Said-goodbye Sentence Examples
Señor Medena said goodbye to them at the house, but Alondra and Felipa rode with them in the Limousine to the airport.
He never even said goodbye.
Alex eyed the man suspiciously as he said goodbye and walked away.
Everyone said goodbye when they left and he took the belt off as soon as he got in the car.
He hadn't even said goodbye.
Señor Medena said goodbye to them at the house, but Alondra and Felipa rode with them in the Limousine to the airport.
We have about 12 beavers at the moment having said goodbye to six just after christmas as they went up to Cubs.
It doesn't make the parting any easier, but the way I said goodbye has.
Perhaps I shall take up these studies later; but I've said goodbye to Mathematics forever, and I assure you, I was delighted to see the last of those horrid goblins!
Even though he said goodbye to a sold out crowd in Atlanta, telling his screaming fans "See y'all in 366 days," officials have confirmed that T.I. won't likely see that much jail time.
AdvertisementWe ended the night and she gave me a fast kiss on the lips as we said goodbye.
With the recent news of your promotion and relocation, I think it would be best if we said goodbye.
I lost (and regained) 30 pounds with Diet Center and Fit For Life, but I almost said goodbye to my colon in the process.