these grants and sales led to distinctions within the ranks of the noble order, like those of which we get faint glimpses among the Roman patricians.
In 1884 there were 20,422 sales, of which 35.28% were for debts of 4s.
I wonder what the sales lady thought.
Revenues for state purposes are derived from special taxes collected from the liquor traffic, corporations, transfers of decedents' estates, transfers of shares of stock, recording tax on mortgages, sales of products of state institutions, fees of public officers including fines and penalties, interest on deposits of state funds, refunds from department examinations and revenue from investments of trust funds, the most important of which are the common school fund and the United States deposit fund.
Someone check the local papers for sales offerings the last week.
Then I have to come back here and I'll be out of the country for about three weeks on a sales trip - the last one.
The biography of St Francis de Sales was written immediately after his death by the celebrated P. de La Riviere and Dom John de St Francois (Goulu), as well as by two other authors of less importance.
AdvertisementThe revenue derived from the sales and leases of this land constitutes an endowment fund upon which the state as trustee pays 6% interest.
Added to that was Fred's frequent lies about picking up at tag sales for a pittance, items that to an observant eye, still retained their much-higher new-store price.
The saint's nephew and successor, Charles Auguste de Sales, brought out a more extended life, Latin and French, in 1635.
Revenue is derived chiefly from customs and excise, railways, land sales, posts and telegraphs and a capitation tax.
He owed Fred a "gotcha" after the hard time he'd given the old man about his electronic sales adventures.
AdvertisementHe was leaving the country the next morning for a sales trip, so he didn't stay long and wasn't going to be there for the funeral.
Enactments about the pursuit of thieves, and the calling in of warrantors to justify sales of chattels, are other expressions of the difficulties attending peaceful intercourse.
Thrilled, Kiera looked over the paperwork outlining her first sales.
They went to what had been a Nook sales stand in the center of the store and was blocked off for him.
All sales that take place on the Exchange must be returned.
AdvertisementAnd how could that person make wise decisions without the input from the accounting department, the lawyer and sales?
The decline of " spot " sales at the ports, partly but not entirely in consequence of the appearance of the small cultivator, has proceeded steadily.
Hammond 1 has constructed a table from information supplied by the secretaries of the cotton exchanges at New York, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans and Galveston, showing the sales of " spot " cotton at those ports for the twenty-two years between 1874-1875 and 1895-1896, and in all cases an absolute decline is evident.
They must watch demand, be able to form reasonable anticipations of its move ments, and at the same time know the existing stocks of cotton, the sales taking place from day to day, and the best forecasts of the coming supplies.
Messrs Ewart and Rutson pioneered in 1805 by issuing a weekly account of the sales and imports of cotton, and three years later three such circulars were on the market, though Hope's alone was confined to cotton.
AdvertisementThis was followed in the same year by the Daily Table of sales and imports, which in 1874 was succeeded by the present more complete Daily Circular.
And it is immediately evident that the deliberate "bear" works by selling "futures," and that the effect of his sales is propagated to "spot."
Financial assistance and assurances as to sales and prices have been given liberally by the association where they are needed; ginning and buying centres have been established; experts have been engaged to distribute seed and afford instruction; and some land has been acquired for working under the direct management of the association.
The city continued to be the largest primary fur market of the world, with sales of $27,200,000 in 1920.
Sales of meat products in 1919 were $128,000,000; hog receipts, 3,650,534; head cattle receipts, 1,500,000.
It has long been famous for its cattle and sheep sales, but more particularly for the great August lamb fair, the largest in Scotland, at which as many as 126,000 lambs have been sold.
Athens was an important slave market, and the state profited by a tax on the sales; but the principal marts were those of Cyprus, Samos, Ephesus and especially Chios.
The pirates sold great numbers of slaves at Delos, where was the chief market for this kind of wares; and these sales went on as really, though more obscurely, after the successful expedition of Pompey.
In redhibitory actions (for the annulment of sales), if a slave were returned to the seller, so must also be his parents, brothers and personae contubernio conjunctae.
Hence the abolition of the external slave trade tended, in fact, to put an end to internal sales, and the slaves became attached to the households or lands of their masters.
This practice, at first tacitly sanctioned by the government, which received dues on the sales, was at length formally recognized by several imperial ukases.
Besides the ritual and religious rolls, there are the hieratic, civil and literary documents, and the demotic and enchorial papyri, relating generally to sales of property.
They were to be redeemed by the product of the sales, and from certain other sources, at the rate of 120,000,000 francs in 1791, ioo,000,000 francs in 1792, 80,000,000 francs in 1793 and 1794, and the surplus in 1795.
Thus it is explained in the preface to the budget that the revenues " proceeding from the deposed sultan " are not classed together under one heading, but that they have been apportioned to the various sections under which they should fall " whether taxes on house property or property not built upon, tithes, aghnam, forests, mines, cadastre, sport, military equipment, private domains of the state, various receipts, proceeds of sales, rents " - a truly comprehensive list which by no means set a limit to the private resources of Abd-ul-Hamid II., who looked upon the customs also as a convenient reserve on which he could, and did, draw when his privy purse was short of money.
The town itself is a pleasant residence, and contains a 16th century cathedral church, an 18th century bishop's palace, a 14th-16th century castle (formerly the residence of the counts of the Genevois), and the reconstructed convent of the Visitation, wherein now reposes the body of St Francois de Sales (born at the castle of Sales, close by, in 1567; died at Lyons in 1622), who held the see from 1602 to 1622.
But in 1576 the prohibition was removed and the works of Luis de Granada, so prized by St Francis de Sales, have never lost their value.
Perhaps the most famous of these is the Schuyler mansion (now St Francis de Sales Orphan Asylum), built in 1760-1761.
The colonial revenue is chiefly derived from customs, stamp duties, land tax, income tax, beer excise, postal and telegraphic services, railways, and crown land sales and rents.
The proceeds of land sales are applied to surveys and public works.
Tea, oni the contrary, is prepared and packed on the estates; but there is a considerable amount of work still done in the Colombo stores in sorting, blending and repacking such teas as are sold at the local public sales; also in dealing with cacao, cardainoms, cinchona bark and the remnant still left of the coffee indiustry.
Furthermore, Congress in 1902 appropriated the receipts from the sales of public lands in the state to the construction of irrigation work.
At St Francis, adjoining the city on the south, is the seminary of St Francis of Sales (Roman Catholic), and St Joseph's institute for deaf mutes (Roman Catholic).
The struggle widened as Geneva became a pawn in the great attempt of the duke of Savoy to bring back his subjects to the old faith, his efforts being seconded by Francois de Sales, the "apostle of the Chablais."
In December 1602 Francois de Sales was consecrated bishop of Geneva (since 1535 the bishops had lived at Annecy), and a few days later the duke of Savoy made a final attempt to get hold of the city by a surprise attack in the night of 11-12th December 1602 (Old Style), known in history as the "Escalade," as ladders were used to scale the city walls.
The annual sales of wild animals, held in the Gardens, chiefly surplus stock from various European Gardens, are famous.
The revenue is derived partly from subscriptions, partly from gate-money, from the fine concert-hall and refreshment pavilions, and from sales.
Many of the zoological gardens are owned by private companies and derive their income entirely from gate-money, menagerie sales, rent of refreshment rooms, concert-halls and other auxiliary public attractions, any profits being distributed amongst the members of the company.
The church of St Francis de Sales (in Walnut Hills), built in 1888, has a bell, cast in Cincinnati, weighing fifteen tons, and said to be the largest swinging bell in the world.
The title was declared void by the Virginia government in 1778, but' Henderson and his associates received 200,000 acres in compensation, and all sales made to actual settlers were confirmed.
Important stock sales are held fortnightly, and there is an annual agricultural exhibition.
On the whole it receives from sales about 40% of what it expends in preparing, printing and circulating the books.
During the year 1905-1906 the society expended £238,632, while its income was £231,964 (of which £98,204 represented receipts from sales).
Before Maximilian arrived the provisional government had refused to cancel the sales of confiscated Church lands, as the clericals demanded.
At times also the proceeds of the sales of public lands have formed an important element of the receipts of government, although it has been the accepted policy to sell such lands to actual settlers at rates so low as to be inconsistent with the object or attainment (relatively) of revenue.
The dishonesty of those who conducted the sales in France, the unbusinesslike methods of Barlow, and the failure of Duer and his associates to meet their contract with the Ohio Company, caused the collapse of the Scioto Company early in 1790, and two subsequent attempts to revive it failed.
The revenue of the Territory for the fiscal year ending the 30th of June 1908 amounted to $2,669,748.32, of which $640,051.42 was the proceeds of the tax on real estate, $635,265.81 was the proceeds of the tax on personal property; and among the larger of the remaining items were the income tax ($266,241.74), waterworks ($141,898.04), public lands (sales, $37,585.75; revenue, $122,541.71) and licences ($206,374.28).
In the concordat of 1801 the papacy recognized the validity of the sales of Church of 180E g Y property, and still further reduced the number of dioceses; it provided that the government should appoint and support the archbishops and bishops, but that the pope should confirm them; and France recognized the temporal power, though shorn of Ferrara, Bologna and the Romagna.
At times of bad trade even those who usually depend on their own resources seek the aid of experienced agents, who sometimes find a grievance if their services are rejected when trade improves and sales are made easily.
The difficulty that is naturally experienced by a traveller in finding sufficient support on a sparsely populated "ground" has brought into vogue the traveller on commission who represents several firms. The traveller with salary and allowances for expenses survives, but the quickening induced by an interest in the amount of sales has caused many firms to adopt the principle of commission, which may, however, be an addition to a minimum salary.
Contemporary records of sales of slaves from Amurru are known.
A large quantity of the tin is sold by public auction at the mining exchange, the sales being known as tin-ticketings.
The principal sales of general furs are held in London in January and March, smaller offerings being made in June and October; while the bulk of fur sealskins is sold separately in December.
The Hudson's Bay Co.'s sales take place before the others, and, as no reserves are placed on any lot, the results are taken as exactly indicating current values.
While many buyers from America and Russia are personally in attendance at the sales, many more are represented by London and Leipzig agents who buy for them upon commission.
But the bulk of the fine furs of the world is sold at the large public trade auction sales in London.
But a fairly exact statement of the numbers sold in the great public trade auction sales in London during the year 1905-1906 is herewith set out.
The very palest skins are dyed and made by the Chinese into mandarins' coats, in which form they are found in the London trade sales, but being overdressed they are inclined to be loose in the hair and the colour of the dye is not good.
Notwithstanding the reported rights of the Russian imperial authorities over some regions with respect to these and other valuable fur-bearing animals, there are in addition to the numbers regularly sent to the trade auction sales in London many good parcels of raw skins to be easily bought direct, provided price is not the first consideration.
The majority are consigned to the trade auction sales in London ready dressed and worked into cross-shaped coats, and the remainder, a fourth of the total, come as dressed skins.
After being purchased at the auction sales they are washed, then stretched upon a hoop, when all blubber and unnecessary flesh is removed, and the pelt is reduced to an equal thickness, but not so thin as it is finally rendered.
The latter are bought at horse-fairs and private sales, unbroken, and sent to the 25 remount depots, whence, when fit for the service, they are sent to the various units, as a rule in the early summer.
The leading manufactures are ginghams, tweeds and shirtings, and the town is also an important agricultural centre, stock sales taking place at regular intervals and cattle and horse fairs being held every year.
The sales of Domains and Daira lands were to be restricted to E.300,000 a year each, thus prolonging the period of liquidation of those estates.
From the time of the XXVth Dynasty there is a great increase in written documents of a legal character, sales, loans, &c., apparently due to a change in law and custom; but after the reign of Darius I.
Sales of slaves occur in the XXVth Dynasty, and contracts of servitude are found in the XXVIth Dynasty and in the reign of Darius, appearing as if the consent of the slave was then required.
The city is the seat of the Wesleyan female college (1836), which claims to be the first college in the world chartered to grant academic degrees to women; Mercer University (Baptist), which was established in 1833 as Mercer Institute at Penfield, became a university in 1837, was removed to Macon in 1871, and controls Hearn Academy (1839) at Cave Spring and Gibson Mercer Academy (1903) at Bowman; the state academy for the blind (1852), St Stanislaus' College (Jesuit), and Mt de Sales Academy (Roman Catholic) for women.
The revenue of Singapore for 1906 amounted to $5,942,661, exclusive of $26,650 received on account of land sales.
Bentley, who was a handsome, courtly man, attended largely to the London sales.
Luther believed that the sales were injurious to the morals of the townsmen; he had heard reports of Tetzel's sermons; he had become wrathful on reading the letter of recommendation of the archbishop; and friends had urged him to interfere.
Trysts or sales of cattle, sheep and horses are held thrice a year (August, September and October) on Stenhousemuir, 3 m.
The net opium revenue represents the difference between the sum realized at these sales and the cost of production.
The British government repudiated these sales as having been made by a government which the British government had already displaced.
In the four years1897-1900the sales of these warrants amounted to 1,028,990 gold pesos or (at 23d., the average rate for this period) £98,610.
These ideas, in a very modified form, were introduced into France by the great devotional writer, St Francis of Sales; in the latter half of the 17th century they were pushed to the extravagant length known as Quietism by Fenelon, and especially by Madame Guyon and Michel de Molinos.
His Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property with References to the American Decisions and to the French Code and Civil Law - a bulky volume known to practitioners as Benjamin on Sales - is the principal text-book on its subject, and a fitting monument of the author's career at the English bar, of his industry and learning.
Viewed broadly, the financial resources of the earlier Empire were obtained from (1) the public land alike of the state and the Princeps; (2) the monopolies, principally of minerals; (3) the land tax; (4) the customs; (5) the taxes on inheritances, on sales and on the purchase of slaves (vectigalia).
The nearest approach to excise was the duty of r% on all sales, a tax that in Gibbon's words " has ever been the occasion of clamour and discontent."
Important stock sales and an annual exhibition of stock are held.
Through Cooke's activities the sales became enormous; the notes, issued in denominations as low as $50, appealed to the patriotic impulses of the people who could not subscribe for bonds of a higher denomination.
Feather-Market Hall, where are held the sales of ostrich feathers, seats 5000 persons.
In the meantime Governor Nicolls of New York, ignorant of the grant to Berkeley and Carteret, had approved certain Indian sales of land to settlers within New Jersey, and had confirmed their titles to tracts in what later became Elizabethtown, Middletown and Shrewsbury.
The policy of granting land without payment, originally in force in New South Wales, had been abandoned in favour of sales of the public lands by auction at the upset price of twenty shillings per acre; and the system of squatting licences, under which colonists were allowed to occupy the waste lands on payment of a small annual licence, had been conceded.
In 1908 27 springs were reported, their aggregate sales amounting to 1,182,322 gallons.
The last years of Bellarmine's life were mainly devoted to the composition of devotional works and to securing the papal approbation of the new order of the Visitation, founded by his friend St Francis de Sales, and the beatification of St Philip Neri.
Tilden's heavy sales (during Field's absence in Europe) of "Elevated" stock, which forced the price down from 200 to 164; but Field lost much more in the great "Manhattan squeeze" of the 24th of June 1887, when Jay Gould and Russell Sage, who had been supposed to be his backers in an attempt to bring the Elevated stock to 200, forsook him, and the price fell from 1562 to 114 in half an hour.
The city's industries consist chiefly in a large trade in tobacco, hemp, grain and live stock - there are large semi-annual horse sales - and in the manufacture of " Bourbon " whisky, tobacco, flour, dressed flax and hemp, carriages, harness and saddles.
He offered to the state as an endowment $500,000 (with 200 acres of land) on condition that the state add to this fund the proceeds of the sales of public lands granted to it by the Morrill Act of 1862 for "the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be.
Its most notable success in recent years is on the Scottish and English borders, where, at the annual ram sales at Kelso, a greater number of rams is auctioned of this than of any other breed, to cross with flocks of LeicesterCheviot ewes especially, but also with Border Leicesters and three-parts-bred ewes.
Lamb sales are most numerous in August, when lowland farmers secure their tegs to feed in winter.
In this month breeding ewes recover condition and strength to withstand the winter storms. Ram auctions are on in September and draft ewe sales begin and continue through October.
Typical of the city is the great building of the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, a concern established by Brigham Young in 1868 - there are several large factories connected with it, and its annual sales average more than $5,000,000.
It was greatly stimulated in the 17th century by St Francis of Sales who gave this symbol to his Order (the Visitation) as its badge.
There is a woollen mill, and stock sales are held at frequent intervals.
It will be seen further that the act operated almost entirely by means of direct sales by landlords to tenants.
Under it the state bought liquors, graded them in accordance with a chemical analysis, and sold them to consumers in packages of not less than one half-pint; the dispensaries were open from sunrise to sunset, no sales were made to minors or drunkards, and no liquor was drunk on the premises; there was a state dispensary commissioner and a state board of control; and the profits were divided between the state, the counties and the municipalities, the share of the state being devoted to educational purposes.
Under the Brice bill, passed in 1904 and amended in 1905, which gave the people of each county the choice between dispensary and prohibition, with the proviso that if they adopt the latter they must pay the extra taxes necessary to enforce it, several counties adopted prohibition; and in 1907 the state dispensary system was abolished, all impure liquors were declared contraband, each county was required to vote to prohibit the sale of liquors or to establish a dispensary, the sale of intoxicating liquors was forbidden outside of cities and towns, and sales may be made only through county dispensaries, which may not sell at night or on Sunday, or to inebriates or minors.
The value of the sales considerably exceeds £10,000,000 sterling per annum.
In the trades of bookselling and publishing Leipzig occupies a unique position, not only taking the first place in Germany, but even surpassing London and Paris in the number and total value of its sales.
Brandon Westlake was a late arrival to the table, missing Fred's sales pitch, but he was just as enthusiastic about the auction.
Martha let loose a babble of questions about everybody and everything—the Deans, Fred, Mrs. Lincoln, Maria, SB the owl, Alice the geranium, garage sales, and guests—and lastly the identity of her troublesome bones.
Two more Saturdays of garage sales passed by, far less bountiful than the summer versions of the same, but nevertheless stocked with enough alleged treasures to keep Fred O'Connor at his computer key board for hours on end.
She was a talker—told me how she figured the guy was gonna cheat on the sales tax so he pays in cash and gets the title signed over in blank.
They want me to make another sales trip — to South America.
Your drive, energy and desire to excel will be matched by comprehensive formal sales skills training and strong commercial acumen.
Their sales acumen alone isn't enough to make a business successful.
There was a commensurate increase in sales in the second half of the year.
Sales will liaise closely with Business Systems to deliver a business driven "Customer" database.
Our ad sales girl Tracey was expected to stump up £ 750 for a backstreet abortion which is worth no more than £ 400.
In many states is especially acute much money you'll sales stage in.
The bulbous headlamps and over-large bonnet air scoop put many customers off and sales fell by 30% .
Aladdin's cave of CDs As a partner with Greenbelt Festival ICC have been facilitating the music sales venue for Greenbelt.
Scarcity of alpacas and demand for their luxury fiber has kept alpaca breeding and sales strong around the world.
Fixed index annuity ape sales of £ 13 million were down 7 per cent on the same period of 2005.
To choose medical the risk appetite prove a sales.
Does your sales contact keep his or her supervisors apprised of your company's performance record?
We are now keen to recruit commercially astute Sales Advisors to join our existing team.
Most auction houses hold regular auction houses hold regular auction sales with a.. .
No one breed dominated this year's May beef sales at Borderway, writes auctioneer David Dickinson.
The three monthly average of sales has fallen to the lowest level since April 2000, with the underlying trend indicating modest volume growth.
Provisional dates for pedigree beef cattle sales at Borderway begin on March 1 with Limousin bulls for the British Limousin Cattle Society.
Following on-site inspections, sales will proceed by sealed bid.
The customer base will include academic, biotech and pharma companies and include both system sales and associated kits.
An artist must launch a multimedia blitzkrieg to boost sales.
The Cathedral City Family Favorites recipe booklet is on sale for £ 2.99 with all profits from booklet sales going to Leukemia Research.
It was felt that with our own bookstall not making large sales, that this should not go ahead.
Sales were given a boost in 1999 with the adoption of the 802.11b standard.
These can range from the classic, ' It's too boxy ', too ' Our sales team don't like it ' .
Offering flexibility and choice, we cater for all business and meetings and gatherings, from a creative brainstorm to a major sales conference.
Through capital raised through land sales, the Trust achieved a technical break-even at the end of the financial year.
Sales volumes are growing and we anticipate the business achieving break-even in 2007.
The owner of the flat above has had several sales fall through due to the cost of rectifying frost damaged brickwork.
To write copy for a variety of regular business briefings to the sales force.
Only 1000 of these cards have been made and sales have been quite brisk since going on sale on 2 June.
You know, I often read all the glossy sales bumf the funds send out such as Artemis.
Domestic demand maintained relatively buoyant with UK high street sales growing at 5.6% .
Notwithstanding the recent wins, our pipeline of new sales prospects remains extremely buoyant.
To participate in BCA online sales you must first become a MyBCA loyalty cardholder.
The records that can typically be found include cashbooks, sales ledgers, correspondence, recipe books and advertising and promotional material.
They made a business buying chicken feed with their own money and recouping the costs, with profit, from sales of eggs.
Now, as senior vice-president of sales and marketing, he occupies a position once held by current Chief Executive Paul Otellini.
Finally, contraband cigarettes that are intercepted by customs have then to be replaced creating yet more sales.
A virtuous circle that frees you to do the crucial bit - convert the traffic into sales.
Our strategy is to focus on drugs prescribed by specialist clinicians, a market we can service effectively with our planned specialist sales force.
We provide our business partners with personal support as well as product data sheets, product photographs and sales collateral.
At one of these sales he meets a fellow enthusiast who years later is to find success in underground comics.
Sales of cigarettes fell almost 16% in the first six months of 2004, according to the Irish revenue commissioners.
In-house sales are assured; chips are increasingly commonplace in the electronic devices the Japanese company produces.
For various reasons, sales of DAB digital radios have been pathetic - especially compared to successful products like DVD!
Coupled with imaginative sales promotion and some amazing window displays it helped the Company to become Europe's biggest confectioner.
The delay is causing consternation in the drives sector which has been counting on the ECA to deliver a boost in sales.
The world's largest collection of classic corvettes can only be found at ProTeam Corvette Sales in.. .
Rising sales incentives carnival costa holland south florida invitational.
Sales revenues for the first half are now a highly creditable 5% up on the equivalent for 2001.
Sales in the run-up to last night's draw could prove critical to the company's future.
Experience of working in a parts sales area of a franchised vehicle dealership would be advantageous.
We must also address the dearth of research in the area of internet tobacco sales, marketing, and promotion.
Before long they also started to dress the lighting canopy with hanging foil decorations - and sales rocketed.
Only in Japan did the brand's sales fall short of the double digits.
Sales up by 15% Sales improved after the slight dip endured over the Easter period.
The " Belle " steamer fleet struggled on, despite vessel sales and increasing financial disarray, under various owners until 1931.
C. How can generic advice services remain distinct from any sales process without leaving people up in the air?
A born achiever, he started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges door-to-door after school to earn pocket money.
And because we'd kept our costs down, we survived the downturn in sales.
A prolonged downturn in sales is to blame for the reduced working hours at the Banner Lane factory.
Online sales of chewing gum removal carts, steam cleaners, pressure washers, floor scrubber driers, sweepers, generators.
Those who failed to meet sales targets were made to stand in the corner wearing a dunce 's hat.
It should apply to duty-free sales AND to duty-free imports.
China wants the arms sales embargo to be removed.
The pub features a well equipped trade kitchen and a large ground floor cellar ideally equipped to cope with the large wet sales.
Also, copyright works are generally eschewed, therefore no copyright is levied on sales.
Sales & Lettings estate agents in West Sussex You have chosen to view sales & lettings estate agents in West Sussex.
Turnover attributable to the Document Imaging Division's UK sales was [detail excised] in 1999.
We were in the process of negotiation with the sales executive, trying to agree a better deal on a new car.
Ian Masters, Sales Director, UK for Sunbelt Systems said, Business continuity expo has been excellent as always.
Since the new fascia and refit, weekly sales have almost doubled.
Any of these would make great last minute stocking fillers, or bargains to look out for in the January sales.
Wheel helps launch charity flip-flops Save the Children have teamed up with Wheel to help drive sales of this summer's must-have flip-flops.
Back then the overnight parcel delivery company - with its £ 40m sales and £ 5m profits - had been mere flotation fodder.
Swipe extra sales with electronic top ups E-Top Ups can earn you excellent commission and increase footfall for your business.
Weddings Our sales team will guide you through choosing the perfect chocolate fountain for your special day.
Dip in 4x4 sales for 2006 Sales of 4x4 off-road vehicles have dipped for the first time, new figures have shown.
Sales were modest until my son, a high school freshman, decided not to sell chocolates during his school's annual sale.
There is no income tax, capital gains tax, VAT, sales or use tax or wealth tax.
The only quantifiable dimension is actual sales, so that must be the unit of comparison before which we all genuflect (5 ).
So you hit on a unique sales gimmick, and hey presto they're flying off the shelves.
There was also a sales table with, on display, an abundance of African memorabilia including an enormous wooden giraffe.
Racist golliwog toy makes a comeback Sales of golliwog toy makes a comeback Sales of Golliwogs are booming again after years of being ostracized from the toy box.
Pub grub goes gourmet With a smoking ban looming and beer sales dwindling, pubs are seeking their salvation in food.
With 2005 sales of £ 40m he's not surprisingly gung-ho about business too.
This beautifully illustrated hardback would be ideal for breeders to give with their puppy sales.
This drop in sales causes already hard-pressed industry to suffer a drop in sales, with resultant lay-offs, redundancies and business failures.
With a shift to spring calving herds, more beef producers left bull buying until the sales early in the year.
He warned householders to be alert to pushy techniques used by security equipment sales people.
This is the perfect time of year for bargain hunters, with the sales season in full swing.
Twenty years later such records still surface in specialist reggae auctions and set sales at prices which have rapidly outstripped inflation.
Record numbers book on the web The internet is making further inroads into holiday sales with record numbers booking online.
Q If ITV merges, is it not invidious that two sales houses will report to one Plc?
Invoice Discounting Selling your sales invoice Discounting Selling your sales invoices (in confidence) to a finance house in exchange for cash.
The Sales Executive for this role will be in charge of generating advertising revenue for this leading ISP.
I also said at the end of the January window that Rafa's summer kitty will be £ 10million plus money from sales.
The first entries in his sales ledger are expected next year.
I rejected them firstly due to what I saw as limited take up and then secondly because of the sales pitch.
At least £ 15m was required from player sales in order to improve liquidity.
The facts are not obtrusive, but they are horse LP sales there, interwoven in the gauzy woof of the artist's imagination.
By region, European sales were flat due to the general economic malaise.
Who sells best, a linguist with no selling skills, or a sales manager who has acquired some foreign language?
That concern has clearly manifested itself in recent sales figures.
You will assist the business by generating sales opportunities using proactive approach telemarketing, direct mail and email marketing, direct mail and email marketing.
The primary sources for the Games are world-wide broadcast rights, sponsorships, ticket sales and licensed merchandise.
Carolyn Boyle was most recently employed on national accounts with Nestl Rowntree, after working for seven years in sales merchandising.
This field sales role will involve selling the companies dry waste and hazardous waste disposal services throughout a sales territory covering the west midlands.
The ideal candidate will be of graduate caliber and have a minim of 2 years commercial sales experience, with a proven track record.
But Chavez is in possession of an already nationalized oil monopoly with massive current sales revenues.
A blueprint masterminded by EU health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou also contains moves to control sales through a state-run monopoly.
Carrick motorcycles - edinburgh, yamaha motorcycle main dealer, sales, spares, service.
The grocery sector has seen another year of rising sales, primarily due to the growing non-food offer available at the large grocery multiples.
Sales rose in October and now are 8 per cent higher than in February, where they touched the nadir.
I've traded as an authorized sales dealer, selling and delivering new (and reconditioned) Hoover washing machines.
To sell newspapers, how brutal, they decided to up their sales on the back of Dr. Kelly's widow.
Am i correct in saying that i heard a newsreader say that only 5% of sales were from actual singles?
Indeed, just one in ten (11 %) only buy nightwear in the sales or at discount.
People have the mistaken notion that business is sales minus costs and expenses is equal to profit.
Sales of whole nutmeg increased from 1,400 jars to 6,000 in the week following the TV ad.
In addition sales of ground nutmeg have more than doubled with over 4,500 jars being sold each week.
Most of our sales come fr ome fr om applications where it is sold as a computer not a CDTV.
A crook's Paradise a key sales stage in of driving teens.
Don't try to use any clever sales patter.
The drug peddlers do not restrict their sales to inner cities.
Group sales rose 8 percent to £ 5.8 billion, thanks mainly to a 13 percent rise in sales at Waitrose.
She would offer them to people with her politely pertinacious manner and upper-middle-class accent and invariably had good sales.
Such access will be the foundation for truly pervasive services. sales call âTrueâ Number Portability Will Be a Reality by End of 2004.
In August 200 the Docklands property sales market went phut!
Critics said the warning was a cynical ploy to boost sales.
This is all a sales ploy, to persuade customers that the toys are approved by animal welfare groups.
The second study, focusing on the European market for motion controls, reports that sales plummeted by 7.4% during 2002.
Equitable's managing director confirmed that the sales force had been adequately briefed and instructed to advise potential policyholders of the company's circumstances.
Not like selling washing powder where you can use direct sales figures.
Sunseeker to join powerboat P1 World Championship The Sunseeker Sales Group has announced that it is to enter the Powerboat P1 World Championship.
His responsibility is EMI's recorded music in the UK, a creative powerhouse, providing around 19% of group sales.
Sales revenues forged ahead, growing 19% year on year whilst operating profit increased by 15% .
In return you will be joining a dynamic company, with plenty of room for sales career progression.
Toilet Tissue sales are helping wildlife across the UK in a special on-pack promotion now available across Lincolnshire.
A leading educational publisher based in London is looking to appoint a Sales Manager- North.
We do not require applicants to possess a qualification or experience in makeup to join the retail sales teams within our stores.
Sales teams invite the key decision makers from stores to a meeting where they explain the rationale behind the product.
You must also be prepared to further develop the business and have a proven track record of successful sales.
The Government claim the HIPâs will reduce gazumping and reduce gazumping and reduce the number of sales that fall through.
All vacation rentals, holiday rentals, home exchanges & vacation home sales are by owner.
Conversely, sales reps were unable to access customer services ' data.
Ideally you will be an experienced pharmaceutical sales rep with territory experience.
One factor driving sales in recent years has been the demand for braking resistors.
There was a packed ringside for most of the two sales.
A crowded ringside not evident at Whitebred sales for a number of years produced animated bidding resulting in a total clearance.
The Agency Sales role is a key role within the National Sales Team.
In the same period, a net 49% of stockists grew sales compared with 15% of specialist roofline installers.
We had rummage sales and the money went to Mrs Churchill's Hurricane Fund.
Sales promotions and the prevailing cold weather boosted the sales promotions and the prevailing cold weather boosted the sales in these categories, it said.
I just did some reading on retail sales in Britain.
It said like-for-like sales rose by 0.8 per cent during the month, compared with November 2004.
In 2004, net sales exceeded $ 3.7 billion.
Generic keywords vs. highly targeted key phrases Surprisingly many companies still believe that increased traffic will necessary lead to increased sales.
A construction salesperson with a sound understanding of the specification sales process is required.
Bad luck to the Raveonettes ' Ode to la, which barely scrapes the 500 sales to land in the top 75.
To make meaningful European sales where the brand has barely scratched a selling surface.
You may critique a sales presentation one minute and have your legal judgment second-guessed by a programmer the next.
You will seriously consider a second mortgage to take advantage of dog toy sales, or even worse, dog show entries.
September is a busy month with principal sales of mule gimmer shearlings and ewe lambs at most of our sales centers.
We also have a sales office and extensive showroom in Dublin, plus a flagship sales office and training academy in Kettering.
The mesmeric theater of the sales season also has its opening skirmish here.
Use this for that and watch your sales skyrocket.
In Europe, however, the company has suffered a slowdown in sales.
In addition, higher gas prices in the US have caused a slowdown in sales of new motor vehicles.
Recent sales of accessories have taken a leap from a slow start to the year and post-war sales slumps.
Sales service agents for marine magnetics magnetometers and Knudsen echo sounders.
Herbicide-tolerant soybeans have the largest market share with sales of $ 11.67 billion in 2001.
In many areas, over the last few weeks residents have seen a spate of sales activity.
The attraction for the landlord is a relatively speedy sales process and receipt of your funds.
If there are a large number of stand staffers, split them up into teams with technical people working alongside sales people.
The group's international sales remained stagnant compared to last year's 5 percent decrease.
In the ensuing folk rock stampede, Vanguard never did reap the huge folk rock sales of Columbia or even its indie rival Elektra.
But a huge deterrent for live sales of prime cattle has been the 20-day standstill.
A Solihull company is making waves in the marketplace - pilling up successful sales of an alternative to the traditional stopcock.
This makes us an expert st john's wood property lettings surrey properties to let for hampshire property sales and letting.
Funding - Secured by your sales invoices Bank of Ireland Commercial Finance offers tailored Invoice Finance facilities to assist your cashflow.
You will be required to develop business to exceed sales targets whilst providing a high level of customer service.
A passing ad sales guy is hastily appointed chief taster, and we watch with concern as he wolfs down a slice.
Whether you are in business on your own, or employ a small sales team, this is a ' must ' read.
Sales and marketing program management using telemarketing and call center based customer services.
With Band Aid finishing the penultimate week over 240,000 sales of its nearest rival it seems that this years chart topper is already determined.
Qualifications and experience graduate trainee posts are offered in related fields such as sales or market research.
Specialty lipids delivered a solid sales performance with medium chain triglyceride sales in the US achieving their highest level.
I am going to find that little turd of a sales assistant.
Last week like-for-like sales were up 20 per cent, following a 14.8 per cent uplift in the final quarter of 2005.
Holstein UK club sales across the country reflect the upturn.
As we do not have Sales Reps. you deal direct with the hands-on team to ensure the utmost in finish and customer requisites.
Vice Presidente-president of sales at a major publishing company, he now runs his own seminar company.
Prior to joining Mettler Toledo I was involved in the sales of rotational viscometers.
There were also pleasure-craft displays organized by the marina's resident yacht brokerage, Fox's yacht brokerage, Fox's Yacht Sales.
York which sought vw sales manager.
The essentially dishonest practice of deluging yarn with water, which has sometimes even degenerated into the use of weighting materials deleterious to weaving, has been recognized as a great nuisance, but while various attempts have been made to protect the buyer the question seems to have pretty well settled itself on the principles which commonly rule the sales of commodities between those who intend to do business continuously.
For some time a memorandum of the total of daily sales reported was posted on 'Change, but the indifference of traders, together with the distrust that makes any innovation difficult, caused the scheme to be abandoned.
Well, obviously, Amazon is able to collect this data as they make sales.
Of the twenty thousand sales he has made in his career, he probably remembers a few hundred distinctly and a few thousand vaguely.
You role will also include maintaining the petty cash system, cash book and sales and purchase ledgers.
We'll discuss your needs and requirements with no pushy sales pitch and no obligation to you.
You do n't have to rely on pushy sales people or incomplete information.
Needing just 30,000 fans to snap up a ' must have ' record will make sales easy, and recuperate costs.
The Government claim the HIPâs will reduce gazumping and reduce the number of sales that fall through.
The meeting started after members had a chance to view a regalia sales display.
You will be ambitious for a career and relentless in the pursuit of sales.
Had sales of facade improvement program which he has its relentless newlywed.
The positive sales have been a result of the repositioning of the brand in key markets over the last two years.
Blackberry users got a reprieve from threats of sales call service disruption as the NTP patent case came to a close.
For more information regarding antique reproduction furniture contact the Sales Manager, Steve Cousins.
What minimum resale price should be set for UK sales?
At retail sales value the brand is now worth over £ 100 million.
Find the right mix of sources and build your sales engine to exploit the massive potential of the roofline market.
What are you doing to grow your roofline sales?
We had rummage sales and the money went to Mrs Churchill 's Hurricane Fund.
You still come across them at cycle jumbles, saddlebag sales, the small ads in our magazine.
Perhaps this is just a ploy to boost her sagging sales, she is hoping to generate controversy about an alleged quote from 1996 !
Sales promotions and the prevailing cold weather boosted the sales in these categories, it said.
We would also like to stress that the team does not meet sales reps who call unannounced.
The sales representative 's name may be on the Supplier List or Other Names List, rather than on the Employe List.
Figures released by the Department of Trade and Industry showed that arms sales to Israel worth £ 2m were approved between January and March.
Cadbury is confident the recall of seven of its products over a salmonella scare will have no long-lasting effect on sales.