Rows Sentence Examples
He passed up to the front rows, not noticing anyone.
Rows of computers and monitors lined the room.
In many cases, that may mean slicing the cake into rows first, and then dividing each row into individual slices.
Distichopora has the pores arranged in rows.
He was thus led to adopt that system of sowing his crops in rows or drills, so wide apart as to admit of tillage of the intervals, both by ploughing and hoeing, being continued until they had well-nigh arrived at maturity.
S. procumbens flowers from July till late in September, and owing to its dwarf compact growth it is useful for masses in beds or for the front rows of borders, or in suspended baskets, as the slender branches droop gracefully over.
Hot glue sequins or plastic jewels to a simple pin back to create the medallions.If the reception will also be held outdoors, ensure there is enough seating both in rows for the wedding and also around the tables at the reception.
With your piping bag and more white frosting, pipe out several stars in rows on top of the blueberries.
Isolated plants in good soil make well-shaped bushes, 3 or 4 feet high and as much through, and look better than when planted closely in rows.
The eight rows are designated by the letters "a" through "h."
AdvertisementWhat may be considered the normal number of stamens is, as has been said, six, arranged in two rows.
Similarly it is shown that the transposition of any two columns or of any two rows merely changes the sign of the determinant.
Similarly, by putting one or more of the deleted rows or columns equal to rows or columns which are not deleted, we obtain, with Laplace, a number of identities between products of determinants of complementary orders.
To the right, where the Kaluga road turns near Neskuchny, endless rows of troops and carts stretched away into the distance.
If you're using a single cake and you don't want to have leftovers, cut the cake into rows and shape the rows to form larger numbers.
AdvertisementIt is best, however, if fine flowers are desired, to plant young plants every year, as one would Dahlias, putting them 3 feet apart in rows at least 4 feet apart; or, if grouped in beds, not less than 3 feet apart.
Rosace - This bears large double flowers, consisting of two or three rows of petals, at first creamy-white, but after expansion becoming pure white.
Alternatively, adding a few rows of gold braid along the hem of some velvet curtains will make them even more opulent and sophisticated.
Begin sewing the yarn in rows onto the back part of the head.
The main dining area consists of two rows of tables covered with crisp white linen.
AdvertisementInterchange of any two rows or of any two columns merely changes the sign of the determinant.
If any two rows or any two columns of a determinant be identical the value of the determinant is zero.
Such an expression as a l b 2 -a 2 b i, which is aa 2 ab 2 aa x 2 2 ax1' is usually written (ab) for brevity; in the same notation the determinant, whose rows are a l, a 2, a3; b2, b 2, b 3; c 1, c 2, c 3 respectively, is written (abc) and so on.
Two rows of ovules are seen, one in front and the other in profile.
As before, the equites wore the narrow, purple-striped tunic, and the gold ring, the latter now being considered the distinctive badge of knighthood., The fourteen rows in the theatre were extended by Augustus to seat's in the circus.
AdvertisementThe cella, the outer walls of which have to a great extent disappeared, has two internal rows of seven columns 43 ft.
Constructed in this way, the successive diagonal rows, commencing with the first, give the figurate numbers of the first, second, third,.
They are devoted sun-worshippers and in the early morning, before it is daylight, they emerge from their burrows and wait in rows till their divinity appears; when they bask joyfully in his beams."
It is sometimes smooth; but sometimes it is a shaggy skin (or woollen) skirt with horizontal rows of vertically furrowed stuff.
In archaic figures the hair is most frequently arranged over the brow and temples in parallel rows of small curls which must have been kept in their places by artificial means.
Pacas may be distinguished from agoutis by their heavier and more compact build, the longitudinal rows of light spots on the fur, the five-toed hind-feet, and the peculiar structure of the skull, in which the cheek-bones are expanded to form large capsules on the sides of the face, each enclosing a cavity opening on the side of the cheek.
The old bridge, famous for many generations, bearing its rows of houses and its chapel in the centre, was completed early in the 13th century.
You can opt to specify how many rows and columns your puzzle will have but it's recommended you let the website's program determine the best fit for the number of words you use.
Plant them in rows at least 18 inches apart.
The lower part has four rows of circles united to the vessel at those points alone where the circles touch each other.
He used to place all his Sikhs and visitors in rows and cause them to eat together, not separately, as is the practice of the Hindus.
They are unbranched and bear in the upper portion numerous long narrow grass-like leaves arranged in two rows; the leaf springs from a large sheath and has a more or less spreading blade 3 ft.
A peculiar modification of this type of scolex occurs in the Echinobothridae, in which the axial part of the organ (the rostellum) is elongated and provided with several rows of hooks, whilst the phyllidia have partially fused.
Scolex with a long head-stalk armed with several rows of hooklets.
The numbers go up to five, and for living objects the word bird is added, for inanimate yam, for large objects ship.'- There are other terms for bundles of sugarcanes, rows (planted) of yams, &c.; and sometimes things are counted by threes.
These cut plants may be laid in rows on the ground to wilt, or spitted on long rods or laths supported on trestles, or placed on special drying racks.
Some fortysix or more retorts, arranged in parallel horizontal rows, are heated in one furnace.
In the Silesian process the distillation is conducted in specially constructed muffles of a prismatic shape arched above, which are arranged in two parallel rows within a low-vaulted furnace, similar to the pots in a glass furnace.
Again, in direct-fired furnaces there are commonly seven or eight rows of retorts, one above another, so that to serve the upper rows the workman must stand upon a table, where he is exposed to the full heat of the furnace and requires a helper to wait upon him.
With gas-firing the retorts can be arranged in four horizontal rows, all within reach of a man on the furnace-room floor.
The plants are raised from seedlings, and when six or seven weeks old they are transplanted in rows 4 to 6 ft.
Concomitantly its cavity is sub-divided by transverse ridges into a single row and later on into paired rows of compartments.
The tail may be a simple hollow muscular process or provided with stiff bristles set in transverse rows, or divided into two equally long processes, or finally it may form a large vesicular structure.
Delicate patterns cover all the framework of the panelling and fill the panels themselves; at two stages, where there is a check in the line of the coving, rows of half-figures of saints are minutely painted on blue or gold grounds, forming a scheme of indescribably splendid decoration.
The original TOkaidO was taken for model, and Yedo and Nikko were joined by a highway flanked by rows of cryptomeria.
The subcaudal scales are mostly in two rows.
On a stepped pedestal facing the open stood the statues of the gods and the admirals, perhaps in rows above one another.
The hinder abdominal segments in the male show a curious asymmetrical arrangement, the sixth segment bearing on its upper side a small stalked plate (strigil) of unknown function, furnished with rows of teeth.
The insect is fixed by this rostrum, which is inserted into the root of the vine for the purpose of sucking the sap. The abdomen consists of seven segments, and these as well as the anterior segments bear four rows of small tubercles on their dorsal surface.
They include some of the most brilliantly coloured of all antelopes; the ornamentation taking the form of vertical white lines and rows of spots.
Several types of horse-drawn hoe capable of working one or more rows at a time are used among root and grain crops.
The horse-drawn hoe is steered by means of handles in the rear, but its successful working depends on accurate drilling of the seed, because unless the rows are parallel the roots of the plants are liable to be cut and the foliage injured.
All the flowers of each triplet of spikelets on both sides of the rachis are fertile and produce ripe fruits; hence the ear produces six longitudinal rows of grain.
All the flowers of each triplet are fertile as in (ii.), but the rows are not arranged regularly at equal distances round the rachis.
The central fruits of each triplet form two regular rows, but the lateral spikelets form not four straight single rows as in (ii.), but two regular double rows, the whole ear appearing irregularly four-rowed.
Of the apartments, all of the finest Gothic architecture, the chief are the refectory, divided down the centre by columns and lighted by large embrasured windows, and the knights' hall, a superb chamber, the vaulting of which is supported on three rows of cylindrical pillars.
In some cases apples, cherries, filberts and hops are grown in alternate rows.
High winds are frequent, and prairie houses are often protected by rows of trees called " wind breaks."
The houses, generally of a single storey or two at most, are frequently separated from each other by rows of trees.
The Cours Mirabeau, a wide thoroughfare, planted with double rows of plane-trees, bordered by fine houses and decorated by three fountains, divides the town into two portions.
After planting the space between the rows of tulips may be planted with such plants as forget-me-nots, wallflowers, silenes, violas, double white arabis, polyanthuses, &c., to obtain beautiful colour combinations in spring.
Though the animals have an oral siphon, they do not carry ovisacs like the siphonostomous copepods, but glue their eggs in rows to extraneous objects.
The essential characteristic of the Cricetines is to be found in the upper cheek-teeth, which (as shown in the figure of those of Cricetus in the article RODENTIA) have their cusps arranged in two longitudinal rows separated by a groove.
Thus actual documents of native Aztec history, or copies of them, are still open to the study of scholars, while after the conquest interpretations of these were drawn up in writing by Spanish-educated Mexicans, and histories founded on them with the aid of traditional memory were written by Ixtilxochitl and Tezozomoc. In Central America the rows of complex hieroglyphs to be seen sculptured on the ruined temples probably served a similar purpose.
The most characteristic weapon of the Mexicans was the maquahuitl or " handwood," a club set with two rows of large sharp obsidian flakes, a well-directed blow with which would cut down man or horse.
North British or Caledonian railway or both, are Bothwell Park, Carfin, Chapelhall, Bellshill (pop. 8786), Holytown, Mossend, Newarthill,Uddingston (pop. 7463), Clydesdale, Hamilton Palace, Colliery Rows and Tennochside.
The upper part of the head and sides of the face are thickly marked with small black spots, and the rest of body is covered with rosettes, formed of rings of black spots, with a black spot in the centre, and ranged lengthwise along the body in five to seven rows on each side.
The simplest form of weir is a solid, watertight dam of firm earthwork or rubble stone, faced with stone pitching, with cribs filled with rubble, with fascine mattresses weighted with stone, or with masonry, and protected from undermining by sheet piling or one or more rows of well foundations.
The filaments of the gill (ctenidium) of Mytilus and Arca thus form two closely set rows which depend from the axis of the gill like two parallel plates.
Portion of the axis of the left ctenidium which is fused with the base of the foot, the two dotted lines indicating the origins of the two rows of gill-filaments.
In Yoldia and Nucula proxima the test consists of five rows of flattened cells, the three median rows bearing circlets of long cilia.
Broad Street is the principal thoroughfare of Augusta, and Greene Street, with a park in the centre and flanking rows of oaks and elms, is the finest residential street.
The teeth are disposed in transverse rows, and in each row they are arranged symmetrically on either side of a central tooth.
The humerus lacks a foramen at the lower end; and the molar teeth, as explained and illustrated in the article Vole, consist of two longitudinal rows of triangular alternating vertical prisms, and may be either rootless or rooted.
The large-eared African Otomys and the allied Oreomys (Oreinomys), often made the type of a distinct sub-family, may be included in this section; as well as the small African tree-mice, Dendromys, allied to which is Deomys, peculiar in the circumstance that only the first molar has three rows of cusps, the other two having only a couple of such rows, as in cricetines.
The silk to be opened is placed on a latticed sheet or feeder, and thus slowly conveyed to a series of rollers or porcupines (rollers set with rows of projecting steel pins), which hold the silk firmly while presenting it to the action of a large receiving drum, covered with a sheet of vulcanized rubber, set all over with fine steel teeth.
The silk drawn by the rows of teeth on the drum through the porcupine rollers (or porcupine sheets in some cases) covers the whole of the drum, hooked at certain intervals round the teeth; and when a sufficient weight is on the machine, it is stopped, and an attendant cuts, with a knife, the silk along the back of each row of teeth, thus leaving a fringe of silk hooked on the pins or teeth.
Another plan is to sow in May on dry poor soil, when a crop of small bulbs will be produced; these are to be stored in the usual way, and planted in rich soil about February, on ground made firm by treading, in rows about 1 ft.
The route beyond is between rows of stately shafts, and ends in a copious chalybeate spring.
They consist either of a row of rooms, with a corridor along them, and perhaps one or two additional rooms at one or both ends, or of three such corridors and rows of rooms, forming three sides of a large square open yard.
They are detached houses, standing each in its own garden, and not forming terraces or rows.
Part of outer wall, with intermediate passage and rows of chambers, as shown in fig.
The almost spherical head is covered by a hood which can be retracted; it bears upon its side a number of sickle-shaped, chitinous hooks and one or more short rows of low 89 spines - both of these features are used in characterizing the various species.
At the foot of the Acropolis Hill, where the ground begins to rise, the theatre lies; and though the material of which this was built is rough, and only seven imperfect rows of seats remain, a good part of the scena and of the chambers behind it is preserved, and beneath these there runs a tunnel, which, together with other peculiar features, has raised interesting questions in connexion with the arrangement of the Greek theatre, the orchestra being at present on a level about 12 ft.
Rats have, however, generally more rows of scales on the tail (reaching to 210 or more) than mice, in which the number does not exceed 180.
The tombs are subterranean chambers of varied and often irregular form, sometimes arranged in two storeys, sometimes in several rows one behind the other.
The Acridiidae have the feelers and the ovipositor relatively short, and possess only three tarsal segments; their ears are situated on the first abdominal segment and the males stridulate by scraping rows of pegs on the inner aspect of the hind thigh, over the sharp edges of the forewing nervures.
Three or four rows of flow and return pipes respectively will be required on each side, according to the heat proposed to be maintained.
In the former type, the walls are fitted with four rows of shelves, about 3 ft.
Begin grafting in the third week; dig and dress between the rows of gooseberries, currants and other fruit trees, if not already done.
Plant cabbages in beds or close rows till wanted in spring; and cauliflowers in the last week, to receive the protection of frames, or a sheltered situation.
The eyes are arranged in rows running diagonally from the median anterior beak.
The radula when present comprises several transverse rows of teeth, and each transverse row may have several teeth (polystichous), two teeth (distichous), or one tooth (monostichous).
In other species the radula is more of the usual type consisting of several transverse rows of two or three teeth each.
Whether B, Formation of the first sporethe association of nuclei in the mother-cell (sm), from the ordinary mycelium takes place basal cell (a) of one of the by the migration of a nucleus rows of spores.
Each of these rows, of which five are shown in fig.
The spaces between the four rows of medallions are filled with six-winged cherubim.
In the bud of the screw-pine the leaves are arranged in three orthostichies with the phyllotaxis but by torsion the developed leaves become arranged in three strong spiral rows running round the stem.
The leaves are vertical, and arranged in two rows as in the garden flag; they are very thick, stiff and leathery, dark green above, paler below, with the margin and nerve reddishorange.
These are prepared by cutting down and burning the jungle, which is afterwards hoed, lined and staked in parallel rows running both ways.
Reihengraber, containing objects of value, but otherwise like modern cemeteries, with the dead buried in rows (Reihen), are found over all the Teutonic part of Germany, but some tribes, notably the Alamanni, seem still to have buried their dead in barrows.
In some cases a failure to understand his meaning led to curious results; for example, the medieval custom, not uncommon in England, of placing rows of earthenware jars under the floor of the stalls in church choirs, appears to have been an attempt to follow out suggestions raised by Vitruvius as to the advantages of placing bronze vases round the auditorium of theatres.
Rows of small tomb-pits for the servants of the king surround the royal chamber, many dozens of such burials being usual.
The chief buildings are the Carmelite Priory (ruins dating perhaps from the 13th century); a Bluecoat school (1514); a free grammar school (1527); an orphan girl school (funds left by Thomas Howel to the Drapers' Co., in Henry VII.'s reign); the town hall (built in 1572 by Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, enlarged and restored in 1780); an unfinished church (begun by Leicester); a market hall (with arcades or "rows," such as those of Chester or Yarmouth); and the old parish church of St Marcella.
In cathedrals, monastic churches and the larger parish churches the stalls are fixed seats enclosed at the back and separated at the sides by high projecting arms, and placed in one or more rows on the north and south sides of the choir or chancel, running from the sanctuary to the screen or chancel arch.
Two remarkable rows of these run in lines from north to south, through the region of the Jaulan parallel to the Ghor, and from a long distance are conspicuous features in the landscape.
The jaws are provided with small teeth in several rows, and there is an elongate patch of further teeth on each side of the front of the palate (inserted on the vomerine and palatine bones).
In front of the porticoes are rows of pedestals, which once bore statues and other dedications.
The shops of the fair, 4000 in number, built of stone in regular rows, are surrounded by a canal, and cover half a square mile.
Streets and avenues for the most part are paved with a smooth asphalt pavement, and many of them have two and occasionally four rows of overarching shade trees and private lawns on either side.
It may be remarked that since this line joins homologous points of two similar rows it will envelope a parabola.
Yebiel in his Turim (" rows ") presented a well-arranged collection of those laws which had not become obsolete together with the addition of new ones.
Gangways are left between adjoining rows of tanks, and an overhead travelling-crane facilitates the removal of the electrodes.
In C. Darwin's garden two rows of scarlet runners were entirely killed by frost, except three plants, which had not even the tips of their leaves browned.
They are grass-like herbs, sometimes annual, but more often persist by means of an underground stem from which spring erect solitary or clustered, generally three-sided aerial stems, with leaves in three rows.
Vast numbers of Scotch firs are raised in nurseries for artificial planting; the seed is sown in the spring, being just covered with earth, and the seedlings transplanted in the second year into rows for further culture, or taken direct from the seed-bed for final planting; sometimes the seed is sown where the trees are intended to grow.
The "sets" are then planted in rows at a distance varying from 15 in.
To stop the fire rows of buildings were dynamited.
The twelve columns supporting the canopy were decorated with rows of splendid pearls, and Tavernier considered these to be the most valuable part of the throne.
Sessile, stalked, with eight shallow marginal lobes bearing one or more rows of tentacles; without tentaculocysts; with four gonads.
The houses of the better class stand separate, not in long rows, and have about them ample lawns and abundant trees.
The Bateke build their houses in circular groups opening on a sort of courtyard; the houses in Bangala villages are built in parallel rows about 200 ft.
This latter contains actually 540 columns, most of them elaborately carved, arranged in twenty rows.
They are solitary at each node and arranged in two rows, the lower often crowded, forming a basal tuft.
Modern Amsterdam extends southward beyond the Singel Gracht, and here the houses are often very handsome, while the broad streets are planted with rows of large trees.
In Propalaeohoplophorus the scutes of the carapace, which are less deeply sculptured than in the larger glyptodonts, are arranged in distinct transverse rows, in three of which they partially overlap near the border of the carapace after the fashion of the armadillos.
The head bears a pair of horn-like scutes, and the scutes of the carapace and tail, which are loosely opposed or slightly overlapping, form a number of transverse rows.
The pith is encircled by a cylinder of secondary wood, consisting of single or multiple radial rows of tracheids separated by broad medullary rays composed of large parenchymatous cells; the tracheids bear numerous bordered FIG.
The sudden termination of the secondary tracheids against the pith-cells may afford evidence of root-structure as distinct from stem-structure, in which the radial rows of secondary tracheids pass into the irregularly-arranged primary elements next the pith.
In a radial section of a pine stem each ray is seen to consist in the median part of a few rows of parenchymatous cells with large oval simple pits in their walls, accompanied above and below by horizontal tracheids with bordered pits.
The pits in the radial walls of the ordinary xylem-tracheids occur in a single row or in a double row, of which the pits are not in contact, and those of the two rows are placed on the same level.
In the Araucarian type of wood (Araucaria and Agathis) the bordered pits, which occur in two or three rows on the radial walls of the tracheids, are in mutual contact and polygonal in shape, the pits of the different rows are alternate and not on the same level; in this type of wood the annual rings are often much less distinct than in Cupressus, Pinus and other genera.
In the Abietineae the phloem consists of parenchyma and sieve-tubes only, but in most other forms tangential rows of fibres occur in regular alternation with the parenchyma and sieve-tubes.
The stomata are frequently arranged in rows, their position being marked by two white bands of wax on the leaf-surface.
Each cone consists of an axis, on which numerous broad and thin bracts are arranged in regular rows; in the axil of each bract occurs a single flower; a male flower is enclosed by two opposite pairs of leaves, forming a perianth surrounding a central sterile ovule encircled by a ring of stamens united below, but free distally as short filaments, each of which terminates in a trilocular anther.
The young rice is then taken from the nursery, and transplanted in rows about 9 in.
The durbar hall, which is a separate building, is 60 yards long by 20 broad, with a painted roof supported by two rows of pillars.
A few palmyras, date-palms and screw-pines (a sort of aloe, whose leaves are armed with formidable triple rows of hook-shaped thorns) dot the expanse or run in straight lines between the fields.
Diagrams of Division.-Since we write from left to right or downwards, it may be convenient for division to interchange the rows or the columns of the multiplication-diagram.
Proportion.-If from any two columns in the table of § 36 we remove the numbers or quantities in any two rows, we get a diagram such as that here shown.
The principle is that 162.4 27 =100.4 2 7+ 60.4 2 7+ 2.4 2 7 = 1.42700+6.4270+2.427; but, instead of 427 writing down the separate products, we 6 427 (in effect) write 42700, 4270 and 427 in 2 4?7 separate rows, with the multipliers 1, 6, 2 69 174 in the margin, and then multiply each number in each column by the corresponding multiplier in the margin, making allowance for any figures to be " carried."
Jacob ben Asher is known as the Baal ha-turim (literally "Master of the Rows") from his chief work, the four Turim or Rows (the title is derived from the four Turim or rows of jewels in the High Priest's breastplate).
With the advancing settlement of the state thin wind-break rows become a feature of the prairies.
The male flowers are developed at the ends of short lateral branches, are rounded or oblong in form, and consist of several antheriferous scales in two or three rows, each scale bearing three or six almost spherical pollen-sacs on its under side.
From the waist to the feet her image resembles a pillar, narrowing downwards and sculptured all round with rows of animals (lions, rams and bulls).
In Sigillaria the latter form vertical rows, while in Lepidodendron the arrangement is a complicated spiral.
The spike of Helminthostachys corresponds to that of Ophioglossum, but in it the sporangia are borne on two lateral rows of branched sporangiophores.
The sori are developed in depressions and are thus protected within the resistent outer wall of the sporocarp. There are usually four sori in Pilularia, while in Marsilia they form two longitudinal rows.
They are rectangular, with the door to the south, and two rows of columns forming aisles east and west.
Halophila, Enhalus and Thalassia are submerged maritime plants found on tropical coasts, mainly in the Indian and Pacific oceans; Halophila has an elongated stem rooting at the nodes; Enhalus a short, thick rhizome, clothed with black threads resembling horse-hair, the persistent hard-bast strands of the leaves; Thalassia has a creeping rooting stem with upright branches bearing crowded strap-shaped leaves in two rows.
Two ventral bands composed of regular transverse rows of cilia are usually found.
An enlarged, frontal scale may cover the head, and a row of scales separates the ventral ciliated areas from one another, whilst two series of alternating rows cover the back and side.
The buccal glands are arranged in two ?., rows parallel with the molar teeth.
For example, two to five rows of globules were produced, and photographed, between the bristles of mosquito wings by using oblique illumination.
This involucre is frequently composed of several rows of leaflets, which are either of the same or of different forms and lengths, and often lie over each other in an imbricated manner.
When bracts become united, and overlie each other in several rows, it often happens that the outer ones do not produce flowers, that is, are empty or sterile.
In this case the axes are not arranged in two rows along one side of the false axis, but are placed at regular intervals, so as to form an elongated spiral round it.
In the staminal whorl especially it is common to find additional rows.
In Monocotyledons it is usual for the staminal whorl to be double, it rarely having more than two rows, whilst amongst dicotyledons there are often very numerous rows of stamens.
The calyx and corolla consist of five parts, the stamens are ten in two rows, while the pistil has only two parts developed.
In the last-mentioned plant the normal number is five, hence it is said that there are three petals suppressed, as shown by the position of the two remaining ones; there are two rows of stamens, in each of which one is wanting; and there are two carpels suppressed.
When the stamens are in two rows, those opposite the petals are usually shorter than those which alternate with the petals.
These stems, known as Megaphytum when the leaves were in two rows, and as Caulopteris in the case of polystichous arrangement, are frequent, especially in the Permian of the Continent; when petrified, so that their internal structure is preserved, the name Psaronius is employed.
It is characteristic of Zygopteris and its near allies that two rows of pinnae were borne on each side of the rachis, at least in the fertile fronds.
The synangia consist of a stout wall composed of thick-walled cells, succeeded by a layer of more delicate and smaller elements; and internal to the wall occur two rows of sporangial loculi containing microspores.
When the synangia are ripe dehiscence takes place along a median line between the two rows of loculi.
He next gives by aid of these projective rows and pencils a new generation of conics and ruled quadric surfaces, "which leads quicker and more directly than former methods into the inner nature of conics and reveals to us the organic connexion of their innumerable properties and mysteries."
Several Guardians used the rows of machines or free weights while a few were gathered around the boxing ring in a corner.
Gabriel followed, ignoring the rows of delicate glassware, Bunsen burners, machines, and other science toys that employed the two dozen immortal scientists.
The side to side anastomosis the preferred way of stapling, using 4 rows of staples from a straight stapler.
Instead of scales, the body and tail are apparently enclosed in rows of plates, making them feel slightly angular.
The Rows are simply long, covered arcades formed by running a highway through the first stories of a street of old buildings.
Some of the older archers wear rows of medals from Soviet times.
Two parallel rows of opaque white beads are applied around edge.
They grow in closely packed rows on a tall, thick stalk, and have a pungent, slightly bitter flavor.
The Roman builders laid three rows of stones, staggering the layers as a modern day bricklayer does.
There were large, upholstered chairs on the stage, arranged in rows.
For this, a typical ciliate has the cilia arranged in rows.
These classic corn cobs have 8 rows of sweet corn seeds, the mark of the original Golden Bantam Sweet Corn strain.
But if the same old rows keep cropping up, curmudgeonly codgers like me might seek refuge in sudoku.
Cereals sown on wide rows, 25 cm (9 3/4 inch) At 2 leaf stage go through with the harrow comb.
Description UPDATE changes the values of the columns specified for all rows which satisfy condition.
Knit 6 rows WY, 1 row of ravel cord or crochet thread, then start using your main yarn.
Worked in tight rows of double crochet, it has survived two world wars in an occupied country.
The crop should be kept free of weeds by surface cultivations using a tractor-mounted cultivator between the rows and hand hoeing around the plants.
Over the hills towering cumulus started to shoot up in rows.
Ears with two rows form a flat ear; those with six rows form a roughly cylindrical ear.
Set in the center are rows of sparkling, brilliant cut diamonds which are channel set to complete the smooth, clean lines.
The unit cell used was two dimer rows wide, each of which was four dimer rows wide, each of which was four dimers long, with the usual termination.
A view looking along the rows of places laid out for dinner, with flags draped round the room over the tables.
At one site, the only access to water was from rows of ' nipple drinkers ', originally developed for chickens.
Or more characterless rows of unsightly, fast growing shrubs, festooned with litter and punctuated by the odd illegally dumped fridge.
Private enterprise had provided " mere hovels - jerry built, insanitary, tightly crammed rows of houses " .
The image is not interlaced which means that the image rows appear in the correct order.
Jerry built, insanitary, tightly crammed rows of houses " .
The above story relates to a large kist which is located roughly in the middle of one of the stone rows.
Both upper and lower mandibles contain rows of tiny bony structures called lamellae.
Some of the seats in the cinema, at the end of the rows, allow for a little more legroom.
Mandibles with less complete tooth rows were assigned to age groups on the basis of comparison with more complete ageable mandibles with less complete tooth rows were assigned to age groups on the basis of comparison with more complete ageable mandibles from the assemblage.
There were rows and rows of MGs from early Bs through Limited Editions including midgets.
In the field, illuminated by the moonlight are rows upon rows of skulls, planted like cabbages.
Moth & Butterfly Wing Scales Wing of a noctuid moth & Butterfly Wing Scales Wing of a noctuid moth (Noctuidae) showing how the ordinary surface wing scales lie in overlapping rows.
Another technique of scanning involves counting 19 in boxes along with rows / columns to identify missing numerals.
A keen oarsman, Andy rows for a club in Bath.
For example, a report with many rows may require different pagination in stand-alone versus portlet display mode.
Beside these were long rows of wooden pails and dairy utensils, with shining ranks of tinware and pewter platters and pots.
In the 1880s it became common for Anglican churches to replace the box pews with rows of open pews.
In fact the walls were built on elm piles 12 to 15 feet deep, overlaid with oak planks in rows of four.
The index contains entries for only those table rows that satisfy the predicate.
Plaice have obvious bright orange spots and rows of small bony protuberances on the head.
Let games or rows get so raucous that they distract the driver.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
Knit 19 rows and latch up in 1x1 ribbing for a cuff.
The image here shows a scarf knitted in 2 rows knit and 2 rows knit and 2 rows purl.
Or, you can insert new rows or columns so that existing cells remain in their original rows or columns.
It is certainly worth looking inside to see the neat rows of jarred sweets on display normally never less than 90 jars.
Very long wedges are normally horizontal because the writing has a fundamental orientation toward narrow horizontal row horizontal rows of graphs.
The rain washed a way three rows of well grown mixed salad leaves.
Water gradually seeps from the hose down its entire length ideal for watering rows of vegetables or bedding plants.
Inside were rows of pottery shards, each with a tiny white label.
Rows of paving slabs, treated timber struts or a solid concrete base are good base choices.
Why should I? The rows of bronze plaques embedded in flat granite slabs to mark folks ' graves came into focus.
To give the armor more solidity the horizontal sections of the plates were joined together by vertical rows of thick silk cords.
Typically, the minimum interline spacing between rows of text is given by ascent + descent.
Ground survey at some of the linear monuments such as stone rows is comparatively sparse.
Own compost is created and kept in wind rows, turned twice with a manure spreader.
The combine picks up the rows and harvests the seed, chopping the stalks and spreading them as it goes along.
The plates, put on in rows from bow to stern, are called strakes.
I walk past the rows of identical fake thrift store T-shirts in a thrift store T-shirts in a thrift store t-shirt and feel slightly odd.
Each section has six rows of oil tempered spring tines.
The third smaller ivory tusk finial from the Congo has figures seated in separate rows, rather than a spiral.
I see rows of racks stretching out in front of me, little lights twinkling.
The conservation village of Barr is well worth a visit with its attractive rows of unspoiled 18th and 19th century vernacular buildings.
Behind the strings sit the woodwind, generally in two rows.
We were shown the workshop, with its rows of old wooden workbenches.
The severe west front is relieved by three rows of semicircular arches, and has a central porch (there were at one time three) supported by huge red marble lions, sculptured no doubt with the rest of the façade by Giovanni Bono da Bissone in 1281.
One hundred circuits are connected to the outgoing portion of each switch, and the contacts upon which they terminate are arranged in a number of horizontal rows upon the face of a curved surface, at whose axis a vertical shaft is placed.
The top and bottom rows of the xylem rays are often developed as irregularly-thickened radially-elongated tracheids which serve for the radial conduction of water, and communicate with the ordinary tracheids of the secondary xylem by large bordered pits.
In fine contrast to them is the bright appearance of the Binnen Alster, which is enclosed on three sides by handsome rows of buildings, the Alsterdamm in the east, the Alter Jungfernstieg in the south, and the Neuer Jungfernstieg in the west, while it is separated from the Aussen Alster by part of the rampart gardens traversed by the railway uniting Hamburg with Altona and crossing the lakes by a beautiful bridge - the LombardsBriicke.
Such a determinant when of uneven degree vanishes, for if we multiply each row by - I we multiply the determinant by (- I) n = -1, and the effect of this is otherwise merely to transpose the determinant so that it reads by rows as it formerly did by columns, an operation which we know leaves the determinant unaltered.
Alternatively, we might consider that we start with the first diagonal row (downwards from the left) and construct the remaining diagonal rows by successive applications of (15).
Only the middle spikelet of each triplet is fertile; the ear has therefore only two longitudinal rows of grain, and the spikes are strongly compressed laterally.
Their enthusiastic whispering was audible to those three rows away.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
In fact, the trains did n't have compartments at all, just rows of boring seats.
Lower part of both sides is decorated with concentric U-shaped rows of glass beads applied in lazy stitch technique on beige thread.
You stuff the Fuzzi Bunz with the Micro Insert provided and the diaper fastens with two rows of poppers.
The image here shows a scarf knitted in 2 rows knit and 2 rows purl.
Very long wedges are normally horizontal because the writing has a fundamental orientation toward narrow horizontal rows of graphs.
I was also struck by the iron grille which separates the nave from the nun 's choir with two rows of ancient choir stalls.
Most are arranged in serried rows, like troops on parade, in immaculate garden settings.
Half the rows were without coal houses - so fuel had to be stored on the bare earth under the set-in beds.
Figure 8. A good example of a highly disordered silicon carbide crystal shown by the extensive streaking evident along the diffraction rows.
Rows of men sleeping in dormitories may be the common image held of hostels.
K 50 rows; mark on both sides using stitch markers.
These paths are subdivided into smaller sections, called rows.
Place a tablespoonful of the mixture in rows on the baking sheets, leaving enough space in between each to allow for expansion.
Rows two and three have black out windows, which extends round the back to the rear tailgate window.
I walk past the rows of identical fake thrift store t-shirts in a thrift store t-shirt and feel slightly odd.
The tubulin subunits are arranged in rows called protofilaments.
Stake rows when seedlings are 3 high with twiggy branches.
The shaft swings round and round while two rows of steel balls rotate stimulating the vagina.
The only spinning that I want to see are rows of small turbines attached to people 's houses, quietly whirring away.
You can arrange rows of vegetables so that they are next to contrasting colors.
Back adjusters-With six rows of hooks and eyes, moms can continue to adjust the fit of their bras throughout their pregnancy and breastfeeding experience.
First, realize that home theaters can range from elaborate rooms with large screens and rows of seats to simply having a nice television connected to great speakers.
They are beautiful trees in rows or with several in the same yard.
A distinctive feature is the single wefted edges -- a weft is a piece of yarn that is horizontally integrated over and under vertical "warp" yarns to create rows.
Do a dry run - Since these floor planks are permanently attached to the floor, lay out two to three complete rows before you begin nailing them down.
Install subsequent rows - The remaining rows are nailed at a 45 degree angle to the other boards.
Install additional rows - Move on to additional rows once you are certain that the previous row is installed correctly.
Accessories include rows of leather books, delicate porcelain figures and landscape paintings.
They are organized in horizontal rows depending on the tones, which fall under the categories "pure," "clean," "muted," or "shaded."
They can be arranged in simple rows or squares, or they can be installed in more intricate patterns and designs.
Consider laying one tile straight along your counter before switching to the diagonal for two rows.
Two or three rows of mosaics will be followed with 12-inch tiles set on the diagonal in the center.
Select two colors of tile, and run the lighter color throughout the shower while the darker color is set in three rows, one at the bottom, one in the center and one at the top of the shower for clean look.
Combinations of four blocks drop from the top of the screen, and you must rotate and move them into position to create rows.
For large scale production they are grown in long, mounded rows, and replanted every two to three years.
In the ground they can be grown in an informal patch or in neat rows.
Every two to three years the berry patch or rows will become crowded and the original plants will lose energy.
It involves planting seeds or plants in straight rows, either using one row per type of plant or adding different plants to fill out the row.
You can use the borders around a suburban back yard, or dig up a large rectangle or square piece of earth and plant vegetables in rows.
Make sure that aisles among the rows of vegetables are wide enough to accommodate a wheelbarrow or other gardening tools.
You want to leave at least several feet between the vegetable beds so that you can maneuver wheelbarrows and other equipment around the garden, and also so that you can easily walk among the rows for watering, weeding, and harvesting.
For June-bearing plants, put them in rows at least 18 to 24 inches apart.
If you use rows, set them at least one foot apart.
To plant strawberries using the matted row system, prepare rows three to four feet (90-120 cm) apart.
Individual plants can be placed 24 inches (60 cm) apart and allowed to send out runners to fill in the rows.
The hill system also involves rows, but the spacing is slightly different and runner production is not encouraged.
Prepare rows in groups of two or three, with about ten inches (25 cm) between each.
If you need more than two or three rows to make space for all your strawberry plants, allow 30 inches (75 cm) of walking space between groups of rows.
Once you have prepared the rows and adjusted the soil conditions, you are ready to put in the plants.
If you bought two by four width lumber, you will need to build your frame three rows high to a total of 12 inches.
Row covers are traditionally used in vegetable gardens that are planted in rows and may be made of fabric or plastic.
Small plants such as carrots, radishes, and green onions are planted very close together with four rows of four in each one foot square.
Radish pretty much goes with every kind of vegetable, so plant a few seeds among your vegetable crops throughout the growing season rather than planting specific rows of radishes in only one section of the garden.
They also suggest planting extra rows so that if insects do attack your vegetables, you'll have plenty to share.
When ICF is used for the exterior walls of a home or building, two rows are constructed, with a gap in the middle.
Metal roof insulation is installed underneath the rows of roofing if required.
Make sure that the rows are even, and nail them in place.
You can mark each new row with a chalk line to insure that you keep the rows straight.
Look at how much of the tile is left at the end of the rows.
Move the rows so that both ends are even, with approximately half a tile's width visible.
If you have to trim the ending rows, don't let them fall in the center of the room or in the direct line of sight from an entryway.
Alternate rows of the two colors in a traditional running bond, or offset pattern around the room.
Grout joints help keep the rows of tile even and square, while lending stability to the job.
Put all the tiles in place to make sure you've measured correctly, have enough tiles and have kept the rows straight.
Tiny rows of gemstones along the outside of the hoops catch the light and bring an added dimension to the earrings.
Pavé Lucky Star Couture Cluster Crystal 20" Necklace is done with different sized star shapes suspended on three rows of chains.
It is common to find necklaces featuring rows of faux pearls, as well as simple single-strand pieces.
Chunky jewelry can be as simple as oversized multiple strands of beads, odd shaped beads that are clumped together to multiple rows or necklaces of varied sizes of discs, or over-sized chains.
It is made of heavy cotton and has two rows of cool snaps, one attached to the breast panel.
Using that gauge, four inches is equal to 22 stiches x 4 rows.
You can have a garden with rows and space between the rows or a raised bed garden.
There are usually only two or three rows of hooks in the closure so there is little opportunity to vary the band size of the bra.
Dive coasters also feature unique trains that are wider than they are long - Griffon's trains accommodate 30 riders in three rows of ten riders each.
However, they were a big hit and video game arcades everywhere would offer rows of popular titles like Pacman, Centipede, Donkey Kong and Space Invaders.
Using just the click of a mouse you must swap them to make adjacent rows of three like colors.
A huge square of bottles is arranged in rows and you must land one of your rings over the top of one of the bottles to win.
Rather than swapping two adjacent jewels to create matching set of three, you slide entire rows and columns of fuzzy friends to form matches.
You can slide rows of Chuzzles horizontally and vertically to make these matches.
Locks appear, rendering entire rows immoveable until you can make a match.
But this can be more difficult than it seems since you can only move the rows horizontally and vertically, and for every Chuzzle that you move to the right place, another slides just out of reach.
The goal in these games always involves matching the colors of the blocks or forming rows with the blocks.
You can see how many rows you have coming by looking at the "lines" number in the interface.
For example, if at the end of the round you have a stack of blocks that's three rows high, you'll get points for every row but those three rows.
The sound of blocks exploding, the little "bwoop!" sound effect when rows of blocks pop-up; it's all very rudimentary but very fitting.
Like Bejeweled, you need to match up either vertical columns or horizontal rows of identical icons in Jewel Quest, except they are called "relics."
You see, if you focus solely on the bottom two rows (at least initially), by the time you turn them gold, much of the upper rows will already be gold.
A lot of times I found myself with a well thought-out plan, dropping a certain relic down to another one that needed it, when relics falling from the top would form rows and take that relic away.
You look at the rows of letters in the grid and try to find the most words you can in the short amount of time given.
Concentration - You will see rows of cards that are face down.
Each player has their own way of playing and creating rows and moving blocks around.