R-y Sentence Examples
If the liquid is stirred up by the rotation R of a cylindrical body, d4lds = normal velocity reversed dy = - Rx- Ry ds (5) ds 4' + 2 R (x2 + y2) = Y, (6) a constant over the boundary; and 4,' is the current-function of the relative motion past the cylinder, but now V 2 4,'+2R =o, (7) throughout the liquid.
For Dumouriez's Argonne campaign in 1792, see French Revolu Tiona Ry Wars.
An angular velocity R, which gives components - Ry, Ix of velocity to a body, can be resolved into two shearing velocities, -R parallel to Ox, and R parallel to Oy; and then ik is resolved into 4'1+1'2, such that 4/ 1 -R-Rx 2 and 1//2+IRy2 is constant over the boundary.
The colonial secretary, Mr Stanley, afterwards Lord Derby, brought forward ry.
Most of these statutes are founded on the 9 and arb'tr3 ry 10 Will.
The first regular expedition to ry penetrate far inland was in 1801-1802, when John (afterwards Sir John) Truter, of the Cape judicial bench, and William Somerville - an army physician and afterwards husband of Mary Somerville - were sent to the Bechuana tribes to buy cattle.
We have also the geometrical relations x = (a/c) (qz ry), 5 = (a/c) (rx p1), = (a/c) (pyqx).
Milk is a medium not only admirably suited to the growth of bacteria, but ry Y Y g as a matter of fact, always contaminated with these organisms in the ordinary course of supply.
Yet they have never been without some distinct recognition of a supreme being, whom they call Andriamdnitra, " The Fragrant One," and Zanahc ry, " The Creator " - words which are recognized all over the island.
The Astrology.com website offers a free, basic past life report done by Ry Redd.
AdvertisementThese may be looked The six upon as being all derived by various modifications or elementa ry arrangements of the single form-unit, the slope or inclined land forms. plane surface.
But against this explanation of the heading ry;p' 2 there is an almost insuperable objection; for, since both the first and second books contain psalms with this heading, it is clear that the " Chief Musician's - or Director's - Psalter " must have been in existence before either of these books; in which case, apart from the difficulty of the antiquity which we should be compelled to assign to this earliest Psalter, it is impossible to understand on what principle the first book of Psalms was formed.