Ruddy Sentence Examples
She is large, strong, and ruddy, and as unrestrained in her movements as a young colt.
In the ruddy fire glow her fair face looked radiant with joy.
He is described as of an athletic frame, though not taller than the common, and a white and ruddy complexion.
His eyes looked a little bloodshot to her; his face had lost something of its ruddy freshness.
Inside these towering properties, smoking cauldrons of yak butter tea are tended by women with ruddy cheeks scorched by the elements.
Height 5ft 5¼ ins - ruddy complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, nose inclined to left, diagonal scar on left eyebrow.
Apart from American Coots, we found only one female Ruddy Duck and a few Neotropic cormorants.
Perhaps it's another ruddy great cudgel to beat Neo Labor with.
Ruddy became Everton's fourth keeper in five games and second league debutant in 10 minutes.
So hip I 've never ruddy heard of them!
AdvertisementThe majority of the dragonfly species recorded in London, including the emerald damselfly and the ruddy darter, also favor this habitat.
I found a juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Sanderling, Ruddy Turnstone, and two Long-billed dowitchers in quick order.
Right across the front of the hide, swimming close together came two handsome drake RUDDY DUCKS.
An example is that of the ruddy duck, introduced into Europe as an ornamental species from America.
Wendy was most excited at seeing several herons, but my favorite bird of the day had to be the Ruddy Duck.
AdvertisementI started off at the clearing finding some Ruddy Ground-Doves, before a small hummer whizzed by.
The two species hybridize and hybrids are fertile, causing genetic introgression of Ruddy Duck genes in the wild population of White-headed Ducks.
C5 Vagrant naturalized species - species from established naturalized species - species from established naturalized populations abroad, e.g. possibly some Ruddy Shelducks Tadorna ferruginea occurring in Britain.
C5 Vagrant naturalized species - species from established naturalized populations abroad, e.g. possibly some Ruddy Shelducks Tadorna ferruginea occurring in Britain.
Scanning the lake produced, for the first time on the weekend, several species of duck including wigeon, pochard and ruddy duck.
AdvertisementEvidence of an original affinity between Turkoman and Rajput has also been found in the mutual possession by these races of a ruddy skin, so that as ethnographical inquiry advances the Turk appears to recede from his Mongolian affinities and to approach the Caucasian.
He is described by Pain Gatineau as "a well-knit, handsome man, bald (from his illness at Acre), of agreeable face and ruddy complexion, loving good cheer, wine and women.
Just ruddy guess Dessert is n't Dessert without Second Helpings.
Each ruddy duck you shoot or poison is a real death.
Without the presence of Ruddy ducks, the White-headed duck population in Spain is thought to be self-sustaining.
AdvertisementGold is a very warm color that has the tendency to add a dirty or ruddy tone to the skin if the shade or underlying pigments are off.
Flash and studio lighting are usable, but should be carefully balanced, as newborn skin tones can be pale with ruddy blotches that can be highlighted with this type of light.
It is remarkable for its stout ruddy stems, set throughout their entire length with broad wing-like spines, their effect unlike anything hitherto seen in the Rose family, and of remarkable brilliance in sunlight.
Happily the referee had seen some shenanigans in the 6-yard box with Ruddy unfairly impeded so a United freekick was the award.
The area although good for ducks did not produce a ruddy shelduck.
Ongoing dialog with knots ruddy turnstones has seen its.
Freddie is bustling in, all sweat and ruddy cheeks because teh sun has come out.
So hip I 've never ruddy heard of them !
Hair highlights aren't right for everyone, and if they don't blend well with the hair's base color or the individual's skin tone, they can create a pasty, too pale look or a ruddy, clashing tone.
Red hair color, for example, will accentuate ruddy skin and may make it seem too flushed.
Additionally, the sign's ruler often casts a slight red or "ruddy" glow to Aries physically.
The appearance of ruddy or blotchy skin is concealed.
Take note, rosacea is more than just a ruddy complexion.
This is the case of the bullfinch of the more western of these islands (Pyrrhula murina), the male of which, instead of the ruddy breast of its well-known congener (P. vulgaris), has that part of a sober mouse-colour.
Deep-set, changeable, dark eyes vivified his mobile features, and set off his light hair and fair, ruddy complexion.
Exactly opposite Weyrother, with his glistening wide-open eyes fixed upon him and his mustache twisted upwards, sat the ruddy Miloradovich in a military pose, his elbows turned outwards, his hands on his knees, and his shoulders raised.
Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.)a wonderful bush which in autumn develops a hue of ruddy redbirches and other trees, all add multitudinous colors to the brilliancy of a spectacle which is further enriched by masses of feathery bamboo.
The colour of the skin of the Tibetans is a light brown, sometimes so light as to show ruddy cheeks in children; where exposed to the weather it becomes a dark brown.
He had angular features, a very ruddy complexion, sandy hair, and hazel-flecked, grey eyes.
A ruddy and lusty old dame, who delights in all weathers and seasons, and is likely to outlive all her children yet.
The corpse of the vampire, which may often be recognized by its unnaturally ruddy and fresh appearance, should be staked down in the grave or its head should be cut off; it is interesting to note that the cutting off of heads of the dead was a neolithic burial rite.