Run up Sentence Examples
It is also important to select leafy growths, and not such as will at'once run up to flower.
I'll run up and get the box.
They can run up to 35 mph and they have more stamina than a horse.
In English churches these stairs generally run up in a small turret in the wall at the west end of the chancel; often this also leads out on to the roof.
It presents a single pair of muscles attached along its inner wall which run up and form a muscular girdle round the body in its posterior third.
They fill up the valley of the Nith for a few miles north of Dumfries, and, reappearing again in the same valley a little farther north, run up the narrow valley of the Carron to the Lowther Hills.
The seaward flanking ranges run up to 4000 ft.
The general aspect of the town is picturesque; the streets are fairly spacious, though ill-kept and filthy; the houses are all of stone, many of them well-built and four or five storeys high, with terraced roofs and large projecting windows as in Jidda - a style of building which has not varied materially since the Toth century (Mukaddasi, p. 71), and gains in effect from the way in which the dwellings run up the sides and spurs of the mountains.
To the north-east of this, where a portion of the great plain begins to run up into the mountains, the Plain of Pharsalia is formed, which is intersected by the river Enipeus; and still farther in the same direction is the scene of another great battle, Cynoscephalae.
The houses run up the hillsides.
AdvertisementDr. L.F. Lowenstein OR children run up the bean stalk when you shout GIANT they climb back down and chop the beanstalk down.
If you let them run up to you they will share their less than cute sonic boom with you.
At the corner of this field there is a very curious iron ladder contraption, obviously run up by a 19th century village blacksmith.
Sales in the run-up to last night's draw could prove critical to the company's future.
There was deep distrust in the run-up to the 1994 elections.
AdvertisementThe minimum wage may be the most politically divisive labor market issue in the run-up to the General Election.
The Lancet study was released in the run-up to the November 2004 presidential election.
They run up against the DIY ethos which has to do with not having institutions.
The run up to Christmas is a busy time for many charities and for charity givers.
Messi, 18, saw his progress hampered by a thigh injury in the run-up to the tournament.
AdvertisementI built a snow jump out of this snow bank in my yard, but the run up is pretty icy and sketchy.
In the run up to December the multi lateral system went through a process of recalibrating our ambitions.
In the run-up to the election, the courting of the " gray vote " became even more overt.
The " Young Turk " party will run up against this elementary fact of capitalist political economy and hard reality.
Puritan ministers visited both Savage and Butler in the condemned cells in the run up to their hangings.
AdvertisementWe were planning as the next stage to run up the motor generator using a three phase rectifier to provide about 550 volts.
I remembered recently how little I enjoyed the run-up to Christmas last year, and the constant drinking that December seems to mean.
Rover gets a slightly longer run-up accompanied by the asthmatic heavy breathing sound effect.
As the cast gathered with producers to watch the show in the run-up to the live finale, cast member Lindsey Richter said that she was in fact the one who had no piercings.
You want the uniform to wick away moisture as much as possible to help regulate body temperature as you run up and down the field.
Lengths may run up to almost 44 inches, so you're sure to be able to find a fit that's perfect for you.
Very large websites with large catalogs, shopping tools, and forums can run up to several thousand.
Just remember to take it out and lift the rudder by hand before you run up the beach.
I suppose like most kids growing up, I thought you had to have a huge run-up to bowl quick.
Father Christmas Wooden Advent £ 29.99 These Wooden Advent Calendars make the run-up to Christmas even more special.
In the first place the timing of the Inquiry meant that evidence was to be taken in the immediate run-up to Christmas.
Wishing you all the best in the long run-up to Christmas.
These in four successive issues were a good run-up to the event itself.
They make an unusual and eye-catching display and are perfect for stocking in the busy run-up to Christmas.
Something was needed to give a strong run-up to the commercial break.
A wide range of run-up speeds was obtained using direct intervention to set the length of the athlete's run-up speeds was obtained using direct intervention to set the length of the athlete's run-up.
Maximum wave run-up is reported at 104 feet above normal tidal levels.
Three telephonists had been paid to complete the work in the election run-up.
The two Shackletons have their engines run-up from time to time.
Clearly it is helpful to establish contact during the six month run-up to the scholarship interview.
The enemy having run up a hill which was too steep for us to follow.
Just why aren't people voting Conservative when the Prime Minister seemed so unpopular on the run up to the election?
Eh, Prince! said the trembling voice of Timokhin, who had run up and was looking down on the stretcher.
Their purchases appear to have exacerbated the recent run-up in crude prices.
A wide range of run-up speeds was obtained using direct intervention to set the length of the athlete 's run-up.
Tsunami wave run-up was as high as 170 feet above normal tidal levels.
Just why are n't people voting Conservative when the Prime Minister seemed so unpopular on the run up to the election?
From the 2009 bottom, another great run-up occurred to get us to the lofty and precarious levels where we are now.
Depending upon the type of formula you purchase for your baby, your formula bill could run up as much as $2,000 in one year!
The object is to get the teen to run up the balance on the card and then not be able to repay the entire balance during the promotional period.
In some cases, this process can double the amount of debt you have if you run up those balances.
However, even if you are shopping in the run up to the holiday, a range of stores catering to all budgets offer Thanksgiving table decorations.
They can be dried and placed on top of a cake or strung on a wire to run up and down the length of several tiers.
The notes run up the frets on each string in alphabetical order.
Vertical - With a vertical rail design, the balusters run up and down between the rails, similar to a banister on a balcony or set of stairs.
The buses run up to two hours after park closing times to give all guests time to reach the buses and return to their hotels.
Then run up to him until he breathes fire at you.
When Kratos starts out in God of War, he wields a pair of axes that have actually been seared into his flesh by a pair of chains that run up the length of his arms.
Using realistic physics, the acrobatic prince will climb walls, run up ledges, swing from ropes and poles and wield dual weapons to defeat the monsters created by the Sands of Time.
Kill the Orcs, avoid getting captured by the Nazgul, run up the stairs, climb down the ladder and take out the archers.
In the spinal cord, these neurons make connections with other neurons that run up to the brain.
Additionally, the cost of a vaginal birth can run up to $10,000.
Bottoms are available in small through extra large, and tops run up to 36-D.
In addition, you need to expect your children to run up the ladder, jump from the ladder, and jump or fall from the top bunk.
This program also has an internal accounting review system that allows you to run up to 15 checks on your accounting information.
The first athletic competition was a race to see who could run up the stairs to the first floor the quickest.
While each garment is priced reasonably (around $60.00), if you want to purchase more than one style, you can see how your final tab can run up pretty quickly.
Starting in July 2009, Bieber released four singles in the run-up to his debut album.
Thanks to a long promo campaign in the run-up to the release, it entered the US charts at number seven on its October 2006, release and ended up going five times platinum in the UK.
A staggering one million copies were pre-ordered in the run-up to the 1963 release date - a completely new phenomenon for music.
The team went to the Super Bowl that year, but Owens was injured in the run-up to the game.
Show. The show featured the run-up to his move to Buffalo and his off-field search for love.
The show premiered in January, 2010, and focused on the run up to her third studio album.
The tape, which leaked during the run up to the release of his fourth album, became something of a sensation and brought both Ray J and Kim an unprecedented level of success.
He refused to release her, instead pushing her into a painful run up the beach, over the sandbags, and out of immediate danger.
Let me just run up and change.
By the end of the fourth week it had run up a circulation of 6000, and by the seventh reached rr,000, which was then the full capacity of its press.
Put in cuttings of bedding calceolarias, choosing the shoots that will not run up to flower.
Another component in the run-up to this release has been a campaign to place a full-page advertisement in the New York Times.
The gnarl in the branch made it harder for the squirrels to run up the branch.