Salaries Sentence Examples
Respecting the salaries of the governors of states, the constitution made no provision.
Salaries are altogether much higher in the United States.
The students pay no fees, and the professors receive no salaries.
Salaries (traitements) are attached to the military and naval recipients of the order when on the active list, viz.
Senators and deputies received salaries.
Owing to the low rate of salaries, the percentage of women teachers, especially in the public schools, is steadily increasing, and now amounts in these to almost 83%.
The institution of a minimum salary by the provincial department led to such resistance that it was withdrawn, but a distinct advance in salaries has taken place since 1906.
All departments were being starved, and even the salaries of poorly paid officials were in arrear.
As salaries and wages have not increased at the same rate, many of the upper classes and officials are not so well off as formerly.
There are also some small districts or dependencies generally held in fief, turyul, by princes or high functionaries who take the revenues in lieu of salaries, pensions, allowances, &c., and either themselves govern or appoint others to do so.
AdvertisementMost of them are attached to mosques, and the teachers are members of the clergy, and receive fixed salaries out of the college funds.
A very valuable Report and Appendix (4 vols., 1884) was published, containing, inter alia, information on the constitution and powers of the governing bodies, the mode of admission of members of the companies, the mode of appointment, duties and salaries and other emoluments of the servants of the companies, the property of, or held in trust for, the companies, its value, situation and description.
Although few large salaries were paid, the perquisites attached to official positions were enormous; at the beginning of the 17th century, for example, the captain of Malacca received not quite boo yearly as his pay, but his annual profits from other sources were estimated at 20,000.
The expenditures are chiefly for official salaries, subsidies, public works, church and mission support, justice, public instruction, military expenses, and interest on the public debt.
The same committee appoint the deputyclerk, and fix the salaries of both officers.
AdvertisementThe payments which the county council have to make in substitution for the local grants formerly made out of Imperial funds include payments for or towards the remuneration of the teachers in poorlaw schools and public vaccinators; school fees paid for children sent from a workhouse to a public elementary school; half of the salaries of the medical officer of health and the inspector of nuisances of district councils; the remuneration of registrars for births and deaths; the maintenance of pauper lunatics; half of the cost of the pay and clothing of the police of the county, and of each borough maintaining a separate police force.
The salaries of the medical officer of health and inspectors of nuisances are, as to one moiety thereof, paid out of " the exchequer contribution account " by the county council, if they are appointed in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Board as to qualification, appointment, duties, salary and tenure of office.
Officers and servants are prohibited from being concerned or interested in any bargain or contract made with their council, and from receiving under cover of their office or employment any fee or reward whatsoever other than their proper salaries, wages and allowances, under penalty of being rendered incapable of holding office under any district council, and of a pecuniary penalty of £50.
To balance the budget, Mr Merriman proposed drastic remedies, including the suspension of the sinking fund, the reduction of salaries of all civil servants, and taxes on incomes of £50 per annum.
But Ezra Cornell himself paid many salaries during early years, and provided much valuable equipment solely at his own expense; and because the state's land scrip was selling too low to secure an adequate endowment for the University, in 1866 he bought the land scrip yet unsold ' Ezra Cornell (2807-2874) was born in Westchester county, New York, on the i ith of January 1807.
AdvertisementIn Prussia, where the bishops receive salaries as state officials, the payment is made by the government.
There are a few township high schools (28 out of 285 in 1909), and these receive from the state one-half of the total annually paid for teachers' salaries; for free high schools the first state provision was made in 1875.
The total income for schools in1907-1908was $1,773,659, of which $1,379,410 was from the seven-tenths-of-a-mill tax, $200,000 was from licence fees and taxes upon corporations (for salaries of rural school inspectors) and $194,249 the income from the common school fund which in that year amounted to $3,845,929.
The communes and municipalities pay the entire cost of primary education, except the salaries of teachers, which, with the cost of higher education, are paid by the state.
He also interested himself in a variety of schemes for the advancement of the social and religious welfare of the community, including the establishment of the Association for the Better Observance of Sunday, the foundation, with Hannah More, of schools at Cheddar, Somersetshire, a project for opening a school in every parish for the religious instruction of children, a plan for the education of the children of the lower classes, a bill for securing better salaries to curates, and a method for disseminating, by government help, Christianity in India.
AdvertisementThe Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
Salaries, sinecures, even commissions in the army were reserved for those who contributed to the return of some local magnate.
He was one of the Boston grand jurors who refused to serve in 1774 because parliament had made the justices independent of the people for their salaries; was a leader in the Boston Tea Party; was one of the thirty North End mechanics who patrolled the streets to watch the movements of the British troops and Tories; and in December 1774 was sent to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to urge the seizure of military stores there, and induced the colonists to attack and capture Fort William and Mary - one of the first acts of military force in the war.
Salaries have been too low to attract the ablest men; and as the constitution forbade the creation of new offices, and no amendment of this clause could be secured, resort was had to the creation of additional " secretaries " and of boards constituted of existing state officials or their secretaries.
Nearly all the large salaries and many of those of the second grade are made mandatory by the legislature, which has also determined many affairs of a purely administrative character.
Of the 75% of chief executives who are formally appraised, 23% have their salaries based on the appraisal.
While their companies were losing undeclared billions, high executives were rewarding themselves with kings ' ransoms in salaries, options and bonuses.
The most suitable candidates are often tempted away by higher salaries in the private sector.
Those staff not successful would be effectively demoted (albeit with conserved salaries ).
All these salaries are paid from the various funds constituting the endowment of the schools.
On their fat salaries and the extra they get from bribery and corruption they can afford to buy imported foodstuffs.
It includes salaries and bonuses but does not include non-monetary perks such as benefits in kind.
Attendances dwindle, young people don't join, union leaders become persuaders on salaries way above their members.
Their salaries should be deducted from the enormous police precepts raised in the council tax.
Conditions are still harsh, but salaries are fine and the experience just priceless.
In such a situation, highly productive staff would tend to have their salaries bid up.
Salaries for senior staff can be up to £ 25,000.
Most of the television money was committed to players ' salaries which agents were only too willing to ratchet ever upwards.
He restored all its faculties, gave larger salaries to the professors, and summoned distinguished teachers from afar; and, although it never attained to the importance of Padua or Bologna, it nevertheless possessed in 1514 an excellent faculty of eighty-eight professors.
The pope condoned those who had acquired church property; and by way of compensation the government engaged to give the bishops and cures suitable salaries.
Moreover, since 1881 the wages and salaries of the telegraph employees have been increased on several occasions in consequence of political pressure brought to bear on members of parliament; and notwithstanding the protest of the government of the day, the House of Commons in 1883 carried a resolution that the minimum rate for inland telegrams should be reduced to 6d.
The ministers are eleven in number and have salaries of about Iooo each; the presidency of the council of ministers (created in 1889) may be held by itself or (as is usual) in conjunction with any other portfolio.
The king was persuaded to forge one-fifth of his civil list, ministers and the higher civil servants were required to relinquish a portion of their meagre salaries, but, in spite of all, Sella had found himself in 1865 compelled to propose the most hated of fiscal burdensa grist tax on cereals.
In the budgets for 1905 and 1906 considerable economies were effected by the curtailment of salaries, the abolition of various posts, and the reduction of the estimates for education and public works.
The reverse is the case with the civil officials, whose salaries in the provinces are paid more regularly than in Constantinople, owing to their being charged on the provincial budgets; the average arrears are from two to three months in Constantinople, and from one to three in the provinces.
Duties on profession (temettu) consist (a) of a fixed duty leviable at rates declared in a schedule forming part of the special law (Dec. 8, 1907) regulating the tax, and (b) of a proportional duty at the rate of 3% on the value of buildings occupied by companies or individuals in the prosecution of their business; of 3% on salaries (subject to certain deductions) of employes of such companies and individuals; and on government contractors and revenue farmers, at the rate of 3% of 10% of the value of contracts filled and of revenues farmed.
The university is supported by a state tax of 0.23 mills per dollar on the taxed property of the state, by special appropriations from the state (for " deficiency," for School of Mines, and for salaries of teachers in the department of mines and engineering), by the interest on state bonds and land contracts purchased with the proceeds of Federal land grants under the Morrill Act of 1862, by Federal appropriations under the Morrill Act of 1890 and the Hatch Act, and by students' fees, &c. the total of this income was estimated in1906-1907at 8628,500.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
Salaries and similar expenses incurred by the board are charged on a district fund to which the several parishes contribute; but each parish remains separately responsible for the expenses of maintaining its own highways.
The revenue amounts to about £200,000 per annum in cash and kind, and nearly all of it is expended in the province for the maintenance of the court of the heir-apparent, the salaries and pay to government officials, troops, pensions, &c. (A.H.-S.)
The government was henceforth to be in the hands of a redo nieustajaca, or permanent council of thirty-six members, eighteen senators and eighteen deputies, elected biennially by the sejm in secret ballot, subdivided into the five departments of foreign affairs, police, war, justice and the exchequer, whose principal members and assistants, as well as all other public functionaries, were to have fixed salaries.
Hyper-Calvinism, ignorance and avarice cooperated in making the very name "missions" odious, ministerial education an impertinent human effort to supplant a spirit-called and spirit-endowed ministry, Sunday-schools and prayermeetings as human institutions, the aim of which was to interfere with the divine order, and the receiving of salaries for ministerial work as serving God for hire or rather as serving self.
Of the powers vested in the county authority under the Highway Act 1878, the most important are those relating to main roads, which are specially noticed hereafter; (ix.) the tables of fees to be taken by and the costs to be allowed to any inspector, analyst or person holding any office in the county other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (x.) the appointment, removal and determination of salaries of the county treasurer, the county surveyor, the public analysts, any officer under the Explosives Act 1875, and any officers whose remuneration is paid out of the county rate, other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (xi.) the salary of any coroner whose salary is payable out of the county rate, the fees, allowances and disbursements allowed to be paid by any such coroner, and the division of the county into coroners' districts and the assignments of such districts; (xii.) the division of the county into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections, the appointment of the places of election, the places of holding courts for the revision of the lists of voters, and the costs of, and other matters to be done for the registration of parliamentary voters; (xiii.) the execution as local authority of the acts relating to contagious diseases of animals, to destructive insects, to fish conservancy, to wild birds, to weights and measures, and to gas meters, and of the Local Stamp Act i 869; (xiv.) any matters arising under the Riot (Damages) Act 1886.
What are their average salaries?
Funds were to be raised for the teachers' lodgings and also for their salaries.
Have signed the the equation and pentagon salaries and literary and philosophical.
Automatic tellers, too, require programmers and technicians, and their salaries are four times what bank tellers receive.
With the upswing in the economy in the mid-1990s, employers attracted new talent by offering increasingly generous salaries.
They reduce the high expense of rent, food, insurance and salaries by increasing the staff to child ratio.
Many of these agencies are categorized as non-profit but have tricky loopholes that let them funnel huge profits back to a for-profit corporation or give themselves huge salaries and "expense accounts."
As in other fields, salaries on the East and West Coasts are generally higher.
Wholesale furniture establishments cut out those pesky middle men, and those middle men's price sticker raising salaries, and pass that savings right on to you.
Interior designers' salaries are often determined based upon not only their education and experience, but also on their specialization.
Interior designers who work in conjunction with large architectural or engineering firms can often command much higher salaries simply because of the specialized work that is required.
The average salary for independent interior designers is around $50,000, although some interior designers' salaries can actually reach into the six-figure range.
Many feel their careers could be boosted and their salaries increased if they obtained a master's or PhD.
Ski resort employee salaries may be low, but the perks are fantastic.
While television personality and actor salaries have always been inflated, there are some stars on TV who certainly rise to the upper echelon of paychecks.
This puts her in the stratosphere of television salaries, because the next highest paid TV celebrity makes $45 million.
Any wait staff, doorman, valet or other employee in the service industry knows that tips increase their sometimes meager salaries.
She's been called the most beautiful woman in the world, and her jaw-dropping salaries for her films attest to her popularity.
Both actors were demanding and earning incredible salaries for their movies, and were extremely influential in Tinseltown.In 2001, just after their tenth anniversary, Cruise filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.
Typically, the names you find on a list of most wealthy stars include the men and women who command film salaries in the millions.
As movie stars know, their salaries often depend on their last big hit.
After the film was produced, Sandra began to receive larger roles – and salaries.
Before you take out any loans for your tuition, research the average salaries in your field and make sure you've considered all other options.
Not surprisingly, experts indicate that 39% of today's graduates have debt levels that exceed what is recommended for their entry level salaries.
Entering this field also offers students high starting salaries and comprehensive benefits packages.
While salaries vary from company to company and are offered as much on experience as longevity, a business doctoral degree can raise the median salary a manager receives over the course of his or her career by as much as 10 percent.
Through these programs, writers can then choose from a number of professional writing careers, which offer average salaries between $20,000 and $125,000 or even more annually.
Princess Cruise Line offers salaries and benefits competitive within the cruise industry.
The costs associated with advertising, selecting, hiring and training, as well as the actual salaries and benefits of the caregivers, will be key start-up costs.
Now, location just doesn't mean a physical place, it also means salary competitiveness.Do some research about salaries in the surrounding areas that house jobs equal to yours.
Lastly, research nationwide salaries for an idea of where to start.
Certain jobs of video game design can elicit different salaries.
We already discussed the salaries of video game designers in another article, showing that even entry-level designers can make a very comfortable income right out of school.
There is a reason why game studios can afford to pay these kinds of salaries.
Some men choose to become "stay-at-home dads" because their wives earn considerably higher salaries than they do; others simply want to spend more time with their children.
Salon equipment is one of the larger expenses in beauty salon ownership, proceeded by rent space, opening retail orders and salaries (should you opt for an hourly pay versus stylist commission).
You can find lists of immediate shortages and long-term shortages online along with estimated salaries.
Here, you not only find out about job listings, but you'll find out more about salaries, work hours, insurance, and social security.
While workers in Germany enjoy high salaries, they also cope with a high cost of living.
Salaries in Germany are among the highest in the world.
As Transitions Abroad points out, though, typical Egyptian salaries can still allow for a comfortable lifestyle since the cost of living is low in the country.
While it's important to choose a career path that closely matches your interests and talents, it's certainly beneficial to think about the types of salaries available for different types of occupations.
While it's true that many medical and legal professionals enjoy high paying careers, these are not the only fields in which individuals have an opportunity to earn excellent salaries.
In addition to occupations with median salaries in excess of $100,000 annually, the Department of Labor's 2006 survey provides information about additional occupations that pay in excess of $85,000 each year.
In order to understand what the salaries reported for the highest paying occupations mean to you, it's important to know what the term "median" really means.
Visitors can post their resume, set up email alerts, review comparable salaries and review information on top Canadian employers.
It's important to conduct research about average salaries and the cost of living in the areas where you are interviewing for jobs.
Salaries are competitive, and pay may be based on performance.
Keep in mind that many nonprofits must pay salaries slightly below the national average in order to stay financially stable.
Engineers are known for making some of the highest salaries.
There is even information on grants for nonprofit organizations, accounting and non profit salaries.
There is even information on grants for nonprofit organizations, accounting, non profit salaries and other information relevant to operating a charitable organization.
There are some areas which a capital campaign should not be used for such as general operating expenses or for staff salaries.
Many foundations will not give funding for special events, conventions, staff salaries or annual operating expenses.
Understanding technical writer salaries is helpful if you're considering making this specialty part of your freelance writing business.
Finding statistics regarding technical writer salaries can be tricky, as the numbers will vary according to the source of the data.
As in most fields, technical writer salaries can vary widely.
When discussing technical writer salaries, don't forget that you often have the power to negotiate a higher salary for yourself.
Discount designer handbags are a godsend for fashion-conscious individuals who endure less than fashionable salaries.
Teachers' salaries being what they are, cost savings are always an issue.
In a multi-tracking system, schools can improve over-crowdedness and save the expense of building a new school even with increased maintenance and higher teacher salaries.
For parents who are struggling financially, this expense often eats up the bulk of their salaries.
As a result of their large salaries and the show's budget cuts, Hall and Hogestyn were eliminated from the cast.
Despite the popularity of the show and the high ratings, Young and the Restless faced budget cuts and reduced salaries impacting the rest of the industry in 2008 and 2009.
From sports to work to glamorous events, Invicta's presence is keenly felt across all age groups and salaries.
Salaries vary considerably depending on the type of practice you are involved in, how often you teach, whether you own a studio, and other factors.
Salaries are expensive, and it pays to wait as long as possible before hiring workers.
Describe their responsibilities, how tasks are assigned, salaries, benefits, and pay schedules, perks, bonuses and other incentives offered.
You can subcontract your sales services, and avoid associated costs, including operating a costly phone system, maintaining a customer database, computing employee salaries, commissions, sales tracking and payroll.
A typical business finds that salaries, insurance costs such as health insurance for employees, salary and wages, and taxes take up a huge chunk of their expenses.
This includes wages, salaries, gifts and investment income.
All five of us would be employed in various capacities at very generous salaries.
In the prolonged discussions regarding the Bill of Indemnity he was instrumental in saving the life of Haselrig, and opposed the clause compelling all officers who had served under Cromwell to refund their salaries, he himself never having had any.
In connexion with this system of salaries should be mentioned a somewhat reactionary law carried by Pericles in 451, by which an Athenian parentage on both sides was made an express condition of retaining the franchise and with it the right of sitting on paid juries.
The state, the departments, and the communes were thus relieved from the payment of salaries and grants to religious bodies, an item of expenditure which amounted in the last year of the old system to 1,101,000 paid by the state and 302,200 contributed by the departments and communes.
In other cases the inclusion of documents relating to the temple business, payments of tithes and other dues, salaries to temple officials, and such ceremonies as marriages, &c., which may have demanded the presence of the congregation and were at least partly religious in nature, have been allowed to complicate the matter.
Since then the Chamber of Deputies has on several occasions taken advantage of the budget to attempt the suppression of the sous-prefecs by refusing to vote the amount necessary for the payment of their salaries.
This, however, is not a real decrease, salaries of functionaries not on the active list having been removed to the region of supplementary credits, as are those of civil departments.
In March 1897 the floating debt was calculated by a financial authority in the Fortnightly Review to amount to upwards of £TJ5,000,000, which might be compressed to £T25,000,000 since a large proportion was certainly composed of salaries in arrear and other items of a similar kind which the government would never, under any circumstances, make good.
The state contributes to the support of the Church, builds its churches and provides for the salaries of its clergy, and at the same time it has the right to approve or reject all ecclesiastical appointments and to permit or forbid the execution of all decrees of the Roman See relating to Venezuela.
At the beginning of his reign he ordered a recast of the coinage, with serious results to commerce; civil officials were deprived of offices, which had been conferred free, but were now put up to auction; duties were imposed on exported merchandise and on goods brought into Paris; the practice of exacting heavy fines was encouraged by making the salaries of the magistrates dependent on them; and on the pretext of a crusade to free Armenia from the Turks, Charles obtained from the pope a tithe levied on the clergy, the proceeds of which he kept for his own use; he also confiscated the property of the Lombard bankers who had been invited to France by his father at a time of financial crisis.
A medical officer of health for the whole county is appointed by the Council, which also pays half the salaries of local medical officers and sanitary inspectors.
He was foremost in support of the claims of the Presbyterians and against the bishops; advocated the indiscriminate infliction of penalties, and demanded that the officials of the commonwealth should be compelled to refund their salaries.
A large part of Asir and northern Yemen has never been visited by Turkish troops, and such revenues as are collected, mainly from vexatious customs and transit duties, are quite insufficient to meet the salaries of the officials, while the troops, ill-fed and their pay indefinitely in arrears, live on the country as best they can.
This failed for several reasons, the foremost being that the language was not Arabic but Phoenician, and because professors and teachers, whose personal ascendancy was based on the official prominence of Italian, did not realize that educational institutions existed for the rising generation rather than to provide salaries for alien teachers and men behind the times.
The state school fund, ranging from about $150,000 to $160,00o a year, is apportioned among the school districts, according to the number of teachers employed, and is used exclusively for teachers' salaries and the supplying of free text-books.
The priests were to receive fixed salaries; begging, even by monks and poor students, was pr01522.
Bonaparte, in the Concordat which he forced upon the pope in 1801, did not provide for the return of any of the lands of the Church which had been sold, but agreed that the government should pay the salaries of bishops and priests, whose appointment it controlled.
The organization of cities and villages is provided by the legislature, which may restrict their powers of taxation and of contracting debts and may fix salaries.
The further independence of judges became a leading issue in 1761 when the assembly insisted that they should be appointed during good behaviour, and refused to pay the salaries of those appointed during pleasure; but the home government met this refusal by ordering that they be paid out of the quit-rents.
Although taxation was seconded by a drastic, indeed harsh, reduction of public salaries and wages (which were cut down by one-tenth all round) yet the years 1884, 1887 and 1888 were notable for heavy deficits in the treasury.
Both the higher and the provincial administrations were thoroughly reformed with the view of making them more centralized and efficient; and the positions and duties of the various magistrates, who now also received fixed salaries, were for the first time exactly defined.
In 1908 the total expenditures for public schools were $3,152,006 ($1,633,594 being for teachers' salaries) and the total receipts were $3,853,695, of which $2,283,038 was from district taxes.
With regard to the earnings of nurses in general, the salaries paid in hospitals have already been mentioned; for private work the scales in force at different institutions vary considerably, according to the other advantages and benefits provided.
The discrepancy between the fees paid by patients and the salaries received by nurses, especially in London, has occasionally excited unfavourable comment, but it is to be remembered that the nurses are maintained when out of work or ill, and have other advantages; many institutions either provide pensions or assist the members of their staff to join the Royal National Pension Fund.
A large number of children's hospitals throughout the country give regular training in the nursing of children; they take probationers at a somewhat earlier age than the general schools; the course is usually shorter (one or two years), and the salaries slightly lower.
Salaries and fees are very much the same in Australia; in Canada and South Africa they are higher.
The claims of the railways, however, necessitated retrenchment on official salaries, and the president's plan for conversion of the debt roused unexpected and successful opposition in an ordinarily subservient Congress.
Salaries, too, are small in most states, often not more than onetenth of what a prominent lawyer can make by private practice.
Administrative indifference to the eminently useful officials forming the service has led, in many cases, to diminishing instead of increasing their number and their salaries, but it is obvious that the extension of their duties and a corresponding raising of their status would be much more in accordance with the national interest.
He built temples, theatres, and mausoleums, promoted the arts and sciences, and bestowed honours and salaries upon the teachers of rhetoric and philosophy.
The volunteers organized as the Educational Commission for Freedmen (afterward the New England Freedmen's Aid Society), and the government granted them transportation, subsistence and quarters, and paid them small salaries.
Salaries (traitements) varying in each rank were attached to the order.
The revenue is derived mainly from import duties, and the most important branches of expenditure are the salaries of public officials, the army, public instruction and debt.
The land revenue proper is assessed in grain, the salaries of government officials, pay of soldiers, &c., being disbursed by "barats" or orders for grain at rates fixed by government, usually about 20% above the city market prices.
The bishops have fixed salaries in lieu of tithes appropriated by the state.
But the former is tainted by venality, which, aggravated by the scantiness of judicial salaries or in some cases by the judge having no salary at all, is almost universal among the administrators of justice.
Their legal salaries were absolutely insignificant, but they had been permitted to augment them ten and a hundredfold by means of private trade and gifts from the native powers.
The mistake was made of paying very low salaries to the officials, who took this as a justification for illegal exactions.
All schools are generously supported, salaries are unusually good, and pension funds in all cities are authorized by state laws.
The archbishops of Gnesen and Cologne and many minor dignitaries were imprisoned (1874); and the so-called " Bread-basket Law " was passed to coerce the parish clergy by suspending the salaries of the disobedient.
Once he was unanimously elected by his constituents, and once nearly defeated for having at the previous session voted to increase congressional salaries.
He left his books and manuscripts to the British Museum, and a sum of about f500 to increase the salaries of the three assistant librarians.
From all such property, whether land or the sheaves and fruits of land, and also from the personal property of burghers in the towns; Knox now held that the state should authorize the kirk to claim the salaries of the ministers, and the salaries of teachers in the schools and universities, but above all, the relief of the poor - not only of the absolutely "indigent" but of "your poor brethren, the labourers and handworkers of the ground."
According to this constitution the sovereignty resides in the nation, but suffrage is restricted to married citizens over twenty-one and unmarried citizens over twenty-five years of age, not in domestic service, who can read and write, and who are the owners of real estate, or who have capital invested in business or industry, or who receive salaries or incomes proportionate in value to such real estate as investment; and as 75% of the population is classed as illiterate, and a great majority of the labouring classes is landless, badly paid, and miserably poor, it is apparent that political sovereignty in Chile is the well-guarded possession of a small minority.
The national expenditures are chiefly for the interest and amortization charges on the public debt, official salaries, military expenses in connexion with the army and navy, public works (including railway construction, port improvements, water and sewage works), the administration of the state railways, telegraph lines and post office, church subsidies, public instruction and foreign representation.
The workers want higher salaries, paid holidays and a share of the profits.
It is proportional, and is collected by deduction from salaries and pensions paid to servants of the state, where it is assessed on three-eighths of the income, and from interest on consolidated stock, where it is assessed on the whole amount; and by register in the cases of private individuals, who pay on three-fourths of their income, professional men, capitalists or manufacturers, who pay on one-half or nine-twentieths of their income.
Vespasian could be liberal to impoverished senators and knights, to cities and towns desolated by natural calamity, and especially to men of letters and of the professor class, several of whom he pensioned with salaries of as much as £boo a year.
The works of this period are Les Philosophes Salaries, Machiavel juge des revolutions de notre temps (1849), La Federazione repubblicana (1851), La Filosofia della rivoluzione (1851), L' Italia dopo it colpo di Stato (1852), Histoire des revolutions, ou Guelfes et Gibelins (1858; Italian trans., 1871-1873).
The arrears in civil and military salaries average annually about £T1,750,000.
The maintenance of the court, and the salaries of so large a number of high officials, entailed the imposition of new taxes to meet these expenses.
The king was secured a minimum civil list of £1500 a year out of the native revenues; pensions were accorded to other members of the Buganda royal family; the salaries of ministers and governing chiefs were guaranteed; compensation in money was paid for removing the king's control over waste lands; definite estates were allotted to the king, royal family, nobility and native landowners; the native parliament or " Lukiko " was reorganized and its powers were defined; and many other points in dispute were settled.
Wages have also been the subject of legislation; special commissions have been empowered to regulate the wages in the so-called " home " industries (sweating), and an arbitration board has been appointed to fix the salaries of clerks in the metal industry, thus minimizing the danger of conflicts in respect of wages having to be settled by means of strikes.
However, these bureaus are seldom well manned, because salaries and tenure of office are seldom such as to induce able men to offer themselves, while the places are often given as rewards for political service.
None of these officials receive salaries; they are only exempt from taxation, and some have grants of land made to them.
I'm offering you full funding for your endeavor; secure operating quarters, any place of your choice, sizeable salaries for all of you involved and a gift of stock to each that will assure a lifetime income from dividends.
Thus, that of 1907-1908 was devoted mainly to raising the salaries of government officials and university professors; even then the maximum for both (in the former class, for an under-secretary of state) was only 500 per annum.
Congress decided in 1806 in connexion with the payment of salaries to Territorial officials that the 1st of March 1803 was the date when state government began.
Out of this fund certain expenses of guardians in connexion with the maintenance of indoor paupers and lunatics, the salaries of officers, the maintenance of children in poorlaw schools, valuation, vaccination, registration, &c., are paid.
The salaries of white teachers advanced from a monthly average of $38.87 in 1903 to $61.84 in 1906.