Routes Sentence Examples
Nor, indeed, must it be forgotten that the search for new and more direct connexions with the routes of Oriental trade is one of the motives underlying the Crusades themselves, and leading to what may be called the 13th-century discovery of Asia.
The transport concerns land routes and sea routes, the latter being the more important.
This is one of our smuggling routes.
The winds closely depend on the routes followed by both.
One of the ancient trade routes across the Sahara - that from Tripoli to Kuka in Bornu - strikes the lake at its northwest corner, but this has lost much of its former importance.
Each department controls and maintains the routes dpartementales, usually good macadamized roads connecting the chief places within its limits and extending in 1903 over 9700 m.
Eyre has ingeniously attempted to reconstruct the routes taken by the Australians in their advance across the continent.
Severed the routes into and out of the kingdom?
In the restoration of the outlines of ancient and medieval geography in Asia Sven Hedin's discoveries of the actual remains of cities which have long been buried under the advancing waves of sand in the Takla Makan desert, cities which flourished in the comparatively recent period of Buddhist ascendancy in High Asia, is of the very highest interest, filling up a blank in the identification of sites mentioned by early geographers and illustrating more fully the course of old pilgrim routes.
Such an error could never have arisen had the old compilers of maps taken the trouble to plan Marco Polo's routes.
AdvertisementThese religious sectaries attacked and plundered all Mussulmans not conforming to their peculiar tenets; they overran Kerbela and the Hejaz, sacking the holy cities and closing the pilgrim routes.
Such were parts of the first and middle ranges, crossed once; three routes over the Great Atlas, which was, moreover, followed along both flanks for nearly its whole length; and six journeys across the Anti-Atlas, with a general survey of the foot of this range and several passages over the Jebel Bani.
The inhabited districts are well laid down on the best maps; but the immense areas between and beyond them are mapped only along a few routes hundreds of miles apart.
And it is along these trenches that the principal commercial routes have been made for reaching the higher levels of the plateau itself.
A network of military routes, constructed and kept in repair by the soldiers, led from Lambaesa in all directions, and stretched along the frontier as far as Leptis Magna, passing Theveste (Tebessa), Thenae and Tacape (Gabes).
AdvertisementIt is an important centre for caravan routes and has a considerable trade.
Here again we find the main routes which traverse the country following the rivers closely.
Probably connected with the Rand i For projected routes, shortening the journey between Europe and Johannesburg, see the Geog.
In respect to the discovery of the position of the Roman gates, the true date of the Antonini Itinerarium (q.v.) is of great importance, as it will be seen from it that Londinium was either a starting-point or a terminus in nearly half the routes described in the portion relating to Britain.
If we take from the Itinerary the last station before Londinium in all the routes we shall be able to obtain some idea of the position of the gate entered from each route by drawing a line on the map of London to the nearest point.
AdvertisementBut the routes to be followed were difficult to find in the dark, the ascent was rapid, the ground was much broken, and the enemy opposed a stubborn resistance to the advance, with the result that this was greatly retarded, and that at daybreak the most forward of the columns was not much more than halfway up. The Ottoman staff had, moreover, on the first alarm begun to hurry reinforcements on the Sari Bair from the rear, while the Allied troops were so much exhausted by their nocturnal experiences that all attempts to win the upper ridge failed on the 7th.
Considerable energy was shown in railway construction and by the end of 1918 there were combined railway and steamer routes from the mouth of the Congo to Dar es Salaam and Cape Town.
These journeys, naturally following the most frequented routes, often cover the same ground, while immense tracts, owing to their difficulty of access, remain unvisited by any European.
If the journeys detailed above be traced on the map they will be found to cover the northern half of the peninsula above the line Mecca-Hofuf, with a network of routes, General which, though sometimes separated by wide intervals, results are still close enough to ensure that no important of ex- geographical feature can have been overlooked, ploration.
The principal trade routes are those leading from Damascus to Jauf and across the Nafud to Hail.
AdvertisementOther important routes leading to Nejd are those from Kuwet to Hail, and from El Hasa to Riad respectively.
In the west and south the principal routes, other than those already mentioned, are from Yambu to Medina, from Jidda to Mecca, Hodeda to Sana, Aden to Sana, and from Mukalla to the Hadramut valley.
In the latter year the imports amounted to £467,000, and the exports to £451,000; coffee, the mainstay of Yemen trade, shows a serious decline from £302,000 in 1902 to £229,000 in 1904; this is attributable partly to the great increase of production in other countries, but mainly to the insecurity of the trade routes and the exorbitant transit dues levied by the Turkish administration.
Marco Polo is witness that there were Nestorian churches all along the trade routes from Bagdad to Pekin.
The closing of the Novgorod counter in 1494 was due not only to the development of the Russian state but to the exclusive Hanseatic policy which had stimulated the opening of competing trade routes.
This is one of the most remarkable steamer routes in the world, being 12,370 ft.
It contains numerous illustrations; maps of the routes of the ancient aqueducts and the city of Rome in the time of Frontinus; a photographic reproduction of the only MS. (the Monte Cassino); several explanatory chapters, and a concise bibliography, in which special reference is made to P. d Tissot, E tude sur la condition des agrimensores (1879).
From Jerusalem to Mount Ephraim there are two main routes.
British engineers surveyed the routes for the first lines and superintended the work of construction, but within a few years the, l apanese were able to dispense with foreign aid altogether, both in building and operating their railways.
Below Calcutta important boat routes through the delta connect the Hugli with the eastern branches of the river, for both native craft and steamers.
The greater part of the trade with Tanganyika is done by the African Lakes Corporation by the Shire-Nyasa route, but the Germans have opened up overland routes from Dar-es-Salaam.
Southward lies Seistan (200 m.), and eastward Kabul (550 m.); while on the west four routes lead into Persia by Turbet to Meshed (215 m.), and by Birjend to Kerman (400 m.), to Yezd (500 m.), or to Isfahan (boo m.).
Rome thus obtained mastery of the most important positions lying on the great trade routes between East and West.
The general lines of the currents of the oceans are fairly well understood, and along the most frequented ocean routes the larger seasonal variations have also been ascertained.
Tabora (pop. about 37,000), the chief town of the Wanyamwezi tribes, occupies an important position on the central plateau, being the meeting-place of the trade routes from Tanganyika, Victoria Nyanza and the coast.
The physiography has enabled the state to become a great highway of commerce between the central part of the United States and the sea-coast, by rail and by water, along the Mohawk Gap and by other routes.
Other South Arabs, and especially the Sabaeans, doubtless also planted settlers on the northern trade routes, who in process of time united into one community with their North-Arab kinsmen and neighbours.
Many traders and trappers were butchered by the Indians, who became still more troublesome after the invasion of the Territory by the gold-seekers, and the surveying of railway routes had been undertaken.
Only by way of the Hudson and Mohawk valleys, and round about the southern termination of the system were there easy routes to the interior of the country, and these were long closed by hostile aborigines and jealous French or Spanish colonists.
It occupies a strategical position at the west end of the valley between the Alexander range and the Ala-tau (or Talas-tau), at the meeting of commercial routes from (1) Vyernyi and Siberia beyond, from the north-east, (2) the Aral Sea and Orenburg (connected with it by rail since 1905) to the north-west, and (3) Ferghana and Bokhara to the south.
Situated at the junction of routes from the valley of the Oxus, from Khokand and Samarkand, Almati, Aksu, and Khotan, the last two leading from China and India, Kashgar has been noted from very early times as a political and commercial centre.
The main part of the city is connected with these residential districts by electric street railways, whose routes include four inclined-plane railways, namely, Mt.
Ghadames itself is the centre of a large number of caravan routes, and in the early part of the 19th century about 30,000 laden camels entered its markets every year.
Algeria is also traversed by a network of roads constructed by the French, of which the routes nationales alone are 2000 m.
Deperet points also that we owe to Cuvier the first clear expression of the idea of the increasing organic perfection of all forms of life from the lower to the higher horizons, and that, while he believed that extinctions were due to sudden revolutions on the surface of the earth, he also set forth the pregnant ideas that the renewals of animal life were by migration from other regions unknown, and that these migrations were favoured by alternate elevations and depressions which formed various land routes between great continents and islands.
There was an outburst of warlike feeling in the United States (with a countermovement in the North), and an invasion of Mexico was planned by three routes - from Matamoros towards Monterey in New Leon, from San Antonio de Bexar to Chihuahua, r and from Fort Leavenworth to New Mexico.
From the scarcity of water on the main routes through the Kalahari these roads are known as " the thirsts "; along some of them wells have been sunk by the administration.
In this way they opened new trade routes to the Greeks, and extended the field of civilization.
When only five years old John was betrothed (1173) to the heiress of Maurienne and Savoy, a principality which, as dominating the chief routes from France and Burgundy to Italy, enjoyed a consequence out of all proportion to its area.
Its advantages as a commercial centre were early recognized, and its importance was enhanced on the opening up of the middle West to settlement, when Buffalo became the principal gateway for the lake routes.
When in command of the fleet of Seleucus (285) he undertook a voyage of exploration on the Caspian Sea to discover possible trade routes, especially for communication with the peoples of northern India.
We have already seen that the Chinese as late as the end of the 8th century made voyages with compasses on which but little reliance could be placed; and it may perhaps be assumed that the compasses early used in the East were mostly too imperfect to be of much assistance to navigators, and were therefore often dispensed with on customary routes.
For a long period it was one of the greatest cities of Asia Minor, commanding the Maeander road; but when the trade routes were diverted to Constantinople it rapidly declined, and its ruin was completed by an earthquake.
The financial difficulties of Italy were due to many causes, notably to a shifting of trade routes; but those of the papal states seem caused chiefly by misgovernment.
The routes of communication have probably changed little in the last 5000 years.
In 1824 the state legislature authorized the appointment of a commission to explore routes from the Schuylkill to Pittsburg, and from the West Branch of the Susquehanna to the Allegheny, and in the three or four succeeding years the state committed itself to a very extensive system of internal improvements.
The great trade routes are, first, that which, starting from Cheng-tu, the capital of the Chinese province of Szechuen, passes by way of Tachienlu or Dartsedo, Litang, Batang, Chiamdo, Larego, Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse, reaches the Nepalese Routes, &C. frontier at Nielam and goes thence to Katmandu.
The lake becomes a sort of obligatory point on all routes to Tibet which lie between Ladak and Nepal.
By the Nepal, Kumaon and Ladak routes go borax, gold and ponies.
In the latter part of this remarkable journey Littledale's route lay parallel but to the south of the routes followed previously by Nain Sing, and more recently by Bower.
In the 10th century Diarbekr was one of the largest and most flourishing cities of Asia, and as a commercial centre it now stands at the meeting-point of several important routes.
There are also routes to Mosul and Bitlis.
Fearless and patient navigators, they ventured into regions where no one else dared to go, and, always with an eye to their monopoly, they carefully guarded the secrets of their trade routes and discoveries, and their knowledge of winds and currents.
They can hardly have fetched it themselves from the Baltic or the North Sea; it came to them by two wellmarked routes, one from the Baltic to the Adriatic, the other up the Rhine and down the Rhone.
The Sao Gongal.o river is the outlet of Lagoa Mirim, and Pelotas is therefore connected with the inland water routes.
But all routes are difficult, winding between granite and limestone rocks, and abounding in narrow defiles and rugged torrent beds.
For obvious reasons the Romans, having once found an easy direct pass across the main chain, did not trouble to seek for harder and more devious routes.
Of these (1) and (2) form the main transcontinental routes in connexion with the steamboat service to England (ports of Queenborough and Harwich respectively).
It is a prosperous commercial town, being situated at the meeting point of several routes, while it possesses several industrial establishments, chiefly concerned with different branches of the iron trade.
On it converge various trade routes, notably from Darfur and from Dueim, a town on the White Nile 125 m.
Other routes there are, open to trade, between Herat and northern India, either following the banks of the Hari Rud, or, more circuitously, through the valley of the Helmund to Kabul; or the line of hills between the Arghandab and the Tarnak may be crossed close to Kalat-i-Ghilzai; but of the two former it may be said that they are not ways open to the passage of Afghan armies owing to the hereditary hostility existing between the Aeimak and Hazara tribes and the Afghans generally, while the latter is not beyond striking distance from Kandahar.
Thus Kandahar becomes a sort of focus of all the direct routes converging from the wide-stretching western frontier of India towards Herat and Persia, and the fortress of Kandahar gives protection on the one hand to trade between Hindustan and Herat, and on the other it lends to Kabul security from invasion by way of Herat.
The Australasian colonies got their supplies direct, and part of the Russian supplies went by the caravan routes.
It doubtless arose from the necessity of reducing bulk to a minimum for conveyance by caravan across the great trade routes of Asia, and now B r cks a ad that the railway and the steamship have supplemented tablets.
By the linking-up of the various state systems several grand trunk line routes have been developednotably the lines Berlin-ViennaBudapest; Berlin-Cologne-Brussels and Paris; Berlin-HalleFrankfort-on -Main-Basel; Hamburg-Cassel-Munich and Verona; and Breslau-Dresden-Bamberg-Geneva.
French river, the outlet of Lake Nipissing, and Severn river, draining Lake Simcoe, come into Georgian Bay from the east, and canals have been projected to connect Lake Huron with the St Lawrence by each of these routes, the northern one to make use of the Ottawa and the southern one of Trent river.
The line forms one of the most interesting railway routes in Europe.
There are also old established caravan routes from Kano to Ashanti and neighbouring countries.
Under these officials peace was gradually established between various tribes, trade routes opened and progress made in civilization.
Small military expeditions had constantly to be employed to break up slave-raiding gangs or reduce to order tribes which blocked trade routes or made war on other tribes living peaceably under British protection.
At the various mines, and on the routes to them and to the Red Sea, are some small temples and stations, ranging from the Pharaonic to the Roman period.
Trade Routes and CommunicationsIts geographical position gives Egypt command of one of the most important trade routes in the world.
From the Nile, caravan routes lead westward to the various oases and eastward to the Red Sea, the shortest (120 to.) and most used of the eastern routes being that from Kena to Kosseir.
It was not only the very existence of the Ottoman empire that seemed to be at stake, but Egypt itself had become more than ever an object of attention, to British statesplen especially, and in the issue of the struggle were involved the interests of Great Britain in the two routes to India by the Isthmus of Suez and the valley of the Euphrates.
The battle of the routes began much earlier, and was continued for some months.
All the longest routes thus formed traverse late in their course the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere.
This means that the number of "longest routes" in man is, as compared with lower animals, disproportionately great.
It has been conjectured that some of the oldest trade routes were created for traffic in salt; at; any E1-ate salt and incense, the chief economic and religious necessaries of the ancient world, play a great part in all that we know of the ancient highways of commerce.
As a strategical centre Jalalabad is one of the most important positions in Afghanistan, for it dominates the entrances to the Laghman and the Kunar valleys; commanding routes to Chitral or India north of the Khyber, as well as the Kabul-Peshawar road.
The existence of this route, which traverses the Darwaz mountains from east to west, cutting off the northern bend of the Oxus, and connecting those easterly routes which intersect the Pamirs by means of the Ghund and Shakhdara (and which concentrate about Lake Shiwa) with Kolab in eastern Bokhara, is important.
The Tigre is navigable at all stages up to the Cunambo confluence, and promises to afford one of the most valuable river routes in Ecuador.
She travelled extensively in the Near East, making a specially adventurous journey across northern Arabia in 1913-4 over a practically unknown route, whereby she obtained a knowledge of the country which proved of great value to the British Government when information concerning routes was required for the advance of the British army into Palestine during the World War.
In the " Amarna" age the little kings had a certain measure of inde pendence, provided they guarded the royal caravan routes, paid tribute, refrained from conspiracy, and generally supported their suzerain and his agents.
The Portuguese under Tristao da Cunha and Albuquerque seized Sokotra in 1507 in pursuance of the design to control all the trade routes between Europe and the East, Sokotra being supposed to command the entrance to the Red Sea.
Thus the main routes from Kabul to Afghan Turkestan must cross either one or other of these ranges, and must traverse one or other of the terrific defiles which have been carved out of them by the upper tributaries of the rivers running northwards towards the Oxus.
One of these routes follows the Balkh river to its head from Tashkurghan, and then, preserving a high general level of 8000 to 9000 ft., it passes over the water-divides separating the upper tributaries of the Kunduz river, and drops into the valley formed by another tributary at Bamian.
Routes that pass through the mountain barriers of the frontier between Peshawarand the Gomal occur at intervals along the western border, and in the northern section of the Indian frontier they are all well marked.
Ancient and well-known trade routes exist, by means of which merchandise from the Punjab finds its way over heights of 18,000 ft.
These rivers collect the drainage of the northern slopes of the Himalayas, and convey it, by long and tortuous although opposite routes, into India.
British armies advanced by three routes - the Khyber, the Kurram and the Bolan - and without much opposition occupied the inner entrances of the passes.
Apart from the railways, communication is by ancient caravan routes and by ox-wagon tracks in the southern district.
Walled in by towering rocks and watered by a perennial stream, Petra not only possessed the advantages of a fortress but controlled the main commercial routes which passed through it to Gaza in the west, to Bostra and Damascus in the north, to Elath and Leuce Come on the Red Sea, and across the desert to the Persian Gulf.
Of the numerous streams which, north of the Danakil country, run direct from the hills to the Red Sea, the Hadas may be mentioned, as along the valley of that stream is one of the most frequented routes to the tableland.
There are also two caravan routes from Assab Bay, across the Danakil country to southern Abyssinia.
The Eastern Question, though its roots are set far back in history - in the ancient contest between the political and intellectual ideals of Greece and Asia, and in the perennial rivalry of the powers for the control of the great trade routes to the East - dates in its modern sense from the treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji in 1774, which marked the definitive establishment of Russia as a Black Sea power and formed the basis of her special claims to interfere in the affairs of the Ottoman empire.
Here were the shortest routes to the plain, and here the Austrians had been able to bring up their guns in sufficient numbers.
The first step was the annexation of Noricum and Raetia (16-1 5 B.C.), which brought under Roman control the mountainous district through which the direct routes lay from North Italy to the upper waters of the Rhine and the Danube.
The best routes from the plateau to the Black Sea were followed by the Roman roads from Tavium and Sebasteia to Sinope and Amisus, and those from Sebasteia to Cotyora and Cerasus-Pharnacia, which at first ascend the upper Halys.
There are two competing routes for the eastern trade - one running inland from Constantinople (Haidar Pasha), the other from Smyrna.
The first is connected by ferry with the European railway system; the second with the great sea routes from Smyrna to Trieste, Marseilles and Liverpool.
John C. Fremont had explored the region in 1842-1843 (and unofficially in later years for railway routes), and gave juster reports of the country to the world than his predecessors.
Thereupon the host marched southwards by two routes, the Cimbri moving on the left towards the passes of the Eastern Alps, while the newly arrived Teutoni and their allies made for the western gates of Italy.
Many routes to the summit are now known, but that usually taken (from the Payer Club hut, easily accessible from either Sulden or Trafoi) from the north is daily traversed in summer and offers no difficulties to moderately experienced walkers.
Owing to its position at the junction of several routes, Kerkuk has a brisk transit trade in hides, Persian silks and cottons, colouring materials, fruit and timber; but it owes its principal importance to its petroleum and naphtha springs.
It was traversed by an important trade-route from Elath (the junction for routes to Egypt and Arabia) which ran northwards by Mean and Moab; but cross-routes turned from Ma`an and Petra to Gaza or up the Ghor (south end of Dead Sea) to Hebron and Jerusalem.'
The government works the trunk lines from Stockholm to Malmo, to Gothenburg and to Christiania as far as the Norwegian frontier, and other important through routes in the south.
Thus Sweden held, for a time, the control of the principal trade routes of the Baltic up to the very confines of the empire; and the increment of revenue resulting from this commanding position was of material assistance to her during the earlier stages of the war in Germany, whither Gustavus transferred his forces in June 1630.
Yarkand is surrounded by a number of smaller towns, the chief of which are - Yanghi-hissar, which has about 600 houses, Tashkurgan on the Pamirs, Posgam (1600 houses), Kargalyk, at the junction of the routes leading to Ladakh and Khotan (2000 houses), Sanju (2000), Tagarchi, Kartchum, Besh-taryk (1800) and Guma (3000).
The town is the meeting-place of many trade routes, including some to the middle Niger.
Routes which converge on Kalat from the south pass for the most part through narrow wooded valleys, enclosed between steep ridges of denuded hills, and, following the general strike of these ridges, they run from valley to valley with easy grades.
Many small rooms and tortuous paths, where nothing of special interest can be found, are avoided as much as possible on the regular routes; but certain disagreeable experiences are inevitable.
Dr Hovey made and published (1909) a new handbook embodying all known discoveries of importance, with four sketch-maps of the routes of usual exhibition.
On the southern or Indian side the routes to Tibet and Ladakh follow the levels of Himalayan valleys with no remarkably steep gradients till they near the approach to the water-divide.
Two great powers, Egypt and Turkey, challenged the naval and commercial supremacy of the Portuguese, but an Egyptian armada was destroyed by Almeida in 1509, and though Ottoman fleets were on several occasions (as in 1517 and 1521) despatched from Suez or Basra, they failed to achieve any success, and the Portuguese were able to close the two principal trade routes 1 Decadas, XII.
One of these trade routes passed up the Persian Gulf to Basra, and thence overland to Tripoli, for Mediterranean ports, and to Trebizond, for Constantinople.
San Francisco's permanence as one of the greatest ports of the country is assured by its magnificent position, the wealth of its " back country," and its command of trans-Pacific and trans-continental commercial routes.
Partly in order to develop the necessary frontage from the outset (in case of battle between Kirk Kilisse and the frontier), and partly in order to utilize the routes to the best advantage in a country much more difficult than that traversed by the other armies, Radko Dimitriev had formed his two leading divisions into four brigade columns - (a) a 4th Div.
Armies on all the routes leading into Old Serbia, and heavy counterattacks on the front of the Serbian I.
The first, made with columns of varying strengths on the routes leading to Zajechar, Kynashevats, Pirot and Vlasina, was repulsed by the Serbian II.
The two explorers by opposite routes approached within 20 leagues of each other.
The most notable bridges over navigable water affording continuous routes are those across Menai Strait, the Tyne at Newcastle, the Severn at Severn Bridge and the Manchester Ship Canal.
It is more usual to tunnel under such channels, and the numerous Thames tunnels, the Mersey tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead, and the Severn tunnel, the longest in the British Islands (42 m.), on the routes from London to South Wales, and from Bristol to the north of England, are all important.
Certain cross-country routes, however, are provided to connect the systems of some of the companies, among which the following may be noticed.
In harmony with this political change the trade routes have been completely altered, and the traffic which used to follow the well-beaten track from Nyangwe and the Lualaba across Tanganyika to Ujiji, or round the lake to Zanzibar, now goes down the Congo to Stanley Pool and the Atlantic."
The most important commercially Trade was that which passed north-west via Tashkurghan Routes.
The routes to Kashgaria and the Pamirs are mere bridle-paths over the mountains, crossing them by lofty passes.
Sokota, one of the great central markets, and capital of the province of Waag in Amhara, at the converging point of several main trade routes; the market is numerously attended, especially by dealers in the salt blocks which come from Lake Alalbed.
He next appears in " Cambaliech " or Peking, and wrote letters (of January 8, 1305, and February 13, 1306), describing the progress of the Roman mission in the Far East, in spite of Nestorian opposition; alluding to the Roman Catholic community he had founded in India, and to an appeal he had received to preach in " Ethiopia " and dealing with overland and oversea routes to " Cathay," from the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf respectively.
From Alam Bagh there were four possible routes of advance to the residency, and Outram considered that the route chosen by Havelock, lying through the streets of Lucknow, involved unnecessary losses to the troops.
Among the other routes may be mentioned those from Grenoble by Le Sappey, or by the Col de la Charmette, or from Chambery by the Col de Couz and the village of Les Echelles.
There were several important commercial routes from the city, stretching as far east as India and China.
Of these, the Caribbean rivers are of the greatest economic importance to the country, though those of the eastern plains may at some time become nearly as important as transportation routes in a region possessing forest products of great importance and rich in agricultural and pastoral possibilities.
Two routes, however, lead to Teheran, one by Firuz Kuh, 180 m.
Except where crossed by these routes the Elburz forms an almost impassable barrier to the south.
Fine passenger steamers run nightly between Buffalo and Cleveland and Detroit, and there are many shorter passenger routes.
The French adventurers, bent on finding either a "North-west passage" or some land route to the Pacific (which they believed to be no farther west than the Mississippi), naturally went west by the water routes of Wisconsin; as a fine field for their bartering and trading with water-courses by which they could convey their pelts and skins back to Montreal, the region attracted the coureurs de bois and fur traders; and it seemed promising also to the zealous French Catholic missionaries.
These routes are all followed by modern railways - the lines to Campobasso, Sulmona and Caianello.
The caravan routes mostly followed between China and the more populous centres (Kashgar and Yarkand) of East Turkestan start from An-si-chow and Sa-chow respectively, converge upon Hami on the north side of the Pe-shan swelling, and continue westward along the south foot of the Tian-shan Mountains through the oases of Turfan, Kara-shahr, Korla, Kucha, Ak-su and Uch-turfan.
From Hami other routes proceed to Barkul and to the main caravan road which skirts the southern edge of the Dzungarian valley and leads to Vyernyi in the Russian province of Semiryechensk.
From it three routes start for West Turkestan; the one principally used climbs over the Bedel pass (13,000 ft.) in the Kokshal-tau and makes a detour round the east and along the north side of the Issyk-kul, while the others cross over the Muz-art pass (12,000 ft.), on the northeast shoulder of Khan-tengri, and the Terek pass (12,730 ft.) respectively, the latter into Ferghana.
Living far from large towns and busy in g g Y routes of commerce, they remained primitive in all their thoughts and ways.
Warnings of the danger of the routes to southern Syria turned him from his purpose; and his friend and fellow-pilgrim, Rabban Marcos, becoming Nestorian patriarch (as Mar Yaballaha III.) in 1281, suggested Bar Sauma's name to Arghun Khan, sovereign of the Ilkhanate or Mongol-Persian realm, for a European embassy, then contemplated.
Until the middle of the 19th century, travellers through the Balkan Peninsula had a choice between two main routes, which started as a single highway from Belgrade, and up the Morava valley to Nish.
The traditional routes between China on the one side and West Turkestan and Persia on the other have from time immemorial crossed the Tian-shan system at some half a dozen points.
The site is admirably fitted by nature to guard the only routes by which an army can penetrate Laconia from the land side, the Oenus and Eurotas valleys leading from Arcadia, its northern neighbour, and the Langada Pass over Mt Taygetus connecting Laconia and Messenia.
The early movements of tribes, the routes by which they reached their present abodes, and the origin of such forms of culture as may be distinguished in the general mass of customs, beliefs, &c., are largely matters of conjecture.
By his alliance with the Grisons (1603) he guaranteed the integrity of the Valtellina, the natural approach to Lombardy for the imperial forces; and by his intimate union with Geneva he controlled the routes by which the Spaniards could reach their hereditary possessions in Franche-Comt and the Low Countries from Italy.
The centre of a fertile district, and a post on one of the main routes in the country, Blida has a flourishing trade, chiefly in oranges and flour.
The ancient caravan routes Korosko-Abu Hamed and BerberSuakin have been superseded by the railways, but elsewhere wells and rest-houses are maintained along the main routes between the towns and the Nile.
Besides the Egyptian and Red Sea routes there is considerable trade between the eastern mudirias and Abyssinia and Eritrea, and also some trade south and west with Uganda and the Congo countries.
He also saw that the revenue of Egypt was falling through the diversion, since about 1800, of the caravan routes from the Nile to the Red Sea ports, and may have wished to recapture the trade, as well as to secure a country whence thousands of slaves could be brought annually.
Having conquered Nubia, Sennar and Kordofan the Egyptians set up a civil government, placing at the head of the administration a governor-general with practically unlimited power.2 About this period Mehemet Ali leased from the sultan of Turkey the Red Sea ports of Suakin and Massawa, and by this means got into his hands all the trade routes of the eastern Sudan.
The principal town of the Jibal is Ta`iz, the seat of a Turkish mutassarif; its present population does not exceed 4000, but it was formerly a large city, and from its position in the centre of a comparatively fertile district at the junction of several trade routes it must always be important.
For years after its annexation by Great Britain in 1885 the trade routes were unsafe owing to attacks from Kachins.
Cart roads are now being constructed on both routes, and that south of the Taiping river could easily be continued through Manyiin to Momein if the Chinese should be induced to co-operate.
The discovery of the New World, and the opening out of fresh trading routes to the Indies, gave an extraordinary impulse to shipping, commerce and industrial enterprise throughout western Europe.
Transportation of products is facilitated by water routes (chiefly coasting), for which there are ports of entry at New Haven, Hartford, Stonington, New London and Bridgeport, and by 1013 m.
The heresy, which had penetrated into these regions probably by trade routes, came originally from eastern Europe.
In those days rivers were what railways now are, the great military routes; and Gustavus's German war was a war waged along river lines.
Please respect the enjoyment of other climbers by not occupying more than two routes at a time.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
Tiyan's strongholds were marked in black around all major routes into and out of the territory as well as two located closer to the walled city.
The additional overpasses were acquired when these routes were double-decked.
In the mean time, alternative routes will need to be put in place by the agency in order to avoid a hiatus.
Richard Bailey is an established Highpoint instructor and an enthusiastic alpinist who has accomplished some hard routes in winter conditions.
The routes vary from short ambles to more energetic hill climbs in the Forest.
However, after an inspirational recovery he became the first quadruple amputee to climb Ben Nevis and climbs rock routes graded Very Severe.
Major tourist routes have fast autobahns on which a toll is charged.
Sixteen routes follow, punctuated with fascinating points of interest along the route - standing stones, springs, cruck barns and chapels.
The permitted access routes have boardwalks constructed to minimize damage to the vegetation.
Three specialist routes - military, schools and healthcare chaplains, each route specifically tailored to the needs of each chaplaincy discipline.
The network comprises routes used for main line, suburban, commuter and cross country passenger services and some freight-only routes.
Once this route is completed, an important link into the existing network of cycle routes will have been made from the surrounding conurbations.
A compact, pleasant north facing sandstone crag with over a dozen routes up to HVS.
I am an experienced cyclist, will the routes be long enough for me?
Are we dealing with just a handful of disease mechanisms or are there many different routes to retinal degeneration?
Once established, the rates and routes for subsequent dispersal of introduced species are of particular interest for limiting or mitigating impacts.
The very routes once followed by Rob Roy's cattle drovers in time became the arteries which now carry our modern traffic.
It would also enrage neighboring Turkey, which controls crucial trade routes for the landlocked Iraqi Kurds.
Trenches and side routes through caves are scattered throughout the level, allowing multiple entryways into the enemy's stronghold.
Some routes cross the high fells and are badly eroded.
The murders followed a feud over ice-cream routes connected with the distribution of drugs.
We host a number of long and short scenic routes which are testimony to our efforts to preserve flora, fauna and wildlife.
All routes out of the chamber are blocked by flowstone.
Plan Ahead Check the weather forecast, road conditions and consider alternative routes.
The Queen Elizabeth forest alone offers 250 kms of waymarked forest trails with a variety of routes suitable for all abilities.
Apart from main road cycling, which is not much fun, there is a variety of cycle routes here to satisfy most tastes.
Police tried to block routes and constantly harassed them.
The running routes are varied; either flat along the beach or quite hilly just a ½ mile inland.
There were parties on Umbrella falls,over sixties icefall and George but apart from that the other routes looked incomplete.
The ridge here took on a fantastical form with gigantic snow mushrooms, through routes, massive icicles and bottomless voids.
The contour interval is a bit wide but there are plenty of gradient arrows on the comprehensive network of highlighted cycle routes.
They do not invalidate routes or ARP entries based on failures.
His solo tours, which usually included tricky rough stuff routes, were the subject of many slide shows, which became legendary.
Over the next few years numerous mediocre routes were climbed which do not warrant special mention.
The animals which depend upon migration are having their migration routes closed off by farmers.
At several points riders had the option of taking off-road or road routes.
Provide new and safe off-road walking and cycling routes, and give more priority to pedestrians and cyclists where they cross main roads.
However, transshipment is a growing concern with fraudsters breaking routes to disguise the origin of the goods.
It blamed overcapacity on North Atlantic routes, price competition from low-cost airlines and higher fuel prices.
Using packet switching, various packet switching, various packets of information can travel along different routes on the network, allowing the carrier to optimize network capacity.
Happy climbing, Phil Ashby April 19th Today on the Ben must be pretty peachy away from the big cornice routes!
Pedestrian Routes A new pelican crossing across the Parade is proposed opposite the main pedestrian entrance of the new Crystal Palace.
By considering permissive, negotiated or other access routes gaps in the network may be dramatically reduced.
John Rennie The Victorian philanthropists came to their calling by a number of routes.
Given the right conditions, a dose as low as 10 virus particles by intranasal or intramuscular routes can infect young pigs 10.
A muddy walk on March 22nd near junction of routes 51 and 57 produced only meadow pipits, Kentish plover and 2 cattle egrets.
I just hope the reduced number of routes this year is not a ominous portent for 1990.
Ian's final contribution is route maps for the forest routes, which are to prove priceless later on.
Even some legal routes have become particularly prone to abuse.
The squadron or troop performs route reconnaissance of the designated route or routes for the movement.
Both Portals have galleries above the tunnel made from the modern safety requirements for escape routes.
Also lost, perhaps just short term, are Swiss routes to Basel and Geneva, part of that airline's massive retrenchment.
His vision was that this would provide the main trunk routes, to which more local canals could connect.
Details of schemes around the country can be found on the safer routes to school website.
In terms of environmental capacity, all these routes are reaching saturation.
On national primary routes, direction signage is supposed to be of a high standard.
These are " proper " routes on splendid whin sill.
The bay at the right-hand side of the quarry provides a liberal smattering of routes with four of particular merit.
Road schemes which had been judged essential were only at the early planning stages, with no identified routes.
If you're out at night, choose routes that are well-lit by streetlights and cross the road at well-lit places.
The routes vary from gentle strolls to full day hikes at high altitude.
The smaller channels make their way past sundown via markedly different routes to those of five years ago.
It can assist in area safety schemes, and deter drivers from using certain routes by altering the signal timings at junctions.
Teams of six have to complete 35, 45 or 55 mile routes across Dartmoor, visiting ten of the famous Dartmoor granite tors.
Subsequently electric traction returned to parts of the network by a further conversion of heavy rail routes to the Tyne & Wear Metro.
The only difference from the territorial nation state is that the city state protected trade routes rather than conquered large tracts of territory.
We did have some sunshine but we also cycled through tropical rain on several days, which made some routes quite treacherous.
Brookes Busses can work other routes in the summer vac, here we see 18195 on the 29 picking up at the Randolph stop.
The Franks controlled the great routes of trade, and took tolls of the traders; and in 1130 their power may be regarded as having reached its height.
Many British manufactures are imported by indirect routes, through Smyrna, Constantinople, Beyrout and other places.
The establishment of the gold-fields, with their large population, caused great interest to be taken in the discovery of practicable stock routes, especially from South Australia in the east, and from Kimberley district in the north.
The Mahommedan traders from Persia and Arabia, following the routes which had been prepared for them by their forebears, broke down the Hindu monopoly and ousted the earlier exploiters so effectually that by the beginning of the i 6th century the spice trade was almost exclusively in their hands.
When it became evident that, under present conditions at least, the navigation of the middle Euphrates was impracticable, attention was turned, owing to the peculiarly advantageous geographical position of its valley, to schemes for connecting the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf by railway as an alternative means of communication with India, and various surveys were made for this purpose and various routes laid out.
Though less central than Philippopolis and less renowned in Bulgarian history than Trnovo, Sofia a s selected as the capital of the newly-created Bulgarian state in view of its strategical position, which commands the routes to Constantinople, Belgrade, Macedonia and the Danube.
It extends the initiative of the Commission from the investigation of complaints to the investigation of rates on its own motion; authorizes it to suspend rates in advance of their going into effect, pending an investigation which may be continued for ten months, and to establish through routes; and provides for a special commission, appointed by the President, to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of railway securities.
In the meantime the discovery of gold in California had swelled the stream of westward migration across the Washoe Country, and had resulted in the settlement of traders, mostly Mormons, along the routes to the gold fields.
The geographical map of the country is fairly complete, and with it much detailed information is now accessible regarding the coast and harbours of the Persian Gulf, the routes and passes of the interior, and the possibilities of commercial development by the construction of trade roads uniting the Caspian, the Karun, the Persian Gulf, and India, via Seistan.
It is the centre of caravan routes leading to the Caspian Sea and the Uralsk province.
He organized the engineer companies which explored and reported on the several proposed routes for a railway connecting the Mississippi valley with the Pacific Ocean; he effected the enlargement of the army, and made material changes in its equipment of arms and ammunition, utilizing the latest improvements; he made his appointments of subordinates on their merits, regardless of party considerations; he revised the system of tactics, perfected the signal corps service, and enlarged the coast and frontier defences of the country.
The name of Cathari (see CATHAxs), taken by the adherents of this new teaching, sufficiently shows the Oriental origin of their opinions, which spread from Bulgaria amongst the Sla y s, and followed the routes of commerce into central Europe.
Projecting like a bastion into the Mediterranean at a very central point, Cyrenaica seems intended to play a commercial part; but it does not do so to any extent because of (1) lack of natural harbours, Bengazi and Derna having only open and dangerous roads (this is partly due to coastal subsidence; ancient ports have sunk); (2) the difficulty of the desert routes behind it, wells beings singularly deficient in this part of the Sahara.
The two easiest routes from the Mediterranean, lying through the Orontes gorge and the Beilan Pass, converge in the plain of the Antioch Lake (Balük Geul or El Bahr) and are met there by (I) the road from the Amanic Gates (Baghche Pass) and western Commagene, which descends the valley of the Kara Su, (2) the roads from eastern Commagene and the Euphratean crossings at Samosata (Samsat) and Apamea Zeugma (Birejik), which descend the valleys of the Afrin and the Kuwaik, and (3) the road from the Euphratean ford at Thapsacus, which skirts the fringe of the Syrian steppe.
One of the earliest movements after this discovery was probably that of the Achaeans of Homer, who about 1450 B.C. invaded Greece (see Achaeans), bringing with them the use of iron and brooches, the practice of cremating the dead, and the style of ornament known as Geometric. Later the Cimmerians (see Scythia and Cimmerii) passed down from the Cimbric Chersonese, doubtless following the amber routes, and then turned east along the Danube, some of their tribes, e.g.
The majority of birds used for falconry were trapped in elaborate bow nets set along raptor migration routes in Holland.
On Key Largo at the junction of routes 1 & 905, we refueled at the gas station.
Also lost, perhaps just short term, are Swiss routes to Basel and Geneva, part of that airline 's massive retrenchment.
For example, in Salzburg, ridership increases of 16% have justified further conversion of diesel routes to trolleybus.
You can see many of the routes from the rime ice having been scrapped off the rock.
Once rinsed thoroughly, empty containers should be disposed of through normal household waste routes, not recycled.
For rip-roaring adventures, the 2-day routes generally scored highly.
Under direct orders from Young himself, police have set up roadblocks on the main approach routes to the capital Harare.
The steep expanse of rock to the right of Gone is crossed by some of the best routes on the crag.
The engine shed was sandwiched in-between the diverging routes, the latter of which are seen on 30th June 2004.
Three school bus routes, servicing East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian, operate daily during termtime.
Descending scree at first, the southern side of the col soon leads to a choice of routes.
Fire doors A crucial part of fire safety in an HMO is the provision of self-closing fire doors to protect escape routes.
Some routes may have a bolt in situ below the shale band.
In short, neither the old slam door trains or the new sliding door Thameslink trains are suitable for these routes.
The four investigated sludge disposal routes We choose four different disposal routes on which to perform our case study.
The main problems were either ambiguous sites or routes out of them meant getting snarled up in crags.
By 1700, London was connected to a number of towns by stagecoach routes.
If you 're out at night, choose routes that are well-lit by streetlights and cross the road at well-lit places.
I 'd allowed plenty of time in case I needed to suss out alternative quick routes, such as via Waterloo station.
However, many climbers find the routes to be more logical and enjoyable if the starts are swapped over; the choice is yours.
These routes had no low bridges, telegraph wires or tight corners.
Some - eg Fred Hoyle - have rather a tenuous connection with our routes.
The trad routes lie to either side of the sport climbing.
The Government agreed, in March 03, to provide £ 325m funding for tramway routes in Edinburgh.
The transpacific routes continue to record losses in schedules following the devastating impact of the SARS virus.
All it seemed to amount to was a collection of tops, ticked summits, underlined routes and a large pile of trashed gear.
Primary routes are distinct from ' trunk routes '.
Whose justifiable disgust at the sight of discarded chewing gum or of dog turds on the pavement made him find alternative routes home.
Next up from unclassified roads are the regional routes.
For they hae real tough routes and climbs to plan There 's no need for ye ye uncouth man.
Such services are often underdeveloped in comparison with the trunk routes and many new markets are being opened up.
Both companies have withdrawn busses from unprofitable routes to concentrate on more frequent services on main roads.
Bus companies only want certain routes not the unprofitable ones in the country.
These routes are all part of normal services which go much further than the vicinity of the airport.
Reducing the volume of traffic on many busy routes.
Any of these routes can eventually bring you the child of your dreams, but in some cases, the wait may be several years.
Investing in funds is actually one of the safest routes to take with precious metals-because they are managed and diversified, they are primarily stable.
Current routes, schedules, and a full list of discounts are available here.
Commuting/Errands. Traveling the same roads or routes daily or weekly, then a GPS is a good thing to have to pick the quickest routes or shortest distance.
Features you can find on a handheld unit are altimeter, compass and the ability to create your own routes and trails.
With this GPS, you get updated traffic reports, weather updates, fuel prices, local searches using Google, Map Share and IQ Routes for the newest maps, Bluetooth hands-free calling, and voice command.
Reviews also call this one slow to calculate routes.
If you're thinking of getting a Siamese cat, you may want to skip the traditional routes and go straight to a Siamese cats rescueorg.
Map your routes in advance to find the most efficient way to get to and from your destination.
The following sites offer travelers and tourists the ability to view road maps online in a variety of ways in order to get the best routes, easiest ways to see landmarks and most updated maps.
Accuracy is Mapquest's forte, with a continuously updated database of roads and routes.
By entering in a couple of addresses, you can find pictorial routes with distances between each new turn.
After inputting your starting point and destination, take a look at the map and you'll notice that the service finds routes like you might do when planning a road trip vacation.
Routes for shortest times use many interstates to get you to your destination.
The mapping website may find routes that seem like they take you five or ten miles out of your way, but it will balance out and even get you ahead most of the time because of the average speed you'll attain.
Couples who want to go these routes should choose bands that also have DJ capabilities, so guests can request favorite songs during the dance.
There are, however, several celebrities who have taken these routes to achieve weight-loss success.
No two cruise itineraries are identical, and each one offers different lengths of stay in particular ports, shore excursions, and routes between ports.
Eastern Caribbean itineraries often focus on lesser known destinations away from the more popular western routes.
The most popular cruise destinations are in the Caribbean, specifically along western routes that visit Key West, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel.
With luxurious and unusual ports, southern voyages offer passengers a tropical vacation without the crowds that accompany more popular routes.
The mainstream lines (typical glitzy vessels and megaships) offering southern routes include Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Celebrity and Princess.
Southern Caribbean cruises are a pleasant alternative to more crowded Caribbean routes, yet they still offer a wide range of distinctive ports and delightful tropical destinations.
Voyages are from 5-13 nights, and both eastern and southern Caribbean routes are popular.
Routes may also be erratic since the ships rely on sometimes uncertain weather to plan their itineraries, and also because of the weather, passengers susceptible to seasickness may have some unpleasant moments on these small vessels.
Carnival offers an amazing range of cruise itineraries, from short weekend 3- and 4-day voyages to longer sailings, including 7-day eastern, southern, and western routes in the Caribbean.
Because of Galveston's distance from most major cruise ports of call, cruises sailing from the port typically have a greater number of at-sea days than from departure ports closer to popular sailing routes.
Most small ship companies do not offer children's activities, and along French routes, translators may not be available in every small village and town passengers can visit.
Cruise lines have an ongoing need for employees as contracts end, new ships set sail, and sailing routes are adjusted.
Prices are higher during late spring and summer because many other sailing routes, including the popular Caribbean cruises, are less enjoyable in the hotter summer months and during the Atlantic hurricane season.
When ships are transferred from Caribbean itineraries to summer European routes, passengers may find great deals to accompany the ship across the Atlantic.
The two basic Mediterranean cruise routes are geographically divided into east and west.
One of the best routes to take is simple; to talk to others who've done it before.
When ships navigate routes with ice, their speeds are reduced to make maneuvering easier and to lessen the effects of any casual impacts with small ice.
With their historic and cultural appeal, cruises down Mississippi River routes are tempting vacation options for people who prefer old-world charm to the glitz of modern mega-ships.
Clearly, a ship this size will burn fuel faster, thus impacting any possible routes.
The routes for Mediterranean cruises are divided into Eastern and Western Mediterranean.
When you cruise these routes, you will be traveling along the same rivers and waterways people have used for centuries.
The Rhone River cruise follows the same path as trade routes dating back to ancient Greek times.
Luckily, there are several routes you can take to address the problem.
With the needs of residents in mind, most such communities are located near senior health centers, major bus routes, and city services such as libraries or art galleries.
As mentioned previously, there are several routes you can take to actually write your will, but before you do anything, you'll need to check the laws of your state to find out whether a handwritten will is valid.
Senior citizen perks on other urban transportation systems range from discounted fares and senior passes to door-to-door service and special routes for shopping and recreation.
Amtrak, for example, offers discount programs for different routes or destinations.
Finding less popular routes to rides to avoid crowds.
To gain longer routes when jogging, do the highest route two to four times in order to unlock the one directly above it.
Going into this mode pauses the game and gives you an overhead shot of the action, allowing you to scout out terrain and find possible flanking routes.
In the early levels that take place in the town, look for arrows on the ground that will guide you to specific building you need to enter or routes you should take.
It may be easy to take the most conventional routes for buying games, but some of the best gaming bargains can be found where no one else is looking.
New features for an EA Sports game include the "Be the Receiver" mode where players control their receiver from the snap, create their own running routes and attempt to catch the pass.
There aren't that many tracks and Flatout pulls a Ridge Racer by using alternate routes on tracks to call it 'new'.
Since the game is mainly about finding the best routes possible or escaping from tight situations without major gunplay, you get to see what Faith sees.
The routes change a different color and it's possible you might get two or three different ways as you look around.
The arcade-style racer offered fun graphics, interesting and dynamic routes, and a sense of having three dimensions during an era when 2D was the norm.
Buy and sell stocks, trains, railroads, schedule train routes and company takeovers.
Routes are blocked at different sections, but you mostly be racing most of the same track with few changes.
You can negotiate for peace with your fellow nations and open trade routes with other lands.
On a second time around, you can look for other possible and more efficient routes to take.
Bicycling gets you out on the open road with many routes to take.
The three main routes into Lake Tahoe include Sacramento route 1-50, Sacramento 1-80 and Reno State route 431.
The other two routes will bring you to the North Shore.
In hemodialysis, the blood flows out of the body into a machine that filters out the waste products and routes the cleansed blood back into the body.
These are the primary routes of transmitting the virus.
Parents are advised to discuss fire and escape routes (including alternates) from their home with their children.
For long routes with tight delivery timeframes, two drivers are often employed, so one can drive the truck while the other driver sleeps in a bed in the back of the cab.
There are many different routes to being hired to work as an operations manager.
Direct-entry Midwives are women who do not have a nursing degree but have obtained their training through a variety of other routes.
Many of the companies will also package their tours with visits to Muir Woods, Sonoma Plaza, Sausalito, Monterey and other sights of interest along the wine routes.
Golden Gate Transit is San Francisco's transportation district, which operates the Golden Gate Bridge and Golden Gate Ferry, as well as the city's bus routes.
With extensive routes available throughout San Francisco and Marin counties, you can view the bus schedule online, as well as view San Francisco commute times if you are visiting the city for business or pleasure.
With such a large selection, choosing the right beach blanket is of the utmost importance, and there are a variety of routes you can take to do just that.
Most newspaper post notices of these sales on Friday so bargain hunters can plan their routes and hit the sales early to snag the best deals.
The business and college routes still existed, and this version included "Share the Wealth" cards.
If you're not afraid of being tasteles or controversial, there will always be topical routes.
Families should have escape routes and plans in place and they should be discussed and practiced with children.
However, some parents choose alternative routes to educating their children.
Have your kids check with the local newspaper to find out the availability of paper routes in your area.
You can save up to 25% off Amtrak fares on select routes provided you make your reservations 14 days prior to travel.
By purchasing a USA Rail Pass you can save up to 75% on specific regional routes during a 15-, 30- or 45-day period.
A thick network of trains and air routes cover the continent.
They run on a few select airports and have limited routes, but for their low prices it's worth going a bit out of your way.
The advantage of this airline is they have more routes and often fly into larger airports, making your trip a little bit easier.
Use a travel map for driving instructions, public transportation routes, and sightseeing ideas - or take one home as a souvenir of an enjoyable trip.
Even the best geography student gets confused with distances and driving routes.
Many of the larger airports throughout the United States and Canada feature lesser known airlines that run only specific routes, including those to Florida.
Travelers can select routes without toll roads, highway only or scenic two lane roadways.
Available travel routes include destinations in both the United States and Canada.
While the travel routes should not vary, some free services are more current than others are and some take into consideration new exits, ongoing construction, new attraction, restaurant and roadside rest area closures.
The free online planning tool uses computer technology to map routes, print itineraries, and provide information on places to stay and visit.
Of those not under the bankruptcy umbrella, expect routes to be suddenly rerouted or eliminated and planes parked.
Opening additional air routes between the two countries can be seen as a positive move that China welcomes additional trade and may be setting the stage for increased business trade agreements.
Signal strength is excellent; however, the Pharo 250 tends to lead you through city street traffic instead of finding routes that may have lower speed limits and less congestion.
There are actually several different routes through which your body experiences a relief from stress through exercising.
Today, you can use an online map to figure out your running distance or to create new routes you've never even considered.
Traditional routes like being a loyal customer at a department store eligible for coupons and rewards don't often work for hosiery.
The roads themselves are not roads at all, but frozen lakes and rivers with narrow paths, which are the most direct routes to the truckers' destinations.
She drives the Ice Road Truckers route for two months every winter, and in the summer she drives routes based near Wasilla.
Then perhaps a city might have sprouted at the junction where several trade routes converged.
The city has numerous bike routes and other activities you may want to undertake as an outdoors enthusiast.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
I've asked someone to call you and provide you instructions on how to get here using a few unconventional routes.
They moved on, taking circuitous routes back to the underground entrance in case they were being watched.
She chewed her lip as she watched the micro map multiple routes, gauging how much food and water she'd have to carry to survive.
We've mapped about twenty possible routes to the three facilities.
Each facility is within three days' walk of three more facilities with another twenty possible routes.
The northern territories had been all but cut off, but the southern routes - -where most of her army was ineffectively positioned - -were open.
Unfortunately, the southern routes ran into the desert, and the armies were too far to return in enough time to stave off any attack Memon planned in the next fortnight.
As she moved around the cabin opening windows, she examined every inch of the floor for possible entry routes a snake might utilize.
The routes nationales and the routes dpartementales come under the category of la grande voirie and are under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Works.
Overland routes had now been found possible, though scarcely convenient for traffic, between all the widely separated Australian provinces.
In the north are the large native towns of Yendi and Sansane Mangu, both on caravan routes between Ashanti and the Niger countries.
Previous to this the Aryan settlements, along the three routes they followed in their penetration into India, had remained isolated, independent and small communities.
Actual or projected routes for telegraph cables across the deep sea have also been sounded with extreme accuracy in many cases; but beyond these lines of sounding the vast spaces of the ocean remain unplumbed save for the rare researches of scientific expeditions, such as those of the " Challenger," the " Valdivia," the " Albatross " and the " Scotia."
Without the pilgrims who come to visit it, Meshed would be a poor place, but lying on the eastern confines of Persia, close to Afghanistan, Russian Central Asia and Transcaspia, at the point where a number of trade routes converge, it is very important politically, and the British and Russian governments have maintained consulates-general there since 1889.
In the latter half of the 15th century Sofia, owing to its situation at the junction of several trade routes, became an important centre of Ragusan commerce.
The land was traversed by old-established trade routes and possessed important harbours on the Gulf of `Akaba and on the Mediterranean coast, the latter exposing it to the influence of the Levantine culture.
The trade, almost stopped by the Mandist Wars, is now largely diverted by railway and steamboat routes.
Mark Bell crossed the continent in 1887 and illustrated its ancient trade routes, following the steps of Archibald Colquhoun, who wandered from Peking to Talifu in 1881.
All this is comparatively new geography, and it goes far to explain why the great trade routes from Peking to the west were pushed so far to the north.
A driving-road from Kongsberg follows a favourite route for travellers through this district, connecting with routes to Sand and Odde on the west coast.
At this point the great trade routes met in ancient times, the one crossing from the Phoenician ports to the Persian Gulf, the other coming up from Petra and south Arabia.
It was still a wealthy place as late as the 14th century; but in the general decline of the East, and owing to changes in the trade routes, it sunk at length to a poor group of hovels gathered in the courtyard of the Temple of the Sun.
They met, and by different routes they both reached Sicily, where they wintered together (1190-1191).
In the second place, as has already been noticed, the Crusades represent the attempt of Western commerce to find new and more easy routes to the wealth of the East; and in this respect they led to various results.
It has already been noticed how military reconnaissances of the routes to Egypt came to be made; but more important were the guide-books, of which a great number were written to guide the pilgrims from one sacred spot of Bible history to another.
The caravan trade with the East has almost entirely ceased, and the great trade routes from Damascus northwards to Aleppo and eastwards through the wilderness are quite abandoned.
With the advent of new trade routes at the beginning of modern times the town lost its importance, and in 1745 the citizens nearly decided to emigrate en masse.
On their part the American forces, now numbering about Io,000 men, prepared to advance by separate routes across the island in four columns.
All the mountains offer easy routes to pedestrians, but some of them, as Scafell, Pillar, Gable (Napes Needle), Pavey Ark above Langdale and Dow Crags near Coniston, also afford ascents for experienced climbers.
One of these routes was by sea to south-west Arabia (Yemen), and thence up the Red Sea to Alexandria.
The details given are considered sufficient to admit of the selection of general routes for railways or other public works.
The stream of supply came mainly from the southern Nyasa districts by three or four routes to Ibo, Mozambique, Angoche and Quilimane.
When the ponds were firmly frozen, they afforded not only new and shorter routes to many points, but new views from their surfaces of the familiar landscape around them.
There were a number of different routes, but the Deans chose the two-mile town site loop, a nearly flat path that first traversed a scented pine forest and then opened to a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains.
Min was especially a god of the desert routes on the east of Egypt, and the trading tribes are likely to have gathered to his festivals for business and pleasure, at Coptos (which was really near to Neapolis, Kena) even more than at Akhmim.
With the completion of the surveys of Baluchistan and Makran much light has also been thrown on the ancient connexion between east and west; and the final settlement of the southern galuch- boundaries of Afghanistan has led to the reopening of istan and one at least of the old trade routes between Seistan Makran.