Sailor Sentence Examples
I am going to be a sailor and nothing else.
I feel more like a ship's sailor in a storm, with shredded sails with someone handing me a needle and thread.
He was the son of the giant sailor Wate and of a mermaiden.
A sailor's life is indeed a hard life.
A sailor brought them to Los Angeles and I gave him nine tickets to the circus for them.
A soldier on the march is hemmed in and borne along by his regiment as much as a sailor is by his ship.
The people were soldiers and little else; even the sailor belonged to Babylonia.
We try to keep water in the base but the tree drinks it as fast as a sailor on a twelve hour leave.
Prince Louis of Battenberg, a most patriotic and capable sailor, unjustly attacked because of his German origin, tendered his resignation as First Sea Lord, and Mr. Churchill put in his place the indefatigable veteran, Lord Fisher.
Out of such conditions arose the buccaneer, alternately sailor and hunter, even occasionally a planter - roving, bold, unscrupulous, often savage, with an intense detestation of Spain.
AdvertisementSecond only to the compass in its value to the sailor is Thomson's sounding apparatus, whereby soundings can be taken in 100 fathoms by a ship steaming at 16 knots; and by the employment of piano-wire of a breaking strength of 140 tons per square inch and an iron sinker weighing only 34 lb, with a selfregistering pressure gauge, soundings can be rapidly taken in deep ocean.
He was big and strong and soon became a fine sailor.
This is probably a simple votive tablet carved by a Roman Sailor.
In nautical phraseology various usages of the term are derived from its association with a sailor's leave on shore, e.g.
However far he has walked, whatever strange, unknown, and dangerous places he reaches, just as a sailor is always surrounded by the same decks, masts, and rigging of his ship, so the soldier always has around him the same comrades, the same ranks, the same sergeant major Ivan Mitrich, the same company dog Jack, and the same commanders.
AdvertisementHe looks so smart in his sailor hat and collar.
Once aboard my flight I spent the next several hours squeezed between a talkative sailor and a woman with a fussy child.
But the triumph of the navy in 480 and the great expansion of commerce and industry had definitely shifted the political centre of gravity from the yeoman class of moderate democrats to the more radical party usually stigmatized as the " sailor rabble."
Born in a stirring seaport, the son of a distinguished naval officer, he naturally adopted the profession of a sailor.
This work is little more than a sailor's handbook of places and distances all round the coast of the Mediterranean and its branches, and then along the outer Libyan coast as far as the Carthaginians traded.
AdvertisementThere was a charming side to his trustful simplicity, which was at times almost like that of a sailor set ashore.
The remnant of Ewell's corps was cut off at Sailor's Creek, and when Sheridan got ahead of the Confederates while Grant furiously pressed them in the rear, surrender was inevitable (April 8).
A statue of the sailor La Perouse (1741-1788) stands in the square named after him.
The tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor in the Red Sea was a piece of simpler writing, not unpicturesque, of the marvellous type of a Sindbad story.
His earliest governesses were the wives of a tailor and a vintner from the Dutch settlement; a sailor called Norman taught him the rudiments of navigation; and, when he grew older, he was placed under the care of a Hungarian refugee, Janos Zeikin, who seems to have been a conscientious teacher.
AdvertisementAfter the loss of a reconnoitring party sent south, Bartlett decided to await the return of daylight before making a move, but Murray, Forbes Mackay, Beuchat and a sailor, eager to attempt the journey, set off for the land, with Bartlett's permission but contrary to his advice.
The introduction of the clinical thermometer, which allows us to ascertain exactly the amount to which the temperature rises in fever or to which it is reduced by antipyretic measures, is to the physician like the compass to the sailor, and allows him to steer safely between two extremes.
In the following year Estevan Gomez, a Portuguese sailor in the service of the emperor Charles V., in his reputed voyage southward from Labrador, is said to have made note of the Hudson and Delaware rivers.
One was founded on the description by the Swedish sailor Niklas KBping of the ferocious men with long tails inhabiting the Nicobar Islands.
One of these apes, it was related, served as a sailor on board a Jamaica ship, and used to wait on the captain.
But before old age came on him, Boudin's father abandoned seafaring, and the son gave it up too, having of course no real vocation for it, though he preserved to his last days much of a sailor's character, - frankness, accessibility, open-heartedness.
The sailor reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human.
O ' Sailor's discordant piano riff sounds suitably creepy, but it might easily have sounded cartoonish.
The first magnolia grandiflora was brought to Nantes by a sailor from Virginia in about 1711.
The D Class lifeboat had to make a rapid return to the station with one sailor who was suffering from severe hypothermia.
Mr Cottle and Mr Hubbard both being unfortunately indisposed, Mr Mortleman obliged with one of his ever welcome sailor songs.
The Turkish sailor's luggage (which didn't seem to contain a wrestler's jockstrap) came next under scrutiny.
You play, Jacob, like a bonnet laird, or a sailor in a tavern.
Hi, I'm a novice sailor and have had difficulty raising the mainsail while underway on a solo sail.
Almost frantically, like a shipwrecked sailor calling up a bottled genie, Geller strokes the fork, waiting for the miraculous to happen.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
The sailor, extremely vexed, tried in all sorts of ways to procure fire.
Self-taught sailor of small physical stature who holds world solo yachting records Ray Charles.
He decided, therefore, to become a sailor, and, in 1848, tramping across the country to Cleveland, Ohio, he sought employment from the captain of a lake schooner.
He is represented as a morose and grisly old man in a black sailor's cape.
They said that a bright boy like George would not long be a common sailor.
He agreed to take the boy with him and teach him how to be a good sailor.
Give me a few common tools and some food, and I will do well enough, said the sailor.
It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise, as the sailor or the fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye; but that is sufficient guidance for all our life.
On a lighter note, would John really have worn sailor suits for five or more years?
One day him and Nelson were boxing, The compass, like sailor lads do.
Short sleeved with wrap detail sailor collar at the front, trimmed at the ends with matching covered buttons.
She is also strong, opinionated, plays by her owns rules and she wears a sailor outfit.
The next stage for the aspiring single-handed sailor is into the Laser class in all its variants.
In August, 1848, a sailor searching for stowaways on board the Ocean Monarch, left a burning candle unattended.
Design elements focus less on ruffles and frills and more on bright patterns and fun styles like sailor collars.
The cotton wide-leg pants are similar to the "sailor" variety that became popular when young ladies first began wearing trousers.
Throughout the early part of the 20th century and through the 1920s, sailor suits were worn by boys on most occasions.
However, their selection of sailor dresses is also a good one.
Children's charm bracelets hang quite loosely on young girls, making them the right kind of accessory for a sailor dress (feminine, yet not too dainty).
The fonts found on Moonstruck! are not particularly fancy, but they will certainly bring some nostalgia to your eye as you look at the Mortal Kombat font, as well as those from Mega Man, Sailor Moon, and Chrono Cross.
This is a type of tattooing also known as "sailor" or "old school."
It will touch every sailor's heart to have a girl queen to fight for.
The adventures of Odysseus were a favourite subject in ancient art, in which he may usually be recognized by his conical sailor's cap.
In his spare time he is a keen sailor.
Shapes are simple and cut to flatter and include sailor trousers and skirts, yoga trousers and ribbed cotton jumpers and cardigans.
Even the sailor on the Atlantic and Pacific is awakened by his voice; but its shrill sound never roused me from my slumbers.
Race 1 found local sailor Marcus Davies first at the windward mark having banged the left corner up the beat.
These might include sailor's hats, boat steering wheels, large sections of white rope, netting, fishing baits, anchors, paddles, etc. Remember, these can be the real deal or smaller reproductions.
Although you can find actual vintage suits through thrift stores and sites like eBay, sailor suits are often replicated so that you can get a vintage look in a new clothing piece.
As a piece of traditional and yet contemporary clothing, girls' sailor dresses make cute outfits for many occasions.
Styles range from very fancy to dressy-casual, but virtually no sailor dresses are truly for everyday wear.
White or pink sailor dresses can also make nice Easter dresses.
Most girls' sailor dresses are either navy blue with white trim or white with navy blue trim.
These apron collars are also found on boys' sailor suits, but girls' dresses (and pant suits) in the sailor style also often feature a bow in the chest area.
The skirt of a sailor dress is always a full one, and usually knee-length or between the knee and the calf.
If you like the sailor style of dress because of the apron and bow, but want a more versatile dress, choose baby pink or light blue.
In Fashion Kids is a website with a large variety of adorable children's clothing (some baby to toddler sizes, and some sizes for older children) ranging from sailor suits and dresses to Halloween costumes and fur coats.
Simply type "sailor dress" into the search bar.
Once you find your first sailor dress, use the suggested apparel pictures on the right hand side of the page to view additional dress styles, sizes and colors.
In addition to the traditional girls' sailor dresses, there is also a cute capri outfit that offers a look somewhere in between formal and casual.
Best Dressed Child has a wide range of outfits in the sailor style.
While most sailor dresses are navy blue and/or white, this website also features pink dresses, baby blue dresses, and even green gingham ones.
The collection of sailor dresses is extensive, including the traditional navy blue and white, as well as red, pink and a unique blue and green plaid version.
For a truly sailor-like look, you can purchase a matching cap to go with a sailor dress or outfit.
A cotton sweater with pearl or golden buttons will match a sailor's outfit well and will not detract from the look of the dress.
Sailor clothing for both boys and girls is classic and cute.
Whether you dress several children in sailor outfits, or just one, the sailor clothing is sure to be commented on by more than a handful of people.
Mom's Patterns has a pattern for plus size rompers and jumpsuits with a sailor motif and they even feature side seam pockets for practicality.
Styles have evolved and women today can find everything from conservative sailor dresses to fun, flirty designs that incorporate one or more of the well-known features prevalent in nautical pieces.
These plus size picks celebrate the sailor dress in a variety of styles.
Sailor style is always popular in the spring and summer.
There's something fun-loving about sailor dresses, and it usually comes with a dash of sexiness because the styles tend to celebrate a woman's curves and femininity.
Sailor - This sailor costume is a twist on a classic, making it sexier than ever before!
A classic fedora, a saucy sailor's cap, or a delicate chapeau clipped to a lady's coiffure.
Usually kept by the quartermaster, they enabled officials to figure the pay due each soldier or sailor.
Their selection varies, but you can get vintage trunks for girls like the Sailor Girl Nautical Bikini Bottom.
Sailor caps are easier to find than army caps, but a simple cap is easy to make, or you might find something that would work in your local army surplus store.
As with the shipwrecked sailor, dream dolphins keep the dreamer from sinking too deeply into the sea of waking life.
The dice are also a type of Americana art, but are a more modern twist on a vintage style made popular by Sailor Jerry in the World War II era and the years following.
A pirate known as Sailor Jerry is accredited with much of the tattoo art that pirates of the day had received.
The swallow is a sign of life and home as once a sailor saw the swallow it meant that land was near.
Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins practiced his art in a parlor in Chinatown, Honolulu.
One legendary piece is Sailor Jerry's portrayal of a ship at sea with the word "Homeward" beneath it accompanied by splashes of vibrant red in the background as though devotion and fury fueled the ship's progress.
Mermaids were mythical creatures of the ocean and many sailor's fantasies.
One of the authentic naval tattoos, a swallow is said to symbolize a certain number of miles the sailor has journeyed at sea.
The swallow was considered the first sign that land was near, implying that the sailor had completed his mileage and was finally arriving at his destination.
Beginning with Sailor Jerry's signature tattoos, of which the nautical star was once part, nautical star tattoos have had several meanings over the years.
This would have been regarded as an essential tool for a sailor.
The timepiece was attractive and inexpensive, offering the average water sport fan or seafaring sailor high quality performance.
Be functional - The uniform should not only make it possible for the sailor to perform a job, but actually make it easier.
Establish identity - The uniform also needs to enable every sailor, from the lowest rank to the highest, to easily establish each other's identity in terms of name, rank, service, and often job and specialty.
For example, she bought gold rose-shaped buttons and spray-painted them silver, as well as making the Sailor Moon style collar by adding an extra square of material to the back.
The term sailor is used in a very wide sense and includes all persons earning their living by navigation on the sea, or in the harbours or roadsteads, or on salt lakes or canals within the maritime domain of the state, or on rivers and canals as far as the tide goes up or sea-going ships can pass.
From a shipwrecked English sailor he met with, who had lived with the savages, he heard of the river Brisbane.
The town dates from the middle of the 18th century, when a cottage was built by a sailor and named Portobello in commemoration of Admiral Vernon's victory in 1739.
But there are records of expeditions sent out by the king to obtain the rarities of different countries, and the hero of the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor was upon this quest.
A sailor dress typically has an apron top (over the shoulders), but the exact shape of this overlay varies.
A unique overnight adventure trip gives you the chance to live like a sailor and learn about the history of the battleship.
Whether you're a sailor, a biker, or prefer some other type of outdoor sport, chances are you're a very active, hands-on type of person.
A sailor is said to be "rated A.B.," or in the navy "rated petty officer," "seaman," "gunner," and so on.
A trained soldier is often afraid at sea, a trained sailor lost if he has not the protecting sense of his own ship beneath him.
Drive and determination are vitally important ingredients for any competitive sportsman and especially a round-the-world sailor.
As a novice sailor, my only experience with yachts involved sunbathing on them and scuba diving off them.
A versatile white sweater is an excellent wardrobe essential for pairing with a sailor dress.
As you get your daughter's sailor outfit ready to be worn, remember to take the climate and time of day into consideration.
The principal source for the history of this time is the biographical inscription at El Kab of a namesake of the king, Ahmosi son of Abana, a sailor and warrior whose exploits extend to the reign of TethmOsis I.
In 1522 one of the ships of Ferdinand Magellan - a Portuguese sailor, though in the Spanish service - completed the first voyage round the world.
If he begins as a common sailor, he will never be anything else.
He was born in 1852, of an old Somersetshire county family, and, after a varied career as university man, sailor before the mast, soldier, coffee-planter, curate in the Church of England and evangelist in the Salvation Army, was converted about 1897 to the views of Prince.
He bore a great reputation for conviviality, and wrote a humorous Latin version of the popular ballad A soldier and a sailor, A tinker and a tailor, &c.
The first real account of the gorilla appears to be the one given by an English sailor, Andrew Battel, who spent some time in the wilds of West Africa during and about the year 1590; his account being presented in Purchas's Pilgrimage, published in the year 1613.