Said Sentence Examples
She said something and then rode ahead.
You would have said that was crazy.
There, I said it.
Alex said nothing, his stoic features giving no suggestion of what was on his mind.
At other times, in the midst of a paragraph I was writing, I said to myself, "Suppose it should be found that all this was written by some one long ago!"
He never even said goodbye.
You said you had a job.
I sure wish I had said something to you earlier, Sherlock.
They all said goodnight and then headed upstairs.
You just do what I said.
AdvertisementBut to confine myself to those who are said to be in moderate circumstances.
She said, watching him.
So, why hadn't he said something?
You said you couldn't dance.
Kyle said, following her into the kitchen.
AdvertisementCarmen, remember what you said to me before we married?
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything right there...
He probably didn't even realize what he said.
He said Destiny's fever had broken and if she continued to improve, they would take the tent off her bed in a few days.
Reason said if she left now, there would never be a solid relationship.
AdvertisementAlex said it might not have made any difference, and reminded her that she needed to think positive.
When the nurse arrived, she took Destiny's temperature and said something about the doctor.
Alex always said she had a good imagination.
Her heart said no, but then there was logic.
Katie said she should confront him when he did that - tell him how it made her feel.
AdvertisementI want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you.
As a matter of fact, he hadn't said that since he spent half the night with his old flame.
Katie said, lifting a brow.
As you said, you're just waking up from a nightmare.
He was dead on when he said she was more afraid of her emotions than him.
Something deep inside said that if Allen were six years older and had a child, he'd still be as irresponsible as he was now.
It's a big city and a long time ago but he saw the White House and said he watched Lincoln eat with two men.
You said they looked similar.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that!
Look, I think I've said too much, maybe.
That's the first sensible thing you've said in a long time.
Do you know what the letter said?
Go, brother, Green-eyes said.
The Natural I planted there called this morning and said they were waiting to burn the place until something got there.
He said nothing as they exited and drove north, towards the highway.
Mine is a very brutal world, he said.
She wasn't sure why she trusted the stranger, but everything he said was said with conviction.
Instead, he drew a deep breath and said, Find Bianca.
You have to protect him, the Watcher said.
I searched in the washings for a diamond and found it myself--the only true diamond, they said, that was ever found in the United States.
Glinka, the editor of the Russian Messenger, who was recognized (cries of "author! author!" were heard in the crowd), said that "hell must be repulsed by hell," and that he had seen a child smiling at lightning flashes and thunderclaps, but "we will not be that child."
Although she had said the words "I love you," several times, he had not uttered them.
As soon as she said it she wished she could take it back.
When I said you were the father, you couldn't believe it.
Then when she learned about Tessa's son, she was furious because he might inherit - even though I hadn't said anything to father.
He's run it all summer, Martha said, handing Howie a glass.
Martha said nothing during my discourse, not helping my confidence.
However, Martha took notes and Betsy recorded what was said.
True to our verbal blackout, nothing specific was said but the tone of her conversation hinted at sensational news.
It was an interesting mental exercise and said much about the desires of the participants.
The street he was on looked as it had on the television he said, but the houses were absent numbers so it took him a few moments to locate the correct place.
Shortly after he said he heard a phone ringing.
To Quinn, he said, you put me on the scene.
Nothing was learned from the brief visit that contradicted what the man had said to me.
We never-the-less decided to postpone discussion until the following day when, as Martha said, we had a night of rumination and our wits about us.
Brennan thanked us for the name and said he'd try to run down his whereabouts.
Betsy said as Quinn glared at Martha.
That's a start, Brennan said, getting back to business.
We recognized her voice but I never said anything but my piece; the detailed tip.
Her boss said she was reasonable intelligent when we set her up as the main person answering your designated tip line.
However said, I'm forced to agree a serious relationship can't exist on a bed of lies.
When I finally stopped, she said nothing.
She agreed to do so but said she was ninety percent convinced already and asked me to continue.
Howie said, in a louder voice.
No plate on the bike but it said, Volt-Wheel, for a brand name.
I said, but he broke in in mid-sentence.
He hardly knows the woman and you heard what Martha said; she still holds a grudge over what she perceived as Howie's carelessness that caused her daughter's kidnapping and death.
Howie said you're the smart one.
She bit her lip but didn't acknowledge what I said.
I'm doing it because of what you said; think of all the children he could be saving.
When I said nothing, he continued.
Give me a call when you have some answers, I said and hung up before he could say more.
Let's discuss this without yelling at each other,' I said, raising my voice over Claire's continued screaming.
When I made a face, she said, "It gets better after you've had a few."
She asked about the baby and I said Claire was fed and sleeping.
When I said no, she continued.
Quinn agreed and said he'd get back to me.
She brushed it away but said nothing.
Molly said as tears flowed.
It said her boyfriend was the person they were looking for and she knew for certain.
He's never spoken on the phone; it's only Julie's word and I'm sure she'd retract anything she said earlier.
I wasn't sure I understood what he was asking and said so.
When he said yes, I gave him the name Annie Abbott.
Naw. He said Julie never talks about that old stuff and my guess is he doesn't want to open a can that might be messy.
But we'd always remained a step away, like Martha once said, to retain our perfect friendship.
They must have stores there, said my wife, annoyance ringing in her voice.
I went around back because Howie said the key he left with us fit the back door.
You said they were off before he got here.
As soon as I said it, I remembered the last name; Bryce.
I begged her to tell me, but she just bawled and said it was good that I became a priest so I could ask for forgiveness.
Obviously, she doesn't think ill of you so don't pay attention to what Ronnie said.
Then Ronnie got up and said how he and mom loved each other and how she still loved her daughter Annie and it sounded like my sister was her only child.
Betsy said, alarm in her voice.
No. She addressed it to us and said she hates to do it but it's time to stop what we've all been working on for the last nine months.
They've gone into hiding, I said this as soon as she picked up.
According to Betsy, on the note Martha left, she said Quinn was coming back east to meet up with his wife and daughter and leave from here.
Yes. He said he was sorry but he and Martha said they had to call it quits and he was going back to be with his wife and child.
He said he'd make arrangement for the room and his equipment.
The structure was just under seventy feet long and about twelve feet high; said to be the height designed to accommodate a wagon fully loaded with hay.
I said, trying to sound indignant.
When I informed him we were terminating our operation, he said he'd have suggested it if we hadn't already done so.
I thought about what he said.
I was still skating with Brennan and never came out and said Howie, whom I referred to by name, was the tipster.
He said his wife and child just arrived.
I don't expect to see him back, Sadie said.
Betsy said as I hugged them both.
I never did find out what Howie told Detective Jackson but whatever was said, it put Jackson in a tizzy.
I thought about what my wife said as I looked around our beautiful property.
I said into the phone, while looking at Molly.
He said if Quinn could do his thing, someone else maybe could too.
Have you talked to the guy who my cousin Sonia said did it?
You said he's out of jail.
The father beat him near to death, people said.
You said there were others the police should have questioned.
They both spoke as if what said was oft repeated.
We all had nicknames for each other and that's what we used, though some weren't said to their faces.
That got me wondering about Annie too; she wasn't found for some time and the papers said she wasn't dead that long.
What he said made sense.
I said a silent prayer the young lady hadn't fallen into the hands of someone like our stalker.
You could lie and tell him Humphries said it wasn't really his fault and his mother was just upset at losing a daughter.
Howie said nothing as I related in detail most, at least, of what I'd learned from Willard Humphries.
I thought he was pondering what I said until he spoke up.
I told them what you said; they're like hiding out.
I found the key, just where you said but when I went in, I knew something was wrong.
Jackson must have thought I didn't hear him because he repeated what he'd said.
When I said it out loud to Howie, it made sense.
You said Betsy went over to the LeBlanc's place.
I blurted out my suspicions to Detective Jackson and said a prayer.
Wait a minute, he said just as Jackson answered my cell.
The detective gave me a look but said nothing as he led me down a long corridor to a darkened back room.
When she tried to intervene the couple said the girl had just fainted.
The small group moved more hurriedly now and the man said something to Betsy and shoved her forward toward an emergency exit.
He introduced himself simply as Frank and said he was at my disposal.
He looked at me but said nothing.
I knew he wanted to remain close to Julie so I said nothing further about trying to go back.
It's far easier to calmly pen the words I said than it was to say them.
I said nothing on the hour long trip in his van.
What's more, I felt if I had said I was the tipster, there was no reason for him to keep me alive.
I said as I cleaned my face and staggered to my feet.
Little was said of our clandestine activities of the past year as we simply enjoyed each other's company.
While the last words, "sleeping, just sleeping," said prior to the interruption by Grasso seemed to denote failure, the earlier recorded observations suggest otherwise.
They thought her too young to understand words like coma and deteriorating, and they accused her of lying when she said she could help him.
Her stepmother-- Jonny's mother-- had said as much.
If you make me a promise, he said.
You can stop this war here, now, Purple-eyes said with a look that made her snap her eyes closed.
He'll be back next weekend, she said.
They said-- " "Kyle, are you on drugs?" she asked, baffled.
If I'm not back in twenty minutes, go someplace safe and call the police, okay? she said, placing it on the dashboard.
We'll meet soon, brother, she'd said.
The fire destroyed everything else, Toni said.
I'm waiting for Jenn to confirm, and we'll schedule to take it out tomorrow morning, Toni said.
He didn't know what it was but said it wasn't a vamp and it wasn't their dinner.
He said nothing, his decision already made.
I'm not old enough to know how, Dusty said, convinced Talon was psychotic in addition to sadistic.
He said nothing as he responded to the messages on his screen.
He said nothing, void of emotion.
You may want to talk to the occupant as well, he said.
You're just going to kill me, she said in a tiny voice.
She said nothing, and he left.
Dusty said I have to leave the cat with you.
She said to tell you not to worry, you'll adjust, okay?
Tell me about yours, Jenn said with a smile.
Dusty said you healed Jonny earlier today.
Just said he was coming back for me after he went away for a couple days, Bianca said with a shrug.
He faced her when she said nothing in response and didn't leave his bedroom.
It might help me, she said hesitantly.
But there will be a few thousand bad guys within a stone's throw of us …" "Pull in everything we can from the east coast sectors," Dusty said.
She means that respectfully, Toni said.
She said she'd tell you that in person if you hadn't already taken her Traveler.
Jenn said he's at HQ.
Sofi said you were special.
Dusty said you're safer here than anywhere.
I keep thinking, if I'd been in Miami instead of California, he wouldn't have, Bianca said, looking down.
Dusty said around a mouth full of vegetables.
I'm not sure she's hearing anything, though, Toni said.
Sofi said not to do that, and I did.
Toni said he thinks I have some of the um, Natural ability.
I'm not like Talon! he said.
His condo was as Bianca had said, boring with no color and no character.
He paused, then said, I need a drink.
I've said too much.
He said nothing to Talon, gave no trace he knew something was wrong.
Please, please, please don't-- " "Show me," he said.
She said we have to destroy it, too.
I'll send others, Dusty said.
It's time, his sister said again.
You're running out of time, she said.
Always have, Dusty said, slapping him on the shoulder.
We have to-- " "Bianca!" he said, shaking her.
Figured everything would turn out okay, Darian said with a weak shrug.
I'm always there! she said stubbornly.
Last night he said he was stuck in Ireland.
I left you a mess to clean up in Ohio, he said.
You know well enough what the Others will do in the human realm, the Watcher said.
Yes, ikir called earlier and said you'd be in today.
He said there's a new Black God.
Just have worse odds, Jule said, trying not to let his own alarm show.
He said nothing else and moved away.
In any case, I'm on my way, darling, he said with disapproval.
Stalking an innocent woman in the alley was a cakewalk, until the moment she said something she shouldn't have known.
Her father said the man came to kill her, yet she was still alive.
Last night upset me, she said truthfully.
That man will never bother you again, he said.
He said you want to kill me.
You heard him say it in the alley, he said.
Lookin' good, Darian, Jule said.
I can't help feeling bad for him, Darian said, his gaze growing dark and distant.
Tell everyone I said hello and I'm being held hostage by one of the Others.
Sofi said to tell you 'I told you so.'
He's been explaining how things work to me, Jonny said, blinking out of his thoughts.
If it goes off for any reason, I'll be at your throat with a knife, truce be damned, Damian said in a low, firm voice.
Jule wasn't what her father said he should be.
I'm so fed up with people making fun of me because I'm different, she said, frowning.
She meant what she said; she had no friends, but a long time ago, she'd had one whose family had a summer cottage near the coast.
She did as he said and ransacked the cabinets until she found a small first-aid kit.
She did as he said and pressed hard on the arrow wound until the bleeding slowed.
I am weak, he said.
Feeling as if she'd said too much, she turned and fled the cottage for her car and locked the doors.
No matter, I'm outta here, Damian said.
I'm immune to lead! he said and laughed.
He said it's about Jule.
Several. I had our logs checked like you said.
Xander said my powers will build slowly.
Jenn said nothing, aware the vamps in the interrogation room were listening.
I get off on killing you idiots, she said in the same calm voice she used with Jonny.
The vamp said something about splitting the sky.
Let me know when you need anything, she said.
Remember what Dusty said.
I'm not, uh, restricted to either realm, Darian said.
I'll be fine, he said in amusement.
I touched her so she could show me where you were, and I felt what she can do, Darian said.
Dusty's not allowed out of his room without her—" "Darian!" she said with a laugh.
He refused to do as we said and kill his target.
No, Darian, Damian said, perplexed.
Let's try this, he said.
I did this, Jonny said.
Let's see if you can make it through the month, he said and dropped the cell.
She didn't know what Xander was, but he'd said one thing that struck her hard.
I do, too, Jule said then motioned to the blond man.
He said he had to kill them or they'd kill me.
I keep telling myself it can't be real, she said, her voice barely audible.
Thought you might be interested in something I found in Sean's notebook, Rourk said and rose, handing it to him.
I'd have noticed a seven-foot-tall vamp, and even if we didn't, the Other would've, Rourk said.
But it didn't, did it, he said slowly, thinking hard.
The Watcher said nothing.
Sofi said the Originals aren't what we've been led to believe them to be.
The Vamp is here, and yet the only tear between realms was caused by Darian and is being pursued by the Watchers and Others, Damian said.
Darian said a Watcher ordered you to kill your mate?
Powerful motivation, Xander said, amused.
This seems motivation enough, Jule said.
I want the Other, the vamp said at last.
You made the one who can stop you fall in love with you instead, her father said.
Let me face them, she said.
You said we needed everything we could get, she replied.
Tell Dusty not to blow everything up, and leave the vamp alone, Damian said.
The vamp said nothing.
Sofi had said similar before Dusty almost blew up Florida.
He amuses me, Sofi said with a smile.
You claimed me the first time you touched me, he said with a smile.
I'm okay with you running him over, the man with the cool blue eyes said.
I think I've always known, she said and rested her forehead against his.
They said it might be some sort of rare blood disorder.
She's still a bitch, by the way, Jake said.
Lacy wore a skirt too short and tight for office wear, but when you're the boss … "I noticed you've been taking a lot of sick time lately," Lacy said as Sofia entered the room.
They're doctors, Lacy said, looking up from the memo in her hands.
I just came back from a battery of tests that said nothing's wrong with me.
I ran into someone I knew from college, Jake said and began to pace again, half-lost in his thoughts as he spoke.
Just said he wanted it done soon because he wasn't taking any risks, even if she hadn't started transforming yet.
I just have this feeling… Jake said, his face troubled.
They're coaching him, the Watcher said softly.
I don't wanna know, Laney said.
They're acting out some bizarre kid's story for the cancer kids, Han said, ducking his head into the office.
I'm getting reports from the recruitment team that a lot of their newly flagged Guardians are getting whacked as soon as they make the list, Damian said.
He gave her a look that said he didn't have all the patience in the world then pulled her arm free again.
I owe you one, Jule said, chagrined.
He'd never said why, and Damian didn't ask.
They're having issues, Han said.
That's what Han said.
Han said you're moody.
And I'm willing if you're willing, he said with a smile that set her blood alight.
Or, I can cancel, and we can live out the—" "No, thanks," she said, standing and all but bolting out of his suite.
We know what he's planning, he said calmly.
Go see him, Han said, concerned yet unyielding.
No warrior wants to die of old age, he said.
He said he was going to drain all my blood out.
She said nothing, her heart somersaulting.
Let me ask you something, Han, she said, facing him.
I do apologize, the Watcher said.
Maybe I do, he said into her mind.
You just haven't realized it, he said.
I know you want me, Claire said.
I shouldn't have said that.
I can't even eat real food, she said bitterly.
Claire, Darian said again.
Damian said with warmth she hadn't seen him display toward anyone else.
Visitors held out their hands like this, Dusty said, indicating his outstretched hand.
She's trying, Damian said.
He didn't know what she said, but she was holding out a hand to him, crying.
Even he does not wear it, Pierre said and motioned her to follow him towards the party below.
The words were too painful, and by the predatory stillness of the man across from her, she was terrified of what he'd do if she said it again.
She'll be okay, Dusty said.
Jule had always said he inspired men to follow him, though he saw nothing different in what he did than what his deputies did.
You said it was.
She said nothing, realizing she'd told him something he didn't know.
Sit your ass down, Linda said, planting her small form between them and physically pushing the man who towered over her.
He'll be inconsolable, Linda said with a delighted laugh.
He's an inch away from wringing my neck, Sofia said, following.
I'm a lost sheep, Sofia said.
Someone brought you in, Linda said wisely.
So, if Lon said something stupid to you, you could toss him into the air and leave him there until he agreed to treat you with an ounce of respect.
I'll be right back, she said, hopping up.
Oh, ye of little faith, he said into her mind.
The warmth of his smile was not lost on her, and she thought about what Linda had said about him.
Traci told him not to think about asking her to marry him just because she's pregnant, and he said she had no choice and he'd drag the priest to her.
Do I have D's number? a warm, male voice on the other end said.
It's rough, he said and gave a surprised laugh.
We're in a unique position to help people who can't help themselves against bad guys who want to hurt them, he said.
He said nothing, and she saw the look that crossed his face, as if he wasn't sure what to make of it.
You're full of shit, he said into her thoughts.
Worse—he saw in her mind that what she said was true.
I don't mean that in a mean way, Linda said quickly.
You're there for me when I need you, she said.
Dusty said nothing but drew abreast of him.
Every year you bitch about it, he said, enjoying the distraction from his dark thoughts.
I'm French, he said and swallowed one whole.
We can make our way back there, Traci said.
He'd not said anything to her since the other night, when he'd almost destroyed the world.
He's got a great sense of style, Linda said with a laugh.
We'll wait, Jule said.
He said no more, and she lost the nerve to pursue.
Shouldn't have said that.
Jule said with a laugh.
I'll wait for Pierre to catch up, she said, joining Traci on the couch.
I'm calling Rainy, Ving said.
He had a secret weapon, but I don't know what it was, she said quickly.
The world needs him, she said.
You said you'd free him, she said.
His eyes were closed as he said the word.
Pierre said then cursed in French.
We'll run, Dustin said.
I'll protect you, kiri, Darian said into her mind.
I'm scared, kiri, he said again into her head.
He'll break if you push him, the Watcher said.
Jule had never said what he'd done to piss someone off and get exiled to earth, but it must have been bad if the Watcher's kind clipped his powers and sent him packing.
You are coming with us, mademoiselle, he said to Traci.
He said nothing, didn't move.
She'd said her piece.
I never thought she'd do something like that, he said quietly.
I don't know how she reached him inside that dark maze, Damian said with a shake of his head.
It said then concentrated on holding onto the book.
I will record you now, Zamon said.
You should not make deals, until you learn how, Zamon said sternly.
Anything you ask of Hell, it will do, he said.
He'd said she had a chance not only to leave, but also to help save Gabriel's life, if she did exactly as Darkyn said.
You almost waited too long to seek me out for a deal, he said.
Mesmerized by the sensations, her confusion and his direct gaze, she had to concentrate hard to register what he said.
I prefer the alternative of them being non-existent, he said.
Survive. He said I'd survive.
Even Gabriel has, Darkyn said.
It might have felt like a dream, but I can assure you it was not, he said, smiling.
You know Past-Death will stop at nothing to get what she wants, Darkyn said.
That's an emotion I do understand, she said.
They were the same she'd said to Gabriel on the beach, the night they met.
Someone lost a bet, he said.
The way he said it made it clear he was making fun of her.
You said something similar two days ago, before I became the mate of the Dark One.
He stripped her deity powers, said she had to earn Gabriel the same way you did.
He was making certain I win, she said.
She said she made me, used me and was done with me.
He said he had a message, and that I'm the message, she said.
He kept pushing me away, she said.
Don't let anyone else determine them, he said.
He also said I need to be careful in the human world.
Deals made while the negotiator is distracted or emotional are easier to win, he said.
I don't expect them or anyone else to make deals with you for me, she said, hurt as much by his words as the thought that there was no one outside of Hell who wished her well.
I feel it, he said.
I think, she said, puzzled.
You can fight me later, he said and released her.
That's it, Gabriel said.
You weren't about to take a chance that you lose her, Gabriel said, sounding baffled.
He didn't hurt me, she said, looking at Darkyn with renewed fear.
It's not a competition, he said simply.
Deidre did as he said and fed long, prepared to put up an honest fight this time.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
I know better than to trust Wynn, she said with a sigh.
Be proud of that, he said.
It's not guaranteed, but it's a shot, she said.
She's malnourished and dehydrated, Wynn said.
Darkyn said Hell would do what she asked, so she willed her hair shorter and blonde.
Wynn said your happiness made it grow.
Darkyn said my weakness is being taken advantage of by others.
I have to be there in order to prevent it, he said carefully.
I'll figure it out way before our deal is up, she said, rolling her eyes.
She shouldn't either, she said quietly.
No need to be jealous, Gabriel said, bristling.
No part of her wanted to reveal what Gabriel told her or that she meant it when she said she would find a way to help him.
I said a creature who has never known peace will surrender unconditionally when he tastes it for the first time.
Deidre said without thinking.
Deidre said, sensing the jealousy in the woman before her.
When he said no more, she smiled slightly.
As soon as I touched you, I knew, he said.
I didn't betray Gabriel to be stuck in the human world, Harmony said.
You never said it was this far.
Martha said nothing but tears streaked her cheeks.
There, it's been said.
Like David said, we love you.
The young girl bowed her head but said nothing.
He said nothing of his visit to Martha's room and busied himself on the stoop taping a "Dean for Sheriff" poster to a wooden stake before adding it to a growing pile.
I thought last night you said we were going to be honest.
She was surprised Martha had taken to heart what her husband said the prior evening.
I thought I was being smart, she said.
He introduced us, Pumpkin said.
Cynthia said as she snuggled on her pantyhose.
Martha showed little interest and had said hardly a word.
Cynthia said with alarm.
Tell us everything, Dean said.
When they still said nothing, she turned away.
His new pa would whip him good, he said.
That takes guts," Dean said, then added with a smile, "So goodie little Cynthia used to get her bum-bum paddled, huh?"
Finally she said, My father was the one who did it, but it was a joint decision.
Then my mother said something I'll never forget.
We said we were driving to Telluride for the day.
Cynthia said, with anger in her voice.
I believe what she said and I promised her I'd follow up on it and that's what I'm doing.
Like you said, I'll probably be bumped from serving on the jury anyway.
Some said he was talking about a job down in the Norfolk shipyard where there was work with the war coming on and all, but after a time, when Ma didn't hear, we just sort of forgot about him.
It was the most Fred O'Connor had ever said about his past, but the conversation was over.
Dean said with a salute as Fred rose and drained his glass.
He said it but he couldn't force the appropriate accompanying tone to sound enthusiastic.
I'm sure you miss him, Dean said, fishing for a reaction.
Fred said Fitzgerald lived here in Ouray and his father was a miner.
Pumpkin said, as he strolled up the walk.
You'll survive, Brandon said as he took over Mrs. Lincoln's chair.
It just said 'Nails.'
Yes. She sounded a bit sad—resigned, I guess, but she said everything was fine.
I tried to get a number to call her back but she said no incoming calls were allowed.
She said her mother or someone took her calling card but she didn't explain.
She said she'd try and call when she got the chance.
You said yourself I need it.
Here was this guy—yes, an old married guy— who listened when I said something.
I don't know how it came up—maybe he asked where I was born—but when I told him, he said how he knew Ouray and loved it out here.
You said you were born here.
As soon as Dean said it, he knew he'd made a mistake.
We gotta hurry! he said.
In spite of all I said, his and Jen's baby has a lot better future than Billy Langstrom's.
Cynthia asked "They were old cigarettes—not like Patsy smokes," she said and then added quickly, "gotta go."
Martha called them 'old cigarettes,' Cynthia said.
I think she said 'old' for some other reason.
She reached over, extending her hand to Cynthia, a wide smile on her face and a little kid look that said she was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of the upcoming trip.
I love it! she said, over and over again.
Jennifer said as she bent on hands and knees to look closer.
No one answered until Dean finally said, "The bus service stinks."
He said it too quickly.
He looked scared to death, Cynthia said, taking her husband's arm.
Jennifer said nothing more for the remainder of the trip down the mountain until the Jeep finally rolled onto pavement and they entered the still busy town.
He said it out loud, but there was no one close enough to hear.
She said it with a snarl, and then dropped her eyes.
The old man said nothing but shook his hand.
He was shaking his head no when she said, There's one just like it in the kitchen.
Because when I got the call that said a car had gone over, I couldn't raise him.
Court starts at nine o'clock, Dean said as he piled silverware on the kitchen counter.
I don't even like to say it because I don't have an ounce of evidence, but at the debate Fitzgerald said liquor had been found in Billy's vehicle.
Cynthia said, "Fitzgerald didn't even know he was going to run for sheriff until he became irritated at David."
Fred said he was too mind-stuffed with all these goings-on to eat a bite of supper, but when Cynthia supplied cold chicken and potato salad, he ate two helpings, just out of politeness.
Cynthia said, looking from one to the other.
Fred said, holding them up.
Westlake practically camps on it and even Pumpkin Green's has gotten in on the act, Dean said.
Then she said thank you and hung up.
Roger said he'd heard it was some investor from out west.
That's been a dry hole for sixty years, Roger said.
They said he ran over the pass to Telluride—before it was sport to do so.
That's before the ski area kicked up all the prices, Harold said, and then added.
You said opinions are free.
I recall him talking about maple sugaring on a farm when he was a kid, Charlie said.
They were only here four or five years in the late fifties, Charlie said.
All the guests are staying put, with no check-ins or check-outs, Cynthia said as she and her husband sat down to lunch.
He said something cute like one bottle for before and one for after.
She set her jaw and said nothing for several minutes.
Cynthia said, simplicity being one of her many virtues.
We were just wondering if maybe she said where she was going.
You said she knows Patsy from being a guard at Cañon City.
Finally he said, "I told him to buy a couple of bottles of vodka and drink them himself."
Nothing. I said I answered the 911 call and you came along— down the mountain, not up from town like me—and we went down to the crash together.
Dean said, a smile on his face.
As he drove back to town, he continued to mull over what Under Sheriff Larkin had said about Fitzgerald.
She said she was near the big one-sided McDonald's—she meant the arch.
Like I said, keep your fingers crossed—both hands.
She said it sharply.
There wasn't any liquor at the accident site when I left and you said a bottle had been found.
Besides, no one will remember what was said at the debate.
They said it was okay to drive the vehicle.
There were definitely two people in the car but he said one was a man.
Your grandfather never said he found him.
As I said before, back to the drawing board.
She seemed to consider what he said and set the bottle aside.