Royals Sentence Examples
Bertram Elliot, waiting to lead the Royals just abaft the bridge, was struck down by a shell which did fearful execution forward.
The Band of the Blues and Royals will entertain and play a fanfare on the Queen's arrival.
A gale apprehensive took in and furled the Royals and top gallants and also a couple of reefs in top sails.
The difficulties are likely to surpass even those faced by European royals.
Royals manager Alan Pardew is looking to strengthen his squad and wants to test Branch's credentials in the promotion run-in.
Royals manager Alan Pardew is looking to strengthen his squad and wants to test Branch 's credentials in the promotion run-in.
The British royals will obviously be in attendance as well as government officials from around the world.
These royals are also of interest to English history buffs.