Rss feed Sentence Examples
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An example of the RSS Feed in action using the Firefox " live bookmarks " feature.
Omea Reader Omea Reader is an easy to use RSS feed reader, newsgroup reader, and web bookmark manager.
Grace to You Podcast Info Page Podcasting A podcast is a method of automatically receiving an mp3 audio file via an RSS feed.
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Also there are loads of spelling mistakes, you used comic sans, int not done in C++, and has no rss feed.
Usually this involves cutting and pasting the URL of the RSS feed into your relevent area of your news reader.
Invite them to subscribe to your Photobucket RSS feed.
If you want to be given notice about the best last minute cruise deals and discounts, sign up to receive cruise news via RSS Feed or email newsletters.
There's even an RSS feed to go into your news reader if you'd rather keep your email box clear of advertising.
AdvertisementYou can sign up to receive email notifications or an RSS feed of the latest grant opportunities by visiting the email subscription page at
Luckily for you, Netflix has a RSS feed that lets you jump in on the top 25 comedy movies.
The RSS feed also allows users to get regular updates of new coupons offered.
In order to keep up with the latest developments in the world of free music downloads, it's an excellent idea to subscribe to the official Limewire RSS feed.
While you could visit this site every day or two to stay in the know, it's a heck of a lot easier to simply subscribe to the appropriate Limewire RSS feed.
AdvertisementFrom the main site, you can have a one-click computer-fest that follows JWOWW on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Ignition Nation and lets you subscribe to JWOWW's RSS feed for updates and other information.
This professionally built site does not disappoint, with scenes from the movie on the main page, a free trailer download, an RSS feed for events and news, and of course an online store where you can purchase official merchandise.
If you recently started a blog or website and want to increase your daily traffic, then offering an RSS feed is a good idea.
If you did use an RSS feed in the past, the older postings will be included in the listings, though.
If the blogger wishes, it might also have an RSS feed icon, as well as a "Share This" icon, which allows readers to share your posts on various social networking websites.
AdvertisementEscapePodder - Not to be confused with the sci-fi podcast Escape Pod, this generates an RSS feed and HTML page for all the MP3 files in a particular directory.
A podcast is a compressed, online audio file that is delivered via an RSS feed.
When you find a podcast on the Interner, usually it will show an RSS feed showing the most recent episodes of the podcast - usually with a date, a title, a description of the content, length of program - and a direct download link.
This program helps you get your audio recorded, set up an RSS feed and even operates as an FTP client for uploading your creations to the web.
The audio file is then delivered through the use of an RSS feed.
AdvertisementWhile the history of podcasting is very interesting, you do not need to know Applescript or the finer points of RSS feed to download and listen to podcasts.
TwitterFeed lets you set up an RSS feed that will automatically post to your Twitter account when you've made a new blog post.
Upload the podcast to your website server and create a RSS feed for it.
Integrate the RSS feed of the podcast onto whatever website you please.
If you want to submit the podcast to iTunes, you will just need to submit the URL of the podcast's RSS feed.
If you're looking for ways to add more content, you may have wondered, "How do I add an RSS feed to my blog?"
An RSS feed is handy to have on your blog, because it allows readers to subscribe and be notified whenever you post something new.
Adding an RSS feed to your blog is fairly simple, though the method will vary depending on where your blog is hosted.
Most of the popular free blogging sites will offer simple methods of incorporating an RSS feed.
Adding an RSS feed on Blogger is very easy to do.
Find the link to the RSS feed of the blog you want to import.
You can also fiddle around with where the RSS feed box will appear on your pages.
Perhaps you're not using a free blogging service or WordPress, and are still asking yourself, "How do I add an RSS feed to my blog?"
They can then share the RSS feed on their own blogs, or simply browse your posts through an RSS reader.
Read on for more information about much simpler methods to create an RSS feed for your website.
The RSS feed for your website is basically an XML file that resides on your web server.
Feed readers keep an updated copy of that file, so your subscribers are updated of all new RSS feed updates.
The following are some examples of some of the best RSS feed builders now available.
Instead of copying the new XML file over to your hosting account, IceRocket will publish the RSS feed directly to your web server for you.
However, if you want to save that step, RSS-Builder has a built-in feature that will edit the RSS feed directly on your web server.
Keep in mind that simply having an XML RSS feed file stored on your web server won't get subscribers to your blog or website content.
Just like you submit your website to search engines, you need to submit the link to your feed file to blog directories and RSS feed directories.
There are paid services that will submit your feed to all of the directories for you, but you will see enough traffic increase by submitted it yourself to the top RSS feed directories.
The most common one you'll see is an RSS feed for updated news and blogs.
If you've ever asked yourself, "How do I put an RSS feed on my web page," the following guide will help you through the process.
Whether you have your own blog or website, an RSS feed is an invaluable part of obtaining and maintaining the traffic that you happen to attract to your site.
When you are learning to create an RSS feed for your web page, it's important to understand that there are multiple tools available to do so.
When RSS feeds were first created, web designers had to manually create the RSS feed in the form of an XML file, and had to write those files by hand.
However, now web designers have a few valuable tools available called "feed generators" that will automatically generate an XML formatted RSS feed for your web page.
IceRocket is one of the best RSS builders that lets you generate and upload your RSS feed XML file to your website in just a few, very easy steps.
Feedity is another tool that will create an RSS feed for any website, and also includes functionality to publish feeds on your own website.
If you currently have a blog, the odds are pretty good that an RSS feed generator is built into the blogging platform.
Blogger - If you use Blogger as your blog platform, you can enable your RSS feed in a few very simple steps.
Wordpress - Just like Blogger, if you have a Wordpress blog, the blog platform automatically generates an RSS feed for you.
Offering an RSS feed on your web page doesn't have to be complicated.
Weblog services were steadily expanded to include things like the ability to "subscribe" to each other's posts on music or whatever, similar to an RSS feed.
This design company is well established online, with a Twitter account and an RSS feed.