Salary Sentence Examples
There was a position open at a private home, but the salary had to be wrong.
He named his salary, a figure that surprised Dean.
His functions were those of a secretary; and, though he profited by benefices conferred on him in lieu of salary, he remained a layman to the end of his life.
We needed my salary so badly quitting wasn't part of the equation.
Not content with the 67,000 talers a month which he drew as salary for his innumerable offices, he was found when an inquiry was held in the next reign to have abstracted more than five million talers of public money for his private use.
According to the custom of the time he had augmented his slender salary by private trade.
They both knew he spoke the truth—a steady salary would go a long way toward lessening their money problems.
The situation itself and its accompanying privileges were what Voltaire chiefly aimed at, but there was a salary of two thousand livres attached, and he had the year before come in for three times as much by the death of his brother.
The president receives a salary of 120,000 milreis and the vice-president of 36,000 milreis.
That means your $40,000 salary will have the purchasing power of a $4,000,000 salary today.
AdvertisementIn 1762 he was invited by Catherine of Russia to become tutor to her son at a yearly salary of 100,000 francs.
Then in 1763 was delivered his speech in "The Parson's Cause" - a suit brought by a clergyman, Rev. James Maury, in the Hanover County Court, to secure restitution for money considered by him to be due on account of his salary (16,000 pounds of tobacco by law) having been paid in money calculated at a rate less than the current market price of tobacco.
For these services she received from the king in 1787 a salary of £50 a year.
They agreed to raise an annual sum of £200 for the expenses of their commonwealth; they assigned their governor a salary of £20; they prohibited the sale of ardent spirits to the Indians and imprisonment for debt.
His friends procured his discharge, and he was granted a free passage, a seat at the captain's table, and a salary, the amount of which was to be fixed by the governor of the French settlement in India.
AdvertisementAnd if your productivity fell, then your salary would fall as well.
On the 18th of July 1542 it was surrendered to Henry VIII., and its possessions granted to Robert Dacres on condition of maintaining the grammar school and paying the master £10 a year, the same salary as the headmasters of Winchester and Eton, and maintaining the almshouse.
With a salary granted to him by parliament he resumed his itinerant preaching in Wales.
Cesare Borgia, who had seized many cities in Romagna, suddenly demanded the reinstatement of the Medici in Florence, and the danger was only warded off by appointing him captain-general of the Florentine forces at a large salary (1501).
On his return to Russia he served for two years without any salary as chief gentleman of the Bedchamber at the court of Anne of Courland, and in 1721 succeeded Vasily Dolgoruki as Russian minister at Copenhagen.
AdvertisementHis loyalty to King George (son of Ernst August) would not permit him to take the oath of allegiance to the victorious king of Prussia, and he was therefore placed on the retired list, though with the full amount of his salary as pension.
The idea of putting something aside out of his salary proved a dream.
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
Josh salted that mine and strung along the owner just enough to get a salary out of him.
It was three months' salary, though Hannah had added it to the black AmEx her fiancé paid in full every month without a second thought.
AdvertisementThe whole country is divided into districts, in each of which a medical man is appointed with a salary, who is under the obligation to attend to poor sick and assist the authorities in medical matters, inquests, &c. The relief of the poor is well organized, mostly on the system of out-door relief.
In imperial times, however, this salarium was an allowance of money for salt (see Salary).
But the former is tainted by venality, which, aggravated by the scantiness of judicial salaries or in some cases by the judge having no salary at all, is almost universal among the administrators of justice.
The salary of L60 or 70 a year enabled him to save a little money.
Carlyle's salary was £200 a year, and this, with the proceeds of some literary work, enabled him at once to help his brother John to study medicine and his brother Alexander to take up a farm.
They were largely supported by the town councils, who erected the buildings, kept them in repair, and usually paid the rector's salary.
On his return he resumed his office as commissioner of the Great Seal, was appointed a commissioner of the treasury with a salary of 1000, and was returned to the parliament of 1654 for each of the four constituencies of Bedford, Exeter, Oxford and Buckinghamshire, electing to sit for the latter constituency.
He was ennobled in 1802, and in 1804 the duke of Weimar, unwilling to lose him, doubled his meagre salary of 400 talers.
The president, whose salary is 12,000 sucres per annum, has a limited veto power, and may convene extraordinary sessions of Congress for a specified purpose, but he has no further authority ovwr that body.
The average length of the school term in 1908 was 7.8 months, and the average monthly salary of teachers was $82.12 for men and $60.76 for women.
In 1744 he was apprenticed to his eldest brother, who had succeeded to the management of his father's pottery; and in 1752, shortly after the term of his apprenticeship had expired, he became manager of a small pottery at Stoke-upon-Trent, known as Alder's pottery, at a very moderate salary.
He was well received, promised a secretaryship and a good salary, but nothing came of it.
Another period of want followed, and it was only by persistent solicitation that Heyne was able to obtain the post of under-clerk in the count's library, with a salary of somewhat less than twenty pounds sterling.
The ecclesiastical preferment was merely intended to provide a salary not at Henry's expense; for Fox never saw either Exeter or the diocese of Bath and Wells to which he was translated in 1492.
Three years later he was appointed professor of mathematics in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, stipulating for an annual salary of $5000, to be paid in gold.
Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property.
According to a calculation made in 1904, out of 1370 appointments with a salary of goo a year and upwards, 1263 were held by Europeans, 15 by Eurasians and 92 by natives of India.
The senate, in return, settled him for life in his lectureship at Padua and doubled his salary, which was previously 500 florins and which then became treble that which any of his predecessors had enjoyed.
In 1806 he received in lieu of a pension the nominal office of the writership of the Edinburgh Gazette, with a salary of £300.
We have also from these archives lists of goods contained in the temple treasuries and salary lists of temple officials, on tablet forms specially prepared and marked off for periods of a year or less.
Administrative reform was also taken in hand; the large number of superfluous and badly paid officials was considerably reduced, and the status and salary of all existing government officials considerably improved.
He appointed the traveller to be kazi of Delhi, with a present of 12,000 silver dinars (rupees), and an annual salary of the same amount, besides an assignment of village lands.
In the sultan's service Ibn Batuta remained eight years; but his good fortune stimulated his natural extravagance, and his debts soon amounted to four or five times his salary.
The powers and duties of the vestry were defined, the position of the parish priest was fixed and his salary was regularly provided for at the public expense, and pedagogues were brought over from Scotland.
His refusal to accept a salary, either as commander-in-chief or as president, might have been taken as affectation or impertinence in any one else; it seemed natural and proper enough in the case of Washington, but it was his peculiar privilege.
Forged letters, purporting to show his desire to abandon the revolutionary struggle, were published; he was accused of drawing more than his salary; his manners were ridiculed as "aping monarchy"; hints of the propriety of a guillotine for his benefit began to appear; he was spoken of as the "stepfather of his country."
The salary is £8000 a year.
The salary of the chief justice is $13,000 and that of the associates $12,500.
Some years previously (perhaps about 1594), he had begun to be employed by her in crown affairs, and he gradually acquired the standing of one of the learned counsel, though he had no commission or warrant, and received no salary.
He was shortly afterwards formally installed as learned counsel, receiving the salary of X40, and at the same time a pension of £60 yearly.
The members receive a salary of 1200 kronor (£66), and are elected for a period of three years by electors, or directly, according to the resolution of the electoral district.
Both senators and deputies must have reached the age of thirtysix, must have a specified income, and are required to serve without salary.
The officials charged with the administration of justice according to the shar are judges, called sheik/i-ui-islam and kazi (had/i, kadi or cadi of Arabs and Turks), members of the clergy appointed by the government and receiving a fixed salary, but some cities are without regular appointed judges and the title of cadi is almost obsolete; decisions according to the .char are given by all members of the clergy, ranging from ignorant mullahs of little villages and cantons to learned mujiahids of the great cities.
All members might, in connexion with their official duties, travel free on railways and ships owned by the state; but since 1892 none had received any salary except the colonial members, who were paid loo milreis (£22) per month during the session, and So milreis (III) per month during the remainder of the year.
An act of that year, however, organized the consular service as a branch of the civil service, with payment by a fixed salary instead of by fees; consuls were forbidden also to engage in trade, and the management of the service was put under the control of a separate department of the foreign office, created for the purpose.
Vice-consuls have an annual salary of £3 50, rising by annual increments of £15 to £450.
All advances were lodged by him in the Bank of England until required, and all subsidies were paid over without deduction, even though it was pressed upon him, so that he did not draw a shilling from his office beyond the salary legally attaching to it.
The governor's salary is fixed by the revised constitution of 1908 at $5000 a year.
In 1812 he moved to Berlin; but in 1815 he settled in Paris, and in 1816 Humboldt procured him from the king of Prussia the title and salary of professor of Asiatic languages and literature, with permission to remain in Paris as long as was requisite for the publication of his works.
He was appointed before the beginning of November physician to the Hotel Dieu, with a salary of forty livres per annum, and lectured on anatomy with demonstrations from the human subject.
There is no positive evidence of any measures taken or threatened against him; but it is certain that he passed nearly the whole of 1546 and part of 1547 at Metz in Lorraine as physician to the town at the salary of 120 livres, and Sturm speaks of him as having been "cast out of France by the times" (with the exclamation c56 TLilv xpovwv) in a contemporary letter, and says that he himself in another letter gives a doleful account of his pecuniary affairs and asks for assistance.
They were exempt from military service; received a fixed salary; theoretically they were nominated for a year, but really for life.
After the revolution of 1848 he was enabled to return to Prussia, where he was restored to his rights, and received the Wartegeld - the salary attached to a promised office not yet vacant.
He receives a salary of $10,000 a year.
The annual salary of each senator and of each member of the General Assembly is $500.
The governor is appointed by the crown, the term of office being generally for five years, and the salary £5000.
Members of the Legislative Assembly are allowed a salary of £300 a year.
Then came a few years of terrible poverty; but at the beginning of 1862 he obtained a clerkship, at the modest salary of a pound a week, in the house of Hachette the publisher.
The clerk of the peace was formerly paid by fees which were fixed by quarter sessions, but he is now generally, if not in every case, paid by salary, the fees received by him being paid into the county fund.
The council may make officers arrangements whereby any district council or councils may have the services of the county medical officer on payment of a contribution towards his salary, and while such arrangement is in force the duty of the district council to.
Where the borough has a separate commission, the borough justices have power to appoint a clerk, who is now paid by salary, the fees and costs pertaining to his office being paid into the borough fund, out of which his salary is paid.
He must be a barrister of not less than five years' standing, and he holds office during good behaviour; he receives a yearly salary.
The salaries of the medical officer of health and inspectors of nuisances are, as to one moiety thereof, paid out of " the exchequer contribution account " by the county council, if they are appointed in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Board as to qualification, appointment, duties, salary and tenure of office.
His salary is $2,000 a year.
In 1909 there were 685 public schools in the state; the total number of pupils of school age (six to eighteen years) was 102,050, the number enrolled in the public schools was 84,804, and the average daily attendance was 66,774; the total number of teachers was 2255 (1645 women), and the average monthly salary of men teachers was 888.13 and of women $57.44; and the total expenditure for public education was $2,762,581 for the year, being more than twice as much as was expended by the state ten years before.
His father Timothy Edwards (1669-1758), son of a prosperous merchant of Hartford, had graduated at Harvard, was minister at East Windsor, and eked out his salary by tutoring boys for college.
For these and other artistic labours Leonardo was rewarded in 1498 (ready money being with difficulty forthcoming and his salary being long in arrears) by the gift of a suburban garden outside the Porta Vercelli.
The president is authorized to appoint the governors of departments, the intendants of territories, the judges of the supreme and superior courts, and the diplomatic representatives of the republic. His salary, as fixed by the 1905 budget, is £3600 a year, and his cabinet ministers receive f1200 each.
He was appointed British consul to Central Africa without a salary, and government contributed only f 50o to the expedition.
In 1908 there was paid for the support of common schools $3,061,994; the average monthly salary of rural teachers was $49.60, and of school principals, $80.87.
In 1785 he was invited to Padua, but to retain his services his sovereign doubled his salary and allowed him leave of absence for a visit to Turkey, where he remained nearly a year, and made many observations, among which may be noted those of a copper mine in Chalki and of an iron mine at Principi.
This cost him the loss of his salary, but it was restored to him in 1817.
Burke made some sort of income out of his 600 acres; he was for a short time agent for New York, with a salary of £700; he continued to work at the Annual Register down to 1788.
When Burke came to this post the salary was settled at 4000 a year.
The governor's salary (since 2869) is $5000 a year and the lieutenant-governor's $1000.
He was about to offer his services to the Church Missionary Society, when a disaster in Cornwall deprived him and his unmarried sister of the provision their father had made for them, and rendered it necessary that he should obtain a salary that would support her as well as himself.
The president's salary is $18,00o a year.
And others held that any priest who took salary was excommunicate; and that boys could bless the bread as well as priests.
In this respect the haruspices ranked lower than the augurs, as is shown by the fact that they received a salary; the augurs were a more ancient and purely Roman institution, and were a most important element in the political organization of the city.
They became petty local tyrants, all the more despotic because they had nothing to fear save the distant authority of the kings missi, and the more rapacious because they had no salary save the fines they inflicted and the fees that they contrived to multiply.
Rashi acted as rabbi and judge, but received no salary.
His appointment was three times renewed, on each occasion with the expressions of the highest esteem on the part of the governing body, and his yearly salary was progressively raised from 180 to l000 florins.
As the present constitution was adopted in the year after a grasshopper plague, which had caused great financial loss, it limited the salary of the governor, auditor of public accounts and treasurer, as well as that of the judges of the supreme and district courts, to $2500 each and that of other important officers (including the secretary of state, the attorney-general and the superintendent of public instruction) to $2000.
In December 1760 he was appointed general of the marines, with a salary of £3000 per annum, and was also sworn a member of the privy council.
The average school term was 186.73 days (in 1899-1900 it was 189.01 days), and the average monthly salary of male teachers $115.07, that of female teachers, $50.5.
The governor's salary is $4000 a year.
They both knew he spoke the truth—a steady salary would go a long way toward lessening their money problems.
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
The salary increase was commensurate with each professional membership grade.
His salary is commensurate with his relevant experience.
We offer a competitive salary commensurate to experience.
The pensions dilemma is closing down a "final salary" pension scheme.
The scheme allows him to leave his salary in his current account for the whole month, bringing down his mortgage payments.
Donaldson will not disclose his salary but says it is " not astronomical " .
Is paid for increasing from in to pay for medical insurance biller salary ailing system.
You'll receive a competitive salary; performance-related bonuses, profit sharing and employer funded pension.
The vise chancellor shall not attend any part of a meeting at which his or her salary is being discussed.
You will receive a salary commensurate with your responsibilities.
Salary for this position will be 18-22K + uncapped commission.
Bonuses are typically capped at 60% of salary, but additional payments can be made at the discretion of the remuneration committee.
Equal pay - choosing a comparator Please visit our main underpaid wage / salary claim page to read more about your employment rights.
The organ is endowed with £ 1000., three per cent consols, for defraying the salary of the organist, Mr. Thos.
For example, salary commitments relating to employment contracts are to be excluded.
The real benefit of the scheme was the PAYE and NI saving as employe contributions were deducted from salary before tax.
During 2003, CIS staff benefits included a contributory, defined benefit (' final salary ') pension scheme.
Making provisions for them from your limited salary becomes cumbersome.
Bilateral discussions have taken place between him and faculty deans, who have been informed of the proposed capped salary figures for their faculty.
They are also protected from unlawful deductions from their salary.
An alternative method to salary deduction was set up to allow partners to make a pledge.
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As identified above the actual salary paid to the worker may involve a considerable shortfall to the deemed emolument.
Most will spend two or three times their monthly salary on a diamond engagement ring - £ 5,000 or more.
Grand Union Regents Canal James Morgan He was appointed engineer with a salary of £ 1,000 a year.
The University contributes an amount equal to approximately 14% of salary.
Link esthetician jobs available - esthetician salary, employment, careers.. .
To apply for a position please send your CV together with a covering letter or email stating your salary expectations to the person indicated.
Senior officials will lose out; they are biggest gainers from the final salary link.
West th street even get to make sure you salary gamesmanship by.
We can't put the genie back in the bottle, whereby final salary schemes took on all the risk.
He received 400 guilders, more than triple his organist's annual salary.
An additional salary increment will be awarded for a PGCE gained during employment.
In addition to the monthly Review, subscribers also receive in-depth Research Files plus access to our online Salary Surveys Directory.
In addition, they receive a reduced salary which equals 1/3 of the salary of the respective devolved legislature.
Year quot quot salary to demonstrate search early middle.
The manager receives a salary of 500 MU per month or 6000 mu per month or 6000 MU per year.
The manager receives a salary of 500 mu per month or 6000 MU per year.
There was no mucking about along the ' what salary are you looking for?
Season ticket loans are made in the form of a salary advance via the monthly payroll.
At present, he has an occupational pension with his employer, which contributes 15 per cent of basic salary.
We are in the process of negotiating changes to a number of final salary pension schemes in order to keep them open.
Was Danny Crow really not worth a chance on the back of relegation, especially given his relative pittance of a salary?
They opened a hospital playroom for these children and provide a salary for one play worker.
Merit pay often amounts to two or three times the base salary of university professors.
Although more popular with money purchase arrangements, employers can turn a defined benefit scheme into a salary sacrifice scheme.
How does a pensions only salary sacrifice scheme compare to pensions offered via flexible benefits?
For the student, however, earning a salary instead of living off a grant is riches indeed.
You can expect a starting basic salary of £ 12,500 with an OTE of £ 22 - 25,000.
Less efficient operators premium when negotiating salary pushing your liability.
Such revenue from a fairly limited field is unlikely to pay the salary of the Editor on its own.
In return you will receive continuous training, competitive salary, commission & overtime.
From 6 April 2006 there will be no cap on pensionable salary.
Payroll Giving takes money directly from your gross salary.
In 1997 Jobs became the interim CEO with an annual salary of just $ 1. In 2001 he became the official CEO of Apple.
Clients may also choose whether they wish to pay their employe an hourly rate or a pro rata salary for a fixed term contract.
Salary will be on the Research IA salary will be on the Research IA salary scale, maximum £ 17,451 - £ 19,486 on appointment, plus £ 2,134 London Allowance.
He bought some good saris for his mother with his first month's salary.
We pay the schoolmaster a portion of his salary; the rest is made up from the school fees.
The yearly amount of the parochial schoolmaster 's salary is £ 32.
Randy Newman later became a professional songwriter on a salary, turning out pop songs for others to sing.
A subscription arrangement was suggested where people gave part of their weekly salary to a fund to buy a spitfire for the RAF.
A training salary of £ 9000 awaits all PGCE trainees and a maintenance grant of up to £ 2700 is available.
They can't explain why the slow trickle away from final salary schemes has become a raging torrent.
We offer a highly competitive salary package including unlimited 30-50% product discount.
The threatened walkouts follow Grampian's decision to end final salary pension schemes for workers at a number of its plants.
Therefore, the £ 5,000 has been added to net salary and benefits before calculating and deducting the amount attributable to overseas workdays.
Her monthly salary is around 1,500 Chinese yuan, or just more than £ 100.
The proprietor, in obedience to orders from Vienna (this seems the most probable account), took advantage of a dispute about salary to dismiss him.
He declined the leadership of the Liberal party in the Dominion parliament, but, having taken an active part in bringing about the overthrow of Sir John Macdonald's ministry in 1873, joined the Liberal cabinet of Alexander Mackenzie, though without portfolio or salary.
By the advice of Temple, Charles now tried the experiment of forming a new privy council in which the chief members of the opposition were included, and Shaftesbury was made president, with a salary of £4000, being also a member of the committee for foreign affairs.
Jowett's loyalty to those who were prosecuted on this account was no less characteristic than his persistent silence while the augmentation of his salary as Greek professor was withheld.
In compliance with this request he produced the able Memoire justificatif, composed in French, and delivered to the courts of Europe; and shortly afterwards he received a seat at the Board of Trade and Plantations - little more than a sinecure in itself, but with a very substantial salary of nearly Boo per annum.
Placed thus in the enjoyment of an ample salary, Herrera devoted the rest of his life to the pursuit of literature, retaining his offices until the reign of Philip IV., by whom he was appointed secretary of state very shortly before his death, which took place at Madrid on the 29th of March 1625.
The death, in 1687, of his niece, Mrs Grace Hooke, who had lived with him for many years, caused him deep affliction; a law-suit with Sir John Cutler about his salary (decided, however, in his favour in 1696) occasioned him prolonged anxiety; and the repeated anticipation of his discoveries inspired him with a morbid jealousy.
In 1772, the year in which he was chosen a foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences, he accepted the position of librarian and literary companion to Lord Shelburne (afterwards ist Marquess of Landsdowne) at Calne, with a salary of £250 a year and a house.
The judge advocate of the fleet receives no fees but is remunerated by a salary of £500 per annum.
After his return to Göttingen (November 1857) he was made extraordinary professor, and his salary raised to 300 thalers.
Palacky had received a modest appointment as archivist to Count Sternberg and in 182 9 the Bohemian estates sought to confer on him the title of historiographer of Bohemia, with a small salary, but it was ten years before the consent of the Viennese authorities.
He naturally shared Harley's downfall; and, though the loss of his salary might seem a poor reward for his constant support of the Hanoverian claim, it was little more than his ambiguous, not to say trimming, position must have led him to expect.
At its head is the inspectorgeneral in bankruptcy (salary £1200).
Legislation brought forward in 1906 introduced an innovation in assigning a salary of $7000 to the recognized leader of the Opposition, and pensions amounting to half their official income to ex-cabinet ministers who have occupied their posts for five consecutive years.
Refusing any salary and asking only the reimbursement of his expenses, he accepted the position, asking "every gentleman in the room," however, to remember his declaration that he did not believe himself to be equal to the command, and that he accepted it only as a duty made imperative by the unanimity of the call.
Of the powers vested in the county authority under the Highway Act 1878, the most important are those relating to main roads, which are specially noticed hereafter; (ix.) the tables of fees to be taken by and the costs to be allowed to any inspector, analyst or person holding any office in the county other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (x.) the appointment, removal and determination of salaries of the county treasurer, the county surveyor, the public analysts, any officer under the Explosives Act 1875, and any officers whose remuneration is paid out of the county rate, other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (xi.) the salary of any coroner whose salary is payable out of the county rate, the fees, allowances and disbursements allowed to be paid by any such coroner, and the division of the county into coroners' districts and the assignments of such districts; (xii.) the division of the county into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections, the appointment of the places of election, the places of holding courts for the revision of the lists of voters, and the costs of, and other matters to be done for the registration of parliamentary voters; (xiii.) the execution as local authority of the acts relating to contagious diseases of animals, to destructive insects, to fish conservancy, to wild birds, to weights and measures, and to gas meters, and of the Local Stamp Act i 869; (xiv.) any matters arising under the Riot (Damages) Act 1886.
His salary of IOO a year was cut down by taxation to 90; he had to provide his own instruments, and to instruct, into the bargain, two boys from Christ's hospital.
For this you will be rewarded with a salary of up to £ 18000 and fantastic benefits.
Pension All pilots will be entitled to a 7% of basic salary pension contribution from the company paid into the existing easyJet scheme.
In addition, overall salary scales are reviewed annually on 1 August.
The two final salary schemes operated by Reuters were closed to new members in 1999.
When the time came for assessment and salary increments, I was not the favored staff.
Salary will be on the Research IA salary scale, maximum £ 17,451 - £ 19,486 on appointment, plus £ 2,134 London Allowance.
He bought some good saris for his mother with his first month 's salary.
We pay part of the schoolmaster 's salary; the rest he derives from the school fees.
Sick pay From date of joining pilots are entitled to basic salary for 3 months in any rolling 12-month period.
A subscription arrangement was suggested where people gave part of their weekly salary to a fund to buy a Spitfire for the RAF.
Initial starting salary is circa £ 14K plus a car !
Autumn 1791 Neath Canal Appointed General Surveyor to superintend occasionally the Works ' at a daily salary.
They ca n't explain why the slow trickle away from final salary schemes has become a raging torrent.
Basic Salary £ 15, 000 to £ 20, 000 - uncapped commission - OTE 1st...
The position offers an excellent salary, plus commission, plus unsocial hours allowance and use of a Company vehicle.
The threatened walkouts follow Grampian 's decision to end final salary pension schemes for workers at a number of its plants.
Some large employers provide workplace nurseries, often with rates depending on your salary level.
There is a basic Salary, plus a year-end bonus based upon Sales success.
I want to buy a new car, but the payments aren't affordable given my current salary.
The supercilious man boasted about his salary, knowing that he was much wealthier than those around him.
In addition to this salary, some parents also offer health insurance, food, vacation and sick pay.
Salary and Schedule-Your nanny should know exactly what she will receive as salary.
This contract is often used to state specific details about the duties, responsibilities, behavior, benefits, and salary of the nanny.
Salary. Nanny services may help in the negotiation of salary terms and conditions.
If you are not fortunate to have a large salary, it is important.
Being a cigarette smoker requires a hefty salary, as it's an expensive habit that can rob you blind if you don't maintain a keen eye on your finances.
Do you live paycheck to paycheck even though you earn a good salary that you know should be more then enough for your needs?
To start, make a list of all your income, which includes salary, child support, investment dividends, or social security benefits.
According to the law, each spouse contributed equally to the marriage regardless of who had the higher salary.
The average interior design salary is $45,000.
The salary for an interior designer can vary depending upon the experience and education of the candidate and the job market in a particular area.
While education is certainly important, experience can yield huge benefits in regards to the amount of salary and work that is available.
The average salary for independent interior designers is around $50,000, although some interior designers' salaries can actually reach into the six-figure range.
Temp agencies may ask you to lay out specific information on an online form, such as salary requirements, years of experience in your chosen field, and your availability for an interview.
Another interesting style of fantasy basketball is playing in a salary cap league.
Although some of the rules may be similar to other fantasy basketball leagues, salary cap leagues give owners the opportunity to incorporate the business side of professional sports into fantasy play.
You might be given a $50 million salary cap.
If you are intrigued, but you want to add some extra flair to your fantasy fun, you might try a fantasy NBA salary cap game.
For example, write down what hours you expect to work, the salary you expect to make and any other job benefits you would like, such as an employee discount.
For the next few years they lived on the verge of poverty as his mother struggled to make ends meet on a teacher's salary.
Experts believe that with Beckham's move to the L.A. Galaxy, he could earn up to $50 million a year between salary, endorsements and profit-sharing.
As a testament to his talent and comedic genius, Vince Vaughn not only landed bigger roles, but also scored a much bigger salary.
In the two short years between 2005's Wedding Crashers and 2007's Fred Claus, his salary rose from $3 million a film (Wedding Crashers) to a staggering $20 million a film (Fred Claus).
After his performance in the film, McConaughey's salary for his next critically acclaimed movie Amistad was a reported $1,000,000.
After that, the film roles kept coming and his salary kept going up.
In exchange for managing his oldest daughter's estate, Jamie Spears receives a salary of $2,500 a week, plus cash allowances for car rentals and/or leases.
Britney is reportedly dating someone that she pays a salary to…again.
What type of salary do you hope to earn?
And if you major in a field that doesn't offer a high starting salary, you may be struggling to make ends meet for several years after graduation.
University costs increase from year to year and the average salary often cannot cover living expenses, bills and college tuition.
As you go back to school, enjoy the challenges and opportunities that college brings, and remember that once you've earned your degree, your salary and job satisfaction level will both, perhaps dramatically, increase.
This means creating a time commitment for a program to enhance a career or a salary while still maintaining a family, a job and a home.
An MBA can lead to an increase of ten to fifteen thousand dollars per year in salary or more.
While salaries vary from company to company and are offered as much on experience as longevity, a business doctoral degree can raise the median salary a manager receives over the course of his or her career by as much as 10 percent.
According to Texas State University, the median annual salary for a healthcare manager in 2007 was nearly $80,000.
In some cases, a year's worth of tuition, room and board, textbooks, and fees adds up to more than the average yearly salary for many people.
It means you get to live almost free because room and board are usually provided for you at no charge, along with your salary.
In addition, most cruise lines pay a competitive salary.
You don't even need to have the salary of a Hollywood star to own a silk panty collection, with today's blends and less expensive offerings.
Employee benefits are sorted based on salary history and length of employment.
You will make assumptions based on what your salary may or may not increase, your annual contribution and that of your employer, and what your current tax situation is.
The trustees of the fund are members from each of the different unions, and each employee contributes three percent of his salary to the trust fund.
Different game design jobs require different skills, which in turn drives salary.
Ultimately, you can ask for a starting salary.
The more experience you can prove, the better your chances at a higher salary.
Now, location just doesn't mean a physical place, it also means salary competitiveness.Do some research about salaries in the surrounding areas that house jobs equal to yours.
A salary is dependent on a few factors, which could be out of your control.
Be sure to check out career reports and work trend publications about potential salary information, rate of growth, and where to find the best jobs.
One of the primary concerns about the program is with its teachers, who only subsequently were required to have a two-year degree and who made less than half the average salary of a public school teacher.
In order to homeschool, one of the parents usually has to give up his or her career and the salary that goes along with it.
The obvious thing to look for when you're looking for any new job is the salary you'll earn.
According to, the average salary of an employee in New Zealand was $22.36.
There's no pay chart based on experience, but your employer will negotiate a salary with you individually.
To effectively compare your current salary with your potential salary in the Philippines, you'll need to know the cost of living there.
This information will be helpful when it comes down to negotiating salary.
If you can get a job there you'll not only likely really enjoy your salary, but will be pleased with the benefits and job security as well.
Visit to find out the median salary for different jobs, the median salary based on years of experience, and median by employer type (hospitals are best!).
Being paid in guinay will be a huge salary cut from what you could earn in foreign currency.
If a particular career field appeals to you, knowing the median rate of pay is an excellent starting point for figuring out what type of salary you can expect to earn.
The median salary is literally the midpoint in the rate of pay for all individuals who work in a particular field.
To get a true picture of pay expectations, one would need to know the maximum and minimum salary values.
Additionally, before taking a blind leap into a new career and a new country, check out how the salary converts to your current salary.
Depending on your job title in sales, your salary will fluctuate.
You'll specify details about what type of jobs you're interested in applying for, the geographic area where you want to work, your acceptable salary range, and the highest level of education you've completed.
The site also has links to a variety of career information including tips on self-assessment, career guides, salary surveys and apprenticeship programs.
This will help you have realistic expectations for the types of salary offers you can expect and whether or not you'll be able to continue living in the manner to which you are accustomed in your new home.
The applicant is also asked to list his or her salary expectations on the form.
You won't necessarily find educational requirements, salary expectations, or how the job market for a particular occupation is here.
What you are eligible to receive from the state depends on the reason you were laid off, how long you worked there, what your salary was, and your availability.
You may also find out just how much unemployment compensation you will be able to collect between jobs depending on how long you were with your current (or if you've already been laid off, former) employer and what your current salary is.
You'll generally find that the salary and benefits are very competitive.
From there, you can narrow it down by salary requirements, title, company, location, type of job, or employer/recruiter.
Career options include both hourly and salary opportunities.
Certified pharmacists are salary employees who fill customer medical prescriptions.
Management and corporate administrative positions at Target are considered full-time salary positions.
For every $100 in salary, the premium is $1.73.
The maximum annual salary that can be insured is $42,000 per year.
For employees who work in the province of Quebec, the unemployment insurance premium rate is set at $1.38 for every $100 of salary earned (up to the maximum insurance amount of $42,300).
The amount of the benefit has a basis on location, salary and the status of the person.
Compile a detail your previous salary for each employer you have worked with in the last 52 weeks.
You can even select a salary range of available jobs.
The benefits available to Sears employees- from salary to health insurance and pension plans- differ depending on the level of employment.
Prospective government workers can search by keyword, job title, location, salary and education level to find a job they are qualified for.
You can also arrange for email alerts of new job postings that match your profile and search for listings by the name of the federal agency, geographic location, specific occupation, salary range and keywords.
Although the initial education requirements to becoming a registered nurse are competitive, once in the field you can expect to make a good salary and have plenty of job opportunities.
The typical salary for this position is $75,000 per year or more.
Again, experience commands a higher salary, and jobs located in big cities pay more to adjust for the cost of living.
Any job results can be refined by Salary Estimates, Location, Job Type, Company, Job Title and Employer.
Before taking a position you want to make sure that you're generally aware of the stability of your job and your salary.
For instance, most ER doctors work only 14 shifts a month with an average annual salary over $200,000.
The average salary of an x-ray technician is $52,000, with the top technicians earning more than $75,000 annually.
Salary differs from one region to another, and your level of education is an important aspect of how much you will earn in this field.
The best careers in nursing should offer opportunities for you to use your skills in a comfortable setting while earning a salary that meets your standard of living.
The most important aspects of any job include its location, salary and your aptitude for its requirements; however, you should also choose a career path that you find meaningful.
If you are considering pursuing this career, be aware of the different salary ranges this position offers.
The overall salary and benefits package depends on the actual department store chain.
Individuals out of work for a specific length of time can typically receive half of their weekly pre-unemployment salary.
Some educators and professionals choose to pursue summer teaching jobs in order to supplement their regular salary income.
The overall salary and compensation package will vary from camp to camp.
These loans are also an advantage if you expect your home's value to go up quickly or if you expect to get a large increase in your salary quickly.
If your salary has gone up substantially in the five to seven years, this may not be an issue.
You will need to provide a lender with information about your financial background, including your outstanding debts, salary, and monthly expenses.
Since realtors earn their salary from the commission on their home sales, you need to make sure your realtor has your best interests (and not his or her paycheck) in mind.
Even those that include a salary often provide only a small base rate of pay, with the majority of income coming from commissions earned on completed loans.
When you return, the company is expected to give you back your old job, or its equivalent, including salary, benefits, and seniority.
Short-term disability insurance is meant to cover your salary, or a portion of it, when you are unable to work due to illness, injury, or childbirth.
It allows you to have a portion of your salary set aside for medical costs before tax.
This is because whatever funds you have taken out of your salary that you cannot provide current year medical receipts for reimbursement will not be returned to you.
In fact, many people believe a stay at home mom's salary would surpass that of most other occupations.
Childcare, professional clothing, drying cleaning services, restaurant lunches, transportation expenses, and extra taxes may be eating up a large portion of your salary.
It covers you for unexpected illness related to your pregnancy, providing a portion of your usual salary while you're unable to work.
They'll usually cover only about half to two-thirds of your salary, but only if your pregnancy-related illness meets certain conditions.
Make sure you understand if you'll receive your full salary or a portion of your salary while you're out taking care of your newborn.
If you extend your leave, your job may not pay full salary for the extra time you take, so take that into consideration when budgeting.
Try to save at least six months of salary and stick to buying necessities only.
If your company's maternity leave policy only provides a portion of your salary, having savings to fall back on will ease the burden somewhat.
The payment amount depends on the employee's salary with the new mother receiving a maximum of 39 weeks of SMP payments.
Draw three salary cards and choose the highest amount for your salary.
After you get your career, have the player spread out the Salary Cards and pick one of those.
When you pass or land on one of these (similar to Monopoly), simply receive your salary.
While it is possible to make a living selling candles, it can take years for it to replace a steady salary from a regular job.
You can spend three months' salary on this gift or just buy some wire and beads at the craft store and string together a sweet saying on a necklace.
Do not pay attention to the old myth that a man must spend three month's salary on an engagement ring, which was an idea based on a successful jewelry ad campaign.
The idea of spending the equivalent of two months' salary for an engagement ring is a guideline perpetrated by the diamond industry that has no real bearing on what a couple should realistically spend.
The idea that the engagement ring cost should be the equivalent of two months' salary is a myth frequently perpetuated by unscrupulous diamond dealers and jewelers.
It also cemented the fact that diamonds should be big by hinting that the gentleman should spend three months' salary on the rock.
It's not a good choice if your partner expects you to spend three months' salary.
A lot of people wonder how many months' salary for an engagement ring is proper.
Some of the more recent DeBeers commercials specifically mention the fact that a man can make "three months' salary last forever," so this is what many, but not all, women have come to expect.
The real answer for those wondering how many months' salary for an engagement ring is that it doesn't matter.
Sure, if your future spouse is expecting a large rock, you may be tempted to shell out three months of your salary or more to pay for it. reports that the average salary of a technical writer in the United States as of August 2010 was $63,000 per year.
When discussing technical writer salaries, don't forget that you often have the power to negotiate a higher salary for yourself.
Such writers do not receive a salary and are known as freelance writers.
While staff writers receive a salary, you will get paid for the work you do, not the time that you put in.
This is not a bag for the over-zealous legal clerk that has big dreams of climbing to the top; after all, if you owned the Ambassador your boss would wonder why you were working a 35K salary job in the first place.
Live-in nannies usually receive free room and board as well as a weekly salary.
Nannies are usually paid a competitive weekly salary and receive health benefits.
In order to determine salary ranges in your area, check to see what local agencies are paying.
Mr. Krabs is very money-oriented and he loves the fact that SpongeBob happily works in his restaurant for a miserly salary.
In the working world, every small chore normally pays a salary.
Paying for rent, utilities, and other expenses on a single salary can be tricky, especially if you're in an area with a high cost of living.
They paid for their first home in nine years on Steve's average salary of $35,000 per year.
Do the reports take into consideration the exchange rate, or the citizen's average salary, or cost of living for that country?
Are you dealing with a reduced salary or generally low wages?
Unemployment compensation helps many people get through this difficult spot, but it’s not enough to replace your entire salary.
While network executives refuse to publicly disclose Lucci's salary, sources close to the actress report that she earns between seven to eight million dollars per year, and devoted fans will tell you that she is worth every penny.
Lucci's salary got a boost in 1999 when after 18 failed nominations she finally scored a daytime Emmy award for best actress.
However, instead of bidding farewell to the role that made her a household name, the actress was able to negotiate time off without taking a substantial salary cut.
Executives wouldn't offer specifics, but insiders note that Lucci's salary cut will not affect her status as one of the richest women on TV.
Another big rumor generated with Hughes' return was her alleged megabucks salary.
Some All My Children fans started a rumor that Hughes' sizeable salary resulted in the dismissal of other cast members in attempt to free up cash for the superstar.
Veteran actress Melody Thomas Scott actually left the show for a time during contract negotiations over a reduction in salary in 2009.
Except for a one year break from the show due to a salary dispute, he has been featured on the soap consistently and is considered a fan favprite.
Travel agents may be paid a set salary or by commission on what they sell.
The most common arrangement is a combination of salary and commission.
Agency mangers are generally paid a salary with a performance bonus, although this varies widely among different companies.
These agents book business travel for associates of the corporation and are generally paid a set salary.
As of January 2010, the median salary for a certified Pilates and yoga instructor in the U.S. started at approximately $38,000.
Salary against commission may work well.
Superstars may elect to take 100% commission in lieu of any salary offers.
Compensation - Who determines salary, incentives, and stock options for those who run the firm?
If the board decides to hire you, you can earn a salary voted on by your board members.
Be prepared with a fair request based on your salary history and the market.
She's seeking employment at a bank's call center, a major step up for her in salary.
This is not the point to be asking questions about salary, benefits, vacation entitlement, or sick leave.
The salary for a business manager often depends on the type of working environment, their years of experience, and the additional job function specifics that go along with their specific titles.
Those with ten to nineteen years of experience can expect a salary that ranges between $50,000 and $85,000.
Business managers that have twenty years of experience or more have the possibility of making an annual salary somewhere in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 yearly.
For the example, the salary amount is very low.
A typical business finds that salaries, insurance costs such as health insurance for employees, salary and wages, and taxes take up a huge chunk of their expenses.
If the owner of the Internet business wished to hire another employee at a salary cost of $25,000 per year, that would make the Salary line above jump to $75,000.
Save up at least three years' worth of your salary to live off of while your business gets off the ground.
An automatic salary deduction that allows you to pay health premiums using pre-tax dollars.
Cigna offers summer internship programs for actuaries that include an attractive salary and living accommodations.
You and your employer can designate a portion of your salary to be contributed to your account-tax free.
For example, Disability Income Protection coverage includes benefits that are equal to a portion of the insured's monthly salary when they can't work because they are ill or injured.
It pays benefits equal to a portion of the injured person's monthly salary while they can't work.
Funds are deposited at regular intervals on the employee's behalf under a salary reduction agreement, which allows the employer to deposit the amount deducted for this purpose directly into the savings account.
Lauren looks back at her troubled teenage years with both painful reflection as well as admiration for her mother, who struggled to make ends meet on one salary.
This position comes with a salary of $250,000.
In the end, instead of landing a job with Donald Trump's organization, that $250,000 salary is donated to the winner's choice of charity.
In later seasons of Hell's Kitchen, winners were given the choice between accepting $250,000 in prize money without accepting a job or working for a year as a chef in a restaurant Ramsay places them and earn that $250,000 as a salary.
The job came with a salary of $250,000 per year.
The network also pays for the family's food plus a standard salary for their show.
They survive on mom Laura's teaching salary and a variety of saving techniques that they are learning as they go.
A PhD in chemistry, he taught at Boston University, where he remained on the faculty for the rest of his life, although he ceased to teach or draw a salary in 1958, when his writing income surpassed his teaching income.
The wages weren't all that great, but deducting rent, utilities and groceries from her present salary, it wound up being a good deal more.
Most wore trendy boots and coats, sat in designer jeans and sweaters worth a month of her salary, and wore make- up that coordinated perfectly with their expensive clothing and hair.
She named a salary figure close to the small amount Dean drew from the Parkside Police Department.
Ethel was not attractive in spite of spending more money in the beauty salon and boutique than Dean's entire salary.
Magdalen College School was established at the gates and as a part of the college, to be, like Eton, a free grammar school, free of tuition fees for all corners, under a master and usher, the first master being John Ankywyll, a married man, with a salary of CIO a year, the same as at Winchester and Eton.
A new judicial office was created in the name of the Company, to which Sir Elijah Impey was appointed, though he never consented to draw the additional salary offered to him.
The archbishops used to receive an annual salary of 600 each and the bishops 400.
A cure, in addition to his regular salary, received fees for baptisms, marriages, funerals and special masses, and had the benefit of a free house called a presbytre.
Both senators and deputies receive a salary of 600 per annum.
Until other provision was made, the governor-general was to have a salary of £10,000, paid by the Commonwealth.
They held an estate from the king consisting of house, garden, field, stock and a salary, on condition of personal service on the king's errand.
Senators and deputies receive no salary but have free passes on railways throughout Italy and on certain lines of steamers.
Each minister is aided by an under-secretary of state at a salary of 500.
His engagement was for a salary of 75 lire (about X30) a month, a sum so large for that period as to mark conspicuously the high regard in which his art was held.
The ministry of Lord North, however, was tottering, and soon after fell; the Board of Trade was abolished by the passing of Burke's bill in 1782, and Gibbon's salary vanished with it - no trifle, for his expenditure had been for three years on a scale somewhat disproportionate to his private fortune.
He repaired to Vienna, and was thence summoned to Buda by Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, for the purpose of collating Greek manuscripts at a handsome salary.
Having founded an observatory there, he returned to Paris in 1747, was appointed geographical astronomer to the naval department with a salary of 3000 livres, and installed an observatory in the Hotel Cluny.
From the first he was more than a clerk, and after a short apprenticeship he was promoted, in 1828, to the responsible position of assistantexaminer with a salary of 600 a year.
For twenty years, from 1836 (when his father died) to 1856, Mill had charge of the Company's relations with the native states, and in 1856 he became chief of the office with a salary of £2000.
They came into open conflict at the council of Woodstock (July 1163), when Becket successfully opposed the king's proposal that a land-tax, known as the sheriff's aid, which formed part of that official's salary, should be henceforth paid into the Exchequer.
In most cases the pastor receives a salary.
By this time the salary had been increased to X1 2; in 1801 it was He had learnt of Raikes's Sunday Schools before he left the Establishment, but he rightly considered the system set on foot by himself far superior; the work and object being the same, he gave six days' tuition for every one given by them, and many people not only objected to working as teachers on Sunday, but thought the children forgot in the six days what they learnt on the one.
In comparison with other French officials, they are well paid (the salary nowadays ranges from 39,000 to 18,000 francs according to the class).
Under the reformed constitution every senator is entitled to a salary of £Tloo per month, any remuneration which he may receive from the government for other services to be deducted from the senatorial allowance which, however, it may of course exceed.
They are further allowed travelling expenses from and to their constituencies on the basis of rules governing journeys of functionaries receiving a monthly salary of £750.
After his return to Göttingen (November 1857) he was made extraordinary professor, and his salary raised to 300 thalers.
On the 6th of November 1766, Lagrange was installed in his new position, with a salary of 6000 francs, ample leisure for scientific research, and royal favour sufficient to secure him respect without exciting envy.
He enjoyed a triple wergeld, but had no definite salary, being remunerated by the receipt of certain revenues, a system which contained the germs of discord, on account of the confusion of his public and private 1 The changing language of this epoch speaks of civitates, subsequently of pagi, and later of comitatus (counties).
His diligent attendance at the Royal Library attracted the attention of the keeper of the manuscripts, the Abbe Sallier, whose influence procured for him a small salary as student of the oriental languages.
The immediate result was the title of imperial councillor, with a yearly salary of 4000 gulden (December 6th, 1802); but it was not till 1809 that he was actively employed.
During this period a portion of the 42% duty was returned to the colony in the form of the governor's salary.
The salary was good, but the duties were too miscellaneous, and what was still worse, there was an end of the delicious liberty of the garret.
In 1848, through no fault of his own, his salary was reduced to go.
The salary connected with the post was very small, but it had a secondary value in greatly stimulating the sale of his books, which was his main source of income.
These sixty-four representatives elect twenty town-councillors, ten of whom receive a salary and ten do not.
In the year 1 747, to the great regret of his colleagues, he resigned his post of assessor of the board of mines that he might devote himself to his higher vocation, requesting only to be allowed to receive as a pension the half of his salary.
He resided in Edinburgh for nearly sixteen months, and his services to the government were repaid by a regular salary.
The salary of the secretary for foreign affairs is £s000 per annum, that of the permanent under-secretary £2000, the parliamentary under-secretary and the first assistant under-secretary, £150o,.
No official receives a salary; he has certain districts made over to him, and he may get what he can out of them; a certain portion of his gains he is compelled to send to the durbar; and the more he extorts and the more he sends to his superior, the longer his tenure of office is likely to be."
All his appointments to offices where the salary is more than $500 must be confirmed by the senate; all pardons must be approved by a board of pardons.
On his return he was contemplating emigration to New England, when in June 1773 Lord North, on the recommendation of Lord Barrington, appointed him a member of the newly constituted supreme council of Bengal at a salary of io,000 per annum.
The governor receives an annual salary of $4000 and the use of the governor's mansion.
His salary is $5000 per annum (with $600 for house rent and $800 as a member of the executive council).
In 1670 his house and library were burnt, and in consideration of his loss he was appointed physician to the king, with a handsome salary, and librarian to the university of Copenhagen.
Foreign artists worked for him at high wages; from Athens he brought Democedes, the greatest physician of the age, at an exceptional salary.
The popular majority kept up the feeling of hostility to the royal authority in recurrent combats in the legislative assembly over the salary to be voted to the governor; though these antagonisms were from time to time forgotten in the wars with the French and Indians.
Here d'Orville, to whom he had an introduction, proposed to retain him as his amanuensis at a salary of six hundred guilders.
Occupation is dealt with minutely, in conjunction with temporary unemployment, average wage or salary earned, and other particulars.
The office of master of the Mint is held by the chancellor of the exchequer for the time being, without salary, but the actual administrative work of the department is entrusted to the deputy master and comptroller.
The governor's salary is $10,000 a year, and the lieutenant-governor's is $5000.
The salary of the chief judge is $14,200, of the associate judges $13,700 a year.
The salary of the justices in the first district and in Kings county of the second district is $17,500 a year; in the remainder of the second district it is $16,300 a year; in the other districts it is $10,000 a year.
This board has certain administrative and legislative powers, such as the care of county property, the borrowing of money for the erection of county buildings, the fixing of the salary of the county treasurer and of other county officers, the levying of county taxes and the division of the county into assembly districts and school commissioners' districts.
Between the administration of Governor Montgomerie (1728-1731) and Governor Cosby (1732-1736) there was an interregnum of thirteen months during which Rip van Dam, president of the council, was acting-governor, and upon Cosby's arrival a dispute arose between him and van Dam over the division of the salary and fees.
The governor is appointed by the crown, but his salary, X7500, is paid by the colony.
The governor's salary, reduced in 1887, was restored to £7 Soo a year in 1900.
In 1762 Prince Paul Esterhazy died and was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, surnamed the Magnificent, who increased Haydn's salary, showed him every mark of favour, and, on the death of Werner in 1766, appointed him Oberkapellmeister.
The governor's salary is $600o a year, which is the maximum allowed by the constitution.
Each member receives a salary of $3000 a year.
At present, besides the president, who has usually a seat in the cabinet,' and whose salary is 5000 a year, there is a parliamentary secretary with a salary of 1200, a permanent secretary (salary X1500, rising to £1800), and four assistant secretaries (each with a salary of i 200) for the harbour, marine, commercial, labour and statistical, and railway departments.
Frequent suggestions were made as to raising the status and salary of the president of the board, which up to 1900 was X2000.
In 1909 the Board of Trade Act repealed the Board of Trade (President) Act 1826, which limited the salary of the president, and enacted that the president should be paid such annual salary as parliament might determine (£5000).
The increased salary came into operation in 1910, when a new president of.the board came into office.
The staff comprises a controller-general (salary £1200 rising to £1500), a deputy controller-general and labour commissioner, a principal for statistics, a principal of the commercial department, an assistant labour commissioner, a chief staff officer for commercial intelligence, a chief labour correspondent, a special inquiry officer, and a staff of investigators and labour correspondents.
There is a special office of inspection of railways with a chief inspecting officer (salary £1400) and an assistant staff.
Patents, designs and trade marks are now dealt with by the patent office under the charge of a controller-general (salary £1800), which is subordinate to the railway department, and copyright, art unions and industrial exhibitions are also among the matters dealt with by the department.
He was educated at the gymnasium of Stettin and at the university of Berlin; in 1829 he became a master at the Graue Kloster (or Grey Friars), one of the oldest schools in Berlin; besides his work there he gave lectures at the university, from 1833 as privat-dozent, and from 1835 as professor, without a salary.
They pay no premium, and generally receive a salary of P8 to £ 12 in the first year, rising annually to X30 or £35 as staff nurse, and subsequently to x;40 or £50 as sister or head nurse.
The salary during training is £12,ios., and afterwards £30 to £35 a year, with board, lodging, laundry and uniform.
At some the nurses receive all their own earnings, minus a percentage deducted for the maintenance of the institute; at others they are paid a fixed salary, as a rule from £25 to £30 a year, plus a varying percentage on their earnings or a periodical bonus according to length of service.
This is perhaps the commonest system, but some of the best nursing homes give a somewhat higher fixed salary without any percentage.
For special cases - infectious, massage, mental and maternity - nurses on a fixed salary usually, receive extra pay.
The duke of Bavaria offered to dispense with teaching, if he would only reside, and would have named him on these terms to a chair in his new university of Ingolstadt, with a salary of zoo ducats, and the reversion of one or more prebendal stalls.
The word is particularly used of the income from an ecclesiastical benefice or of the salary paid to any minister of religion.
The governor's salary is fixed by the constitution at $4500 a year.
In consequence of his lack of success at the bar he went to London in 1798 to try his fortune as a journalist, but without success; he also made more than one vain attempt to obtain an office which would have secured him the advantage of a small but fixed salary.
The first three numbers were, however, practically edited by Sydney Smith, and on his leaving for England the work devolved chiefly on Jeffrey, who, by an arrangement with Constable, the publisher, was eventually appointed editor at a fixed salary.
The salary for either senator or deputy is $3000 and that of the president $50,000.
The state also makes appropriations for the payment of a portion of the tuition in high schools and academies distributing it among the districts in proportion to the rate of school tax in each, appropriations for paying a portion of the salary of school superintendents where two or more districts unite to form a supervising district, and appropriations for general school purposes to be distributed among the districts according to the number of teachers trained in normal schools and to average school attendance.
Since 1579 he had lived mainly at Barn Elms, Barnes, maintaining an adequate establishment; but his salary did not cover his expenses, he was burdened with his son-in-law Sir Philip Sidney's debts, and he obtained few of those perquisites which Elizabeth lavished on her favourites.
He began to preach in 1810, refusing any salary; in 1811 he settled in what is now Bethany, West Virginia, and was licensed by the Brush Run Church, as the Christian Association was now called.
The selectmen, who receive no regular salary, but may charge for expenses actually incurred, form a sort of directory or executive committee, which manages the ordinary administrative and financial business under such instructions as may have been given by the town meeting.
He usually receives a considerable salary, varying with the size of the city.
There is no legal limitation to his re-eligibility any number of times; but tradition, dating from the refusal of George Washington to be rioniinated for a third term, has virtually established the rule that no person shall be president for more than two continuous terms, If the president dies, the vice-president steps into his place; and if the latter also dies in office, the succession passes to the secretary of state.f The president receives a salary of $75,000 a year, besides $25,000 a year for travelling expenses, and has an official residence called the Executive Mansion, or more familiarly the White House.
The governor, who receives a salary of $5000, must be at least thirty years old, must at the time of his election have been a citizen of the United States for fifteen years and of the state for six years, and " shall not be eligible to re-election after the expiration of a second term, for the period of four years."
He now became a professor at his old college, and for some years supplemented his salary by giving private lessons and writing on historical and archaeological subjects for local periodicals.
The difficulty that is naturally experienced by a traveller in finding sufficient support on a sparsely populated "ground" has brought into vogue the traveller on commission who represents several firms. The traveller with salary and allowances for expenses survives, but the quickening induced by an interest in the amount of sales has caused many firms to adopt the principle of commission, which may, however, be an addition to a minimum salary.
His successors, Patrick Gordon and George Thomas, under the proprietorship of John, Thomas and Richard Penn, continued Keith's popular policy of issuing a plentiful paper currency; but with Thomas the assembly renewed its old struggle, refusing to grant him a salary or supplies because of his efforts to force the colony into supporting the Spanish War.
In 1764 he was made secretary to General Johnstone at Pensacola, West Florida, and when he returned, two years later, to England, after a quarrel with Johnstone, he was allowed to retain his salary as a pension.
He enjoyed a salary for defending the policy of Lord North's government, and held the lucrative post of London agent to Mahommed Ali, nabob of Arcot.
The president of the communal council is the burgomaster, who is named by the sovereign in every instance for six years, and receives a salary varying from £40 to over £600.
The minimum salary of teachers is determined by law.
Every member of Congress receives a salary of about f200.
The appointment of permanent doctors (Kassenarzle) at a fixed salary has given rise to much difference between the medical profession and this local sick fund; and the insistence on freedom of choice in doctors, which has been made by the members and threatens to militate against the interest of the profession, has been met on the part of the medical body by the appointment of a commission to investigate cases of undue influence in the selection.
The institution of a minimum salary by the provincial department led to such resistance that it was withdrawn, but a distinct advance in salaries has taken place since 1906.
He gradually rose in rank till he was appointed, in 1830, head of the office, with a salary of £190o, raised in 1836 to £2000.
His efforts to secure a permanent fixed salary for himself (of 1000) were unsuccessful; and his attempt to prevent the further issue of paper money also involved him in a controversy with the General Court; but their relations were not unfriendly after 1743.
Along with salary, there were commensurate benefits.
Salary trends attracting the right caliber of staff is often affected by the competitiveness of the package you offer.
As the blockbuster movies piled up, so did Moore's salary.
Even if you finish school with the average amount of debt, currently about $18,000, it can be tough to make ends meet if you can't find a position with a suitable starting salary.
Green job websites provide lists of available positions and include job descriptions and salary information.
Keep in mind that some of these positions require you to work as a volunteer, which means you won't receive a salary, but you may receive travel and living expenses, making the experience worthwhile.
These women may be happier if you spent a weeks' salary or even less.
Instead of worrying about how many months' salary you should spend on the ring, it's more important to think about finding a ring well suited to your partner and about putting some serious thought into the purchase.