Runes Sentence Examples
There is a sign on the door, written in mystic runes.
However, the prophecies tell of a human - damned to immortality, bound to the power of the ancient runes.
Witch doctors casting the runes or examining chicken entrails would probably be as useful.
Alice Goddard of London Metropolitan University has been reading the runes.
Next, climb out and use your Dark and Light Reavers in the holes on the ground (beneath the glowing runes ).
The strike from the scythe had burned some strange runes onto milord Theo, which he told us gave him " a horrible feeling.
The 15-foot high pillar's sides are covered with high quality carved runes, vine scrolls, knot patterns, and sacred symbols.
It is highly illustrative of the tenacity with which the ancient sepulchral usages were retained even after the introduction of Christianity that King Harold, son and successor of Gorm the Old, who is said to have christianized all Denmark and Norway, followed the pagan custom of erecting a chambered tumulus over the remains of his father, on the summit of which was placed a rude pillar-stone, bearing on one side the memorial inscription in runes, and on the other a representation of the Saviour of mankind distinguished by the crossed nimbus surrounding the head.
The runes carved in it glow blue once, then fade entirely.
The younger futhark was developed about AD 700 and was the form of runes used by the Vikings.
AdvertisementRune magic is primarily for defense, you need to find runes to use these.
Next, climb out and use your Dark and Light Reavers in the holes on the ground (beneath the glowing runes).
The strike from the scythe had burned some strange runes onto milord Theo, which he told us gave him a horrible feeling.
Psychic Consultation Readings, Tarot, runes crystals, crystal ball, Egyptian tablets, Druid Animal cards, Druid tree stave.
Some runes symbols are likely to have been acquired from other alphabets, such as the Greek, Etruscan, and the Early Roman.
AdvertisementWe also found out how to write our names in Viking runes.
Some of the runes are cryptic tree runes which are easily deciphered by a numeric code based on the futhark - the runic alphabet.
The 15-foot high pillar 's sides are covered with high quality carved runes, vine scrolls, knot patterns, and sacred symbols.
The floor, walls and ceiling of the passage were covered by interlocking runes and sigils painted in a red dye.
The site's psychics use a number of divination techniques such as Western and Eastern astrology, numerology and runes.
AdvertisementRunes of Magic offers an experience similar to World of Warcraft.
You also need to look for the different Earth Runes that are needed to take down the floating castle.
Facade offers free readings as well as many other forms of divination including tarot, runes and numerology.
Façade is a very interesting site because besides tarot, you can investigate the runes, numerology and even the I Ching; all in one place!
Most of the sites offering free numerology reports typically have an array of other divination oracles such as astrology, runes, tarot and others.
AdvertisementDivination includes all sorts of fields such as Tarot cards, palm readings, crystal balls, tea leaves, runes, numerology and astrology.
Namely, the runes, numerology and the I Ching are featured here as well.
Asian characters, Celtic runes or even hieroglyphics are all perfectly placed on the lower back.
Ancient Elven runes inscribed on the sword declare it to be the "Foe of Morgoth's realm," and "Hammer of the Orcs."
Taylor, however, derived the runes from the alphabet of a Greek colony on the Black Sea.
I am a GM Miner but cannot mine Rare ores like Dues + so on, I have runes to the mines but nothing.
Rune magic is primarily for defense, you need to find rune magic is primarily for defense, you need to find runes to use these.
On each stage you must collect enough magical runes to open the portal to the boss.
We also found out how to write our names in viking runes.
They were not entirely unlettered; for the use of runes dates back considerably earlier than the Viking Age.
It has been argued that the runes of the Teutonic peoples have been derived from a form of the Etruscan alphabet, inscriptions in which are spread over a great part of northern Italy, but of which the most characteristic are found in the neighbourhood of Lugano, and in Tirol near Innsbruck, Botzen and Trent.
It is strange, therefore, if the Roman alphabet, which formed the model for the runes, was that of two whole centuries later, and even then the formal alphabet of inscriptions.
Vietor, the traces of runes that are still visible exclude all possibility of this reading.
Wimmer's own view is that the runes were developed from the Latin alphabet in use at the end of the 2nd century A.D.
Wimmer supports his thesis with great learning and ingenuity, and when allowance is made for the fact that a script to be written upon wood, as the runes were, of necessity avoids horizontal lines which run along the fibres of the wood, and would therefore be indistinct, most of the runic signs thus receive a plausible explanation.
The runes are found in all Teutonic countries, and the Romans were in close contact with the Germans on the Rhine before the beginning I For further details of these alphabets, see Conway, The Italic Dialects, ii.
It has, however, been contended that a system of primitive runes existed whence some at least of the later runes were borrowed, and the ownership marks of the Lapps, who have no knowledge of reading and writing, have been regarded as borrowed from these early Teutonic runes.
Professor Rhys, who at one time considered runes and ogam to be connected, now thinks that ogam was the invention of a grammarian in South Wales who was familiar with Latin letters.
Other distinguished philologists are his successor as head of the Latin school, Bjorn Magnusson Olsen (Researches on Sturlunga, Ari the Wise, The Runes in the Old Icelandic Literature - the last two works in Danish); Finnur Jonsson, professor at the University of Copenhagen (History of the Old Norwegian and Icelandic Literature, in Danish, and excellent editions of many old Icelandic classical works); and Valtyr Guc?mundsson, lecturer at the University of Copenhagen (several works on the old architecture of Scandinavia) and editor of the influential Icelandic literary and political review, Eimre151n (" The Locomotive ").